Twisted Wonderland

By frostfire526

110K 3.8K 562

You find yourself thrown into the world of Twisted Wonderland. There you meet the boys who go to the prestigi... More

Stranger Waking
Recollection Blanking
The Principal's Rule
Mutual Aggression
Punishment Ducking
To The Dwarfs Mine
A United Front
A Lesson Learned
A Desperate Heart
Garden Decoration
A Class Escape
A Tradition Lesson
A Mealtime Chat
A Garden Spat
Past Improprieties
Delicious Varieties
An Army of One
A Rule Slip
A Surprise Tip
Punishment Escalation
A Deul Ill Advised
Soundly Chastised
An Unhinged Prefect
A Sad Little Child
Feelings Reconciled
Finale For Heartslabyul
Cater and The Phone Date
Riddle's Croquet Lessons
Ace at the Arcade
Cakes, Strawberries, and Trey
Early Morning Ride With Deuce
Scrambling For a Meal
Dangerous Accumulation
Spelldrive Competing
Accident Suspicion
An After School Mission
A Detective Team
A Spelldrive Fight
An Encounter at Midnight
A Giveaway Effect
Truth Brought to Light
Plan Synchronizing
Start of an Uprising
Fangs Bared
Ambitions Aired
A Prince With Naught
The Exhibition Rally
Savanaclaw Finale
A Dance With Ruggie
Jack and a Game of Chase
Leona and The Garden Nap
Cramming Session
Average Question
Press Gang Contract
A Group Counterattack
Observing a Foe
Lounge Shorthanded
A Contract Signed
A Housing Bind
A Dorm Suit
Morning Heat
Hasty Schemes
Amateurs in The Deep
Two Days Remain
Group Infiltration
Jolting Electrification
Rendezvous at Midnight
A Cleaning Hint
A Morning Blueprint
Return of The Morays
Lounge Confusion
Contract Dissolution
Reduced to Naught
Back in an Octopus Pot
Erasing The Past
Home at Last
Octavinelle Epilogue
Storytime With Floyd
Jade Behind The Bar
Azul and The Piano
*Christmas Special* The Perfect Prince
*Christmas Special* Marrying a Ghost
*Christmas Special* Backstabbing Students
*Christmas Special* A Myriad of Qualities
*Christmas Special* Lets Pump The Brakes
*Christmas Special* An Audience With The Princess
*Christmas Special* Toying With a Fair Maiden's Heart
*Christmas Special* Completely Out of Our League
*Christmas Special* The Suitor Suits
*Christmas Special* A Poem in Your Honor
*Christmas Special* Until we Meet Again
*Christmas Special* Stop The Wedding
*Christmas Special* Perfect Partner
*Christmas Special* My True Prince
*Christmas Special* May I Have This Dance
Winter Break is Here
The Headmage's Cheer
Leaving for The Holidays
Cooking With Spice
A Desert Paradise
Warm Hospitality
Sailing in The Skies
A Late Night Surprise
Inconvenient Vacation
Sands Getting Hotter
Another Mood Swing
Getting Together Late
Out The Door
On The Sea Floor
A Show of Benevolence
Board Game Intelligence
Feeling The Heat
Thwarted by Heart
Not Hard But Smart
Setting The Bait
All Caught on Stream
Power Supreme
Aquatic Support
New Reign Cut Short
Feelings Long Held
The Magic Dispelled
Scarabia Conclusion
Invitation Exclusion
Cooking With Jamil
Sweets and Kalim
A Cultural Fair
A Lot to Prepare
Audition Competing
Beautiful Fighting
Fire Igniting
Last Minute Rushing
Pop Music Pair
The Big Audition
An Arrow Invitation
Forming a Tribe
Group Role Assignment
Values Out of Alignment
Skincare Overview
A Stealthy Snack
Hope for Forgiveness
Rehearsal Business
Defusing Tension
A Trip to The Ocean
Leveraging Charm
A Uniformed Session
Sinister Steeping
A Scientific Cafe
Virtual Dice
Appreciating Heights
Unwanted Combat
Rivalry Prelude
An Early Impact
The Following Act
A Toxic Deception
Poisonous Outbreak
Fair Vignette
Repair Consternation
Guest Restoration
Driven Determination
Just by a Single Vote
Pomefiore Endnote
Headmage Details
Epel The Equestrian
Rook and Expert Marksmanship
Beauty Lesson From Vil
Awake Again
Let The Search Begin
Taking Responsibility
A Preformance Fee
A Sudden Entry
Alarming Abductions
Emergency Instructions
Uncertain Plight
Grudging Compliance
Lupine Reliance
A Rash Decision
A Heartfelt Salute
Overblot Explanation
VR Simulation
Analysis Session
All Alone
Waters Unknown
A Mystifying Case
A Mind Boggling Story
Uncharted Territory
A State of Inaction
Extra Demands
Impromptu Plans
Growing Frustration
A Feline Sport
Sequel Cut Short
Strange Advances
Improving Chances
The Stars Align
Loss of Power
Beauteous Escape
A Glass Prison
A Villainous Speech
Impending Breach

