
By shereads_6

36.8K 2.8K 3.9K

Someone who has become a stranger. More

Let's talk


1.3K 91 211
By shereads_6


📍Atlanta, USA🇺🇸

Fatima landed at the ATL airport in the wee hours of Saturday morning (US time). The only luggage she had with her was a small carry-on bag that she packed with all her essentials. Although she would've loved to bring a whole suitcase of clothes, she realized that her indeciveness when it comes to matching outifits would've definitely made her miss the last flight heading out to Atlanta. If she hadn't caught the earliest flight on Saturday morning (SA time) she would've had to wait until Monday and for her that was way too long so in true Fatima fashion, she made an impulsive decision and decided to chase after Zac.

"Are you going to gate 1 or gate 2?" The Uber driver asked as Fatima got settled in the backseat.

"Huh?" She asked, not really paying attention to anything he said. Truth is, her body was still recovering from last night's sexcapades with Zac, and that in addition to jetlag from a 16-hour flight was certainly not the best combination.

"The destination that you put in is an apartment complex not too far from here. However, it has 2 main entrances, so which one am I dropping you off at?" The driver asked with a little bit more clarity.

"I don't know, mister," Fatima sighed as she rested her head on the headrest. "Please just drive," she said as she fought to stay awake, but her eyes were giving in.

"Are you gonna sleep the whole way?" The driver asked as he reversed out of the pick-up area.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Fatima asked with her eyes half opened.

"Not at all," he said. "I'll wake you up when we arrive. Should be in approximately 45 minutes."

"Thanks," Fatima said as she finally let go and let the sleep take control.

"Wait!" The driver called out before she dozed all the way off. "What's the name of the person you're going to see? Maybe security can direct me to the correct gate."

"Zachary Taylor," Fatima yawned.


Fatima arrived at the gate of Zac's place after about an hour. The security did, in fact, direct them to the correct gate. Once at the parking lot, the driver woke her up, alerting her that they had arrived.

"Thank you so much, and sorry I can't tip you because I don't have any US money on me," Fatima said as she got out of the car to grab her bag.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Have a nice day," the driver said with a smile before driving off.



Zac was woken up by the sound of someone viciously knocking on his door. He checked the time before going to open the door.

"Zachary, I know you hear me out here knocking!!" Fatima yelled while repeatedly banging on the door like a mad woman.

Zac couldn't help but chuckle and applaud himself. His plan to lure Fatima back to Atlanta was undeniably crazy and he didn't even think she'd fall for it. Nonetheless, he was delighted that it worked and that she was here.

"Zac!!" Fatima shouted louder, and he finally opened the door.

"Hey baby," he said with a smile as he invited her in.

"Don't hey baby me!" She sucked her teeth before shoving her carry-on bag in his chest.

"Please make yourself at home," he said, watching her take a seat on the couch.

"WHAT THE FUCK ZACHARY?!" She asked after a long silence and it was clear that she was pissed. "What games are you playing?" She asked with her arms folded.

Zac chuckled. "What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"WhAt dId I dO" she repeated in a mocking tone.

"I was just playing your game baby" Zac said proudly. "Except this time I hit you with the Uno reverse card" he laughed.

"You really think this shit is funny huh?" Fatima asked as she looked at him enjoy every last bit of his victory. "Yeah okay... you win this round. Well played" she said while giving him an exaggerated round of applause.

"Thank you for admitting defeat" Zac boasted. "But why'd you only bring this little ass bag? Where's the rest of your luggage?"

"It's back in Cape Town."

"Fatima stop playing with me." He said in a serious tone as his joking tone instantly subsided.

"I'm not playing. That bag is all I bought with me."

"What! Why? What about clothes? What are you gonna wear?" He asked.

"I have clothes to last me until tomorrow. I'm flying back early Monday morning" she said nonchalantly.

"The hell you are" he said in a threatening tone. "I see you left you mind at the airport because you got another coming if you think I'm gonna let you run away again."

"Who's gonna stop me?" Fatima spat back smartly.

"Aight bet" Zac said as he got up from the couch and went to stand in front of her in an intimidating stance. "I know exactly what you want and I'm gonna give it to you."

"The only thing I want to do is sleep" Fatima said as she got up from the couch and stood at eye level with him. "Please point me in the direction of the guest bedr-

Fatima's words were cut short as Zac scooped her and tossed her over his shoulder before running to his bedroom.

"Baby put me down before you drop me" she laughed.

"Stop playing with me Ti," he warned once more. "You are not a guest so there is no need for you to take the guest bedroom. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes daddy" she said in a seductive tone.

