always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

146K 1.2K 2.4K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65

chapter 56

1.3K 13 70
By yourmom-1890

                                             (isabella pov)
"did you want to come with me?" i asked javon. in a couple days me, ella and my mom are flying to Italy for my dads birthday.

he looked at me confused.

"to Italy, next week," i reminded him.

"oh, yeah if that's okay with your mom." he said.

we haven't really talked about my dads birthday. maybe it's the fact that when anyone other then me says some thing about him i cry.

i swear i'm not this emotional. it's my pregnancy.

since it's friday and we are on winter break, we decided for everyone to take the day off and just hang out. so it's the Walton and Romano family walking around hanging out. javons siblings and parents are also here.

we're just walking around the plaza and shopping plus eating and just having fun.

"i'm 7 weeks, on sunday im gonna be 8 weeks i think." i tell javon smiling at him.

"how's my favorite babies making you feel?" jayla asked me.

"they're doing good. other then them waking me up every morning with the need to throw up." i tell her.

"don't get pregnant." i whisper to her.

"i don't plan on it. at least not anytime soon," she whispered back.

"Von can you hold me." ella asked javon. she's been claiming she's hungry.

the only reason we haven't stopped to eat yet is because we're walking to the wings place which was a 15 minute walk.

so far we aren't there yet.

"yeah." he said before bending down and picking her up in his arms.

once she was in his arms she immediately laid her head on his shoulder.

"okay just steal my boyfriend why don't you." i said to ella pinching her cheek.

"he's my bestfriend leave me alone." she said swatting my hand away.

"he loves me more." i stuck out my tongue at her.

"Isabella and Eliana Romano stop that nonsense." my mom scolded us.

"bella be mature." javon said using one of his hands to hold mine.

"this is how your son treats me. like a second option." i said to jessica and dj and shook my head. 

"don't listen to her. she's just hungry and says anything." my mom laughed telling Jessica and dj.

"mom i think im melting, i haven't ate in like ten-years." jaden complained.

"you kids act like we don't feed you guys. everyone had breakfast this morning." jessica shook her head.

"the only one who gets away with complaining is bella. that's only cause she's eating for three." jessica said.

"hearing that just makes me realize that i'm actually carrying my babies. like i realized that in a couple months i'm going to have two babies with javon. But hearing you say that just makes it more real." i said realizing that i can't take this shit back. i can't just try it for the experience. these beautiful babies are going to be with us for the rest of our lives.

"we couldn't be more grateful for you giving javon two beautiful kids." jessica said her and my mom coming to my side

"how do i know if i'm going to be a good mom? what if it's just not for me?" i ask. i've never really thought about it. i'm always just thinking about what i'll do for my kids, but what if it's not enough.

"you're never going to know. it's a part of the learning process. we're are here to help you. but most of it you and javon have to figure out yourself." jessica said brushing my hair back.

"kids just want love. as long as you love them, and are willing to do anything for them. you're going to be a great mom. baby." my mom said smiling at me.

"i'm just so nervous. i'm going to be responsible for my two little babies. like their future, and college or fame whatever they want." i think aloud.

"sometimes moms and dads need breaks. it's okay to want some time away from your kids, so if you ever do. don't feel guilty about it." my mom added.

"yeah." jessica agreed.

"can you name one of the babies jaden if it's a boy or jayda if it's a girl?" jaden asked me.

"we will absolutely not be doing that." javon said turning around to look at me.

"i need to go shopping after i find out the genders." i said.

"i have literally nothing for them. well except for a couple clothes but not even close to how much they actually need." i corrected myself.

"we're here." javon said before placing ella back on the floor and opening the door for all of us.

we sit down and find a table.

"what do you want?" javon asked me sharing his menu with me.

"i want buffalo wings." i said already knowing.

"oh and i want some lemon pepper ones too." i added.

"do you want fries too?" he asked me knowing i love fries.

i nodded my head agreeing.

"bone in?" he made sure. i agreed with him.

"and a dr pepper?" he asked me making sure he got my drink order right.

"you know me so well." i kissed his cheek.

"can you tell them to put cajun seasoning on the fries though." i asked him.

"yeah i'll tell them."

"what are you getting?" i asked him. he's a strange person when it comes to eating at a restaurant. he always tries something knew. or i don't know if that was just a faze and now he gets only what he likes.

"boneless bbq wings, and some onion rings." he said.

"that's it?" i asked him confused on why he's barely ordering anything.

"i was gonna have some of your wings so i was going to order 12 of each you wanted." he said looking at me with the 'is that okay with you' look.

"oh okay." i agreed

"do you want to share my fries?" i asked smiling at him.

"yeah baby i'll have some." he kissed the top of my head.

"you look happy." he commented.

"it's cause you're getting me food." i said smiling. for some reason i just can't stop smiling.

"i thought so. you look very beautiful." he said looking down at my outfit.

"thank you, my boyfriend bought it." i said fixing my skirt.

"oh did he?" he asked laughing.

"mhm." i agreed.

"i want to go shopping." i said grabbing his hand and interlocking it with mine.