Ceremony Breaking

2.9K 72 39
By frostfire526

Crowley leads you down the maze-like halls until you reach the room you woke up in. It's now full of people all wearing the same robe as you. They all wear dark eyeshadow and you also noticed some of them had animal ears and tails.

What in the world is going on here?

You squint your eyes and quickly realized that you were the only girl present. You can't find a single girl anywhere. Your face flushes at the thought and you pull the sides of your hood closer to your face.

"We're done with orientation and dorm assignments?"

You turn to the sound of the voice, finding it belonged to a red haired boy. He has two strands of hair that almost made a heart shape.

"All right, new students-let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!"

You flinch at the harshness with his tone. He wouldn't really chop off peoples heads would he?


You turn to see a tall, tanned boy leaning against the wall. He had long, dark fluffy hair and what looks like lion ears and a tail. "Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me." He lazily waved his hands and a bunch of the students with animal ears gathered around him.

"New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement."

You jump at the sudden loudness of this other voice. It came from a boy with glasses and white-ish blue hair. He has a beauty mark below the left side of his lip, making him look all the more handsome. "As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience." He puts a hand to his chest and tilts his head up proudly.

Another boy steps forward, his arms crossed. "Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony."

He was the most beautiful person you have ever seen. Tall with blonde hair swept to the side of his face. The ends of his hair is colored a beautiful shade of lavender. Voice so smooth and not a blemish to be seen. He looks to be the embodiment of elegance and beauty. You can't stop staring at him.

"Some headmage he is." This sarcastic voice came from a floating tablet. The screen illuminates a bright blue light.

"Maybe he had a tummy ache?"

You giggle at this, much to the annoyance of Crowley. This new voice came from a white haired boy with crimson red eyes. He's tan with a purple scarf wrapped around his head. He looks like the biggest cinnamon roll you've ever seen.

"I most certainly did not!" The headmage put his hands on his hips and saunters forward.

"Ah, speak of the devil." The red headed boy turns at the sound of his voice.

"If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation." Crowley gestures towards you with his hand and all eyes turn towards you. You flush at all the stares.

Crowley looks to you. "You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel."

Said weasel looks very unhappy. "Grrrr!"

You swallow a lump in your throat. You sheepishly make your way towards the floating mirror in the center of the room. Whispers all around you as you step in front of the black mirror. A green mask with black markings across its eyeless sockets appeared.

"State your name." A harsh, booming voice came from the mask.

You nervously stammer, "I-I'm Y/N."

"Y/N... the nature of your soul is... unclear to me."

Crowley gasps and the room fell silent. "What did you just say?"

"I sense no magical power from this young girl. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant."

Okay, now you're just being mean.

"Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate."

Crowley's eyes widen. "Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic? And that they're a girl!"

Whispers flooded the room. If no one was paying you any attention before, they certainly are now.

"But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence!" Crowley put a questioning hand to his head. "How could this have happened?"

You shrink into your hood. Meanwhile, the cat struggles with the leash now that everyone was distracted. "Mmmph! Nnnrgggh!" He gasps as he breaks free of the leash. "ME! Let ME have this student's seat!"

Crowley glares at the cat. "Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel!"

The cat stood up proudly on his hind legs, pointing a paw at himself. "Unlike that human, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I'll show you! My spells're the cat's meow!" The cat rears his head and took a deep breath.

"Everyone get down!" The red headed boy shouts.

You duck down and pull the hood to cover your face. The cat let out a breath of fire.


It shot across the room and hit the wall. The grey animal let out a smirk and shot more fireballs out of his mouth.

Chaos ensues as all the students start running around trying to avoid the fire.

"AHHHHH! HELP! I'm on fire over here!"

