Pokémon: Indigo League

By Kenon96

19.6K 562 409

This story is the same as the original anime. My character will be on his own journey as a Trainer and will t... More

Battle 1: The Journey Starts Now
Battle 2: A New Friend
Battle 3: Whirl-y Go-round
Battle 4: Rock and Roll
Battle 5: Hard as a Rock
Battle 6: A Badge of Honor
Updated Team
Battle 7: Waterlogged
Battle 8: An Egg-Cellent Story
Battle 9: Seeing is Believing
Battle 10: Fighting Types
Battle 11: Evolutionary, my Dear Bulbasaur!
Battle 12: Crash Course
Battle 13: Hatch of the Day
Battle 14: A Criming Shame
Battle 15: Hook, Line, and Stinker
Battle 16: The Smell of Victory
Battle 17: The Great Fighting Pokémon Battle
Battle 18: Fuschia Ninja Showdon
Battle 19: The Poké-Ninja Way
Battle 20: Dig Those Diglett!
Battle 21: A Living Legend
Battle 22: Little Big Problem
Battle 23: Enlighten Up!
Battle 25: Get Psyched!
Battle 26: Haunt and Seek
Battle 27: For the Sixth Badge! Niko vs Sabrina
Happy Halloween
Battle 28: The Battling Eevee Brothers
Battle 29: Showdown at Dark City
Battle 30: Holy Matrimony
Battle 31: The Ultimate Test
Battle 32: A Mystical Encounter
Battle 33: Riddle me This.
Battle 34: Winning the Heat
Battle 35: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise
Merry Christmas
Battle 36: Misty Mermaid
Battle 37: Viridian Secrets
Battle 38: Mew and Mewtwo
Battle 39: Showdown at the Po-Ké Corral
Battle 40: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
Battle 41: Bad to the Bone
Battle 42: All Fired Up
Battle 43: Round One Begin!
Battle 44: Fire And Ice
Battle 45: Fourth Round Rumble
Battle 46: A Friend in Deed
Battle 47: Friend and Foe Alike
Battle 48: From Friend to Foe
Battle 49: Pokemon League Finale
Battle 50: Pallet Town and Beyond!
Reunion at Pallet Town
Coming Soon.....

Battle 24: The Case of the K-9 Caper

194 10 4
By Kenon96

Today, our heroes find themselves traveling through the forest heading toward Saffron City, the site of the next Pokémon gym. There, Niko hopes to win his sixth Pokémon badge. However, this forest isn't as peaceful as it seems.

???: Stop, thief!

Niko: Huh?

Kota: A Thief?

Soon, a man comes out, getting our heroes' attention, holding a sack, and wielding a gun.

Kota: Look! That must be him!

Duplica: He looks like a thief!

Niko: Let's go, Eevee!

Eevee: Vee! (Right) However, Eevee sees the gun and cowers.

???: GROWWWWWWLLLLLLLL!!! Suddenly a Pokemon jumps out in front of the thief.

Niko: A Growlithe!

Pokédex: Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. A Pokémon with a friendly nature. However, it will bark fiercely at anything invading its territory.

Growlithe: Growl! Growlithe bites the thief's arms causing him to drop his weapon. It then attacked the thief using Flamethrower. The thief fell down, burned up.

Niko: Wow. That Growlithe is tough.

Growlithe: Lithe! Growlithe turned toward our heroes ready for another battle.

Duplica: Uh, don't look now, but I think Growlithe wants to fight.

Growlithe: Growl! A whistle is soon heard, and a whole pack of Growlithe surround the rogue one.

Niko: What's going on?

Officer Jenny: How awful. Are you okay? She asked the man on the ground.

Thief: Uh, yeah. I think so.

Officer Jenny: Just what do you think you're doing? She asked upset.

Niko: U-Us? Well we-

Officer Jenny: Not you. I'm talking to this Growlithe. You should know better!

Growlithe: Growl!

Niko: Huh? Why? Because he caught the thief?

Officer Jenny: He's not a thief! He's a police officer training our Canine Police Unit.

Kota: Canine police?

Officer Jenny: Correct. These are police Pokémon

Duplica: I guess that makes sense. Growlithe make perfect police Pokémon.

Kota: I see. Well, they sure are adorable. As Kota went to pet one, one of them growled at him causing the group to panic. Ah!

Niko: Did we make them mad?!

Officer Jenny: Don't worry, the Growlithe won't bite unless I order them to attack. Growlithe, line up! The Growlithe's line up on command. Except for one. These people are our new friends. Say hello, Canine Squad. The Growlithe bark happily amazing our heroes.

Niko: That's so cool!

Duplica: And so cute!

Kota: Hm. Kota looked toward the lone Growlithe by itself.

