✓Apocalyptic Super Redemptio...

By ruwen05026

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Author: Yun Weining Crossing to the morning of the end of the world is almost kneeling to the goddess of fate... More



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By ruwen05026


» » Chapter 26: Ancient TemplesChapter 26: Ancient Temples

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The three did not grind in the house for too long, but quickly set off in full gear.

The reason why he brought Li Ye was because although Li Ye lived safely in this small building for a long time, Ji Chen still didn't worry about leaving Li Ye alone in this place full of zombies. The second is Li Ye's small eyes that want to go out.

This time Chu Yunting, who drove the car, drove for more than half an hour before coming to the ancient temple on the outskirts of the county, this ancient temple looks very simple and atmospheric from the outside, and it is also very well preserved, and the long wall separates the scenery inside the wall, but there is a towering stupa, which is also very beautiful and eye-catching from the outside. But as soon as he entered the ancient temple, Ji Chen felt strange.

Because the place is too quiet, not because of the silence of no one, but because of the silence of their car stopped but there were no zombies howling around them. It stands to reason that this ancient temple is so famous, and there are several small courtyards in the temple that are for pilgrims to live in, it can't be said that in the last days, the Buddha's light shines, so that people have not become zombies, right?

Ji Chen and Chu Yunting got out of the car, because this place was too weird, Li Ye was also asked to get out of the car, and the three of them were still good together when the situation was unknown.

Chu Yunting walked in front, Ji Chen escorted Li Ye behind, and they passed through a long passage, which was a bluestone road built for people who came to worship the Buddha, and the end of the bluestone road was the center of the ancient temple. There are many flowers and trees planted on both sides of the road, and there are some small quaint buildings hidden in it

The more he walked inside the temple, Ji Chen felt as if he was being targeted by something, as if there was an external spiritual power that wanted to affect his thinking, but because Ji Chen's spiritual power was strong, the other party did not succeed, but it only made him trance for a moment.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the spiritual power zombie I saw that day.

He exchanged a look with Chu Yunting in front.

It seems that Chu Yunting also noticed it.

What he didn't know was that in fact, just now Chu Yunting was attacked by a spiritual force, but how could Chu Yunting be attacked by someone plainly, of course, he was giving back to people.

That person should be very uncomfortable now.

He guessed correctly, at this time, a handsome young monk in the hall only felt a pain in his head like a needle prick, and his face couldn't stop turning pale.

A fat monk beside him saw that his face was wrong, and came up dog-legged and asked, "Uncle Master, but what happened?" "

"It's okay." The young monk said with a gloomy face, so frightened that the fat monk immediately did not dare to speak.


Chu Yunting and Ji Chen quickly walked to the center of the ancient temple, which is a very magnificent building, the Shangshu Daxiong Treasure Hall, the blue-gray hall ridge, the bright yellow pillars, at this moment this ancient temple seems to have faded its former solemnity and sacredness, coldly looking at the trio who entered it.

Chu Yunting quickly climbed the stairs layer after layer, and finally arrived at the closed doorway, he looked at Ji Chen behind him, and saw that Ji Chen had finished arming himself, and even the little Li Ye was holding a small dagger in his hand, before he nodded and pushed open the heavy door of the folding fan.

Unexpectedly, there were no ice knives and frost swords and intrigues expected by Ji Chen and the others, and there was only one fat monk in the silent Buddhist hall, who was looking at them with a smile at the moment.

"I don't know if the donor is coming, and I miss the welcome." The fat monk said with a smile, looking like a Maitreya Buddha.

But in this ancient temple, as the only living person who has his head outcropped, he is very strange in itself.

Ji Chen even thought that this person would not be a murderous maniac, and killed all the original people in the temple.

He shook his head vigorously, shaking the thought to the back of his mind.

"The master is polite, but I don't know why the temple is so deserted today?" The hall was silent for a moment before Chu Yunting's cold voice sounded.

If you don't want the current context, then this dialogue is really like the daily dialogue before the end times.

"How can it be deserted? The benefactor may follow me to the back of the temple, where my temple pilgrims live. After the fat monk finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation.

Ji Chen looked at him suspiciously. How is this so much like a set?

