The Alphas rebellious Mate.

بواسطة CosmicCandle

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almost a hundred years ago, the beasts in the shadows, known as werewolves, made themselves known, their atta... المزيد

Chapter 1 "Where my wold changed"
Chapter 2 "A Ghostly visit from the shadows"
Chapter 3 "A new home and new goals"
chapter 4 "preparations for a big night"
Chapter 5 "Party crashers and close calls"
chapter 6 "Wild night"
chapter 7 "The ghostly one night stand"
chapter 8 "Trapped in a risky situation"
chapter 10 "On the run"
chapter 11 "Birds of a feather flock together"
chapter 12 "running out of time"
Chapter 13 "entering the wolfs den"
Chapter 14 "trapped with secrets"
Chapter 15 "new hope and old friends"
chapter 16 "trapped in the wolfs territory"
chapter 17 "Secrets revealed"
chapter 18 "the illusion of freedom"
chapter 19 "A bitch of a rival"
chapter 20 "stubborn defense"
chapter 21 "late night Dream meeting"
chapter 22 "waiting for the time to run"
chapter 23 "disturbing secrets in the night"
quick update IM NOT DEAD :D
chapter 24 "the hunting"
chapter 25 "trapped under the wolf"
chapter 26 "what might have been"
Chapter 27 "a flock without its heart"
chapter 28: Mate struggle's
chapter 29 "puppy play"
chapter 30 "Sharing secrets"

chapter 9 "The Cat and Mouse"

418 12 0
بواسطة CosmicCandle

Ashley's POV

After learning about the ban on unnecessary travelling and extra security in and out of the country me and my group headed back to the safe house.

It was the safest place to stay currently, but we'd still stay on our toes. 

If need be the farmer gave us permission to burn the building down, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that, he hadn't come to the building since his wife was killed in a wolf caused accident. 

For a few days we decided to lay low, hold out with the supplies we had currently, we needed things to settle down. 

With that time we sent coded messages back and forth between our home base and team, deciding to keep things hush hush for now as to not cause panic in the rebellion community.

And me? 

I was seething, festering in my thoughts, frustration and fear over this situation. 

I was angry, really fucking angry, I was trapped here in a place that wasn't my home, being hunted by some stupid mutt who thought he had a right to me because of some bullshit bond and risk my friends lives if he ever gets to us.

I couldn't even keep him out of my head, I'd feel moments where my mind felt like it was being pried open again by him, like he was here.

And in my dreams, I kept having that same repetitive dream of being stuck in a forest being chased by this wolf.

But it felt so real every time, the way he spoke, the way things felt, I was barely able to keep myself just out of his grasp, he was constantly on my tail chasing me, and he was persistent.

I ignored the majority of what he said, it was the same every time, telling me to not run, trying to lure me in with sweet words. 

Trying to get me to tell him where I was, get me to give into his stupid persuasion, using the mate bond to make me feel like I needed him close, I didn't know how much longer I could keep running, I never felt rested, I couldn't Relax or let down my guard.

It was exhausting keeping my head clear, I was so, so tired at this point. 

So tired that my anger must have been getting the better of me, the second I got my hands on some mind enhancers I decided to come up with a plan. 

Mind enhancing tablets were made up of a genetically modified wolfs-bane, it's something my parents, apparently, my mother was some sort of chemist or alchemist, I'm honestly not sure, came up with before they were killed.

But it allowed humans to create mental blocks to keep mutts out, especially for mates, I wasn't exactly sure how it helped but I knew wolfs-bane cancelled out the mutt's abilities, either for themselves or for others. 

The only problem was that they were both expensive and difficult to make, I only got my hands on them after explaining my situation to the base leader at this continent.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to grow wolfs-bane, store the plant, process it into the ingredients, manufacture it into the pills, smuggle all the ingredients around the country and drop off the finished product or anything to deal with wolfs-bane?

In wolf infested territories such as this one, it was like dancing on a tight rope above a pit of fire. 

One slip up and the whole operation of the pill would go up in flames, owning wolfs-bane in any form was illegal unless you had authorised access.

Meaning I could only get my hands on it once a week, and I only got 4 pills, the smaller the better, especially now, meaning I'd have days where the pill would wear off and he'd sometimes seep into my dreams. 

With this pill I was able to think clearly without distractions, and I for one.

I wanted revenge, sweet, cold, brutal revenge. 