Jessie: Look! A whole pack of police trained Pokémon! The boss would certainly love that!

Meowth: Yeah, but who knows if deir bark is woise dan dere bite?

James: I believe I have the perfect plan for capturing those puppies.

Jessie: That sounds great.

Meowth: It sounds familiar.

Meanwhile, our heroes join Officer Jenny back at the Canine Unit training facility where she and the Canine Squad reside in.

Officer Jenny: You all must be exhausted. I hope you'll be able to eat something. She said bringing over some drinks. But her worries were unfounded as our heroes were just eating. I guess that's, not a problem.

The lone Growlithe walks over to eat with the others, but they warned it off. It growled back at them looking to start a fight.

Officer Jenny: Stop that! Jenny ordered as they all calmed down. She then placed a bowl for the Growlithe on the floor. Here. Go on, eat up.

Niko: I gotta admit, that Growlithe was pretty brave taking on an armed opponent like that.

Officer Jenny: Yes, but I didn't order that Growlithe to do anything.

Niko: What do you mean?

Kota: They seem to listen to you. So what's the problem?

Officer Jenny: The problem is this Growlithe is a wild one. It wandered here just a few days ago. I e been trying to train like the others, but I'm having no luck so far. It mostly just gets into fights.

Niko: Hmm. Niko then had a thought. Hey, Officer Jenny, why not let me try to train Growlithe? Niko offered.

Officer Jenny: Huh?

Duplica: But, Niko...

Kota: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Niko: Why not? I bet Growlithe just wants to be trained by someone who understands it. And I understand that Growlithe is one seriously tough Pokémon.

Officer Jenny: Well, if you that strongly, then I suppose it's fine. And who knows? You might just be able to get through to Growlithe.

Niko: Really?

Officer Jenny: It wouldn't hurt to show you the training regiment we have here.

Niko: Awesome! You hear that Growlithe? Niko goes to pet Growlithe, but it ends up biting his hand.

Niko: WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Niko shouts as he wave his hand wildly trying to get Growlithe off.

Everyone: 💧

The next morning, our heroes were sleeping soundly. Until Officer Jenny came in and blew her whistle waking them all up.

Duplica: What's going on? She asked still half asleep.

Ditto: Ditto? (Breakfast)

Officer Jenny: Well, it's time for our class.

Niko: Class? Niko looks to a clock and sees that it's only 4:03 AM. but it's so early.

Officer Jenny: Come on, rise and shine. It's time for you to start your training class. They all move to the training course. Okay. First, we're gonna test you all out on the obstacle course.

Niko: Okay. Growlithe, let's do our best and show these other Growlithe how good you are. Niko said with bright optimism.

Growlithe: Lithe. Growlithe just scoffed.

Officer Jenny: Actually, Growlithe won't be the only one running this race because you have to run, too, Niko.

Niko: What? How come?

Officer Jenny: Niko, a master will never be respected if he won't do something he has his own Pokémon to do.

Niko: I guess you're right.

Officer Jenny: I'll be running, too, so let's get started, shall we?

Niko: Right.

Duplica: I hope this training isn't too tough.

Kota: Don't worry. I'm sure Growlithe will be fine.

Duplica: I meant Niko. Soon, Niko and Growlithe take their marks.

Officer Jenny: Ready? Set! Go! Niko and Growlithe run fast.

Niko: See? All good so far. The two stop when they come across a wire net. What's this thing?

Growlithe: Growl.

Officer Jenny: Crawl, Growlithe! Jenny and Growlithe slink under the wires.

Niko: Oh! That looks simple. Come on, Growlithe! However, Growlithe was already ahead. Hey! Wait for me! Niko crawls in after Growlithe. This training is tougher than I thought.

Growlithe: Growl! Niko like back and sees Growlithe's tail got stuck.

Niko: Oh no! I'm coming Growlithe! Niko went back and tried to free it. Growlithe looked Niko perplexed. Once free, the two made it through the wire net.

Soon, Officer Jenny and Growlithe reach the next obstacle, a tall wall.

Officer Jenny: Climb, Growlithe! Jenny and Growlithe manage to climb the wall with ease.

Niko: So we just have to climb this?

Growlithe: Growl. (Yup)

Niko jumps up and climbs the wall. He had trouble trying to get to the top, but he managed to do it.

Niko: I did it! Growlithe, come on-

Growlithe jumps up to the top and goes back down. Niko tried to follow, but he slipped and fell right on top of Growlithe. Later, Niko and Growlithe sat on the bench exhausted.

Kota: This canine training is a lot more difficult than I thought it be. Are you sure you wanna do this?

Niko: Of course. I know deep down that Growlithe wants to be a better version of itself. Niko goes to pet Growlithe, but it growls at him. Heh. It's okay. Niko just smiles at it. He then pets Growlithe's head.

