Contractual 📄❤️

By MoonTaekook77

380K 17.9K 12.6K

The life of two people who are not interested in marriage but got entangled. Let's see how they survive in th... More

Our Time


5.9K 278 271
By MoonTaekook77

First thing Taehyung asked after returning to his consciousness was Jungkook, he wanted to see him and he refused to see the baby before his husband.

The news of Taehyung asking him reached the chairman who was resting on the hospital bed, he immediately walked to Tae's room.

"Taehyung" He called, getting near him to hug.

Tae hugged him tightly "Thank you" he simply said, he remembered how older almost on the verge of throwing up seeing all the things happening in the labor room yet he stood beside just to support him.

"I am one who should say Thank you, Thank you for ensuring the pain to bring our life to the world" Jungkook pecked his forehead, with full of love.

"Did you see our child?" Tae now wanted to see the baby badly. Jungkook nodded "I held him first, he was taken to body checkup"

"I am happy you are there to hold him first" Tae said, if he is afraid to stay in an unknown room then how much will the little baby be afraid to see the new place? So he felt happy to know the baby was in his Appa's protective arms when he was born.

Nurse came inside holding the baby "Finally Mr.Jeon is here, your wife refused to hold the baby until he saw you" she shook her head dramatically and gave the baby to Tae.

"Aww my little sweetheart is here" Tae hugs the tiny human close to his heart.

Tae feed the baby as Jungkook watched him, the baby's didn't know how to get his feed so he pressed his buds gently between the tiny mouth and got emotional as he feed the baby

Jungkook is holding a younger hand, he did not have any dirty thoughts as his heart was only filled with gratitude for Tae who providing strength to their son by breastfeeding.

"If it's painful then we can give powdered milk." Jungkook suggested, seeing the younger hissing in pain.

"My son is better than you, he does not hurt me" Tae twisted his lips, feeling sudden possessiveness as if the power milk snatched his ultimate rights.

Jungkook understands what Taehyung means "Tae, that was out of pleasure but if breastfeeding hurts you then we can choose another option."

Tae smiled seeing genuine care from Jungkook. "He is not similar to sucking the milk so it hurts but it's okay. I can tolerate that for my cute little son, grandma said breastfeeding makes my son strong" Tae said, having a lovely gaze at the baby in his arms.

Jungkook nods, accepting whatever comfortable for his wife. "Boy was born as I wanted, I will teach him to play games and take him to gym" he winked, teasing.

"I can always have a second baby" Tae showed his tongue. Jungkook's eyes widened for the moment then smiled "This salve is at your service, Mrs.Jeon" they both laughed.

Jin took the aarthi welcoming the newborn, placed the wet vermillion on the baby and the parents forehead "Welcome our little prince"

Tae gave the baby to Namjoon and went to his room, as he expected the room is near to turn into a dustbin.

"Where is this man?" he walked out just to get hit on the hard chest.

"Did you lose your eyes?Watch where you're going." Jungkook said, rubbing the head of the younger one. 

"What did you do to our room? I'm just a week away and you already made my room upside down" Tae glared at him.

"Hehehe you know.. it's you who always ready my clothes but without you I was confused so..." Jungkook pulled a innocent face "I will ask kala sister to clean our room" he immediately run away.

Namjoon talking with the new prince of their home "He looks like Jungkook." Jin commented.

Jungkook take a glance at his son and he didn't find any resemble of him "I don't think so"

"I am sure he looks like you and how can you know? You're so little to remember your own face" Jin said.

"He has a round face and look at my jawline, a sharp one. I am handsome in every angle"

"You're saying my son is not handsome" Tae walked to them and sat beside Jin.

"Ofcourse he is not, to be honest he looks like my grandfather" Jungkook said.

"Grandfather?" Jin asked

"Your father, mom. Dad always said your father is ugly duck." Jungkook pointed at Namjoon.

Jin glared at his husband " I didn't" the older of them panicked and cursed his son for getting him in a difficult situation.

"But I am sure, our prince looks like Jungkook." Jin took a phone and showed it to Tae who gasped.

Jungkook took the phone and his eyes softened at the old photo. Jin was in the hospital bed looking at Namjoon and Namjoon near the cradle looking at the baby.

