Chief Kim / Kim Taehyung Ff

By karaaii

105K 6.4K 1.5K

"Chief Kim Taehyung" The name was enough to give chills to his whole department... Kim taehyung the 'chief... More

1. Punishment
2. Cage of Dark
3. Salt
4. Bruise
5. clever
6. Drugged
7. Kidnapped
8. Horrified
9. Denial
10. Mute
11. Hopes
13. Chaos
14. Just a Slave
15. Honest
16. She is pathetic
17. Help her
18. Helpless
19. Helpless (pt.2)
20. Silence
21. Ugly
22. He can
23. Eating disorder
24. Echoes of Fear
25. Healing Hearts: A Plushie's Warmth.
26. Rescuing an Angel pt. (1)
27. Homecoming of His Angel.
28. Homecoming of His Angel pt.(2)
29. Shared Smiles.
30. Treasuring the Little Things. pt.(1)
31. Treasuring the Little Things pt.(2)
32. Seoul to Jeju.
33. Bonds of the Heart.
35. Journey to Recovery.
36. Silent Longing.
37. Tender Care.
38. A Friend Found.
39. Heartfelt Hush.
40. Disappeared.
41. Resilience in Fragility.
42. Nightmare Evening.
43. Dark Deeds.
44. Vengeance.
45. Wounds and Whispers.
46. Embracing Vulnerability.
47. Threads of Connection.
48. The Missing Link.
49. Guardian Angels.
50. A Brush with Fate.
51. Shadows of the Past.
52. Whispers of Doom (pt.1).
53. Whispers of Doom (pt.2).
54. Proximity.
54. Into the Darkness.
55. Lost in the Night.
56. Lost Voices.
57. Fragile Silence.
58. Small Victories.
59. Seth Walash.
60. Dark Omens.
61. Predator's Gaze.
62. In the Eye of Evil (pt.1).
63. In the Eye of Evil (pt.2).

34. A Room of Dreams.

1.1K 70 7
By karaaii

As the boys and y/n gathered to watch the fireworks, y/n's fascination with the vibrant colors exploding against the dark sky was evident. Her mute presence added a unique depth to the moment. Taehyung, standing slightly behind her, couldn't help but notice the way her shiny doe eyes were fixed on the night sky.

Meanwhile, Yoongi, standing beside her, felt a rush of nostalgia wash over him. The dazzling display in the sky seemed to awaken memories from the past, making this simple moment of watching fireworks together feel all the more significant.

Fifteen-year-old Yoongi found himself seated on the ground, surrounded by a sea of people. Their parents sat beside him, their gazes fixed on the magnificent fireworks beginning to illuminate the night sky. The atmosphere was filled with joy, and cheers erupted from the crowd as the spectacle unfolded.

In the midst of it all, their little angel, a five-year-old, climbed onto her brother's lap, a warm smile spreading across Yoongi's face. He extended her milk bottle, which she eagerly accepted, sipping from it as she cradled on her brother's lap.

The young child watched the fireworks above with wide-eyed fascination, her innocent wonder capturing the hearts of their family. In her muffled baby language, she pointed at the sky with her little finger, milk spilling from her mouth as she exclaimed, "golden."

Yoongi gently wiped her face with his hands, his heart warmed by the pure joy and innocence radiating from his little sister as she enjoyed the mesmerizing scenes in the night sky.

Yoongi couldn't help but notice that the same spark of wonder and innocence still shone in his sister's eyes, even after 15 years had passed. It was a bittersweet realization, a reminder of the childhood that had been stolen from her.

The weight of guilt bore heavily on his heart. He couldn't forget that y/n had been locked away for 15 years by the person responsible for their parents' death. She had missed out on her entire childhood, enduring pain, torture, and being used as a subject for drugs.

Unable to contain the overwhelming pain and emotions, Yoongi abruptly broke away from the crowd, fleeing the scene in silent sobs. Jin, who had noticed his distress, hurriedly followed after him, concerned for his well-being.

Yoongi found some space behind a parked car, his tears flowing freely as the weight of his emotions became almost unbearable. Jin, who had been silently standing by his side, eventually placed a comforting hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"It's okay, Yoongi," Jin whispered softly, understanding the depth of his friend's pain.

Yoongi took a moment to wipe away his tears and collect himself. Turning to face Jin with a determined expression, he said, "Let's go back, Hyung."

Jin smiled in response, offering his unwavering support, and together they made their way back to the gathering.

The car ride back to the hotel was filled with a heavy silence. Yoongi sat in the passenger seat, his gaze avoiding any contact with y/n. The weight of their situation hung in the air, making it difficult for him to find the right words.

