court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the lotus

91 1 7
By songofsapphire

"we must be what we are or we become our enemies"

271 AC, Winterfell

Ten years ago...

"I don't understand why I must go, father.", the young Eddard said with a pout and sadness in his grey eyes. "None of my siblings does."

"Because all of your siblings have a purpose here.", Richard was not going to allow himself to show any emotions. There was no need to make things harder than they were supposed to. The boy said his goodbyes to his siblings last night and now was going to be shipped off to his new home with only his father and servants being present to, it was barely even dawn. "Your destiny lies outside."

"But why?", he insisted. Amongst all his children, Eddard was the calm one, who never went against an order, never questioned things, just obeyed. This behaviour was sudden and unexpected. "Why cannot stay here with you and with them?"

"One day your brother will become the Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of North. His place is next to me. Lyanna is a girl, I cannot entrust her education to any of my bannermen. It is dire that she grows up valuing the family she has, no one would want her to get different ideas like those Mormont women, Gods forbid, might impose on her and Benjen is a child. Would you wish me to send him away than you?"

"No, father.", he bowed his head.

"Then stop asking questions. We all have to make sacrifices for our family and our house, this is going to be yours.", but when he saw the tears the boy tried to hide, he breathed. "There is nothing to be afraid of, boy. I am not sending you to a war but to a home. A warmer home, to be honest. Vale is not covered in snow at that time of the year."

"Yes, father.", he knew where he was going; the Eyrie, home of House Arryn -the Lords of the Eyrie, Lord Paramount of the Vale, the Warden of the East and an old friend of his father.

Jon Arryn, the head of the house, did not have any sons -or daughters, to look after and since his father had three; he decided to send one of them to his old friend as a gesture, he knew it.

"Do not ever forget it Eddard,", still, Rickard couldn't help but get soften and kneeled down to his son's height. The boy had a great destiny lying ahead of him but given he didn't know about that; he could easily understand the fear. "whenever you feel scared, all you have to do is to look inside.", he pointed out his heart with his finger. "We are all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Before you know it, you are going to be a man, so I am just trying to prepare you for that."


"Because in no time, you will have to answer that big question the life throws to your way.", he stood up and looked directly into his eyes. "What kind of a man are you going to be?"


281 AC, Harrenhal

"Well, well, well,", Aerys said, looking at the nobles, he still didn't give a motion for people to sit down and continue to eat. "what a glittering assembling this is, Lord Whent."

"We are honoured to have you here, your majesty.", he was playing it cool, which was a good thing given Rhaegar was about to lose it -though he was not showing it off. Next to him; there was Cersei with her sly smirk. Behind him there were three kingsguards; Gerold, Barristan and Lewyn, his Hand, Jon, and the rest of the small council and not even one of them thought about alarming Rhaegar. "It wouldn't be a true feast of the century without you here, not a true celebration."

"Of course it would not, I am the king.", he said in a manner that hoped to remind everyone and made the waited hand gesture and moved towards the royal dais. Smiled at his son and hugged him tightly without him understanding what was going on. "And here is my son,", he hit his arm harshly but covered it with a pat. "and my daughter,", Elia bowed her head, both were shocked but while Rhaegar concealed it better, she placed the perfect smile on her lips. "and my grandson.", he declared loudly -not that people didn't notice it but he took away Rhaegar and Elia's chance to announce, sent them a knowing smile and sat down to Rhaegar's spot, snapped his fingers and the first course started to be served while the servants rushed to bring more chairs.


"We are fucked, we are fucked, we are fucked.", Rhaegar was hitting his head on the table, perhaps harsher than he should. Elia was pacing around with one hand on her mouth, trying to keep everything she ate inside her. "We need to just abort the mission.", he was probably having a crisis or some sort of a thing.

They all were there; Atera was unusually quiet, Arthur was probably trying to break his jaw from clenching it and Atera could swear he was gritting his teeth, Oswell's main reason for fear was not Aerys but Gerold and Oberyn were tapping his. Richard, Myles and Ashara were not there. He went to speak to Jon as he would be the last one to raise suspicions and she tried to corner one of the queen's servants to gather information on what was happening and Myles was keeping everyone away from them.

By all accords; Aerys should have stayed at the capital.

"We cannot abort the mission right after we spent thousands of golds and brought more than half of the kingdom here.", Atera spoke without looking at him, her lips were pursed and her voice composed, she was trying to be the sound of reason, weird enough. "You will never get a chance like this, ever again and even if you do, he will go there as well."

"You don't understand.", Rhaegar shook his head as he raised it from the table and covered his entire face -he was pale, his eyes were red and filled with tears he didn't even fear. He was burning from within but was cold, too cold and his hands probably were shaking but she wasn't sure if it was the work of the candlelight instead. "He knows.", he finally declared with a loud breath and slammed his palm to the table as he stood up. "He knows or else he would not be here."

"He doesn't know.", she argued back. "He cannot know. We've been discreet."

"Well you and Arthur were 'discreet' but everybody knows that as well.", Rhaegar spat.

"I doubt the king was lurking in the shadows of Dragonstone.", she answered dryly.

"No, but there were people who did, people you brought there.", Rhaegar trusted people not at all and Lannisters, under these circumstances, even less.

"Arthur asked me to take him to my service and yet I do not see this energy against him.", probably it was for his best or Arthur could punch him in this state.

Rhaegar didn't even spare a glance at his best friend. "He took pity on the boy, you've been the one who was using him. You first took my best friend-"

"For the Gods' sake-"

"-manipulated him-"

"-I've made him the fucking Hand of the King-"

"-then you manipulated that poor boy-"

"-if you think, truly, that I am betraying you-"

"-Gods knows what he told them-"

"-why am I even here? If I am betraying you, why I've spent as much as gold you did for this tourney?"

"I told you not to bring him there!", Rhaegar raised his voice.

"At least he did not try to kill anyone unlike the guards -the Lannister guards, you appointed and then later on; knighted.", she snapped back.

"Enough!", Elia did all but throw the words at them and both flinched, even Arthur raised his head to look at her. They had never seen her that angry before. "I am sick of your constant fighting, child-like bickering, it is embarrassing for two people in your standing, it is enough!", poison was dripping from her voice.


"No!", she slammed both of her hands to the table, startling them all once more. "You are going to respect the decisions your best friend has done.", she ordered to Rhaegar -who had an empty face of befuddlement and then turned to Atera. "He is your prince.", she hissed. "One day, he is going to be your king, enough with your disrespect. The next time you do so; I'll throw you to the black cells so perhaps you can get a grip of yourself. Is that understood?", she looked at both of them. "Behave or fuck off, the last thing we need is you two causing trouble."

"I do understand your grace.", she said with a low tone and without looking at her.

"Rhaegar?", she asked, her eyes focused on Atera, he and her were still not in a good place.

"I understood.", he mumbled.


"We were not expecting you here, father.", Rhaegar tried to form a smile and dared to ask the question in the fourth course. "Especially not you arriving with leaving my brother at the capital."

"Viserys is too young to travel that far for a tourney.", he said dismissively. "And my new Master of Law, Lord Staunton, acts as the regent as I am here. Jonothor is there to protect your brother."

"And the queen is here.", he couldn't help but mutter.

"My queen happens to be your stepmother, I want you to get along with her."

Rhaegar seemed taken aback as he turned to Aerys. "She tried to murder my wife."

"You are exaggerating.", Aerys made a hand gesture. "As always, you took that from your mother."

His lips parting to probably curse, Elia's hand curled around his as a warning with no one seeing it as it happened under the table. "She disrespected my wife, she spreads rumours about my daughter, her father is behind the kidnapping of both and you ask me to forgive and forget?", he forced himself to ask.

"You disrespected me, and allowed Tywin to spread rumours about me, there are even people who are saying you were behind my kidnapping.", he turned to his son with a sly smile. "I don't believe such words, perhaps you need to grow up and be mature for once in your life as well.", Rhaegar was gaping, no thoughts were forming inside his head, he simply couldn't cope with such blame.

"You got kidnapped,", he started to speak with frustration rising. "because you went against everyone's advice -including me, and humiliated yourself by going to your bannerman's feet to collect taxes.", he hissed with a low tone and everyone on the table heard it.

"My dear stepson, this is not the way to speak to your fat-"

"Shut up.", Rhaegar's order came crystal clear, made her widen her eyes and Elia dug her nails into his flesh. He would never be disrespectful like this, not even to Cersei but right now, there was such a heavy blame on him and he was sick of other people's audacities. "You have no place at any table my wife sits, you are lucky,", he hissed. "to be here. Acknowledge it and act like it.", Elia was not looking either of them as her olive eyes roamed around the nobles, she was trying to see if anyone was noticing the tension between the father and the son -she was not sure if they should or not, she had a pulsing headache that made it impossible for her to focus. "And father,", he turned to the king with a great disappointment. "if you have a blame to toss around, do so loud and clear and to my face, do not hide behind your words."

Aerys did turn to him, pale blue eyes looking right into Rhaegar's dark indigo ones. Their tension broke with a strong shake of a violin covering the entire room with the small and hidden gesture Walter. And people started to dance.


"He is changed.", Elia shook her head. "The king we left at the capital and the king who came here are not the same people. Something is different, something has happened but what it is?"

"He is easy to manipulate.", Rhaegar sat again with exhaustion. "His ideas and opinions change according to the last person he spoke to, it always has been like this and many people whisper about me, all the time. Though they never went this far."

"Surely Jon knows a thing or two if something has happened.", Oswell tried to ease the mood. "Richard is with him, we surely will at least get an idea about everything."

"Jon hasn't written even a single word to me in the past weeks.", Rhaegar deadpanned.

"Perhaps it is because let alone congratulating him, you refused to even interact with him before you left the capital, your grace.", Atera said and Elia's flaming eyes snapped to her. "I meant no disrespect but it is what it is.", she pressed. "You were angry at me yet took it out of him."

"Am I missing something here?", Oberyn asked with a frown. "What is this about?"

Rhaegar and Atera shared a look. "I don't know and I don't want to know.", Elia huffed to her brother. "You killed the former Hand as well?"

"Didn't he die of sickness he caught from a whore?", Oberyn asked. "What kind of a woman I am going to marry?", both Atera and Arthur turned to him in disbelief.

"Not worst than you, I can assure it.", she said with a raised chin and a slightly belittling manner. "I did nothing.", she lied. "He died out of nowhere, that fool, I just took advantage of an open position, used a great opportunity."

"And made my right-hand-man, my father's right-hand-man, is that so?", Rhaegar wondered. "This was your bright idea."

"Yes.", she nodded. "This is a bright idea,", she pressed. "and you would see so if it was not mine."

"You acted without consulting us."

"Given everything that happened,", she hissed and both the Martell siblings and Oswell seemed intrigued, only she, Rhaegar and Arthur knew what truly has happened. "one would understand why I did not wish to speak with you."

"And both of you lied to me, declaring nothing has happened.", Elia huffed with disappointment, not that she knew they were lying the whole time.

"Some unpleasant conversation and nothing more.", Rhaegar said without blinking.

"Of course.", Atera huffed in return.


"Shall we dance?", Oberyn leaned to Atera, who was eyeing the situation. "Do not forget that we are betrothed and people will speak."

"You think and care of what people will say?", Atera turned to him due to his stupid notion.

"Gods no,", he scoffed with a slight humour. "but Doran will and my orders are clear; I am to go directly to Sunspear after the tourney ends to report my time in here. I simply do not desire a scolding."

"Your grace,", Atera stood up and made a curtsy. Usually, Elia would keep making her stay here because she didn't want to be alone but it was far more important than her needs that she would be seen as a happy couple with her brother. "your graces, your majesty.", she made a curtsy to both Rhaegar and Aerys but only bowed her head -and it didn't go unnoticed, though none of them addressed it.

And usually; Oberyn would not ask for a dance if it were not for the letter he got from his brother the other day.

"To my brother,

Ever since I've started to speak to Leyton about your betrothal with his sister, I've sensed he was more than hesitant and unwilling and I learnt a little while ago that I was not wrong in this assessment. She is his only sister and we both witnessed how much fond he is of her and is protective over her perhaps even more than a father would. Brother, I must inform you that I am not ashamed to send spies to Oldtown and I am not surprised to hear about Leyton's true intentions.

It seems he was willing for this betrothal agreement only to get both the Sealord and the King to sign the peace treaty; given he comes out of it richest and more powerful than ever. All that fuss was for nothing and his declaration for ending the betrothal will be based on his sister's unhappiness. He isn't planning to go through with the wedding, he never did. The girl is clueless about all of them which forces him to end the entire ordeal sooner than we expected. Once that tourney ends, so will your betrothal.

Listen to me well, brother; we cannot afford for this match to slip between our fingers. We owe Leyton Hightower far more than we could ever pay and making his sister a princess was the only ammunition we had in us. If the betrothal would end, I can only dream about the things he would ask in return and allow me to be honest with you; those are not good dreams of pleasure. This entire backstory forces you to do one thing; court the girl, treat her well, spoil her if you must with gifts and compliments, and pretend to be the golden couple of the century. Make the girl happy Oberyn, I don't care how you will. Treat her with coldness, and sent her away if you must after the wedding, this was the deal after all but until then we need to keep her contained. Leyton is going there himself to watch you two closely. He will be searching for a slip and the moment he finds it, it will be the end for us. But if he would believe she is happy with you, he would doubt and then all we have to do will be marrying you two before he changes his mind. Not even the Lord of Oldtown can end a marriage, not twice.

I swear to you on my honour, on my daughter and on my son; if this betrothal would get cancelled, I would finish mother's decision and disinherit you thoroughly. Hearing me give the order would be the last time you hear anything from me ever again and not only that; I will take your daughters from you for they would deserve, in such a case, father they deserve than of you. This marriage is going to happen Oberyn, make it so.

Your brother Doran

The Ruling Prince of Dorne, Prince of Stepstones and Lord of Sunspear"

So now here he was, moving elegantly like a snake according to the sharp rhythm of the Dornish music -surprised that she knew the dance but kept it to himself.

