The Alphas rebellious Mate.

By CosmicCandle

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almost a hundred years ago, the beasts in the shadows, known as werewolves, made themselves known, their atta... More

Chapter 1 "Where my wold changed"
Chapter 2 "A Ghostly visit from the shadows"
Chapter 3 "A new home and new goals"
chapter 4 "preparations for a big night"
chapter 6 "Wild night"
chapter 7 "The ghostly one night stand"
chapter 8 "Trapped in a risky situation"
chapter 9 "The Cat and Mouse"
chapter 10 "On the run"
chapter 11 "Birds of a feather flock together"
chapter 12 "running out of time"
Chapter 13 "entering the wolfs den"
Chapter 14 "trapped with secrets"
Chapter 15 "new hope and old friends"
chapter 16 "trapped in the wolfs territory"
chapter 17 "Secrets revealed"
chapter 18 "the illusion of freedom"
chapter 19 "A bitch of a rival"
chapter 20 "stubborn defense"
chapter 21 "late night Dream meeting"
chapter 22 "waiting for the time to run"
chapter 23 "disturbing secrets in the night"
quick update IM NOT DEAD :D
chapter 24 "the hunting"
chapter 25 "trapped under the wolf"
chapter 26 "what might have been"
Chapter 27 "a flock without its heart"
chapter 28: Mate struggle's
chapter 29 "puppy play"
chapter 30 "Sharing secrets"
chapter 31 "Date night surprise"
Chapter 32 "Heed the warning"

Chapter 5 "Party crashers and close calls"

433 15 0
By CosmicCandle

That night at supreme alpha damiens pack house.

Ashley's POV

Andrew had driven us as close as we could get without being noticed, stepping out with the other girls. We slowly made our way over to the back entrance where a group of other human workers were waiting to be checked in for the night.

A lot of humans had to work for the wolves, normally in pack houses as cleaners, servants, assistants and other lower class jobs.

We were right when assuming buses would arrive to drop off more humans for tonight to handle this event, so it was pretty easy to sneak into the crowds and blend in, we looked pretty average, so it wasn't hard.

The only properly identifiable thing about me was my scar on my lip, it wasn't exactly small but it wasn't too large either.

Still big enough to be used as a feature to identify me, I couldn't cover it with makeup thanks to my lip being slightly deformed from it already.

I took the lead, rose and Jenny walking behind me as we joined the group heading for the entrance. I noted the fact there were three guards there, two with weapons and one with a device to scan IDs and pat down everyone that walked in looking for trackers or microphones.

Yep, they definitely knew I'd be here, unlucky for then they clearly didn't know I'd have a team.

Keeping a calm face I approached and had my ID scanned, the wolf looked at my face closely and then at my information, he nodded handing it back to me

"Arms out and stand still" he instructed standing up as he gave me a pat down, he seemed to sniff then scrunch up his nose when smelling my artificial scent and waved me off, "have a good night" he said firmly.

I walked inside following the crowd, I could hear countless conversations hushed by whispered voices.

I waited for Rose and Jenny to follow in after me before nodding at each other.

We all had our own rolls, Jenny would handle the food situation, she could easily fool humans into thinking she's a pack member, Rose was in charge of keeping an eye on the situation and all the Alphas and the supreme council.

As for me it was my job to get the information from them and see what I could steal, as well as cause as much trouble for them as possible.

A chance like this wouldn't happen again so we had to take it.

To be honest this was definitely the craziest thing we had ever done, especially considering I didn't have my usual rooms, I had two blades on me, disguised as an ankle sprain.

Anything more would have been suspicious, especially if I tried to bring wolfs-bane, they would have smelled it on me even in a container or vile.

The stamps on our hands would be a problem too, though hopefully speeding off in a get say car would make it hard enough to track, I'm sure I could steal some acetone or something to help wash it off.

For now we had to play our part here, blend in, so we stuck together as a group of three, obeying tasks and requests.

I honestly hated it and had to bite my tongue about it quite a bit. I wanted to snap and insult these mutts at every chance I got, but that would have to wait for now.

"Alright humans, you know the rules of this place, this is a very important night so everyone should be on their best behaviour possible, you all know who the supreme Alpha's are, so make them feel welcomed and see to all their needs are met" one wolf stated, callum miles, the Delta of Alpha damiens pack.

