court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the harrenhal

105 2 7
By songofsapphire

"it's not the despair that destroys you, it's the hope"

A moon later...

281 AC, King's Landing

They were standing vigil, all of them. The bier was placed in the antique museleum of the kingsguard, Silent Sisters were cleansing the area, roaming around it one by one while shaking their fragrants and they were standing vigil, all in white, all in armour, all lost in thoughts; the bells were ringing, holy brothers and sisters were singing outside the tower and they were standing vigil.

Gerold, Barristan, Lewyn and Jonothor; Arthur and Oswell were too far away to be there so it was their duty to wait for their fallen brother, Harlan Grandison.

"The king will want to appoint someone else quickly.", Gerold remembered Lewyn saying to him as they moved in haste and worry. His end was declared even before Pycelle came to see him. "Someone to send it to the prince, someone as a spy.", Gerold wasn't sure if he was thinking at all, all he could do was to watch the way Barristan pulled his bed sheet over Harlan's head. This was not the first time he lost a brother, or a guide, it was a rare occurrence both happened at the same time. "You cannot allow that."

"He just died.", he remembered his own whisper in echoes. "This is no such time to think about these."

"On the contrary,", Lewyn pressed. "it is the exact time because if you don't think about it, someone else will."

"We need to write to Arthur and Oswell.", Barristan said before they entered to the museleum. "They need to be aware of it. They would like to join."

"They cannot.", Gerold refused. Now it was not the time for emotions but logic. "They are needed elsewhere."

"Who will be the next brother?", Jonothor asked before they started their vigil, he leaned down and whispered. "My brother would be honoured to join to our ranks."

Gerold would rather switch places with Harlan than to see Willem Darry as a kingsguard but he didn't say it out loud.

"I'll decide later.", he chose to say and took off his helm, laid his sword down and started to his finaly duty to his friend.

Not without feeling he was the only one that felt sorry for his death.


272 AC, Pinkmaiden Castle, Riverlands

Nine years ago...

"Is he dead?", the woman with the bright red hair tried to remain composed but when she got no answer, the corner of her lips almost crawled into a smile.

"I need to go and take Clement back here.", the man said with distaste for the woman. His lady she might be, and the sister of his liege lord above that, but like everyone in late Lord Piper's household, he despised her guts. "He is the new lord now. And shall I order for them to pack your things, given the funeral shall be held today?"

"No need to worry Handerson.", now her lips did indeed curled. "I still have some authortity here, I can order my way out."

Perhaps half on hour later Walter's right-hand-man from Harrenhal was standing in front of Oswell's room, who was staying there for some political reason by the order of his brother, alongside with Oswell's squire, waiting for the noises of loud moans and grunts to end.

"Who is he with anyways?", he couldn't help but ask when it seemed like it was going on forever.

"Amarai fucking Tully.", the squire answered pointedly and Oscar, Walter's best friend and favourite knight widened his eyes and parted his lips in shock.

"Lord Piper's wife? The Lord Piper who just has died? Is he fucking the wife of the lord he came to serve who just got widowed barely an hour ago?", he didn't know why he was that surprised. Preventing this from happening and dragging Oswell back to Harrenhal was the reason he was there. "Did that happen,", he pulled the boy from his collar and whispered. "when the lord was alive?"

"No, Ser.", he shook his head ardently. "Never."

"You better be telling the truth or by the Gods, I'll make sure you regret every lying to me.", his threat got interrupted though when a naked Oswell opened the door and snapped his fingers towards his squire while his eyes never left Oscar's face.

"Wine.", he ordered and when the frozen squire whined, Oscar let his collar go and he disappeared from the scene. "I see Walter sent his best dog."

"We heard the news and I came here as soon as I can to stop you from doing this.", he gritted his teeth. "Your brother will not be happy."

"My brother can fuck off right to the Trident for all I care."

"Your sister will not like it as well.", he tried another but Oswell only scoffed loudly and slammed the door back to his face and turned to his lover with a raised eyebrow.

"Guess who has a stick up to his ass?"

"Why of course your brother.", she rolled her eyes. "Well, let me tell you that; if he wanted to keep us away from each other that much, he and Hoster should have marry me with some younger lord than that old pig so perhaps they would have their peace of mind for a few more years.", she suggested as she stretched her body in the bed and Oswell climbed on top of her.

"Tell me; did he ever make you come like that?", he leaned down and kissed her neck and she let out a dizzying laugh.

"You cannot possibly compare yourself to a sixty-year-old shit.", she held his clean face, Oswell did not enjoy beards, and looked deeply into his eyes. "No one can be you. Though he was rather good at cunnilingus.", she said cheekily. "You are not that good at it.", she pouted and Oswell raised his eyebrows in surprised, let out a surprised noise and started to tickle her. "I dreamt of this day far too long that I am having a hard time to believe it is true.", she said once they both calmed down once again and cupped his face. "It always seemed will never happen. They will not make us wait until we marry, right?", she wondered with worry and Oswell shook his head, placed a kiss to her palm.

"Hoster and Walter will try, my love, I am sorry."

"I cannot bare to wait for you again, Oswell.", she turned her head away. "Everyone knows I cannot be pregnant, from his servants to his children. It would be a torture to keep me here as a prize to see whether I'll pop out a baby or not."

"Neither his servants nor children would tell the entire realm that their lord couldn't manage to fuck his own wife and our brothers will use that to their own leverage, torture us until they betroth to yet another lord before we understand what is happening.", Amarai's face fell and he caressed it with sadness. "I'll not allow it this time, I swear."

"This was my second marriage.", she said solemnly. "My first husband died our wedding night while coming to the chamber and I had to endure this last one for two years. I was a child, perhaps I still would be if it not for this marriage. Not even Hoster can be this cruel."

"It is a show of hypocrisy and nothing more.", Oswell declared as he moved over on top of her and instead sat to the bed. "He forces my sister to give him an heir while pretends he is content with Catelyn and yet forbids me marrying you because he loathes my brother. It doesn't even make a sense.", he shook his head. "I did everything,", he pressed. "everything he and Walter asked me to and yet he doesn't see me, and never will, good enough for you."

"I will never let you go back to Stepstones, or to Darry, enough blood and gold has been spilled already. I'll tell to Catelyn,", her eyes sparked with her newly found idea. "Hoster, despite all of his mistakes, could never reject his davourite daughter."

"Don't tell anything to Cat, she is a child."

"And I am her only aunt.", she smiled. "And you, her favourite uncle."

Oswell snorted as he threw his back to the bed. "It wasn't that hard; given my brother. And Brynden is hardly there."

"We are one step ahead of everyone, at least for now.", she assured him. "Hoster still doesn't know what has happened. We can inform Minisa quickly and if Walter doesn't come here himself, no one can drag you back to Harrenhal. After the funeral, we'll go to Darry.", she decided. "Cleos will help and hide us. And if we are lucky and Uncle Willem is there, or Jonothor, we'll even have leverage. We need to stay on top to prevail."


281 AC, Eyrie

"Truth be told; I was not expecting your sister to accept my proposal.", Robert still seemed in awe, ever since he found out Ned had a sister, he's been dreaming for this day where he finally united his bloodline with him and essentially become a aprt of the Stark family.


"I delivered the proposal to my father myself. Jon supported his match as well and you know how father respects Jon's opinions."

"Of course, of course.", Robert nodded, they were walking together in the halls of the mighty castle. "When do you think the wedding will happen?"

"Father will want to wait till she comes off age, I guess.", he shrugged. "A year at most, she is five and ten now."

"What do you think she is thinking about it?", he asked with excitement. "Do you think she is excited? Dreaming about it every day? Wanting time to go faster?"

"Of course she does.", he had no doubt on that. Robert was a good man, an important lord and his best friend, of course Lyanna would appreciate all of it. The last he seen her, she was not dreaming of a husband and children but surely she got matured in the mean time, given their last encounter happened a year ago. "I received a letter from Benjen, he says they are coming to the tourney as well, all of them. Brandon will meet his betroth, and probably after their wedding, you two will start preparations."

"I'll name our first son Steffon, after my father.", he said with happiness. "Given that we'll have many, we'll name one of them after you, brother.", he playfull puched his shoulder and both laughed. "And you'll name your firstborn after me."

"I don't know if I'll ever have that.", next to Robert's boisterous nature, he was more calm. "Brandon has been betrothed to Catelyn Tully for almost three years now, and Lyanna is younger than me yet is betrothed to you. Father will either marry me with one of his bannermen's daughters to keep the peace within the region, or does not planning for that."

"You do know that you don't need to wait until your father chooses a wife for you to get marry,", he sent him a look. "or get intimate with a woman."

Ned sighed to his friend. Robert was intimate with women perhaps more than he should -enough to have a child of his own. "I hope you will cut of your own activities in brothels, once you marry my sister."

Robert looked almost offended. "You think I would insult her like this? No!", he declared loudly. "I'll love and cherish her, I'll respect her and why would I even need another woman with her by my side?"

Ned had no doubt that he would be true to his word. They grew up together after all, there was no one in this world that knew Robert better than he did. He was a true brother to him, he would never admit but perhaps even truer than his own blood brothers; Brandon and Benjen. He loved them, of course he loved them but he didn't know them well. Too many years they've lost, with him at the Eyrie and them at Winterfell and all he had was Jon and Robert, in his case his ward was not just a ward but a second father to him.