"You better stop" Zac laughed.

"Okay I'm done. I'm gonna go get in the shower and then sleep for a few hours" Fatima said as she went to grab her toiletry bag from the bag in the living room.



"Uhhh Zaaac. Right there baby..." Fatima said with the front of her body pressed against the shower wall as Zac gave her slow deep strokes from behind.

"Please don't stop baby" she moaned out as she tried to grab ahold of the slippery wall.

"I got you baby" Zac breathed out on her neck.

Zac had his left arm tightly wrapped around her breasts as he snaked his right hand to her center and started massaging her clit while thrusting in and out of her slowly...

"Z-zacccc shit I'm bout to cum" she announced breathlessly as she felt her legs start to give out.

"I feel you baby. Give it to me" he instructed as he picked up the pace of massaging her clit, causing her to squeeze her thighs together. "Ah-uh spread those legs baby" he huffed as he felt her attempt to kick him out.

"Zac wait" she dragged out as she tried to gain control of her breathing.

"Spread them Ti!" He demanded and she still didn't oblige.

"Uhhh fuckkk" Fatima gasped as she felt his firm hand spank her ass compelling her to bend over some and spread her legs as instructed.

"You feel so good girl" Zac said as he kept drilling into her at a faster pace. "I missed you so fuckn much baby" he said as he felt her warmth coat him causing his throbbing dick to pulsate inside her.

"I missed you too" Fatima said as she released and her juices trickled down her leg. "Baby please don't forget to pull out!" She pleaded while waiting for him to finish.

"Come on Ti," he sighed. "I'll get you a plan B."

"Zac no!! I just took one less than 24 hours-

"SHIIIIT" Zac said as he lost control and ended up shooting his warm seed inside her. "I'm sorry baby it was an accident. I tried to pull out but it was too late" he apologized.

"Whatever Zac you did that shit on purpose," Fatima scoffed.

"No I didn't baby. I promise you that it wasn't intentional" he said feeling like shit.

It really was an honest mistake on his part. He thought he could hold it together but in the moment her walls were gripping the life out of him and that is why he failed to pull out on time.


A few hours went by and Fatima was woken up by her stomach rumbling. It had been approximately 20+ hours since she last ate. Zac was still fast asleep beside her as she got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen for a snack. She had on a clean pair of his boxers with a white wifebeater top and some Nike socks.


Fatima opened the fridge and instantly got disappointed as she saw that it literally had NO food. All he had was a bunch of energy drinks, beers and bottled water.

"What the fuck does this nigga eat!?" Fatima thought to herself as she closed the fridge and moved on to check the pantry.

The pantry was also disappointedly empty. All she found was a bunch of nutrition shakes and a half eaten packet of Cheetos. Normally, she wouldn't eat strange chips that have been stored since forever but she was hungry and didn't want any of his nasty health shakes.

Fatima stood in the kitchen devouring the chips that were surprisingly still fresh. She then heard a pair of keys jingle as she stood there waiting to see who was on the other side of the door.

"Zac!!" The voice of young woman called out as she confidently walked in and tossed the keys on the counter. "Honey I'm home!" She called out... "oh sorry, I didn't see you there" she said finally coming into contact with Fatima.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Fatima asked with her arms folded.

"Yo, I told you to quit all that honey shit" Zac said as he came from the bedroom.

"Hey baby" Zac said leaning to kiss Fatima's lips but she dodged him.

"Zac, who is she?!" Fatima asked calmly while trying to keep her composure.

"Oh girl relax! I don't want him" the girl laughed. "Trust me if I wanted him, I would've been had him."

"Aight Leora that's enough!" Zac reprimanded. "What do you want bro?" He asked.

"I was just returning your key. I'm leaving now. Thanks for letting me crash" Leora said.

"Who is she Zac??!" Fatima asked once more as she started to feel herself get worked up.

"She's just a friend and colleague. She was crashing here while I was in Africa because her place was getting renovated" he explained and Fatima calmed down some.

"Okay... well you left the keys on the counter so what are you still doing here?" Fatima asked with an attitude.

"Girl, bye" Leora said as she went to take a seat on the barstool. "This is my homeboy place and I ain't going nowhere until he tell me to do so."

"Lee, please just leave. I'll talk to you on Monday at the office" Zac said.

"Fine. I'll leave," Leora scoffed as she stood up from the couch and walked to door but not before stopping to look Fatima up and down. "She's pretty and she got bawdy. I see why she had your ass so sprung" she chuckled before leaving out.