You turn to see the white haired cinnamon roll running around and trying to put out the fire on his robes.

"Hold on! I'll help you!" You shout and ran as fast as you could to him. You grab onto his shoulders to keep him still and stamped out the fire. He holds your own arms in return. When the fire was gone, the boy turned to you.

"Whew, thank you." He still holds onto you. "I thought I was a goner."

A blush starts to creep on your face. Being this close, he's even cuter in person. Before you could say anything another fireball hit the wall next to you, sending you both flying apart. Thus causing you to crash into another student. You both fall down with you landing on his chest.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Your face begins to flush and you avoid the boys eyes.

"No need to apologize," He raises his arms to hold your arms just above your elbow. You look up to meet his gaze. "It's not everyday a beautiful girl crashes into me."

You get a good look at him. He has light orange hair pulled back with a few loose strands falling down the sides of his face. He has emerald green eyes and a red, diamond shape under one eye.

"Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!" The headmage shouts.

You glance up as the chaos ensued. You quickly untangle yourself from the green eyed boy and he helps you to stand up. Keeping an arm around you protectively.

The lion still leans against the wall, looking at his nails with a bored expression. "Ugh. Can I go now, or...?"

The handsome boy put his hands to his hips and tilts his head. "Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel!"

The lion doesn't even look up. "Eh, too much effort. Do it yourself."

"Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley."

You whip your head around to see the boy with glasses step forward. He grins and pushes his glasses into place. "If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility."

"WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits." The voice from the tablet says.

"I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?" Crowley yells though seemingly doing nothing to control the situation himself.

The lion rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh. "Preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage."

"How many times do I gotta say it?" The cat yells back. "I'm Grim, spellcaster extraordinaire! I am NOT a weasel!" He shot out more fireballs in rapid succession.

The one called Azul chuckles. "Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...?"

The red headed boy turned and nodded at Azul. "Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand."

Both boys whip out what look like pens with brightly colored jewels on top. Riddle's was red while Azul's was a pale light blue. The two chased after Grim, as the cat called himself.

He fires more rapid fire shots, grinning all the while. "Check it! See how strong I am?" Grim complemented himself.

"Haa!" Riddle fires a stream of magic, nearly hitting the grey cat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Grim waves his arms around, trying to balance himself.

"How very brazen of you to go on breaking the rules in my presence." Riddle challenges to Grim.

"Shall we make this quick, then?" Azul pushes his glasses into place. "I'm afraid we don't have much time to spare."

"You can't stop me from getting into this school!" Grim fired two fireballs at the two boys direction. They doge easily out of the way but Grim was able to slip away from them with the distraction.

"You let him get away!" Azul accuses Riddle, causing him to put a hand to his chest in surprised rage.

"I let him go? If I recall correctly it was you who couldn't grab the furball!"

An idea came to mind on how to stop the little runaway cat. You run out the the grasp of the green eyed boy and run to where Azul and Riddle were still bickering.

"Wait! I don't know your magicam, how will I find you?" The boy cries after you.

Not stopping, you make your way through the chaotic crowd. You reach Riddle first, putting your hand on his arm for his attention. He whirls around, shocked to see it was the girl who approached him.

"We need to corner him!" You shout at the two boys.

"What on earth do you mean?" Azul questions you.

Turning to him, you put your other hand on his arm. Surprising Azul but he didn't pull away from you.

"We need to block that cat in a corner so he doesn't keep running around and shooting fire at everyone." You say determinedly.

Riddle looks at you, surprised by your quick thinking. He turns to Azul. "She does have a point."

Azul sighs. "As much as I hate to admit it, you're right."

You nod at their response. "Azul, try to surprise the cat and make him run into Riddle's direction. He'd be sandwiched between the two of you."

He nods at your plan. "Well Riddle, shall we exceed according to plan?"

Riddle gave him a side eye. "I'll have to trust you this time, but will you be prepared?" Riddle asks with a grin.

Azul smirks. "Naturally."

Riddle took off, trying to get to the other side of Grim. Azul looks down at you and grins. "Got to hand it to you, you came up with a brilliant strategy."

You flush as his compliment. You nervously giggle, looking at the floor and rubbing your hand against your arm. "Thanks."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a rodent to catch." Azul said with a slight bow.