Robert was not perfect, he would be the first to admit that. He got angry too soon too much but when he sat down and think about it, he always calmed down. Yes, he loved women but Ned loved women as well, it was just his looks were more appealing to them so he had more affairs than Ned. With his electric blue eyes and night black hair, he was the dream of every maiden whereas Ned was not that desired.

Perhaps it was because his long face and rather slim figure than Robert's broad one, or perhaps he was merely a second son while his friend was a Lord Paramount, after his parents' tragic passing away. And of course, Robert was like a God with his hammer while he was borderline mediocre with his sword. And Robert always was happy, cheerful, with a good joke at his tongue, wine in his veins and a wide smile on his face. Ned never liked smiling that much, and even though Robert and Jon both says he was frowning far too much than he needed to, it was in his nature to just be silent.

Quiet wolf they said, he wasn't sure if it was intended as an insult but he accepted the name with humbleness. His brother was wild, his sister was wild, his best friend was wild -he was the exception with his courtly manners and an approachable nature. Robert learnt to live with that, he even enjoyed Ned being rather stoic so in the endless dinner parties and feasts and all those other lordly duties now he has to make with the force of Jon, he had something else to deal with when he got bored from his own bannermen and brother; make Ned laugh -sometimes he was content even with a smile but there had been an incident where he hired a jester specifically for his friend and tried for hours to earn a true chest-moving laugh from him.

And now he was going to join to his family properly, become his brother -not by blood but in everything else that matters and they were going to share a bloodline. And who knew, perhaos one day Ned would marry as well, sire a child of his own and unite those bloodlines, share grandchildren. This marriage with Lyanna was Jon's idea but both agreed since it gave them a chance to unite through her and Ned was just happy that his father agreed finally. This was a good omen. This tourney, his brother's wedding, Lyanna's betrothal... And perhaps this all could mean he could return back home now, for good -it was never something Rickard was keen on.

'You have to be though to make it out there', his father used to say so in his three or four years of staying at the Eyire, he was not allowed to visit Winterfell, he was not even allowed to write correspondences in order to adjust to the new faces around him. He was terrified, as an eight-year-old, but never after he met Robert. And now he hoped that perhaps his due was over and giving he was off-age, he could just go back to his home.

Robert on the other hand was a bit worried about the marriage despite hiding it well. Attending to a woman's needs, a woman he never met, did scare him. Women were usually fragile creatures that could cry even against a slightest inconvenience and Robert was never good with holding his tongue or filtering his mind and making his best friend's sister cry sounded like a nightmare. Was she going to be demanding? Complaning? Know-it-all? Perhaps she would get homesick or fall into some depressed shit as many women did. Or perhaps she would not be able to give him heirs. His grandmother, despite trying for years, only managed to have his father after all. It was arlight though, he thought. He always had Stannis to inherit, though he would very much prefer not to have dullness covering the halls he once walked but what choice could he have?

He thought it was not the marriage itself that scared him to a degree. Women were easy to manage when you buy them expensive gifts but some of them were defected, some of them were man-like, some of them possessed low morals -not that he expected from Ned's sister but he feared if there was something wrong with Lyanna Stark it would have damage his relationship with Ned, broke off everything they had. This girl could be his answer to enter to the family or the reason why he was shut down entirely and despite hoping for the best, he just couldn't shake the opposite feeling.

Watching his two foster sons walk in the outside, joking around, Jon tied his hands at his back as he stood in front of the glass-stained window of the marble sept. "Announcing the betrothal right before the tourney was a wise decision, old friend.", he continued to speak as his maester continued to write. "You had sealed our brotherhood and the alliance is now officially set. Tully is reluctant but not that we expect that much from that prideful trout. His daughter will be yours soon and I have my own plans of fetching the other one for my very own heir. I do understand why you are not joining to the tourney, I myself will though. The boy is still in the dark, not mature enough to reveal our plans to him. I must be present to control the events better. There also words,", he turned to his maester. "that the young prince might show us he too can breathe fire, I must see if he is a danger or not. My attempt of eliminating that Dornish wife of his did not work, bloody kingsguard stopped them but I may or may not found an ally to myself right at the king's court. We will turn father against son and gather the loot before anyone else. I'll see you at the wedding, Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyire, Lord Paramount of the Vale and the Warden of the East.", he finished the letter but his maester sent him a look.

"You don't think perhaps giving such power to the Starks might undermine yours?"

"Tully has a brain that is working inside his head.", Jon moved to his desk. "Stark does not. He thinks he is smart but he'll perish after a day in the South. I am just letting him think he is playing the game. His boy is as naïve and soft as a boy could be and how much of a problem can a daughter raise? We need her for what is in between her legs, not for anything else."

"Tully girls-"

"Tully girls might take after their father, I cannot allow them to guide Robert as they see fit. He must be under my control all the times for us all to survive. That girl was raised by Stark, how smart can she be? I bet she is going to be as obedient as a lamb and even if she would be much trouble, after one her, I can easily end her just like the way I ended others.", he turned up his hourglass. "My rise is starting, Maester, and I'll allow no one to stand in front of me, not now, not ever."


273, Harrenhal

Eight years ago...

"You have no permission!", the Septon said with discontent as he walked inside of the sept, hoping the young couple will not follow him there but he was wrong.

"We asked permission for countless of times!", Oswell defended their actions.

"They will never give it to us, we have no choice but to force their hands. Not even a Lord Paramount can annul a marriage that was blessed under the Gods by a Septon, a marriage that is consummated. They will have no choice but to accept us, whether they like it or not.", Amarai declared as they entered the sept and the Septon turned to them with trouble.

"Perhaps if you can wait-"

"Wait?", she scoffed. "So I can get sold to the highest bidder once more? But this time to someone younger to keep me under the chains even longer? No, sir, no, I am done waiting, the life is passing by as we do so. Even the smallfolk has the right to choose whereas I, a high-born lady, the only sister of the most powerful man in this region cannot!", she opened her hood and threw her auburn hair back. "Our decision is set and final, I refuse to live my life by the designs of men any longer."

Septon shoo his head and turned to Oswell. "Your brother-"

"My brother is not here and we don't know if he ever will come back given the fact he went to a war, not to a vacation.", Oswell interrupted him. "And I am off-age, he no longer is my guardian. I don't need his permission to marry."

"Oswell if she would be anyone but a Tully-"

"But I am a Tully, it is why we have to do this in secret, you imbecile.", she rolled her eyes with a huff and Oswell placed his hand to her back.

"We are in love, Thoras.", he was an old friend, it was why they were here. "Does this mean nothing to you?"

"What will you even say to him if he returns?"

"That he cannot control me any longer, that I am an adult and I am sick of his power game with Hoster.", he raised an eyebrow. "Now, will you do the honours or shall I find another one?"

Thoras closed his eyes and shook his head. "This is a horrible idea.", he declared but nevertheless went through with the ceremony and declared them as husband and wife.


Four moons later

He was waiting for him the great hall of portraits of their ancestors, hoping that whatever explanation his baby brother will give to him will work. But could not bear to look at his wide grin as he entered the room and turned his back to him.

"There you are!", he said almost mockingly. "Alive, such a pity, we had other hopes.", when Walter did not say anything, he continued. "I cannot say that I've never met with a warmer congrulations for my wedding, so thank you brother, for once in your life choosing to keep your mouth shut."

"You and that woman shall never step a foot to Harrenhal again.", he declared without looking at him, patience all over the place. "You two will never have a castle to call a home, never will have a family to hold and will perish like peasants in the country. That is the common decision of I and Hoster, a punichsment for going against the words of your guardians and lords."

"How do you plan to enforce that little decision of yours, brother mine?", he asked comfortably, not a bit intimated, his back leaned to the wall. "Correct me if I am wrong but you and I do share the same mother, no?"

"Of course we do.", he gritted his teeth.

"And pardon my language but as much as I know she was not a harlet-"

"Oswell!", his older brother roared. "Is this truly the moment you want to test me?"

"I made you look.", he raised his eyebrows when Walter turned to him with a great fury. "Our mother was the Lady of Harrenhal and as she died, she left everything to her three children. You, Minisa and I."

"She didn't want to left everything to her three children.", after a long silence where Oswell thought he won, Walter chose to hit him from his lowest part and his smile died immediately. "As you are perfectly aware she birthed four children, until you killed one of them.", Oswell's face darkened as he took a step forward. "I know more than anyone that she would be glad you are disinherited and would not weep or spare a single thought on you."

"I didn't kill Ronnal, you did!", he spat. "You forced him to marry with the woman I loved, he died trying to ran away from you and your plots. He was too pure for them."

"You told him that you loved her, he did it out of pity for you!", Walter raised his voice. "Because it is what you always do! Oh poor Oswell unloved by his mother, uncared by his father, used as a piece to move in his evil brother's games!", he moved to him and shook him by the collar. "But you and I; we both know the truth, you do not love that silly girl, you love the power she'll bring to you."

Pushing his brother away, Oswell raised his hand and punched him across the face. "Speak for yourself!", he ordered. "Speak for your own incapability of loving someone, of feeling emotions, of being frail and fragile and ambitions and greed -I posses neither of them, Ser, I can asurre you on that.", he straightened his spine. "You think you can control me with cutting of my gold?", he opened his arms. "Be my fucking guest. I am a soldier, I live and die as a soldier-"

"Yes but your wife,", he spat the word. "is a high-born layd. You might adjust to the requirements a humble knight must possess, you can live as a sellsword but can she? Let us see how long she'll 'love' you when she doesn't have a big castle to live in, or jewels to wear or servants to tend to her.", he shook his head. "Hoster's decision was more than clear; if she wanted to marry, she was too get disinherited, she is no longer a Tully and you are no longer a Whent."