"It's the day Jungkook was born and look at him in the photo and look at our prince, both are same to same." Jin ended their argument.

Looking at the photo, even the slightest doubt on his mother's love for him is cleared. He thought his mother forgot about him and so he didn't look for Jin in the past but now seeing him carrying the photo of his childhood made him guilty for not looking for him.

He hugged Jin "I am sorry", Jin shocker at first, wanted to ask why but decided to stay silent and patted his back. Tae and Namjoon looked at them smiling, understanding Jungkook's emotion.
Today is the naming ceremony for Jeon's little prince. He is the first born son, grandson, and nephew to them, so always being an apple of everyone's eyes.

Jimin and Yoongi are the first to arrive, Yoongi follows Jungkook to receive the guests and of course Jimin goes to Tae's room.

"See this is the time for your Jiminie uncle to see you" Tae funnily said to the baby.

"Sorry my little friend, uncle was busy taking care of your future friend." Jimin said, sitting beside the little Taekook.

"Jimin?" Tae hugged him "that means.."

"Mm..I am pregnant" Jimin said looking down.

"Congratulations, where is Yoongi Hyung? I will wish him too"

"With Jungkook, you're the first one to know the happy news after Yoongi" Jimin hugs him "So senior, guide me in my pregnancy."

"Ofcourse I will, aww see you soon" Tae touched the flat tummy of Jimin.

"Now come to our hero, he is cute. Uncle is sorry for not coming to the hospital to see you" Jimin kissed the forehead of a tiny human.

"He looks like my husband and that man's legs are not on the floor after knowing he is a boy and looks like him" Tae remembered how proud his  husband was. 

"Let's go down, priest is here" Tae said, but Jimin hesitate to move "Yoongi's strict order I should not walk down without him"

"Ohhhh I understand lover boy." Tae teased.

Jungkook and Yoongi came together "Congratulations Hyung"

Yoongi nodded smiling and Jungkook looked confused

"Jimin is pregnant" Tae said to Jungkook who also congratulated them in his way "Congratulations in advance for losing sleep."

Tae hit him with his elbow, their little one sleeps all day and is active at nights, taking the sleep away from his parents.

They went down, Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the puja. They decided to name him Taeguk, one by one family members whispered the name to the baby's ear.

At the end of the day Taeguk slept early, tired of playing with new people.

"Tae, why did you lock the door?" Jungkook knocked on his room door, it got open suddenly and his eyes were blessed with a sight of the same theme decoration as he decorated to propose Tae in the office reception area.

"Tae?" Jungkook looked around then looked at the man who was kneeling in front of him with a single rose.

"Stand up, what are you doing?" Older let his wife stand up.

"I am not perfect as you, I am not rich like you, I am not suitable for you in any way yet my heart fell for you not caring about these differences and it only says your name. My friend, well-wisher, husband, father of my child...will you make me the happiest person by accepting my love too?" Tae voice is deep and soothing.

The decoration and proposal was totally unexpected for Jungkook, like he saw younger half an hour before then how did he manage to make this proposal, it's making him emotional.

"Tae" Jungkook covered his eyes, crying.

"Don't cry" Taehyung pouted, they heard whining sound of their son "See Taeguk also does not like his appa crying"

Jungkook hugged the younger "It's my blessings to have you as my love, your best in all the way Tae. You're the meaning for my life"

"I am sorry for ruining the proposal you planned for me and I can't go to the office with Taeguk so I prepared here. If the office is the place we meet then our room is the place where we experience many feelings" Tae mumbled against older chest.

"It's the best, I would not be this happy even if you said yes on that day but now watching you do things for me... only for me, makes me happy" Jungkook gave multiple kisses in Tae's face.

"Say it soon" Jungkook jogged in the same place in excitement.

"Say what?" Tae give an funny look, making the older to whine "Taeeee"

"Alright alright" He cupped the chairman's face "My husband, here me carefully...
I Love you" then kissed him.

Jungkook pulled the younger more into him, sucking the lips gently and tucking his tongue inside the hot mouth.

Tae gave full access to his husband and rolled their tongues together. They both pulling each other close like they wanted to mingle with other's body, their breath became heavy and slow.