Upon reaching the hotel, Jin took the responsibility of putting y/n to sleep, hoping she would find some peace in slumber. After a while, he left the room, thinking that she was asleep.

However, y/n lay in her bed, her thoughts consumed by concern for her brother. On the other side of the emotional divide, Yoongi remained too overwhelmed to even look at her, his heart heavy with the pain of their shared past and uncertain future.

Y/n quietly slipped into Yoongi's room, clutching her pillow in her arms. The room had three large beds, accommodating the five of them.

Yoongi was attempting to get some rest in his own bed, which was next to Jin's. Jin, however, was engaged in a playful argument with Jungkook, who wanted to cuddle with him in bed. Their banter had disrupted the room's tranquility.

As they paused to listen to a soft knock on the door, both Yoongi and Jin fell silent. Yoongi rushed to open the door and found y/n standing there, her presence bringing relief and concern. He asked with genuine worry, "What happened, y/n? Are you okay?"

Y/n smiled warmly at her brother and nodded , she texted him, "I want to sleep here." Yoongi returned her smile, welcoming her into the room. She settled onto his bed, and Yoongi sat down beside her. Curiosity filled her eyes as she typed another message, "What's wrong, Oppa? Why were you ignoring me?"

Yoongi read her message, and instead of responding, he simply gazed at her with a soft, affectionate smile, his heart feeling lighter with her presence.

Yoongi's heart ached with sadness knowing that y/n had felt ignored, even though that was far from his intention. He couldn't find the words to explain the emotions that had overwhelmed him earlier.

As he gently patted her head and spoke softly, "I wasn't ignoring you, my angel. I was just too emotional to look at you," y/n might not have fully understood his words, but she sensed the love and sincerity in his tone. Without hesitation, she moved closer and hugged him tightly. Yoongi, his eyes misty, returned the embrace, cherishing the bond they shared.

In the room, Jin dramatically wiped away his own tears, while Jungkook playfully teased him. Eventually, they all settled down, finding comfort in each other's presence.

The room's tranquility was disrupted by a sulking Taehyung, who burst in, exclaiming, "Joon Hyung doesn't let me hug him." His dramatic entrance was met with a pillow thrown by Yoongi, which Taehyung agilely dodged.

Jin, the peacemaker of the group, gestured for Taehyung to keep his voice down. He then pointed at y/n, who was sound asleep, snuggled against Yoongi like a koala. In the other bed, Jungkook was also fast asleep, cuddled up to Jin. The two babies of the group were peacefully dreaming away.

Taehyung, feeling a bit guilty for disrupting the calm, held his ears in a silent apology and quickly locked the door. He settled down beside Jin, opting for a hug this time.

Jin found himself sandwiched between his two affectionate kids, grateful for the warmth and love they brought to his life.

As the night settled in, the other three members of their family were peacefully asleep in their separate rooms. Jimin and Hobi found comfort in their own shared room, while Joon had his own space in another. The peacefulness of the night allowed them all to rest, knowing that they were together, and that, no matter what challenges they faced, they were united as a family.

The next morning at the famous restaurant on Jeju Island, the family indulged in a hearty and diverse morning feast, savoring local delicacies and international cuisines. They relished seafood dishes, freshly prepared sushi, spicy Korean barbecue, and sweet desserts, leaving no plate untouched.

After their satisfying meal, they decided to take a leisurely stroll around the restaurant's expansive grounds. To their delight, they discovered a charming animal farm nestled nearby. The farm was a haven for bunnies, cats, and puppies of various breeds.

Hobi, always the animal lover, was immediately drawn to the bunnies. He crouched down to pet their soft fur and offered them carrots from a nearby basket. Jin and Taehyung couldn't resist the adorable cats, who purred contentedly as they were showered with attention.

Jimin and Jungkook, known for their playful nature, found joy in playing with the energetic puppies. They ran around the grassy field, tossing balls and engaging in friendly races with their newfound furry friends.

Namjoon, with his fascination for nature, took a moment to appreciate the beautiful surroundings. He admired the lush greenery and the serene atmosphere, taking mental snapshots of the peaceful farm.

Yoongi, ever the observer, found inspiration in the playful interactions of the animals. He jotted down notes in his journal, planning to incorporate the charm of the farm into his memories.

Y/n, who suddenly formed a special connection with animals, seemed to communicate effortlessly with the creatures. She petted the bunnies, held the cats, and even had a group of puppies playfully follow her around.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he watched Y/n surrounded by a joyful group of puppies. It was incredible to see how she had overcome her fear and was now enjoying their playful company. Her happiness was evident in her radiant smile and the way she interacted with the furry companions.

Yoongi, not always the photographer of the group, captured the heartwarming moment with his camera. He made sure to focus on Y/n's infectious joy, knowing that these pictures would be cherished memories of their trip.