"I think we should spend more time together, lotus."

She cringed at that nickname as they took their places in the dancing crowd. "What is that?"

"Isn't the lotus the most famous and beautiful flower in Oldtown?", he mocked a frown. "Are you sure that you grew up there?", she rolled her eyes and he continued. "I was saying that we should spend more time, and get to know one another better."

"We already spend enough time.", she brushed it off, she didn't want to endure Oberyn more than she had to.

"I disagree. One lunch with Elia present only once a week is not enough."

"I didn't know you desired to see me more, my lord.", she seemed almost uncomfortable. "But then again, I am not that surprised to hear that."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

She sent him a look. "I've heard before that you had quite the taste to cause problems, for yourself and for people around you. It is not that hard to guess that this newly found urge to act like a proper fiancée comes from your ages-old vendetta with Arthur,", Oberyn's eyes went cold immediately. "of course, the real urge is to make him feel troubled and unhappy. Though I doubt you need to torture us both to achieve that,", her eyes found her lover at the back of the dais, looking like a statue more than a real human being. "given the king is here, it is impossible for him to be content with anything."

"Your words are vile and meaningless.", Oberyn hissed but kept his face calm as he turned her around. "Arthur means nothing to me."

"Is this why first you took his sister and now suddenly you want to have a true courtship with me?", the disbelief made him nauseous. If he would tell her Doran's words, the betrothal would end right here and there. The only reason she was enduring it was because she thought there were no loopholes. "Not even after we marry we will have to see one another, my lord. It is unnecessary -and undesired by me, to spend more time. I am sure you can find all the enjoyment you want from your mistresses just like me."

"People are whispering, lotus-", he couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Stop calling me that.", she cringed once more.

"I am a Prince of Dorne.", Oberyn hissed. "And while I do adore when people make up stories about me and talk about me; when they respect and fear me. I do not enjoy it when the same people throw stones at my dignity and virility, acting as if I am incapable of wooing my own future wife."

"But you are.", she frowned.

"Your apathy, lotus,", she gritted her teeth. "harm this union."

"And what would you have me to do about that?", she asked with cold eyes.

"You can at least pretend that we like one another.", he was doing this for Doran, as he kept reminding himself, or else he would never lower himself this much. Begging to another man's paramour -it was humiliating.

"What?", she probably thought so too. "Did you hit your head somewhere Oberyn?", she wondered, didn't even address him with formality. "You are acting weird."

"Elia wants so.", he threw the blame to his sister with ease. "She asked me to make the talk, she wants this tourney to be impeccable so you and I will have to court each other in the meantime."

"I don't want that.", she blurted.

And neither did he. "We will walk in the gardens together every day, I'll buy you gifts and will compliment you at feasts, we shall dance at night, have breakfast together with Elia and Rhaegar -as a family, we will be the golden couple of this tourney."

"No.", she tried to reject once more but the dance has ended and Oberyn, without asking first, leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek.



"How bad?", Elia asked when she entered.

"I have no idea what has happened and the king decided to forgive her.", Ashara said with a gloomy face. "But it seems it has direct ties with the tourney. We must wait until Richard comes to understand what has truly happened."

"You don't even have a clue, Ash?", Elia frowned.

"It seems at first she was not even allowed to leave Maegor's Holdfast and she was not allowed to see anyone. Then one day he just summons her and that's it. It happened a week ago when the king decided to join to the tourney.", she shook her head. "It is all I know."

"He knows.", Rhaegar repeated again. "He knows what we are up to so he keeps her close, hoping he'll get Tywin's support against me.", he placed both his palms to the table and bowed his head to it. "I get it,", he breathed a moment later. "whether we go on with the plan or end it right here; everything will change and either outcome will be catastrophic for us. But,", he raised his head back. "you are right.", he sent a look to Atera. "We never will get a chance like this and we worked too hard to make this happen. So we are continuing."


"Harlan is dead.", Lewyn pulled Oswell and Arthur to a corner as Gerold and Barristan moved over their place.

"What?", Arthur was the first one to ask with shock. "How?"

"When?", Oswell scowled. "The funeral? Why you all are here?"

"It happened a fortnight ago.", he was as sad as they were. "We held the funeral at the Sept of Baelor, we all stood vigil, even the king attended."

"Why we were not summoned?", Oswell asked with frustration.

"You were on your way to the tourney. We didn't want to summon you back."

"You cannot decide that.", Arthur said with a clenched jaw. "It was our right to be there. We are as much as the kingsguard you are. You should have told us."

"I am telling you now, Art-"

"No.", he took a step back. "It isn't fair.", he said with sadness. "We should have been there, you should have told us. It isn't fair.", then he turned back and left.

Lewyn, with the corner of his eyes, watched him as he went to Rhaegar's side, leaned down and whispered to his ear. From the way Rhaegar widened his eyes and turned to him with a sharp move, Lewyn understood Arthur just informed him. The king must have seen the act as well, turned to his son and questioned it. There was pure surprise in Rhaegar's face as he asked and even Aerys seemed upset for a second.

"He is right, you know.", Oswell shook his head. "He would have wanted us there."

"It was a direct order from Gerold, there was nothing we can do.", Lewyn explained. "Everything went according to the laws and traditions, he was honoured, have no doubt."

"How did he die?", he wondered.

"He took a nap, didn't wake up again. He did not suffer."

"And who,", Oswell took a step forward, hating himself for thinking such a thing right away. "will replace him?"

"I don't know.", Lewyn's eyes found Gerold. "He doesn't speak to none of us. He is rather affected badly."

"It must be,", Oswell's eyes found Gerold as well. "someone closer to us,", hoping Lewyn would catch his meaning. "than him."

"I agree.", he said with a straight face. "I will try to arrange something."


"Jon says,", Richard rubbed his face. "the king knows."

"I knew it.", Rhaegar hissed and turned his back. "I knew it."

"How can he know such a thing?", Atera asked with a frown. "We kept everything hidden. How on earth he can know it?"

"Varys' little birds.", Richard said in a disgusted manner. "Jon says he reported directly to the king so he couldn't stop it, given that he didn't know what he was supposed to stop as well.", he sent a look to Rhaegar's back but he didn't meet with anyone's gaze. "Jon tried to lessen the impact but he says everyone in the council told the king that you can commit such a treachery."

"What?", Elia asked when Rhaegar turned with shock. "My uncle? Ser Gerold?"

"Ser Gerold was not present, he was at the funeral-"

"What funeral?", Atera asked, she didn't know someone died.

"Ser Harlan is dead.", Oswell announced it to them all. "May he rest in peace."

Atera's eyes found Arthur who hasn't spoke or move ever since they went there. But she couldn't offer him any comfort; not here, not now, not in front of these people.

"And my uncle?", Elia pressed, knowing what the answer will be.

"The king offered the fixing of the High Tide, I'm told, your grace.", Richard said with a small voice. "He sold the prince on the spot."

Elia never felt that embarrassed in her entire life.

"We are moving on.", Rhaegar said firmly. "Everything will go according to the plan. We are not going to stop. Not now, not ever."


277 AC, Winterfell

Four years ago...

It was not that bad once he finally managed to adjust though that feeling of never belonging, being never enough stuck there with him even after the six years he spent at the nest of the falcons. And finally, he was allowed to visit his home -he was not so ever since he left and by all records; the old and mighty castle of Winterfell was not changed at all. But the people lived in it? Now that was a different case.

He was eight when he left, a child, and he was four and ten now, turning into a man. And he felt still like an outsider, nonetheless. He was summoned to celebrate his father's fiftieth name day with all his bannermen and all his children. Ned was thrilled to receive the invitation and while Robert did sulked to be parted from him for at least a moon, he understood the happiness his friend felt and was happy for him.

Perhaps not his father but he was looking forward to seeing his siblings again. The always-wild Brandon, beautiful and sweet Ashara and Benjen -Gods, he was a baby when he left, barely formed sentences and all, he was supposed to be ten now, older than Ned when he left their home. Six years he lost in his siblings' lives and now he was eager to see them again.

But he was disappointed as he returned and basically nobody cared that he did.

Brandon, his handsome and tall and only a year older brother -though Ned felt like there were decades between them, grinned at him when he first dismounted from his horse, ruffled his hair and then went to his business. His only sister Lyanna -though Ned barely remembered her, hugged him only briefly and then ran after Brandon and Benjen barely knowing who he was their meeting was awkward at best. His father only patted his shoulder and within moments, his entire family was gone and he was left all alone in the courtyard.

And now here he was, sitting at the dais, in between Brandon -who was winking at the blushing servant girls, and Lyanna -who was whispering something with Benjen, while Ned just sat there straightly. His brother was not even wearing the proper clothes he should have, his belt was not matching and his doublet was barely buttoned while Lyanna's hair was not braided and she was wearing an ordinary dress, not one fit to a feast. Ned was the only one that was looking like a proper lordling, he was the only one that was eating his food fit to courtly manners and he was the only one that was not seen by the others.

Just like that; before his first day ended, he was planning for his departure, given his existence had the same effect as his non-existence.

He didn't know what he expected truly. Those were the people who sent him away and never visited him once and he was even barely getting letters from them. Did he expect tears? No. But perhaps he expected to spar with Brandon or get to know Benjen or go into riding with Lyanna. She was a half-horse, as much as he remembered and she went on daily ridings but not even once Ned was invited.

A year, only a year between them and yet Brandon was already familiar with girls, he liked them and they liked him in return. He was dancing and winking at them, openly flirting by curling their hair softly in between his fingers and nobody was saying a thing to him despite Ned being told by his foster father that Brandon was supposed to get betrothed soon.

Ned didn't understand; he was the proper son, yet he was the one that was sent away. Brandon was not the proper son yet he was going to get married, and he was rewarded for all his unseemly acts by his father; sitting with him at his solar, talking to him. Ned heard Brandon too was sent to fostering a few short years after Ned but he didn't seem like he left home at all. He knew everyone, everyone knew him and everybody loved him while even the servants were wary towards Ned.

And his father's bannermen -except the ones that were laughing and drinking with Rickard, were roaming around Brandon. Making their daughters meet with him, patting him on the shoulder and all. Ned felt ashamed because of his thoughts. Brandon was his brother, his father's heir, this was how it was supposed to be. His brother one day was going to be the lord of this castle. Of course, he needed to marry a bannermen's daughter, of course, he had to get along with the said bannermen. Ned was nothing more than the spare so he shouldn't expect the same value, these were taught to him in his youth.

But those bannermen were also roaming around Lyanna -his little sister. Their daughters were trying to be friends with her, their sons were trying to woo her and Lyanna was cheerful as usual. She was not good at dancing and the last Ned remembered she didn't even like it but now she was spinning around as if she was Jenny of Oldstones in that song. And even Benjen, even him, was getting compliments from the bannermen about his great sparring sessions. Brandon was the lancer in the family, Lyanna was the rider and now they all agreed Benjen was going to be great with a sword and Ned was nothing.

He was not good enough. Not six years ago when he was a child, not now and not ever. These people were family and he wondered if he ever was part of the pack.


281 AC, Harrenhal

"Where do you think Arthur has gone?", Atera asked before she left the room. They were in the hour of the wolf and they all desperately needed to sleep. Arthur left a few hours ago, and they all agreed he didn't go to his chamber.

"Don't.", Rhaegar warned her with exhaustion -a bit shocked she dared to ask. "When he is in a low mood, he would want to be left alone. If you go to him, he will break your heart one way or the other. He truly needs to be alone to heal."

"Where do you think he is now?", she asked once more with the same exhaustion. Elia went to her own chambers and excused a headache, now they were only him and her and Oswell.

"In times like these; he either snaps or gives the cold shoulder, Atera. I am not saying it to prevent you from going, I know my best friend. His thoughts are drowning him, this is a battle he has to give himself, he will refuse your help."


"I've been there.", he pressed. "Time and time again, for almost a decade. He talks when he feels like it after he cools down. Do not pressure him now."

"I just asked a question.", she said with a low tone. "I will find him myself if you don't tell me. I just thought it would be easier to ask than to search the entire castle, given it is quite big."

Rhaegar looked at her for too long, too tired to fight back, too tired to think about them as a couple now. "Go to the lakeside.", he said with defeat, sharing a look with Oswell. "He probably is there."


She was trying to return back to her chambers after Elia finally managed to sleep. She was more than tired, her mind was more than occupied. Worrying about other people consumed her. She was scared for both Elia and the baby she was carrying. Not even her first pregnancy was easy, birth was even worse than that and now her health was decreasing greatly. The salty baths she took, the cream they applied to make her look bright, the corsets she wore to look healthy... She was fearing for her dear friend's life and admittedly, no one was aware of it, no one was trying to make things easier for her. Not her husband, not her brother, and not any of her friends.

She didn't know what to feel about Atera and Arthur, not truly. She knew she had to be angry, she should be pissed, she should yell at them in anger, she should cast them away from her life, and she should cry for days to get over it but she just didn't know why she should feel all these emotions.

She didn't know why she couldn't be happy for her brother who always declared to be in love with the wrong women. Arcanna was more than a nightmare who broke something in Arthur, added another thing to his trust issues, ruined his confidence and self-respect, and humiliated and degraded his honour in front of his own home. Arcanna ruined him. As his sister, she did fear if this was a mistake as well.

Atera, by all records, was an admirable woman, she did not disagree with that. And she was agreeable though most of the time she had rather over-the-top solutions that made her feel uneasy but at the core, though their views on the execution of them differed greatly, she did agree with her opinions on the matters. Cersei Lannister was a threat, the child she was carrying was even a bigger one and both needed to be eliminated but when it came to execution, she was reluctant but she didn't judge her for being able to do so like Rhaegar and Elia did. She would never judge people for being capable.

