court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the princess and the queen

151 3 8
By songofsapphire

"i can't exactly describe how i feel but it's not quite right"

281 AC, King's Landing

"Where are you going?", Gerold asked before the boy managed to leave the tower. "Ashford?"

"To the stables, Ser.", he answered dutifully.

"Arthur sent you there?", he was bored at his chambers and descended all the way to the first floor, was spending his morning with the company of Lewyn and Oswell, their other brothers were on duty.

"No, Ser.", he answered but when Gerold narrowed his eyes at him, explained quickly. "A ship from Oldtown approached to the harbour this morning, Ser. A part of it contains some of Lady Atera's personal belongings that she left at there -including her horse. I am going to take care of it."

He grunted with approval. "Good.", but then he seemed suspicious. "I didn't give you such an order."

"I know, Ser.", he nodded and seemed guilty almost. "My brother told me to take care of her, without her noticing."

"Your brother told you to spy on her, you mean.", Oswell corrected him with mischievous smile -he liked japing with people.

"No, not spying.", he was quick to deny it with a reddened face. "I am just trying to make her comfortable here."

"She has her own people to do that. You were spying on my niece.", Gerold stated sternly. "Who gave you this order? Certainly not your brother. Garth?"

He bowed his head. "Lord Hightower.", Gerold exhaled deeply as he shook his head. "He is worried about his sister, Ser.", he tried to explain. "And he is very angry at the moment."

"Why?", he dragged the word.

"He heard of what happened.", he swallowed, he couldn't deal with Gerold's anger now. "The-the questioning, Ser.", he was looking at his feet. "And everything people whisper about her."

"And what they whisper about her?", he made a move to stand up while Lewyn and Oswell shared a look. "About my niece?"

"Ser...", he sent a glare to Oswell to help him and the ginger man sighed.

"They say she is Rhaegar's mistress, you know it.", the best way to get rid of a bandaid was to rip it off quickly after all. "Do not blame the poor boy for it."

Gerold sent him a glare that made him shut up. "And how Leyton knows that?", he demanded an answer since he knew Atera would never say that. But when the boy didn't answer, he sighed. "You told him."

"He is your nephew.", he said as a defence. "And a very scary man. How could I not mention him about this? What if he would find out from someonelse?"

"And he told you to do what?", he gritted his teeth.

"I am told, by my brother, that they barely managed to calm him down and he was going to come to the capital to demand justice for such horrible rumours. Daven says that he was determined in challegin anyone who dares badmouthing his sister with a duel to death."

"Seven hells.", Oswell muttered as Lewyn sent him a warning look.

"Daven wrote that Lady Tyrell interfered and they did manage to calm him down but now a small envoy from the Reach is coming to the court to handle a few matters -including Lord Tyrell, Ser Baelor and Lady Alysanne."

"What does Alysanne has to do with this?", he asked snappishly.

"I don't know, Ser.", he shook his head. "I am told to take care of her belongings today and of course to continue to keep an eye on her as long as she stays here.", he bit his lip. "I believe Lord Tyrell will try to purse her to return back to Oldtown, probably using Lady Tyrell's pregnancy."

"Alerie is pregnant?", he asked with a frown and seemed taken aback, he didn't knew it and his squire looked bright red all of a sudden.

"They did not announce it yet, Ser.", he seemed like he wanted to disappear. "She is not that far along yet.", when no one spoke he asked. "Ser?"

"Go to the stables and handle the matter.", he ordered, it was obvious that he was nervous. "And do not ever dare to take orders someone else than me ever again."


"When will we go, brother?"

"At spring.", Rhaegar fixed his hair. "Once the roads will get clean from the snow and the rain, we will go to Summerhall for a long hunting trip, all of us."

"I want to ride horse!", Viserys declared cheerfully. Elia was standing in front of the dark window, waiting for the king and the queen to come as their servants lit the candles for a family dinner. "Father said I am still too young for it."

"You are.", he agreed, five was too early. "But perhaps we can snatch a pony for you and I can teach you while I am here."

"You will stay here that long?", Viserys widened his eyes. "Will you not return back to Dragonstone?"

His eyes found his wife's figure, hugging herself. Sensing his gaze, Elia turned to them and smiled at both. She's been taking care of Viserys quite a lot in these days. The boy was attached to her after Rhaella's death.

"I had summoned someone to the capital.", he said with a bit tense voice, he was truly calling him to account, Robert Baratheon. He deliberately went against his orders and he had heard that despite his warnings, after staying a little at Storm's End, he ran back to the Eyrie. He couldn't allow that. "I wager it will take a fortnight or so for him to come here and then I'll leave.", normally it wouldn't take that long but it already has been a sennight and they heard Robert barely started to pack things up.

Insolence at its finest.

"Oberyn has a small horse farm at Water Gardens.", Elia turned to them once more, it was the excuse Oberyn used to visit there to spend time with Ashara but with time, he grew fond of them. "He grew the finest breads. I am sure that he can find a suitable one.", she wrinkled her nose and Viserys rushed to hug her with happiness.

Rhaegar leaned to his back and watched them with a satisfied smile. He liked the way they got along. After many siblings he grew to know and love and lost, Viserys held a special place in his heart.

"I sent my squire, Richard, to Storm's End.", Rhaegar said a while after, when all of them were eating. "I had summoned Robert and he is being late to come. He will fasten things, I hope."

"Lord Baratheon, why?", she saw him once with his black hair and blue eyes and she would easily be stunned by him if her heart didn't belong to one another. "Something is the matter, husband?", Cersei asked.

Rhaegar took a breath and shared a look with Elia. "He is not doing his duty as the Lord Paramount well enough, your grace.", he answered instead of his father. "It will be best if we learn the problem now so we can fix it before it causes yet another crisis for us."

"I gave Arthur my word and in return he gave his word to my smallfolk; Kingswood will no longer be known as Stormlands from now on.", he stated. "Arthur is right. He does nothing and yet gets enormour amount of taxes from them, it is not alright."

"Arthur?", Elia frowned as she looked at her husband, she didn't hear about that.

"When you were an unpleasant situation,", he didn't want to say 'kidnapped' in front of Viserys -who was already mopping due to Cersei's existence. "Arthur come to realize that perhaps not all of the smallfolk was complicit in it. When we searched about it, we realized that someone was funding the so-called Brotherhood and in return they were terrorizing the people to act with them. Arthur fixed the situation and brought their demands to my father's presence."

"What demands?", she seemed taken aback, now that explained Ashara's rather flinchy mood in these days.

"Nothing that they don't deserve.", he didn't want to open the subject once more because even though Aerys did gave his word when it was Arthur speaking about it; he wasn't sure if he would or would not flip out when Rhaegar reminded them. "Arthur handled the deal honourably and in return, they sided with the crown once more as our loyal subjects."

"I heard that you drafted a marriage deal between your brother and your lady, Princess Elia.", she took a sip from her wine. "Is that true?"

"My brother and Lord Hightower have drafted a contract between Oberyn and Lady Atera, your grace, yes.", she corrected her. Aerys seemed surprised to hear that. "But there is nothing settled as of now."

"Of course, she is too young to be widowed and all the things people say about her...", she raised her eyebrows and Aerys turned towards her as a warning. But Cersei looked to Rhaegar first and then turned to Elia with a smirk. "People who forget who they are even dare to whisper that she is his grace's mistress.", she said with a condemning behaviour but neither Rhaegar nor Elia moved a muscle.

"Words are wind and they scarcely reflect the truth.", she said elegantly a moment later, Rhaegar's hand find hers under the table. "The tree that bears fruit will be stoned after all.", she forced herself to smile and Viserys' eyes moved around her and Cersei and then sent a look to Rhaegar that almost made him laugh.

"We will visit the Kingswood, next week, father.", Rhaegar turned to him who didn't speak yet. "Will you join us with your queen?"

"Sadly, I do not feel well, my prince.", she spoke instead of him, Aerys seemed to be in a weird mode.

"You didn't seem well at the feast for your brother as well.", Elia tried to be seem interested. "What is wrong?"

Cersei tried to surpress a smile. "I have nausea, constantly, I feel dizzy and am tired all the time."

"Then perhaps you should see a Maester."

"I did already.", the smirk was starting to reach to the surface. "Apparently I am with child."

And Rhaegar almost chocked on his wine.


"Perhaps this is not the best time to say that but I told you all.", Atera turned towards them with her hands on her hips. "You shouldn't have let her come this far."

"There is a saying in Dorne,", Oberyn was leaning to the wall. "you need to strangle the snake in its cradle.", his black eyes found his sister. "I cannot believe this but she is right."

"Then you will be a match made in heaven then, brother.", Elia said with distaste, she was sitting on the couch, one hand on her belly as Ashara was massaging her other wrist with trouble. "I just hope that you two will grow up and realize death is not the only answer."

"No, no, it's of course not the only answer.", Atera dismissed it with a scowl. "It is a question,", she pressed. "that the answer, more than most of the time, shall be 'yes'."

"Reluctance to murder is not a weakness.", she snapped. "Killing innocents is not a virtue."

"But she wasn't an innocent, don't you see?", she asked with shock. "She found her way into the king's bed, she worked nail and teeth to gain this position and now she is pregnant. Do you know what will happen after this point towards?"

"If she gives birth to a son not only Rhaegar but Viserys will be in immediate danger as well.", Jon was standing up, he pinched his nose.

"And if she gives birth to a girl; they will just use Viserys to marry her and then get rid of him once she gives birth a son.", Oberyn added. "Rhaegar fucks up the moment she opens her legs and popps out a baby."

"Maybe even before that.", Arthur added with a grave tone. "He tried it before Cersei Lannister was even an option.", he answered when Rhaegar turned to him with horrified eyes. "He'll try again."

"And not only him but Elia and Rhaenys as well.", Ashara agreed with her brother. "He will not let this baby to born.", Elia turned to her, felt like blood was removed from her veins. "Not when he'll have another child as well. You all are in great danger."

"We should have killed that girl the moment she rose her eyes high.", Atera closed her eyes and Rhaegar sent her a tense look.

"You all said you want to be involved and now you are being involved.", he said with a firm tone. "So perhaps let us find a solution instead of reprimanding each other for not killing a child when she did nothing to deserve so."

"There is only one solution.", Atera said when no one spoke. "If no one dares to say it out loud to not be the bad guy, I will.", she looked to Elia and Rhaegar. "We need to cause a miscarriage for her before her belly starts to show.", she said with a coldblooded way and all looked at her with silent disbelief. "If we can assure that she can never bear children again, then she doesn't need to die. But if we cannot, her demise would be the most welcomed."

"No, no.", Ashara was the first one to shake her head with a dry mouth and she turned to Elia with widened purple eyes. "I do understand the vehemence of the situation and if it is truly your life on the line, let us do it by any means, but maybe,", she turned to look at Atera. "this should not be our first move."

"What other move can we do Ashara?", she asked in a scolding way. "Any other suggestions? Anyone?", nobody was happy with that but nither had a better plan.

"Cersei Lannister is nothing.", Ashara spat with anger, her eyes focused on the carpeted floor. "I wouldn't shred a single tear if she dies and I would do anything for Elia and Rhaenys but-", her eyes found Oberyn to finish her line.

"But Ashara is a superstitious person.", he said with a silent judgment and Ashara tilted her head. "You need to give a life to take a life, our elders say."

"Elia is pregnant too.", Ashara clarified it. "There is something called karma."

Atera seemed utterly shocked as she open her mouth to say anything but obviously couldn't comprehend with the stupidity of the notion, blinked a few times, turned to Arthur and then back to Ashara. "So we'll let her win because of a stupid belief?"

"It is not stupid."

"It seems stupid to me."

"Enough!", Elia stopped them with a deep breath, she witnessed enough clashes to know that if she didn't stopped them, it would turn into a big fight. "We will not do that.", yet she couldn't bring herself with agreeing Atera.

"The cruelest people born from the victims, Elia.", she deadpanned with gritted teeth and judgement in her blue eyes. "Do not be stupid."

"The girl is an idiot, yes, but she is what she is.", Elia stood up. "An idiot."

"Maegor the Cruel was not the brightest man in the realm, no?", she tilted her head. "Or Aegon the Unworthy? How many people died because of them?", she took a step forward. "It doesn't have to be you if you don't want to get involved with it.", she straightened her spine. "I can do it."

Elia breathed as her face took a grave shape. She didn't even know what to say to that. Knowing that she killed people were different than hearing her now, it seemed like she had a different look on her face.

"No.", she closed her eyes. "What difference will we have from them if we stoop this low?"

"In order to win,", she started to speak with a hidden anger. "you must survive first and in order to survive you need to play the game by its rules, you need to see the world as it is not in the way you want it to be."

"This is the mindset our enemies not ours.", Rhaegar stood up as well. "We are trying to build a new world, trying to bring a new system where people do not kill each other to survive, where the game doesn't exist. I thought you believed in that."

"In order to build a new world, first you must burn down the first, your grace. I thought you were an adult and not a cjild paying war!", she raised her voice. She couldn't believe the naivity given that both knew what will happen to them if they do not do this.

A cold look settled in his eyes. "Not like this.", he ordered. "No one will harm her. For whatever's worth, she is carring my sibling. She is carrying king's blood. Harming it is treason.", he looked directly at her. "We'll find another way."


"You completed our first step, congrulations.", Varys admitted it finally. "The second one as well. You are with child and now the king will handle the rest for us to secure your child's safety.", Cersei nodded eagerly. Aerys was going to get rid of Elia and her bastard, Varys was going to get rid of him and she would marry Rhaegar. "Now there is the third step."

"Which is?"

"The king will crown you after your birth but this should not be an obstacle for you to reach to your full power.", he approached to her. "Queen Rhaella resided in the queen's chambers, had the right to use the Queen's Ballroom to throw feasts and of course, had access on the crown jewels -something that Dornish woman cannot to this day, despite giving a daughter to the dynasty. You must do all of these so people would not question your authority."

"I asked before but the king ordered those chambers to stay empty.", she frowned as she recaleed. "Said that it was to respect her memory."

Varys scoffed. "The king despised the former queen. He probably said that first because you didn't prove yourself yet but now you are with child. Go and move there.", he ordered. "I doubt he would order for your removal. And once you did that, others will come automatically and you will have power over the court to do whatever you want. You will rule the royal household."

"Including my prince's?", Varys held himself to not roll his eyes.

"Lady Atera Hightower is in charge of the prince's household.", he reminded her. "But of course the person who actually rules it is Princess Elia, as his wife.", he tilted his head. "But since you are the queen, you'll have power over her houseold.", something sinister flashed from her eyes and she grinned.

"Game on then."


281 AC, Roseroad

He was sitting in front of the lake, washing his face and neck. The air was getting colder but still the sun was at the top to tire them out. His men were waiting behind him with their hands at their swords and when they heard a horse neighing, all turned to their backs with abrudptness, to prepare themselves for any kind of danger. They all got calmed down when they saw a white mare and a girl on top of it, her black hair flying around with the wind and they unseathed their swords. He narrowed his eyes with interest, made a motion to his men and started to follow her.

"Why did I ever trusted him to begin with?", he heard her saying as she prepared her bow and shot an arrow to the three across her. "I should have handle the matter myself but no, I chose to trust me brother, hah!", another arrow. "Not only that but he sent letters to that man, written on my behalf.", she exhaled with anger as she shook her head and pursed her lips. "Brainless imbecile."

She knew she should have stay with her entourage but chose to be free at least for a moment, couldn't contain her emotions any longer with them around. But when she heard a small crack behind her, her muscled got tensed and she took a deep breath, prepared her aim, turned around and shot the tree next to the man.

"It seems you are not good with live targets, my lady.", the man said smugly. He was leaning to the tree, his hands on his belt.

"It was not aimed to harm you, it was a warning.", she snapped, her green eyes narrowed. "If I wanted to do so, I assure you that I am talented enough to maim you terribly.", she sent him a measuring look. "And you should not sneaked out to people like this, given that your reflexes are slow.", he didn't even flinsh when she shot that arrow.

"It seems that your tongue is sharper than your arrows."

"Leave, now.", she commanded from a high place that proved him that she in fact was a lady. "Or I will not miss my next shot."

He pursed his lips as he straightened himself, she tried to calm herself down. She was not unarmed and could defend herself against him if he would intent on something and with one scream, her brother would come to her side immediately. She was safe.

"If I knew I would meet with such a beautiful woman in these woods, I would have taken this road far more earlier.", he started to walk towards her. "If such a thing would be mentioned in the correspondences of the two countries, I could come here with a whole different intention.", when he came close enough to startle her, she threw her bow and pulled her sword and placed it to his neck with a swift motion, made him tense all of a sudden. "And now I even started to grow a hope that this trip might turn fruiter than I expected."

"Take one more step and I will cut your throat with your hope next to it.", she spat with a fierce look.

With a small smile, he disarmed her with ease, twisted her wrist. "It is too obvius that you never met with a real man before.", he said with a laugh and she smiled to that, without breaking the eyelock, she pulled his sword and pressed it to his gut.

