Double Fault

By Kayhey18

341K 6.9K 295

Florence Bonsee was focused on Wimbledon and her budding tennis career. What she least expected was Charles L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
5 years later

Chapter 50

4.2K 82 5
By Kayhey18

*edits to come later tonight, but I wanted to get this chapter out!


When we pulled back up to the yacht, we were cutting it pretty close to the planned dinner and game night. It was one of the official requests from Kelly and Max so we didn't want to be late.

We had pushed it pretty close talking in the natural pool after many shared kisses. We discussed what this meant, how we would approach conflicts in our relationship this time, especially things that were out of our control cause that was our main problem. Then it left the question of are we back together, and both of us agreed we wanted it more than words.

Then we just enjoyed being able to talk to each other for an hour as the sunset. Catching up, sharing things that had happened. He explained how racing has been, why he started and ended things with Rachel, and his last adventures in Monaco. I told him about my visit with my dad and what it meant to me that he went to see him. By the time we checked back into reality, we realized it was almost dark.

Charles and I decided we would let the group know we were back together when the moment presented itself. We didn't want to get back and sing out to everyone as soon as we got there. Besides, when we got back on the boat everyone seemed to be in their rooms getting ready.

We slipped into our room and shared a shower like we used to on trips. While he was talking, I was busy admiring his back while I ran the soap over his shoulders.

"Florence, can I borrow one of your coverups," Laurie's voice came through ripping me out of my daze.

Charles turned eyes wide to me. "What do we do,"he whispered.

"Get behind me, she might come in here?"

"Florence?" She yelled again, her voice a little louder this time. "Are you talking to yourself in the shower again."

My cheeks were bright red and I cleared my throat yelling back. "Of course to both of your questions," I yelled back. My voice was steadier than expected. "They are in the second drawer."

She yelled out a thanks. I was close to laughing and Charles reached his hand out to cover my mouth. After a few moments of silence Charles let his hand drop thinking we were in the clear.

Sheesh, I began to let out. My eyes were still on the door but I let myself relax.

"Is this one okay," Laurie's voice returned. I watched in terror as the door began to move open to the bathroom. Charles quickly cussed behind me and did his best to situate himself so I was fully blocking him, but I could feel the presence of him towering over me still.

"Sure is," I let out with a squeak hoping Laurie would be too distracted to notice. She emerged through the door holding the white cover up in front of her.

"Thanks, why are you being so... oh. Oh!" She yelled out as her eyes landed on the glass shower. She spun on her heel quickly facing the other way and her feet carried her to the doorway of the bathroom.

"Laurie, I."

"You dirty dogs," she giggled.

"I'll find you in your room," I yelled out after her. We could still hear her giggles fading away.

"Take your time," she yelled playfully back.

When I turned around Charles hand was in his hair. "You and Laurie. No such thing as privacy," he groaned.

"Move over, I gotta go talk to her," I let out a giggle pushing on his chest. Charles stepped away from the falling water as he chuckled to himself.

"I'm sorry," I smiled back as I quickly rinsed.

"Women, I'll never understand," he said shaking his head. "Go before she tells everyone for us," he said giving me a playful nudge.

I got on my tiptoes and kissed his cheeks. Within a flash I was out of the shower, wrapped a towel around myself and hair, then quickly slipped out into the hall and into Laurie's room.

When I knocked on the door I heard Laurie's voice quickly. I peaked in as I pushed the door open. Laurie was sitting on the bed in the cover up, Lando was sprawled across the bed with his eyes closed.

"Come in," Laurie said knowingly.

I sauntered in and took a spot on the couch in the room, pulling my towel snug across my chest. Lando peaked an eye open.

"Care to share," Laurie said with a smirk.

"I can go," Lando said leaning up quickly.

Laurie grabbed his shoulders before he could stand. "Oh no no." She said amused. "I'm not having to keep this a secret from you all night. Florence?" She said looking over at me.

"No you won't," I groaned as Lando knitted his eyebrows together. "But you're both going to be sworn to secrecy until we tell everyone. We don't want to start the night off with this news."