Atera was also charming when she wanted to, amiable when she pretended to, calm before she got really angry, and in every minute of her life; challenging. Ashara liked to have such a friend. She and Elia were like soulmates, they had similar ideas, similar views looked at the world from the same angle, Atera was different. She never, not even once, feared to state an opinion next to them, even though she knew they would not agree with her and Ashara truly believed she found a true friend in her.

So she knew why she should feel mad at her.

She used her, played her, made her believe they were friends and then went behind her. Risked her brother's life greatly. She always knew Atera was a courageous woman but she also wanted to believe she was smart enough to know the difference between being brave and being stupid and Ashara guessed that realizing she didn't, blew up their entire friendship.

Perhaps she was being dramatic, given they were not the best of friends but when she looked at their conversations and realized that Atera never was open to her but instead, it was Ashara who talked non-stop about her family, everything settled into its place and she felt nothing but used.

And she couldn't help but think Arthur fell for the wrong woman, again. Because what difference did Atera and Arcanna have? Rhaegar hated both, Elia and Ashara disapproved of both, and both have secret agendas, at the core; both used Arthur, and in both cases that relationship was doomed before they even begin. She knew what made her brother overly attached to Arcanna was the fact everybody tried to end it, she wondered if Arthur's newly-found attraction towards Atera was fed by the same negative energy as well.

Despite all; she didn't know why she should have been angry at her brother. Atera was a friend who betrayed her, a crook who got caught but Arthur had no such obligations to keep her informed about his own activities but she didn't like this carelessness. Arthur took an oath -for reasons Ashara didn't know, gave up his entire family and home and kept them at bay, excusing the same oaths but now he could step on them for a woman he barely knew?

This was not like him. Not even with Arcanna he was this far gone, this incisive about his decisions and now she was left to wonder what the fuck happened to her rather farsighted brother. How could he worry all the time about even the slightest things, gave himself headaches, worked through every detail of his every act but failed to see how dangerous this affair was? How could he not see where this was going?

Perhaps she was wrong to inform Andric. She didn't know why she did it, to be honest, she didn't even think about it. She heard it and went directly to him and just told it and now she was aware that there was a silent distrust in the actions of people around her. Being insouciant was in her character and yet she felt herself drifting away with every day she spent at the court. And every step she took was soon proven to be the wrong one, over and over and over again. And now, not even her said best friend was trusting her, not fully. And she had no idea how to free herself from that pit.

Being deep in her thoughts, she wasn't lookin where she was going, the darkness around her didn't help as well and just as she turned from the corner, her entire upper body hit something very solid and metallic and made her stumble backwards with a curse slipping from her mouth louder than she wanted. But before she managed to fall backwards, hands in gauntlets, caught her from her upper arm and her back, pulled her right back to her feet and then left her body immediately.

"Ser Barristan?", she breathed, still startled over what happened, narrowed her purple eyes to see him better in the darkness. "I shall apologize, Ser. I was not watching where I was going."

He looked as startled as she did. He was not expecting to see anyone in this dark hour, especially not the younger sister of his sworn brother. "Lady Ashara,", he realized this was the first time he uttered her name and for some reason, he found the name itself rather magical. "I shall be the one who is apologizing. I hope you are not hurt?"

Ashara shook her head immediately. The sharp metal did hit her collarbone rather with much strength than to hurt her but she didn't want to create a scene. "No need for that, Ser. I am perfectly well."

Barristan nodded, it was not his place to question a lady's words. "May I escort you to...?", he didn't finish the sentence to make her do so.

"Only my room, Ser, it is just around the corner. I would not want you to waste your time on such a short journey."

"It is every knight's duty to escort ladies to wherever they want. Given that you are also Arthur's sister and these halls are cursed, as Oswell would like to claim,", she huffed through her nose and Barristan couldn't help but smile. "I would be more than honoured to join you."

"Thank you for your gallantry, Ser.", Ashara offered him a wide smile and he felt flustered even though he didn't see it well under the moonlight well. "But I will be fine myself. I don't want to get chastised by Oswell tomorrow, given I have refused his own offer of guardship."

"Jolly good then, my lady. I bid you goodnight.", Barristan bowed his head slightly and Ashara left with another smile.

When Barristan took a step forward, his eyes caught something shiny on the floor and when he leaned down and took it, he saw it was a small purple butterfly necklace. Obviously belonged to the young lady but when Barristan turned to his back to call out, she was already turned from the hallway and Barristan didn't want to disturb her further for the night, noted to give it to Arthur in the morning to pass it to her.


"Rhaegar claims you either will snap at me or give me the cold shoulder, is that true?", she found him truly at the lake, sitting in one of the rocks like a puppet whose strings just cut off, looking to the moon with a blank expression. "Arthur?"

"I want to be alone.", he said with a quiet voice, couldn't even bring himself to do either of those things. "Please leave me alone."

"We scarcely say what we mean.", she sighed. "You may think you want to remain alone but is it truly what you need?"

"Yes.", he agreed with a lump in his throat. "I am of no use to anyone in this state, I must get rid of it and I must be alone for that."

"What you must do is to get in bed and sleep, cornered with a warm environment.", despite days being too sunny to overwhelm, the castle was chill at night. "Not torture yourself until you get better somehow.", when he did not move at all, she reached to hold his hand. "You are coming with me or I'll scream really loud and will create a scene."

"No, you will not.", Arthur said as he looked at her hand but held it nevertheless.

"We will not speak as long as you want to, I promise.", she said as Arthur, with little moves, tried to stand up. "I just don't want you to be alone.", knowing how stubborn she can become when she truly meant it, Arthur follow her to her chambers in silence, did not even move at all until she took off his armour once more, just like she did in their first night.

"I don't want to sleep.", he said when he was in his clothes and she was urging him towards the bed.

"That is what I say all the time, that and I don't need it but we both know it isn't the truth, no?", she looked at him with a true worry that surprised him even in this state. She raised her head to caress the side of his face. "I know you are worried,", she began to speak with a soft voice. "more than worried even, but we all are Arthur. We are planning a fucking coup,", she huffed as she playfully widened her eyes but Arthur just closed his. "everything is at stake and Aerys coming here was not something we expected at all. We all fear, we all worry, and we all feel lost and panicked because we all are humans. These are not weaknesses."

"You are the one to tell.", he couldn't help but comment and she nodded.

"Imagine that.", she snorted and this time truly managed to make Arthur move to the bed and made him lie down. "I am not going to tell you everything will be better tomorrow because it will not.", he closed his eyes once more as her hands travelled on his face. "We probably will meet with a greater mess than we first thought of but this time, you will feel better to fight against the obstacles. To that, I promise."


She woke up with some sense of serenity but found Atera at her bedside, crying into a handkerchief filled with dragon sigils. "Atera?", she asked. "Why are you crying? Where is Rhaegar?", she asked with calmness. "Isn't there any news?", when Atera didn't answer with her red eyes but her cries got louder, she felt herself frowning. "Atera!", she demanded an answer but then the door opened and her head turned towards there. She asked with a smile. "Arthur?", but he turned his back without answering and started to walk away.

Frowning to herself, she threw out the sheets on her bed and stood up, calling for him once more but Arthur didn't stop, she had no choice but to follow him. They were at the capital, as she understood from ruby-covered floors and saw Arthur turning from the hallway. "Arhtur?", she called once more, getting more and more nervous. "Wait for me!", she screamed as the rubies on the floor started to turn into blood underneath her bare feet, the light was shining behind her back.

When they finally reached the throne room, Arthur disappeared and Oberyn appeared instead and she asked with the innocence of a child. "Where is Rhaegar? Why did he leave?"

"Elia,", Oberyn said with compassion. "my beloved sister; I have sworn an oath to myself, to you.", she frowned with confusion. "But it seems no one can stop destiny. Not even I.", then he seemed sad, so sad all of a sudden and child screams echoed inside the walls.

"No!", she woke up in sweat and tears and Rhaegar was quick to rise with her and place a hand on her back to calm her down but she pushed his hand away and made her run to the bathroom in the other room.

Shaking and throwing up for hours with Rhaegar's hands trying to give her a bit of comfort nevertheless.


Eight days before the incident...

"I will have to meet with that girl again tomorrow, I cannot believe that.", Brandon buried his head in the table, the colours were too bright and the noises were too loud around him, due to the wine he drowned himself in last night. "I will need her only for heirs and I don't need to know her to do that. Tell me why I must go through that torture again."

"I am going to marry soon enough as well, brother. What would you think if Robert Baratheon would tell the same about me.", if there was anyone grumpier than Brandon it was Lyanna, their morning sun was spitting sunshine as usual.

"I would make him rue the day he was born out of his mother's womb why of course.", he raised his head and sent a look to his sister.

"Then why do you do the same about poor Lady Catelyn?"

"Because there is a vast difference between us, little wolf, he wants to marry you, I, on the other hand, do not."

"The Lady Grafton was quite taken of your dress last night, Lyanna.", Lady Mormont, who by all accounts was like a mother to her ever since she was a girl, tried to change the subject. "She kept saying how well it went with your complexion and complemented your hair. She said you reminded her of your mother."

"Well I am not my mother.", Lyanna muttered inside her mouth. "And Lady Grafton seems to be a liar, given that dress made me look like a Southern prostitute who ran away from a brothel.", Benjen snorted though Brandon knew at least to hide it behind his hand. "These are not what Southern ladies wear if any of you had noticed it."

"Well I did tell to Lord Stark that it would be better to bring some of the seamstresses that are in demand and who actually know a thing or two about the Southern fashion,", Lady Mormont's smile turned into sour. "but he simply said we had no time for that and bought them for you instead."

"If we look on the bright side, sister,", Brandon tried not to chuckle. "this marriage still can get cancelled if you keep wearing those dresses."

"Because Robert Baratheon is too dignified to marry a woman who has zero fashion sense?"

"No, because if he keeps looking at your breasts like some hungry stag, I'll just carve his eyes out and the wedding will have to be cancelled because a war will start.", Lyanna's stone-cold face lightened up with that and she actually did laugh at that under the unapproving looks of their numerous bannermen.

"Why Ned does not join us in family breakfast?", Benjen asked to their eldest brother and Brandon shared a look with Lyanna.

Ever since he left home, Ned pretended like they did not exist, because he didn't like them, because he found a better brother, that was why.

"He is probably busy with Lord Arryn and our future brother-by-law. He'll be there tomorrow."

"You do know Lyanna,", Lady Mormont once again tried to change the subject. "you can enjoy the next feast more if you try to speak to people or accept at least one dance invitation."

"I do not like dancing."

"You adore dancing so much that father had to increase the lengths of the feast so you can have more fun.", Brandon sold her out and she kicked his feet under the table.

"Meeting new people can be thrilling.", Lady Mormont tried once more. "Or you could at least speak to your betrothed. It would make things easier."

"It certainly seemed like Brandon had a thrilling time talking to every lady but his betrothed. I don't see any of you chastising him."

"Ugh,", Brandon groaned. "that came with a price, sister, if you must know. I can barely feel my toes. I thought those ladies were taught how to dance."

"And I thought you lords were taught not to sell your female relatives to the highest bidder but it seems we both had been in the wrong.", this caused all the chatter to die and even Brandon seemed like warning her.

"I think Lyanna will make a great lady one day.", Benjen broke the tension with a humorous comment and Lady Mormont jumped right into it.

"I could not agree more, Benjen."

Lyanna turned to her youngest brother and closest confidant. "I despise you.", Benjen wrinkled his nose in return and then one of the guards entered.

"The Lady Estermont summons Lady Lyanna, my lord."

"Who is that?", Brandon frowned.

"Aunt of Lord Baratheon."

"No,", Lyanna shook her head immediately. She was having a relatively good morning, she didn't want to leave. "I don't want to."

"Lord Baratheon's mother had passed away some time ago, my dear. It is Lady Estermont's duty to act as your mother-in-law. Just like Lady Whent will do so for your brother and I shall do so for the young Lady Catelyn Tully. You cannot run away from that."

"She also summons Lady Lyanna's close companions and you too, Lady Mormont.", she shared a look with her husband Jeor, they were warned about that by Rickard Stark before they left Winterfell.

Feeling a twist in her guts, she stood up. "Come sweating,", she tried not to make her suspicious as she gently held her by her arm. "let us be over with it quickly."


"Jaime,", she found him in the training grounds after welcoming her brother, Alysanne was behind her. "good morrow."

"My lady.", Jaime bowed his head as he approached to them. He was wearing a simple undyed cotton shirt and pants, one sword was twisting in his hands -it seemed he was sparring with Finnan, he took bowed his head. "We were not expecting you to wake up this early, forgive me.", he said dutifully.

"It's alright.", she made a dismissing hand gesture. It seemed she did serve him. "Walk with me if your sparring has ended.", Jaime sent a look to Finnan and placed the sword on a bench, took his leather coat and returned back to Atera's side. "Firsts things first,", she clasped her hands. "Jaime this is the Lady Alysanne Hightower, my niece. During the tourney, she will be positioned as my lady and will help Alea. And Alys dear, this is Ser Jaime Lannister, my sworn sword. I am expecting both of you to get along well, is that understood?", they shared a look together at first and then turned to Atera and nodded. "Good,", she smiled. "Alys wait here, Jaime come with me.", she made a gesture and they started to walk. "I asked you to keep an eye on Myles, how is it going?"

"He doesn't act different, my lady.", he answered with pursed lips. "He still is respectful and dutiful to the others; to his grace and Ser Oswell. He only gets that way when he is speaking with Ser Arthur.", he sent a small glance at her. "And with you.", he said with a small voice and Atera briefly raised her eyebrows. "I didn't ask but it doesn't seem like he will tell.", then he frowned. "I am not sure if you would like to know that but he is rather close with Richard in recent days."

"Richard?", that was new. In the last update she got; they loathed one another and Myles even was jealous of his new position and questioned if he was not enough to be Rhaegar's squire.

"Yes.", Jaime nodded. "It seems they are starting to get along."

"Do you suspect Richard's more careless and relaxed manners are affecting Myles badly?"