"It seems to me I haven't still.", he raised his eyes with pursep lips and took a step back. "If you say another word, I will end what I have started it.", she threatened him and watch him turn his back and leave with impressed looks. "You could help me.", she said when she made sure the man left.

"You screamed to me just half an hour ago and told me that I need to let you breath and you do not need my help.", her eldest brother spoke as he lifted one leg and stepped on the big rock, straightened his spine with one hand on his sword. "Now you condemn me for doing so?"

"No.", Alysanne turned to him. "I handled that well, don't you think so?"

"It could have take a terrible turn.", Baelor warned her with firmness. "You are just at the beginning of your training and you see how easily a man who knows what he is doing can disarm you. You must either stop your training altogether or work twice as harder than me and Garth ever did.", he lowered his feet as he took a step back while Alysanne's face crossed with anger. "Come now.", he turned his back after made her a motion to follow him. "Our journey will take longer than we expected."


281 AC, King's Landing

"I want this baby to be a boy.", Cersei whispered into his ear as he tried to control his breathing. "I want to have a son, a son with the spitting imagine of his father. But I can't.", she narrowed her eyes, she was doing what Varys told her to do.

"What?", Aerys barely understood a word she was saying, he was drunk out of his mind since they held a grand feast that night to celebrate Cersei's pregnancy. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I cannot give you a son as long as they are alive.", she looked directly into his closing eyes. "Elia and her daughter.", Aerys pushed her away from him as he sat on the bed with a wild look in his eyes.

"You are saying that I should kill them?"

"It is no coincidence that she got pregnant the same time as me.", she didn't back down. "She will dry my womb out to water hers, she will murder our son to give an heir to her husband."

"This bul-"

"It is not and you know it.", she whispered as her hands travelled downwards. "She is the one that is poisoning your son's mind, she is the one that we must get rid of her before she gives birth.", she pouted to him. "Don't you want to have another son?"


"...yes the envoy should be here any day now, your grace.", Varys said. "The Sealord, sadly lost his place in the last election and his uncle took his seat once more -willing to go to war with us.", he reminded them all. "But the former one, Helion, is sending his brother with trusted guards to draft a deal with us. He is hoping to take his seat back if we reach to an agreemenet."

"We cannot go to a war with Braavos.", Qarlton said for the hundredth time. "For war, we need gold first and do you know where we get our gold?", Qarlton looked at his fellow council members; the king, the prince, Arthur for Gerold's place, Crakehall, Varys, Pycelle and Lucerys -there was no Hand still. "Iron Bank of Braavos. It's not that we cannot just fund a war without getting gold from our enemies but we also cannot manage long without their funds.", he sent a look to the king. "I doubt Lord Lannister would fund us."

"It is not about what he would or would not.", Lucerys turned to him. "If the king orders, he'll follow it whether he likes it or not. As he is a mere servant to the realm.", Rhaegar and Arthur shared a look.

"While the crown is in no immediate debt and we are far from being poor; we are in winter. It is traiditon for crown to take debt from various people and create a reserve if the worst happens.", Qarlton didn't mind him. "Lord Lannister can't do that himself. I am sure that he will create all kinds of excuses to not to."

"He is the queen's father and a friend to the crown.", Pycelle spoke.

"He is a leech that likes to suck the blood of the crown.", Lucerys grimaced. "He surely will try to cling to power through his daughter but the young queen is too eager to rule things her own to give credit to her father.", he sent a small glance to Aerys and saw the way he clenched his jaw. "That being said; I agree with Lord Chelsted, we cannot go to a war with Braavos, they will crush us.", he opened his arms. "Our fleet, not even we combimne it with the Redwyne boy and those bastard Greyjoys, is nothing compare to them."

Arthur shared a look with Rhaegar -neither supported the war but their plan was different. "What of Lord Hightower?", Arthur's quwstion brought silence to the council.

"Leyton?", Lucerys tilted his head. "What of him?"

"Can't he fund the crown during winter? Or Lord Tyrell? They are arguably as rich as Lord Tywin and far more loyal to the crown."

"Ser Arthur, given that your young age it is toleratable that you accuse Lord Tywin with such things but-"

Arthur interrupted Pycelle. "It was not me who declared that our king's mental health was not fit to rule in front of the said Braavosi ambassadors, Maester Pycelle.", his voice was calm and face was relaxed though everyone else got tensed. "I am not accusing him with anything, I am stating the truth. He had lost his station because he saw himself equal to his majesty the king -he thought he was even above him and given that this council still discusses whether he would obey his grace's orders or not, shows that he is not loyal."

"Lord Tyrell is already funding the royal fleet.", Lucerys said with distaste, he had to convince Alerie to convince Mace. "He cannot shoulder this burden as well."

"And we cannot have Lord Hightowe funding the crown.", Varys snorted.

"Why?", Arthur asked with a netural face when the rest of the council -save Rhaegar, agreed with huffs.

Varys seemed surprised but knowing Aerys' fondness for Arthur, Qarlton explained. "Lord Hightower already funds the Citadel and the Faith, very recently."

Arthur sent a look to Rhaegar. "Yes, but he is one of the richest men in the realm still, despite funding them -one might even think he is richer than Lord Tyrell and Lord Tywin given that they barely manage to fund one thing."

"It is not only about gold but power.", Lucerys interfered. "Leyton funding Citadel is nothing. Hightowers are the founders of it and they had been funding them ever since. It is more than a simple patronage now, they are united front. But,", he sent a look to Aerys. "Faith is whole other matter. The last they were funding the Seven was when the Young Dragon ruled the realm. After Baelor the Blessed, they lost their patronage and for the last century they never had a stable relationship."

"You were at Oldtown yourself, Ser Arthur,", Crakehall spoke to him distaste -he was going to knight the queen's brother but he stole that right from him. "you had seen how the former High Septon despised them with a great hate, even went as far as to order Lady Atera's death.", he turned to Varys with raised eyebrows. "It truly is a wonder that this new one accepted their protection this easily."

"The Faith had no gold left, or power and their open animosity towards Atera only made things worse for them because once the misunderstanding passed, people started to love her even more.", Lucerys leaned to his back. "They lost the people of Oldtown -this was not not having a stable relationship, this was the last straw. What this new one did is the wisest."

"Yes but it also creates danger.", Qarlton interfered. "There are three big insutitons in this realm; the crown, the Faith and the Citadel -you may or may not add Night's Watch to this list, two of them is now funding by Leyton Hightower. They are at his whim."

"And this situation only makes the Bank of Oldtown more powerful than it was -almost a rival to the Iron Bank.", Arthur spoke again. "Isn't this why the Braavos are desperately trying to sign a deal with them? Because now the merchants in the Free Cities are going to Oldtown, not to Braavos, they are losing prestiege and all. It is also why they did not declare war straight away when they could very well crush us; it would cost them greater things than war."

The thing is; if Westeros started a war with Braavos it would be Dorne who got affected the worse. Doran wanted peace, so Elia wanted peace, so made Rhaegar want peace more than he should -and the only way to have that peace for the crown was Leyton to sign that trade deal and calm the waters. Because once their economy was good enough, they would not spare a single glance to Westeros. Doran offered his brother to get him sign that deal but he was resisting. But if the crown offered him a chance to fund their reserves...

Everyone would be happy.

But Aerys would neer agreed to that if Rhaegar would want it, so he had to go against Arthur right now. "You cannot give such a power to one man.", they turned to him. "Lord Hightower is loyal today, who can be sure that he will so tomorrow?"

This surprised everyone, he could see that. "Your grace, Lord Hightower's loyalty is unquestionable-"

"Leyton is many things but not a traitor.", Lucerys interrupted Pycelle's slow speech. "The problem is not that."

"You cannot be sure of it.", being on the same page as Rhaegar shocked Varys but he still agreed. "Hightowers once were the enemy of the crown, they had betrayed to-"

"They only defended their own.", Arthur turned to him. "The law is set clear, no king can play with it due to their whims.", a smile appeared on Aerys' face. "Aegon was the true heir while Rhaenyra the usurper. Viserys tried to amend his mistakes with far more of them. And given that House Hightower faced with no punishment or whatsoever even when Aegon the Third ascended to the throne, shows that even her own children knew the truth. Even Daemon Targaryen's daughter married a Hightower, if I recall it right. For love."

He would not care for Atera but once Elia interfered, Rhaegar gave in and asked to Atera what she thought of this -it was a deal that would elevate her house greatly so she made Arthur memorize, though he was sure he would never forget the way she did so, what to say because they all agreed not all of them would support the idea.

"Ser Arthur-", Varys was getting angrier but Aerys stopped him.

"Continue, Arthur."

"Lord Hightower is an honourable man that I doubt anyone here actually doubts it.", nobody dared to speak. "He could have sign this trade deal ages ago but he did not so and is waiting for the crown's decision out of loyalty.", the true reason of it was because he just liked to torture people psycholohically. "Speak to his sister, Lady Atera, if you have doubts my lords. Since the agreement was brought upon her first.", they seemed befuddled by that.

"Lady Atera is my wife's lady not a politician.", Rhaegar faked a warning tone. "If we summon Lord Hightower here would be better.", Aerys narrowed his eyes with suspicion.

"I doubt anyone would want Leyton here.", Lucerys said with a tense tone, changed the subject. "Gerold said he is raging.", his eyes foun Aerys'.

"Why?", he asked dryly.

"The court speaks.", he leaned forward. "The queen speaks.", Varys shared a look with Crakehall and closed his eyes. "He is pissed. Sending his son as a part of Lord Tyrell's envoy. I am sure Baelor will make us know how much exactly pissed Leyton is."

"Then we can speak to Ser Baelor.", Arthur proposed.

"I said,", Rhaegar leaned forward. "as your prince,", Arthur narrowed his eyes. "that this is a bad idea."

"I think otherwise, your grace.", Arthur said without blinking, Aerys' eyes moved in between them.

"It is enough for today.", he stood up a moment later. His eyes lingered on Rhaegar. "We'll speak later."


"You heard what happened?", Alea asked as they were waiting at the courtyard. "Have you read Leyton's letter?"

"No, I didn't had time.", she had a terrible headache for some reason. She got her brother's letter last night but was too busy to read or write back, given that her hands were busy with something else as Arthur moved inside her. "What is he saying?"

Alea made a 'click' sound, it seemed whatever it is, she did not like it. "He had sent your brother into exile.", Atera turned to her with shock. "Arvel.", she tilted her head. "And his wife.", she added. "But he keeps the boys with him."

"What?", she spat in disbelief, turned to Alea with her entire body.

"He says that if she gives birth to a son, you know she is pregnant, he'll take that one as well."

"Leyton?", her brother wouldn't harm an ant, her brother literally closed his eyes for years in order not to punish his wife and cousin, her brother literally adopted bastards and gave them his name.

She knew he and Arvel had little love for each other and witnessed their fight and told him herself that he needs to sent him away but children?

"He gives no details.", she sighed. "Mentions it in between lines, even. I thought this might interest you though."

She sighed. "I always knew they were hiding something about him from me. Now it seems I have a chance to learn it.", they put fake smiles on once the carriage stopped in front of them and people started to dismount.

It seemed that she was closer to the truth than she thought of, given that the Reacher entourage finally reached to the capital.


"Are you cross with me Viserys?", he asked to his moping brother. But instead of answering Viserys just shook his head, he was sitting on Rhaegar's lap with crossed arms. Rhaegar shared a look with Arthur. "Then why don't you speak to me ever since you came here?"

"I hate the bells ringing.", he said a moment after with a solemn pout. "I do not want another sibling."

Rhaegar sighed as he sent another look to Arthur, who bowed his head with understanding. He was ecstastic when his mother was pregnant with Allyria both he was aware the two situations were drastically different than each other.

"You shouldn't say that.", despite feeling the same pouting sadness with his five year old brother, he tried to play the adult. "Having a sibling is the best thing in the world."

"I already have you, I don't want another. One brother is enough!"

"Well then I sadly must correct you since I have two brothers.", Arthur raised his head with warmth, those days of holding grudges seemed truly has ended. "Arthur is right here."

"It's a lie, Arthur is not your brother, he is your servant.", Rhaegar's entire face crossed with a sudden shock as Arthur raised his eyebrows.

This was new.

"This is both not true and a terrible thing to say, Viserys.", he made him turn to look at him with a frown. "Since when we categoraize people like that?"

"We are Targaryens.", his brother answered and Rhaegar terribly reminded of their father for a second. "We are closer to the Gods then men, anyone who isn't us is a servant to us."

"I will not hear you saying this ever again, do you understand?", his frown turned into a scowl and he realized how terrible mistake it was to leave Viserys here with Aerys, alone, unprotected. Rhaella managed to save the worst from him and yet it seemed now the king managed to brainwash him and ruined every value their mother had taught them in the past four moons. "We are humans, not Gods, not dragons. If any, we are the servants to the realm since it is our duty to keep the peace. It is the rulers that serve to their people, not other way around."

Viserys only made a huff and left his lap and later the room as Rhaegar fell into a sour mood.

"That was something.", Arthur remakerd.

Rhaegar knew him enough to know that he wasn't offended by that but it was also obvious the comment throw him off. It was unexpected and more than that; it was dangerous, to hear Viserys saying such things. Especially now that there was a possibility where Cersei would have a daughter. A possible marriage between them against Rhaegar would not only be devastating, but Viserys would be a second Maegor the Cruel if he were to raise under them.

"Viserys is just a child.", he heard himself saying, comforting Arthur even though he didn't need it. "He doesn't know what he is talking about, merely repeating the words of my father but even he would not approve this comment."

"I know."

"You are my brother-"

"I know."

"Because I said so-"

"Rhaegar, I know."

"No, no you don't.", his clouded eyes found him. "I have been a terrible friend recently so I want to make it clear. I love Viserys, he is of my blood, my brother but if I would have a choice in this life, I would choose you every single day, in every breath I take. We might not share the same blood but you are my brother, many will think otherwise, many do think otherwise but those words are just words that mean nothing. You are the closest person to me, not even my wife came close to that."


She was looking at him without blinking as he ate.

"What?", he asked finally. "I am trying to eat something and you are making me nervous."

"Why you would be nervous?", she frowned, there was no hint of amusement on her face. "I merely look at you."

"You look at me as if I did something.", he didn't meet with her eyes. "As if I am guilyt with something."

"Given that both my nephew and niece bailed us out for tonight's supper, I do wonder if you truly are guilty with something or not.", Atera was tapping the marble table.

"I am not.", Mace kept eating without meeting with her eyes. They were sitting on the two heads of the table and Alea in the middle. "Stop it.", he said again. "You are making it impossible for me to eat."

Atera sent him a measuring/mocking look. "I don't think there is something that truly can make you stop eating."

Mace stopped chewin an mid action and raised his eyes at her. "This is just edema.", he pointed out, his mouth full. "I did not gain weight."

"I'm sure you did not.", she nodded with a mocking frown. "Now, back to the business; this behaviour of yours making me think like you are hiding something."

"And your neurotic actions make me think you are paranoid.", she put down his fork and knife and looked at her. "You lost weight."

"And you gained it; what of it?"

"This is-", he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Why do you always have to create a scene?", he inhaled the words. "Why you cannot be content with simplicity? Why-"

"If you started to insult me, it means something terrible has happened.", she said dryly. "Or else, you cannot possibly expect me to believe you would leave a very much pregnant Alerie at home."

"Trust me, she is happier now that I'm gone.", he huffed. "Before I left we argued because the sun was too bright and I unfortunately was not able to do anything about it.", those were words said with love but his exhaustion was obvious.

"You two are inseparable even in normal time, I know that because Leyton got very creative with it.", Mace was sent to Essos for eight moons, hoping it will help them both to forget one another but it failed. "And I know that you would not leave her alone when she is in such a vulnerable state, after she went through the unimaginable in the last moons.", she raised her chin. "We both know I am going to learn what has happened so tell me now. Or else I do not give a promise to behave."

Mace sighed. "Leyton is furious.", she was right, even though he would remain silent, someone was going to slip.

"Leyton is furious?", she raised her eyebrows; Leyton didn't get furious.

"I have never seen him this angry before, not even when he first heard of Baelor and Rhonda or when I reported him Baelor's assassination attempt.", he shook his head. "He said this is the thrice you came to the capital and thrice that you blamed for something you didn't. I had to come here personally, since Alerie interfered, so he would not.", he looked at her with understanding. "He wants you to return."

"No.", she knew this was going to happen eventually. Alea placed her elbows to the table, and pressed her head to her hands with defeat. "I cannot return there now, no!", she spat.


"No!", she yelled, her breath was starting to get faster. She could not let everything she achieved to go to waste. Not when she finally started to succeed. "No.", she shook her head again.

"He sent me here so I can act as your lawyer-"


"He is adamant that a draft of marriage contract-"


"-will be driven-"


"Atera enough!", he rushed to her side and held her by her arms, tried not to soften with her pout and frown. "Why do you think Oberyn Martell is here, hmm?", he shook her gently. "You cannot be that stupid. Leyton wants to sign the deal with the Braavosi now that the council will probably decide to wage war. He is pissed so he wants to piss people off. Oberyn sent here by Doran and Baelor and I sent here for you. A draft will be drew, and we all return to Oldtown together and a formal betrothal will take place. He doesn't want you to stay here any longer."