"Please don't let her get to you" Zac said as he grabbed ahold of Fatima's waist. "She's a bit much at times but once you get to know her you'll see that she's good people."

"I don't care about none of that. Thee bigger issue we need to be addressing is why you ain't go no food in this big ass kitchen??!" Fatima asked.

"I had a whole bunch of groceries before I flew to Cape Town. Lee must've finished them all up" Zac said.

"Hmm why am I not surprised" Fatima said.

"What is that supposed to mean Ti?" He asked.

"Nothing. Look can we please just go out to buy some fast food or something. I swear I'm about to pass out if I don't eat something soon!" Fatima said.

"You're so dramatic" Zac laughed. "But I got you baby. Let's go get dressed and then we go to Chick-fil-A."

"And buy a plan B while we're at it," Fatima added in, causing Zac to chuckle. "I don't find anything funny, Zachary," she pouted. "Lord knows we are NOT ready for a baby!"


After eating they decided to go to Target to do some grocery shopping and Fatima also wanted to buy a pair of sweats and some regular tees to wear during her stay.

"Fatima yo we don't need 3 different kinds of milk" Zac said as they stood in the milk aisle.

"Baby yes we do!" Fatima said while comparing various brands. "I need almond milk for cereals, skimmed for my hot drinks and the regular milk is for you." She said while loading the cart.

"Whatever you say baby" Zac chuckled as they walked to the bread aisle. "Please just hurry up and take regular bread!" Zac sighed as he watched her start to compare the various brands.

"Zac don't rush the process!" Fatima said while reading the nutritional info on the back of a loaf of whole wheat bread.

"Fatima???!" A voice of woman unexpectedly called out from behind.

Fatima instantly recognized the voice as she slowly turned around already dreading the encounter. She knew that she would eventually run into one of her family members but she hoped that it would be later rather than sooner.

"Heyyy Eva" Fatima said with a forced smile.

"I didn't know you were back in the country! It's good to see you!! Happy belated birthday" Eva said hugging her and Fatima reluctantly returned the hug. "Do you wanna say hi to your favorite niece?" Eva asked already taking Skylar out of her stroller and giving her to Fatima.

"Oh no that's fine. I don't want to startle her" Fatima said refusing to pick her up but to all their surprise, Skylar held her arms open reaching for her and Fatima just couldn't say no to her cute face so she reluctantly picked her up and Skylar wrapped her arms around her neck.

"She has always been at peace in your presence" Eva said with a smile. "Say we missed you TT" she cooed in a baby voice.

"I missed you, TT," Skylar said shyly before giving Fatima a warm hug.

"Happy  birthday, princess," Fatima said as she returned the hug.

"Thank you," Skylar sweetly responded.

"You've done a great job raising her," Fatima said looking at Eva.

"Thanks Tima. It wasn't a walk in the park, but Malik and I conquered." Eva said.

"She is also very beautiful," Fatima complimented as she played with Skylar's chubby cheeks, causing her to giggle.

"Thank you. I think that she looks just like you!" Eva said. "I stay convincing people at the church that I birthed her," she chuckled.

"Genetics are wild," Fatima chuckled.

"Right??!" Zac said, inserting himself in the conversation. "She is literally your splitting image," he said astounded.

"Evangeline?!" The voice of a man called out, and they all turned around to see Jamal.

"Girl, I know that's not who I think it is," Fatima said side eyeing Eva. "I thought you ended things with him!"

"I did. I haven't seen him since the accident," Eva said, and Fatima nodded in approval.

"Evangeline, can we please talk?" Jamal asked, getting closer to them. "It'll only take a minute. I just want to apologize."

"Do you mind staying here with her while I go see what this nigga wants?" Eva asked.

"Not at all" Fatima said.

"Thanks Tima" Eva said before kissing Skylar's cheek. "Mommy will be right back baby. Please be a good girl for your TT." She said before walking to a nearby distance with Jamal.

Zac got nearer to Fatima and started playing peek-a-boo with Skylar. She started giggling and soon enough she held her arms out so that Zac could pick him up.

"Do you think that Eva would mind me picking her up?" He asked.

"Nah I don't think she'd have a problem" Fatima said passing Skylar to him. She carefully observed their interaction and it was strange to say the least. Skylar seemed so comfortable in the arms of practical "strangers."


Over at the corner where Eva and Jamal stood.

"You look good. How you been?" Jamal asked.

"I'm fine but please chill on the compliments and just get to the point" Eva said with her arms folded. "I need to get back to my daughter so please make it quick!"

"She's beautiful too. Your daughter." Jamal emphasized.