"The way Myles treats Ser Arthur is borderline unacceptable. Richard only talks behind your back with sarcasm but I never witnessed him going against a direct order."

"Hmm,", she noted to think about that later. "you are aware that your sister the queen is here, right?", she changed the subject and Jaime turned his head away, of course, he knew.

This explained the sparring this early.

"She will ask to see me, what do you want me to do?", he hated it but learnt to allow himself to be used by Atera, at least he was not abused as he was near to his father or sister. In the past moon, he was feeding Aerys with bits of information Atera made him send. He was not sure who knew but he tried to shake off the guilt. There had to be a price of her goodwill after all. "Meet her?"

"What do you want to do, Jaime?", a moon ago, she would of course send him there but she couldn't bring herself to do so now. Not after the hours Arthur spent talking about the boy.

He seemed surprised, he wasn't sure if this was a trap or not but he too could feel her loosen the lashes around his neck in the recent weeks. "I don't want to see her.", he confessed.

"Good, then don't.", she shrugged. She was not expecting the girl to be here. By all records; she did fall from grace, Aerys was not even looking at her, let alone visiting her chambers, but last night they seemed rather close, with her wrapping hands around his arm, looking healthy and more dangerous. "But there will be something else I want from you.", the other part of the plan. Alysanne and Jon would be a healthy match, and of course with Catelyn marrying Brandon, if she could arrange Lysa's marriage with Jaime; everything would fall into its place. And of course; she needed Lyanna Stark on her side. "Have you ever met with Lady Lysa Tully?"

"Yes,", he nodded. "I visited Riverrun a few years ago, my lady. I've met with both her and Lady Catelyn, also Lord Tully and Ser Brynden and the young Edmure as well.", he frowned a moment later. "Why do you ask?"

"I want you to speak to her, she is here, at the tourney.", she stopped walking and sent a look behind her back. "Go with Alysanne. It would not be appropriate otherwise."

"What do you want me to speak to her?", he asked, knowing and disliking and fearing the answer.

"Not about some specific thing.", she eased his worries. "Just go and speak to her, it is good to have friends. It is what keeps you alive when you fall from grace. She is the daughter of the Lord Paramount of the Trident and the sister of the future Lady of Winterfell.", she winked at him. "I am sure you two will get along."


"You can keep the dress on, this will not take too long.", Lady Estermont said with a stone-cold face and Lyanna frowned, tugging the sleeves of her bright yellow dress that made her look like some uncultured potato.

"What will not take long?"

They were inside her own tent; there were two of her Karstark lady companions, the old Lady Mormont who looked deeply troubled, a Maester and a Septon. And she didn't feel safe at all.

"Before you marry my nephew, we must see that your ...innocence is untouched and that you are able to produce heirs."

"Excuse me?", she grimaced with shock. "What are you trying to imply? That I am some whore?"

Lady Estermont sucked a sharp breath. "Such talks are not fit to a high-born lady that of a Warden's only daughter and it most definitely will not suit to the wife of a Lord Paramount.", she looked like the Old Nan that used to take care of her.

Lyanna hated that old witch with all her heart. The woman had a long wooden stick and she would wet it first and then hit her open palms later, every time she did something unladylike, as her father stood there and watched. She sometimes wondered if her mother would allow it but her father never realized the more he tried to break her, the more iron she became.

"It is a custom of the Seven, Lyanna.", Lady Mormont spoke with a motherly tone. "It is a tradition that even we sometimes apply in the North. Your mother went through the same. More than half of the matrons of the realm did."

"I am not understanding,", Lyanna turned to her. "the betrothal is not even set yet and even if it would, we shall marry at least a year before we get wed. Also as my husband, isn't he supposed to accept me as I am?"

"No man would want his heirs to be carried by a whore.", Lady Estermont spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh, do not worry Lady Estermont, I've heard quite enough stories that your nephew dear does not care about at which hole he sticks his cock into!", Lyanna spat with the panic rising and a second later her face fell to the other side with the effect of the slap.

"You will speak according to a lady in your status.", the woman ordered and Lady Mormont rushed to Lyanna's side to check on her.

But it wasn't in her nature to yield to other people. With one hand on her cheek and some tears in her eyes, she raised her head to the old woman. "I am a Stark!", she spat. "And if you are unlucky enough, I shall be your lady one day.", she took a step forward. "If it ever happens, I will make you beaten by servants for daring to touch me.", if it would be a man and not a woman, Brandon would cut his hand off and would gift it to her. Alas, she was a woman and it meant Lyanna had to deal with her alone.

"The days of being a child are over now, Lyanna.", the woman didn't even move. "You do not have a mother, or a grandmother, some aunt by birth or by law, there were no matrons in your life to guide you and teach you our ways. Soon enough, you will marry one of the five Paramount Lords in the realm. Your honour cannot be questioned."

"It seems to me the only person who dares to question is you.", she spat back. Oh, she could hold a grudge for so very long, and that witch was going to pay for it.

"Lyanna,", Lady Mormont rubbed her back, Karstark girls were horrified. "if you reject doing this, then people will talk.", she leaned on and whispered to her heart. "People will call you all the names and your honour will be drug to the mud."

"But it is unfair!", she said with flames in her.

"Life is unfair for women.", the old lady looked at her with sympathy. "I was lucky enough to marry a man that possessed an iron will and a strong spine, it seems your cards fell to the wrong deck. These people will break you,", her eyes roamed around the Maester and the Septon. "if they do not make you bend."

"No one can break me.", she said with trembling lips through gritted teeth. "But I would like to see them try."

"You don't know the real world and how cruel people can be.", she held her hands. "I always hoped that you would never have to know but it seems you will have to give your greatest test.", she pointed out the bed. "Lay down and pray for it to end quickly."

She was never going to forget the embarrassment she had to endure.


"Forgive my directness,", this was the most formal opening Brandon could do. "what are your thoughts about children?", once again he was sentenced to a soul-consuming walk with Catelyn.

"Other than the fact that I desire them so?", she seemed bothered as well. "However many I have, my lord, I shall feel most fortunate. I love children and would like to have as many as I could."

"Do you, by chance, play instruments or are you good with needle and thread?", he didn't care, he didn't want to know, he probably would forget it as soon as she said but these were the instructions from Lady Mormont and he didn't want to anger her.

"I do play many,", she tried to seem to be dutiful but Brandon could feel her boredom. "Princess Elia compliments my needlework, an honour I do not deserve, of course. But, I am sure that your lordship had been made aware, my education was mostly on more serious matters."

"Like what?"

"Politics.", she said with ease and Brandon wanted to roll his eyes. He didn't know what education she thought she had but he was sure that it was not about politics. "Heraldry, history, geography, literature.", neither was a desirable trait that one would want his wife to possess. They did not have to confuse their minds by reading, they needed to have suitable hips for childbearing and soft nature, nothing more. "I do love to read."

Out of all the possible brides his father could find, of course, he found the most manly and boring one. How great it was?

"What would you do if your daughter would turn out to be having a penchant for overspending? How would you deal with that?", Southerners loved to spend gold at everything after all, he sent a distasteful look to the jewels she was wearing -and even a small circlet was around her forehead. She was not of royalty, this was not a state affair, why on earth she was wearing one?

"Given that you will be the said daughter's father, I will speak to you in order to decide the best course of action.", Brandon rolled his eyes, of course, he would have to do everything himself. "Though given such traits were copied by children through their parents, I am more than sure that such a thing will never happen to our children."

"And what else you will teach to them other than being responsible savers?"

"Harp.", this was unexpected. "It teaches one patience, strength and appreciation of beauty. Of course amongst many other things to make them proper lords and ladies."

Brandon just sent a forced smile in her direction and begged the Old Gods to take his life before he married such a dull woman.


Her hair was messy, not that she cared, and she wore the dress she had on as they journeyed here when she went outside, walked amongst the tents, to find Robert Baratheon and punch him in the face. He was with his brother Ned, Jon Arryn and Maester who just dared to 'examine' her.

"Sister,", Ned spotted her first, and though his eyes narrowed to the state she was in, he still called for her happily. "come here.", the Maester did turn his head to the other way but both Robert and Jon were watching as she approached. When she went there, before she managed to murder her future husband, Ned spoke with glee. "Have you met Lord Arryn?", he put a hand on her shoulder. "Jon is always like a father to me. You see, this marriage was his idea in truth, to unite our houses."

Lyanna, without missing a beat and blinking, turned to Jon and looked into his eyes. "Was it your idea as well; making this rat putting his hands underneath my skirt?"

Robert tilted his head with confusion, he didn't know why but he surely imagined her future bride telling the most morally depraved thing, Ned's lips parted as his sister's words gained meaning in his mind and he turned to his foster father. While Jon's assessing eyes turned two cold circles.

"I believe there is a misunderstanding, Lady Lyanna.", the old man spoke. "Do not take it as an insult or a unique treatment to you. It happens to every woman and those who keep their virtues have nothing to fear for."

"Oh?", she said mockingly. "And do men get their cocks checked out to see how many women they stick it into?"

"Lyanna!", Ned's shocked voice filled the arena and Robert openly gasped, his ears began to turn red.

Such foul language was unexpected and unwelcomed but he cooled down immediately thinking she was Ned's sister. She probably felt attacked because she didn't have a female figure to explain things to her. He was sure otherwise she was as delicate as a flower. He did imagine her getting upset for this outburst tonight and the thought of her crying with embarrassment did upset him so he interfered before Ned and Jon did.

"It is alright, Lyanna, I do understand your feelings.", he offered her a smile he was sure that charmed her.

Sending him a look, the Maester interfered. "I do apologize, my lady, if the sacred ritual did make you uncomfortable but as Lord Arryn says; it is a necessity for all women. Or else how men could know the heirs she will bear will belong to him?", then he turned to Jon. "I am glad to say that while the hymen is not fully intact, it is there."

"You old pig how dare you-", Lyanna was ready to throw punches but then a loud breaking voice made all of them turn towards that direction.

Here it was, the blonde woman she had seen last night. Wearing a purple gown with golden threads, her hair braided and bunned over her head. "Gods, how careless I am today.", she said with a small flirtatious smile but Lyanna could bet that she knew what she was doing and it was not an accident at all. "No, no, please,", she stopped Lady Whent with her hand. "it was my fault, truly, I wasn't looking as I was speaking.", then she turned to the blushed servant. "I do apologize, dear, please do continue to your work.", then her eyes, she pretended they were roaming around, fell right into Lyanna and she lifted her skirts as she walked with a black-haired girl and a blonde boy walking behind her. "Lady Lyanna!", she exclaimed as she approached them. "And here I was looking for you."

"Lady Atera, what a pleasant surprise.", Jon Arryn was the first to talk and he did make a move to hold her hand and place a kiss upon it but Atera pretended as if she didn't see it.

"Her grace Princess Elia,", she declared loudly as she looked at the four men. "wishes to meet you. She would be honoured if you would accept it."

"The princess?", Lyanna was sure she looked like a fool but she was just too angry and felt too humiliated to act like a proper human being. "Why she would like to see me?"

"Given that you are the betrothed of his grace's highly esteemed cousin,", she did make a small curtsy only then, Robert seemed disinterested. "she would like to know you. Also as you should be aware; her grace owns a charity foundation in Dragonstone that primarily helps the women and the children in Crowlands. She would like to expand her help and as the only daughter of Lord Stark and the future Lady Baratheon,", Lyanna openly hissed and Ned looked even more shocked at his sister's antics. "she would like to have a conversation for you."

"If she wants to do charity in my region, she should speak to me.", Robert said after Jon sent him a sharp look. He was not going to let anyone undermine him.

"This is a foundation only for women, my lord. It is why she should like to see your betrothed, her intentions are not to show insolence to your person or title, I can assure you.", she could speak like a proper lady when she wanted to. "Lady Lyanna,", she addressed once more. "her grace is waiting, she has a rather tight schedule.", than a newly found idea lightened in her head. "Of course, the royal couple would also like for you to join them for drinks in the feast and perhaps for some card games afterwards,", she knew Rhaegar's relationship was tense with Robert and this would be a perfect step to fix it. "and of course, Princess Elia would like Lady Lyanna to join her as one of her ladies for the today's archery contest.", she offered them an elegant smile, her dimples were showing, she knew they could not refuse such an invitation because they were the first couple to be invited to spend some private time with the royal couple. She could see even Robert finding it satisfactory.

"We would be glad.", he said with a proud voice but she did catch the passing coldness in Jon Arryn's eyes with the corner of hers.

"Lady Lyanna,", she addressed the stubborn girl once more, though her hateful looks made her question herself for a moment. "come.", she made a small hand gesture, a respectful curtsy and then started to walk with lifting her skirts enough to make her shoes look visible. Alysanne and Jaime, both confused as hell, were following her and after sending one last vindictive look to the men, Lyanna rushed behind her.

"What is the meaning of this, Jon?", Ned turned to his foster father once they were out of the scene, he didn't seem angry but hurt and confused. "Don't you think this is an insult to my sister therefore to me and my family?"

Jon soothed him down. "No, boy, quit it now.", he patted his shoulder. "Every chaste woman goes through this process."

"It shouldn't have been necessary.", this time Ned looked truly serious, for the first time he truly did went against Jon and he didn't like it.

"I've married three times boy and one of them was my own cousin and they all did went through the same process.", his voice carried a warning. "It is a woman's duty, she is so very young and without a matron in charge of her but she should not take it as a personal attack, it would only confuse her thoughts. You should advise your sister to just follow the rules and the tradition and not get all worked up about things her pretty little mind cannot comprehend."

"She truly seemed distraught.", Robert was reluctant but chose to side with Ned. Jon knew everything and was more of a father than their own but Ned looked upset that his sister was upset so now, Robert was upset. "I didn't require such a thing. She is Ned's sister, of course, she kept her virtue well. You shouldn't have forced her to such an action."