I watched while Lando went from amused to curious. "I'm not moving now," he said intrigued.

I hummed for a second but just went for it. "Charles and I sorted things out and got back together during our little trip today," I let out quickly.

"You're going to have to speak up with that accent," Lando said with a smile. I was sure he heard me the first time.

"Charles and I are back together," I said more loudly this time.

"Oh shit," Lando said excitedly. "Bout fucking time," he added on. He turned around quickly though looking at Laurie. "How'd you know?"

"I accidentally walked in on them showering together," Laurie said with a little smile.

"Good for them," Lando laughed. "You wanna do that later?"

"Sure babe," Laurie said with a wink back.

"Ew," I said reminding them I was in the room, both of them looking back to me.

"Oh sorry, now that you're not single anymore we can be all romantic around you," Lando teased.

"Yeah yeah," I said rolling my eyes.

Laurie cut into the conversation. "So what, you went on your little trip and figured it out?"

I nodded to her question while they both smiled at me.

"Was it at the beginning or end?" Lando asked.

"The end, we had the best day and just couldn't help it anymore. We both were wanting it at this point, we just had to face it finally."

Lando stood and headed for the door. He held out his fist for a bump as he walked passed which I punched at. "Well good for you two. The tension was about to drive us all insane, so I'm relieved."

"Gee thanks," I said back.

Lando turned around in the door frame. "My lips are sealed. But you're telling everyone tonight. I'll see you up there Laur." He said before turning out of the room.

"Y'all are cute," I added on looking over at Laurie.

"I know," she said standing up and walking over to me. She plopped next to me. "Are you happy?"

"Very," I said with a smile. "The last few months have been pulling me that way. Then when I talked to my dad, he really put things into perspective."

"Good," Laurie said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Are you happy?"

She giggled leaning up and looking at me. "Are you kidding, I love that guy so much. Plus these trips are amazing."

"I know, hopefully more to come. And you two seem perfect."

"Oh we are," Laurie said with spunk. "Now go finish getting ready, you can't be late for dinner. Otherwise I'll have to explain why."

I shot up moving to the door. "You got it."

With that I left Laurie and entered back into my room. Charles had just finished getting ready. He was dressed in his all white outfit, the dress code for tonight. He looked good in his white linen shorts and shirt, hair a mess.

"I'll find you up there," he asked.

I gave him a nod.

"All good with Laurie?"

"Lando and Laurie," I sighed looking at him. "He was in there and wasn't allowed to leave. They have been sworn to secrecy but we do need to tell everyone tonight."

"All sounds good to me. We will know when," he said leaning down and kissing my cheek. "See you up there," he yelled back to me.

I quickly finished getting ready by brushing my hair, freshening up, then putting on my linen pants and shirt. With a few deep breaths, I made my way upstairs ready to celebrate Max and Kelly.


Dinner was devoured and the drinks continued flowing. Game night started off with a beer pong tournament that Lily and Alex crushed everyone in, George and Carmen in a close second place.

The second game Kelly came up with, pin the heart on Max. Kelly had printed out some large heart stickers for everyone. Each person had to put on a blindfold and try to get closest to his chest. Max's commentary was quite funny as he watched each person walk up to him blindfolded. Not there, I swear to god Charles, and Kelly you better get this right were some of my favorites.

Then I had designed an obstacle course around the boat that Charles and I had to ref. Couples had to run a course that included chugging stations, finding the correct life jacket in a massive stack, upside down partner holds across the side of the deck, and finishing off 4 red hot candies as quickly as possible before the finish line. Everyone took it very seriously which I appreciated, Kika and Pierre being champions of that race with a close second to Kelly and Max. Laurie and Lando were putting in a fast lap before Lando insisted on being carried. After that game, it was easy to tell we were all getting a little drunk by the drink stains on our white clothes from laughing and watching everyone's turn.