"I see Malik didn't let you rest before filling your stomach with yet another kid huh?" He chuckled, while Eva stood there dumbfounded looking at him confused.

"I mean after the loss of your first and all..." Jamal said clarifying.


"That is what I wanted to apologize about. I've been away at a self-healing sabbatical, and it has been a real eye-opener for me. We recently touched on the topic of repentance and forgiveness, hence my reason for being here."

"Jamal" Eva sighed. "What the hell are you talking about?! What loss???!"

"Three years ago at Emroy hospital. I stole a nurse's key card and snuck into the nursery to see your baby. I needed confirmation whether she was mine or Malik's so I-

"What did you do??" Eva asked, slightly raising her voice.

"There is no reason to get loud" he shushed her.

"Don't shush me!! Just tell me what the fuck you did" she yelled even louder than before.

"I was swabbing her mouth for DNA when I heard some footsteps approach so I accidentally dropped her and then I-

"You DROPPED her!!!?" Eva yelled with angry tears streaming down he cheeks.

"I'm sorry Eva. I picked her up and noticed that she didn't have a pulse so I panicked and then placed her back in the crib before escaping" Jamal said.

"You DROPPED my fucken child!!!?" Eva cried as she blacked out and started attacking him, causing Zac and Fatima to come running to the commotion.

Zac gave Skylar to Fatima so that he could retsrain Eva. "I think you should leave," he said to Jamal, who laid out on the floor with a busted lip.

"I really am sorry, Evangeline." Jamal apologized once more before limping out the store.

"Eva, what's going on?" Fatima asked worriedly. "What did he say to you?"

Eva didn't respond. She couldn't. She just stayed in Zac's embrace and cried her eyes out as Zac comforted her. Naturally, Skylar started crying as well.

"Eva, please talk to me," Fatima begged while rocking Skykar to calm her down. "You're scaring me, and you're also scaring the baby."

"Ti get her some water, maybe it will help," Zac suggested as he still held her and noticed that she was shaking.

Fatima quickly hurried to get a bottle from their cart and then came back and gave it to her. Eva drank a few sips and then gradually started to calm down.

"Is everything okay here?" The security guard asked as he walked up to them.

"Yes, everything is fine. It's just a little family drama," Zac responded.

"Okay, well, whatever it is, I'm gonna need y'all to keep it down, or else you will be asked to leave the premises for disturbing the peace," he said.

"Noted. Don't worry, we're good bro" Zac said, and the security guard walked away.

"Eva, what's going on?" Fatima asked again.

"Tima, I need you to please do me a huge favor," Eva asked.


"Can you please finish paying for all the things in my cart? I'll send you the money. They're decoration items for Skylar's birthday party tomorrow." Eva asked. "There's something that I need to go do urgently."

"Okay, sure," Fatima responded. "But I thought that her birthday was today?" She asked.

"It is, but Malik and I wanted to celebrate it on a Sunday because it'll also be her baby dedication at church," Eva explained. "You should come be there as her godmother." She said, getting choked up at the possibility of Fatima being her rightful mother. "It'll also be great for you to see the family. Especially daddy."

"Thanks for the invite. I'll think about it," Fatima said hesitantly.

Truth is, she wasn't ready to face the skeletons in her closet. More so, the people whom she wronged and hurt with absolutely no valid reason. Even though she dearly misses her father and brother, she wasn't sure if she had the courage to face them just yet. Evelyn, on the other hand... that's a whole other story. Seeing that their relationship has always been rocky and Evelyn was the only one who NEVER reached out to Fatima during her period of estrangement, she didn't necessarily miss her, but she didn't not miss her either.

"One more thing. Can you please watch her for me? Text me the address of where you're staying, and then I'll come pick her up after a few hours."

"HOURS?!" Fatima said with her eyes wide. "Eva, I don't mind helping out, but I don't think I can do this! I literally have no experience dealing with toddlers. How am I supposed to keep her from crying? I'm practically a stranger to her."

"No, you're not!" Eva said, shaking her head. "Trust me, you'll be fine... Bye-bye babygirl, mommy will be back soon, okay?" She said, holding Skylar's little hand.

"Say bye, mommy," Fatima said, and Skylar shaked her head no before turning her head away from Eva as she tightly grasped onto Fatima.

"Text me the address, Tima. And her bag is in the stroller. It has everything that you'll need," Eva said before leaving.

"Welp," Fatima said, staring at Zac. "Looks like we're gonna be parents for a few hours."

"Yup! Looks that way," Zac said as he pushed the cart to the checkout line while Fatima walked beside him, pushing the stroller. They looked like the perfect little family.

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