"You are pissed because you thought I would let you control me just like Minisa does, just like Ronnel did, no?", he asked in great anger.

"Minisa was always to destined to marry Hoster, him loving her was a plus. Ronnel was a fool,", Oswell took a dangerous step towards him but Walter just shook his head. "blood of my blood but he was a fool, still it is not my hands that are sullied with his memores, despite how much you tried to toss out the blame. You, on the other hand,", he looked at him with disappointment. "you were the only one that I trusted. You are merely a child, Oswell, what, eight and ten is an old age in your book?", he scoffed with pity. "I made you my captain of guards and with time I would make you-"

"You think it is enough to make me look at the other way as you point a knife at my throat and try to throw me at my cage to use me in the future?", this place was cursed, this family was cursed, and he trusted Walter not even a single moment in his life.

"You've lost your senses.", his brother took a step back and swallowed. "Paranoia finally covered you, ate you as a whole."

"I know what you are.", perhaps he was right but even if he would, Oswell would not believe him, he would deny the sky was blue if Walter agreed. Perhaps he was losing his mind but then again, he wouldn't be the first.

"I am your brother.", Walter said almost sadly.

"I trust you,", Oswell took a step back. "no more than I trust a rapid dog and I refuse to be used by you, brother.", he spat the last word. "Life was like in heaven when you were gone."

"I was at war!", he yelled loudly. "I could have died!"

"Well, war is never over, not truly.", Oswell faked a smile. "If you are lucky, you can still get yourself killed."


281 AC, King's Landing

"We can forbid the tourneys.", Lord Staunton declared as if he had a bright idea and Jon sent him a cold look.

"The tourney has started, my lord, in case you haven't noticed it yet. And forbidding tourneys all together based on what?"

"The authority of the crown.", he opened his arms. "The authority of the Hand, the authority of the king. Who would dare to question it?"

"While our king can do whatever he wants to do, as it is his right as the king, he has always been cose the path of the laws before he took action and they state clearly that such a ban all throughout the realm would not only be unwise but it also would be stupid.", he hissed the last word and the new Master of Law seemed annoyed. "It is just a tourney.", he declared for the millionth time.

"But my spies-"

"No one believes into your spies Varys, given they were proven wrong and wrong and wrong all the damn time."

"If you will not take necessary action,", Varys tilted his head. "I fear I'll have to bring this matter to the king, given the words are scream of treason. And perhaos he would like to know that his Hand still favours his son over him."

"You will not do such a thing because the king is already informed and made his decision."

"And what is it?", he asked annoyingly and Jon only tilted his head.

"You'll see."


281 AC, Rills

It was his last night at North before they departed to join to the tourney tomorrow and instead of listening one last lecture from his father, he chose to ran away to see his mistress one last time. Her father could continue thinking he had Barbrey only for one night, but they've been going on for a few moons now. And with dawn, he was going to Winterfell first and then go to South and Barbrey was going to marry Willam and then he was going to join him in his journey.

They did have this one last night though.

"What is troubling you?", he asked when both were curled up inside the bed. His concern was genuine. He might have fallen in love too easily and too quickly and then move on too easily and too quickly but he cared about the women in his life. "For your wedding?", he knew Barbrey didn't want to marry and a part of him did feel guilty because she essentially was forced into it because of him but still, she was going marry with a young and handsome and rich lord. There were worse fates in life.

"No.", she whispered and Brandon raised his hand to hold her chin and turn her head to himself.

"So it is about my wedding?"

"I wish you peace, happiness and heirs, my lord.", she said without looking at him and with a tone that made it very obvious she didn't mean a word. "There is nothing else I can say or do. Tonight our last night."

"Marriages are not personal, Barb.", he sighed and turned to his back. "I shall marry her because my father says so. She is the eldest daughter of a Lord Paramount, there isn't a more suitable lady in this realm than her. She will bring us an alliance with the South."

"She will bring nothing but internal conflict.", she turned to him. "She is a follower of the Seven. Her Gods are different. What will you do? Build a sept for her?"

"Of course not.", he scoffed. "She can believe into whatever she wants to believe but in here, she'll live by our rules. We are Northeners, we are First Men descendent, not Andals and we worship the Old Gods, the true Gods. She can either convert to the religion of her future husband and children, or can continue to worship to her own corrupted deities anytime she visits her family."

"In South, people live differently, Brandon. Doesn't your father sees this? They live in luxury, extravagance. They hold feasts and they dance and sing-"

"We do that in here as well.", he sent her a look. "That's where we met, mind you."

"They are too stern and stoic and they follow the rules all the time."

"By the rivers, woman, you make it sound like we are just bunch of loose rabitts on the run that understands of nothing.", he fornwed. "I bet my father is more stern than Hoster Tully himself."

"She served to a Dornish woman.", now she said it with a more scandalized voice. "You know what they say about her; lightskirt.", she pressed. "Wears almost nothing, horrifies the lords, acts inappropritate. People claim she was not a maiden before she married. People question the legitimacy of her daughter and she served to those people. What do you think she is like?"

"Well, you are going to marry tomorrow and you are not a maiden. Are you sure this is the point you wish to use?", he asked cheekily and Barbrey slapped him across the face, made him laugh loud enough to shake the bed.

"Be quiet!", Barbrey hushed him and sent a worried look to the door. Getting caught now would end her and her father would disinherit her -in the best case scenario.

"Willam knows about us.", he made a hand gesture to calm her down. "He'll not mind.", Barbrey seemed almost shocked and he made another gesture. "Catelyn Tully doesn't know but she is essentially marrying my father. She will spend rest of her days at Winterfell, at his side. All I have to do is to visit her bed until she gets pregnant. She will not be an obstacle for me. I am sure she understand this is a political alliance as well. She cannot expect me to be loyal to one woman for the rest of my life."

"We'll see what she expects with this marriage.", she sneered but getting tired of talking, Brandon hovered over her once more and silenced her with kisses.


274 AC, Harrentown

Seven years ago...

"Oh, she is so beautiful.", Oswell said with tears in his eyes. "I don't deserve her."

Amarai, who was laying on the bed, obviously tired from the birth, smiled at her husband. "It is for Gods to decide, not you."

They were living in a small house, far more different than both were used to but despite their relative's worst hopes, they were happy and content. Life was enough as long as they loved one another. They didn't need any luxuries or richness or anything else. Oswell was working as a sellsword, he was hired by some rich merchant to become his personal guard, he has always been talented in his sword and he was making enough money, they weren't poor, they weren't peasants. And Amarai, until her pregancy moved far too much, was making food and braiding hats and bags and were selling them in the village. No one knew who they were and they were happy. And now; another member has just joined to their little family.

"What shall we name her?", Oswell could swear hearts were coming out of his eyes as he looked at his baby daughter. He never thought it was possible to love something this much but here they were. "Lucretzia? After your mother."

"Or perhaps Monella, after yours?", she smiled and he slowly moved to the bed and sat down. "Or perhaps an entirely different name? Alina, perhaps?", she suggested. "Means bright and beautiful, fits right to our daughter."

"Of course it does. Alina Whent.", Oswell whispered and turned to his wife. "Thank you.", he said with such strong emotions that she got emotional as well. "I don't deserve either of you."

She chuckled as she tried to erase her tears. "There will be people who will never understand why I have married you, people who don't see or understand the power of love but here we are. Instead of reprimanding me for not giving you a son, you thank me for our daughter because you and I belong to a different world, something they can never understand.", Oswell reached to her hand and placed a kiss to her knuckles. "We talk, Os, and you listen to me; my thoughts, my opinions, my decisions, and you do respect them as if I am a man. As if I am a person. This is far more important than any titles or richness Hoster could give to me."

"Don't be that gloomy.", he wrinkled his nose playfully. "I still can give all those things to you."

"No.", she shook her head when she understood what he meant. "Darling we left that life behind, I know for one how much you don't want to go there. Interacting with Walter after all these time would be hard on you."

"Walter is my brother -not that this means something to him but it certainly will mean something to Shella that we are cousins and now her own children has a cousin. And Minisa has been doing far more than she should anyways. I will go there and speak to him and will return before the night falls, I swear.", he leaned down and placed a kiss on top of her head.

But he couldn't keep his oath and returned only after the late hours of the night to be welcomed by a tragedy.


He found him tomorrow morning, alone in the small house they've been staying in, sitting on the couch nearby, not even looking as her and their daughter's body taken to the Sept at Riverrun, getting prepared for the funeral.

"No one can know about this.", there were million other things he wanted to say to his brother but it all felt containing too much hypocrisy. "People thought all this time Amarai was staying at the Darry with her maternal family. No one can know she was here instrad, living like a peasant, married to you and had a child. Neither House Tully nor House Whent can afford such a scandal."

"What of-", his throat hurt as he spoke, he had to clear it and Walter bowed his head. "What of our daughter? What of her?"

"She cannot go with her mother.", Hoster's letter was borderline emotionless and contained only orders but Minisa told him how sad both were and how he blamed himself for everything that has happened. "She'll stay here, as a part of our family."