Chu Yunting did not answer, but stepped forward, the coercion of the fourth-level supernatural on his body was fully opened, and the fat monk couldn't bear to retreat straight back, sitting on the ground with one butt, and the feet facing the sky were very embarrassed.

Well, the image of the worldly noble man is completely ruined now, there is no need to pretend anymore.

"I didn't expect the donor to be really hidden." The fat monk didn't have a scowl on his face, but he still had that smile, "That little benefactor, come and pull me, the poor monk is too fat and can't get up a little." He pointed at Ji Chen and said.

Ji Chen looked at the fat monk sitting on the ground in front of him and pretending not to get up, and almost didn't laugh out loud.

Although I don't know what purpose the monk in front of me has, it feels quite fun for such a fat piece to sit on the ground and twist from time to time.

But he did not immediately step forward, joke, he is not a fool, if he goes to help this monk, he will be taken hostage if he does not do well.

But Chu Yunting in front of him glanced at Ji Chen, his eyes paused, and then he stepped forward to pull this fat monk up.

A trace of surprise crossed Ji Chen's eyes, although he had always believed in the male god unconditionally, how could the male god take risks? And how is this matter so strange, Chu Yunting will not have the kindness to pull the fat monk up!

Ji Chen felt that since he came to this ancient temple, his brain capacity was not enough.

But fortunately, the fat monk was dragged up by Chu Yunting, and there were no conspiracies such as those bitter meat schemes that Ji Chen secretly pondered in his heart.

After the fat monk got up, he still looked at Chu Yunting with a complaining little look, and his eyes revealed the accusation of "you are so rude". This time, Ji Chen and Chu Yunting, along with Li Ye, twitched the corners of their mouths.

"Benefactor, have you not seen the living people in this temple?" The fat monk still said with a noble face.

"Stop talking nonsense, lead the way ahead." Chu Yunting said lightly, and the fat monk's superior face was choked at once.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, but really turned around and led the way.

The fat monk led them to the back hall, walked out through the back door, and through the winding corridor, they arrived at the place where the pilgrims lived, which were rows of houses full of ancient styles, but there were a few specific entrances, and Ji Chen's cultural level was not visible at all.

They soon arrived in a small courtyard, opened the door, and saw many people sitting crowded in the house, and glanced at the black crushed heads.

Not to mention forty or fifty people.

So many people, crowded into this small house, excessively, everyone still has a long rope tied to them. And Ji Chen also found that there was a bunch of people's excrement in the corner of the room, making this house filled with an extremely bad smell, but these people's faces had no expression, a numb look, only the moment they pushed the door open, a trace of panic flashed on their faces, but this panic quickly calmed down.

Ji Chen was very angry in his heart, these people were in such a bad mental state, they were obviously abused, even if human life was not worth much in the last days, but what did it mean to lock so many people in one house.

"Why are you like this?" He involuntarily yelled at the fat monk.

"That's not what I did." The fat monk shrugged his shoulders and looked like 'I'm innocent and you wronged me'.

But Ji Chen didn't believe him, these people here lived so miserably, but the fat monk was still fat in vain, even if he didn't do it, then he was a person who helped to abuse him.

The smell in the room was too bad, and Chu Yunting pulled Ji Chen out.

He was different from Ji Chen's focus, he could feel that these people in the room seemed to be a group of people with very weak strength, most of them had no powers, and a small number of people with powers were also weak.

Why are so many weak and numb people locked up in this place?

"Then you let them go." After Ji Chen was silent for a while, he said to the fat monk.

"Even if he wants to release people, he doesn't have the ability." A low and feminine voice suddenly sounded behind Ji Chen and Chu Yunting, and at the same time, a sharp attack rushed towards Ji Chen, and Chu Yunting quickly pulled Ji Chen aside, but Li Ye, who had been a step behind, was dragged away by a figure who quickly stepped forward.

"Xiaoye!" Ji Chen shouted anxiously, and Chu Yunting released an air blade in a hurry while pulling him, but although the air blade hit the man, at this time, the figure had already caught Li Ye and quickly retreated.

Only then did Ji Chen see clearly the person who attacked them, this was a young and handsome monk, wearing a cyan monk's robe, holding a dagger around Li Ye's neck, looking at them coldly.

