Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

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In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 31

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By oddcabello

Y/N's POV:

I opened the door to my apartment. Both of us entering drenched from the rain

"Woah, your collection is so huge" she said seeing my two book bases filled with vinyl records since it was the first thing you see entering the living room

"Uh yea it's a life long collection" I said while closing the door

She took in the place then immediately went to the shelves to get a closer look at my collection

"Let me get us some towels" I said before running to my bedroom

I went into my private bathroom and grabbed some clean towels.

Stepping out I took a second to see the few framed pictures of Camila and I panicked for a bit. I went to grab them and stuff them in the drawer for now. Not wanting Sabrina to see them.

Yes she's speculated about Camila and I but she doesn't know if its for sure. I think she thinks my other girl is still Stacy since Kevin talks about her to Sabrina to tease me.

And I wasn't sure if Camila would be open to others knowing about us. I just wanted to be safe.

My overthinking got cutoff when I heard a knock on the door

I jumped turning around shutting the drawer and seeing her at the door

"Oh your room is so cool. Cute but cool" she said looking around at my directions "it's just like you"

"How?" I asked curious

"Cute and cool" she said making me blush

"Um here you go" I said breaking my shyness away and handing her the towel

"Thank you" she said wrapping it around herself

"Um I was thinking maybe we should shower to not get sick" I said and she stared at me with a funny expression

"I'm in your house for like one minute Y/Ln and you're already trying to undress me?" She asked with a flirty tone

My eyes widened when I realized how it came out

"Oh my god. No I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that" I said blushing closing my eyes and shaking my head then covered my face

She laughed at my bashfulness

"Relax babes. I'm only messing with you. And I agree" she said placing her hand on my damp shoulder and I was still red in the face

"you can take the shower in here and I'll use the guest bathroom" I said

"I don't mind using the guest one" she said

"Ah no the hot water doesn't work that well so it's like always cold" I said

"Aw thank you I do not like cold showers" she said

"Yea I know I remember you told me" I said

"Aw you remember?" She asked

"Yea of course. I remember a lot of things" I said and she was just smiling up at me

I couldn't help but smile back at her. Her energy and happiness was so infectious

Her blue eyes piercing through mine having me in a trance

She grabbed my neck and surprised me when she brought our lips together

I stayed frozen for a second. Shocked. I couldn't move. My head was yelling at me to pull away. But my body didn't want to.

She moved her lips against mines and my lips followed. This isn't right Y/n...

Then again Camila insists that I'm single and refuses to let us be something official

No it's not right. Pull away.

Just as I was about to pull away she beat me to it and let out a breath

"I can't lie, I missed kissing you" she said

My mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. I needed to tell her we can't anymore

She kissed me again but just quickly

"Maybe we should save some water for those showers" she said in a seductive tone while grazing my neck

I know this shouldn't affect me but it was. I felt goosebumps go throughout my body

"Uh-" was all I was able to say then she laughed

"Just kidding. Maybe next time" she said winking at me teasingly with a laugh and backed away towards the bathroom door

I let a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding out

"Funny" was all I said sarcastically and she still laughed

A part of me felt relieved but at the same time my body wanted to keep going.

"Um, can you leave your clothes out the door for me, I'll put them to wash and dry

"You don't have to do that" she said

"It's no big deal really. I'll leave you some clothes you can wear on the bed when you get out" I said and she smiled

"Thank you Y/n. So sweet as always" she said smiling before entering the bathroom and closing it

Fuck I do need that cold shower.

I went to the guest bathroom to turn on the shower. Hoping that some warm water would come out.

After I went to my little laundry room and prepped the washer. I ran back to my room to see Sabrina had left her clothes out for me. I grabbed the pile of wet clothes and ran back to the laundry room to toss them into the machine then I tossed mine in as well. I set the machine then ran back to the bathroom to take my own shower.

I took a real fast one because the warm water ran out quick and I couldn't tolerate it much longer

After I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around me and headed back to my room.