"Where I can breathe?", she leaned her face to his, lips pursed back with anger and she spat as she shook off his arms.

"Where he cannot protect you.", he corrected her. "I am sorry but it is what it is."

"Will you drag me there?", she asked with offence. "Do you think you can do that?"

"There is something you all forget all the time because I never slap you in the face with it but I am your liege lord.", he straightened his spine. Last incidents did not affected only Alerie but him as well. "You'll do as I say."

"Never.", she said rather calmly, she took a few steps towards him and leaned forward, dragged the word. "Not even Leyton himself can drag me out of here, not now."

"Why?", now his voice became dangerous as his face crossed in tiredness. "What have you done this time?"


Under the winter sun, their swords were clashing with ease, their feet were moving front and back with harmony. Despite this being the first time they were sparring, they both managed to recognize the other's pattern rather quick. Both were focused, though the older knight was trying to surpress a grin -he had to admit; the boy was more than good but still experiencless, still prone to make mistakes. He had seen what his fellow brother seen on him and agreed that the boy indeed deserved knighthood, he still thought more time would be better. And he proved his own thoughts when the boy took a particularly rookie step and he managed to hit his sword well enough to make it fall.

"You should not look to the sword but my eyes, kid.", he said, his white teeth flashing through his grin. "Take it back.", he ordered with a snort and Jaime nodded with determination.

Sparring with a kingsguard was an honour, sparring with the prince's right-hand-man was more than being an honour. He was tired but not a fool, he was not going to as for time out. When both took their stance once again, Oswell winked at him and made the first move.

There were too many faults on the boy; habits planted due to wrong instructions of a poor knightly master. The boy had good instics, Oswell figured that out rather early. They were fast and sharp sighted and yet the boy almost feared using them.

He was stick to some old-fashioned feet work that not even Gerold used -or the old Willem Darry taught, it never was for the brilliant knights anyway. Feet work was something came from within, shaped specifically against your opponent. Only the knights who were below medicore were taught the basics of it with silly wording so they would at least have a shot of survival so he had no idea why on earth this boy knew it and applying it out of everyone.

It was not just that but he was gritting his teeth, clenching his jaw and scowling deeply as he moved. This was not only bad for his health -gritting teeth and pursing his lips tightly in such an activity might end up with those teeth broken and his lips torn apart, clenching jaw may cause troubles eating or speaking, scowling that deep most definitely would cause a nasty headache.

Also his wrist moves were too sharp as well. Oswell could see the sword was not heavy for him, on the contrary, was made for him and yet the boy moved as if he was using twice as heavy as he -over worked muslec, broken bones, shattered tendons...

"Something happened, Ser?", the boy asked as he took yet another wrong step and Oswell was not sure if he was always fighting like this or this was something new.

"You are doing everything wrong.", he added, not managing to hold himself back -he knew neither Rhaegar nor Arthur would enjoy his interfering. "Why?"

"Ser?", the boy's hold got loosened and Oswell, once again, managed to threw his sword away though the confusion was clear on his pretty face.

"One would not spar with his actual sword.", he said firstly -the thing that bothered him the most. "Sword is the most important belonging of a knight, he would not want to see unnecessary notches so,", he tilted his wrist as he raised his arm, his steel shining under the cold sun. "one would use sparring swords.", Jaime frowned -Oswell knew he knew that, he still couldn't make it to understand why of it.

"It will not happen again, Ser.", he said absentmindedly and Oswell took a breath, mentoring younglings was not his forte.

"A knight's best friend, after his horse, is his instics.", he said again, stabbing the muddy floor with his sword and turning his back. "Why you have them if you'll not use them?", he shook his head with almost disappointment. He could only guess what was happening in the boy's blonde head but he had a good bet that whatever it is, he would not like it. "If you are japing with me with this behaviour,", he turned to him again and the boy now was standing like a child getting scolded -not a knight that earned his spur by the Sword of the Morning. "it is not a good day for it."

His eyes widened. "I would never-"

"Now leave then.", he ordered with a slight hand gesture -if he were a man with common sense, he might think of not ordering the queen's brother but he simply didn't give fuck about the Lannisters. "And return back once you start to take yourself and this seriously."

"Ser, I-"

"Ser Jaime!", one of Cersei's servants rushed to his side. "The queen is summoning you, Ser.", he bowed his head and Jaime's green eyes sent a momentarily plea of help to Oswell's blue ones but then it was gone and though Oswell was sure he had seen it right, he chose not to comment on it.

And just watched the boy leave for his sister's side.

"I want to do it too!", Viserys' demanding voice broke off his thoughtful mask and he turned to the young prince.

"As you wish, your grace.", and made a move to one of the squires around to bring two wooden swords.


"The Lady Kenna Chelsted, your grace.", Lewyn announced with a glitter in his eyes that he couldn't manage to hide even decades later.

Silence was reigning as she entered to the princess' chambers. All of her three ladies; bored Ashara, unreadable Catelyn and cold-faced Atera, bowed their heads as they sat on the pillows underneath Elia's couch -all busy with needlework.

Kenna's eyes wandered on Elia, it has been quite some time since she last seen her but it seemed the pregnancy made her skin glow. Her crown -not a headpiece as she wore in Dorne, was on top of her head and half of her hair was braided around it with the rest falling to her back in waves. She was wearing a dark red gown but with no corsets. All of a sudden she reminded of a younger Lorenza to her and her heart ache with the grief. Despite all, Lorenza was a friend.

"There you are, Lady Chelsted.", she offered him a small smile and unlike her behaviour towards other ladies, she made no indication for her to kiss her ring and Kenna answered that with a deep curtsy.

"I am honoured by your invitation, your grace."

In truth, she told Lewyn with a grave face that she needed to see Elia immediately and being startled by his lover's sudden nervousness, he told Elia to welcome her immediately the next morning.

She heard things.

"Please do sit and join us.", she made a gesture for her maids to give her needle and thread as well. "I hope you are in good health."

"Time is rarely merciful, your grace, but I find myself blossoming with ever age more and more.", her bright smile was what made Lewyn fell in love with her, and it was on her face as it usually were. "I wished to congrulate you in person for your pregnancy. Another girl that takes after your impeccable beauty would be a blessing for this realm as much as a boy with his grace's charms would do as well."

Elia's smile widened with that. "I am glad that you are content with yourself. Given that Lord Chelsted has been working endlessly,", the humour was too obvious. "to find the actual culprits behind my kidnapping. I feared that perhaps I should have apologized from you."

"If anything, I should be in your service, my princess. Anything that keeps that old man away from my chambers is a blessing to me.", she let out a loud laugh and since it was their first encounter with the woman directly, both Atera and Catelyn raised their eyebrows as Ashara hid her laugh behind her handwork. "You see girls, my face looks like some kind of a soft marble, since my husband does not make me happy at all -therefore I have no wrinkles or so.", which was a rather odd thing to say because Kenna Chelsted was known for her happy personality.

"I fear that I must learn more tactis from you to look like you when I reach to your age, Lady Chelsted.", she stood up elegantly as one of her maids took her handwork from her. "You should pardon us, my sweet ladies, and do continue with your work as I speak with dear Lady Kenna alone.", then she made a gesture for her uncle to open her private door and entered it with Kenna to learn what was this urgent.

Their pretsence ended almost immediately as their smiled wiped out from their faces. The nausea on Kenna's gut was keeping her on edge the entire night, couldn't sleep and barely managed to breathe after the things she has learnt but she was not sure if she should tell it to Elia.

Due to her agreement with Lewyn from all those years ago, not involving state matters to their affair, she could not alert him or ask him for his opinions and there was no one else that she trusted. She knew Kenna for a very long time -as long as she knew her uncle, probably. Kenna was not Dornish by birth, she was a Rosby, Aurane's maternal aunt, and a former lady to young Princess Rhaella. Met with Lorenza while her service and when she went to Dorne to take her crown, she followed her, met with Lewyn and never left each other's sides ever since.

She was basically her aunt.

"My sweet Elia,", her soft hands caressed the sides of her face. "you truly are a happy wife, are you not?", Elia narrowed her eyes with confusion. "Despite all the different words roaming around, a woman understands. You enjoy your husband's company.", she didn't answer and turned her head away, couldn't bring herself to lie her. "Gods knows that everytime I see you playing cards, dancing with nobles, joking around with Dornish or praying, my mind goes to your mother as an instand and I remember that she never was a happy wife in her entire life, not even the first days of her marriage.", she sighed. "Aethan was never a husband material but your mother was not a wife material either.", her eyes locked with hers. "I never was."

"Is he upsetting you?", Elia asked with emphaty, despite this being an arrangement, she was aware of Qarlton's sudden change of behavior and open hostility. "Tell me if so and I will handle it."

"If Qarlton would be a fire, he wouldn't even manage to burn a single piece of wood.", she snorted with irritation. "You do know that despite being a high-born, my father was no lord or a knight, just a very rich merchant with the name of nobility through her mother. Then one thing led to another and he sold me off like a broodmare to the second son of Lord Chelsted when the old lord had a trouble with gold and my father helped him.", her eyes lost their focus. "Gods knows that I did try to love him as a wife but he was always ...unreachable to me. Not only as a man but as a human altogether. He had an ambition that he didn't know how to use and his taste for men was never a way of pleasure for him, on the contrary a reason for self-loathing. In our early days we had many problems, days that he did upset me indeed because he couldn't consummate the marriage but we learnt how to navigate our way in this world.", her eyes found Elia's confused face. "His ambition united with my intelligence and I served to two princess in my lifetime and now he sits on the king's small council. He had the name but I put him where he is now, I made him everything he is.", her eyes crossed with realization. "I know how to take it all back."


"He loved me, in a way, while I gave everything I have to Lewyn and he still does love me. I feel like he is drowning sometimes in his greed, and the little bit of a humanity that is trapped inside his chest is fighting tremundoulsy to survive and he chose me as his survivor somehow.", she rolled her eyes. "He tells me everything, every breath and every step he takes. And now being one of the closest men of the king; he tells me that as well."

Now this was an unexpected turn of events. "Has the king done something, aunt Kenna?"

"With time, even long before Duskendale, a paranoia started to grow in him. He started seeing enemies everywhere, started to plot for certain lords to dethrone him, wrote conspiracy theories in his own head. Qarlton hoped that they would pass while the likes of Tywin Lannister, Steffon Baratheon and now Varys did everything to make him completely lose it.", Kenna took a step towards her. "He acts like he is healing that he is finally thinking straight but it is what it is, my dearest, an act. He barely holds it together -he is a power-hungry madman and stop looking at me Elia because despite your innocent face, we both know you think the same.", she sighed. "I do not care what you and your husband think or plot and frankly, I do not want to know.", Elia did neither confirm or deny it. "While his mind is far from being gone completely, there is no point of denying the voices in his head anylonger. I fear this paranoia made him even smarter -given that he was always an intelligent prince. That path Rhaegar walks now once belonged to Aerys himself. Trust me, everything Rhaegar thinks, he thought of them before."

"What are you trying to say?", she interrupted him, there was a bad feeling in her. "Be direct, I cannot deal with word games now."

Kenna took a deep breath. "Long story short; now that the queen is pregnant, Aerys has no use of Rhaegar.", she deadpanned. "Viserys is not in an immediate danger, since there is a possibility of her giving birth to a girl but he closed Rhaegar's chapter."


"He is going to kill him.", she would like to say it with more shock but they all were waiting for it.

"Not only him but he is convinced that the Lords Paramounts are uniting against him.", she shook her head. "Rickard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully -he will get rid of all of them and place their men to their station instead.", she started to pace around. "He thinks they are plotting to dethrone him and place young Robert Baratheon to the throne -which shows how far gone he actually is. He says all the Arryns are traitors and in case of no immediate heir the seat of the Eyrie will fall to a young boy named Hardling, and of course Riverrun will be Edmure Tully's one day -he'll take them as wards. He says that Steffon was a traitor and his son is the same -so is his boy companion, the Stark -gven that there are talks between Robert and Rickard for a betrothal with Rickard's girl, he convinced himself even more to that.", Elia gaped at the insanity. "He will get rid of these heads of the houses and take the children as his wards and will turn them into his loyal dogs.", her eyes saddened. "Not only them and Rhaegar but Doran is under danger too -and Oberyn, you, your daughter."

"No.", she lost her balance for a second as her vision got blurred and Kenna held her arm immediately, made her lay onto her bed.

She felt like boiling and freezing waters were thrown at her at the same time and her knees were shaking despite her laying down. She already had a sour mood in the morning but the terebinth milk Alea prepared for her helped it a lot but now her headache and nausea returned stronger than before. Her tears were falling down from her cheecks like River Rhoyne, uncontrollably.

"Calm down, child.", Kenna said with worry but she knew she couldn't alert Lewyn or her ladies so she moved quick, saw the familiar box and opened it, took some cotton and poured something into it and pressed to Elia's nose. "Smell that, it is eperfin.", when Elia managed to get rid of the first shock, she kept laying on her ebd. "I would never want to distress you in your condition but nobody else will believe a word I say."

"Who he will start with?", she asked with a dry throat and Kenna helped her drink water. Elia had no idea where this shock came from.

"Rhaegar.", the answer was not unexpected yet she eyed her with worry but Elia seemed calmer now. "The king will throw a tourney to celebrate his wife's pregnancy.", she spat. "He did the same for all of Rhaella's pregnancies -every Targaryen King does so, it is a traiditon Maekar started.", she tried to give her a swift explanation. "Usually knights fight with knights in duels, there is no killing of course, and the winner fights with Aerys. If he loses, Aerys would give him a good portion of gold because the man managed to oppose to the king but if he wins, he also becomes a landed knight. Of course with time Aerys stopped doing so himself and Ser Gerold handles this duty. But this time Rhaegar interfered."

"I know.", she closed her eyes and swallowed. He got warned by Jon, she got warned by Atera and they listened because they had to and they came up with the changes. "Knights will not duel this time, people who wants to become a knight will. And they will fight with my husband in the end to get lands and such.", her eyes snapped to Kenna. "Aerys accepted it with little to no push."

"In the past, there are examples of Aerys becoming overeager and cutting deeper than he should.", she deadpanned. "There is no game with steel, honey, we have witnessed that earlier and at the end of the tourney, Rhaegar will fight with Aerys to seal it, to end the celebrations."

"Rhaegar is good with sword.", her breathing started to go faster but she managed to compose herself. "Rhaegar will win."

"You never seen Aerys with a sword before.", she shook her head. "He fought in a war and got knighted for valour. Yes, Tywin did so to kiss his ass but he was knighted for valour.", she pressed. "Do not judge him for the king he is now, back then he was the brightest prince this kingdom has ever had in a very long time. Rhaegar is his own son.", there was a hint of sandess. "If he dies like this, no one could go against Aerys or blame him because at the end of the day he is his son and it will look like an accident."

"This is a sick plan.", she said with disgust.

"He will then get rid of all of you one by one. He has Viserys under control, a wife to pop out heirs and too many lickspittles to get rid of the honourable men.", she shook her head. "He thinks Rhaegar will kill him if he doesn't do it first."

"Rhaegar would never, Kenna.", she shook her head desperately. "Rhaegar couldn't kill his own father."

"Try to tell that to a mad king.", she deadpanned. "Try to tell that to a man who killed his own father."

"What?", she asked with utter shock and made a move to sit on the bed, her mouth fell open, her headache was too much to bear.

"Jaehaerys always hated Aerys and his guts because he was a weak king, a corrupted king with no one to love him while Aerys was brighter even than Rhaegar. He wanted to kill him again and again and Aerys won the game in the end, killed his own father, committed kin and kingslaying and it changed him completely, paved the way for his destruction.", she stood up from the bed. "Whose voice do you think he is hearing inside his head? He fears Rhaegar actually is his son.", she straightened her shoulders. "Now you must go and tell these to Rhaegar and prevent him joining to the tourney."

"I cannot.", she said, lips didn't move at all and her voice was not louder than a whisper.

"Excuse me?", she asked in disbelief. "What do you mean you cannot?"

"If I tell this to Rhaegar, it will be the last straw for him.", she raised her olive eyes filled with tears to meet with her brown ones. "I cannot risk his emotions to get in our way."

"Then it falls upon your shoulders to prevent this.", she said in a motherly way. "Gods be with you."


"Will you not congrulate me?", Cersei asked with a straight face, they were not looking at each other. "Your own sister?"

"Did you congrulate me when I got knighted?"

She scoffed. "Every idiot can get knighted and I told you that it happened because of me."

"And this happened because of the king.", Jaime turned to her. "And this,", he pointed out her crown. "do not ever forget how that one happened. Remember how you got here."

"I know how I got here.", she spat at him with anger, she was sick with his mood lately. "And it is not you or our father or any other man you would like to name to save your wounded ego because I threw the truth in your face!", she took a step back, her eyes were almost teary. "It was me, it was all me. He fell in love with me, he respected me, he made me his queen because I want so, not because of anyone."

"You slept with a man who is old enough to be our father right after his wife's death.", Jaime deadpanned, he was done with her. "Since when being a whore is something you should be proud of?"

