Nothing Can Be More Sweeter

By wintertrinkets

70.4K 1.1K 116

Lily Pearson was rejected by her mate. Bullied by her pack. And the most hated person in her whole school. So... More

Nothing Can Be More Sweeter
Look What You've Done
The Only Exception
What Doesn't Kill You
The Devil's Dance
Liar, Liar
Both of Us
Somebody That I Used To Know
Take a Hint
Tik Tok (Part One)
Till The Casket Drops (Part Two)
Get Over It
Let The Flames Begin
We Are Young
How Does It Feel
Put The Gun Down (Part One)
Just Give Me A Reason
Author's Note

Better Off Dead (Part Two)

1.8K 53 10
By wintertrinkets

Chapter Nineteen: Better Off Dead 

Can't keep tape on my mouth,

I can't put locks on my door,

I can't just stay in this house,

I just can't do it anymore,

You've got this collar so tight,

Playin' tricks on my eyes,

It's like I'm swinging my fists,

When I'm not in a fight,

I don't care what people say,

I'm anything but crazy, crazy,

Talkin' to my shadow, only she knows I'm not crazy, crazy,


I screamed as the gun went off.

But it wasn't Sam's gun.

It was someone else's.

I saw as Sam's body hit the forest ground. I quickly ran over towards him, and then fell onto my knees next to him. "Sam? Sam? Sam! Sam!" I said, my voice getting higher and higher as I saw the blood pouring out even more out of his chest. The bullet must have been silver. Shit! This isn't good. This isn't good. No. No. No. This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen!

I saw that Sam's eyes were flickering, his eye lids drooping. "No. No. No. Sam? Sam? Stay with me! I'm going to get you help, okay? You're going to live -- "

"I'd say he's better off dead, sweetie." A deep voice said, and had cut me off.

I froze. I knew that voice anywhere. That voice haunted me in my past. He ruined my life. He ruined everything for me.

"You." I spat out.

My hands clenched together, making a fist. I turned my head, so I was getting a side view of him. I saw a black gun he was pointing towards me, and I also saw that he was dressed up in a black suit with a red tie. Of course his tie has to be red, like blood, I thought to myself, and mentally rolled my eyes.

He didn't respond.

"It's nice to see you again, Lily." He said to me.

My jaw clenched.

"It's nice to see you again, too, Alpha Kingwood. Or should I say Ex-Alpha Kingwood?"

* * *

"It was you," I said, "this whole time it was you. You're the reason why Skylar and Sam died. You're the mastermind behind this."

James's dad clapped. "Very good," he said, and had this smirk on his face. God, I wanted to punch that smirk right off of his face. Now we know where James's gets his cocky attitude from. He starts to walk circles around me, just like he did with Skylar. "I was starting to think that you were pretty stupid, but I knew you were smart. I knew that somewhere in your pretty, little, head of yours, -- he poked my head, and I growled at him -- you'd put all of the pieces together."

I didn't say anything. All I could think was how was I going to escape with Sam lying half dead on the forest ground, and how I was going to kill James's dad?

He grabbed a strand of my black hair and twirled it between his fingers. "Now," he says, "tell me what you know about me and this." He motions the air with his gun.

I took in a breath to calm down my heartbeat. It was beating erratically. I didn't want him to know that I was scared of him. I didn't want to look like I was scared in front of him. Not my pride, no, just for survival.

"I know that you used Skylar, Sam, and Madison as people to do your dirty work for them. I knew that you black-mailed or bargained with all three of them to make them do what you want. I knew you bribed Sam, saying that he might know who his mate was, so he burned our house down on purpose so we could go to California. When we got to California Sam met Skylar and he figured out she wasn't really his mate. I knew you bargained with Madison saying that if she'd break me, and made me joined on your side, she'll get your son -- a win, win, for her. But for Skylar? I don't know what you did to Skylar." I told him and shook my head.

"Ah, Skylar," he said, there was a far away look on his face when he said her name. He looks at me, and I tried not to give him a distasteful look. "Skylar was my daughter."

My jaw nearly dropped. Skylar was his daughter?! I swear I almost ran for the hill, put something made me stand my ground. I just couldn't believe it. Skylar was his daughter. His daughter. He shot Skylar. He shot his own daughter. He killed his own daughter.