I heard the shower still running so it was good to know she was still in there. I quickly changed into some sweats and a t-shirt.

I grabbed the first thing I saw from my new pile of clean clothes I forgot to put away after I did laundry last night and left a T-shirt and pair of pajama pants for her while we waited for her clothes to finish washing and drying.

While setting the clothes on the bed neatly for her I could hear her singing from the shower as it echoed. She sounded really pretty she had a lovely voice.

Camila also sang in the shower so it reminded me of her as well bringing the thought of her back to my head.

I just shook my head for now and decided to keep myself busy in the meantime.

I went to the living room to play a record just to keep a nice vibe going for us. I knew she liked Fleetwood Mac as much as I did so I decided to play their Rumors record.

We talked a lot about music together since we had similar taste. I put the record on at an appropriate volume. Not too loud but enough for background noise.

I went to the guest bathroom to brush my hair and do other skin care necessities then heard the washing machine signal it was done so I went to grab the clothes and toss them into the dryer and get that started.

Walking out and passing my bedroom I could hear Sabrina shout

"Ooh turn it up" she said probably hearing the music

I just laughed and went to do what she asked.

I ended up going into the kitchen to make us a snack. We just ate not too long ago and I had some fruit so I decided to cut some up. Just to keep us occupied til the rain stopped.

I was nodding my head along to the music feeling it as I chopped an apple up

I heard a door shut that didn't come from the bedroom. It sounded like the front door... What I heard next made me turn into a stone and freeze up

"Y/n" I recognized Camila's voice call out to me

Shit... what is she doing here?! I never expected her to come

I immediately dropped the knife in my hand and ran to the living room towards the door.

But she met me halfway

"H-hey" I said surprised

"Hi. Having a party?" She asked with a giggle

"Uh no just playing music. What are you doing here?" I asked

"Nice to see you too babe" she said giggling again

"Of course I'm happy to see you but I just didn't expect it" I said

"I thought I would surprise you today" she said

Out of all of the other days you could have surprised me...

"I felt bad for how we left off the other day and I had some extra free time since my rehearsals were cut short so I decided to stop by our favorite bakery and pick up your favorite cookies to make up for it" she said cutely holding up the bag from the cafe before setting them down

Today is when I die

"Mila... you didn't have to" I mumbled

"I wanted to. And I couldn't leave the state without your kiss" she said with a pout before leaning up and placing a kiss on my lips

The music stopped just for a second as it was changing to the next song and the shower could be heard running

"Did you leave the shower running?" Camila tilted her head confused with a laugh then ruffled my damp hair

"Not exactly" I mumbled

Okay don't be a pussy. Own up to it.

"I have to tell you something-" I mumbled with a deep breath

We heard the shower cut off and then she looked up at me

"Is someone here?" She asked confused

"Yes" I said

My heart was pounding so fast I could pass out any minute now

"Who y/n?" She asked as if she was scared to ask that question

I opened my mouth to speak but we heard the door open and the sound of Sabrina singing along to the song Dreams in the other room answered for me

I really was gonna die

Camila looked up at me. She looked at my wet hair then she let out a small sarcastic laugh

Probably putting pieces together to a puzzle she thought was in front of her. She probably thought that I had showered with her.

She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She was about to say something, lifting her hand to scold me but then closed her mouth and stopped, she shook her head and began to walk away

"Camila no wait-" I begged grabbing her hand which she yanked away

"Don't-" she whispered angrily

"It's not at all what you think" I said

"Don't give me this bullshit right now Y/n!" She said still in that whispered angry tone continuing to walk to the door

Probably trying to make it out undetected by the blonde

"Babe I promise it's nothing like that I can explain-" I whispered as well

"I have to go" she desperately said trying to get out of my grasp

But we were interrupted when we heard singing and footsteps approaching us

We both froze in place

Sabrina walked towards the living room still singing along to the song.