Tall, body building type, he was a brute from what I could tell from what I had learned, he didn't have his mate yet, he'd be a good target to stake out and cause some problems since he didn't have a replacement.

"You will be silent unless spoken too, if you truly need to say something or excuse yourself you'll report to one of the guard wolves around you, your IDs must be shown when requested"

He paced in front of us in a medium sized room, it was like an entrance room that also functioned as a small break room for humans.

"The event starts in five minutes so let's get to work, go" he said waving his hand dismissing us.

Once we were left to work, me and the girls quickly split off to handle our own jobs, splitting into three different areas, for me it was heading to the dining hall to prepare plates.

I kept an eye on each name placement, where all the supreme Alpha's were sat, especially alpha Damien's, he was the alpha here, and tbd highest ranking supreme, I was sure he would be at the top of his game tonight, it's likely he had prepared for me, or well ghost, to make a show.

I paused at his seat looking it over, I had seen pictures of him before, but never anything more, I only needed to see his face anyway.

But there was a part of my mind that found him incredibly handsome, it was like some intrusive thought that wouldn't go away.

I had even had dreams of this guy, those stayed secret with me, I'd take that to the grave, how could I ever acknowledge that to myself, I did everything I could to squash this small thought of mine, it was like an alternate version of myself.

Romance wasn't my thing so why was a part of my mind so captivated and drawn to the idea of this man, romantically and...sexually.

I shook my head snapping out of my thoughts when another human lady tapped my arm "uh...sorry I startled you, I'm meg, I just wanted to introduce myself...I didn't see you on the bus with the rest of us" she said with a smile.

I looked her up and down, she was about my height, average build, light skin and light curly brown hair, she had deep brown eyes and a few subtle freckles over her nose.

She looked and sounded sweet enough, a very gentle voice.

"Oh uh, I'm Sarah, I'm from a small village, I like keeping to myself so I'm not surprised you didn't see me" I state, putting on a smile as we walked together down the halls to where the guests would be staying.

Bonus for me, if it looked like I had an alibi and was friendly with the other humans, I'd look less suspicious.


I let the time pass, learning more about meg and where she was from and her life, how she felt working for the wolf beats that controlled our world

"Soooo out of curiosity, have you thought about if you have a wolf mate? I know it's possible for humans to have mates, wouldn't it be cool? Someone destined to love you forever, I learned a lot from some educational courses" meg said bouncing on her feet smiling brightly.

I felt a shiver go up my spine as I filled with disgust at the thought, it didn't help seeing her so happy at the idea too.

"No, that isn't really a thing I want to experience myself, I'd rather find love myself, not be made for some wolf" I state, letting a bit of hate slip into my speech.

I should have been more careful.

"Some wolf? That doesn't sound all polite now does it?" I heard a deep voice behind me, I froze up a little and so did meg.

I mentally reminded myself where my blade was and all the weak spots on a wolf, keeping my head low.

"My apologies, I didn't mean any disrespect" I said in a timid voice listening to his feet walk in front of me, clean polished black leather shoes, sleek, I assumed high ranking, the guards wore simple suits with different shoes.

"It's respectful to look at someone who's talking to you, especially the Alphas Beta" he stated.

'You just can't take it when you can't have just want to know if I'm your mate' I thought to myself before raising my face to meet him, avoiding his eyes for now, staring at the bridge of his nose.

"Show me your ID" he stated, I could see his eyes flicker to my lip for a second, he definitely had questions.

"Of course sir" I state before handing him my ID, he took it, brushing his hand on mine, another test to see if I was his mate, to my relief I felt nothing, Jenny had stated it was like fireworks of pleasure across your skin when you touch your mate.

Unlucky for him, I felt nothing, so hopefully he'd already found his mate or moved on quickly.

He looked over my ID, looking between my face and the picture, "Sarah was it? How did you get that scar?" He asked, pointing at my lip, quite blunt honestly.

At least Meg had the manners to not just outright ask me like that.

"It was an accident when I was 18, I got hurt playing with my siblings"

I lied through my teeth.

"And why didn't you report such a bad split? It doesn't look like it was stitched up at all, did you have no pack doctors available?"

"My parents decided to handle it sir, it wasn't too bad, we didn't have the time to get it checked out"

He didn't seem satisfied with my answer as he looked at my ID again and then back at me "I've never seen you before, but there's something about you....have you got any wolf heritage?" He asked.