He murdered his own daughter.

But I could see it now -- in the way they look, their physical appearance. The same face structure, their nose, their eyes. Holy shit. I just can't even stop thinking about it anymore. I'm just so  . . . shocked.

I was too shock to say anything, and I think he probably expected that reaction from me. I mean who wouldn't?

"Skylar was my reminder of a mistake I made when I had slept with a human who turned into a hunter." He grimaced and stares into the forest around us. I'm feeling very awkward right now, because I really don't want to know that, but if it means that it's almost closure time, then so be it for it will scar my mind forever. "Sixteen years later, she's traveling all over the states looking for her biological father -- me." He looks me in the eyes.

"And when she did find me she was so angry. You remind me of her when you yelled at your mother." He let out a chuckle. I knew it was him. The yellow glowing wolf eyes. When he shot Sam, and I heard his voice, everything finally snapped into place. The finally puzzle piece was put into the puzzle, but there was another puzzle waiting for me. It was this one. "Anyways, when Skylar came onto my territory, she told me that her mother died because some other hunter killed her apparently. Skylar wanted to me to teach her how to be like a wolf -- like us, but I said that if I helped her becoming with a wolf, she would help me kill James. And she agreed." He smiled.

The sick bastard, I thought. Then, something popped into my head.

"You wanted Skylar to kill James, so you could still have the Alpha title and position." I said. "But when you noticed that Skylar was taking a long time trying to kill James, you killed her. And that's when you decided to use Sam again. You blackmailed him again, having him burning down our house was your blackmail." I spat out. "You wanted him to kill James and you used him as your right hand man. But . . . " My eye browns scrunched together.

"But?" He said, eye browns raised. "Is Lily Pearson finally dumbing down?"

I ignored that comment, and then looked at him and said, "Something happened, but I don't know what."

"Ah, yes," he said, and nodded his head.

"Sam found his mate. His true mate. Guess who it is, because it seems like you're on a roll, Lily." He says, grinning.

The only girl that came into my mind was . .

I gasped. No. It couldn't be. Could it? But I did hear moaning when I passed by the Alpha's office . . .

Holy shit.

You have to be shitting me.

"Madison?" I say, disbelieving.

James's dad nodded, and was grinning again. A evil, crazy, grin. It was almost scary to look at.

He claps his hands again. "Well done. Now may I continue on?" He says, and cocks and eye brown.

I didn't say anything.

"Madison and Sam found out that they were mates, and I threatened Sam that if told anyone, or didn't do what I told him, I would kill Madison. So he agreed. And without Sam knowing, I bargained with Madison. I knew that she hated your guts," he flashed a smile towards me, "and I knew how she wanted my son instead of Sam, so I told her if she could break you to your weakest point and make you join my side, then she could have James."

"But she didn't know that you were going to kill James," I pointed out.

If I thought his smile couldn't grow any bigger than last time, boy was I wrong. "Yes. Exactly!" He says, cheerily. 

"But what does this have to do with me though?" I asked him, confused.

He puts his arm around me, pulling me close to his side. "You see, Lily, you and I think alike -- I mean that you can figure me out like a puzzle, and that's why you'd make the best partner in my business."

I tired to push myself out of his hold.

"Business in what killing people?" I say, disgusted as I had gotten out of his hold.

He threw his head back and let out a little dark laugh. "That's funny," He says, and pats my cheek, and I yanked my face away from his hand. "But I know that when you and your pack came here, you were determined to get revenge on my son."

I think you lost the right to call him your "son." I thought.

I freeze and stopped struggling in his grasp.

It makes me wonder how he thinks so far into the future; he was a good alpha but the flaw in him was power. He was power hungry.

"And then when Matthew and Madison kissed," he let out another dark laugh, "that was just too perfect. Madison tricked Matthew saying that you and James kissed, and she saw, and together they planned to get back at you and James, but mostly you." He said. "And when you saw that, you planned on getting revenge not just one alpha, but two. And that's just too good." He chuckled at the end.

My jaw clenched.

"What if I made a deal with you, saying that if you work with me, side by side, then I could help you with your revenge plan. It'd be a win, win. You get your revenge on both Alphas and kill them, and then we'd both take over both packs. You and I ruling. Together. What do you say?" He looks down at me and puts his hand out.