"Such a good album Y/n" she said as she was typing something on her phone not seeing anything yet

Camila looked angry taking in her appearance as she was wearing my clothes

We were still quiet not knowing what to do. Sabrina looked up and her eyes widened

"Oh hi Camila" she said with a genuine sweet smile

Camila sighed out but put on her best fake impression

"Hiii" she said

I think I should just get struck by lightning right now

"What are you doing here? This is a surprise" the blonde girl said

"Oh its a surprise for sure" she mumbled

The record started skipping and I quickly ran to remove the needle. I debated on not even playing anything anymore for the sake of the situation but it would just make things so much more awkward so I decided to flip the record and continue playing it

"This is my first time here. Isn't Y/n's place so sick" Sabrina said still oblivious

"Oh yea for sure. I basically live here with how much I visit" Camila said somewhat sarcastically

They made some small talk and I just stood there quietly not knowing how to handle this situation

Camila stared back at me with those angry eyes

"My rehearsals ended early so I wanted to bring Y/n some of her favorite cookies" Camila sighed out

"Oh just like us. Our studio session ended early and y/n took us to get a late lunch" Sabrina said

"Oh how nice" Camila said still in that scary fake nice tone

"Yea it was this cool unknown place she used to go to with her dad" the blonde said

"Oh sounds special" the brunette said

"I was just trying to be nice" I mumbled

"Well you are the nicest person alive" Camila said still sarcastically

"Right? She's been nothing but an angel. I wasn't feeling too well today so she's been treating me like a princess" Sabrina said while coming up to me rest her head on my shoulder

I wanted to run into the wall

"Aww" Camila said still sarcastically

She looked angry but also looked devastated

"the rain ruined the day" I mumbled "we were at the restaurant and then it started raining and I didn't want it to ruin my bike" I said

"You rode it in the rain y/n?" Camila asked with wide eyes "that is so dangerous-" she began to scold me

"I was already out before it started and we were closer to here than her house so thats how we ended up here" I said

"It was so much fun though. But trust she was so careful" Sabrina said

"Oh you rode it with her?" Camila asked this time crossing her arms

"Yea. Camila you have to try it out it's so fun" she said

"She's scared of it" I said

"Aw no" Sabrina pouted

"It just seems dangerous. I don't want Y/n getting hurt" Camila said

"I can handle myself" I mumbled getting angry now. There was such a thick tension between Camila and I

"No really. She's very cautious Camila. I literally trust her with my life. She would take a bullet for anyone she cares about before they got hurt" Sabrina said giving me some credit

"No yea I know. I'm just being cautious" Camila mumbled

We were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

Oh well it might as well be Stacy to join the party from hell. But thankfully it was Kevin who appeared behind the door

"Hey" I said relieved

"What's up?" He said as he entered

When Sabrina saw him she ran to him hugging him tight

"Hey bestie" he said happily as he picked her up

When he put her down he was shocked to see Camila but he gave her just a simple hi

I could tell Camila was a little disappointed by the difference of greetings from my best friend

He still wasn't the biggest fan of her

I forgot that we had invited him over to join us when we had left the restaurant

He looked at me a little confused at the situation I gave him eyes signaling for his help

"Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" He asked and I nodded like it was not suspicious at all

He grabbed me and led me to the bedroom shutting the door.

"What is happening? Why does the atmosphere feel like someone died?" He said

"Yea I did" I said then went on to describe the situation to him

No One's POV:

Back in the living room with the two girls who had felt strongly about Y/n, there was a bit of awkward silence til the blonde spoke up breaking it

"So how are things going with that Austin guy you were with in San Diego?" She asked

"Oh uh we actually broke up" Camila said

"Oh no. It looked like you guys were so into each other" Sabrina said

"It just wasn't meant to be. I broke up with him a little after that" Camila said

"Aw you guys were cute. But I get it" she said

"Yea" Camila sighed out letting the awkwardness sink back in

The blonde girl sighed

"Look Camila, I know that things between us have been rocky ever since-" Sabrina paused trying to collect her words