"Women only get scared of this control if they have not been innocent.", Jon said sternly. "Or in your sister's case,", he turned to Ned to ease him when the Northern boy frowned deeply. "for the lack of a matron in her life. I did not doubt your sister's innocence but enduring this proved that she is worthy to be your best friend's wife, Ned. And it was an act named in the Maiden, now your children will be blessed by the Mother."

"Lyanna and I believe in the Old Gods.", Ned said plainly.

"But Robert does not.", Jon's patience was running thin, this subject stretched too much for his liking. "Now what you must do is to warn your sister, a lady shall not know such things, a lady shall not comment on such things, a lady shall not make her emotions this visible in near of her future husband, it is not only unseemly and unladylike but also outrageously dangerous. She would not want people to think she has hysteria."

Ned and Robert shared a look. The boys respected Jon too much but both agreed on some matters he was just too thick-headed, narrow-minded, old-fashioned. So as they always did in such moments, they nodded with obedience, knowing they would never go through with it.


280 AC, Winterfell

A year ago...

He didn't even remember when he visited home at last. But again, nothing truly changed. The castle looked the same, the servants were the same though they were old, and his siblings did nothing more than give him half-hearted hugs and left once more. And now he was alone with his father, doing his duty as a brother once more, though his siblings cared not for that.

"And what is that important thing that you had to say face-to-face?"

"Lyanna is about to come off-age now, father. Of course, the last word will be yours but I think it is time for her to marry a suitable candidate. Life and years are passing by, mother died soon, she should marry and have a family of her own before it is too late."

"It is a rare occurrence that second sons who had been fostering far away for almost a decade makes suggestions for the marriage of a sister they barely know, boy.", Rickard seemed to scold. "What makes you so adamant and courageous?"

"There is a proposal for her hand, father, and we decided it is more suitable for me to deliver it."

"And who is that man who cannot even declares his intentions himself?"

"Robert.", he deadpanned. "Lord of Storm's End. You know he had been fostering with me in the Vale. The true suggestion came to from Jon himself and a moon ago, Robert declared his intentions. He asks to marry my sister."

Something flashed from Rickard's eyes that sent a terrible feeling to Ned's guts. "And you approve of this match?"

"Yes.", he nodded eagerly. Their marriage could prevent him from returning to Winterfell completely, and for that, he wanted it to happen. "I know Robert since we were boys. He is a good and respectable man. He will be a good and respectable husband for Lyanna."

"If you say so.", he mumbled, glad to see finally that tree he planted seventeen years ago was giving him actual fruits. "I shall think about it, in the meantime, go and spend some time with your siblings and Eddard,", he stopped him before he left. "do not mention Lyanna about that."


"I don't want to meet her.", Lyanna said as she tried to reach her steps but the air was too warm, the castle itself was too hot and she was dressed in wolf fur, she couldn't breathe. She was sure she was looking like some overly sweated apple, with her red face and all, not that she cared but even she knew her attire was not fit to meet the future queen. "And I can assure you she does not wish to meet with me either."

"Alysanne, darling, can you please remind me at which point I have asked for Lady Lyanna's opinion?", she said without even looking at the girl, she was fanning herself as she walked strictly. She would be horrified, Alysanne thought if she would see herself because of how much her facial expressions and movements reminded her of Arwyn and Olenna. Thinking that, Alysanne did not answer and Atera made an agreeing sound. "Exactly, I have not."

"You cannot force me to do things.", Lyanna said once more, she felt like she was passing out and it was when Alysanne realized they were not going to Elia's chambers but Atera's. "I refuse to-"

"Trust me, out of all the people who wish to force you into doing things you don't; I am the only one that does not want to take away your dignity.", she said once more without looking at her. "You should be thankful that I have saved you there or else, I am sensing, you would be in extreme trouble."

"I didn't need your saving."

"I disagree.", Atera said with a stern tone. "I usually do not mind when nobles fight amongst themselves but when I see a child go through such a vile 'examination',", she spat with disgust. "and getting scolded by her betrothed and brother and some random man who has no say in the matter for declaring her discomfort,", now she sent a side glance to Lyanna's pouting face. "I cannot help myself and I do get involved."

"Her grace did not summon me."

"At least you have a brain.", Atera muttered and stopped when they reached to the corridor she met with Lyanna the other day and turned to them with her skirts making a sound due to her move. "This is Jaime Lannister,", she first pointed out the blonde boy with her fan. "the heir to the Casterly Rock, the queen's brother and is my sworn sword. This is Alysanne,", now she pointed out the black-haired girl. "my niece, the fifth daughter of my brother Leyton, the Lord of Oldtown, my own lady-in-waiting during the tourney. And this,", she moved the fan between Jaime and Alysanne to get their attention and then pointed out Lyanna. "is Lyanna Stark, the only daughter of Rickard Stark, Cat's future sister-in-law, and Robert Baratheon's betrothed. You all three are here to run away from your family because you don't like them and you all are lucky that there is something I want from all three of you that I am willing to help you all."

"I am sick of being used in the games of men.", Lyanna said.

"Do I look like a man to you?", Atera frowned at her. "Everyone uses everyone in this life, this is the order of the things. Now, you all three are using me so in the future, when the time comes, I can use you. Now you understand?", she tilted her head.

"I don't need-"

"-my help, yes, we get it.", she rolled her eyes. "But who else do you have? Who else will help you? No one.", she closed her fan with a loud pop voice that made all three flinch. "All of you were let down by your own family,", perhaps she was a bit exaggerating with Alysanne given that she was here because of the recent political crisis she caused and Atera wanted her to marry Jon, but she counted her as well. "thrown to the world without a proper training. I will be your guarding angel.", she smiled. "And you will be my little minions. Now,", she clasped her hands. "enter there, take a bath until your colouring turns into that belongs to a normal human being, then wear one of Alysanne's dresses, you two look similar in frame, and then I will introduce you to her grace. You will be respectful,", she ordered. "and helpful. It is a great honour to even meet with the princess."

"And in return, you will stop me from marrying Robert?", Lyanna wanted to know, everything was happening too fast but she would accept any lifeboats thrown her way now. Asking for help or not; she was desperate.

"I'll try.", she straightened her shoulder. "But as I said, even if I cannot, I'll do anything else.", then she snapped her fingers and Alysanne pushed Lyanna inside the door as Atera left Jaime there, took Finnan and went to Elia's side.


"Your grace.", Jon bowed his head when he entered Rhaegar's room by summon. "I was waiting to speak to you for weeks now, I am glad finally you decided to hear me out."

"What will you tell me Jon?", he asked tersely. "What can make my hurt decrease? What story would manage to convince me you acted in my best interests? Why did you want to speak to me, my friend? So you can look me in the eye as you tell me how you betrayed me after all these years?", Jon knew things would not be easy between them, but he expected to answer to his friend's hidden temper, not his blatant heartbreak. "I warned you, repeatedly,", they were having this conversation because Elia asked, or else, he would never bring himself to have such an open conversation. "numerous times, over the years, every time you did something that affects me without telling me I told you that it was not a strength of a powerful man but a weakness of a coward. And now here we are, with the same regret in your eyes."

"Forgive me, your grace but I don't see how can I share it with you such a thing?", he looked at him, he was not going to apologize. "When you were deaf to my voice?"

"If your voice would not reach to me, we would not be standing there. I would continue not to see you, not to hear you but we both know this is not the truth.", he approached to him. "Your voice was always loud and clear to me, I just did not agree with that and you didn't like it. So you chose to go and betray me. You built another world for yourself, another life, where I am not a participant, where I didn't even know. Only Gods know what else you've done behind my back.", he gave his breath through his nose and turned his head away, he was chewing inside his mouth due to nervousness. "How Jon,", he asked. "how will I manage to ever forgive you, ever forget this?"

"You know more than anyone that I am ready for every punishment you will see fit for me."

"I called you my friend, my brother, I made you my confidant, my closest advisor and all I wanted from you in return was loyalty, nothing else, nothing less, nothing more. But now I see that Arthur was right the entire time and your greed and your ambition have blinded you. How can we explain all of it without those adjectives?", he took a step forward and leaned a little, combined his thumb and index finger and touched his heart briefly. "If you think that you are the moonlight with all your glory, just take a step back, turned around and see whose light you are reflecting, Jon.", he all but spat the words.

"I am still loyal to you. You cannot claim I betrayed you just because we had a disagreement.", he was pouting with sadness but still defended himself. "Do you have any idea what I am going through at the capital? Sleeping with a blade under my pillow, suspicious of my own shadow."

"You asked for this yourself, you wanted this yourself. You chose to leave me!", he raised his voice slightly. "I did not send you away but you left. Do not dare to blame me now. You would be safe with me, forever."

"No one is safe with you.", he shook his head. "Not even you are safe with yourself.", he muttered. "It is why I sacrificed myself; to protect you."

"It is a shame truly. Anytime I turn my back to you, I see you falling into that pit for the millionth time, because you cannot see straight because you are blinded by your own ideals. Every single time I held out my hand to you, Jon, I saved you from there, made you my right-hand man. But I will not do so this time.", he declared despite it tearing his heart apart. "You will either get out of there yourself or die all alone inside. You can go now."


"Your grace.", she made a small curtsy.

Elia was looking overly pale and tired, all of her ladies were fussing around her, trying to make her appear more healthy and strong for the archery contest. "I thought you would never arrive.", she said with a tired voice. Not only her ladies but a few Dornish Lords and Ladies, including her brother, were there as well. "Shall I constantly remind you that your plots are your own but you still serve me?"

"There is a favour I must ask from you.", she said with a hint of sadness. She loved Elia, she respected her and saw her as a friend but everything that happened with Arthur, they were not the same. "If you would be kind enough to grant it."

"Atera I haven't slept the entire night because my husband didn't sleep.", Elia basically threw herself into a chair, she was forcing herself not to pass out. "I am overly pregnant, I must rest yet here I am, miles away from my home, trying to take some drugs to regain my energy, that might cost me my child, so that I can shine and people would not bet on my death once more."


"All the while,", she interrupted her with a raised voice and closed eyes. "I'll have to spend the entire day under the sun because Lord Whent, without asking me, made me the patron of the ladies' court in order to give points to the archers so define a winner -and that winner will earn a dance from me at tonight's feast.", she raised her head to look at Atera. "I am not in the mood to grant anything to anyone."

Knowing that she probably should not press any further, she took a step. "It is about Lyanna Stark."

"Lyanna Stark?", Elia asked in confusion. "What has she anything to do with you?"

"Poor girl is betrothed to Robert Baratheon.", Oberyn grimaced. "And she doesn't want to marry-"

"Stop right there.", Elia raised her hand. "Nothing I can do, nothing you can do. Betrothals are sacred and binding in Westeros and she is betrothed to one of the proudest and angriest men in the realm who happens to be my husband's second cousin that hates him.", she shook her head. "I want absolutely no part in this and I forbid you to have it as well."

"They test her to see if she is a virgin or not.", Atera blurted out with a strict face and a sharp tone and made Elia close her eyes and rub her face. "She is only five and ten, a child!", she took a step forward and pressed. "Now she has to marry a man she doesn't want and they made her go through that horrible and disgusting 'examination' and do you know what her own brother and the said fiancée did when she voiced her discomfort?"

"Reprimanded her?", Elia asked with a quiet voice as looked at Atera with exhaustion. "It is horrible and I feel for her but I cannot take it back what is already happened. It is not in my power."

"She does not have any close female relatives it is why men like Jon Arryn can bully her around."

"What has Jon Arryn to do with this?", Oberyn asked with a frown.

"He moves Robert and the Stark boy like puppets.", Atera answered. "It is him who advocated for the match and made her be seen by the Maester and the Septon."

"What do you want me to do?", Elia felt disappointed that it seemed everyone in her life had someone else they put in the first place. She just thought Atera would stop with Arthur.

"I told them that you summoned her so she can escort you to today's archery contest.", she said like a guilty child and Elia took a deep breath. "And that you and Rhaegar would like to share a drink with them."


"Elia please.", she asked earnestly. "Rhaegar needs to fix things with Robert and that poor girl needs help. Just for one day, please. No one deserves to be alone in the world."

"You are doing this a lot these days.", Elia made a hand gesture for everyone to leave. Elia's ladies looked at her one by one as they left, and so did others. Only Oberyn and Ashara stayed behind. "When you took Jaime to your side; I didn't understand it at first but then everything settled to its place when I found out about you and Arthur.", her olive eyes looked almost lifeless. "I always knew Arthur saw himself in the boy and is connected to him in a deeper way but with time, you started to get attached to him as well."

"I am not-"

"You are.", Elia didn't feel strong enough to argue. "You are getting influenced by Arthur. You are not a soft person usually and now there is the Stark girl. Where did it even come from?"

"I know what is like to be married to someone you don't want."

"We made-"

"I wasn't talking about you.", she turned to Oberyn with a cold face. "I am a widow, remember. I've married before, my husband died on the wedding night.", her eyes found Elia. "Hers will not."

Elia shook her head as if she knew what was to come. "Fine, then.", she accepted. "Bring the girl to me. I was already planning to meet her anyways. She is an important name."

"Thank you-"

"Atera,", before she managed to turn her back, Elia stopped her. "do not make this personal.", she warned her. "I liked you better when you saw the world through a logical lens. Do not let Arthur change you."

"I do not do such a thing.", she argued. "I am just treating them well so they might be of use in the future. I swear."


"Wanna spar?", Oberyn threw a sword at him and Arthur, by his instincts caught it but shook his head. "Like in the old days.", Oberyn pressed, he left his sister's side and went to sparring himself.

Everybody was too busy going to watch the archers, no one would mind if he would cause some trouble.

"I am on duty.", Arthur said as he stabbed the floor with the slim training dword. "Gerold expects me."

"You are fucking my betrothed, old friend,", Oberyn said shamelessly and a cold look passed through Arthur's eyes. Perhaps he was wrong with treating him like a human being and telling him about him and Atera. "I think you can spear me ten minutes of the day."