She raised her hand and slapped him right across the face, Jaime's head stayed turned away, he did not fix it. "The next time you speak to me like this, I'll have you tongue for it.", she spat with a red face. "I am your queen and I carry the king's son, no one, not even you can treat me like this!"

"You do not need to trouble yourself, your grace.", he turned to him, a face too similar yet have never been this different, he bowed to her. "I'll cut my own tongue if I'll ever have to speak to you again."


After getting out of the first shock, Elia swore herelf to never lose her composure until she managed to fix this problem and for the most part, she managed to keep that promise.

She woke up early at morning, ate all of her breakfasts with the company of her brother, walked with Rhaegar in the gardens before he went to the council meetings, sew shirts for him with her ladies, created embodiments now that a tourney was approaching, japed with Oswell, joined to the lavishing dinners in the court that once again shone with colours, danced with nobles, spoke to them, charmed lords in her husband's behalf, all the while she took care of Rhaenys more and more and tried to be mindful of her baby and every night she listen Rhaegar -she wanted trust and got that trust and now Rhaegar used her as a personal diary, admitting his deepest fears and hidden thoughts.

And nobody realized it was all too much for her, which meant she done her job almost perfectly.

Though the hardest kind was to contain herself while speaking to the king. Aerys was not short with compliments and she got filled with so much rage in times like these, there was already a crescent shape nail scar in the secrecy of her palm. And yet, not even once, she did something that someone might get suspected. All the while wondered if the court was truly that supid to not to notice the coldness in his pale blue eyes when he looked at son, or sense the greed and ambition in his smile.

Everything got worse a sennight before the tournament when after dinner she had seen the way father and son were joking around with nobles with wooden swords in their hands. She abruptly left her conversation with Atera, she was talking about Dorne because talking of her home always calmed her down, moved back to her chambers with no one being wiser to follow her and threw everything in her stomach with a great pain and then returned to the safety of her chambers and cried in front of the fireplace for hours until Catelyn came to check on her before she slept.

"I think I have some kind of an illness.", she said without looking at her. She was kneeling and shaking in front of the fireplace with a fur blanket around her shoulders, hair is in a mess and face wet, dried tears clouding her eyes. "Do not let anyone in, you included."

"I must call for Maester Pycelle-", she said with widened eyes but Elia shook her head. "Prince Rh-"

"I said no one, Catelyn.", she repeated herself with her last strength. "No one."

Catelyn seemed hesitant but did not question her orders. She was obedient unlike Ashara and Atera who would tear down to court to convince her to see a Maester but she had only little tolerance for people. She stood up after Catelyn left and locked her doors, got rid of her gown, didn't even bother herself with wearing a nightgown and threw herself to her bed.

She was too tired to see a dream or a nightmare or a vision that night.

She refused to see anyone in the morning as well -despite Rhaegar ardently asking to be let in. She refused her brother and both of her uncles, her ladies -didn't softened not even when Atera tried to trick her with Rhaenys, Arthur was a lost cause as well, and she most certainly did not allow Cersei to enter, just ate an apple and drink milk with honey and tried to ease her nerves for the sake of her baby, massaged her belly despite her fingertips were tingling.

She knew at some point she had to give in and start planning but until that, she preferred just laying there, get lost in her thoughts.


"Uncle?", she went to the White Sword Tower to visit him since it was what she was supposed to do -she also had certain questions to ask. "Are you well?", she made a small curtsy to him, he was sitting on his desk, reading some letters, he raised his head ever so slowly and sent her a look, sighed and returned back to his letters.


"I came to see if you are alive.", she didn't like his behaviour but had to endure it for a little while. "No nursemaids today?", the last she came to see him Jonothor was babysitting him -it seemed that Oswell managed to corrupt Arthur in a fun way. When Gerold did not even bother himself with looking at her, she sighed. "Leyton exiled Arvel."

His movements stopped, raised his head a little and continued to his work. "This surprised you? He had been in exile longer than I remember."

"I demand to know why.", she asked with caution. "I never knew why he was exiled in truth."

"He deserved it, knowing this should be enough."

"But it is not.", she defied him and sat the chair across the desk, forced Gerold to look at her. "I want to know the why of it."


"Why?", she seemed surprised. "He is my brother.", she pressed the words. "And Leyton did not only sent him away but keeps his boys. This isn't like him, there has to be a reason, he should know."

"Well,", he leaned to his back, he was a soldier, he did not do emotions and he always knew this day would come one day. "if you truly want to know?", she nodded eagerly. "Then let me start with this; the moment you became the regent, I argued for you to know. But this information is too delicate for me to write in a letter and when I got there, Arvel was already there, there was nothing I could do. Finding this out at that point would only make things worse for you, since you were not in a good shape and your judgment was clouded.", he sent her a look. "I want you to stay stable while I tell you this."

"On opposite of my everyday histeria and neurotic responses?", she narrowed her eyes but Gerold did not join her jape.

"You were a baby when the war took place.", he dropped everything and leaned his back, started to tell the story. "But we all fought in it with pride. I, your father, and all three of your brothers. During it, Gerard gave the regency to Arvel.", he sighed. "The rest of us were leading the men. There were too many fronts that people forgot now. Disputed Lands and Stepstones were the worst, since when we got there they were already conquered a while ago. Leyton and I were at Stepstones, as Gerard and Doric went to Disputed Lands. Arvel's job was to handle the correspondences with the king, other generals and with us of course. But then he met with a woman.", he said with distaste. "He was already sketchy, made a few indications that perhaps the rumours were true and Daeron the Second was a bastard and Daemon deserved the throne. Your father made him regret saying those words and left him there purely so prevent him twist things. He was the seeming regent but Jenica handled everything in truth. Soon enough, he started to share official battle documents with his new mistress.", he sent her a look. "Cerissa of Pentos."

"I knew I remembered her from somewhere."

"She was a common whore.", Gerold said with distaste and Atera would chuckle to that if the situation was not that dire. "Who was sleeping not only with your brother but, we believe, with Maelys the Monstrous himself.", Atera's mouth open with that. "It became too bad that Jenica sent a letter to Gerard to inform him she was not going to share any secret and sensitive information with him any longer. Gerard had to drew his forces from the Disputed Lands, sent Doric to us and he himself returned to Oldtown and Arvel's first exile happened. So yes, the main reason was as you were told; he objected to Gerard's ideas but it might be the only right thing he had ever done in his life."

"And then he returned?"

"Because he somehow managed to make things even worse at exile.", he sighed. "He went to visit the Blackfyre pretender in Tyrosh -where he fled after killing Ormund Barahteon, that prestigious fool, with his mistress.", he cursed. "Jaehaerys was no better commander but that idiot died like one.", he took a deep breath and focused to the subject, his face got hardened. "There is no easy way of saying this; in there, they made a plan of effectively killing your father and brother and installing him as the new Lord of Oldtown in return of Hightower forces to leave the battle.", Atera wasn't sure if she heard him right or managed to understand what she heard. "Do you want me to continue?", he asked to her pale face.

"Yes.", she breathed, as they got faster and her eyes fluttered close.

"Wars fought with soldiers but it is mostly win by spies. Jaehaerys' spies had discovered a plan of attack, it was dire to hold the fleet line and Arvel gave this priceless information to his Blackfyre friends, gave them enough time to draft another plan.", he sent her a look. "That invasion resulted with the death of Jason Lannister and Ser Holbein Lefford -a knight of the kingsguard. Therefore I had to cloak Barristan right on the spot -when he was Harvest Halls' heir and was betroth himself.", yet he condemned Arthur for doing so.

"That's it?", she asked with a shaky breath.

"The worst happened after your father brought him back to Oldtown to keep him under control.", his blood was raging as he recalled the past events. "He had told his friends that continuing to attack the harbour of Oldtown, therefore continuing to slaughter his countrymen and subjects, would make the city fall.", he looked at her with an understanding face. "Leyton never forgave him but brought him back after your father's death to prevent him marrying with that woman. And he repayed it by selling his shares in Bank of Oldtown to the Tyroshi -Leyton spent years to buy them back.", he shook his head. "There is also the adultery.", it would be better if she knew everything. "He slept with Vaella.", Atera's shocked face found him with a silent question and a tilted head but Gerold dismissed her. "She was already pregnant with Malora when she met with Arvel, since he was not at Oldtown back there, squiring at Cider Hall.", he leaned back, his eyes watched her. "Now you know it. Now you understand it. Leyton is not being cruel, on the contrary, he had been too forgiving, too merciful."


"I do understand Lord Hightower's concerns, I assure you that.", Rhaegar said with an amiable tone though he could feel the claws of jealousy at the depths of his soul as they took of their coats for a friendly sparring -Lewyn grinning on the corner to see how that one will end. "Of course what has happened might come off as insolence from his perspective but I have no doubt that if the roles would be reversed, he would take the same steps as we did.", he fixed his silver hair that was getting longer and longer and took his sword.

"Of course my father does understands the direness of the situation and we are, like the rest of the realm, are delightful that Princess Elia returned here safely but you must also understand that Atera's interrogation was not only un-called for but also was something more than mere insolence.", Baelor Brightsmile took his own sword from his squire and turned to the prince with a measuring look. "She is a highborn lady and this is the second time she was treated like a low-life criminal."

"Even the queen was interrogated.", that was because they thought she did it but he didn't need to know that. "It was just a protocol and nothing more. Lady Atera is a well-respected and liked member of my wife's household and we place our trust in her by making her rule our households.", he didn't like her at all but he didn't need to know that either. "She did understand that as well. Perhaps she misworded the events when she informed Lord Hightower?"

"She didn't write anything to my father which what made him angry in the first place.", he deadpanned. "We didn't receive any formal information letter by the Hand of the King about my great uncle's state of health -or that he was ambushed in the first place, and we heard nothing about my aunt's questioning. I am sure that you see the lack of respect towards my family here."

"Of course I do.", he murmured inside his mouth with a troubled manner. Just because his father didn't want to get involved with this situation, he had to. "But you must also consider that we do not have a Hand of the King as of now. Our king is yet to name another since the last Hand's treason has met with the light of the day.", he took his position. "Perhaps if I write a personal letter to Lord Hightower he will show emphaty to the situation we are in and will come to realize that it never was our intention to insult him or his family?"

"I am sure that he will find it soothing.", he said after a moment. "He worries about her.", now this was informal and with that, their sparring started properly.

Rhaegar, not being able to remind himself to be amiable, made the first move -which the blonde man in front of him blocked it immediately. "I too have a younger sibling, I understand the protectiveness.", he said as he took a step back when Baelor's move forced him to. "But as I said,", he didn't know how many times he had to say that so the man would believe. "she is under no danger."

He made a cutting move in the air, and Baelor had to bend backwards to get rid of it and then he quickly turned around himself and met with Rhaegar's next move. He didn't hit it and made a back step to pivot, instead, he forced the prince to lower his sword as he pressed to it, made their pointy ends to meet with the floor but before he managed to push the prince through his shoulder, Rhaegar gritted his teeth and pulled his sword swiftly, made Baelor almost trip and moved to his back for an attack.

But his move was too low and Baelor managed to quickly turn around once more, raised his sword to heighten the impact of his next assault. "And my Uncle Gerold?", he asked, not quite breathless yet but still his voice sounded coarse. "I hadn't had time to see Maester Pycelle."

"He is better.", he said as he moved to his side so Baelor's move was for nothing. "Stubborn for his age, but still took some time to rest properly.", this time their swords clashed at the mid air but moving to his back, Rhaegar pushed Baelor's head away. "I heard that your wife is with child, Ser Baelor, please accept my congrats."

Both took a few steps away from his other, circling as their eyes narrowed, swords turning around in their hands with friendly smiles on their faces while deep down, neither liked the other. Rhaegar for obvious reasons; he was Elia's first love or something, he dared to flirt her after their wedding and he made her smile while Rhaegar, to this day, failed so. And Baelor didn't like him for various of reasons; him being Aerys' son was one of the most prominent ones.

Baelor made another move. "Thank you, your grace. I heard the same for Princess Elia as well.", Rhaegar almost seemed taken aback by hearing his wife's name and Baelor almost, almost, cut his throat but he managed to bend his neck a little and quickly move away. "You are a lucky man.", he added -with no immoral intentions but Rhaegar felt that jealousy climbing to the outside.

He made a quick move, hit his shoulder with his elbow as Baelor tried to turn around once more, but this time kicked his feet with composure and Baelor bend the knee on the floor as Rhaegar's breathes got deeper -not due to the physical activity but due to the jealousy. Baelor chuckled to himself as Jon sent a look to Lewyn, both were watching them.

"Thank you, Ser Baelor.", Rhaegar said with an annoyed smile, his back turned to him. "You too, as I heard you married for love.", he turned to him then, narrowed his eyes cheekly. "How lucky you are that Lady Rhonda became pregnant so soon after your rather surprise marriage."

He knew he shouldn't have done that because he was not that kind of a person. Not even when he was a boy he acted like one but some deeper urge made him say that and Jon raised his eyebrows on the corner. Baelor nodded to himself, stood up with a strong move as he pulled his sword from the soil and made a rather sharp move towards him once more but Rhaegar this time was expecting it and managed to averted it altogether, made Baelor trip again.

Their swords clashed on midair and Baelor kicked Rhaegar's feet, caused him to turn around, his silver hair getting lose out of its clasps and falling down to his dark clothed shoulders. Rhaegar's movements were aggressive -which was not his usual fighting style. Him and Arthur always liked to oberseve their opponent, fight accordingly -unlike Oswell who always dived deep in. Rhaegar first cut the air into half just above his head -Baelor averted, then made the same sharp movement towards his torso and Baelor threw his body back with bending a little towards the front.

"We are a fertile family.", he found the answer in that, his thrice-damned bright smile was shining under the cold sun. "It's a shame though,", he said as their swords clashed with each other three times and Baelor made a movement to his feet, caused the prince to jump. "that not everyone was allowed to marry with who they love.", their swords clashed one more.

This was a clear dig at Rhaegar.

Baelor made a move when Rhaegar seemed distracted, trapped him between his body and his sword as both of Rhaegar's hands were holding his sword's hilt on above -there was no way out to break Baelor's hold, he had lost it. But then saw the cynical look in his bright blue eyes and wide smile and before Baelor managed to take a step back to end the sparring, he closed his eyes and threw his head to Baelor's nose with a great force, made the man fall to the ground.


She was laying on his chest, circling with her nail absentmindedly, she was distracted and he was aware of it. Was even hesitant to visit her bed but it's been a rough couple of days and both clearly needed to calm their minds.

"My brother is a Blackfyre symphatizer.", she blurted out of nowhere and Arthur frowned immediately, made a move to lift his chest to look at her but she opened her palm to press him down.

"Lord Hightower?", he asked in confusion -mixed with shock.

"Arvel.", there was no emotions in her voice, she was a closed off box. "My uncle told me so.", she said in a dismissive manner. "And I removed his exile, let him stay in the city he aspired to destroy, even held a wedding feast for him.", she snorted. "Gods forbid, it could easily turn into Whitehalls volume two. How could I be so stupid?"

Arthur opened and closed his mouth a few times. He was shocked and disgusted to the core, he could only guess how she felt and he was aware how delicate this matter was so he had to choose his words carefully. "You couldn't have known it.", he immediately realized it did not help the situation at all.

"But I should have.", she insisted and he heard the pain in her voice. "I should have known it, I should have been more careful, more focused, I should have asked questions.", she hissed and then with a quick move she switched her position to sitting, her feet hanginf rom the side of the bed, hands helding the sheets tight enough to turn her knuckles to white. "I should have been better.", she said with a defeated tone.

"But you've been better.", Arthur watched the way her hair fell to her waist couple of seconds and then lifted his upper body and pulled his knees to his chest to sit comfortably and placed a hand on her back. "I was there.", he wasn't trying to comfort her, he's been telling the truth. "I have witnessed every step you take, every battle you've fought. There was nothing you could do better than that, nobody could."

"This isn't an excuse.", she shook her head bowed it, her shoulders fell.

Arthur sighed and moved in the bed to sit on his knees, right behind her. He raised his hand to move her hair to the side, amazed by the contrats his tanned skin created with her light blonde hair. After throwing her hair from one shoulder, he moved his hands to hold her upper arms and he leaned forward, placed a kiss to the place between her neck and shoulder, caused her an internal shiever and she closed her eyes.

"It was your brother's duty.", he began to speak. "To be aware of all the threats against your family, your house and your city and yet he failed. Your family was scattered around and if it weren't for you, there would be no House Hightower right now. You fought tooth and nail to put down the fire and build back the ashes.", his voice was too gentle and silky. "You've defended that city to the Ironborn while everyone else wanted to abandon the ship. You didn't bend down against the corrupted High Septon, you didn't let the treasons of the Bank of Oldtown and the Citadel to break you, you did not only fight with your council but with your own family as well, took the mantra you despised to protect your family against the Velaryons. Do you have any idea how much I respect you for doing this?", he placed another kiss. "Who cares if you slip for once? You didn't know."

"My uncle told me that Arvel was already there when he arrived and he couldn't bring himself to bring the illusion."