Seeing Riddle in place, he ran towards the fuzzy grey cat. Azul fired a spell at him. "Haa!" Grim jumps out of the way and took off in Riddle's direction. Riddle jumps in front of Grim, causing him to skid to a stop.

"Myah! It's a dead end!"

Azul chuckles, coming to a stop behind Grim. "Poor soul. Ran yourself straight into a corner, did you?"

"I suggest you surrender. Otherwise..." Riddle twirls his jeweled pen.

Grim shakes his head fervently. "NO! I'm gettin' into this school, and that's FINAL!"

"Have it your way, stand aside Azul." Riddle shot a spell at Grim, hitting him dead on. "Off with your head!"

"Myaaah!" Grim cries out in despair as a red and black heart shaped collar appeared on his neck. "MYAH! What are you doing?"

Riddle lets out a breath. "Nicely done Azul."

Azul smirks at the compliment. "Not so bad yourself."

"What is this? What did you do to me?" Grim cries out, frantically trying to get the collar off.

"The Queen of Heart's Rule twenty three: One must never bring a cat to a formal affair. Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately." Riddle waves his hand to make his point.

"But I ain't a cat either! Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off! Huh...? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!" Grim says with despair.

"Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic." Riddle smirks. "You're naught but a pet cat now."

"M-meoWHAT? I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!"

"Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus."

"Ha-HA! Good show as always, Riddle." Azul came up beside you. "You're signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it-ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it." Azul smiled cheekily.

You smile at Riddle. "That was pretty impressive."

Riddle cheeks flush. "You really think so?"

You nod eagerly. Riddle smiles. "Why thank you. But I have to say, your plan executed flawlessly."

You grin sheepishly, "Oh I don't know about that."

"But it's true." Azul puts a hand to your shoulder. "We could use some one like you in Octavinelle!"

"Aww, thanks." You beam at them, thankful that your plan worked so well.

"Y/N! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?" Crowley angrily marches towards you, hands on his hips. Azul took his hand off your shoulder and backs up. "Now discipline your-"

"But he's not my cat!" You yell back at Crowley, stunning him.

"Oh... Is that so?"

You nod. Crowley clears his throat. "Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. My, but I AM kind. Someone take this away, please."

Crowley waves a hand and a couple students picked Grim up and carried him away.

"Nooooo! Let me gooooo!" Grim squirms in their grasp. "You fools better remember my name! Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!" His voice fades down the hallway.

You couldn't help but feel bad for the little guy. I wonder why he was so desperate to stay here?

Crowley let out a sigh. "Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms." He looks around, trying to find something. "Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere."

The lion leaning against the wall lets out a small laugh. "And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." He folds his arms across his chest.

"Wait a sec," The crimson red eyed boy says. "Did anyone even invite him?"

The handsome boy looks over at him with a raised eyebrow. "If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself."

The red eyed boy put his hands on his hips and tilts his head, closing his eyes. "Maybe, but I don't know him too well either."

Whispers began flooding the room. All seemed focused on this drago guy.

"Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?"

"So it's true? He really does go to school here?"


"Ah. Just as I'd expected."

You whirl around to this new voice that appeared. A short boy walk to the center of the room, the crowd parting as he strides forward. He was very pale and had black hair with pink highlights and the most vibrant red eyes you had ever seen.

"I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony." His voice was surprisingly deep for his size.

"You have my sincerest apologies." Azul put a hand to his chest. "I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub."

"I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with." Riddle points out.

The boy with pink highlights sighs and shakes his head. "No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this."

With that, all the students started trickling out the door.

Riddle offers you a bow. "Thank you for your help today. I hope we cross paths again."

You smile at him. "Me too."

Riddle smiles back in return and turns to leave. Azul steps beside you, holding your hand in his.

"Until we meet again Y/N." He lifts your hand to his lips and kisses your hand. You blush and all you could do was stare as he walked away.

"Well Y/N, this is a most unfortunate turn of events." Crowley turns toward you. "I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability, and a girl no less, to my academy."

"I guess so." You respond.

"But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home. Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came."

You step up to the mirror again and think of your home. All you want to do is collapse on your bed and wake up from this fever dream. No place like home.

"O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs."

Nothing happens though. You look back at Crowley, he looks just as confused as you are.

Crowley clears his throat. "L-let us, er... try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul-"

"There is no such place." The dark mirror interrupts.

"What?" Crowley took a step back in surprise.

"There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None."


"How can that be?" He brought a hand to his head. "My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!"

Oh dear.

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