As they spent their time at the animal farm, they all shared in the happiness of the moment. The laughter and playfulness of the animals seemed to lift their spirits, creating a sense of pure joy that they would carry with them as they prepared to leave Jeju Island later in the evening.

As they enjoyed their time at the animal farm, laughter and smiles filled the air. It was a perfect way to spend their last day on Jeju Island before their evening flight, creating heartwarming memories to cherish forever.

After a satisfying Western lunch, they embarked on their journey back to Seoul. The car ride was filled with laughter, shared memories, and the anticipation of returning home.

During the ride, Y/n couldn't help but wonder how long it would take to reach their destination. She decided to text the group chat, asking about the estimated time of arrival. When her family inquired why she was so eager to know, she replied with a simple message: "I miss my Koya."

Her message elicited a chorus of laughter and playful responses from the others, who found her attachment to her koala plushie endearing.

Upon reaching home, Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. She rushed to her room, eager to reunite with her beloved stuffed animal, Koya. However, as she opened the door to her room, she was met with an unexpected surprise.

Y/n stood at the threshold of her transformed room, utterly astonished by the enchanting sight that greeted her. As she stepped inside, the room's lights magically illuminated on their own, revealing a breathtaking makeover.

The room had undergone a complete transformation. Fairy lights adorned the walls, casting a warm and inviting glow. Delicate leafy decorations added a touch of nature's beauty.

Her bed had been moved to the side, allowing for a more spacious and open layout. Alongside it, a magnificent plushie rack displayed a colorful heao of stuffed animals, representing various species and hues.

A stunning study table beckoned her with an elegant bookshelf, ready to hold her favorite reads. Overhead, purple lights adorned the ceiling, creating the illusion of a serene purple sky with golden clouds.

The floor was adorned with a plush and inviting mat, perfect for relaxation and comfort. Her cherished koala plushie patiently awaited her on the bed.

She couldn't help but admire the impressive wardrobe, now elegantly designed. The balcony was aglow with strings of lights, creating a magical atmosphere.

Completing the transformation, a spacious dressing table with numerous lights stood gracefully in one corner of the room.

Y/n was overwhelmed by the care and effort that had gone into creating this beautiful space. It was a surprise beyond her wildest dreams, and she couldn't wait to explore every corner of her newly decorated sanctuary.

As Y/n ran her fingers through the books on her new study table, she was surprised by the entrance of the boys into her room. Overwhelmed with emotion and joy, she rushed into Yoongi's arms, tears of happiness in her eyes. The sight of her embracing her brother was too heartwarming for the others to resist.

They couldn't help but admire her delighted reaction as she explored every corner of her newly transformed room. She smiled at the multitude of plushies, admired the soft glow of the lights, and ran her hands over the elegant wardrobe.

The boys couldn't contain their smiles as they explained their individual contributions to the room's makeover. Yoongi had chosen the purple and golden color scheme, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. Namjoon had taken care of the study area, ensuring it was both functional and beautiful. Jin had meticulously designed the wardrobe to perfection.

JK and Jimin had brought the idea of the plushies, creating a charming display. Taehyung had been responsible for the cozy and inviting bed area, while Hobi had added his touch to the balcony, turning it into a picturesque haven.

Throughout the trip, they had collectively supervised the decoration to make sure it was just right for Y/n. The room was a labor of love, and seeing her happiness made all their efforts worthwhile.

As Y/n settled into her newly transformed room, her heart swelled with happiness. Having spent 15 years in a dark and tormenting basement, she could never have imagined a space so beautiful and comforting.

That evening, the family enjoyed a light dinner together and retired early. Yoongi stayed by Y/n's side, gently patting her head as she drifted off to sleep. She closed her eyes, gazing at the simulated purple sky adorned with golden clouds, feeling safe and loved in her newfound haven.

It was a peaceful night, a stark contrast to the nightmare she had endured for so long. Y/n was finally home, surrounded by the warmth and care of her loving family.

Despite the serene atmosphere in the room, Yoongi found it difficult to sleep that night. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how Y/n would react to the news that they would soon begin her therapy and studies. It was a necessary step in her recovery and development, but he couldn't help but worry about how she would take it.

As he lay beside her, he silently contemplated the challenges ahead and hoped that their family's unwavering support would help Y/n overcome any obstacles on her path to healing and growth.

Hlo everyone 💚👀
Thankyou so much for reading.

I hope you liked the chapter. I attached the pictures of her room for you all to imagine better.

I am really really thankful that this story is ranking #1 in crime fiction out of 6k stories.

Thankyou so much. Keep supporting.

A cozy chapter before the intensity comes back in the story.

See you all soon.

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