"No.", his voice was as cold as steel and Walter didn't want to argue with him. "Her place is next to her mother. She should be burnt with her and her ashes must stay in Riverrun."

"She was a Whent."

"That's what her would want.", there was no room left for argument in his tone, Walter finally gathered his courage to walk, look at his face.

"You should come back and live with me, with us, Oswell.", there he was, his baby brother, turned nine and ten just the other day.

The day he lost both his wife and daughter due to childbed fever.

Oswell didn't even answer. Under his eyes were purple while the rest was bright red, obviously due to all the crying. His face was numb, he barely managed to move it, he was not eating or sleeping in the past two days and his hair was all over the place, even a beard started to grow.

"This is my fault.", he declared with pain.

"Everytime Shella takes the childbed, I prepare myself for it.", Walter admitted with guilt. "After some point, it only feels natural. Most women die during or after giving birth, and it has been taught to us that every men should take this with composure but the truth hardly it is like that, no?"

"Gods are persecuting me.", his brother said a moment later, hands covering his face. "I think their greatest trick is to leave a man alone, all alone. They love to see us perished."

"Gods do not play tricks and it is when you should have the strongest faith when you lose everything."

"Fuck you and fuck your faith.", Oswell hissed. "People bow down to you as you walk while I am the one who's get pushed of every small mountain I manage to climb alone.", Walter dryly chuckled and Oswell's eyes sent daggers to his frame. "What amuses you, brother? My dead wife or my dead daughter or my cursed life?"

"I am just listening your venom spitting even when you are so low. You always have been like this.", he turned his back. "The way you see the world has always been different than mine and Minisa's. You only focused to the bad and evil things, enevr appreciated the chances you've been granted with. You cannot truly ask for all the good things in your life to end just because you don't like suffering."

"No, no I can.", he started to cry, tried to rub his eyes to stop Walter from seeing it. "They will take everything from me. They started with my wife and daughter and soon it will be our sister who will share the same fate-"

"She will not.", Walter shook his head. "Of course she will not, why would you say that?"

"Because I know. Because that is what happens to everyone I love!", he raised his voice and stood up. "They are simply taken away from me. It will happen to her as well."

Walter's eyes lingered on him as he paced around and then his eyes found the man on the door and took a deep breath. "For what is worth, for the good and the bad, you still are my brother and I cannot leave you alone. So you would either come with me or,", he pointed out the man. "you will go with him."

Oswell's turned towards that direction and frowned when he saw the tall and strong man, with Jonothor at his back. "Jonothor?", he asked with confusion, his brain was not working well.

They entered the room propwerly and Jonothor, Amarai's cousin, sent him a symphatetic look. "This is the man I talked about; Oswell Whent.", he introduced him to the other man. "One of the most talented swordsman I have ever seen. And this,", now he turned to Oswell. "Ser Gerold Hightower, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard."

"And why the fucking Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is here?", he asked without minding the consequences, at worst he would die and it would a blessing enough for him.

"To make you one of us, boy.", the old man spoke with a stoic face. "To cloak you with white."


281 AC, Moat Cailin

"And what is wrong with her?", Brandon leaned to his youngest brother, his eyes were focused on their sister who was riding far too away from them.

"Why don't you ask her?", Benjen didn't want to be a rat, Lyanna did bad things to rats.

"Because she scares me and you don't.", he said as if it was obvious. "Now tell me, how bad?"

"Too bad.", the young boy sighed. "I've never seen father and Lya that angry before. We left Winterfell sooner than we should have because of their fight but I cannot tell you about it. You simply must ask her."

Brandon sent a look to his brother and then corrected his sitting, raised a hand and yelled loudly. "Hold!", the entire Northern entourage stopped but it was obvious his sister didn't hear it. "Lyanna!", he roared, she didn't mind but the gaurds that were trying to match her speed did and warned her. "We'll rest here!", he roared once more and even through the distant, saw the way his sister rolled her eyes.

Perhaps a ten minutes later they were walking brother and sister, alone, without any guards. The air was not that bad, yet both were wearing thick fur cloaks. "Did you know it?", she asked without looking at him, her jaws were clenched and she was feeling betrayed. Brandon could see the dried tears on her face. If the reason would be anyone but their father, he would be dead by now.

"What?", he asked rather impatiently. Lyanna didn't cry, if she id so in public it must be caused by a horrible thing and his hand was itching for some trouble.

"Father said I am to wed.", she spat, turned to him with a proud but heartbroken face. "To Robert Baratheon.", Brandon felt the way he raised his own eyebrows but his face was numb over all. How could he didn't know about this? "He says Ned brought the proposal to him himself, last year, can you believe it?", she yelled the last line. "My own brother tries to sell me to his best friend without even asking me and my own father agrees to it and orders me around, doesn't even bothers himself with listening!"

"Sister, I swear I didn't.", he spoke through gritted teeth. He was their eldest brother and heir to Winterfell, one day he was going to be their lord. How could both Ned and their father could overlook him like this? "I am hearing it for the first time form you. Ned said nothing to me and I didn't see father before we left, you know it.", but then again, his father sold him to Catelyn Tully too so he was not exactly surprised.

"Stop it then.", she demanded, she never asked for anything, saw it as a weakness, despite her young age always fixed the matters herself, never relied on others, even though those 'others' were her own family. Not even in this situation she could bring herself to pout and beg help from Brandon. "I do not consent into it and he cannot force me if I don't want to."

"Of course what matters is for you to consent,", Lyanna alsmot smiled. She knew she wasn't alone, she knew Brandon would look after her but with his next words, he killed her hope rather brutally. "but,", he bit his own tongue, he was going to handle this matter himself but Lyanna's public rejection would make their father get stubborn so he needed to calm her down first. "I don't think this is such a bad idea.", Lyanna took a step back, shaking her head but Brandon continued. "I've met Robert. He is a good warrior, a handsome lad for his age, our brother's best friend so he is not a bad man. Him being a Lord Paramount makes him the most eligible bachelor in the entire realm and given you are our father's only daughter; you cannot find a more suitable match than him."

"Brandon I-", she started to speak with anger, her lips turned into the end of a needle due to pursing in order not to cry but Brandon raised a hand.

"I do understand this news came to you as a shock, you were not expecting it but think about it first, Lya."

"It's Lyanna.", she spat through her gritted teeth. "I am not a child any longer."

"Exactly.", he nodded. "You shall marry one day and you cannot get better than Robert Baratheon. We know the man, sister.", he tried to hold her arms but she slapped his hands down. "Do you think I am dying to marry Catelyn Tully?", he tried another approach. "Some mindless Southern lady, even her Gods are wrong.", he raised his eyebrows to make a point. "But still I shall marry her because such a wedding would boost our position in the realm. We must have strong ties with other lords. House Stark was too far away from the rest of the kingdoms far too long now. Don't you think we deserve some recognition of our own?"

"Father can make it so with his trade deals, or by sending people to the court to represent him, or throw tourneys, feasts like Lord Whent does now. He doesn't have to sell his children to Southern shits against their consent!", she took a deep breath through her nose to calm herself down, her hurt was turning into anger.

"Do not be impulsive, Lya!"

"It is fucking Lyanna!", she screamed until her face turned red. "How hard is it for you to say my entire name?"

Lyanna came from Lyarra, their mother. After she died, not even a single person called her Lyanna any longer.

Brandon shook his head. "I know you are angry, I was too but there are things you don't know.", things that shocked even him. He was surprised to hear the offer but it would be a lie to say he was not expecting it. Robert Baratheon had a great destiny ahead of him that would end up with a throne at his back and a crown on his hand. And who would be a better queen than Lyanna? "Making this-"

"What are those things I don't know of?", she demanded to know. "What can it be so divine that would justify our father selling me of like I am some prostitute?"

"You'll know.", he fixed his gauntlet. "When you start to think and act like an adult, you'll get to be privy into adult topics."


281 AC, Harrenhal

Nine days before the incident...

"I'm hungry.", Myles declared to Arthur when they arrived to Harrenhal and the royal couple, alongside Elia's ladies and his grooms, went to their respective chambers and he found the boy in the stables, gave him an order and before he turned his back and left, heard the disobedience. "I must eat first."

"Not eating for a few hours surely might cause some discomfort but you are not going to die, Myles.", he turned to him with a slight frown, this was not the first time Myles showed disobedience in the last weeks. It had been going on for like a moon. "Do as I tell you, and then you can eat and rest."

"I want to go to the town.", he said this time, Oswell sent a look at both -questioning towards Arthur, it seemed Myles' unrational behavour caught even his attention.

"You are tend to find trouble when you are alone, Myles. We can go together afterwards, I have business there anyways."

"Think I don't want to go with you.", this was the third time he got interrupted by Myles' almost irritated sharp tone and this time Oswell raised his eyebrows and left the barn. "I squire for the prince, Ser, not for you and he told me I can do whatever I want and I am free for the rest of the day. I'll go to the town now."

"Myles, that is enough.", he did indeed had enough, given he became increasingly more and more annoying.

At first he thought it was just the normal rebellion era of every child, perhaps more contained and rare in girls, would go through as they become adults and he was almost amused when Myles talked back but now, it was obvious there was something wrong, something Arthur didn't enjoy.