If I was going to be stuck here until we had an escape plan I was going to make this mutt's life a living hell, I wasn't called 'Ghost' for nothing, he may have been a supreme Alpha but he wasn't invincible.

Of course it took some convincing but I was confident in my team's skills, we stuck together, while we were here, we were going to get Jenny back.

Normally we wouldn't take such a risk right now, especially with my sudden updated value in the wolf world. 

But it was worth a shot, especially since she knew who I was and what I looked like, part of me was paranoid that Jenny may rat us out to her mate, since apparently no secrets were allowed. 


One month later 

Ashley's POV

To say my plan was a success would be an understatement.

And I was thrilled, kicking my feet doing a happy little dance every time I saw that frustrated look on that mutt Damien's face.

Sure it had only been a handful of times, but 'Ghost' showing up multiple times in one month wasn't exactly common, meaning I was also getting all the packs riled up. 

Probably frustrated, I managed to slip out of their grip constantly.

Seriously you'd think they'd take a hint from my code name, it's a dead giveaway, heh....pun intended. 

Though I was maybe getting a little too confident with my antics, especially with this next stunt I was about to pull, but with such a perfect streak I was riding high on the success. 

"Ash, you know I love you....but this idea of yours is insane!" I heard Robin scream down my earpiece.

"Oh calm it birdy...I've got this, haven't I been on my best behaviour?'

"You literally told one of the rebellion leaders to go screw himself if he thought he could stop you with your no, bad ash, go sit in time out" 

"Hey I'm the older one here! You go sit in time out"

"You're not my mother" I heard him blow a raspberry into the microphone.

"Real mature birdy"

"I learned from the best"

"Haha....wipe that smile off your face or I'm not making those grilled barbecue chicken drumsticks I promised" 

"Noooooo!" Was all we heard in the background of Robin from a very sad sounding set of twins. 

I couldn't help but chuckle as I readjusted my black silk mask over my face and stared down from the roof I was sitting on. 

I had been watching the Gamma, Oliver I think his name was, I'd been watching him for a couple days, watching his routine and habits, I know Jenny had been with him, I'd seen them a couple times. 

If they were mates I'd have to be careful, if I killed him I could hurt Jenny, so I had a better idea. 

I watched him head inside what I could assume was some sort of office building, Robin had managed to figure out it was an intelligence headquarters.

They had disguised it as some regular office building, they did a pretty good job hiding it. 

Took us a while to pin it down, the combination of a mole on the inside and Robin's wicked tech skills, that, and I was sure it was some sort of magic, I now had it in my sights.

Standing up from my little perched spot I moved to the edge of the building, sliding down the building's gutters, being as quiet as possible, heading towards one of the fire-exists, the one on the second floor specifically, I'd watched a few mutts come out to smoke through that door. 

Meaning I could slip in behind one of them, i just needed to be patient, it wouldn't be long till the technician took his smoke break. 

"Speak of the devil..." I mumbled standing on the stairs of the fire-exit watching as the door swung open.

A skinny blonde guy, mid to late twenties, walked out stretching in the mild rain, not enough for an umbrella but enough to be noticeable. 

I slipped in behind him as the door swung shut on its own, even if he noticed movement. I was already gone from the door if he decided to check, making my way down the halls, the Gama's office shouldn't be far. 

Just as I thought I spotted his name on a door and smirked a little, slipping over to the door and crouching in front of it, I pulled out a lock pick and jostled the small metal mechanism until I heard a satisfying click as the lock came undone. 

I slipped inside quickly and looked around the room, scanning my surroundings, I spotted a long set of blackout curtains and quickly made my way over hiding behind them.

I knew it wouldn't be long till that Gama showed up, and this would be a pretty good opportunity for me. 

I could attack from behind and force him to cooperate with what I wanted.

Right on cue the man of the hour walked through the door, I could hear a moment of pause noticing his door was unlocked, but didn't seem to question it much, at least I hoped he didn't.

I heard the door close and lock before hearing his footsteps head for his desk, pulling out the swiveling chair and sitting down with a sigh.

I waited a few seconds before slowly coming out of the curtains coming up behind him, knife in hand, my heart was racing. 

I noticed him sniff the air, probably sensing my fear, but before he could turn around I already had my blade dangerously close to his jugular, threatening to slice it at any moment of sudden Movement. 