Nodding with annoyance, he took off his own sword and cloak, took the other steel from the floor and cut the hair with two sharp moves to understand how it felt in his hands. Before he finished testing though, Oberyn made a move against his torso. Their swords first clashed at high and then low, then Arthur moved sideways, forcing Oberyn to turn around as their swords remained united and then hit once more with the same position, Oberyn's sword was upright as he was sideways. Chuckling, Oberyn took a step back.

He was going to play dirty.

"Are you scared now?", Arthur couldn't help but tease.

"Has my fiancée thrown you out of her bed now? Finally, seeing you are not worth it? Shall I test my luck?", angling his body once more, Arthur looked at him with a disappointed expression.

"If wishes were horses,", he declared and Oberyn's smile erased from his face. "then beggars would ride."

"That is my fucking future wife, in case you hadn't noticed.", their attacks started once more.

Despite their using very slim swords that would scarcely hurt one another, they were more than aggressive. They were grunting as the sounds of steel and the sharp noise of cutting the air surrounded the entire empty backyard of Harrenhal. Basically jumping in his place, Arthur answered his attack and then pushed him to the ground by the shoulder.

There wasn't a possibility that Oberyn could win over him. "Is that all?", he asked. "Did you get your answer? Are you done playing now?"

Oberyn bend his waist a little and made a gesture with his hand. Arthur sighed and attacked him once more, rolling his wrist in a way he knew annoyed Oberyn -and everyone else. As their attacks got even sharpened, Arthur indicated feet work where Oberyn bested him, arguably and they moved in between the bushes with Oberyn defending himself and Arthur being the aggressor.

When Oberyn violated his personal space as their swords clashed in the air and remained like that, Arthur stretched out his own hand to try to push him back but it was Oberyn who threw himself to the floor, rolled on his back and stood up once more with the better advantage of surprise. With Oberyn's sudden movement, Arthur happened to literally push the air away and it caused him to stumble.

But despite having the advantage, he simply didn't have Arthur's experience given such movements were Lewyn's forte as well though Oberyn was not using his usual and personal weapon; a spear. If he would, Arthur would admit that victory would not come to him easily.

Now it was him who had to move back and Oberyn was the aggressor but with four movements, Arthur once again forced him to turn around but this time moved fast and had him in a headlock. But Oberyn threw his sword unexpectedly, then elbowed him through his guts, making him groan and take a step back -this time he hit the bushes and Oberyn had enough time to take his sword back and attack before Arthur managed to regain his balance and with a few strong hits, Arthur was on the ground. But before Oberyn made a move, he too rolled around, and stood up behind Oberyn but his former best friend didn't stop.

Before they quit it, Arthur remembered, that they were at two sides of a tree, hitting each other through it. Oberyn was after blood, he understood it now what his moon-long silence meant. If he could, he would kill Arthur right now. Not being able to endure it longer, Arthur held him by his arm and turned to his back, hit his sword hand to make him make his sword drop, then moved to his back -Oberyn's arm got twisted badly while doing so, and he pressed the hilt of his sword to his neck, made him groan with frustration but then dropped his own sword, pulled his dagger and turned Oberyn once more, pushed him to the tree through his chest and held his dagger to his neck this time.

"Do you want to kill me?", he asked loudly, breathing fast. He pulled the dagger away and turned to the hilt to him. "Do it then."


She pinched her silently and Lyanna curtsied with a frown. She was too busy to admire Elia's gown and crown and jewels. She never had taste for such things but the woman was looking magnificent. The way light moved on her caught her attention last night as well but seeing her in person made her appreciate her beauty.

She heard many things about the Dornish Princess -bad things usually, mocking her looks, her colouring, her home, her house, her family, her history, her child, her accent, anything about her but the woman she was seeing now was far more beautiful than she did and carried herself with such elegance that Lyanna could never.

"When you said a child, I thought you were exaggerating, as you usually did with things.", Elia smiled at the girl kindly. "But you were right. She is not even a flower but a sprout. Spring has just come to her it seems. What is your name, sweetling?"

"Lyanna.", she said and Atera cleared her throat. "Your grace.", she made another curtsy, she confused all her lectures and embarrassed herself, how great was that?

"Lyanna?", she repeated and she was sure the princess said even her name better. "What a lovely name. What does that mean?"

"Vine.", she answered. "And beautiful and cheerful but mainly vine."

"Do you like to climb?", Elia asked. "Climbing like a vine is a saying after all."

"I do, your grace. There is a tower in Winterfell that my brother Benjen and I love to climb from time to time, to watch the sunset."

"Oberyn and I used to climb to the vines at Water Gardens to jump to the pools.", she reminisced with happiness. "I heard something unpleasant happened today.", Lyanna bowed her head. "And I heard you are not happy with who your future husband is."

"I do not want to marry, I do not want to become Lady Baratheon, not like this."

"Why?", she wondered. "Will changing your name change who you are as well?", Lyanna raised her head to look at her in confusion. "You are too young for all this but men scarcely care about our youths. Once we are fit to bear their heirs, they think we are suitable to become wives. Some men are even more obnoxious than them, they want us, regardless of our age.", a shadow passed from her face. "Even the best of them, when it fits their agendas, can look the other way as we endure a life-longing torture. The most important thing is not to allow life to change you."

"I don't know what to say to that.", this was her honest feeling and she blurted it out.

"A woman is an ever-changing creature that contains many names, many titles, and many adjectives all throughout her life. A different person in all seasons though in our core, we never change. We are children and girls and women, ladies if we are born lucky, mothers if Gods grant us, daughters to our fathers and wives to their choosing, princesses if you are unlucky,", her smile turned into a sad one. "if you are smart and if your father smart one day, even a queen. What truly matters is what title and name you deem worthy of yourself. I believe there is a great destiny lies ahead of you, Lyanna, even with one look I can see how special you are.", she just had a feeling she couldn't name. This girl was going to be an important piece soon. "And I am sure we can find you a solution after the disrespect you had to go through this morning, but only if you show loyalty to us. Do you understand?"

"You can dissolve this betrothal?", she asked with hope.

"There is much for you to learn, child. But the first one is that a woman can never break a betrothal."


"Outright.", she interrupted her. "But under the shadows?", she tilted her head and Lyanna frowned. "It depends on how smart she is."


"What is there for you not to understand?", Ashara claimed for the hundredth time. "I can walk myself and would not get lost, I do not need any of your's help but I am sure if you press a little further my brother would be more than glad to tell you in a language you would understand.", she hissed. "The kingsguard one, if any of you need a little reminding."

She was sitting on the rocks in front of the lake to ease her mind as Arthur did. Got permission from Elia not to watch the archery contest but now too many people in the castle; of course, there were rotten ones amongst them as well. Three lordlings to be exact -two were green boys that with one move Ashara could easily get rid of, but the other was older than them, more persistent than them, she didn't even know their names only that they belonged to Tywin Lannister -possibly sent by the little wretched queen.

"I do not understand the reason for coyness, we just want to show you around so you will not get hurt.", that man smirked and Ashara could swear she had never seen something more disgusting in her entire life.

"I am not lost,", she hissed once more. "and I will not get lost but if you pressure a little further, one of you will.", she turned to them. "Forever.", when those three kept continued to shadow her, she slowly reached for the small blade hidden inside her sleeve. She promised Elia not to cause trouble but they were asking for it.

"Haven't you heard the lady?", another man's voice filled their ears as all turned to him, his accent was a bit rusty but the man, without a doubt, was a Northerner. "She does not want you here."

"Stark.", one of them hissed. "Do not snoop around in places you have no right to."

"And what right do you have over this lady that you dare to bother her?"

"Enough!", Ashara pulled the blade with a sharp nose and made the three men close to her startle, those two boys flinched back, while the other kept standing there, obviously not taking her seriously. "Will you leave or shall I place a permanent mark on your cheek to teach you a lesson?"

"Beauty, I get that you want some persuasion but much coyness truly kills the moo-", before he finished his line, Ashara acted quickly and cut his cheek, not deeply, through his chin towards his ear and the other two ran away quickly.

"One more word,", Ashara hissed and he took a step back in shock. "and I will make dogs eat your remains.", she turned to the Northener. "Stay away, if you do not want a taste of my blade as well."

He had long hair, bunned behind his head, she noted, brown and a bit wavy, and sharp grey eyes with a matching grey outfit. Stark, the man's hiss now made sense when she caught the direwolf.

"You should know it is not my intention, not even the slightest, to disturb you.", he explained with a slight smile as he stood in an appropriate distance. "I was just passing by and heard the noises, wanted to check but you didn't even need my help."

"Being a woman requires some knowledge of self-defence.", she said as she put down her blade. "Brandon Stark, right?", she recognized him. Catelyn's betrothed.

"And you are Lady Ashara Dayne."

"Yes, and you are right, I was dealing with them just fine on my own, I didn't need you to come over and escalate things."

Brandon raised his eyebrows. "I escalated things?"

"Yes.", she nodded. "I never understood the men's urge to save women even when there is nothing to save from. I think you all shall learn to look past all that heroism stuff, not every woman is a damsel in distress.", while rambling, her feet tripped to the stone and she fell right through the lake, her dress almost ruined. She raised her head and sent a look to the Northener. "Will you keep looking at it or will you help?"

"I would but currently I am busy trying to look past all that heroism stuff.", Brandon pressed his lips together to hide his smile but Ashara's purple eyes didn't stop sending daggers to his direction. "And you know, I think I managed to do that.", he turned his back, of course, he would never leave her there but after everything that happened today with Lyanna, perhaps he wanted to change his mood with harmless fun.

"Fine,", Ashara hissed. "I take it back now come here.", she ordered. "Her grace expects me and I cannot be late.", turning to her, he started to take off his boots. "Hurry up!", she ordered once more. "I am freezing in here.", Brandon just chuckled at her and fastened his moves.


After the archery contest has ended and Lord Randyll Tarly won, Elia and her ladies moved to one of the pergolas inside the small garden. They were sitting around a round table, it was filled with tears and fabrics, needles and threads, and they were all working on their embodiments.

"Did you hear that the young Lord Beric Dondarrion asked the Lady Allyria Dayne for her hand in marriage?", the newly added Bethany Blackwood said as she worked on silver threads without even looking at it.

Ashara and Elia did share a look, both were aware of it and Andric would be pissed if the said lord would not be in the same age as their sister. Still, he was yet to answer.

"As a Marcher lord, it is truly impressive that your cousin seeks for a Dornish match, Lady Anya.", Azula smiled at her. "And of course, we all hope Lord Dayne would at least consider the proposal, Lady Ashara."

"Allyria is too young to marry.", she frowned and bit her tongue as the purple thread rebelled in order not to pass through the cloth. "But given Lord Dondarrion is under the same circumstances, Andric at least would not find the solution in a duel.", Anya snorted at that and both women grinned at one another.

"I frankly have no idea why on earth Beric decided to marry all of a sudden.", Anya pursed her lips.

"I've heard that the Lord Hand himself worked for the match.", Tamarind Yronwood, a tanned-skinned and almost orange-looking haired young woman spoke. "Some wonder if the prince has anything to do with it?"

"My husband takes interest in more earthly subjects of politics, not in marriages.", Elia answered without looking at either of them.

"And I've heard that Lord Arryn is looking for a wife to his nephew and heir; Elbert.", Celestra, the only Westerlander amongst them spoke. "While Rowena Royce seems to be the most eligible candidate, some say he is after Lysa Tully."

Atera tilted her head just slightly but Elia caught the moment. "And I've heard Catelyn's wedding with Lord Brandon will take place soon.", Bethany added once more. "In the new year."

"I've heard Lord Brandon is having many affairs in North.", Celestra said and Lyanna, who's been trying to keep an interested face the whole time, sharply raised her head to her. "Even left a mistress behind; Lady Barbrey Ryswell who just married his best friend Lord Dustin.", now the other ladies -and even Elia, turned to Lyanna.

Though even she knew how to respond in such circumstances. "Perhaps you should not believe everything you hear, Lady Willum. Words spread like wildfire after all."

The blonde woman sent a fake smile in her direction. Amongst all of Elia's ladies, she had the most lower standing. If Lyanna Stark would be an addition to Elia, she would have to go -given, traditionally, the Princess of Dragonstone contained only eight ladies. This meant four of them (five, if Lyanna was a part of the group as well) had to go and neither of those four would be Ashara or Atera. She needed to eliminate her.

"Please, Lady Willum is my mother, not I. You can call me Celestra.", which was a dig at her rather poor courtly manners. Lyanna's eyes darkened and Atera cleared her throat. "And you, yourself are betrothed to Lord Baratheon. I am sure you heard what people say about him -or will you declare those words spread like wildfire as well?"

Before Lyanna answered, Indira commented. "I've heard he already has a bastard in the Vale, born from a commoner. A girl that he visits.", unlike Celestra, she truly seemed wondering. "Do you think he will take her to Storm's End?"

"Heavenly Mother, no!", Ianthe exclaimed with a true horror in her face. "No woman should have to endure such disrespectfulness. He might have done something wrong but he should not float his way with it."

"Well the girl is still his daughter after all.", Wisteria frowned. "He should take care of her."

"She is the symbol of his sin, his lusting.", Ianthe pushed. "She has no place next to his true and legal family."

"Yes but it is not the girl's fault to be born illegitimate.", Wisteria pressed as well. "A true man, an honourable man would not treat an innocent child like this. He should be the one who gets the blame and pay for it. Not that poor baby."

"You should hold the needle with two fingers, Lady Lyanna, see.", Celestra added insult to the injury and showed her own fingers. "It would make it easier."

"Do all of you have such miserable lives that the only thing brings you some sort of joy is trying to insult others?", Lyanna, rather harshly, placed her own handwork on the table and some of the giggling ladies stopped immediately and Celestra raised an eyebrow.

"Your grace.", Atera was the first one to stand up, Rhaegar's timing was impeccable, his arrival managed to calm the matters and after all the ladies curtsied, they sat back again.