Carmen and George destroyed the group in couples trivia next, putting everyone to shame. They also designed the next game together at Kelly's request. The two had designed a drinking card game, with the simple name of drink or dare. We had all gathered around the table, the night was late at this point and everyone was enjoying themselves. Some cards required both drinking and dares, just dares, or just drinking.

Towards the end of the game Kelly had ended up in the water. Laurie and Lando were in each others clothes. Kika had to chug milk. The rest were just mostly super drunk by now including myself. When I pulled my card, I had to squint at the words to read. My brain was particularly fuzzy.

I read out loud slowly. Either finish your drink or kiss someone you'd like to be with. Make everyone uncomfortable.

"Ah that's an easy one," Alex blurted out. Lily quickly smacked Alex in the chest. Lily's gesture brought some clarity for Alex. "Oh shit maybe not."

Most of the group was laughing, a few looked frozen, especially Pierre. I looked down at my new and full drink and moaned. While it would have been easy out to chug, I was already drunk and this was supposed to be my last drink. Putting this one down quickly would surely put me over the edge.

An idea popped into my head while I stared at the alcohol. This was the last game of the night, and Charles and I haven't told anyone yet. Laurie made that very clear when she whispered in my ear an hour ago.

"You're drinking right," George asked curiously breaking the silence.

"I don't think I can," I said disgusted and pushing my drink away.

"I can sacrifice Kelly," Max offered out which made me laugh.

Kelly chuckled. "Come here, I'll give a kiss to my favorite tennis player."

I hummed contemplating it, it wouldn't be weird to anyone.

"Well I'm not gonna drink," I shared out. A few eyebrows raised in curiosity. I looked across the table to Charles who had his chin rested on his hands. He shot me a wink that no one else saw. I stood and everyone's eyes followed me.

"Pierre is an option," Kika yelled out.

"So is Kika. Not me. We workout together Florence, that would be gross," Pierre said defending himself.

"All good candidates," I said making my way around the table.

"Just pick someone already," Laurie yelled out. While others couldn't tell, I could hear the desperation in her scream.

I stopped behind Charles and tapped his shoulder. Kelly was sitting next to him. "Oh you fucking tease," Kelly laughed next to him. "You wouldn't dare," she said more as a challenge.

"Maybe I might," I responded as Charles pushed his chair back. I let myself plop onto his lap, my legs dangling off in front of me.

"Florence," Charles said playfully smirking at me.

I started leaning in when I heard Max yell out stopping the motion, both Charles and I looking at him. "You two better not be teasing us, that would be evil," he said.

"I don't think they are," Kelly said with a smile on her face leaning back against Max.

"Neither do I," I said throwing Kelly a wink. With that, I turned back to Charles pulling myself close and landing my lips on his. Charles happily kissed back.

Away from the kiss all I could hear were cheers. Fucking finallys, sheeshes, clapping, and then Pierre offered a toast. "To Charles and Florence, for finally not being idiots."

The toast made Charles and I both laugh, pulling away from the kiss. I didn't move from his lap though as everyone processed what just happened.

"Please tell me that wasn't spontaneous," Carmen said eagerly.

I nodded my head shyly and looked over to Laurie and Lando who looked like they were about to burst.

"You didn't tell me," Kelly said next to me with a fake pout.

"It just happened this afternoon on our little trip," I shared out the group.

A wave of congrats came while I leaned forward to my feet and made it back to my chair. Everyone took more sips of alcohol processing the news. "But let the games continue on, the news is over," I added.

"We can take any questions after vacation," Charles tagged on to my statement. "Let's drink," he said holding his glass up to Max and Kelly.

Pierre was next to me while I sat. "I'm happy for you two," he said nudging my shoulder. "I still expect my workout partner though."

"Thanks and always," I replied tuning back into the conversation around the table.

After a few more cards and mostly drinks, the game ended. Max looked at Charles curiously. "Charles, what's the rule on your boat?"

"Night swims," Charles smiled back.

After a successful night of partying ,we all ended in the water. Some things felt familiar while I clung to Charles listing off every shark I could think of.

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