Fight for Us

By ittybittywinty

93K 3.9K 656

"Minjeong...I have to take a shower..." She managed to whisper between the kisses, before she pulled her away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (M)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9 (M)
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (M)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (M)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (M)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (TW)
Chapter 50 (TW)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (M)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (M)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 (M)
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 (M)
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 (M)
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 (TW)
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 (M)

Chapter 70

648 40 0
By ittybittywinty

"Where is Yu Sooman's office?"

Mi Jung looked at the female in front of her and gulped down, obviously recognizing right away who she was. She took a deep breath and looked at the woman in front of her, wearing a white shirt and black jeans, her black hair half disheveled; and a motorcycle helmet in her left hand. She looked agitated and there was that tinge of madness in her eyes that, somehow, combined with her strong gaze, intimidated her.

"I'm afraid you can't see him-"

"-Tell me where it is."

The woman took a deep breath.

"Minjeong shii, if Jimin's father sees you in the cameras he'll kick you out-"

"-I don't care about what he can do, just fucking tell me where his office is!"

"...Thirty second floor-"

Mi Jung didn't even have a chance of finishing her sentence as Minjeong immediately rushed off, walking in fast steps. The woman knew that, as soon as her boss saw her, he would eventually kick the younger out right away. But what she was the most scared about was the fact that a fight between the two could start right then.

Minjeong just walked towards the elevators, not caring about what other people could say or do to stop her from doing what she wanted to do right at that moment. She pressed the button of the elevator several times and waited for it impatiently, fuming on the inside.

She just didn't know for how long she could hold it anymore.

She just wanted to say so many things to Jimin's father...She wanted answers, she wanted to hear what that man had to tell her. She wanted to see if she had the guts to tell her directly everything she intended to do to Minji if something ever happened to Jimin.

"...What is this bastard doing here?"

She stopped in her tracks, her empty eyes seeing as the elevator doors opened up; at the same time she heard that man's voice booming by her side. Her eyes rolled to the side, and her head turned around right away, her eyes staring hard at the man standing not that far away from where she was standing. Her lips parted and she turned around, staring at the old man with hatred in her eyes.

"Security," Sooman began, summoning all the suit-clad men around him, "Take that woman-"

"-I'm not leaving without talking to you."

Sooman shook his head.

"Please take her-"


Jimin bit her lip nervously, clutching on the bed sheets laying by her waist.

She didn't like a single bit the way Minjeong had stormed out of the hospital to go to speak to her father. She didn't even manage to convince her to stay. She had always known Minjeong was determined in whatever she did, but now, right in that moment, her reaction was seriously scaring her so much.

She just couldn't imagine what she would do in case something ever happened to Minjeong ever again.

Jimin blinked her eyes and pursed her lips, trying to prevent her tears from falling as a memory of Minjeong's funeral came to her mind. Remembering Minjeong's funeral just brought her so many bad memories that she wanted to bury in the deepest of her heart...And, somehow, they would come back when she felt the most vulnerable.

It just reminds her of how hard reality could be if anything ever happened to Minjeong again. It reminded her of how much she had suffered back then. It brought those nightmares back to her mind.


Jimin looked up, completely caught off-guard as a nurse knocked on her door, obviously showing some concern as she saw Jimin hurriedly wiping her tears away.

"Are you okay, miss?"

She nodded, showing the nurse a gentle smile, "I'm alright, thanks for worrying. Why did you come here, though?" Jimin asked, turning a little more serious. The nurse smiled back, and bowed slightly.

"You have a visit, miss."

"...A visit?"

The nurse stepped away from the door, bowing down deeply before someone stepped inside of the room, obviously surprising Jimin right away. She gulped down and blinked several times, seeing as the man smirked at her, taking his sunglasses off.

"She's sleeping?"

The nurse nodded, "Her cousin came to visit her but already left. But you can still go and see her, she seemed very worried about you according to what your sister told me earlier when she left, " She said, making Minjeong frown slightly.


"Yes," The nurse nodded, "Miss said it herself. They talked about personal things, so I can't tell you what it was about because I don't know it."

Minjeong nodded, "Thanks for telling me,"

She bowed down, "Have a good afternoon."

The nurse bowed back, and left.

Minjeong took in a deep breath, opening up the door of the hospital suite and stepping inside.