Jenny: That's amazing. Jenny arrives. That Growlithe won't even let me pet it. She said surprised.

Duplica: I guess Growlithe just needs time to get used to people.

Soon, a car that looks like a Growlithe busts through the wall of the training school.

Niko: What's going on!?

Jessie: Prepare for trouble.

James: Make it double.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight.

Meowth: Meowth! That's right! The Growlithe's surround the team.

Officer Jenny: Team Rocket.

Duplica: If you think you're going to steal these Pokémon, then you've got another thing coming.

Kota: Yeah. You might as well just say "please arrest me."

Meowth: Dese police Pokémon really give me de creeps. Can't we steal some Pokémon dat are more cat friendly?

Jessie: You coward! We can do anything once we get that pack of obedient Growlithe! They'll do whatever we command. Jessie and James start to imagine all they could do with the Growlithe's.

James: They'll rob banks whenever we see them!

Jessie: They'll steal artworks from every museum!

James: We'll be the richest criminals of all time!

Jessie: The queen, the king, the cat of crime!

Officer Jenny: Luckily, your dream won't come true. These police Growlithe would never do anything to break the law! The two put on gas masks.

Jessie: Don't count on it!

Jessie: Wait till they try...

James: Team Rocket's esopho-gas! He said holding a canister of gas. They then start spraying the gas everywhere. The gas made them all gasp and cough.

Jessie: Now those Growlithe won't be able to use their noses!

James: Right!

Jessie: Time for our next move. James pulls out another canister.

James: Ready when you are.

Jessie: Take a sniff of this!

James: Just a whiff of this!

Team Rocket: And hear the metamorphosis! They spray the next gas, but doesn't appear to be doing anything, which confused them.

Meowth: (high pitched) What kind of gas is this? Meowth gasped when he heard his own voice. What happened to my voice?! I sound like one of the Chipmunks!

Niko: (high pitched) What's wrong with my voice?

Duplica: (high pitched) It's helium! It's making our voices high and squeaky.

Eevee: (high pitched) Eevee. (That's weird) Eevee realized that its voice changed as well.

Jessie: Our plan is working!

James: Yes, we're certainly hitting a career high note.

Officer Jenny: (high pitched) I don't know what you're planning, but I'm placing you under arrest for trespassing! Alright, Growlithe, round 'em up! She ordered, but the Growlithe don't respond. What's the matter, Growlithe? Arrest them!

Niko: (high pitched) What's wrong with the Growlithe?

Duplica: It's the gas. They can't understand because her voice is too high.

Kota: (high pitched) And because of the first gas, they can't use their noses.

Meowth: Their plan's working! He laughed.

James: Shall we move on to phase 2?

Jessie: Sounds good to me.

James: Alright, then! A little changing music! A curtain rises as the two change their outfits to look like Officer Jenny.

Jessie and James: Ta-da!

James: And now, for one more change!

Jessie: This synthesizer will make me sound just like Officer Jenny! Jessie changes the dial on her synthesizer to change her voice. Sit, Growlithe! The Growlithe obey immediately. Beg, Growlithe! They did so. Lie down!

Officer Jenny: What's the matter with all of you? That's not me, that's Team Rocket! Don't listen to them!

James: Alright! Growlithe, listen to me! I want you to place that woman under house arrest! The Growlithe proceed to tie Jenny up.

Officer Jenny: No! Stop it, Growlithe!

Jessie: Well, that about wraps things up. Jessie and James hop off the van. Line up, Growlithe! The Growlithe come over.

Officer Jenny: No, please don't go!

Jessie: Attention, Growlithe!

James: Now, Meowth! Open the hatch!

Meowth: Roger! Meowth opens the hatch of the van.

Jessie: Everybody in the van!

Niko: Stop! We're not gonna let you take those Growlithe's!

Jessie: And just how are you gonna stop us, Squeaky?

James: Why don't we teach them all a lesson before we go?

Jessie: Why not? Growlithe, about face! Surround them! The Growlithe's surround them.

Niko: Not good. Wait! We can use our Pokémon to fight! Niko goes to grab his Pokéballs, however... Uhh.

Kota: What's wrong, Niko?

Niko: I forgot! I left all my Pokéballs in the room!

Kota: I forgot to bring mine too!

Duplica: Mines still in my bag.

Niko: We're in deep trouble.

James: You said it.

Jessie: Don't let the bad criminals get away Growlithe. Suddenly, Eevee and Growlithe stand up to the canine unit.

Eevee: Eevee! (Stay back)

Niko: Eevee?

Meowth: This is perfect! We'll capture Pikachu, too!

James: Aren't we lucky?

Jessie: I should say, this should be interesting. Let's see. Jessie changes her costume to look like Niko. Eevee. Eevee's ears perked up. I want you to get in the car with these Growlithe. Come on, hurry up!