I straightened myself and then said, "Yes," and grabbed his hand and threw him over my shoulder.

* * *

I threw him over my shoulder and he landed on the ground behind me with a loud thud! and I saw that the gun he was holding was no where to be seen now. I was looking frantically for the gun he had lost grip on when I had threw him over my shoulder. I finally found it and dove for it. By the time James's dad stood back up, and recovering from the surprise, I had the gun in my hand and I pointed it at him, loaded.

"But in your dreams." I told him, and this time I smirked. "Because I'm going to take them down myself."

He laughed. "Typical, Lily, typical." He said and then slowly put his hands up.

"Since when did you know me? It's never been, Lily, it's Liana." I growled, and then pulled the trigger. Nothing. I pulled the trigger again. Nothing. I pulled it again. Nothing. I kept on pulling the trigger until it reached it's last barrel. Nothing! There was nothing in these barrels! Nothing! Wait, he used one bullet to shoot Sam though . . .

I looked at him, and he was smiling and was holding the silver bullets in his one gloved hand.

That mother fucker.

I lowered the gun.

"So you're not as stupid as I thought," I say, mocking him, repeating what he said eariler to me.

He chuckled again. "Don't use my words against me, Lily." He said.

My eyes darkened. "It's Liana. Lily died." I say, darkly.

"So I see," He said, "Lily wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone."

"But she did have the guts to kill herself." I said.

His eye browns were raised, but he didn't say anything.

"You can't shoot me without these," He says, and shakes his hand, the one with the bullets in his hand, tauntingly.

"Oh, yeah?" I say, and cock an eye brown. "But I can hit you with it."

His eye browns scrunched up in confusion, and before he knew it, I was running as fast as I can, and I jumped, and kicked him to the ground, and grabbed the bullets out of his hand, and then rolled off of him and onto the forest floor, and was about to push myself off of the ground, but then, I felt a heavy foot push me down back onto the forest ground, and I groaned.

Damn, maybe I should've stretched first.

I grabbed one of the bullets and put it in my pocket before he could see.

I started to get up again, only to be pushed down by the same foot again, and I heard him chuckle. He picked up the bullets and gun next to my head. I heard him shuffling, meaning that he was putting the gun and the bullets somewhere on him. Either on his belt, or in one of his pockets. I suddenly rolled and got up while he was distracted and faced in my fighting position and I swung a kick into his side.

He moved to the left from the hit, and then growled at me, and when I was about to kick him again, he grabbed my leg and then swung me, and made me hit the ground again.

I ignored the horrible pain, and got up into a crouch, and then swung my leg out and kicked his legs out of him. He also fell onto the ground. I quickly stood up and saw the gun in his belt, and I quickly grabbed it, and was about to run, but his hand caught my ankle and pulled me back onto the forest ground.

I gritted my teeth and saw that he was still on the forest ground, but on his knees.

I rolled across the ground again, my hair getting leaves and dirt in it but I didn't really care. All I cared about was getting out alive or not.

James's dad grabbed my leg again and then threw me, this time, I hit a tree and my body fell onto the ground. He then stalked over towards me almost predator like, and he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, and I screamed. That fucking hurt man! And damn! I now have a migraine!

He took my head by my hair and hit it against the tree, making my nose bleed. He did this three times, but when the forth time came around, he heard me mumble something. He pulled my head back by my hair. "What did you say?" He said, faced all scratched up and arms bruised.

"I said you're going to pay for that," I told him and took the gun in my hand and used it to hit him where the sun don't shine.

He bended over, clutching his jewels that hopefully wouldn't be in use anymore, and I used that opportunity to get up and kick him down. I grabbed his head this time and hit it against the tree like how he did with mine. He grabbed my arm, and then threw me onto the other side of the tree beside him.

We were both breathing heavily, but we weren't done yet.

Oh, no. It hasn't even started.

"Worn out?" I hear him say, mockingly.

"Not even close," I replied and then dodged his punch from the side of the tree.

I grabbed his hand that he used to punch me with, and then I used it to throw him only a few feet away from me, since I didn't have enough strength left. I slowly got up, dropping the gun, and my body and muscles aching, and I saw that he did to, but he cracked his knuckles, and then I cracked my neck, showing him that he didn't intimidate me.