"Then it is your uncle's sin, not yours.", he spoke with firmness. "It was the decision your uncle made, not you. You cannot be held responsible."

"You don't understand.", she shook her head and bend down, covered her face with her hands. "I always tell that I know everything but I do not know even a single thing about my family. If I didn't know such an important thing, can you imagine what else I do not know of?", she shook her head again as Arthur sighed. "Not only that; there were people who knew about this in the court, in the city, in the fucking council. Did they think what about me? That I knew it and I encouraged it? Or that I am an idiot that doesn't even know why her brother was exiled in the first place?"

He wasn't going to lie to make her feel better. "They probably thought you did so to piss them off.", Atera in Oldtown was a different person who acted, most of the time, like a child until she stopped being stubborn and get on with it. "Your brother-"

"Do not refer him as such.", she interrupted him sharply and Arthur moved a little more closer to her, wrapped his hands around her.

"Arvel has fooled you but so did your council. If they knew, why haven't they told you so?"

"Because they probably thought I knew it as well."

"But they had informed you about many things you knew, no?", he pointed out a different angle. "So either they were as cluless as you were or...", he didn't finish the line to make her do the math.

"Or they did not inform me on purpose so they would set me up."

"And they failed.", he kissed his hair once more. "And those days are long gone now, you should not torture yourself over it."

"They fooled me and you want me to let it go?"

"No, I want you to stop beating yourself over it.", he raised her hand so they both could see it -he realized it soon after their encounters became frequent in Oldtown, she was always mask it with small rings around her nails or would prefer to have long sleeves or gloves but when they were alone now, in the privacy of her bed, he could see them crystal clear -bit off and wounded. "It doesn't worth of your self desctruction.", Atera pulled her hand down with a frown and tried to shook off Arthur's touch but he held her gently, her back was touching his solid chest. "It is Arvel who committed the sin and it is your father and Lord Hightower and uncle, who did not punish him accordingly and kept letting him back to the city afterwards. And it is them who hid this from you -them and your council. You cannot be held responsible fro something you didn't even know.", another kiss. "But there is something else you might be held responsible for."

"What is that?", she frowned removed her hands from her face and turned towards him, they both were sitting on the bed now.

"Even if the queen's nose bleeds, Rhaegar will know it from you.", he said with a serious manner and Atera huffed. "He dislikes you.", she stated. "Why?"

"Gods only know.", she answered with the same fog in her head. "One moment he wanted to be my friend, he wined and dined on my table and the next moment he acts as if I am his mortal enemy.", Arthur rolled his eyes due to the exaggaretion but she was right.

"Have you done something I do not know?"

"No.", she rejected with pursed lips. "I am aware that I have a talent to make people dislike me greatly simply by breathing and living but I respect the prince greatly and follow his ideals willingly. I am actively trying to be his friend and ally. I do admit things got tense when Elia was kidnapped but his hostility started earlier than that. I have no idea what have I done."

"I'll try to find out.", he sighed. "But in the meantime I want you to promise that you'll behave."

Atera felt like rejecting the offer but she nodded unwillingly. Perhaps she needed to trust them as well -trsut them to find a solution that will not end with the death of a child and the baby she was carrying.


Sharing one last kiss with Arthur, she went to Elia's chambers as he went to the prince side. Though before she managed to reach there, she heard noises from Queen Rhaella's former chambers -was empty now by the order of the king so she narrowed her eyes.

"Eloise?", she recognized the queen's brown-haired maid. "What are you doing here?", she asked with confusion, there were other maids around as well as servants. She couldn't quite figure it out what it was.

"Lady Atera.", the girl made a curtst, she was not a lady, just a maid -for some reason the young queen didn't had any favourites. "I am here for Queen Cersei's orders.", she explained. "She ordered us to prepare Queen Rhaella's chambers for her."

Atera blinked first, tried to understand it and then tilted her head. "What?", she was not expecting this today. "Why nobody knows about this?"

"You can ask this to her grace.", she pouted her lips and Atera raised an eyebrow.

"The king has ordered this room to remain empty and untouched.", she remided them. "Unless he orders otherwise, you cannot disobey his wishes.", this might be the only thing he did it right, regarding the late queen.

"Lady Atera,", she tried to share a look with other maids and servatns but all of them avoided her. "the queen will not like this.", she tried to threaten her subtly but the older woman took a step forward.

"Are you threathing me?", she asked and Eloise tried to smile but she raised a hand elegantly to stop her and hissed. "Get out of my sight.", she raised her chin. "I do not want to see your worthless face. And do not ever cross paths with me unless you learn your place.", her eyes roamed around others and straightened her spine. "All of you leave as well!", she ordered. "As long as the king says otherwise, no one will enter to this chamber."


Elia made her first move a day before the start of the tournament when she managed to stomach to leave her chambers. She was in her husband's room -barely managed to calm him down and later tried to fix his pout, Arthur was there as well and her mind was working too fast. Two men were joking around as she sat on the large bed and focused on one point with clouded eyes.

Noticing her state of mind, Arthur and Rhaegar shared a look and the silver prince made a gesture for his friend to open a subject of talking. "Have you seen the names, your grace?", it was the first thing Arthur managed to come up with and offered her the list. Both were excited as they were planning to do this for years now and this was a great opportunity to truly bond with smallfolk. "His grace will face them as his opponents and will knight anyone that deserves it."

Elia's eyes sharply focused on Arthur -made him unvisibly flinch, but then she got the list and started to sigh longliy until Rhaegar's eyes met with Arthur's through the mirror and he turned to his wife. "Something happened my love?"

"A miller,", she began to speak with pursed lips. "a farmer, a baker, an inn owner... Are these the people you are going to face against?", she looked at him as Rhaegar turned to her completely. "Lowborns?"

"What?", Rhaegar's reaction was too swift that she knew it was a genuine one and he didn't think of it.

Arthur, being more controlled than he, narrowed his eyes. "Have you been speaking to Lady Atera?", due to Elia's illness he had to go to Kingswood alone with Rhaegar and his household and while he didn't think she would say such a thing, it still was an option. "You sound like her."

"You are a prince.", she said, didn't mind Arthur. "Don't you think nobles will get offended to see lowering yourself to fight with the smallfolk."

"Elia?", he let out a confused chuckle and shared yet another look with Arthur. "This was your idea."

"And now I rethought it and thought it better and decided that perhaps it will be the best if you just withdrew yourself from the tournament.", she said with seriousness. "I am sure Arthur wouldn't mind to take over your duties in the absence of Ser Gerold."

This time the shared look was too painfully obvious and Arthur just turned around and bit his lips to not to say anything. Even Jon agreed with this plan. "Once I become king, it will be my duty to protect these people and I cannot do that without respecting them."

"The system never works if the highborn do not open the doors for the lowborn, do you remember these words, princess?", Arthur asked without looking at her.

Rhaegar turned his head slightly to his friend's tensed figure but continued. "Arthur and I wanted to do this for ages, to help a new knight to rise."

"Because these are your words.", Arthur continued not minding Rhaegar. And his prince turned half of his body to his direction to look at him. "You said that when you said we should do this, when you offered us to do this."

"Arthur knighted the Lannister boy.", she said with a cold tone. "And you knighted the Clegane boy, I am sure you both have done enough."

"Elia-", Rhaegar sighed. "No.", and it was final. "I do understand that your sudden illness affected you badly my love but I promise you that this is a necessary action that will help us.", he moved and kneeled in front of her. "Even Jon thinks so.", he said with a small smile, hoped it would cheer her up but Elia just kept looking at him without emotions. "You just need to rest.", he said this time with another sigh. "Then you'll get relax."

She didn't say anything as her husband stood up and went back to the mirror to fix his clothing but Arthur's deep blue eyes kept on her face, suspicion was too clear.

"Elia?", he said in a way Rhaegar couldn't hear it and she just turned her head away.


"What happened Eloise?", Cersei asked with disinterest, she was sitting in her chambers, caressing her belly, imagine if her son will look like her prince.

"Your grace there is a matter that I tried to handle it without making you involved with it but Lady Atera stops me every single time."

"Eloise, do not mumble in your mouth, tell me what has happened.", she was one of her servants.

"She doesn't let us prepare Queen Rhaella's chambers.", she blurted out, beware of the young queen's upcoming anger.

Cersei slowly raised an eyebrow as she moved her hand away from her belly and then huff as she closed her eyes. They were going to learn to respect her once she married with her prince. But still the blatant disrespect was starting to get to her nerves. Ashara Dayne was Dornish so she understood the unnecessary loyalty but Atera Hightower? She was a disgrace to the Reach.

She slowly stood up and towered over her servant, tilted her head forward. "Who asked for permission from her?", Eloise didn't answer and averted looking at her. "I gave you a duty. Why are you in my service if you cannot handle even this?"

Her maid seemed nervous as her eyes roamed on everywhere but Cersei. "Your grace please forgive me but she is a highborn lady.", she tried to excuse herself. "Not only that but she rules Prince Rhaegar's household. How can I go against her orders?"

"Alright, enough.", she raised her hand to stop her and took another annoyed breath. This was important, Varys told her so. This was necessary and dire and she was the queen. She was not going to let the prince's mistress to be above her. She was going to get rid of her as well once she eliminated the Dornish woman. "Where is she now?", she asked instead. If she had something to say, she could very well say it to Cersei's face.

"I just saw her at the queen's former chambers.", she answered with hesitance. "She saw us while leaving Princess Elia's chambers, she probably still is there."

"Come with me.", she ordered, she was going to assert her dominance in this court, she was not going to cower.


"Lady Atera?", Cersei entered the room with her maid behind her. "What is the meaning of this?", she asked with aggressiveness as the woman made a shallow curtsy to her. "How dare you to go against my orders?"

"According to the customs and the rules, this chamber needs to stay empty, your grace.", she answered with calmness, she knew the young queen would want to start a fight so she waited -with a plan. "This is also his majesty the king's orders, as you know it well. You shouldn't take this personal.", she adviced. Despite being sure that this girl was going to cause more and more problems with every passing day, she also felt a certain pity and wanted to at least try before she eliminated her. "Not even Queen Alicent moved to the queen's chambers until she gave birth to her last son. It is merely custom, nothing more."

Being taken aback by reason, Cersei's eyes started to burn, she was not used to people deny her wishes so she straightened her shoulders and tried to approach to her as a hunter would do so to its prey, Eloise copied her movements. But Atera was taller than both so it didn't work in the way they hoped and she just kept looking at them with her small smile -only her eyebrows frowned with a mix of pity and sarcasm.

"Do I need to warn everyone in this castle about what will happen to them if they refuse to obey me?", she narrowed her eyes. "Do not dare to compare me to others!", she yelled. "I am the queen!", she closed her eyes to calm herself down, tried to remember what Varys told her -composure was the key. "If I want something, I get it under any circumstances."

It would affect her more than she let it shown; the fact that she was all too similar to the young queen. But Atera had bigger problems than this right now.

"Not this time, Cersei.", Elia spoke from the corner -she did not see her when she entered the room. Ashara was standing next to her with Catelyn. "What are you doing?", she asked as she approached to the girl -Cersei's entire face crossed with frustration. "What are you after? You had found your way into her husband's bed,", she begun to speak as her eyes roamed inside of the room. "you are carrying her husband's child, you took her title, her crown, her ring; can't you let her have one thing at least?", she didn't know her former mother-in-law that well but she witnessed the grief and pain and agony Rhaegar still felt over her death and took it personally. She was not going to let anyone to sully her memory.

"Enough time has passed, this room cannot stay empty forever.", she gritted her teeth, Varys' voice was echoing inside her mind; Elia was with child, she was off limits, one argument with her and it would harm Cersei's stance.

"It will, Cersei.", Elia said solemnly, remembering Rhaegar's cries ached her heart. "This room will stay empty until a new king is crowned.", her olive eyes found Cersei's red face. "It will be filled with memories and laughter again when I take this room. Not you. Do you know why?", Cersei fisted her hands. "Because only the crowned queens stay in this chambers, not consorts.", she took a step forward. "If the king one day decides to crown you-"

"Gods forbid.", Ashara said mockingly and Elia only tilted her head towards her direction but did not look at her.

"then this chamber will be yours, not before.", she straightened her spine. "Go to your chambers now.", she adviced. "Rest. Take care of your baby."


"Will you speak today, your grace?", Atera was the first to broke the silence and both Ashara and Catelyn turned to look at her, while she was focused to Elia's straight face. "Perhaps you finally decided to mention what was happening."

Elia took a deep breath and in the next half an hour, she told them everything, heed to Atera's advice, chose to be transparent, chose to trust them because the past days showed her that she was not going to manage to handle this situation on her own. The more she talk, the more her throat dried and she started to shake -at some point Ashara wrapped a blanket around her and Atera poured her a cup of wine but Elia didn't stop until she finished the entire story.

"For the stars,", Ashara rubbed her face." El how could you not mention about this to me?", she asked with a panic she tried to surpress. "What we are going to do now?"

"I do not know, Ashara, this is why I told you.", she said with a lackadaisical manner and finished her wine with a swift move.

"We can lock your husband to his chambers at the day of the tournament?", Atera offered the first thing that came to her mind.

"If the king truly decided to kill his grace,", Catelyn spoke with a visible shaking -Elia did not mention about the parts of killing other nobles, there was no reason for panic, they only knew the plan about Rhaegar. "then nothing would stop him, not truly. If this plain fails, he would move to another."

"What you are suggesting then, Cat?", Ashara frowned at her. "Do nothing?"

"I am saying that we cannot protect the prince forever since his enemy is no mere lord but the king himself. We will need a more permanent solution."

Of course she did not mean to kill the king but truth betold, neither of the women managed to think of another meaning. Ashara shook her head as if she wanted to dismiss the thoughts of high treason, of course they couldn't kill the king.

At least not as the first solution but the night was long either way.

"Bath.", Atera said after a moment of silence. "You are shaking, you need to take a bath and calm down.", it was more like an order than a suggestion. "Or you'll hurt the baby."

While Catelyn was heating the water at the fireplace, Elia got rid of her gown with soulless movements and basically threw herself to her bathtub. As Atera and Catelyn rubbed her arms and legs, front and back with massaging moves, Ashara washed her hair with spicy oils and braided them with delicacy and after she got dressed, made her sit in front of the fireplace to get warm, they did not want a harm to come to the baby given that Elia's health was already fragile enough.

"I think I have an idea.", Ashara whispered after perhaps an hour of silence. Her purple eyes found Elia's olive ones. "I know you repented,", she said with a great hesitation and fear growing inside of her. "and swore never to do that again but if we are searcing for a permnany solution that is not the king's death then there is only one thing that can save us all.", Elia's eyes looking soulless and there was no expression on her face. "Sorcery."


"The food is delightful."

Kenna commented when they started to their second course. She was preferring to stay in Qarlton's mension at Rhaenys' Hill so when she came to the court, too eager to have a female ally, Cersei threw a feast with only selective people.

There were of course her and Aerys, Kenna and Qarlton, Elia and Rhaegar -and by extension; Atera, Ashara, Arthur, Oberyn and of course due to them being relatives; Lewyn and Gerold.

It was a fine evening.

"This room also is.", Rhaella had a terrible taste as she commented earlier -hence why she was throw out from her service all those years ago.

"Thank you, Lady Chelsted.", happy by the comments, she smiled dearly.

"It is good to see you at court after many years, Kenna.", Aerys commented with a tone stated he was not happy at all. "Permanently or?"

"No, I'll return by the morning, your grace.", she smiled. "I just came here to see my husband since he was rather busy with state matters and neglecting me.", Qarlton seemed annoyed as Aerys almost laughed at that. "I hope you are happy with your new wife."

"I am."

"She is rather young and pretty.", she smiled at the young queen. "Being pregnant makes her glow also. You should cherish her, your grace, though giving you advice is not my forte."

"No it is not.", Cersei was not expecting this answer.

"And how are you two, your grace?", Kenna turned to Rhaegar and Elia. "You two are expecting as well, I hope everything goes alright after you sent her away to Dorne?"

There was a reason why she was not invited back after she left. Kenna had a poisonous tone under the guise of her smile and her only motive was to anger Aerys tonight. But she had a weird way to do so.

"I do not know what you heard but I wouldn't even dream of sending Elia away.", he turned to his wife and held her hand. "She is the light that guides me at my darkest night. The air I breath, the water I drink, flowers in my branches, moon of my sky and the sun of my morning, my spring.", he placed a small kiss to her hand as Cersei seemed like she was going to stand up and stab Elia through the neck. Rhaegar's indigo eyes found Kenna's raised eyebrows. "She went to visit her good sister, Lady Mellario, since she gave birth to another child, a prince."

"So Prince Doran finally has an heir?", Cersei tried to speak with him but he just turned to Elia.

"My brother already had an heir.", she answered in his behalf as he continued to place small kissed to the back of her hand. "His firstborn child, Arianne."

"You and your weird customs,", she rolled her eyes with a huff. "the need to be different than all; yes, I do remember it now."

"It is truly a saddening sight.", she was not in a mood to take anyone's bullshit. "For the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to not know the succession law in Dorne.", this caused silence at the table and Rhaegar placed a hand on her lower arm. "Perhaps you should return back to your Maester's seat."