"I'm telling you that as long as I'm alive, I won't let you touch my daughter."

The older man smirked, shaking his head as he let out a chuckle, "Damn, Kim...You're really persistent, aren't you? You insist and insist over and over again-"

"-I want you away from my family. If I ever see you next to Jimin or Minji I swear I'll lose my head," Minjeong said harshly, expressing her anger and hatred through her words, "If you ever get close to Minji I swear I'll make myself sure you won't hear from her ever again."

Sooman shook his head amusingly, "It seems like you have absolutely no idea of where Jimin comes from yet, don't you? She's a chaebol. She's not in your class. She's from a world completely different from yours...Do you even think you're up to her level?"

Minjeong gulped down hard, "As long as I earn money by myself, she and our children will have a warm meal to eat everyday. She'll have everything I can give her. If she is not satisfied, she can leave anytime," She stopped briefly before continuing, "But I won't go around playing with her feelings like you've done all this along, so leave my family alone. This is my last warning."

Minjeong breathed out a soft smile and approached the bed, sitting on it carefully to not wake her up. She brought her hand up to caress her cheek, feeling her fingertips touching her soft skin tenderly.

Jimin felt movement and frowned, moaning in discomfort and bringing her hand up, grabbing her wrist before Minjeong could even take her hand away.

Minjeong stared at her silently, wondering what Jimin would do or say next.

"...I was worried," She muttered almost silently, her lips barely moving.

"...I'm sorry," Minjeong whispered back, letting her hold her hand, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Jimin opened her eyes slowly, looking up at her a little.

"...Don't you ever leave me alone like that again," She whispered, showing her fear that something could happen to her. Minjeong smiled gently and leaned down, closing her eyes as she left a sweet kiss on Jimin's cheek.

"...I can promise you that if you sleep now," Minjeong muttered back, caressing her hair with her free hand, taking some of it out of her face. Jimin snuggled her head deeper in the pillow, and sighed.

"...You must go home and take care of Minji after I fall asleep, you don't need to stay here watching over me the whole night," Jimin whispered, closing her eyes and preparing herself to rest a little more.

She knew Minjeong was probably smiling at her suggestion, but she didn't even dare to open up her eyes to see what her actual reaction right in that moment was.

"Alright," Minjeong replied, nodding, "I'll watch over you for the meantime."

Minjeong just stared at her silently, as she finally surrendered and entered into a deep slumber little by little. She kept it as a secret of her own, but she just loved to stare at her while she slept. She wasn't sure why or how, maybe it just was the way Jimin breathed; or maybe how beautiful and peaceful she looked at the same time. It was as if she was perfect, even when sleeping. The small shadow cascading under her eyelashes just made her look even more innocent and beautiful in her eyes.

Minjeong felt Jimin clutching on her hand tighter for a brief moment and smiled, clutching her hands tight back.

Minjeong felt as if she had won her day the moment she saw that soft smile forming on her lips for a brief moment in the middle of her slumber, as if she was unconsciously responding to her touch. 

"...I promise you that I'll protect Minji and find Jeongwoo, Rina. I promise."

"I'm sore."

Jimin put the covers of the bed aside, heaving out a deep sigh. She leaned up and closed her eyes for a moment, before looking down at her daughter, as she slept inside of her crib.

Although she had given birth more than four weeks before, she had just come out of the hospital due to her complications during birth, therefore making it impossible of climbing up the stairs for her; so, in an attempt of giving her an easier access around the house, Minjeong had prepared the guests' room in the lower floor for her and the baby. Of course, she would be sleeping in their bedroom upstairs, as usual.

Jimin smiled warmly and rubbed her daughter's face with her fingers, feeling more than blessed to have that beautiful baby with her and Minjeong.

"...Mama is the best thing that ever happened to eomma...If I didn't have her, I wouldn't have you now," She muttered, the back of her fingers caressing her daughter's warm, chubby cheek, "I'm really thankful to her, she really took good care of you, didn't she?" She leaned down and kissed her daughter's forehead, breathing out a happy smile. "Eomma's going to sleep now-"

She paused on her tracks and leaned up, seeing as the door opened slightly. She saw her girlfriend peeking from behind before she finally stepped inside of the room.