"No!" I shouted more than I meant to.

I quickly cleared my throat and looked down to look meek and scared "n-no sir sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude" I say softly.

He stayed quiet for a moment before he nodded, "alright, if you say so, I'll still be requesting your papers....have a good night" with that he walked away from us down the hall.

I waited before sighing, letting out a breath I had been holding in to not allow myself to appear fright, fear led to suspension, I had to keep my cool.

"A-are you ok? That was quite you think he suspects you of being that ghost person?" Meg asked in a frightened whispered voice.

I smiled at her, it was sweet she was concerned for my well being despite obviously not being one for conflict.

"I'm fine meg, thank you...I'm just not a fan of wolves, They're so big and scary, I'm not very strong, they could snap me in two without any issues" I state with a whisper and shiver, hoping to convey my very real fear.

Totally not exaggerating it.

"Come now...we should finish with our duties, I have some floors to clean, can you help me?".

"Of course! I find it more pleasant to work with a partner than doing it alone" she chirped with a peppy voice and bounced in her steps as she walked.


It didn't take long before we made our way through the floors, collecting any laundry and cleaning rooms.

For me? I used this time to spot and locate Alpha Damien's office.

"Found it....end room, 5th floor, west wing of the building" I say quietly so Robin can pick up on it from our bugged ID devices. I made my way to the door and thankfully for me, it was unlocked, it allowed me to slowly slip inside temporarily just at the door.

But before I could actually pay attention to what was going on inside, i was assaulted with the smell of the most beautiful forest-like smell, a hint of rain and even mint.

It was the most intoxicating smell I had even encountered, I stood there frozen for a while, just breathing it in.

It was like my body had a mind of its own, just relaxing into the smell, leaning into the doorframe for some support as I felt tingling goosebumps travel over my body the more I breathed it in.

I could have been there all day breathing in this intoxicating drug of a smell.

I was only snapped out of it when I was dragged out of the room by meg, I honestly couldn't process her panicked rambling as I stood there still reeling from the smell.

Part of me just wanted to go back to breathing it in.

"W...what?" I asked, disorientated as I rubbed my face, shaking my head trying to snap out of this drug like trance.

'what the hell just happened to me?' I thought as I looked at Meg, who was just standing there stunned and completely speechless, "what the fuck was that?!" I asked in a serious whispered tone.

I would have been more friendly but I was too freaked out to keep up my act.

"Sarah....oh goddess Sarah!" She said as a smile formed on her face excitedly as she grabbed my shoulders shaking me.

"Do you know what this means!?" She asked, barely able to contain a smile.

" i-" I paused when it finally hit me, now that I was thinking more clearly I remember something Jenny had home me, and for once I felt genuine uncontrollable fear.

It made my blood run cold, my chest feeling tight, my body shaking slightly under her grasp.

I stared at her with wide eyes speechless as she screamed.

"Your mate! You have a mate and they're here!" She screamed, it echoed down the hall only making me feel more afraid.

Her words felt like sharp pins stabbing into my brain allowing a flood gate of intrusive thoughts filled my mind till it was about to burst, it was overwhelming.

I grab Meg by the collar and pin her to the wall covering her mouth feeling a new wave of rage overcome my body, the adrenaline coursing through me like a raging river.

"Quiet!" I whisper yelled at her

My grip was so tight I was sure I'd leave a mark but I couldn't Remax my hands.

She looked terrified and so confused by my actions, just staring at me holding her breath, her heart was pounding and I could feel it, she was definitely scared of me now.

"Keep your voice low....and don't say another word about this to anyone....I mean it, I don't want a mate so just stay quiet" I said in a harsh tone to hopefully get my point across.

She stayed still staring at me still in complete shock.

"Am I clear? Answer me" I said pressing harder on her collar and she nodded quickly with a soft whimper.

I sighed relieved and let go of her.

"I'm sorry....I just, please don't tell anyone, I really don't want a mate, not yet" I said in a more timid voice, sounding very apologetic about it.

I did feel bad about hurting and scaring her, I really did, she didn't deserve it.

But she had no idea what kind of risk she just put me in.