"Ashara,", Kenna spoke before Aerys had the chance to roar with anger. "have you heard what happened to your former sister in law?"

"No, what?", too eager to distract the king's death stare.

"She is dead."



This did shocked the entire table as Arthur and Ashara asked in union. Both of their eyes were widened; one night blue, other hauntingly purple and yet from the small wrinkles of happiness at the side of their eyes to the length of their lashes, they were identical.

"Fell from the stairs, or so they say, I do not know.", she sighed, Lewyn almost chocked as Elia gaped. "Many say she threw herself now that Andric and Larra decided to marry.", Elia bowed her head with guilt and Arthur's eyes so briefly turned to her.

"Gods save her soul.", Ashara breathed and Arthur held her hand under the table.

"When you play games you are not qualified to; you either die like Lady Qorgyle or get maimed like the Lady Marbrand.", Kenna sighed.

"Lady Marbrand?", Cersei asked with confusion.

"Astella,", Kenna raised her eyebrows briefly as both Lewyn and Qarlton sent her warning glares. "was serving to our late queen, Shaera.", Aerys and Rhaella's mother. "One of the ladies in the court got jealous and then you all saw her face, surely."

"Do you know who did it?", Cersei asked again while chewing her food. She saw the ugly scar on the women's face and neck, it digsuted her more than once.

Kenna's eyes found Atera and Lewyn cleared his throat low enough for only Kenna to hear. "When she was betroth to another lord, a lesser lord, Moreland, if I recall it right, there were words roaming around that she loved another.", Aerys fork stopped before it reached to his mouth as if he remembered something and Atera's moves got tense. "Desired another.", she smiled. "Despite being married with what, four children?", she turned to Gerold and met with his death glare. "Gerard was always a wanted man in the capital.", Atera closed her eyes as she placed her fork to the table and Elia shared a look with Rhaegar, both were confused. "Many said they were having an affair since they seemed rather close.", Kenna's eyes found Atera. "Jenica didn't like that."

"My mother was not someone who would lower herself to petty court games.", she said with a low tone, not looking at anyone but the hand that was holding her fork turned to fight due to the pressure she applied.

"But she was a jealous woman.", Kenna's smile was as wide as ever. "She was prideful enough to deny every rumour but also prideful enough to not being able to look to the other direction. So she got angrier by day, did everything she could to end Gerard's friendship with Astella. And well, she is a rather annoying person. She was thinking so highly of her now that she was going to marry with a war hero and the king's cousin was interested in her. They never liked each other to begin with. Both were Westerlanders and while Astella was a mere Estren while Jenica was a Westerling, and was far more beautiful than her. This situation only made things worse as it fueled their enemity towards one another. A few weeks later, we woke up to her screams."

"They burtn her face?", Cersei asked with interest as her green eyes moved to Atera's clenched jaw.

"Somebody poisoned her pillow.", she answered with delight. "Everybody thought Jenica did so and soon after her and Gerard returned back to Oldtown. A moon later all of a sudden Damon proposed to her.", she turned to Elia. "Damon was Jenica's cousin.", she said it with humour as Atera exhaled, Rhaegar noticed that his father was watching her expressions. "Wedding happened only a sennight later, Jenica planned it,", she added with a smile. "and word says they only laid once, thanks to their luck Addam happened, and Damon basically locked her to Ashemark as he moved on with his life."

"Kenna, darling, your food is getting cold.", Qarlton placed a hand on her knee to warn her and Gerold, despite the state he was in, needed to do so with Lewyn to keep him calm.

"Everybody expected a separation after Jenica's death,", she continued as she pushed his hand away. "but it never came. But to this day, people still think it was Jenica."

"It wasn't Jenica.", this came from Aerys, much to everyone's surprise.

"Forgive me, my king, but how do you know that?", as if there was something else behind this topic that only the king, Kenna, Lewyn, Gerold and Qarlton knew. "I remember the real culprit, if it is not Jenica, was never found."

"Jenica was my friend.", Aerys raised his eyes at her. "Friends usually know great deal about each other.", Rhaegar raised his eyebrows at that, he didn't know it. "Also I know who did it."

"Who?", Cersei turned to her eagerly.

"My mother.", he said nonchalantly as he kept eating his food. "Gerard never had an affair with Astella, or was he a friend to her. They spoke only what, thrice?", his eyes found Gerold. "All that gossip was started by Astella to being with and my mother didn't want her cousin to ruin yet another marriage and taught her that spreading rumours is a bad thing.", his eyes focused on Kenna once more. "Jenica was not someone who would lower herself to petty court games.", and he gave her a small nod of warning as the rest of the table watched the exhancge in silence.

"But what of her marrying with her cousin?", Cersei asked and Aerys sighed.

"I told her to do that.", he shook his head. "Damon needed to wed since he has no brothers or first degree cousins and his immediate heir was a fool. And Astella kept telling everyone about her and Gerard, she never had enough brain to understand a warning. This was necessary to keep the peace. I didn't want nobles to fight amongtst each other and Tytos was of no use to end the hostility in his region."

"Jenica had a wonderful way to keep the peace, though.", Kenna added once more, her smile only growing as Aerys' hand stopped midway to his mouth. "She truly ended the rumours and none dared again until she died."

Oberyn shared a look with Elia and hesitantly placed a hand on Atera's arm. The girl's eyes were clouded as they found his, a silent warning passed through his black eyes and she raised her eyebrows briefly as she pursed her lips with anger.

"It is irrelevant to the story.", Aerys said with a low voice.

"I want to know what she has done.", Cersei widened her eyes as Atera reached to her wine cup and drank it swiftly, Rhaegar, again, noticed the way his father's eyes were on her.

"In order to prove that she did not poison Astella's pillow, she burnt Serena's face with a torch.", she placed her elbows to the table and placed her hands on top of each other, leaned her chin on top of them. She was truly enjoying herself as Lucerys cleared his throat.

"Serena?", Cersei asked with confusion.

"Serena Celtigar, the former Lady of Driftmark.", she answered quickly and Lucerys bowed his head forward.

"It was nothing.", Aerys was starting to get angry.

"She was pregnant.", Lucerys said with a troubled voice without looking at them. "She lost the baby."

Atera's face fell with that as she gaped. She didn't know that but everybody was looking at her. Seeing her state, Aerys interfered quickly. "She lost the baby a moon later than incident due to her excessive use of alcohol -which almost caused the deaths of Corlys and Jacaerys previously as well. Stop lying after a dead woman."

"I didn't say she lost the baby because of Jenica.", he said with a tense voice, looking at each other. "I just remarked that she lost the baby."

"But you indicate, for the past decades or so, that it happened because of this incident while it has nothing to do with it.", he placed his fork to his plate rather loudly. "She didn't know Serena was with child as even she herself didn't also, and she lost her baby long after her face got healed and because of herself and nothing else.", he tilted his head. "Except you. Given that you were already coqueting your way with Alewndrina.", he spat.

Aurane's mother.

Kenna's sister.

A Rosby -not to mention Serena's cousin.

After that rather nasty topic of conversation, satisfied with the way she turned Aerys mad, Kenna remained her silence as did everyone else. When the time for the desert came, Elia's ladies got tense. This was their one and only chance to finish this all. The cake was a big one, adorned with chocolate and fruits and as the king, it was his duty to cut it so show goodwill -or some sort of thing.

Elia needed Aerys' blood for the plan Ashara made. They did not ask for details but when this dinner was announced to them, Elia made her plan as well. The cake was made by her request. She was going to pass the knife to the king, delibaretly offering him the blade and hope for him to cut himself and sneak one of the bloodly cloths whike nobody was looking.

But when the time came, Atera moved faster than Elia did. The king's anger was still set on her, and nobody could guarantee her health, even in her condition of pregnancy. Her ptoection should come first and she trusted her uncle's presence that the king would not simply order her death when he cut himself. So she took the knife and offered to the king with a smile and with bored eyes, Aerys reached out to it without looking and cut himself with a loud yell.

"I am so sorry!", Atera quickly put on a worried mask with widened blue eyes. Under Elia's shocked looks, she reached out to a nearby cloth and pressed it to his hand before he understood what was happening. "I am so sorry, your grace.", she kept saying as everybody stood up with alarm to see what was happening. "It was a momentarily distraction, please forgive me.", she continued and she heard her uncle's grunt od approaching them.

"You-", Aerys was ready to roar with rage but when he met with her panicked and widened eyes, he closed his eyes took a deep breath, obviously trying to calm himself down.

"You sill girl, can't you do anything right?", Cersei asked with an offended his and Aerys channeled his anger to her.

"Silence!", he hissed and turned back to Atera as she pulled away the cloth and placed it to the table and rushed to press another one. "I am fine.", he said to calm her down, she was basically shaking -she was not sure if all was an act or not. He closed his eyes again, Rhaegar was watching the way he was trying to calm himself down with shock while the others were just too busy to surprise to what was happening. "Be careful next time."

"Yes, your majesty.", she breathed with a deep curtsy as he left, closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing.

And then under only Arthur's watchful eye, her expression turned into a cold and distant one and without looking she took the cloth with blood, hid it inside her palm, lifted her skin as she sarply turned to the other side and left the room after curtsying to Rhaegar and Elia.


She was five, when she first caught her late aunt Luella in a dark room, whispering words she didn't understand. She feared what was happening, especially when her aunt's green eyes snapped open and found her frame with ease. She remembered running away and not asking and then keep seeing her aunt, witnessing the fights between her and her mother for years to come. She ventured she was five and ten when she finally found the courage to go and ask to her what she was going -Oberyn's life was in danger and she was desperate and deep down, she knew what she was doing.


They carried the blood of the Rhoynar, followers of the Mother Rhoyne, they believed in the water and in return, water held memories and helped them time and time again in their darkest night. They were not the children of the forest but of the river and the orphans of the Greenblood knew only one God. Their culture was erased, history was darkened, language was forgotten but some of them had dreams, some of them had more. Some of them just prayed and watch the way it happened.

And her aunt, despite the objections of her mother, taught her all of it.

So when she entered to her chambers once again, she dismissed Arthur -who looked almost glad, and locked her chambers. Lit sage and watched the way the grey smoke filled her chamber entirely. Got rid of her cloak and kneeled in front of the fireplace and placed the piece of cloth she took from Atera on top of the silver table, next to the small bottle of river water. Her heart was pounding as she tried to convince herself she was not doing something bad -on the contrary, bad things happened because she did not use that ability of hers.

With shaking hands and a deep breath, she opened the botthe and poured it all to the cloth, made the blood on it shine with a bright colour.

"Gentle lady, font of mercy, Mother River,", she sang. "listen to my voice and accept my prayers. Help me protect my husband whom gave blood to your blood, bless him with your light, guide him to the dawn, made his clouds disappear, descend him from the air, bring him to the water.", she sighed and stood up, dark times had dark solutions after all.

She climbed on top of her couch and opened her window, tied the cloth to the left side of it -the king was left-handed, just like his son. She sent a look to the bright fullmoon. Muttered one last prayer and got inside of her bed. She knew she had to sleep in order to see.

But only thing she saw was the same dream that found its way into her sleep almost two years ago; the night she got betroth with Rhaegar. Some she figured out what it meant, some still needed time but one thing was sure now; Rhaegar was walking directly into his death.

When she woke up at dawn, she rushed to her window and took off the cloth before someone came to wake her up. The blood was once again dried with a faded colour. With a satisfied smile, she moved to her fireplace and threw the cloth to there.

"Any who dares to combine its miserable blood to the holy water of Mother Rhoyne is cursed for all eternity.", she was not speaking, only her lips were moving as she kneeled with closed eyes. "Let our guiding mother to cast your arm weak and tired.", her expression was of a viper's. "Do not be able to use your arm, do not be able to lose a sword, do not be able to hurt even a single trace of your own blood's hair. And when the time comes, burn just like this piece of cloth, burn for all eternity, burn for your sins.", she cursed and then opened her eyes with a deep breath.

She could hear the way birds sang.


They were sitting on the gardens to enjoy the little sun and relatively warm air but it seemed neither of the women was in the mood for it, given the argument Elia just had with Cersei. Ashara's purple eyes first roamed around her best friend and then on Atera and sighed.

"I thought we were going to meet your niece today, where is she?"

Atera's eyes were wandering around the bushes pensively and she slightly tilted her head towards Ashara when she heard her question. "Leyton doesn't let her rest even here.", she explained. "She is in a lesson of something I do not remember but will come here when it ends -soon enough, I venture."

Ashara observed her cold and emotionless face and turned back to Elia's tanned one when she sighed for the tenth time. "I wanted to come outside to take fresh air and calm down, not let that child's words to bother us, to chatter.", she pressed. "But it seems you both are too sorry to say a word."

"I am not going to apologize for not entertaining you, Ashara, not when I came here in the first place for you.", Elia said with a sad tone. Ashara knew her friend enough to know this mood had nothing to do with the young queen but she was just keep pushing her.

"Do not speak to me as if I did something wrong.", she complained with a frown as Elia rolled her eyes and took a sip from her wine. "You basically locked yourself to your rooms in the past days, refusing to speak with us, interacting with us. You sadness is contagious.", she pressed and then snorted. "You were always like this thought.", she shook her head. "Dull, morose...", when Elia couldn't help but shuckle that, a smile appeared on her face as well. "Ah, look!", she exclaimed with a thunderous voice that made Atera flinch. "Smile!", she yelled once more. "It looks wonderful on you."

Getting blushed by her words, Elia turned her head away. "Be quiet.", she hushed her. "People are looking."

"They are looking at your beauty and glowing skin, not to me.", she wrinkled her nose. "We mean nothing,", she pointed out herself and Atera. "next to you.", and made Elia laugh once more.

"Your grace.", a beautiful young girl with black hair approached to them.

She had a slender but tall figure with ivory skin and bright green eyes with high cheekbones -both Elia and Ashara remembered seeing the girl at Oldtown and knew who she was. She was wearing a beautiful dark green velvet gown with same coloured and fabriced cloak, front of her hair was braided as a crown and the rest were falling down in wild waves.

"You must remember my niece, your grace.", Atera's eyes softened as she looked at her but her face seemed tired and troubled nevertheless. "The Lady Alysanne Hightower."

"Of course I do.", Elia's laughter left its place to a soft smile in her red lips. "You look more beautiful everytime I see you, Lady Alysanne."

"It is only your beauty that I am reflecting, your grace.", her curtsy was deep and smile well placed and Atera huffed with pride.

"Please sit.", Elia sent a look to Atera and then made a gesture for the girl to be seated and ordered the servants to bring her something to drink as well.

"How is your training going.", Atera asked, tried to be interested. "Both you and your father mentioned about it scarcely."

"Not bad but slow.", she admitted it. "Garth trains me personally but he is too soft on me and father does not allow the Master-at-Arms to do the job.", she rolled her eyes. "Doesn't want me to push myself 'too much'. Whatever that means."

"What training?", Elia frowned with confusion.

"My niece has interest in swordplay.", she turned to the princess.

"Oh?", Elia said softly but Ashara was too excited.

"Finally!", she exclaimed as she made a move to stand up. "Someone who is interesting.", the rest of the ladies were watching her with confusion. "Myles!", she yelled, the prince's squire were with them. "Bring us swords.", she ordered.

"Lady Ashara?", Alysanne frowned.

"My brother is the Sword of the Morning.", she turned to her with confidence. "You cannot possibly expect me to be clueless on this matters, no?"

"Not even men at our home can beat her.", Elia said with fondness in her voice. "She is rather marvelous at it."

"I prefer for men to bleed and die for me but I have the training to beat them all.", she winked Alysanne. "If you think you are slow and that your father perhaps acting reluctant for your progress, then let me help you."

"I would not want to trouble you.", she said with the excitement in her eyes were too clear to see -she had never seen a woman fighting before, only heard that her mother did.

"Nonsense.", Ashara dismissed her. "I was getting bored in here either way. You would make fine company."

"You two do that then.", Elia encouraged them. "And we'll work on other matters."


They returned back to Elia's chambers -with Atera and Catelyn, the princess was pacing inside of the room, playing with her hands. There was something else bothering her, it was obvious but neither had an idea.

"I will not let Cersei to rule the court as she sees fit.", she declared eventually.

"Your grace,", Catelyn shared a look with Atera. "wouldn't it be better if you stay out of it? You will trouble yourself."

"Do you have any idea what state I was in, in the past days?", she asked, raised her voice a little. It was not only the heaviness of the game she played with Rhaegar but she was kidnapped, killed a man, and now a bigger threat was against her husband and she was all alone in dealing with that. "My life is ruined.", she declared. "And now she is threatening everything I have, everything that I am. I may be reluctant in killing her,", her eyes found Atera. "but this does not mean I'll let her do whatever she wants to do. I swear to the Old Gods and the New, I'll make her rue the day she returned back to this court."

"What do you have in mind, your grace?", Atera asked with narrowed eyes.

"Whatever I went through, well,", she huffed. "whatever the court thinks that I went through; it will happen to her.", she took a deep breath and when Atera and Catelyn frowned, she explained. "Another woman."