"You cannot get rid of every argument by saying it is enough, Ser.", he straightened his houlder, his sweet face carried heavy metal eyes that seemed impossibly closed off. "Perhaps you should have learn the finesse of courtly manners and the adequate elequance of interacting with one another so you would have a better come back than saying 'it is enough'.", he didn't seem smug or happy but he didn't seem remorseful as well.

"Myles, is everything alright?", he asked with true concern now, it was obvious something was troubling him. He wondered what it was. But Myles only huffed, obviously disappointed by his reaction once more. "I feel like I've done something to upset you. We've been friends once but now something has changed and you are only being cruel, why?", even though the look on Myles' face softened for a moment, it hardened again when Atera entered.

"Arthur Elia asks for you.", she said but when neither of them turned to her, she narrowd her eyes. "Am I interrupting something?"

"I was just leaving.", Myles sneered. "To the town.", and before Arthur managed to say something, he left.

"What was that?", she questioned with a frown. "He's been acting too moody for my liking. That sweet boy has disappeared out of nowhere, why?"

"I don't know.", he rolled the words in a thoughtful manner, eyes focused on the way Myles left. "But I'll found out.", then he turned to her, shaking his head to readjust his focus. "What has happened?"

"Elia.", she repeated. "Wants to see you."


Birds were twittering as they walked with a small entourage behind them. His siblings; Lyanna and Benjen, her sister Lysa and uncle Brynden and a few household guards. The Tullys have arrived days ago and Starks just managed to do so but even before they ahd time to rest, he had been called for a meeting with Lord Whent first (the man's bheaviour was welcoming but he could see the silent judgement in his movements and worried assessment in his eyes, later on Umber told him he was his future wife's maternal uncle and Brandon cursed himself for forgetting it) and now he -and his siblings, were forced to take a wall at the backside of the mighty castle, the first introduction he had with his first wife.

It had been only ten minutes but Brandon was sured she was a half-wit with no dear personality traits.

She seemed almost insulted when they were descending from the stairs and he didn't offered his hand to her. But Brandon was not a man for Southern customs, sooner she understood that was better for them. She could perfectly walk herself, she would do herself if Brandon was not there so he didn't understand why such a service was expected from him. There were places where someone had to apply courtesy; like keeping one's mistresses and bastards from the eyesight of his husband, or not flowaing around with one's treasures, brag about gold or make it public a lady's secrets but offering a hand just for the sake of it was not one of them.

"I have a gift for you.", Catelyn said finally, after a long silence where Brandon tried to joke but she didn't seem like she understood. "Since it is our first meeting.", she offered him a smile. Her red hair was tied behind her back with two blue ribbons and she was wearing a same coloured gown with a black coat. Brandon didn't like how fancy she looked. Such things would not be welcomed with open arms in Winterfell. Their lady always had to me humble and modest.

Brandon, with a smile he forced, took the small handkerchief from her delicate hands -hands that he wondered how would survive the winter. It was a white cotton with their initials intertwined in the middle, inside of a golden frame, on the corners there were grey direwolves and navy trouts.

"You did it yourself?", he asked and for the first time he did make her smile widely and nod politely. "Thank you.", he felt the need to ask, even though he didn't understand the reason. It only showed how less she knew about him and it was almost unacceptable. They've been betrothed for some time now, she should at least try to know a thing or two. "So you have a brother as well?", he tried to seem interested.

"Yes, Edmure.", she nodded. "He is only five but grows larger with each and every single day. You have two of your own, I believe, and a sister?", she looked at her back and while Benjen grinned, Lyanna too forced a smile not to startle her. Both were looking impossibly tired and sad and hideous with their thick clothes that were not appropriate for the South.

"Yes, our youngest Benjen and Lyanna.", he pointed them out with his head. "I also have Ned, who will join us with the Valeman, tomorrow."

"I've did meet with Lord Eddard previously.", she didn't feel it would be appropriate to address him with his first name. "He has been in the capital not so long ago, with Lord Baratheon.", Brandon hummed but didn't seem interested.

When he turned to look at his back once more, he saw the way his sister was basically melting and gave the handkerchief Catelyn gave to him to her under horrified looks of Catelyn's sister Lysa. Lyanna seemed surprised and even Benjen could understand what an insult this was.

"I never cared for such things.", Brandon shrugged nonchalantly and sent a look at Catelyn. "Once we'll married, you'll get to know me and see I am not an asshole,", Lysa gasped with the language and Brandon rolled his eyes. "but I am also not a Southener, lady. Such finesse is unnecessary in here."

"I'll keep in mind.", she forced herself to say and with Lyanna's burning looks, Brandon rolled his eyes and took one of the flowers from the bushes and offered it to Catelyn and even though she accepted (which was the only thing that stopped Brynden from beating the boy silly) nothing managed to fix her face until the walk has ended.


"Jaime,", Atera approached to him, hands clasped in front of her. "come here for a second."

Despite what she has said to him in the capital, after literally saving her life from Andric and then keeping his mouth truly shut about it, she thought perhaps she deserved a promotion so now he was accompanying Finnan with everything, entered her close chamber and both, together, were managing to play the king with ease.

Rhaegar and Elia did get adjusted to his presence, perhaps trust was not there but they treated him like they treated everybody. Arthur kept acting like the boy was his own squire, Oswell and Richard liked to tease him and even Myles seemed to like him. In the past moon, all of her plans were working perfectly even though hiding them from Arthur was a bit hard, considering they spent all their free time together but she did manage to control both the vapital and Dragonstone at the same time and Jon proved himself being a better ally than she thought of. Everything was going according to the plan.

The matter with Andric had to settle down with Ashara interfering. Her and Ashara perhaps were not in speaking closely terms but both were pretending for the sake of Elia and Elia, despite threatening her, didn't actually do something for her and Arthur, her mind seemed to be somewhere else ever since they immediately returned from Summherhall. Her relationship with Rhaegar was different too, it was like she was scared of him, and neither of them, especially Oberyn, liked that.

She and him were still having date nights together, lunches and walk at the beach but the times she enoyed the most when she and Arthur sat on the rocks, threw stones to the wide sea without talking. In the meantime, Elia gathered nine other ladies as well so made her job easier, let her focused on politics more -though it also caused for her and Arthur to be even more discreet but they were managing well.

Journey there was long but not that hard. The spring was false but the weather truly seemed like it. And since thye were Elia's immediate ladies and she was with child, they too were staying inside the castle -them and the Whents and no one else, the rest were stuck with tents.

And amongst Elia's ladies, only her and Ashara were given private chambers. Given she was her future sister-in-law (Oberyn too was staying in the castle) and Ashara was her chief lady-in-waiting. Her other nine ladies parted into three chambers; Sabitha and Nymella Toland, sisters, were staying together alongside with Indira Jordayne. Ianthe Rowan (Rhonda's sister who came into her service when Alysanne couldn't) was staying with Anya Dondarrion (the young lord's third cousin) and Celestra Willum (a nobody from Westerlands, came only to appease but also mock the queen). And the rest of her ladies; Tamarind Yronwood (a child of four and ten, came as a show of goodwill), Azula Fowler (childhood friend of Elia and Ashara, apparently former lover of Arthur, and betrothed to some lord, by far, Atera's favourite in the service) and Wisteria Vaith (who hoped to marry Garth, apparently and she couldn't bring herself to let down her hopes) and she knew in this tourney, Elia was going to name Bethany Blackwood as one of her ladies as well (with the suggestion of both Oswell and Catelyn), and perhaps even Lysa Tully and Alysanne -if Leyton would bring her.

Now she was in the small room they gave to her, watching servants to place her belongings. "Yes, my lady?", Jaime was a dutiful and a loyal squire with a tad of smugness (cockiness) and arrogance but Arthur was working too well to took it out of the boy. "Anything you wish?"

"I want you to keep an eye on Myles for me, will you?", she asked with a frown. He was on her mind for a while now but Arthur always shrugged it off, now it seemed like a matter she should handle. "He's been acting weird, as I am sure you've noticed as well. I want to know what is happening."

"Of course, my lady.", he nodded. "Shall I ask him directly or let him say it to me?"

"You choose your own method.", before she understood how it happened, she became his mentor all of a sudden. "It differs to a people's personality and mood. I cannot make an healthy assessment from here."

"As you wish, my lady."

"And another thing,", she needed Alysanne. "my brother will arrive here tomorrow morning, we hope, and he possibly will bring my niece the Lady Alysanne. You've met her?"

Jaime's ears got a bit red. "I've did, yes."

"Good. I'll take her to my side and I want you to keep an eye on her, understand? I will be busy during the tournament, you two at in the same age, be a company to one another."

"Yes, my lady.", he nodded and she squeezed his shoulder delicately.


"Listen to me, you little shit,", Oswell did push him to the nearest wall the moment he got the opening. "this is your first and last warning; I don't care who the fuck are you, or whose son are you. If you upset my niece, cheat on her, mistreat her, dare to butcher her like an animal on childbed, you'll make an enemy for yourself of the crown.", he hissed. "Do you understand?", Brandon tried to push him off but Oswell was wearing armour and was as twice as him. "Do you?", he pressed his arm to his throat more and made Brandon nod. "We'll see about that.", he said one last time and let him go. Brandon moved away without saying anything but the anger was obvious in his face.

"You had to do that?", Arthur asked suddenly, leaned comrotably to a wall nearby, arms crossed. "Why not wanr him like a human being?"

