The Fallen Queen

By Lover23145

886 34 2

This will have smut strong Language and other things No daenerys targaryen in this story sorry yall In the r... More

intro 1
Intro 2/backstory Remi Baratheon
Where it all began
The runaway Queen of the north
The Unknown King
Consequences of ones actions
The guilt of Robb & Stannis finding out the truth
The meeting
the aftermath
bloody hell
The Dagger
the fall
over the wall
maybe it could work?
Leave You..
back from the dead..?
Still love you
its always been you
can we speak..
bring him to me
together again?

Ours is the Fury

38 2 0
By Lover23145

Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the soldiers prepare for battle. The distant sounds of clashing swords and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air. Remi knew that whatever choice she made, it would come with consequences. The war had a way of demanding sacrifices, and she couldn't escape its merciless grip.

Remi's thoughts were interrupted as Renly approached her, concern etched on his face. "Remi, my dear, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. She forced a weak smile, though her eyes betrayed her inner turmoil. "I'm as well as can be expected, Uncle. It's just... everything is so different now."

Renly placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know, my dear. The world has become a harsh and unforgiving place. But you are not alone. You have family who loves you." As Remi and Renly spoke, Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell, Renly's loyal supporters, approached them. Margaery, elegant and poised, regarded Remi with empathy. "Remi, you don't have to face this alone. We're here for you."

Loras, ever the gallant knight, nodded in agreement. "Your family may have turned their backs on you, but you have friends who will stand by your side."Remi felt a surge of gratitude for her uncle and his loyal allies. She had found a new family in them, one that offered support and understanding in her darkest hours.

Meanwhile, in a distant part of the camp, Robb Stark watched the preparations for battle with a heavy heart. His marriage to Remi had been a source of hope and alliance in these trying times, but he had shattered it with his affair with Talisa. Guilt gnawed at him, and he knew he had made a terrible mistake.

Catelyn Stark, his mother, approached him, her eyes filled with sadness and anger. "Robb, you've made a grave error," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Remi loved you, and you betrayed her." Robb hung his head in shame, unable to meet his mother's gaze. "I know, Mother. I was weak, and I let our family down."

Catelyn's anger softened into sorrow as she reached out to her son. "Robb, we must make amends. We must bring Remi back to our side and try to heal the wounds we've caused."

Robb nodded, his determination renewed. He knew that he had to face the consequences of his actions and fight to win back the woman he loved. The war had changed everything, but perhaps there was still a chance for redemption and reconciliation in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty. It was night fall and the young wolf was determined he swore to his mother that he would set away talisa and bring remi back no matter what,

Robb's steps quickened as he approached the central pavilion, his heart pounding in his chest. He had come so far, and nothing would deter him from seeing Remi, from trying to mend what he had broken. But as he reached the entrance, a powerful hand gripped his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

Renly Baratheon, his eyes filled with anger and frustration, stood before Robb, blocking his path. The once-colorful pavilion now seemed suffocating, and the tension in the air was palpable.Renly Baratheon, his eyes filled with anger and frustration, stood before Robb, blocking his path. The once-colorful pavilion now seemed suffocating, and the tension in the air was palpable. "What do you think you're doing, Robb Stark?" Renly's voice was a low, menacing growl.

Robb's own frustration flared, and he tried to shake off Renly's grip. "This is between me and Remi. I need to see her." but renly didnt move but his gripped tightened on robb "you shall no pass and create more hurt in her heart." Robb Stark's desperation had reached its breaking point as he confronted Renly Baratheon, his voice laced with fury and frustration. The war had changed him, and he was no longer the same young man who had married Remi with dreams of a better future.

"What right do you have to keep me from Remi?" Robb's voice thundered, his eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills with Renly. "I made a terrible mistake, and I need to see her, to explain myself." Renly's rage mirrored Robb's, his anger a blazing fire. "You've done enough, Robb Stark! You don't get to waltz in here and demand anything. You've broken her heart."

The shouting match between the two men echoed through the pavilion, their voices clashing like swords in a duel of emotions. Robb's fists clenched, and his jaw tightened as he refused to back down. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving without seeing Remi.

And just as the confrontation seemed to reach its peak, a stormy presence entered the pavilion. It was Talisa, her eyes ablaze with anger as she stormed in, her voice a tempest of emotion. "What in the name of the gods is going on here?" Talisa's words were a thunderclap, and her gaze darted between Robb and Renly. "Robb, you promised me you were done with her."

Robb felt a mix of guilt and frustration as he tried to explain himself to Talisa, but before he could utter a word, she unleashed her own torrent of emotions. "You come here to see her?" Talisa's voice was a whirlwind of fury, and her words cut like a blade. "After everything we've been through, after all the promises you made to me?"

Talisa's anger was palpable, and her eyes bore into Robb, accusing him of betraying not just Remi but also their own relationship. Remi, tears streaming down her face, stood behind Renly, her heart torn between the man she had married and the one who had caused her so much pain. As Talisa's rage intensified, she took a step closer to Remi, her voice filled with a desperate plea. "Remi, don't let him back into your life. He'll only hurt you again. You deserve better."

The pavilion had become a battleground of emotions, a place where past mistakes and shattered loyalties clashed with raw, unbridled anger. Robb found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, his desire to make amends met with a ferocious storm of resistance. Remi's heartache was a painful reminder of the damage he had done, and Talisa's fury was an unexpected and volatile element in the already tense confrontation. 