He laughed at this, and then lunged, pushing me onto the ground, with him on top, his hands were now around my neck, squeezing, and my eyes were watering. My hand was looking for the gun that I had dropped when I didn't have enough strength left. That wasn't very smart of me.

My hand found the cold, hard gun, and I used it to hit him across the head with, and kicked him in the balls again, and then pushed him off of me.

This time I was on top and I had my hands around his neck, strangling him this time. His face was turning red, and his hands reached up and grabbed my neck and started to strangle me also.

We both probably looked weird. We were both strangling each other.

I saw his eye roll back into the back of his skull, and I squeezed his neck again, just to make sure that he was really dead.

I started to breathe heavily, and slowly got up. I put my hands on my knees and started to catch my breath. I closed my eyes. In, out. In, out. Breathe, Liana, breathe.

I heard a click, and I opened my eyes and I saw James's dad pointing the gun at me, with one bullet in the barrel, loaded.

I let out a cough and stood up.

"Did you really think you could get away with it?" He said, a smile plastered on his face. A little chuckle escaped from his mouth. "I didn't know you could fight like that. You're a protege, Lily."

"It's Liana," I growled.

"Oh, yes, I keep on forgetting." He says. "Look, Liana, if you want to live, be my partner, and if not, you'll end up like Sam." His eyes traveling back behind me.

I followed his gaze, and saw that Sam was still lying there on the ground, dead.

I had to choke down a sob from looking at him. I slowly met James's dad's eyes again.

"So," He says, smiling, "what's it going to be?"

"No." I choke out.

The smile disappears from his face. "No?" He says. "No?" He looks at me again, as if for more or to change my mind. But I didn't say anything. "Your choice then, it was real nice knowing you, Liana. It's such a shame really, a protege, and you throw that all away," he tisked, "such a shame." He takes a good aim at me, and starts to pull the trigger, but before he shoots, I hear a gun bullet whizzed through the air and pierced into his chest, in the heart area.

I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding, and I looked behind me and saw Sam with the gun in his hand, and he then weakly drops it to the ground.

"That was for me, you bastard." He spats.

"Sam!" I scream, and then rush over to his side. "You're still somehow . . . alive. It's a miracle!"

He somehow manages to smile. "It's not that bad, Liana," He chuckles.

"Sam!" I scolded him. "You were shot for god's sakes! With a silver bullet! Good god! Don't scare me like that again!" I then grabbed him and pulled him towards me, hugging him, he weakly hugs me back, and I closed my eyes.

"It didn't hit me in the heart, so I'm good," He tells me, and I smile, even though he can't see it.

Everything was over.

I start to doze off, but I hear Sam yell, "Liana, look out!"

And I felt it.

I felt the silver bullet pierce into my back.

* * *

I screamed out in pain and my back arched.

I turned around to see James's dad, standing, but weakly, and I could tell that he's struggling to stand.

I growled out, loudly. That's it!, I thought. I grabbed Sam gun, and I shot James's dad in the legs, making him struggling even more to stand up, until he completely fell onto the ground onto his knees.

I got up, and then started shooting again. "This is for Skylar," I said, and then shoot him in the arm. He clutched the wound. I walked closer towards him."This is for black-mailing my friends and family," I shot him in his other arm. I walked even closer towards him."This is for fucking up my life," I shot him in his chest. I was now a few feet away from him."This is for me," I shot him again in the chest area. I put my gun against his head. "And this," I said, and flipped my hair out of my face, "is for being fucking born." I pulled the trigger, and the sound of the bullet echoed throughout the forest.

I the collapsed onto the ground.

* * *

I was waken up by shouting and screaming.

My head was in Sam's lap, he had somehow managed to sit up without being hurt, and I was laying on his lap. My eyes fluttered a little, and I heard him say, "It's going to be all right. You're fine, they found us, they're getting the doctor. It's over now. It's all over now, Liana."

I managed to force myself to smile, and my eyes shut closed.


I hoped that satisfied you that it's all over! Well, not yet, the story's isn't done yet! So don't fret! But the mystery is solved! ^_^ Yay! But yeah, I hoped you like it! 

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