"I know man like him.", Oswell said with a careless pout as he took his gauntlets off. "They never understand another way."

"Do you remember,", Arthur wondered. "that one time, whilst at Stepstones, you and I couldn't enter to our tent because we were sure we would be killed inside?", Oswell chuckled through his nose. "When all they did was to warn us like human beings and we let paranoia won over us and stood there, the entire night, swords in hand, while everybody made fun of us and Gerold smacked both of our heads in the morning."

"You are saying warning him silently would be more efficient because he would think a kingsguard would not use only his words and for the rest of his life, he would expect an attack from me?", Oswell raised an eyebrow. "And how is this more humane than what I have done? It is physicological torture at core."

Arthur shook his head. "Perhaps man like him would understand only that way."


"Do not be rude, Lyanna.", Brandon warned her one last time as they went to the courtyard from their tents. The Valeman has just arrived, including their brother and Lyanna's betrothal.

"I could follow this advice if it would not come from you.", she said as she tried to fix her grey dress. Her father was trying to pimp her out it seemed, given none of her dresses she wore at Winterfell were there and most of those gowns were of the shape of Southern fashion. "You've been more than rude to the Tully girl."

"I was not rude, I was forthcoming.", he defended himself, deep down knowing if Robert Baratheon would treat her sister like that, he would meet with his punch on his nose. "We all should know what we expect from the marriage, no?"

"But you would chastise me if I would go to him and tell him that what he should expect from this marriage is for that to never take place.", she huffed and Benjen snorted at their back. Knowing he cannot control his sister's temper, he turned to Benjen as a warning and the young boy tried to muffle his chuckles with his hand. "I don't know what you think it will happen; I'll see him and faint because how handsome he is as Ned's been saying as of late? Now I understand why that little shit was describing Robert as if he was a maiden and not our brother.", she muttered the last line and Brandon turned to her in shock. "I was starting to think he was falling in love but no,", she pouted. "he was just trying to pimp his best friend to his sister."

"Lyanna it is enough!", he warned her, now knowing if he should burst into laughter or reprimand her. As her eldest brother, he knew he should have done the latter, given it was his duty as Lyanna's guardian because their father was away but he couldn't bring himself to do so because how funny that comment was. "Walls have ears in the South, sister.", he warned her more silently this time, wrapping a hand to her back. "We wouldn't want people to gather the wrong idea.", Lyanna only rolled her grey eyes and grimaced as they met with the bright sunlight.

"Can't we make it disappear?", she asked with hostility and this time Brandon rolled his grey eyes.

"A little sun would not kill you."

"We'll see about that.", she murmured.

It has been a day since they arrived here and if it didn't show the lack of responsibility for Valeman to come after them (given their journey should have been far more easier because they had less people with them and were closer to the Harrenhal than the Northeners) she didn't know what it did.

"Lord Arryn, Lord Baratheon!", Lord Whent went to welcome them at first, at both were Paramounts and Ned, with a true smile, approached to his family after dismounted his horse.

"And there he is,", Brandon opened his arms wildly. "the wolf in runaway!", Ned actually chuckled to his brother's antics and they shared a hug.

"More like the quiet wolf is here, brother. Or haven't you heard the talks?", Benjen asked mishceviously.

"Or like the brother who tries to pimp me out,", Lyanna said as she looked at her nails. "that is more fitting."

Ending his hug with Brandon, he ruffled Benjen's hair and looked at his only sister. "I missed you too, Lya."

"It's Lyanna.", she corrected him firmly. "And I would have missed you more if you would at least do me the courtesy of making me aware of my possible match."

"Father didn't want you to hear it.", Ned sighed. He feared she would reject it on the spot and worse, do something irreversible to stop the match from happening, so he asked for his silence until he made up his mind. When Jon announced the betrothal a fortnight ago, he thought Lyanna accepted the match, seeing it was not the case startled him now. "Or else you know I never would do such a thing."

"Oh but you did such a thing.", she scoffed. "You dared to propose a match between us, knowing what exactly your friend is."

"What is that supposed to mean?", he frowned in confusion.

"You know exactly what it means.", she snapped and Brandon raised his hands to both of them. Not that Ned would continue the argument but the last thing he needed was Lyanna to make a scene, especially not after how terrible his conversation with Catelyn went.

"Have your adgument and ask your questions later.", he sighed. "When we are alone, not in public.", then his eyes caught the broad figure of Robert and pinched Lyanna's back as he wrapped a hand around her. "Behave, love.", he whispered into his ear but Lyanna was not in a mood to play games.

"Brandon!", Robert came, patted Ned's shoulder and shook Brandon's hand, he had a different energy around him today -excitement made him even louder.

"Robert.", Brandon normally would be as enthaustic as Robert but he didn't dare next to Lyanna. "I heard we are going to be brothers now, what do you make of that?", if looks could kill, Brandon would be in ashes now -if Lyanna's eyes were any indication.

Robert's eyes immediately found Lyanna, looking at the side of her face as she was turned to Brandon with anger. She was beautiful, though perhaps not as beautiful as she could have been, not as beautiful as the other women he had but still, beautiful. She had the same fair colouring of her brothers and sharp features just like them. Light grey eyes looking like green under the cold light of the sun and her hair, brown of colour, was falling to her back in an almost careless straight way. She was wearing a grey gown that didn't look like it fit her, and a brown belt with a direwolf figure on it. It didn't look like she had a taste for fashion (or sense at all) which, he guessed, was a good thing. He would not have to spend gold to the latest fashion silks everytime and he guessed, once they married, he would prefer her without any clothes on anyways.

"Pleased.", he said, Ned grimaced, the right answer should have been 'honoured' but Brandon was not the kind of man who would mind it anyways. "Lady Lyanna,", he called and Lyanna, after sending one last heartbroken look to Brandon, turned to him. "I am glad to finally meet you. I must say I cannot wait for our marriage to take place, you'll be a suitable wife and we'll have many children together.", he seemed like he expected Lyanna to throw herself into his arms right here and there but after sending him empty looks, she just turned her back and left, a wide-eyed Benjen followed her.

"She is just tired.", Brandon said with a clenched jaw, still looking after her. "Couldn't adapt to the new reality.", Ned thought he meant of the weather and nodded but Robert sent him a knowing look.

"No need for that, I know what is happening here, I understood it.", Brandon turned to him with a frown, if this betrothal went bad, he could only guess what would have happen to his sister. Their father was loving time to time but the iron in him made it impossible to show it. "She is just excited to meet me!", he let out a loud laugh that eased Brandon's worries. Thanks to the Gods he was not capable of understanding the signs of discomfort -or perhaps his ego preferred to make up such a thing to keep him pleased. "Embarassed as well, probably. Such umility is a good thing for a woman to posses but I am sure she'll be more comfortable once we get to know each other."

"Of course.", Brandon nodded and Ned sent him a look of doubt. "Let me escort you to your tents.", he made a gesture and patted his brother's back as they started to walk.


"Elia is resting and Rhaegar is speaking to Lord Whent, to make sure both understand each other.", she was done moving in and was alone now, was placing her scrolls and ink and books to the small table inside. The room was not large at all but it was enough. It contained a bed and a desk, two chairs in front of it, a small couch, a very small four-shelved library and a large closet and not much area to walk. "The opening feast will be tonight and we placed everyone accordingly."

"Northmen are too proud.", Arthur hugged her from behind, threw her hair to one shoulder and kissed her neck. "Making them sit to the far behind will be taken as an insult."

"We cannot make everyone sit on the front now, can we?", she questioned. "Dorne has a princess and Westerlands has a queen, they should cover the first two tables. Reach has the most fertile lands and the richness and have the biggest army, and Crowlands are directly tied to the Iron Throne, they are the crown's principal bannermen so they are sitting in the second table. The peace deal with Braavos is far more important than the Northern pride -they cannot act like South doesn't exist and then expect to be held in high regard, and we are in Riverlands. Lord Whent asked to placed higher than Stormlands, we couldn't reject him. And for the fourth; Robert has Targaryen blood and Arryns intermarried Targaryen twice. This makes Iron Islands and the North at the back, it is not an insult but basic logic."

"What if we move the tables at every feast?", he asked looking over the papers through her shoulder.

"Like what?"

"Like, keep Dorne and Westerlands at the top, alright, but change the rest. Like make the Reach and the Crownlands to sit in the second row for tonight's feast, and the Iron Islands and the North at the fifth, and in tomorrow's feast Reach and the Crownlands would sit on the third row, Braavos and Riverlands in the fourth, Stormlands and the Vale in the forth and of course, North and Iron Islands in the second.", when she turned to him with a frown he explained again. "With every feast, everyone moves a row back?"

"What are we Arthur? Five?", she didn't like the idea one bit. "Gods no, we are making a proper arrangement here. We cannot think of everyone's hurt feelings."

"We are here because we must think of everyone's hurt feelings because Aerys ebats Rhaegar as of now, despite the situation he is in, and he needs to buy the impartial lords.", he pointed out the paper. "He cannot do that when he cannot even see them from the dais. With this way, we would make it shown that every region are important for us.", she huffed to him and murmured something in her mouth. Making her turn to him and then pressing her back to the desk, he held her chind and asked. "What was that?"

"You and your damn honour and sensivity.", she repeated, looking at his eyes. "Fine.", she agreed the next moment because while she hated the idea, it made so much sense and would actually work in their favour. "I'll explain that to Lord Whent."