Niko: No, Eevee! That's not me! That's Team Rocket!

Eevee: Vee? (Niko)

Jessie: He's lying! My voice doesn't sound that messed up! Get in the van, hurry!

Niko: Don't go, Eevee! Eevee stayed by Niko's side. It knew exactly who its friend was.

James: Why didn't it work?

Eevee: Vee. (Niko)

Niko: Eevee. Niko began to tear up a bit.

Duplica: Eevee knew?

Kota: Of course. Eevee knows who Niko is even with his voice like that. It can't be fooled by a fake.

Jessie: Who cares? Jessie changes back into her Officer Jenny costume. Growlithe, get that Eevee and his trainer, now!

The Growlithe's attack, but Eevee and Growlithe fight them back. After a while, the two began to show fatigue.

Jessie: Quit fooling around and get them!

Niko: Eevee. Please be alright. Jenny finally frees herself.

Officer Jenny: Listen to me, Growlithe! Team Rocket are the bad guys! The Growlithe were hesistant. They recognized her look, but not her voice.

Jessie and James: This looks bad.

Jessie: Take care of them quickly! The Growlithe leaps and tries to hit Jenny. But the other Growlithe jumps in and tackles it to the ground.

Growlithe: Growl! (Stop)

Jenny: Growlithe? Jenny was surprised by this turn of events. Growlithe looked back at her with a smile.

Growlithe: Growlithe. (Leave it to me) It turned to its fellow Growlithe. Growlithe! Growl Growlithe growl! (Listen! Those two are fakers) It tried to reason with its fellow Growlithe's and it seemed to be having an effect. The Growlithe's started to remember their time with Jenny.

Growlithe seemed to remember as it walked up to Jenny and licked her hand as an apology. It then came in for a hug.

Officer Jenny: Growlithe, you remember me! Growlithe licks her face annoying Team Rocket.

Jessie: What are you doing, Growlithe?!? Don't lick her, attack her! The others Growlithe turn their fangs at Team Rocket.

Jessie: Attack them! They're the enemy!

James: Do as we tell you, you dimwit dogs! Panicking, they start fiddling with their synthesizers.

Jessie: (in James' voice) Not us! Get them!

James: (in Jessie's voice) Hey! That's my voice!

Jessie: (in Meowth's voice) I told you, don't get us! Get them! (in her regular voice) Wrong voice.

Meowth: I knew dis wouldn't woik! Fearful of what's to come, Meowth speeds off.

Jessie: What are you doing, Meowth?!?

James: You come back here!

Meowth: Dey shoulda known, I'm just a scaredy cat!

Growlithe: Growl! (Attack) The Growlithe attack Jessie and James. Meowth drives through a wall.

Meowth: Let me out!

Jessie: Meowth, wait!

James: Slow down!

Jessie: Let us in!

James: Help! The three of them run off until they are out of sight. The Growlithe's all crowd Jenny showing their admiration.

Niko: Well, alls well that ends well.

Eevee: Vee. (Yup)

Officer Jenny: You two recognize what's in each other's hearts, and that's what counts. I'll try to keep that in mind. Jenny looked at the rowdy Growlithe. Niko, if you don't mind, I'd like Growlithe to travel with from now on. Jenny suggested much to their shock.

Niko: Really? But, Officer Jenny's Growlithe belongs with you.

Officer Jenny: Yes. But I believe Growlithe will learn much more from traveling with you then he ever will here. Jenny bends down and pets Growlithe. We'll all miss you Growlithe. She said beginning to tear up.

Growlithe: Growl. (Jenny) It said sadly. It then jumped up and locked Jenny's face causing her to laugh.

Niko: Well, if you want. What do you say, Growlithe?

Growlithe: Growl! (You bet)

Niko takes out a Pokéball and throws it into the air. Growlithe jumps high up and taps the ball with its head. The Pokéball sucks Growlithe in. The ball falls to the ground and wobbles a bit until it chimed signaling its capture.

Niko: Alright! I caught, a Growlithe! He cheered.

A strong thread joins Niko and Eevee's hearts together. It is a bond of friendship that will keep them safe no matter what lies on the road ahead. With their courage renewed, our heroes continue their journey to Saffron City and their next exciting Pokémon adventure.

As the journey continues

Attention, all Pokémon trainers!
Do you got what it takes to be the best?
Today, we'll do 30 Pokémon!
It's the ultimate test!

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeeaahh!

Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey (Pokémon!)
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon

At least 150 or more to see.
To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny.

Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar

Not bad, not bad!
Hey, don't get cocky. The next one's the hardest part.
We're on our way to 150 Pokémon!
There's no stopping us!

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (yeeaahh)

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