"Release him!" Ji Chen shouted, seeing Li Ye's terrified look, he was full of resentment towards the monk in front of him.

"I can let him go, but you must—die, or destroy your powers." The Tsing Yi monk said lightly, "Your strength is so strong, I can't let you out of this ancient temple. "

"You think too much." Chu Yunting replied slowly, "What do you rely on to make you feel that you can influence us?" If I'm not mistaken, your mental power has already been injured. "

"So what?" The Tsing Yi monk suddenly laughed viciously, since he tested the true strength of these people, he knew that he would not escape this calamity, but who knew the result if he didn't fight, "With this little ghost, do you still have a choice?" Unless you don't want his life anymore. The dagger in his hand cut a bloody mark on Li Ye's neck, and Li Ye's thin body couldn't stop trembling.

"His life is not that important." Chu Yunting smiled, "Moreover, are you sure you can-"

Before he finished speaking, Ji Chen saw that Li Ye, who he thought was cowardly and timid, dexterously came out from under the Tsing Yi monk, and the rampant Tsing Yi monk seemed to have pressed the pause button, suddenly stopped in place, although this pause was only a short second, but it was enough for Li Ye to run out from his hostage, at the same time, Chu Yunting had compressed an air bomb and launched it in the direction of the Tsing Yi monk.

Only listening to the boom, the monk was thrown to the ground by the power of the air bomb, and the powerful air bomb left a bloody wound on his thigh.

Ji Chen held Li Ye, who flew over, and was stunned in place.

The pattern is changing too quickly, and I don't know what's going on.

"Unexpectedly, I still underestimated your ability. Not even a small child. The Tsing Yi monk said grimly, at that moment just now, what kind of power made him stop in place, what ability does this child have? He closed his eyes tightly, "If you become a king or a loser, you can kill or kill, whatever you want." "After all, he was still too careless.

"Why are you locking up those people?" This time, Chu Yunting put the knife on the neck of the Tsing Yi monk.

"Why ask so much, those people are just sanctimonious to live, and waste the little food they have now." The Tsing Yi monk did not want to say more, looking discouraged.

"Uncle Hengzhi," at this moment, the fat monk who had been silent spoke, "Don't be obsessed anymore, if you do this, Master will not be happy." "

"You!" The Tsing Yi monk said hatefully, "Don't pretend to be so noble!" Have you forgotten what your master taught you? "

The fat monk looked at Hengzhi's senior uncle in front of him with a complicated expression, "That is not my master, my master has already gone, I hope that uncle will stop disturbing his spirit in the sky." "

"Excuses, all excuses." The monk who was called Hengzhi laughed sadly, "Look, this is your apprentice, you are so good to him, but how he repays you now." He muttered.

"But," Heng Zhi suddenly looked at Ji Chen and his group fiercely, "I won't give you hypocrites the chance to take the place of Tianxing Dao today!" "

"Uncle Master, what did you do?" The fat monk asked eagerly.

Heng Zhi looked at him leisurely, there was both resentment and relief in his eyes, "I let him go," he suddenly laughed, the smile was not as fierce and twisted as before, but extremely gentle, but at the moment it looked creepy, "None of you want to kill him, he will avenge me, he will avenge me!" His voice grew louder and more poignant, "None of you can escape!" "

He said fiercely, and at the same time, his body took a sharp step forward and hit Chu Yunting's blade, and in an instant, blood splattered out.

The small courtyard fell into a long silence, and Ji Chen was really scared to death when he looked at this person's deathless appearance, and he almost trembled and covered Li Ye's eyes.

"Don't be afraid." Chu Yunting's soothing voice sounded, and Ji Chen was immediately embraced into a warm embrace, he felt relieved, and finally found a reliance in the thrill just now.

"Can you explain what happened now?" He hugged Ji Chen and turned his head to the fat monk who was still dull in front of him and said.

The fat monk's expression seemed to have just recovered from this change, and he told this long story with a complicated face. Bookmaker Bar Novel Network novel network novels are the most complete, the fastest update speed, please remember our website: Bookmaker Bar Novel Network! If you forget the URL of this site, you can Baidu: Bookmaker Bar Novel Network, present it immediately! In order to facilitate the next reading, don't forget to bookmark this site!

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