"Good.", Arthur smiled at her. "I must go and finish the placements of the household knights. They are as important as Oswell and I in here. Everything must go perfectly."

"And we will snatch the nobles one by one, right?", she narrowed her eyes. "They all will speak to either Elia or to Rhaegar, but they will not know the others did as well?"

"Exactly. We will make the word roam around but essentially no one will know it is us whose spreading it."

She nodded, then her eyes found the bed. "Is your job urgent?"

"Making sure we all stay alive and no one dies is urgent?", he raised his eyebrows. "I don't know, what do you think?"

"I think it can wait a little.", she pouted as her hands found his chest. Both him and Oswell took off their kingsguard armour as they settled in. "Give a thought or two and I guess you can see you might have other urgent things to do?", she raised and eyebrow when he chuckled at her. "Arthur."

"Tonight.", he promised her, held her hands in his palm and placed kisses to her knucled. "But first we must understand this place. Oswell will walk me around. But tonight, I'll find my way here.", she pouted and he leaned down to place a kiss to her lips, they broke up when Oswell knocked loudly to the door.

"I cannot wait for you forever, kiss her goodbye and come right here!", he yelled through the wooden door and both Atera and Arthur parted their lips with the words he said. "There are no one in this wing but your sister it is why she is staying here!", he continued, sensed their shock and this time Atera rolled her eyes and Arthur sighed.

"Tonight.", he repeated. "I promise."


"I assume we will publicy announce my pregnancy tonight.", not that there was something to hide, she was showing. "Me being pregnant, the thought of I can possibly give him an heir, will make the lords more symphatetic to our cause."

She was in the big bath tub, cottons were covering its walls, she was wearing a chemise even though she was inside it, just like Northern ladies did; so her skin wouldn't touch the water directly, to prevent cracks on it. Now that she was pregnant and in a different region, she didn't also want to be ill as well. She needed perfection nothing more.

Three of her ladies were there, one was rubbing her feet, Sabithe, Ianthe was massaging her forehead and Azula was rubbing her palm. She especially sent Atera and Ashara away -not that she couldn't endure them but they were her eyes and ears and everything had to go impeccably.

"And now, since the betrothal between my brother and Atera happened, we shall need to appoint court ladies to her as well. As a Dornish princess; she'll need them, whether she stays with me or not."

"Shouldn't Lady Mellario needs to do that, your grace?", Sabitha asked.

"She doesn't have such a juristication, Doran still hasn't granted her the title of a 'princess', she is not even the Lady of Sunspear. So it falls on my shoulders."

"I will prepare a list of names and present to you tomorrow, your grace.", Azula, as a Fowler was the most higher ranking one amongst the three, nodded to the princess.

"But please, no naïve birds.", she shook her head. "Her marriage with Oberyn will be on paper, indeed but,", given her secret affair with Arthur, they all need to be careful. "still they will have to see one another, join to state dinners and toruneys and official duties together. Not only that, my brother will be free of any marital bounds, the same will be applied to Atera. I need people who can work on her and keep their mouth shut at the same time. Like Lady Alea."

"She shall stay with her. As much as I understand, we cannot send her away even we want to anyways.", Sabitha muttered.

"She is the only one that Atera listens so of course she should stay. I'll talk with her privately as well."

"I think we should add a lady of our ranks to her service, your grace.", young Ianthe Rowan commented. "She is my sister's aunt-by-marriage, and given how Ser Baelor was essentially the artitech of this marriage, she wants for them to work out as well."

"I trust that you will find a right lady for her, then.", it did made sense, this way she too would be in control of them. With a slow movement, carefully, she stood up. "Now, I need to start to get prepared. The feast is about to start."


"...if he cared about my dignity that much, perhaps he would leave my own dresses to me and not make me look like a wench!", Lyanna yelled as loud as she can and then slammed the door as she left.

She heard Brandon's yells but she didn't care and instead turned from the endless corridors until she got lost and made sure no one would see, hear or find her, then threw herself to a dark corner and started to cry as she wanted to do for far too long now. She didn't know how much time passed until she heard some noises approaching her.

"Are you sure you he doesn't want to join to the feast?", she heard distinct voices of a man but she didn't know who it was.

"I've asked more than once, pressured him even. He doesn't want to sit at the Westerlands table, for all the understandable reasons."

"There are no Lannisters in the feast, Rhaegar and I checked."

"Which makes it worse somehow, as much as I understood from the paleness of his face when I told him that.", they were approaching to her but she was sure they could not see her. "I offered him that he could sit at the Reach table. I would entrust Paxter with him but he is not here yet but I can fetch Ianthe from Elia, they are of similar age, they would get along but he rejected. When he looked truly tired, I couldn't pressure him further and let him be.", the woman sighed. "He'll be better tomorrow."

"I hope so.", the other man mubled and they stood overly close to Lyanna. "I must go and be prepared for the feast. I've already spent too much time."

"It was you who promised.", this time the woman's voice sounded flirtatious. "You cannot blame me."

"When I said 'tonight',", she felt the man approaching to the woman he was speaking. "I meant 'tonight'.", the woman hummed. "After the feast."

"I will sleep after the feast though, it is nice that we handled that matter as well.", the man only huffed and then she heard kissing voices and loud footsteps getting away from her.

Thinking she was clear, she wiped her face, stood up and took a foot to the hallways only to swallow a scream when she met with a blonde woman. "What are you doing here?", her face was relaxed, almost sweet but her eyes were looking too cold. "Have you been listening to us?", Lyanna was sure she seemed too shocked, too puzzled that the woman understood she had no idea what was happening and took a different approach. "Are you alright?", was it that obvious she was crying?

"I-I am.", she hated herself for stuttering. This was not suitable, showing a form of weakness so she sniffled, wiped her eyes one more time and straightened her spine, all while the woman's blue eyes got warmer and watched her with a form of amusement. "I am perfectly well, Lady...?"

"Atera Hightower, one of Her Grace, Princess Elia's ladies.", she made a small curtsy of respect and Lyanna tried to copy her movements though she was sure she didn't come off as elegant as her. "And you?"

"Lyanna Stark.", she cleared her voice and spoke with confidence, the other woman raised an eyebrow.

"Lyanna Stark?", her eyes roamed around her. "And why have you been crying, Lyanna Stark?", she asked and Lyanna shook her head firmly.

"I was not.", she declared proudly. "Just some allergies, the entire castle is filled with dust."

Now, Atera was truly the one with dust allergy, it was so bad that she accepted to take a potion, this girl was simply crying. But she seemed too young. Atera remembered herself at that age. She could argue till the morning that she was not crying so she didn't push.

"Are you going to the feast?", she wondered as she angles her body to the hallway. "I can help you if you are lost."

"I am not lost.", Lyanna was sure she come off like a child but it was the truth; she was not lost, went there willingly.

"Were hiding from someone, something?", if the only daughter of a Warden was crying in a dark corner; Elia and Rhaegar would like to know. "Perhaps I can help you."

"I can assure you it is not something you can help me.", Lyanna scoffed and perhaps he should have been more respectful to one the princess' ladies but she didn't feel like it.

"People usually say that, make themselves miserable and come to me as the last resort and I handle the matters for them and thye would understand they tortured themselves for nothing.", her lips crawled into a smile. "I have a reputation of fixing problems. At worst, you would find comfort by telling what is bothering you, at best, I can actually fix it. So go on, try me."

Lyanna didn't trust the woman one bit. She never liked or trust know-it-all people, with their big egos and flat confidances but still, she spat it out. "I am betrothed to a man I don't want. Can you fix that too?"

Atera raised her eyebrows, now they did not hear about this betrothal and it could ruin all of their plans. "Depends on the man."

"Robert Baratheon.", Lyanna deadpanned and Atera actually spent too much efford to surpress the loud laugh rose from her chest.

"Robert Baratheon?", she asked with a funny voice. "Poor you.", now if one thing Lyanna hated more than showing weakness, it was people pitiying her.

"I am not-"

"Except that you are. Robert was a marriage candidate for me once, not so long ago, Gods knows I did everything I could do prevent it.", she pursed her lips. "Though I didn't end up with a different candidate.", she raised her hand and showed it. "Oberyn Martell, the princess' brother, happens to be my own fiancée and let me tell you this; the only difference between him and Robert is that at least he doesn't expect heirs.", Lyanna let out a humourless snort through her nose.

"You cannot help me then."

"I may think of something.", totally depends on how Elia and Rhaegar would welcome such news. "But I did not praise myself out of nothing. Come to me; if you need anything and I shall help you.", the Northern girl didn't seem believed in her but nodded still and before Atera said something, left from the opposite hallway.


Everything was going according to the plan.

The big dais where the royal family and the Whents has sat was glimmering with light due to almost extravagant amount jewels and the stained glass behind it was making the entire scene look like as if it belonged to the Age of Dawn, than of the current timeline.

Rhaegar was sitting in the middle, wearing black pants and boots and a long black coat that was hold to his side with silver clasps and his own princeling crown was resiging in his hands; as red as blood those rubies were looking like. At his side there was his beautiful wife; this occasion was also the perfect opportunity to announce her pregnancy, she was almost five moons along now and she started to show, by all accounts the babe was healthy. She was wearing a dark coloured but bright looking red gown with golden threads at her belt, her sleeves were parting as they fell from her shoulder, make her golden skin of her arms show. Her chestnut hair was in waves, falling to her back with a carefully tended manner and a gold crown was nestled on top of her hair, her lips were red and the eyeliner she applied was making her olive eyes pop, the luxurious golden snake crawled in her neck and the topaz egg it was holding with its tail was showing everyone of her own inheritance.