"My love,", not minding them Rhaegar leaned down and placed a kiss on Elia's cheek. "I have a little time. May I take you for a walk?", he whispered to her ear.

Elia turned her head to him, their noses nuzzled. After Rhaegar's panic attack from last night and her nightmare later on; once again they found a common page to exist. "I am certain that my ladies would forgive me.", both smiled and Rhaegar placed another kiss and offered her his hand as Elia stood up.

"We shall be left alone.", Rhaegar said when Atera and Ashara made a move to escort them. "Do not worry,", he rolled his eyes when they shared a look of hesitancy. "I will not kidnap your princess. You'll get to see her before the feast."


"I hope the archery sessions were not too taxing for you, my lady.", Jaime offered Lysa for a walk, just like Atera asked of him and Alysanne was next to them as well, walking, neither understanding the actual reason for it.

"Not at all, Ser.", she said sweetly. "I had all the time to rest pleasantly. And it is more than impossible for me to get weary in Harrenhal. "The fresh air is always helping."

"This is where your mother grew up if I recall it right.", Jaime shared a look with Alysanne, they met only today as well but he wanted to make sure he was going well and Alysanne gave him a little thumbs up. "The Lady Minisa."

"Yes, she did.", Lysa was wearing a beautiful pink gown with small golden embodiments on her waist. "But I would very much prefer not to talk about her, Ser."

"Of course.", Jaime didn't even know why he opened such a subject. He too lost a mother, and he too knew how saddening the mere conversation was, trying not to grimace, he opened his mouth to change the subject but Lysa's eyes found Catelyn who was walking towards them.

"This is my sister.", she claimed. "And she obviously seems distraught so please pardon me, Ser, but I must take care of her."

"Of cou-", before Jaime finished his line, off she was. He turned to Alysanne. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Tell my aunt everything went well?", she suggested, pursing her lips. "She'll not like to hear something else."

"Wouldn't it be lying?"

"Not unless she learns the truth, no."


"And what were you thinking?", Arthur scolded the boy. Apparently after visiting the town once more despite Arthur telling him not to, Myles got involved in a fight nonetheless and declared later he was a Mooton to get rid of the trouble. And after scolding him himself, Myles' brother sent him to Arthur to understand how much trouble he was exactly in. "You were told to stay in the castle and not to leave it. How can you go against direct orders?"

"Those boys were harassing a girl, what did you expect me to do Ser? Nothing?"

Arthur sighed. "Of course not nothing but there are other ways to stop such a disgraceful act than to attack them. You might be a squire but you are a lordling squire, Myles. You could use your title before, not after.", seeing his careless expression he added with a disappointed huff. "I do wonder if you even understand what you have caused. You are your brother's subject and you are ashamed of him. You are the prince's squire and you ashamed him when we needed his name to remain clean the most. Such a laxness does not look good on you and you are forcing me to take actions I do not wish to take."

"Do you even care anyone but the prince?", instead of apologizing, he tried to fight back and Arthur had no idea what happened to that sweet boy. "I do understand, Ser,", he spat. "perfectly well how important this tourney is but I do not understand your dramatic responses to basic events like some craven eunuch.", Arthur was too stunned to react and Myles continued. "I took you as a true knight, it seems I was in the wrong. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go to my punishment which was set by my brother. I do not need any of your lectures.", and then just left Arthur there.


"We need to speak.", it was Gerold's duty to stand on guard to the king that day even though his mind was miles away, too clouded even for him. "About Harlan's second."

"I thought you wanted to give some thinking, at least to wait until the mourning period ends."

"There are no such things as mourning periods in war and in politics.", he said firmly. "No one is immortal, we all knew Harlan, one day, would die. Enough time has passed out of respect and now it is dire to appoint another name before the tourney ends. There have to be seven of us."

"And I assume you have a name in mind?", Aerys put down his wine cup. "Who? That nephew of yours who got exiled?"

"He got exiled because he has an illegitimate child.", Gerold dismissed it. "He is not fit to be one of us, he never was. A good soldier he is, but wars and battles are ruled by commanders. I have no use for a soldier who cannot obey one. I don't need anyone that I cannot trust, even if he would be my own nephew."

"The other one then? Arwyn's son?"

"Arwyn would slaughter me herself if I would make a kingsguard out of her only remaining son."

"How is she by the way? Losing two sons and a daughter in law in span of a few short moons should not be easy. And given all the rumours...", he shook his head. "I cannot believe they are her sons -or Gale's. I've seen apple falling away from the three but never this much."

"Children sometimes take the worst of us and make them their personalities.", he was not in a mood to talk about his sister, he never was in a mood to talk about her. "Arwyn's problems and Arwyn's. She is concealing her grief, as always, and goes on with her life as the Lady Protector and the Regent of Old Oak until her grandson comes of age and prefers not to interact with the rest of us. Nothing has changed, as you would see."

"Leyton's son then?", Aerys rubbed his face.

"I will not make any of my relatives a kingsguard, I would be far better with those lot away from me.", Gerold's eyes were getting darker and darker. "I have little tolerance for them all in recent days."

"You have a little tolerance for everyone in recent days.", Aerys commented but Gerold's face didn't change.

"I am a Reacher,", he began to paint the full picture. "Lewyn and Arthur both are Dornish,", Aerys wrinkled his nose in distase. "Oswell and Jonothor both are Rivermen and Barristan is a Marcher. Harlan was a Stormlander as well. I say let us choose the next kingsguard, given we know no one with any exciting skills, from the Vale or from Crownlands."

"It was you who reprimanded me all those years ago and told me that there was no place for politics within kingsguard."

"I brought this group of men together, I made them out of the silly boys they all were, I just didn't want anyone to corrupt them before I was done with them.", he huffed then. "Though I might be failed given Arthur and Oswell prefers to act like this is not the kingsguard but the prince-guard,", Aerys snorted to that as well. "Lewyn still goes as a prince and Barristan and Jonothor are too devoted for my liking."

"They were not moulds that you could shape, friend. Still, you did a good job."

"Did I?", he shook his head. "I want another one. Old enough to understand the world but young enough for me to shape it. Comes from the right family and can fit the rest of us. I will not take a broken one like I did with Oswell and I most certainly will not have another one breaking under my watch like Arthur.", a shadow passed through Aerys' eyes. "The Grafton boy or one of the Bar Emmons -choose, Aerys and I'll appoint one before the tourney ends."


"What is wrong with your ankle?", Oberyn appeared out of nowhere as Ashara tried to go to the feast. "You are stumbling."

"I do not do such a thing.", she rolled her eyes. There was no pain and she most certainly was not stumbling. "Why would there be something wrong with my ankle?"

"It is exactly what I am asking.", Oberyn raised his eyebrows. "Why are you not giving me an answer?"

"I am giving you one.", she narrowed her eyes with puzzlement. "Oberyn are you an idiot?", she asked with genuine concern. "Did you hit your head somewhere? You've been acting weird since we came here."

"Doran wrote me a letter.", he sighed as he offered his arm to Ashara and despite being hesitant over it, she accept it. "Apparently Leyton Hightower is looking for excuses to end the betrothal and he threatened to disinherit me if this fails. He wants me to court her."

"And this is such a torture for you?", being able to talk like two friends when their affair ended mere moons ago was something that deserved some compliments for sure. "She is not that bad."

Oberyn sent her a look and Ashara tried not to burst into laughter. "I am not saying she is bad, I am saying such games are not my forte and now my own brother threatens to take everything away from me simply because I cannot woo this girl. And I can never tell Doran the true reason why I cannot woo her. So I am stuck in a cycle."

"Do you remember,", they entered the feast, they were bowing their heads with acknowledgement when they spotted someone they knew. "once you got bitten by a snake in Water Gardens?", Oberyn huffed. "Doran told you not to touch to the baby snakes your father brought from Myr because they were poisonous and he told you that he would lock you in your chambers, cancel your riding and sparring lessons and then you went on and touched it. Doran never punished you."

"I believe me almost dying had an effect on that decision."

"Then he told you to stay away from Lord Yronwood's mistress after catching your looks at her. Told you that he would send you into exile, but you didn't listen, caught in a bed with her merely after a day, yet he did nothing."

"I was exiled, if you remember."

"Your mother sent you away for a couple of moons -it was not an exile, it was not done by Doran.", she argued. "And then all those other things where Doran threatened you variously; you gave a poisoned jewel to late Lord Allyrion because he caught you with his mistress as well and you couldn't explain it happening for twice, you got overly drunk and threw all around the Sept the day before you got knighted, you are pregnating women left and right,", both were happy she was not amongst them. "you hired a Myrish painter to pain Lord Jordayn's wife who happens to be your mistress and then fought with him, naked, in the streets of Sunspear as everybody watched because you did so during the eclipse festivals, and almost died, and then there was the time, during a joust, you accidentally killed a Marcher Lord's cousin, almost started a war, you pissed in the flagon of fine that Doran sent to Corlys as a nameday present and watched as he drank it and then became ill, you told Larra that not laying with her mother will always be a regret for you -and then you proceed to tell that not laying with her father too right before her wedding.", Oberyn was laughing rather loudly next to her as they reached to the Dornish table and Ashara continued to list his previous acts. "And these are not even half of the things you have done, Doran started into stress drinking because of you, we all fear he is going to get some sickness."

"He drinks because of his wife, not because of me.", Oberyn managed to say between his laughs and sat down with a grin. "And now he wants me to suffer from the same fate.", he was not going to sit on the dais, they did not even go there to give their respects. Only Cersei was sitting there and no Dornish would bow to such a creature.

"My point is; if he did not cast you away or did something even worse for doing all these, he is not going to do so just because you couldn't manage to marry someone. He is just bluffing to scare you."

"What is that?", now being next to Larra and getting his name clean at the high trial of Dorne with success, Andric seemed in a much better mood. "What is happening?"

"Your brother finally takes his revenge on me.", was the only explanation Oberyn offered before the first course started to be served, given they were filled with strangers next to them.


"You will not attend the feast, your grace?", Atera wondered when she spotted the king and her uncle in the gardens as she was walking to her room.

"Atera, it is lovely to see you.", the king's serious expression disappeared when he saw her. "No, we will not,", he shook his head. "there is much work to do. Will you not?"

"I will eat with my brother, your grace.", something flashed from the king's eyes but she didn't see as she looked to her uncle. "I just heard, uncle, I am sorry for your loss. I know how much you respected Ser Harlan.", given in their last conversation (the last real conversation that took place when she was not poisoned) they cursed each other out, they were much improved now.

"Thank you.", he was expecting her to continue, knowing her, she would not stop with that.

"Will you appoint someone in his place soon or will you wait until the mourning period ends?", -seven moons, one for each face of the God.

"We will appoint a new name soon.", he gave her the crumbs of the information she wanted to receive. She wanted to see Jon when it would not raise eyebrows so she was going to wait for that, she needed her uncle to speak.

"And who will it be?"

"It is classified.", he pointed out firmly. "Only I and the king knows, you will learn with everyone else when the right time comes."

"I was merely wondering if it will be Garth, given there are people who are suggesting him.", no one was suggesting Garth but she wanted Garth to be appointed as the new kingsguard, so she said it out loud next to the king.

Garth would never marry and sire children anyways and while it was perhaps heartless to break him up with Daven; people were whispering other things about him. Things that would ruin the newly fixed relationship between their house and the Faith, things that would drag not only his name but their house's to the ground. She might have an open mind and did not care who her nephew fucked or loved as long as both were consenting adults but not everyone was like that in the realm and while she did not care about the rumours, this could end up pretty bad.

The previous High Septon literally got assassinated because he knew that, she could not just sit there and watch until something worse happens.

"Who told you that? Since when do you listen to whispers and believe them?", Gerold gave his weight to his other foot as he tilted his head.

"Leyton told me.", this was the perfect response for everyone and everything. "He heard it from Alysanne, I believe and asked me since he couldn't catch you today, he wanted to know if it was the truth. And I told him I did not hear such things because I do not listen to whispers and even if I do, I do not believe them but he was looking rather content.", she smiled so slightly. "I think he would accept it if you would lend the offer to him.", she turned to Aerys. "Of course, he would always accept such an honourable offer that comes from you, your grace, I meant he would do so with great pride."

"Then it is too bad that he will not.", Gerold deadpanned. "We are considering other names."

"Why?", she frowned. "Garth is so very young, I know but younger members had been done the cloak. He is good, more than good even, trains with three to four people at the same time to keep his instincts high and recently started to train to use both hands. Leyton is planning to make him in charge of the training of the new recruits.", she wanted that spot to be someone loyal to her, not to the king, not to the prince but to her.

"As I said,", Gerold pressed. "we are considering other names and it is becoming late. Leyton does not prefer to eat his food late, perhaps you should hurry."

"Of course.", she said almost in a mocking manner, smiled and curtsied, placing a kiss on her uncle's cheek as she left.

"It is amusing truly,", Aerys looked behind her with a small smile. "to watch her try to manipulate me."

"She made you name Connington as your Hand, so perhaps it is not that amusing."

"She offered a great explanation and I did not regret that decision ever since so perhaps I shall listen to that one as well.", he turned to his friend with a challenging look and Gerold rolled his eyes.

"Only I decide who will be the next kingsguard, not you and most certainly not her.", and it was the end of it.


"I want to apologize.", this was the first time Ned came to the Northern table and the people there were eyeing her with silent suspicion -not that he was not used to.

"I wonder if you even know what you are apologizing for.", Lyanna scoffed as she brought her wine cup to her mouth.

"What you had to endure was more than insolence today and I do apologize for not knowing it better, for not being able to stop it.", she turned to him and saw sincerity in his eyes, her heart melted almost immediately.

"Brandon doesn't know.", she said, turning her head back. "Or he would kill everyone involved. Be quiet.", she wanted this betrothal to end but not at the expense of her brother, not like this.

"You must know Robert was as clueless as me, completely innocent in this matter, I swear on my honour."