"we'll go after we eat," he said looking down at me.

before i respond i hear jayla calling me

"bel what are you getting?" she asked me getting the attention of jaden and jessica.

"buffalo bone in wings, lemon pepper bone in wings. cajun fries and a dr pepper." i said trying to remember if that what me and javon decided on.

"oh okay. i was thinking about the spicy chicken sandwich. but now you got me thinking if i should just get the wings." she said looking back at the menu.

"why so much food bella?" jaden asked me.

"why are you worried about what i'm eating. jaden?" i asked back.

"jaden don't start with her. she beats your ass every single time." dj said as he called over a waiter.

"good afternoon my name is Sara and i'll be your server for today. would you guys like to get started on drinks?" she asked.

"i'll have a sprite and she'll have a dr pepper" my mom said for her and ella.

"i'll have a coke." jaden said.

"can i get a lemonade." daelo asked.

"kids or regular." the server asked.

"regular, thank you," daelo replied

"i'll have a water." jessica said

"i'll have a beer." dj said and he said a type of beer, i wouldn't know because it sounded like a complicated word.

"i'll have a strawberry lemonade." jayla said.

"i'll have a dr pepper." i told the girl.

"and i'll have a dr pepper as well." javon was the last one to order a drink.

"okay are we all ready to order food or do you guys need a minute?" she asked us. little did i know she was watching javon the whole time.

i looked around and everyone nodded their head indicating they are ready.

"we're ready." i said
"so it's getting closer to your 12 week mark. are we going to do a gender reveal?" jayla asked as we waited for our food.

"i want too, but i just feel like we're all always busy and i don't know if everyone has the time to come out and celebrate." i said.

"are you kidding, bella this is your guy's family. whoever shows up is the people who are supposed to be there. if they don't show up then they just aren't that important." jayla said.

"i know. i just feel like it's something else." i said trailing off my sentence.

"i just don't think it's fair." i said avoiding looking at anyone.

"fair? what do you mean?" jaden asked.

"i just don't think it's fair that my dad isn't going to be there," i said. im not going to cry. im not going to cry.

"principessa he's going to be there. we just won't be able to see him. he wouldn't miss this no matter where he is." my mom said looking at me.

"i know. i just never thought that i would be going through pregnancy and everything without dad." i said blinking away the tears that tried to fall.

"it's just the way it has to be and i know that." i said trying to move on from the conversation.

"it's not fair, your feelings are understandable but if we didn't have one, would you regret it?" javon asked me.

"yeah," i admitted truthfully.

"then i say we have one." he suggested.

"okay." i agreed.

the server came back and passed out all the food. i swear when i say it smelt so good. it tasted good too.
(jaden's point of view)
"jayla do you want to come with me to the bathroom?" bella asked jayla as she got up.

"yeah, let's go." jayla said getting up and walking with bell to the bathroom.

"alright here's the bill. take your time, no rush." the server said placing the bill down next to isabella's mom.

"but since i'm here. i was wonder if i can maybe get your number." she asked javon.

"oh no." javon said not even giving her attention.

"no? why not." she asked.

"i have a girlfriend." he said reaching for the bill from isabella's mom, and putting his card in it.

"i don't see her?" she said.

"doesn't matter. i'm not interested." he said looking up at her.

"what does she have that i don't." she asked with an attitude

"pretty face." i mumbled.

"my babies." javon said.

"whatever." she said taking the bill and walked away.

"the bathroom is so nice." isabella said when her and jayla came back to the table.

"what?" jayla asked looking at our faces.

"nothing." me and javon said at the same time.

"the server asked javon for his number." isabella's mom said.

isabella turned to javon.

"and you weren't gonna tell me?" she asked him.

when he didn't respond she spoke again.

"alright then." she said and turned forward again.

as if the situation needed to get worse. the server came back bring javon his card back.

"here's your card, have a good day." she said smiling at javon then walking away.

"let's go bella." isabella's mom said.
                                      (isabella point of view)
"you wanna go home? we can decorate the house for daddy's birthday?" my mom asked me.

"yeah." i smiled getting excited. i loved decorating the house for him on his birthday. this time it will be a little different.

a wave of nausea randomly hit me.

"i don't feel so good." i whispered to my mom.

"let's go." she said brushing my hair back.

"hey we're gonna go." my mom turned around and told everyone.

"isabella isn't feeling good, and plus she wants to decorate the house for her dads birthday." she explained to them.

"are you okay?" jessica asked coming up to me.

"i think so. maybe i'm just nauseous." i said seeming like
i'm out of breath. 

she placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"you're a little warm." she said then placed her hand on my cheek.

"you need to get some rest. but make sure to check your temperature. and if anything at all call us so we can make sure you're okay." she said kissing the top of my head then giving my mom the extra food that i packed up.

"i'll keep you guys updated if anything." my mom told them as we left.
authors note: i've been throwing up for the last two days. but i managed to finish the chapter cause i owed you guys it. also i made an fezco one shot book. if you guys want pls go check it out. i'm only updating it when you guys recommend something or i have a really good idea.

2,173 words

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