Unexpected love //Jake and Jo...

By moobearlive

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PLEASE READ DESC!! This is a fanfiction between jake Webber and Johnnie guilbert. it will be told in ALL Jo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
READ! (a/n)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
you'll want to see this
Chapter 14
Shameless plug
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
I'm sorry.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 pt 1
Chapter 23 pt 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 pt1
Chapter 27 pt2
I'm alive!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 pt1
Chapter 31 pt2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 13

5.1K 70 47
By moobearlive

Johnnie's POV:

I'm about 20ish minutes into my shower when I hear Jake clanking pots, and or pans around in the kitchen. (Jesus Christ he's so not agile. Like at all.) I shake my head at the thought and let out an amused sigh, (I guess I've been in the shower long enough..) I turn off the nice, warm, water and immediately start shivering , I rech for my towel In cold desperation, quickly wrapping my body with it. Once I have my clothes on I slightly open the bathroom door, just enough to get some air in. (it's so damn humid in here, feels like I can't breathe.) I measley finish drying my hair by rubbing it with my towel,

As soon as I step foot into the kitchen/living room Jake immediately turns around and greets me with a cheesey smile, I give him a small smile then look back down and continue walking to the couch. The millisecond I hit the couch I hear Jake begin to speak. "I made some food do you want some.??" He asks me politely (I know he's trying not to be pushy, he's just being caring.) I look at him softly "no, I'm ok, thank you for asking though." I resort, giving him a weak smile. I can hear him sigh. "No problem it's ok. I'll just make you something else later.!" He also gives me an excited smile in resort (GOD I hate him for being so persistent.!) ( you know you don't mean that...)

I can hear him walking twords me, I then feel Jake take a seat right beside me on the couch. "Aren't you gonna eat.?" I ask questioning him, knowing Full well that I, of all people, have no right to be doing so. "Don't worry I already ate, when you were still in the shower." He explains finishing by patting his stomach, but not before I can roll my eyes at the action...

Then it goes quiet... Neither of us saying a word, we both know what we're avoiding. It's just a matter of who has the most balls to say it first?

"Look about last night-" Jake starts, but was quickly stoped by me. "I'm sorry for pushing you out of my room last night, but I need some time to think. I still feel like I need to think, but. I know it won't get me much farther. So I'll say it now." I let out a deep breath then continue "Jake. Ill be honest with you, I do have feelings for you. And think your amazing. But.." I can now feel tears lightly swelling in my eyes, it get harder to speak but I continue anyway. "But, I don't think I'm ready for the commitment that comes with a relationship. And I understand if you think I'm a shitty person for tha-" all of a sudden I'm cut of by jake placing a hand on my cheek, he wipes the away the tear I didn't even notice was rolling down my cheek. I can feel my insides burning at this point (how pathetic. I can't even have a conversation without crying.. he probably thinks I'm being "dramatic" or something.)

I trying to look down not being able to hold his glance without feeling guilty. But Jake grabs me by the chin, and makes me face him faster then I could even comprehend. "Johnnie, look at me.?" He asks practically begging, "hmm..?" I hum quietly. "Your not a shitty person, I completely understand. I mean, I just got out of a years long relationship, even though it was a mutual break up, getting into a new relationship just weeks after could make me seem like a pretty shitty person too." Jake explains laughing, "But." Jake says obviously having something to add. "I do want you to know, that, I, really, really like you." Now my face is bright shade of light red, it definitely doesn't help that his hand is still firmly on the side of my faces.

Suddenly he closes his eyes and starts to move closer, my heart rate exponentially raises at this action. But yet I don't move, I Actually close my eyes too and move closer. Our foreheads press against each other in an affectionate manner. Our hot breath bouncing off one another due to our close proximity. I would probably pass out from my fast heart rate if I wasn't enjoying this as much as I am.

After a couple of minutes (which doesn't feel long enough..) I decided to break the lovely silence, by asking the questions we've probably both had on are minds. "So. What, are we..?" I ask Jake, not knowing if he'll even have the answer. "I don't know. Well if we're not going to be dating yet let's just be. Us." He says loud enough only for me to be able to hear it. And no one else. "Do we any rules.? Like no kissing? or public affection or...?" I ask quietly, not wanting to come off to hasty. "I don't know." He says tenderly, looking me in the eyes before bringing his mouth to my ear a whispers, "can I kiss you.?" His breath. This question. The tone. HIM. Makes my entire stomach twist in every direction.

I effects me so badly I lose control and I burie my face into his shoulder, and lay my body against him. I can feel his arms wrapping around my waist. "Maybe just a little one, not on the lips.." I mumble lightly into the crook of his neck. "ok." He agrees, I can then feel him slowly moving my hair to the side, then lowering his head near my shoulder. Then I feel his lip press against the bottom of my neck, without out hurrying he brings to tail kiss up my neck, each one a little longer then the last. Now my organs feel like they're burning, full with on fire butterflies, and I couldn't love it more.

His last kiss is left just below my ear, the moment I feel his lips leave my skin, my body is practically begging for more. I let out a pleasured and happy sigh, along with a small grin. I'm pretty sure Jake can feel it on his neck considering I can hear (and feel) him holding in a giggle. He leans back twords my ear and begins to whispers, "was that ok?" I don't give him a verbal response, instead I just nod my head embarrassingly quick. He laughers he gives me one last kiss, right below the ear.



And with a long chapter to? Wow. Very unexpected.

Anyway so sorry for being gone so long but I'm back so all's well it ends well ig🌝



for now.

You'll see me soon don't worry!

Word count: 1100!

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