It was the court's favourite topic of gossip, ever since she first married Rhaegar. Different woman every day, the rumours were too much that they reached even to Doran, they bothered even Aethan, even Andric had to ask if they were correct or not. Elia knew they were not, of course but she also knew the source of those rumours were Cersei to begin with.

"Your grace?", Catelyn didn't understand the plan completely.

"The only way to prevent the child she is carrying to be a threat to mine own is to make her fell out of favour -if not kill her.", she turned to them. "I like this plan as much as you do Catelyn,", it was making her sick to her stomach, given what her mother went through but it was better than killing a child with her unborn baby. "but it is necessary.", and this was final. "We'll occupy the king's mind with another woman and with time, she'll be forgotten."

"What if she gives birth to a son though?", Atera asked with defeat. "The boy still will be a threat. Tywin Lannister might not care about his daughter but he will his grandson."

"We'll think about it when the time comes. For all we know, the baby can be a girl as well.", she knew nothing would be a certain solution, given that Aerys already ordered Rhaegar's death but her ladies didn't need to know that just yet.

Atera seemed like she was going to argue but then sighed with defeat. "Where do we find that girl?", she asked instead. "She must be beautiful and smart -and loyal to us.", she ahted this plan more than Elia did -as a woman who was cheated on, she found death to be mercy to that girl.

"I'll arrange someone.", Elia closed the subject. She could think of that later, first she needed to find a solution to the upcoming tourney. "You just wait."


"Your majesty.", Atera curtsied immediately as she see the king when she turned from the hallway. She was too tired, alas she had too much work to do so she was trying to rush to the White Sword Tower to deliver Leyton's message to her uncle. "I hope you had a delightful day, your majesty.", she placed a small smile on her lips -which only grew when she realized it was Arthur who was escorting him.

"It was a pleasant one, yes.", he seemed almost pleased to cross paths with her. But a frown appeared on his face nevertheless. "It seems it was not a pleasant one for you.", it as not a question but a statement and he was right.

Though she managed to hide the most of it; she was tired, more than anyone could imagine since she was working non-stop for moons now, solving one crisis after the other with no time to actually rest. And despite Arthur managing to light her clouds, the subject about Arvel was still bothering her and she didn't know what to write to Leyton. Of course he was not expecting her to write something since he didn't even know she found out about the past but she felt a certain obligation, a sudden urge to apologize -despite not doing anything to apologize because she didn't know the truth and it was Leyton's decision to hide it from her.

Gods knew how much she missed her eldest brother and wanted him to be near her. Of course this was not their first time being apart since their relationship just settled down and before that, she was always aware but he was never out of reach as he was now and she wasn't prideful enough to confess that perhaps she needed his wisdom and his comfort.

"Today was a busy day, your grace. My niece and nephew are here with some other important Reacher Lords and Ladies and Princess Elia wanted me to be responsible of their comfort.", nevertheless, she decided to forgot about it and focused to the king.

Elia herself was busy with something -something was troubling her though she was refusing to mention it about them. Ever since Lady Chelsted visited her -who gave Atera the ick, her face was clouded and mind was just not there. Catelyn's job was to observe the court and give daily reports and Ashara was in charge of Elia's household and Rhaenys. Every other duty was on Atera's shoulders -and despite everyone telling Elia so, she was refusing to add any more ladies to her court.

"Hmm.", Aerys briefly raised an eyebrow and sent a look to Arthur but then turned back to her. "Albeit this is not her duty -therefore not yours, I am glad that somebody took care of it. My queen is still rather young and needs guidance over matters."

When she realized they were in the hallway that ended up in two places; Cersei's rooms or Elia's rooms. She didn't had to be a genius to guess which one he was going to but she was a genius nevertheless. She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly and decided to use her chance. Sent a small glance at Arthur and nodded slightly to herself, made a decision.

"Forgive me intrusion, my king, but if you are planning to visit Princess Elia, I fear that she is having supper with Prince Rhaegar."

"Elia?", he frowned. "Why would go to see her? I am going to my wife.", Arthur fronwed with confusion as well.

"But she isn't here any longer.", she tried to say it nonchalantly.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I am sorry your majesty, I thought you knew about it.", the opporutinty was too good for her to pass down. She widened her eyes a little and looked panicked all of a sudden, bowed her head. "We thought you let her do that."

"Let her do what?", Aerys asked hesitantly after sharing a look with Arthur.

"It is not my place to tell if you do not know it, my king.", she bowed her head even lower but Aerys took a deep breath.

"Speak, child.", he ordered. "I'll find out eventually, so tell me now."

"Your wife,", she hesitantly raised her face and saw the gkimpse of Arthur shaking his head negatively but didn't care. She was refusing to address that child as the 'queen'. "has moved to Queen Rhaella's chambers.", she said and Arthur closed his eyes while Aerys didn't reacted. "Princess Elia wanted to interfere with the situation immediately, knowing that your order was clear on the matter and that those chambers was going to stay empty but when the queen, rather disrespectfully my king,", she sent him a look. "dismissed her and we thought, if she would dare to do that she must surely have your support on this matter so Princess Elia didn't want to press it further to respect your decisions."

"Did she?", he rolled the words -but not in an authentic Dornish way or lazy Reacher way, no, he said it with severe tension. It was obvious the king did not like his young wife going against his orders. "And Elia tried to stop her?"

"She just reminded her, given that her young age she often needs of being reminded of the court etiquette, that your wish and order on this matter was absolute."

"And she did what?"

Some coarse temper passed through her pale face. "She stated that she was the queen and that you,", she remembered that she was playing a character to her expression turned to timid again. "had no right to meddle with the household affairs and that it was not Princess Elia's place to warn her and that she should focus on her own life."

A cold smile appeared on Aerys' lips. "Arthur please escort Lady Atera back to her chambers. We wouldn't want her to tire herself even further.", his eyes roamed around her. "She already looks tired."

"I am honoured by your concern your majesty,", she made a small curtsy. "but I am well-rested, I can assure you. I had half a mind to visit my uncle to see how he is healing."

Aerys sighed. "Rhaegar works himself to death as well.", he commented as if it was normal for her to be the same. "Go and visit Gerold if you wish so.", he nodded. "But then go right back to your rooms and sleep a little, child.", when she opened her mouth to object, he raised his hand to stop her. "This is an order. Elia can survive withput you a couple of hours."

"As you wish, your majesty.", she made another cursy and Aerys made a hand gesture.

"Escort her, Arthur."


"Husband.", Cersei made a curtsy to him and tried to smile but there was a deadly look in his face, he sent all the servants away.

"You are aware of my decision regarding this chamber, yes?", he asked when they were finally alone and Cersei cursed to that Dornish whore, she couldn't believe she actually went on and rat her out to the king.


"Answer my question.", his face was unbreakable and anger contagious.

With the force of the order, her mouth went dry, only she knew how fragile the line she was walking on was. Despite being pregnant, Aerys did not give into her wishes for some reason. "Yes, my king but-"

"Then how dare you to disobey it?", he asked with a thunderous hiss. "Are you trying to measure the level of my patience? If so let me inform you,", he took a step forward. "that you had crossed it a long time ago."

"I had no intention of disobeying your orders, your grace.", she had no idea how everything escalated so quickly. "I moved here for the safety of our son.", Aerys didn't reacted to it so she had to find another excuse. "No one respects me in this court, no one takes me seriously, no one is happy for our son.", she reached to hold his hand and place it to her belly but he pushed her hands away and she had to try something else. "I came here so I will be respected and protected because now people will see that I am their queen."

It was obvious that he didn't give a fuck about her reasons. "I said,", his eyes were deadly. "this room is going to stay empty and it is final. Empty this chamber immediately.", not that he loved or respected Rhaella but he wanted this chambers to be left empty so her memory would be forgotten.


"There is no buts Cersei!", he yelled loud enough for Arthur to hear it in front of the door and flinch even. He placed a hand on his sword and closed his eyes, tried to calm himself but it was hard to do so when the flashbacks of Rhaella's screams were coming to him in a blur. "I am the king!", he roared. "And you are my subject. It means I give you an order and you obey it and this is finaly. Leave, now and do not ever,", he took a step forward and Cersei took a step back with fear. "ever,", he hissed. "make me repeat myself again."


There was a veil around her, attached to the ceiling. She was sitting on the floor with a big circle-shaped small table in front of her, the only light in the room was the light of the fireplace. She was holding a candle in between her fingers -that was only adorned by her wedding ring and nothing more, she was writing something with a black quill. After she finished writing it, her fingers found small emeral green dust from the small cup and put it in the dents on the candle that happened while writing and then she breathe upon it to unnecessary amount to fall.

"Elia, no!", Ashara entered the room, knowing what kind of a devilrty she unlocked but what choice did they have? "What are these?", she asked after the death glare she earnt from her princess. Her eyes wandered on the white candles that placed as a crescent, small emeral green dusk, black ink that smelled terrible, long quill and multiple candle lights -and something burning inside of a silver cup in the middle, causing smoke to rise. "What are you doing?"

"My enemies.", she said nonchalantly and took the first candle. "Look, this is Cersei.", she placed it inside of the wooden box, adorned with her own personal sigil; a black scorpion. "This is the king.", she placed the other. "Tywin Lannister.", then she took two of them at the same time. "Men I know tried to kidnap my daughter and murder me; Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch.", she took the last candle. "And Varys.", after placing them all inside of the box she took it on her lap and closed it. "Here are my enemies.", the sides of the box and the locket of it were solid gold. "I swear to the Old Gods and the New, they will all burn just like these candles. They will burn and turn to the ashes and no one will ever be able to find them. They will perish at the hands of my kin and their kin, their blood will turn on them."

"Your forgot one.", Ashara said with hesitancy, the candle that she was placing on the table as she enterd the room.

Elia sent her a small smile, took the candle, stood up and walked towards to the wall, hands pressed to on top of a peach and under Ashara's surprised eyes, she opened a secret passage that only was open from that room. There were multiple candles in three sets of shelves on both sides, it was brighter than her own room. She delicately took one of the candles and burn the one in her hand.

"Who is this, El?", Ashara repeated. "I cannot read it."

Because it was written in the antique and forgotten language of the Rhoynar.

"This is me, Ash.", she said with a voice that signed nothing, she was looking at the way it burnt without blinking. "My ambitions, my greed, my pride. Doran used to say that every tree's worm comes from within. I fear the same happened to me along the way. Arrogance has blinded me, prevented me seeing the hard truth.", she closed her eyes. "I couldn't see the way my mother walked to her death.", there were small herbs between the candles and she placed hers in between them. Ashara closed her eyes. "This fire is immortal, it will never, ever fade away, my pain will never end.", she swore. "Until I defeat all my enemies and place first my husband and later on my son to the Iron Throne.


"You asked for me your grace?", she entered the council room the next day, was not expected to be summoned to the council meeting by the king so she entered the room with hesitancy. All of the council members were there.

"Lady Atera, come in.", the king was leaning to the table to look to a map and it seemed like they were in the middle of discussing something. Atera's eyes wandered around it as she made a curtsy. "Do you know why you are here?"

"No, your grace.", she narrowed her eyes slightly. Her uncle was not there, he was resting but Arthur was, they shared a look. She honestly didn't know why on earth she would be summoned to another council meeting. "Have I done something?", she didn't but the key of communication with the king was submission -she at least rtied it.

Aerys raised his head for the first time and looked at her green gown with hanging sleeves. Her hair was braided to her back and she was wearing a delicate looking, elegant diamond set of jewelries. "What do you make of it?", he asked, blurted even, without thinking.

Atera turned her head a little with a questioning manner and seemed taken aback by the sudden question, her ever-present frown took its place once again in the form of confusion and before she answered, her eyes found Arthur's equally clueless ones.

"...your grace?"

"About the war.", he explained, his council members were watching the interaction with discomfort as well. "With Braavos. What do you think of it?"

Her eyes found Arthur's once more -was that a trick? "...I think nothing, your grace.", of course she thought something but she wasn't an idiot, she knew the thing cared little for other people's opinions.

"Why you have an empty head?", he asked nonchalantly as he straightened his spine and Varys chuckled. But when Aerys turned to look at him with a silent anger he stopped immediately, this was not a reaction he was expecting. "I asked you a question, child, speak freely.", he made a hand gesture for her to approach to the table.

"I doubt that I am qualified to state an opinion your grace, and even if I would have, it would not matter.", it physically hurt her to say those words but she still forced herself. She was going to keep her word to Leyton one way or another -she might help the son to plan a secret coup but she was not going to 'advice' the king. "What is the decision of the council?", still, she couldn't help but wonder.

"The council has decided to wage war.", Lucerys answered, sending a look to Aerys -nobody was expecting this.

Aerys' eyes were measuring her, then he knocked the table twice to gather her attention back to the table. "What do you make of it, child, I'll not ask again.", he repeated himself. "This is an order from your king; speak."

She shared a look with Lucerys -who slightly shook his head and then she looked to Arthur once more who basically shrugged. "People of Westeros had been suffering for the past five geneartions in the war your great great uncle has started.", she tried to choose her words carefully. "No one would want another war.", this was an approach none of the council members used. "People suffered enough and at the beginning of your reign, you promised people health and peace and richness. Wouldn't starting a war be crossing your own word?", she was tense. "Not only the smallfolk but the nobles and the court as well, your grace.", after Lucerys cleared his throat, she added. "People would join to the war if you order so, there is no doubt, but they would prefer if you don't."

"Go on.", Aerys nodded as he sat back down.

"Their navy can and would crush us without a doubt.", she blurted out.

"If we have-"

"But you do not have, Lord Velaryon,", she interrupted him. "what it takes to win.", Aerys' eyes narrowed at his face. "Despite their obvious advantages; they need this more than we do because they fear of us allying ourselves with the Triarchy -they do not have enough men power to fight in two fronts. They can crush us individually but not when we ally.", she felt too small all of a sudden; being the only woman in a room full of men and she hated that feeling so she straightened her shoulders and tried to speak with confidence. "No Westerosi merchant deals with them right now. All their ships are held back in the ports as the Triarchy threat approaches them day by day. They need us to lift the embargo so their economy flourishes once more. It is why they are desperate to sign a deal with my brother; so Iron Bank will stop losing its funds and gain back prestige and they hope it will be enough to push back the Triarchy."

"And will your brother sign the deal?"

"He would not do such a thing without your leave, your grace."

"Well my birds whispered to me that he is rather angry.", Varys spoke with malice but not without another interest. He was trying to see something. "Angry enough that people had to held him back from coming here. Perhaps this might lead him to do something he shouldn't."

"By all means,", she was not going to let anyone to trashtalk about her brother. "Leyton does not need the crown's leave the sign a trade deal -especially not when it benefits us greatly. But he'll do so out of courtesy,", she smiled so little. "and out of loyalty. Perhaps your birds needs to stop whispering words they do not understand,", she tilted her head. "or perhaps this council must focus on another man with blurred loyalty than my brother who served to this realm by bleeding on the battlefield and leading armies.", Varys' smug smile disappeared as he understood her meaning and everybody turned to look at him.

"I am-"

"from Lys, no?", she asked with a fake frown. "Your best friend is married to the cousin of the Prince of Pentos. What was his name? Illyrio Mopatis? Who has very, very close ties with the Triarchy.", she sent him a daring look. "You see; I do not have any little birds but I hear whispers as well and those whispers are saying that perhaps Pentos will side with the Triarchy and wage war against Braavos, I also heard that it is you who supports this war in this council. Perhaps,", she said sharply. "it is because you want to support an old friend instead of thinking about the good of this realm and its people for you are not Westerosi and never will be."

Varys was not expecting this.

Aerys turned to look at him with an amused smile, he leaned back to his chair comfortably, one hand was on the table as he looked at him, expecting a witty comeback. "Whatever I do is for the good of the realm, Lady Atera, I can assure you.", he said with belief. "And the only person who can judge my loyalty is his majesty the king.", he stood up and bowed deeply to him and Aerys dismissed this act with a shake of hands and made him sit back down again.

Aerys tapped on the map once more. "Focus to the matter."

"The agreement they offer to my brother does not benefit only to Leyton but everyone involved.", she tried to explain. "Iron Bank, as I said, will earn back its prestige and they will be able to freely improve their navy, therefore crush the Triarchy. It will resulted with the war in Stepstones also ending and Prince Doran now will be free to use his title of Prince of Stepstones. The Essosian nobles and merchants will not be able to use funds from Bank of Oldtown and their Westerosi equals will not be able to use the Iron Bank but both will have share from the oter..", she turned to look at Aerys. "If you wage war; thousands of men will die and there is no guarantee of victory, on the contrary, they might even choose not to attack us but simply applying embargo right back and sieging us. As I said; they are a port city and there is no better navy than theirs, we are simply not good enough and we simply do not have the resources."

"You forgot to mention that now the Bank of Oldtown will have to fund the entire realm, Lady Atera.", Qarlton spoke with despise. "That means more gold to your brother."