Camila felt like she was finally going to bring up this awkward love triangle between them and Y/n

"Since whatever happened between Shawn and I" Sabrina said

Taking Camila completely by surprise at that. And somehow her anger and resentment towards the younger girl rose more

"I need you to know that nothing happened between us" Sabrina said

"We're not together it doesn't matter" Camila spit out coldly. Now she had a valid reason to let her anger show

"No but I know how much you guys love each other and I really do want us to be friends. I only accepted to go out with him that one time to be nice. I've never been interested in him like that. Plus he talked about you and how much he loved you the entire time" she said

Camila smiled hearing the end of that sentence

She also realized that Sabrina sounded very sincere and that Y/n really was telling the truth when she defended the blonde girl

"It's fine Sabrina. We're good" Camila spoke

"I've been part of one messy love triangle trust me I do not want to be in another one ever again" Sabrina said

We have some bad news for you blondie.

"Besides I'm not looking for anything serious at the moment. I'm just trying to work on my album" Sabrina said

This peaked the brunettes interest

"Oh so you're not seeing anyone right now?" Camila asked trying to make girl talk

"Not really but-" the blonde paused "i also wouldn't be opposed if someone found me"

"And who would that be?" Camila asked

Sabrina paused then smiled

"You're close to Y/n right?" Sabrina asked

"Somewhat" Camila said with a smile

"Do you know if she talks to anyone else? Because I've heard about some Stacy girl" she said

Camila's flinched at the reminder of that woman. She had completely blocked her out of her mind since that one night

"Uh I've heard of Stacy but I don't think they do anything anymore" Camila said playing along

"Good to know. Look I'm not saying Y/n would even want anything serious because I know she's scared of the whole relationship thing. But sometimes I feel like I can get to her. And honestly it's something I wouldn't be afraid of to explore" she said

Camila could feel herself start to worry

"You like Y/n?" She asked even though she already knew the answer

"I do. And sometimes I feel like she likes me back it's just hard to tell with her. There was a point where she was all flirty and really into me then it stopped randomly" Sabrina said

Camila felt her worry go away and she felt better knowing that Y/n really did cut her off once they got a little more serious

"But we share this bond that I've never felt with anyone else. We had a special day today. She tells me these personal things she's never told other people-" Sabrina rambled

Camila grew a little jealous at this information. Y/n told her secrets too? Secrets that she didn't know yet

"And we kissed earlier and I felt that spark again-" the blonde said

"You guys kissed?" Camila asked feeling her heart sink

"Y-yea earlier in her room-"

Before anything else could be said they were interrupted when Kevin and Y/n appeared

"Uh so sorry to break up the party so soon but Jaden called that he needs me to pick him up from his parents house" he said randomly

"Oh no" Sabrina said pouting not wanting her fun friend to leave so quickly

"Uh Sabrina I could drop you off at home. His parents live close to you" he said

A plan he and Y/n came up with so that Y/n could get a moment alone to speak with Camila

Kevin although be preferred his best friend to be with Sabrina he still was there for his friend no matter what.

Kevin was a real one.

"I suppose it is getting late" Sabrina said "y/m is that fine with you?"

"Oh yea of course I understand" y/n said a little too quickly

"Okay then I accept" she said

"Let me just grab your clothes" Y/n said as she ran to the dryer and grabbed the warm clothes and then put them into a spare tote bag that she had lying around

"Here let me go change-" the blonde suggested

"No worries. You can give the clothes back to me tomorrow at the studio" Y/n said trying to get them out as quick as possible

"Oh okay then. Thank you so much for everything Y/n" Sabrina spoke hugging her tightly

"Of course" Y/n replied with a smile

The two guests said goodbye to Camila as well then Y/n walked them to the door

"Good luck" Kevin whispered to Y/n before closing the door


The chapter was getting long... 😄

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