On her side there were her younger brother and greatest protector; Oberyn, wearing an orange robe with unbottened fainted yellow shirt underneath it and brown leather pants. His hair was getting longer but it was not far below his chin yet, as his betrothed Atera was sitting there as well. Wearing some navy gown with low-cutted collar and hanging sleeves with sharp edges. Her own blonde hair was braided on the front to the back in the shapes of roses and a very thin crystal circlet was placed to her forehead. Her sapphire earrings were big enough to touch her shoulders and except her wedding ring and her mother's ring, she was not wearing any other jewels.

On the left side of the table, right next to Rhaegar, there was old Lord Whent with his balding hair. The remaining ginger parts were looking as tired as his face. He was wearing a snow white shirt with high collars so the black and simple coat he wore on top of it was still showing the whiteness that touched to his chin. His beard was handled properly. It was not as long as the Norhtern lords, nor as less as the Reacher ones. A proper Riverlander he was.

His wife and former brother in law were there as well as his younger daughter, as she was the Queen of Love and Beauty of the tournament. Shella was wearing a yellow gown in the coloured of their banners, her honey blonde hair was braided like a crown on top of her head with a pearly hairnet residing in the middle. Underneath her gown, she was wearing a transparent chemise with multiple pearls attached to it and just like her husband's her high collar was touching to her chin. Her gown had heavy bishop sleeves and her gown was thicker than both of Elia's and Atera's -both were falling to the ground just like that but a pillow corset was attached to underneath Shella's skirts. She was wearing think pearl earrings that faell down in rectangular shape.

Her daughter was resembling her. Having the same hair type -of course without the hair net, and was wearing a similar dress without any pearly chemise underneath it. And in the absence of Hoster, Brynden was there, sitting with a gloomy expression, wearing black just like other men. Both Oswell and Arthur were on duty at both sides, hands on their swords. Both Rhaegar and Walter -though his was more reluctant, proposed him to sit on the table or be off-duty tonight but he just snorted at both and took his place next to Arthur. He gave all it up a long time ago, he was not going to turn back to them again.

On Elia's side of the floor, there were the tables of Dorne (filled with all thirteen noble houses, perhaps not all ruling lords and ladies were there but every house did sent a representative), and the Reach next to one another; not all of the Reacher Lords were there. Tyrells did announced they were not going to join and their principal bannermen were going to arrive tomorrow together; Hightowers, Redwynes, Florents and Fossoways. But the rest were there; Rowans and Cranes, even Oakhearts after everything that has happened, Ashfords and Beesburrys, Mullendores with the rest of Hightower sworn houses, Tarlys of course and Caswells.

Behind them there were three more tables too; a small one that carried the Braavosi ambassadors and a few known-commanders, in the name of the peace they just signed. After that there was the Stormlander table where Robert kept the mood of it; all four Marcher Lords were there, two with amiable faces, two sulking deeply, and just like the Dorne, the table was filled with represantitives from all eighteen houses the region contained. Rhaegar, with the old advice of Jon, placed Richard at that table and now he was sitting right next to Robert, with Ned Stark being at the other side of him. And next to them there were the Norhtern Lords. They too did not bring much members like the Braavosi, only three children of their liege lord; Brandon, Lyanna and Benjen, and a small envoy that escorted them there; the Mormont ladies with their brother Jorah, the young Roose Bolton, Brandon's best friends William Dustin and Rodrik Cassell, some lady companions of House Karstark to attend to Lyanna, the young Lord Reed, the boistorours Lord Manderly, Crewyn boys and Lord Umber himself.

On the other side of the room (there was a great empty space between them for people to dance) there were five set of tables as well; Westerlanders sitting at the top, as being the region of the queen -the queen that was not there currently. There were no Lannisters -save Jaime who did not want to join to that night's feast for the exact same reason, but most of their bannermens -their knightly houses were there as well but obviously not in the feast. Next to them all the lords of the Crownlands sat; Velaryons being directly under Elia's radar all night, Jace, thanks to the Gods, was not there and neither her father or uncle, but Corlys was there and it was enough. Riverlander Houses sat with Catelyn and Lysa in the middle of it. Brynden didn't want to leave his nieces like that but it was an honour to sat on the dais so he had to accept. Walter's other children were in that table as well and all the Lords of Riverlands were sitting there in person. Of course they were not going to miss that tourney, none of them were that stupid or loyal to Hoster.

Vale mostly sent its knights though a small envoy contained the Royces, Graftons, Eleshams and Belmores accompanied their liege lord Jon Arryn -just like two of his nephews, Elbert and Denys and next to them there was the Iron Islanders -not any Greyjoys and too less members than of the Braavosi table. Being sat next to the plague of the realm, as Jon would describe, was nothing but an insult and this insolence was the reason why the power had to shifted in the realm. Southeners had their fun, not it was the time of the Northeners, time of his.

And in order to do that, he was going to start with the inbred tyrants sat on the throne they sullied.

"You are in a good mood.", Oswell said, catching Atera as she momentarily left for the Reacher table and now she was returning back, the feast was about to start. "What have you been up to?", he escorted her back to the dais and couldn't help but ask in the meantime, his eyes finding Arthur's overly placid face and he swallowed down a chuckle. "Liked the bed in your chambers?"

She chuckled to that. "You know, the usual.", she answered his second question, turning the ring on your finger. "How are things between you and your brother?", she asked and Oswell's mood immediately fell.

"How are you and your dear fiancée?", he counter asked and she rolled her eyes as they passed the Dornish table.

"I asked you first."

"I thought threatening that Stark boy Cat is betrothed to would calm me down, make me feel better given it was arreanged by Hoster and Walter both but it didn't.", he sighed, offered his arm to her to climb the stairs.

"She will be the wife of a Warden though.", she offered.

"My sister was a wife of a Paramount, the entire realm knows what happened to her. Are you suggesting the power they held as being some dickhead's wife is more important than what happens to them in the end?"

"Gods, no.", she scoffed with understanding. "I out of all people would never mean that, you know it as well.", Oswell sent her a look, executed mother, yes, now he remembered. "I am just saying the title she gets will be far important than the other version of this story.", she turned to him. "Love.", she said with playfully widened eyes.

"Does it ever bother you that you could marry with Rhaegar and become the queen?", Oswell asked as they almost approached to the dais and saw the way Elia turned her head away when Rhaegar leaned down to say her something.

"Why would it?", she frowned.

"Don't play me.", Oswell shook his head. "You love power more than life itself."

She snorted loudly. "Yes and?"

"And perhaps you would want him to be your husband instead of the creature you are betrothed to.", she chuckled but tried to surpress it.

"Rhaegar has neither the brains nor the skills to be my husband, hence why I have rejected him in the first place. Gods knows Elia is blessed with patience, given if I would be in her shoes, I would either kill him by now or plea for separation. At least Oberyn and I understand one another to a degree. He is not some insufrable optimist like Rhaegar."

"Well, I agree.", Oswell nodded. "But you have plenty of intelligence to spare and to share with us."

"Well,", she pouted and then agreed with a wrinke in her nose. "yes, yes, I do.", and both chuckled. "But I am content, I guess, things could be far more worse, I mean look at the Stark girl."

"What Stark girl?", he frowned as they arrived to their destination.

"Lyanna.", she said with a fake pout. "Betrothed to-"

But then both of their attention turned to door as it opened unexpectedly and interrupted her. With one single glance to the man who was entering, Atera felt her own face going numb as Rhaegar, without even realizing, stood up and the music ended, people started to whisper in shock to one another and it was Walter Whent who first stood up to welcome their new guest.

"Behold,", the man at the gate started to announce with a shaky voice. "His Grace Aerys of House Targaryen,", Elia's heart was basically beating loud enough for everyone to hear. "Second of His Name, The King of the Andals,", with shock, the Reacher Lords raised. "the Rhoynar,", Dorne followed them quickly, even Oberyn and Elia stood up. "and the First Men,", Starks were the last ones to do so. "Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protecor,", Rhaegar without realizing found Elia's hand and hold it tightly. "of the Realm!"



Now we'll kind of have dual povs from now on, more similar to the Game of Thrones storyline. Our main focus is not only Rhaegar and his team, or Aerys and his but now the Starks and Robert are main characters as well, we'll see a lot of them. And not only that but through this phase, I am intending on having a deeper view of the characters so in every chapter, I'll give place to the certain flashbacks of certain characters to tell you all who they are.

In today's chapter; we have Oswell and in the next one *spoiler* we'll have Ned. The reason I am doing this is because narratively I don't always have the chance to tell a character's past. I managed to do that with Arthur because it actually had an importance to the over all story but characters like Oswell and Ned are not like him. They had, in their past, events that shaped him, events that they never think about again and if they do not think, I cannot write, so I found the solution to this. I hope it will not be confusing.

This chapter was relatively short because I didn't want to start the chaos just now but we'll increase our tempo with each and every chapter.

I'll fix the typing errors shortly and please do not forget to follow me on TikTok (@songofsapphire) to get spoilers from future chapters and gain insights on characters.

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