She took a few deep breaths calming down and nodded "m-my apologies, I shouldn't have assumed....y-you said before you're not a fan of wolves, i just got excited for you" she said putting on a smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Thank you for understanding, now, you head down to take a break, I'll finish the chores up here"

"Are you sure? That doesn't seem fair, it's a team effort"

"I'll be fine, I just man-handled you against a wall, you go take a break, I've got this, besides I need some time to think"

With one final node from me she nodded back and smiled more "ok, ok thank you!" She yelled before running off

I sighed relieved and watched her leave, I dusted myself off and got to work, "just a few more hours, then I can ditch this place, I just need to avoid everyone... especially the alpha" I mumbled to myself.


The dinner will be starting soon, it was getting dark out, the sun will go down soon.

I had waited till dinner to do what I needed, it had the least amount of risk to get my work done, heading to the Alphas office again I prepared myself holding my breath and walking in, plugging in a usb to the laptop.

I noticed some red string on a board, I looked over to it and examined it quickly, noticing some familiar newspapers.

Blurred pictures of me on missions and some torn leather from one of my old boots

'was he keeping tabs on me? This could be bad, he's got some evidence on me, I'm supposed to be a ghost! I can't let him figure it out'

I walked over to it tearing down some of the pictures and tearing them up, scattering them out the window and behind his furniture.

I would have burned them if I had a lighter.

Heading back to the laptop I checked the time, I have a pretty good breath hold but I couldn't do it forever, I wasn't a freestyle diver, and I'd need to leave soon.

I stared at the download bar begging it mentally to hurry up and finish.

Of course my luck didn't last.

The door opened and I saw a guard walk in, he must have been grabbing something for the alpha, he froze seeing me before lunging at me.

I gasped a little and jumped back, kicking the desk towards him, I started reaching for my boots and pulled out one of my blades, going as fast as I could but still getting punched into a wall.

I felt the wind get knocked out of me, my ribs were screaming at me as a weird combination of pleasure and pain racked my brain.

The scent in this room was yet again having an effect on my body.

"Looks like I caught myself a little spy...of Damien is going to love you" he said with a smirk picking me up by my hair.

I let out a scream feeling pain spread down my scalp, neck and shoulders.

"Now be a good little human and-" I didn't let him finish his sentence as I jammed the blade into his neck, slicing it open on one side, blood splattered onto the carpet and flooring.

My glare was stone cold as he dropped me holding his neck trying to stop the bleeding.

"Silver bitch....have fun bleeding out in the next two minutes"

I dash out the room as fast as I can after grabbing the USB, heading towards the stares hearing the fire alarm go off, sprinklers dousing every room and hall with water.

'good job Rose...Jenny should be done now too' I think to myself only to be started hearing a thunderous growl and a deep, sexy voice yelling "GHOST!!" from downstairs.

One part of me found this absolutely terrifying as I heard the sound of his feet stomping up the stairs in a quick fashion.

Like he was hunting me.

But the other part found it sooooooo sexy, my legs felt weak and I just wanted to get closer to hear him more.

Oh god I was going crazy.

This wasn't good, at all.

I forced my legs to work as I made it to the roof of the building, I quickly closed the doors using a metal bar to barricade it shut and give me a little more time.

"Shit....shit he's almost here, Andrew where is my ride when i need it!?" I frantically mumbled to myself.

I noticed my hand felt light, I looked down seeing I had dropped my blade, great, just my luck, I just got that one.

I snapped my attention back to hearing the yelling of the mutts who were coming for me.

"Oh fuck it" I say to myself, grabbing my remaining blade and jumping from the roof, there were tall trees surrounding the building.

I hit the tree hard snapping quite a few branches, using my blade to help catch myself and stop myself from falling too quickly, my arms burned from the jolt as I started making my way down hoping from branch to branch.

A sharp whistle got my attention as I saw a black jeep show up, the sunroof opened calming my anxiety as I saw Jenny and Rose inside.

"Get in!" I heard Andrew yell.

"Don't have to ask me twice!" I yell back, jumping from the tree into the jeep through the sunroof, he didn't even give me a chance to settle myself before speeding off away from the pack house.

We had to get away quickly, Rose helped pull me into a seat as I stared out the back window as we got further from the building.

' just got a whole lot shittier'


3545 words!!! My longest chapter yet!

Hope you guys enjoyed this as this was definitely the most fun chapter I've written so far!✨

After finishing editing this I hope I caught all the mistakes

I had fun with this one and it's definitely setting the stage for the next chapters and everything I have planned with this story!

Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day/night!


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