"...What are you doing here?" She frowned as Minjeong brought a pillow with her and sighed, "Win, I'm fine like this, I swear I-"

"I came to sleep with you."

Jimin thought she was joking at first but, as soon as she put the covers of the bed aside and sat down on it, putting her pillow down comfortably and then switching off the lights, Jimin just stared at her, utterly surprised.

"Oh," Minjeong muttered, noticing her stare, "If you want more space on the bed I can always sleep on the floor-"

"No, no, no...I mean, sleep here," She said, adjusting her pillow and pulling it to the side, standing by the bed as she saw Minjeong laying down, covering herself up, sitting on the bed. She just stared at her silently, feeling quite confused.

Minjeong looked up at her, frowning.
"Aren't you going to sleep? The baby will cry and you'll wake up. But you don't have to worry, since this week is mine-"

"-But you've been doing this for almost a month already."

Minjeong laughed softly in amusement. She bit her lip and stared at her, extending her arms.

"Rina," Minjeong muttered, holding her hands, caressing them softly, "You should rest a lot now. You...You just came back from the hospital and you need to rest properly because you need to be strong."

"Minjeong ah-"

"-Jimin, please."

"Do you feel ready to go back home, Miss Yu?"

Jimin nodded, showing a gentle smile at the doctor. He smiled back at her briefly, before he looked quite serious again, "Miss Yu...There's actually something I need to tell you before you leave the hospital."

Jimin looked at Minjeong nervously, as she looked away and pursed her lips, somehow avoiding eye contact with her. She blinked in confusion and looked back at the doctor; perceiving the tense atmosphere inside of the room right at that moment.

"Miss Yu..."

The doctor sighed.

"...I'm afraid this is the last time you will ever be able to bear a child."

She stood silent for a moment, letting the doctor's words sink in and trying to comprehend them.

"...What...what does that exactly mean, doctor?"

Jimin just looked around confusedly, seeing as Minjeong eventually left her spot and walked in her direction, sitting down by her side. She looked at her girlfriend, her mind instantly knowing she probably knew what was going on.

Minjeong looked down for a moment, pursing her lips as she took in a deep breath.

"...You," Minjeong began, holding her hands, brushing them softly with her thumbs as she tried to take in a deep breath so that she could tell her what the doctor had told her that very same morning.

She stared into her eyes, her lips parting softly.

"...We can't have children anymore, Jimin ah."

Jimin just stared back at Minjeong, engulfed in shock, as the doctor began talking again.

"This pregnancy...You knew from the very beginning how dangerous it was. You were lucky enough to get through this alive but, as you should know, it had its own consequences and...your body can't handle another child, Miss Yu. I'm afraid that if you get pregnant again, you won't pass the third month."

Jimin looked at the doctor, blinking as her eyes filled up with tears.


The doctor kept silent for a brief moment, "Since miscarriages affect the mother both physically and emotionally, we would recommend you to do a tubal ligation."

Jimin shook her head, gulping down as she just didn't want to believe what was going on, what they had just told her.

"...Tubal ligation?"

The doctor nodded silently, "We'll leave you alone for some time, Miss Yu. We consider you need to review this solution carefully," The doctor said, before bowing down and eventually leaving the room.
She looked around confusedly, her eyes tearing up.

She sobbed and covered her mouth with her palm, closing her eyes tightly.
Jimin hastily wiped her tears away. She didn't want to hear anyone right at that moment. In fact, she preferred to not even hear what they would say to her when she paid a little bit of attention. She did not want to remember the pain it caused in her heart. She didn't want it anymore.

Minjeong sighed deeply, holding her hands between her own and caressing them softly.
"Jimin...I'm sorry...I truly am sorry, Jimin," Minjeong whispered to her, feeling apologetic.

She couldn't help herself but cry. Crying was the thing she knew how to do the best for those last seven years of her life. She knew how to do it perfectly. She had cried so much that she felt like hadn't got any tears to pour anymore.

She sobbed and looked at Minjeong's face, not daring to look into her eyes though. Jimin's head hung low and she didn't know how to hold composure anymore.

"I'm...useless, Minjeong. Completely useless," She muttered, quickly taking her hands away from Minjeong and covering her face with them. Minjeong approached her even more and hugged her strongly, soothing her down.

"Why would you even say that?"

"Y-you said you wanted el-eleven children...I could only give you two...I'm useless..."