The silver being so close to his head must be interfering with his mind link bullshit because I could have sworn I heard him curse under his breath.

"No sudden movements.....or I'll have to make a mess" I said in a cold but quiet voice, keeping him trapped for now. 

"Ghost....glad to finally meet you in don't normally leave victims want something, don't you" he started trying to turn his head to look at me. 

Only to yelp as I pressed the blade to his neck hearing the silver edge hiss against his skin. 

"Don't move....I won't tell you again mutt" I said harshly.

His body stiffened but he complied staying still, only moving to hold his hands up. 

"No one has to get hurt....just, put the weapon down, and we can talk...just you and me, no one else" he said calmly, trying to negotiate me into a more vulnerable position. 

"I'll pass" I whispered with venom in my voice slamming a picture of Jenny on the table, grabbing his hair and forcing him to look at it. 

He grunted in a bit of discomfort but stayed docile as he looked at the picture, he seemed to freeze momentarily.

"Where is she....don't push my patience" 

"Ghost....I can tell you she's safe-" I yanked on his hair again, harder this time as I started to get impatient.

"Where. Is. She" I repeated with deadly seriousness. 

He paused for a moment before answering me, "she's at the pack, with me...I'm sure you've put it must have been watching me" he said calmly. 

I hated what he implied and scuffed a little bit "whatever you've better hope I feel merciful"

"Ghost....why do you keep this up?...he knows who you are, and I'm sure you know he's looking for you, you're just prolonging the inevitable...please, just come out quietly, you belong with him, you're our lun-"

I refused to listen to him finish that conversation and I rammed the blade into his shoulder, he did well to contain his scream but I felt him Hunch over in pain to apply pressure to the stab wound. 

"Try finishing that sentence again and I'll skin your mutt fur and use it as a doormat" 

"I promise if you just come quietly things would be a lot easier on everyone, he won't stop until he has you by his side" Oliver pleaded with me.

I could tell he was trying to appeal to the pull of the mate bond between me and his mutt of an Alpha.

But I was not falling for it, not one bit.

"Not happening...I'm not going down without a fight"

I rummaged through my back pocket before grabbing a small pill, it was one of those mind pills, if it worked on me and was made of wolfs-bane I was certain it would work on a mutt. 

"Trust me this won't end how you want it-" while he was distracted I shoved the pill into his mouth, gripping his nose and jaw shut forcing him to swallow. 

He struggled in my grasp smashing me back against his wall, grabbing my wrist keeping me from stabbing him again.

I felt the wind get knocked out of me fast, my head smashing back against the solid concrete wall.

Painful, sharp, shooting pains enveloped my skull as I let go of his hair, dropping to my knees for a second holding my head. I watched as the Gamma Oliver stumbled around his desk heading for the door but he didn't get far, collapsing as well.

"W-what the fuck did you give me?" He demanded but was surprisingly calm, trying his best to fight off the wolfs-bane now in his system. 

Pushing off from my knees I rose to my feet again grabbing my knife again, my head was throbbing but I wasn't weak, I'd have to push through it.

"Wolfsbane, pretty useful wouldn't you agree?" I asked with a sarcastic smirk as I walked over to him again. 

He watched me as i walked around to his front, glaring at me a little but he still didn't seem angry, it was honestly getting on my nerves. 

Why the hell wasn't he mad? He should be furious by now! 

" can't kill care about Jenny don't you?" He asked with....was that a smile!? I stared at him confused for a moment before kicking him onto his back. 

"I'm the one asking questions here mutt... you're just lucky I can't kill you right now."

I walked over placing a foot on his chest holding him down and glaring down at him, wincing as I pressed my hard heeled boat into his ribs.

"You'll be coming with me...don't worry, I've got a lovely cold kennel set up for you" I cooed with fake kindness as I watched him grow weaker from the wolfs-bane, it was satisfying but also for some reason made me feel....

Guilty? Why did I feel bad for hurting him? The way he looked at me was triggering some kind of response i wasn't used too. 

He leaned back on his elbows taking shallow breaths as he looked up at me, then smiled, I couldn't understand why he was smiling, why wasn't he taking me seriously.

"Sorry Luna...but that won't be happening today" he said with a weak chuckle. 

I raised an eyebrow confused before he pulled out what looked to be some sort of small radio? A black device with three buttons, it was flashing red, so it was definitely live, did he alert others to this!?