Amidst the seething turmoil of emotions, Remi could no longer contain the storm brewing within her. Her tears of sorrow transformed into tears of anger as she stepped forward, her voice laced with righteous indignation. "Enough!" Remi's words pierced through the chaos like a lightning bolt. Her eyes blazed with a fierce determination that had been simmering beneath the surface for too long. "Both of you, stop this madness!" 

Robb, Renly, and Talisa fell silent, taken aback by the unexpected force in Remi's voice. She continued, her words carrying the weight of her wounded heart. "Robb, you have no right to demand anything from me. You shattered our marriage with your betrayal." Her gaze bore into him, the pain of his unfaithfulness still etched in her memory. "I loved you, and you broke my trust. That can never be undone." 

Turning her attention to Talisa, her tone remained unyielding. "And you," she said, her voice dripping with disdain, "you knew he was married, yet you pursued him. You have no moral high ground here."Talisa flinched at Remi's words, guilt washing over her features. Robb hung his head in shame, unable to meet Remi's piercing gaze. Renly, caught in the whirlwind of emotions, remained silent, his anger giving way to a deep-seated regret. Remi's anger burned like wildfire, fueled by the years of deception and heartbreak. 

She knew she deserved better than this, and she wasn't going to let anyone dictate her choices any longer. "I will decide my own fate," Remi declared, her voice unwavering. "I will not be a pawn in your games, Robb, or a pawn in anyone else's."The pavilion fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of Remi's words settling over them like a heavy shroud. In that moment, it was clear that the tangled web of emotions and loyalties could not be unraveled so easily. 

The wounds ran deep, and the path to healing was fraught with uncertainty. Remi's anger flared like a wildfire, consuming her from within as she turned her seething gaze towards Robb and Talisa. Her voice became a thunderous storm, each word a lightning strike of fury.

"Robb, you spineless fool!" She spat the words with venom, her fists clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "You betrayed me, our marriage, and everything we ever stood for. You think a few empty words can wash away the pain you've caused?" Robb winced under the barrage of her words, unable to meet her fiery gaze. He had expected her anger, but the magnitude of her rage was beyond anything he had anticipated.

"And you!" Remi's rage turned towards Talisa, her eyes blazing with an intensity that could melt steel. "You knew exactly what you were doing when you wormed your way into our lives. You wrecked my marriage and had the audacity to stand here and apologize?" Talisa, her face pale and trembling, could barely muster a response. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you."

Remi's laughter was a bitter, hollow sound. "You didn't mean to hurt me? What did you think would happen when you seduced a married man? Did you expect us to welcome you with open arms?" Robb finally found his voice, though it was laced with desperation. "Remi, please, I'll do anything to make this right. I love you, and I'll spend the rest of my life proving it."

Remi's anger turned towards him once more, her words a cutting rebuke. "Love? You don't know the first thing about love, Robb Stark. Love is built on trust, and you shattered it into a million pieces." The tension in the pavilion was suffocating, each word a weapon in the battle of wills that raged within. Remi's anger was a fierce tempest, and it seemed that nothing could quell its fury.

Talisa, tears streaming down her face, took a step back, realizing the depths of the pain she had caused. Robb, his shoulders slumped and defeated, could only watch as the woman he loved unleashed her wrath upon him.

Remi knew that forgiveness, if it ever came, would be a long and arduous journey. The wounds ran deep, and the scars would remain, a constant reminder of the betrayal that had shattered her world. But soon she began to speak again Remi's voice cracked with the weight of her emotions as she continued to vent her anger and frustration, each word a searing indictment of the two people who had turned her life into a nightmare.

"You both think that an apology can make everything right again?" She shook her head, her fiery gaze never leaving them. "Apologies won't mend a broken heart, and they certainly won't erase the shame and humiliation I've endured because of your actions."

Talisa, her face etched with guilt and remorse, finally found her voice. "Remi, I never wanted to come between you and Robb. It was never my intention." Remi's laughter was devoid of humor. "Intentions, Talisa? Intentions mean nothing when the result is the destruction of a marriage. You've taken everything from me—my love, my trust, my happiness."

Robb, his face etched with despair, took a tentative step forward. "Remi, please, give me a chance to make amends. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust." Remi's anger flared anew, her voice like a whip cracking through the air. "Earn back my trust? Do you even understand what you've done? Trust, once broken, can never be fully repaired. It will forever bear the scars of betrayal."

The room felt heavy with the intensity of Remi's anger, the air itself charged with the raw emotions that surged within her. She had kept her pain bottled up for too long, and now it poured forth like a river breaking through a dam.

Talisa, tears streaming down her face, fell to her knees, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Remi, I'm so, so sorry. I never wanted any of this." Remi's anger didn't waver, but her expression softened just slightly as she looked down at the weeping woman before her. "Sorry, Talisa? Sorry won't bring back what's been lost. It won't mend a shattered marriage, and it won't heal the wounds in my heart."

Robb, his voice filled with desperation, tried one last time. "Remi, I'll do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to win you back. I can't imagine my life without you." Remi's eyes met his, and for a moment, a flicker of something other than anger passed through her gaze—pain. "Robb, you should have thought about that before you betrayed me. Love isn't just a word you say; it's a choice you make every day. And you made your choice when you chose her over me."

The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by Talisa's quiet sobs. The battle had been waged, and Remi's anger had been unleashed in all its fierce intensity. The wounds were deep, and the scars would remain, but the path forward was uncertain. Whether forgiveness and reconciliation were possible, only time would tell. 

As they stood there, Remi couldn't help but wonder if there was any room left for redemption and reconciliation in a world torn apart by war and betrayal. The path forward was uncertain, but one thing was clear: Remi would forge her own destiny, no matter the cost.

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