"I said it would be fun because we would have a soccer team, Jimin. I didn't tell you we had to have eleven kids, did I?"

Minjeong sighed and caressed her hair.

"...It's perfect for me in the way it already is."

She looked up at Jimin and cupped her cheeks, kissing her forehead.

"I'll be by your side forever, Jimin ah."
Jimin felt like she wanted to cry even more. Even if she couldn't have more children, she had just promised that she would stick to her, no matter what happened. It made her feel so loved. It was heartwarming and it eased her emotional pain so much. "I love you Jimin...I'll always love you, no matter how much time passes by or how many things can happen."

She closed her eyes and buried her face in Minjeong's neck, holding her even tighter.
"I love you too."

Minjeong kissed the crown of her head and rubbed her back,  "Everything's going to be fine, Jimin. Everything's going to be fine..."

She looked down and smiled faintly, nodding silently. Minjeong breathed out a smile and sat closer to the edge, as Jimin leaned down and sat on the bed. She breathed out a soft smile as Minjeong cupped her cheek, making Jimin look up at her.

She closed her eyes, feeling Minjeong leaning down to pause her lips against hers, as she tilted her head to the side. Jimin enclosed her lips around Minjeong's lower lip, slowly responding to the kiss. Jimin parted her lips as Minjeong's hand, that used to be holding her hands, went to her waist, digging her fingers on the fabric of her nightgown as she pulled her closer.

"...I missed you," Minjeong whispered, pulling her even closer, sneaking her hands down her body and holding her thighs, pulling her as close as she could to her body.

Jimin took in a shaky breath as Minjeong made her lay down on the bed, kneeling above her as she slipped her tongue inside of her mouth. Jimin trembled as she felt her hands going up, sending shivers up her spine as her fingers gently held the hem of her panties, starting to lower it down. However Minjeong stopped herself and took her hand off, breaking their kiss gently.

"...We should wait those six weeks," Minjeong whispered, staring into her eyes as she breathed heavily. Jimin blinked, still feeling quite agitated. She knew their first time after her giving birth would be painful for her, so she was actually thankful that she decided to stop right there. She was relieved that she was worried about her welfare and wanted to wait until she was ready and comfortable with it.

Minjeong had always been like that; a sensitive and worried lover. But sometimes, Jimin had to admit that her actions, even if slightly predictable, managed to surprise her greatly once in a while. Like, she could have just had sex with her right in that moment; but she decided not to before things heated up too much to be stopped. She just wanted to smile at her sweetness, and the adorable way in which she fulfilled her promise of protecting her.

Seeing how scared she looked when it came to even touching her...It just made her so happy and thankful for finding a woman like that in her lifetime.

Still, she felt bad for not being fit for it. It had been months since they had last sex, given her pregnancy; and she understood that she was a woman and had her own needs, so it could be overly frustrating for her. But, at least, she could be happy enough to be sure that, despite the lack of intimacy between the both of them over those last months, she wouldn't search for any female company to relieve herself and just stood at her side faithfully.  

Minjeong sighed and laid by her side, staring up at the ceiling briefly.

Jimin breathed out, parting her lips.

"I'm sorry-"

"-No, it's not your fault," Minjeong muttered, taking in a deep breath, "I shouldn't have kissed you that way...We should sleep," She whispered, laying down on her side and covering herself up, her back facing her, "Goodnight, Jimin."

Jimin stared at her back, as Minjeong breathed out deeply through her nose, snuggling her head deeper on the pillow. She blinked and looked down for a moment, grabbing the covers and pulling them over her, slipping her legs underneath. She sighed and pulled the covers up a little, snuggling close to her.
She threw her arm over Minjeong's waist and snuggled her head on the pillow, smiling.

"...What are you doing?"

Minjeong frowned, turning her head to the side and staring at her. Jimin kept her eyes closed and her hand on her waist, and sighed.

"...Although I can't bear children anymore...You promised that you'll stay with me so...That means I have to stay with you too." 

Minjeong gulped down and blinked, turning around slightly and laying on her back as she stared at her.


"-It's alright, let's just sleep."

Minjeong turned and laid on her side, facing Jimin. She breathed out a smile and pulled Jimin close to her, closing her eyes as she breathed out a smile.

"...You're right."

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