The truth inside the curse (S...

By lizbliz123

338 10 27

***complete*** Lmfao I really need to stop writing more Sanderssides Fan fictions but I can't help it Janus... More



6 0 2
By lizbliz123


Remus screamed in pain as he was suddenly electrocuted and pushed back into his own body. He looked up to see what Janus was dealing with and saw a bunch of angry men in crowns and shit staring him down.

"Hold on!" One of them shouted. When they pulled away they looked Remus up and down. "Where's that witch?"

"It's none of your concern." He huffed annoyed. "But if this is how you treat a prince from a visiting kingdom how the fuck do you treat your staff?"

"God he's annoying."

"Gag him." Remus panicked as flashes from his past haunted his vision causing him to go into a panic attack. Not now! Stupid brain!

Years ago

"He screams a lot." The guard mumbled. Remuss vision was blurry and he closed his eyes for a second.

"That he does." He felt the restraints get tighter. Remus looked up at the king horrified.

"Don't do this..." he laughed.

"This is what you deserve." He put the gag in remuss mouth and Remus struggled. Tears flowed down his face. He wanted his brother.

Remus opened his eyes. He saw he was chained down and he hissed in pain as a headache came on.

"What were you trying to prove?" Remus looked up at the man in front of him. "Think you can save my servants and get away with it?"

"I didn't..." Remus shook his head. "I didn't release them! I don't have any magic!"

"Well, now my men can do whatever they please with you seeing as how you released their toys." He walked away and Remus shook his head.

"No! Please let me go!" Remus struggled against the binds. He realized he couldn't use magic to summon Janus. Something was wrong. "What have you done!?"

"You lied about not having any magic." They tapped his wrist. "These block any magic abilities and make you feel pain every time you attempt to use your powers. So want to try that again?" Remus shook his head.

"Just let me go! I will leave okay? Please..."

"Think he can take it?" Remus looked up and shook his head.

"Please don't do this." His shirt was pulled up and they stepped away from him shocked.

"Holy fuck..."

"Dude....Jesus..." they helped him down and Remus backed up. "We were going to just take our anger out on you....who did that to you?" Remus looked confused.

"Did what?" Remus asked.

"You were marked." One of them looked at the others. "we've only seen this mark once before."

"What are you even on about?" Remus asked.

"You were marked as a slave." Someone walked over to him. Remus glared.

"Touch me and you lose a hand you dick."

"They were going to torture you with whips and other fun things. But as I can see now, you have been through a lot worse haven't you?" Remus backed away.

"Don't touch me." He laughed.

"You were raped, weren't you prince Remus?" He got closer to Remus.

"Don't touch me." He repeated.

"Bring him up to Virgil's old room, im sure he'll enjoy the tower." The guards nodded and brought Remus to the tower. Once there they locked the door and Remus fell to his knees as he started crying. He tried using his powers to connect with Janus again but he got electrocuted in the process. He screamed. Why can't he just go home?

***Virgil*** (as the book started: so shall it end!)

Virgil made them both land in the courtyard. Logan slashed at all the bad guys. As soon as they were good they walked together towards where they knew Bryant to be. Once they reached him he laughed.

"I'm the only one with the key to the tower." He held it up. "Kill me, it goes with me."

"Magic exist moron." Virgil pulled him close using his magic. "So die like the coward you are." Virgil snapped his neck and Logan grabbed the key. They ran to the tower.

"Who do you think..."

"It's got to be my dad or Remus..." they opened the door and heard quiet sobs coming from the corner. "Remus!?" They ran in and Remus jumped to his feet.


"We killed him." Logan said. Remus pulled them both into hugs. "Now let's get those things off you."

***a couple months later***

Virgil fixed his tux and smiled at Serena.

"Thanks for helping me." He reached out for her arm and she looped hers in his.

"Anytime my lord." They giggled as they walked to the isle.

"I'm so nervous."

"So is he." Serena's sister said as she walked over to them. "He's been fretting all morning." Virgil laughed.

"Sounds like him." They heard the announcement and Virgil smiled at the two girls. "Ready to walk me in there ladies?"

"Always." They looped arms and walked him into the busy ballroom.

"Introducing, your newest ruler. Virgil Reen." Everyone clapped.

"LONG LIVE THE KINGS!" Roman shouted from the crowd.

"LONG LIVE THE KINGS!" It echoed around the hall. Virgil smiled over at Remus who in a blink of an eye stood before him.

"I'm happy for you both, but I'm going to step out for a moment. Virgil if you would so kindly meet me at the garden in about ten minutes I'd appreciate it. I have a wedding gift for you." Remus left and Virgil looked at Logan curiously.

"I don't know my love, I'm going to go mingle. Maybe go see what he wants?" Logan kissed him and walked away. Virgil walked the halls, shoes echoing as he walked and once he reached the garden he saw Remus sitting on a swing.

"Remus?" Remus smiled.

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you." Virgil looked around.

"Why'd we have to come out here for you to tell me that?" He heard something behind him and he looked at Remus and then turned around.

"Because he wanted me to be able to say it too." Virgil immediately pulled his father into a tight hug.

"H-how!?" Virgil pulled away and Remus smiled.

"I figured it out." Remus leaned against the wall. "it took a lot of time to do this, but I mastered it and he agreed to let me try it one last time."

"I didn't think it would work at all." Janus laughed. "Remus is a pretty smart kid." Remus bowed.

"Your majesty, if you don't mind I'd like to step out and give you and your father some time alone to talk." Virgil ran over and pulled Remus into a tight hug.

"Thank you." Tears were falling down his face.

"Congratulations again Virgil." Remus bowed and he smiled at Janus as he left. Virgil turned to his father and hugged him to make sure he didn't just disappear.

"I'm so happy right now."

"Me too Virgil, me too." Janus kissed Virgil's forehead. Things were already looking up.

AN I hope you enjoyed the ending of this story!

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