"If you are honest in your words and you truly were clueless then you should not apologize to me.", she muttered, Benjen was trying to hide the fact he was listening to them. "Especially when there is another matter you should beg for my forgiveness."

"And what is that?", he frowned, wondering why he had done something so horrible to upset his sister.

"A year,", she said with a pout. "a year has passed ever since you told Father that he wanted to marry me and yet, not even once, you thought of mentioning me."

"Father said-"

"Not only that but you think so less of me that he is a fitting match."

Ned frowned once more. "Lya, I don't-"

"It is Lyanna.", she cut his speech sharply.

Ned sighed. "I don't know who told you what about Robert but I can assure you that he is a good and just man who will cherish you. Who will remain lo-"

"I heard, from our own brother Brandon, that he has an illegitimate daughter in the Eyrie.", she turned to him, grey eyes looking at each other, she wanted to see if he would lie. "What do you say to that?"

Ned wanted to deny it with all his heart but couldn't lie to his sister's face, especially not in a subject she deserved to know the truth. "This was before he told me he wanted to propose to you.", Lyanna scoffed with a sad smile. "What he has done in the past is not an indication of what he will do in the future. I promise you that he will love and respect you and will not bring another woman to the bed you share. You have my word."

"Do not give your word in matters you cannot keep it.", she stood up slowly and look down on him. "It is a wonder truly, big brother, all these years and you still haven't changed."


"Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature.", she declared. "And in your heart, you know it better than me."


"So?", he asked. While the rest of the realm was in the feast, they preferred to finish their duties (her to make Leyton believe she was not scheming around and for Arthur to check on Oswell if he was having some sort of an anxiety attack) and returned back to Atera's chambers. She needed to work and he needed quiet.

"So what?", she asked with a pensive murmur without looking at him. She was holding a paper with one hand and was writing on another paper, looking at the one she was holding from time to time.

"Lyanna Stark?", he was sitting on the couch, just finished a theoretical book about water dancing, he leaned to his back and clasped his hands on his lap. "Where did she come from?"

"From her mother's womb, I guess?", she pursed her lips and he rolled his eyes. She was wearing a long white nightgown with an unlaced long black vest that had shiny embodiments in its high collars. Arthur was wearing a simple shirt and pants. "Or else; we would hear about it."

"Atera.", he asked with a hint of smile on his lips. "Elia thinks you are getting soft and I am causing it."

"I am not getting soft.", she scoffed but she was indeed getting soft.

In the past moon they've spent at Dragonstone, with everyone important knowing about them, they were able to spend more private time together and with time, spending the night on Atera's chambers became a habit much to everyone's distaste. If Arthur was not on duty, he was with Atera which she thought was the exact reason why in addition to Rhaegar's animosity towards him, a strong jealousy started as well. She couldn't help but agree if Alea would be this close to Leyton, she would riot.

In the past moon, they would wake up and have breakfast together; Arthur would wake up, and Atera would either pretend to be wake up or would be so devoted to her work she would not even understand the morning has come and while Arthur ate properly, she would only take a few bites out of his forcing. They considered themselves lucky if they saw one another during the day, given Arthur was always with Rhaegar and Atera with Elia and the royal couple preferred not to see each other that much. And every night Arthur would return back to her. She would lay in between his arms, and with time their intimate moments truly became something more intimate, soft and slow and romantic, they were making love to one another through both of them pretended not to realize that, when they did not have that, she would just stay in the bed, cuddle as he fell asleep -sometimes she herself slept as well, and then return back to her work.

She was a workaholic and Arthur found it hilarious given Rhaegar was just like her.

They talked about everything and nothing though most of the time it never contained a certain subject. They were taking a step back anytime a subject became too serious.

Andric has returned to Dorne to deal with the last incidents, before he left she had a talk with him though she knew the first moment he got the chance, he would try again so she noted herself to speak with Larra. Ashara on the hand, was more passive-aggressive, uncontrollable and unpredictable than both her brothers. She stopped trying to make peace with Arthur and ended her friendship with Atera but both knew it was just a coping mechanism. She was sad and missing them but her pride was too strong for her to admit a mistake. Not only she but Elia declared she was just too tired to deal with them but once the baby was out; they were going to have a serious conversation and frankly, deep down, both knew they needed that.

This started off as some physical relaxation movement to gain information because Rhaegar didn't trust Atera and vice versa but Arthur fell first and it seemed Atera could fall harder if she was not holding for her dear life. But they could have no future, and they could not stand where they were forever. They needed to end it but given neither were strong enough to do so, they needed someone else to do it for them.

And then there was the softening matter; both were realistic people but Atera saw the world in black and white while Arthur defended the greyness of people. In the long times they spent together, she started to see the grey indeed -but unlike Elia's worries, she never let this reflect on her judgement, no. She still was cold-hearted, focused and unforgiving when it come to politics and even though she and Rhaegar despised one another (she attacked him with a knife, twice), they still managed to act like adults when they sat at the same table. He was working on what to do once he became kind, Elia was fretting about how to find allies, all while she and Jon were planning secretly to ensure Rhaegar sat on that table.

The next move of theirs would be to start poisoning Aerys and Cersei both one by one but it was a risky plan that they could not discuss over letters. So Jon needed to come to this feast, which meant there was a very high chance of Aerys coming as well. While Atera knew how much Rhaegar, Elia and Arthur would panic; she simply needed Jon more than their clear heads. All Rhaegar had to do was shine like a diamond and win the fucking tourney. All Elia had to do was speak to ladies and lords alike. There were many houses that supported Aerys or chose to stay impartial because Rhaegar was married to Elia, it was her duty to fix those taboos.

"It isn't like you though.", he was truly intrigued on that matter. "She is a child you never met that lives very far away and it has barely been a day since you two met. She is of no use, given this is your excuse, so please tell me. What is going on?"

Hesitating, she placed down her quill and looked to Arthur. "When I was her age; I had no one.", she blurted out and Arthur straightened his sitting. It was a long time since they spoke about something serious -the night he told her why he took the white. "Not even Leyton. I claimed I was an adult and I could make my own decisions and Leyton always knew that I have a thickhead.", a painful small smile appeared on her lips. "He knew if he would tell me not to do something, I would go and do it, he knew I needed to learn my lesson by living or else it never would stick and I've made my most horrible mistakes at that age. I was a child.", she looked at him with heartbreak in her eyes. "I shouldn't have gone all through that but at least those days have ended and Leyton was always there for me when I fell down, he still is here for me but that girl is all alone and too open to make mistakes."

Lying to Arthur disturbed her this greatly for the first time. Her sudden closeness with Lyanna Stark had one and one reason only; she needed her people in the most important castles in the realm so if she would succeed and would manage to eliminate Aerys but later get caught; she would not meet with the block. If five regions out of nine (Dorne, the Reach, North -through Catelyn, Riverlands -agaşn through Catelyn, and now Stormlands -through Lyanna Stark) would advocate for her, the worst punishment would be sent to the Faith, which would mean it would not be permanently.

Not that she would get caught.

But even if she would not; she still needed to control the Paramount Lords in the realm so if she should ever need help or a favour, she could easily ask for it. Helping Lyanna now, of course not by ruining her future marriage, would pay her off greatly later on. Not only them but she needed the majority of the council as well.

But Arthur didn't need to know any of this.

"What of her brothers?"

"Jon Arryn,", she opened her mouth and closed a few times. "has ordered for her virginity to be tested.", Arthur's eyes darkened.


"Exactly.", she swallowed with nausea. "Even the suggestion would cause Leyton to eliminate the person's entire family line. He would never allow someone to insult me like this, or for me to get hurt and embarrassed like this. It strips someone of their dignity in my eyes. But her brother, instead of questioning how dare Jon Arryn, reprimanded her because she get angry when neither of the men in her life listened to her.", she shook her head. "I took pity on her, I guess. She reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago."

"Yourself?", he frowned and she only huffed, did not answer.

It was an absurd notion to raise. She was anywhere similar to her. She did have a brain, she knew better than fixing her problems than yelling at her brothers in public. The girl was a child, Atera never was.

"She is a child that is sold off to a man with a womanizing reputation and bastards lined up, at least Leyton always respected me. Threats and pressures were there but they never were serious. If Leyton truly wanted me to marry, I would have by now.", she returned back to her papers. "At this age; she should be a child, nothing more."

"I cannot, for some reason, imagine you as a child?", it came out of nowhere, Arthur did not plan to say it and with the momentarily froze of Atera, he leaned forward with panic. "I did not mean to-"

"It's alright.", she said with a small smile. "I never was quite a child, even my mother was there. I was never that sheltered and frankly, I never loved to do the things children liked to do. Running in the halls, making fortresses under covers, playing that game, what its name was?", she frowned and looked back to Arthur. "You blindfold the boy's eyes and there are multiple girls and they all yell his name and he is trying to choose the right girl just by her name?"

"Never heard of it.", he shook his head, they did not play it in Dorne. "Wait, wait, wait,", he tilted his head. "you never made a fortress with sheets?"

"No, never.", she pouted nonchalantly. "Alerie loved it, it made her feel like the lady of the castle, Baelor and Garth and Denyse always joined her but I just never did, no."


She seemed puzzled. "Why would I? It makes no sense. My father was a true lord, he would buy or build a fortress for me. Why would I waste time on sheets?"

"That is...", he shook his head and stood up. "Get up.", he said without looking at her and moved to the small chest near the bed and started to pull some blankets and such.

"Uhm, what are you doing?", she asked with confusion, put down her papers and stood up.

"Tonight, you and I going to make a fortress.", he declared. "I cannot believe you never did so."

"No, Arthur I-", she turned back to her desk and back to him. "I cannot, I am too busy."

"You work all the time.", he put the blankets to the bed and approached him, cupped her face and placed a kiss on top of her head. "Give yourself one free night. You can continue in the morning.

"But I-"

"You will love it.", he interrupted her. He and Ashara used to love doing this enough to make their mother lose her mind. He couldn't believe Atera never did. "I promise."


After the opening scene (the flashback) there are two scenes that happen after one another yet I wrote simultaneously. So please do not have any confusion; first, the feast happens, and then Rhaegar and his circle have the meeting, I just write it part-to-part to try something new.

I have no idea why Atera became Lyanna's fairy godmother but here we are. It kind of happened out of nowhere and I was overly hesitant to include it or not but I believe it will be a fine dynamic to write, which will make things even more tragic. But I must tell; this was NOT my original plan for them. Even though she thinks, lies to herself, and sees it as purely political and beneficial; she truly is getting softer and there is indeed a part of her that pities and likes the girl to a degree. After all, Lyanna is what would become of her if it would not Leyton but Arvel who inherited Oldtown upon their father's death.

And there is something I wish to say; it did disgust me to write about Lyanna's 'examination' but unfortunately it was the norm in medieval times and it is a thing in ASOIAF Universe as well. Though it was mostly applied to the queens (Margaery and Cersei both), we do know Jon has some shady plans for Robert so he also has shady plans for Lyanna.

And for the rebels; I am trying not to write them as the good guys but I also try not to write them as the bad guys as no one is truly good or evil, not in this series, not in real life, so they might seem one-dimensional now but I'll expand them soon enough.

But I would like to say a word or two about them given how we know almost every single detail about Rhaegar's team but these characters are new and strange to us;

Jon Arryn is a highly disturbing character with his words and thoughts and he is not a good guy, he is not an honourable guy and will stay like that. Rickard Stark is a stern father who uses violence as a form of punishment. Again, this was a thing in nobility though most high-ranking nobles used whipping boys. Rickard not only hits Brandon himself but also allows her nan to beat Lyanna's palms with wet wood. This does not mean he does not love them but he doesn't hesitate into molding them into the pattern he wants. This is the greatest reason why Brandon and Lyanna turned out to be who they are. The show has butchered the Starks but in the canon, especially the old Kings of Winter, they were fucking psychopaths who did commit shady crimes against their own relatives as well (uncles marrying nieces to steal her birthright is not something only the Targaryens do, sadly enough), and Ned, as it was said over and over again, was the exception, not the rule.

Hoster Tully is a bit different. We know, in canon, how much he loves his children but he is far from being an explementary father. He causes Lysa to have a miscarriage and then forces her to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather. We know Minisa died in childbirth and the child died with her as well but I've changed that to Edmure's birth because as you see; it is a rather important subplot to have. He cannot stand his wife's family and is more humane and far more clever than Jon and Rickard.

I, of course, could choose to write them as totally redeemable characters, good and honourable men but where is the fun in that? While I don't think a character needs to go through a load of shitty trauma to be strong, in canon, given how Cat, Lysa and Ned and even Benjen turned out to be, we can tell their parents were far from being perfect and I am so sick of everyone writing the rebel lords as the perfect men, because they were not.

Misogyny, sexism, belittling women -I am sorry but even in Dorne this is a fucking problem as Arianne literally FEARS her own brother will try to destroy their law and usurp her seat and she is convinced many lords would support him. Vale, arguably, is one of the most misogynistic regions in the entire realm, in the North, Stark men usurped, more than once, their nieces, and forced them into marriages. And what we do know from canon; Jon married Lysa against her will, Hoster sold his daughters in return for his help in battle, and Rickard caused the entire affair by forcing Lyanna into a marriage she does not want (we all know how Brandon, the son he raised, turned out to be -has mistresses, openly complains about his betrothed and thinks demanding the crown prince's head will go unpunished, lack of self-control is not something to be praised, I believe). All these three men treat women in their life like worthless shits, as objects that can be bought and sold so please do not come at me because I write them as such.

I am not trying to make them look like bad guys and Rhaegar as the good guy (I mean, Rhaegar is far away from being good, I think no one can say I am whitewashing him at this point), just the traits that are come off as 'bad' to us now was the norm back then, so within the universe; they are not bad at all. Please consider this before you make a comment.

Please do not forget to follow me on TikTok (@songofsapphire) to get spoilers about future chapters and insights on characters.

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