He must have noticed my panic as I took some steps back, my heart was pounding in my chest at the thought of facing Damien. 

"There's no need to panic... Alpha wants to face you alone.... you'll thank me for this in the future, Luna" 

I felt a wave of rage overcome me as I glared at the mutt, raising my heel and twisting as I thrust my leg into his face hard, my legs were my strongest part of me, I had a nasty kick. 

He fell back with a thud being knocked unconscious, that little pill I gave him made it easier.

I panicked running to the door and unlocking it sprinting down the halls climbing some of the stairs doing my best to not be seen, but I quickly found the fire exists to be locked.

"Shit.....shit shit shit!" I yelled panicking now, this wasn't supposed to happen! 


I made my way into a storage room to try and think and find a way out of this mess, pacing, running a hand through my hair tugging at my scalp. 

"Robin abort! I can't do this, that Gama mutt knew I'd show up at some point he alerted the Alpha-" I was interrupted when a voice came over my radio and it wasn't my geeky best friend.

"Robin? No.....I'm sorry but your signals won't get through, so I suggest you come out quietly, Now."

That voice.

That deep sexy voice that drove me crazy with strange feelings. 

"How did you...."

"I'll admit, it was harder to intercept than I thought, you're 'Robin' must be quite the smart person....but unfortunately they can't save you now"

I felt a shiver go up my spine as I dropped my radio, trembling, he was here, I could feel it, he knew I knew...oh fuck he was looking for me.

"I won't ask again, Ashley...come out, Now"

My mind felt light at the way my name sounded coming from his voice, shaking my head snapping out of it I stepped back.

I stayed silent just staring at my radio on the floor, breathing in slow and shaky breaths. 

I heard the sound of footsteps over the radio, moving about, stairs, wood floors and carpet, he was walking everywhere I had been just recently.

"I know you're here little ghost...I can smell your scent everywhere" 

"then why don't you try catching me, coward" was all I could muster out as a snarky reply while looking around for a way out.

"oh darling...with pleasure~" his voice cooed to me in an almost predatory way, oh he was definitely hunting me.

And I was a sitting duck.

I couldn't keep listening to his voice, it was making it hard to think.

I stomped my foot into the radio destroying it and ran over to one of the windows in the back of the storage room trying to find a latch to open them somehow.

Grabbing my dagger again I looked at the seal of the window and rammed my dagger into the right corner hoping to break it or pop it out of place.

"Come on come on!" I yelled in frustration.

But to my grateful relief the window popped in the corner cracking, giving me enough of a chance to ram my heel into it and kick the whole thing out.

I could hear Damien's feet racing up the stairs, he could probably tell I was trying to escape.

I was staring out into the city feeling my heart pounding, I wasn't afraid of heights, not normally, not since I was a little kid back in my village. 

But something this time had me frozen, a cold sweat down my back.

Why was I scared? I had jumped from buildings before!

The door burst open, slamming into the wall.

The room fell silent

I stopped breathing.


Was he still there? 

"Did you really think you could keep on running from me?.....oh Ash, you should know...wolves like to hunt" his voice was deep, melodic and so very enticing.

My legs felt weak as I heard his slow but profound footsteps as he started walking around the shelves in the storage room.

"You can't keep running from me...I'll have you by my side one way or another...I know you feel the bond, how it pulls, you've done well to keep me out of your mind... you're strong"

My heart was pounding but I felt a weird sense of relaxation as he got closer.

He was so close now. 

"It doesn't have to be like this, you're my mate Ashley...if you come willing to me...I promise I'll do my best to satisfy all your desires"

I could almost hear him behind me....would it be so bad if I chose to turn to him?

It felt so nice hearing him say my name, feeling his presence, he praised my strength.

He was so....

AH! NO! No no no! Snap out of it ash and move that skinny freckled ass! 

Wasting no more time or thinking I jumped from the window, hurtling in the air, my only saving grace being the somewhat soft row of hedges breaking my fall.

Time freezing as I felt my heart stop with overwhelming fear of being so high up.


WC: 3490 Lets go!

Sorry I was gone for a while, I was away for my birthday and didn't have time to write or edit chapters.

But I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I had a lot of fun with this, I'm slowly getting closer to these two eventually getting to finally interacting with each other.

Hope you enjoyed! Leave any comments of your thoughts or opinions and hope you have a great night/day and can't wait to post more again soon!


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