"Mmaah" Tae moans, placing his palm on older chest to stop him.

Jungkook backed away "I love you" and placed a sweet kiss on forehead.

They had slept together as strangers, co-workers, couples, friends, husband and wife, parents but being lovers seems special. The feeling of being loved by your loved ones is blissful and euphoric joy.

Time skip, Two years later

Jin gave the instructions to the workers "Pack the nuts in different packages" he walked and saw the flowers weren't packed "Raman Anna, why are the flowers not packed yet?"
(Anna- brother)

"Master Namjoon said he will look after it" Raman came running, taking the flowers to pack.

"You know very well, trusting him is a waste of time, I don't know where he is?" Jin held his head.

"Here, mom" Tae gave him a coffee.

"Thanks Tae" Jin needed strong coffee now.

Well today is Ha-Joon's engagement with Jhope so Jeon mansion was decorated and hastily packing the gifts for the groom's family.

"There's plenty of work and here you're, delivering the coffee. Where is Ha-joon, did he get ready?'' Jin scolded him like a typical mother-in-law but Tae only laughed at it.

"I am groom side family so respect me, mom" Tae said like eldest and laughed receiving a light slap from Jin "Don't worry, everything is okay by my side, makeup artist are here to get Ha-joon ready and I arranged jewels for Jhope."

Jin smiled in a thankful way "Where are these two?"

"Two? These three are in the gym" Tae rolled his eyes.

"They didn't even leave my Prince"  Jin stood up to go to them.

Other hand, Namjoon is running on the treadmill, his legs are stepping smoothly and his chest buffed front as he runs on the machine.

Jungkook is on a rowing machine, his arms  flexed manly and biceps bulging when he pulls the rope, his nose and mouth leaving a hot breath whenever he releases the rope and just pulls it back.

And the last, mini version of them is lifting dumbbells, it's not an actual dumbbell but a miniature, Jungkook brought it for him as the little one cried to do a real dumbbell.

Taeguk sat on a yoga mat spreading his legs and lifting the mini dumbbells in a dramatic way even he was wiping a non existing sweats on him.

"Joon" Jin's voice was heard, immediately Taeguk stood up and hid behind the big machine.

"What are you doing? We have our son's engagement today" Jin slapped Joon's arm after slowing the speed of the treadmill.

"Tch tch I find only two culprits, where is the third one?" Tae folded his hand.

"Where is Taeguk?" Jin asked them.

Jungkook smiled at them and stepping down from his working machine and grabbed his son on his arms "Here"

"Appa, you exposed me" Taeguk said his baby words to his father lowly. "Grandma, I was sleeping like a good boy but Grandpa brought me here"

"You are the one who woke me up to take you to the gym" Joon argued back.

"No no grandma" Taeguk pouted "Grandpa woke me and appa, we are good boys"

"Just like his appa, dragging me in a difficult situation" Namjoon mumbled and looked at fuming Jin.

"Gukkie, what did I teach you about lying?" Tae sternly asked.

Guk hid his face in Jungkook's shoulder needing support from his appa but Jungkook placed him down "Ask sorry to Grandpa" he strictly said.

Jungkook can be playful and funny but when it comes to parenting his gukkie, he will only show him the right way.

"Grandma, I called pa to gym so don't scold him" Taeguk words are not fully formed as he just started to talk big words still they can understand.

"Sorry grandpa." Taeguk said, having tears in his eyes. He got scolded most of the time by his amma but his appa rarely scolds him so being in bad books for Jungkook is a sad thing to little Taeguk.

"Aygo my baby is sweetest" Namjoon lifted him, placing him on nape with the mini legs hanging on both sides of shoulder.

Taeguk watched his appa smiling at them so he smiled too then holding Joon's head like horse "Let's go, let's go"

"Passengers are told to hold the seat belt tightly, we are ready to take off" Namjoon said, running out, the other three heard giggles from them.

"Tae, get that big baby of mine ready fast." Jin pointed at Jungkook.

"As you say, you should take care of appa and my little devil.' Tae said and Jin sighed, imagining them.
To be continued

The lead confessing I love you's in final chapters is funny🤣 I think next will be final chapter.

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See you in the next update 😉


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