"My brother is the third richest men in the realm and the first two are not that richer than him, Lord Chelsted, as the Master of Coins, you should know that.", she turned to him with boredom. "My brother does not need anymore gold. That article added due to the wish of the Sealord because they are trying to prevent my brother's victory in Essos. As the Master of Coins, you should also be able to see that not signing this deal will cause Leyton even more gold. But unlike some of you, my brother doesn't wish to see the realm bleed to crowd his pockets."

"These accusations you are laying right now are false and-"

"And the accusations the crown likes to throw my face were true in the past?", she asked calmly and Arthur sent her a warning look. "I think not.", she turned back to the king. "Waging war would only be a cruel king's deed, your grace,", she said, wondering if she crossed the line once she saw a glimmer in his eyes. "when peace is an option."

"And how old were you, my dear?", he wondered as he stood up.

"Twenty.", she answered, not understanding the reason behind the question and Aerys turned to his council.

"There are men who were serving to this realm for more than twenty years and not even a single one of them were as useful as you were.", he complimented and sent a look to his council members. "Then you wonder why I still do not have a Hand. None of you are qualified -it is as simple as that.", he then turned his back and started to walk. "Come with me, child, there is a matter I wish to discuss.", Atera seemed puzzled and narrowed her eyes. "Arthur, you too.", they shared a look and started to walk in union but instead of walking right behind the king, she walked with Arthur.

"How is my uncle?", she whisper-asked as she sent one last look to the council -none of them were looking happy.

"Why don't you go and see him yourself?", he placed a hand on his sword as they walked.

"You know I simply do not wish to.", she rolled her eyes. "I do not want him to die or something but it doesn't mean I want to endure him like a nursemaid."

"Well then you cannot know about his health situation.", he murmured back as they moved to the king's private hallway and Aerys stopped abruptly turned to look at them.

"What do you think?", he asked, Atera and Arthur shared a look.

"About what, my king?", she asked with a warm smile while deep down she was losing her mind.

"I summoned you here to see what would Leyton think if the crown would offer him a deal to fund the realm but it seems the Braavosi thought everything for us so that's not necessary to talk.", he dismissed the topic. "About my Hand. Who would you pick if you were me?", he asked with a true wonder. "Do not answer with your brother.", he warned her, he would not have Leyton at his court.

Atera seemed surprised and pursed her lips with a thoughtful manner but then she said the next best name. "Lord Crane."

"Vortimer?", Aerys seemed surprised, he was not expecting this.

"Lord Crane is a seasoned wariior and an experienced lord.", she kept pursing her lips as she numbered her reasons. "He is at the right age to differ the right from the wrong, is educated greatly, good at human relations and politics, geography and history, has strong ties with important houses and a good man overall. He did help me greatly while I was the Regent of Oldtown and of course my first choice would be Leyton but he comes close second."

"And you Arthur?", he turned to him this time. "Who would you pick?"

"Lord Jason Mallister, your grace.", this was Rhaegar's pick, he was planning to find a way to plant it to his father's head. He would not bare to see Qarlton Chelsted in that position or one of the others. And now the perfect opportunity found Arthur, despite Atera's narrowed eyes, he did not back down. "He is an honourable lord that won your favour as well and I have no doubt that he would serve the realm, not his own pocket.", he referred her previous words.

"Both are good candidates.", Aerys admitted. "But neither of you would choose a name from the council?"

"Forgive me your grace but I would not.", she was first to speak as Arthur preferred silence, he did not like politics while she loved it. "Your council is good for nothing, they have one mistake after the other and all of the names are overly controversial. Their backgrounds are filled with misdeeds and failures, there isn't even one victory in their name. I did not like him well enough but at least Lord Lannister did something -it was cruel and unjustified and showed his cowardness more than intelligence,", she added switftly that Aerys raised his eyebrows. "but still he did something. Lord Merryweather the same; at least he was good at his job, at least he did tried to do something but the rest of your council are not men I would prefer to move with."

Aerys only nodded with a thoughtful expression. "What of Cersei?", he asked a moment later. "What do you think of my wife?"

Ever so slightly, he felt Arthur's touch at the back of her elbow -a warning but she did not back down. "It is not my place to comment on your marriage, I am aware but she is not fit to be the queen.", she heard Arthur's tired exhale and with the corner of her eyes she saw the way he closed his. "She is an uneducated child. Truly it is a shame how Lord Lannister raised her to be an essentially broodmare. She lacks the experience and the knowledge and the humbleness to ask when she is confused. I doubt she would manage to point out Braavos in the map. She defies the royal etiquette and rules the palace with to a child she is. Her last act was shameful. How dare she to cross your orders?"

Arthur could sense Aerys' amusement though he had no idea why. "You do not like him."

"I do not like people in general but that's who I am.", she answered with respect. "I do not have anything against her personally for she is a child -albeit your queen nevertheless so I pay my respects but that does not blind me to her failures as well."

"You would have me not wed again."

"When the history is filled with stories of how devastating and desctructve a king's second marriage can be, yes, I would advise against it, your grace -though you are our king so your wisdom passes mine. So if you did this, it is because you had seen something I cannot."

"And what would you have me to do? Spend the rest of my life alone?"

"You could make her your mistress if you desired so.", she said with a frown. "It would be the perfect revenge on Lord Lannister, teach him his place -that he is simply not good enough to make his daughter the queen. It would undermine his authority and power in the Westerlands and with time people would laugh at him so much that the empire of terror he built would be crumble into ashes. And you would threw a bone or two to his way to make him even more humiliated. Also Cersei is his only daughter, making her your mistress would prevent his every attempt to rise above his station even further, and you would have the sole authority on her marriage -if you desire so. If she would gve birth to children; they would be bastards, therefore no right on the throne so anyone who would dare to plot behind our princes would have to think twice -especially now that the Blackfyre Rebellions are still exists in the living minds. It would be the perfect solution to your problems but now I fear by marrying her you created much more and she simply is not enough, she is not worth it."

"And you think Elia is?"

"Princess Elia is a good woman with a kind heart and a sharp mind. She has a similar education as our prince, is knowledgeable about politics and state matters, knows when to talk and how to talk and what to do, knows multiple languages and a strong ally for our prince. She gave him a daughter to strengthen his ties with other houses and have no doubt, she will give him an heir this time. But all your wife will give you will be more problems and if she has a son,", Arhtur turned to her with terror. "make no mistake; it will resulted with the deaths of Prince Rhaegar and his family and of course, Prince Viserys. This pregnancy only means their death warrant."

Aerys seemed impressed by her boldness for a second but then he hid it quickly. "She'll leave those chambers.", he assured them. "I'll not have anyone to break my authority like that.", and did not commented other things she had say.


"What did I say to you, Cersei?", she entered the room with irritation; she had other matters to focus than this but Cersei was pushing her limits. "Haven't I told you that this room is going to stay empty? Didn't the king ordered so?"

"It seems to me the recent incidents had a poll on you, good daughter.", Cersei stood up with a smug face. "Perhaps it will be better if you take some time out and rest, take care of your child."

"Are you making fun of me?", she asked, seemed taken aback with the audacity.

"Of course not, we are a family.", she had a mocking face that Ashara wanted to slap.

"Empty the chamber.", she ordered. "Immediately."

"I cannot do such a thing, this is my chamber now.", she tied her hands in front of her.

"You are speaking to the Princess of Dragonstone.", Atera took a step forward. "And you are disobeying the king's orders."

"You'll speak only when I tell you so!", Cersei hissed towards her.

"Leave, all of you.", Elia ordered silently -ladies and maids alike, left only her and Cersei inside the chambers. "Listen to me well Cersei because I will not repeat it.", she approached to her, they were standing in front of the queen's former throne chair, looking at each other with anger. Elia was taller than Cersei. "Leave this chamber right now or-"

"I do see the way your heart got blackened by the pain of the betrayel and I do understand the clouds on your judgement due to your anger but you cannot speak to me like this, I am the queen!", she yelled to her face. She had convinced herself that Rhaegar was cheating on her. "I wouldn't want to be in your place good daughter,", she forced calmness into herself. "as a woman, it must be terrible to be the second choice. It is too heavy."

Being at the last straw of patience, Elia couldn't help but yell. "I will carve your heart out myself!", though she was fighting with herself that this was immoral.

"You can go ahead and try.", she straightened her spine. "But you? You will die every day.", she declared. "There is no one left in the realm that did not hear the rumours.", she and Varys worked too well on that. "Wherever you go; whispers will follow you, people will smile at your face and make fun of you behind your back."

Turning her head away, Elia sighed and nodded to herself, she was too kind on her, perhaps Atera was right and she was weak to speak in the language Cersei would understand but right now choosing to believe in her husband was more important. Rhaegar promised her, swore that he would never look at another woman and despite everything Cersei would tell her now, she was going to choose to believe into his words and not hers.

"One day people will speak about you too, Cersei.", she said with a certain pity. Her mother always spoke highly about the girl's mother, always said that Joanna Lannister was a woman of duty and intelligence, it was devastating to see how far the apple fell from the tree. "They will make fun of you as well. Do you know why?", she was set on this plan and decided once more that this was deserving. "Because the king will look at another, will desire another, will love another."

Cersei tried not to laugh into her face. "Do not dream, there isn't a woman like this in the surface of the earth, she doesn't exist.", she was adamant that old fool was in love with her, he would not dare so. "Because our king do not need other women. But if you desire so; you can sit back and watch the way Prince Rhaegar to do all these.", Elia's face darkened. "Given that you are,", she sent such a mocking look that despite everything, Elia felt it in her chest. "and he is he.", she took another step forward. "He'll find someone better."

Elia looked at her a few seconds and then did what Ashara wanted to do for a long time; slapped her across the face. Watching her blonde hair thrown to the other side made her fill with satisfaction.

"Impudent.", she declared. "Brazen!", she raised her voice with rage. "How dare you to speak to me like this?", she felt the shock in Cersei's green eyes.

"Leave my chambers.", she ordered with a small voice.

"Not me, you will.", Elia snapped back and Cersei cowered in front of her. Blinked a few times to gain back her confidence but half of her face was red.

"I will forget the slap for once, you fucking whore.", she said with a deep breath, nobody ever dared to touch her like this. "Because you are pathetic!", she insulted her to make herself feel better. "Because it is embarrassing to see anyone to be chosen over you -a princess. You are neither beautiful or smart or talented. You eat like a horse, the way you speak disgusts me, you are an excuse of a woman and not worthy of the prince!", she screamed the last word like a mad woman.

"One day,", Elia promised her. "one day you will pay for your words but you are lucky that day isn't today.", she sent her one last pitiying look with the last remaining energy of hers and then just turned her back and left.

She was going to cry the entire night.


"Husband?", her plans did not work out as she entered to her chambers and saw Rhaegar sitting on her couch -partly laying there with one hand on his nose, piching it, while the other rested on her stomach. "What happened?", she couldn't handle another quarrel, not now.

Rhaegar let out an annoyed chuckle without looking at her. "I think I broke Baelor Hightower's nose."

Elia blinked a few times as she tried to comprhened with it. "What?"

"We were on the training yard, yesterday.", it was miracle that she didn't hear of it yet. "He pissed me off so I hit his face with my head.", it probably was because he avoided her the entire night. He lifted his hand and looked at her; wearing a red dress with long tullet sleeves and pearl jewelry set. "Being with you for just awhile,", he shook his head as he kept looking at her and she sighed. "shadows vanish with your smile.", he stood up and she took a step back. "Feeling the warmth of your touch,", he walked towards her with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"No.", she said firmly and turned her head away. "You will not find your way out from this by reading a poem."

"has come to mean so very much.", his voice was like as if he was singing when his arms found their way to her waist, wrapped around them and pulled her towards his chest. And a smile that she couldn't surpress appeared on her lips that managed to take away at least a good portion of her negativity. "Like the calming of the sea,", he whispered as he raised one hand to her chin to make her head turn to him softly, indigo eyes shining with warmth. "being with you means much to me.", he lowered his head to her lips then, so share a soft kiss but Elia slightly turned her head away and leaned forward, nuzzled her nose to the space between his neck and the shoulder and sighed and Rhaegar frowned. "You cannot possibly be that angry at me."

"I am that angry at you.", she sighed once more. "Cersei moved to the queen's chambers once more.", she informed him and this time it was Rhaegar who sighed as his hands held her tightly. "And she said stuff to me."

"What kind of stuff?", his frown deepened as he felt a small amount of wetness where her face where but his brain couldn't progress that she was crying. "Elia?"

"I do not want to talk about it.", she said with a small voice and Rhaegar pulled himself away a little to look at her face, he raised a hand to her chin once more to raise her head and saw the tears in her olive eyes.

"Elia...", he whispered, didn't know what else to say. "Do not do this to yourself.", he placed his own anger and hurt to the second place, he was not going to let her have that chamber, not while he was alive but right now he had different priorities. "I beg you.", he wiped the small tears from her eyes with feathery touches. "Nothing and no one worths it. Whatever she said to you,", Elia closed her eyes to that as if she was hearing her voice right now. "you know it is not the truth but words said in arrogance."

"Expcept that these ones were the truth.", she said with a small voice and his features softened.

"My love,", he cupped her face and leaned forward, his nose were tracing her cheekbones. "my life,", he could only guess the words that stupid girl told to his wife. "my everything,", he was placing small kisses to the side of her face after every word. "do not do this to yourself.", he whispered to her ear finally. "Nothing in this world worths your tears, especially not her, you are breaking my heart."

"What of my heart?", she asked as her face fell, the tears in her eyes fastened as she made a crying face and Rhaegar made their foreheads touched as his thumbs were caressing her jaw slowly. "Doesn't it matter to anyone?"

"It means the world to me.", he spoke feverishly. "You mean the world to me and the likes of Cersei Lannister will never be a part of that world. Think of our baby.", he lowered one of his hands to her belly. "Do not upset yourself over meaningless matters.", after looking at him longly, she leaned forward and hugged him but Rhaegar couldn't help to feel that he did something wrong.


"Arthur!", Oswell opened his arms with his usual unnecessary cheerfulness but even with the first step, Artur understood something was different in him. "Where are you going?"

"To Princess Elia's side.", he narrowed his eyes a little. "Rhaegar wanted me to stay with her, apparently she had another quarrel with the queen. He doesn't want her to get herself into trouble given that she is with child and all."

It was early afternoon; Gerold was resting in his chambers -they heard he had a rather disagreeable argument with his niece and afterwards he basically locked himself to his chambers until his anger passed, which they thought will take some time. Lewyn was already with Elia but did not do so much to stop her, given that Oberyn was continuing to be a threat to many people at the capital, nephew and uncle, also, were too busy to worry about Elia's mental health that they had little time to actually prevent her from snapping to the young queen. Her sudden sickness did scare everyone.

Jonothor was with the king today, it's been a while since he went to him -Gerold explained to Arthur why it was dire to change the people around them and Arthur did agreed upon it. Not that they didn't trust to their own sworn brothers but it was easy for all of them to get corrupted one wau or the other, this was for their own protection. Since Viserys was with Aerys the entire day and was going to move his chambers at night, both Oswell and Barristan were free that day.

It has been a long time since Harlan left active duty so he was staying at the tower as well and given that he was the only one who had an ounce of power over Gerold, he would at least be useful. And now that he finished his own business, Arthur was going to take the watch from Lewyn, relieve him from his duties. They were leaving the queen alone for a while now, the king was trying to show her how life would be without his protection over her but Arthur didn't think, not even for a second, that it worked and though he didn't tell it to Rhaegar; he was sure it wouldn't take that long for those chambers to be actually given to her.

He didn't accept his friend's plea just because, but there was also the fact that Elia was not alright. Rhaegar wanted to make himself believe that it was all due to pregnancy but Arthur knew it better. Weird things were happening and while Rhaegar was too busy with the upcoming tournament -and scarring Baelor Hightower on training grounds, Arthur could see right through her. Something has happened and whatever it was, she was dealing with it alone.

He also had seen the way Atera cut the king rather deliberately. She was not a child and Arthur witnessed her passing the knife to people more than he was supposed to and he knew that she knew she should have offer the hilt. He also had seen the way she basically pickpocketed the blooded cloth and while Arthur didn't want to think about it; he couldn't help but reminisce the old days where Elia did things she wasn't supposed to. If he was right on his suspects and if someone else would caught the wind of it; Elia would be burnt as a witch so whatever made her so careless (because Arthur knew she wasn't trusting to the baby she was carrying) it was something horrible enough that she had to find the resolution in this way so he just wanted to be there, be present, if chips would went down.

He also was coneming Ashara for not alerting him. He had seen his sister's face, his beautiful, confident, headstrong sister who couldn't meet with his eyes or with Lewyn's or Oberyn's -which meant she knew everything that was going on but was keeping it to herself. Most people did confuse two things when it came to relationships; if they were friends, if they were true friends, it was her duty to protect Elia against everything -even from herself, if it was necessary and he didn't understand what has happened so horrible that Elia had to find the solution in such a risky -more than risky, way.

Of course, Atera knew it as well -which affected him perhaps more than it should. She had promised him to stay away from Cersei, to not to harm her -before the day ended she rat her out to Aerys. Of course, this was way different than what Arthur warned her about but still, she did wished malice upon the girl. Arthur didn't want to think that much about it, since it was a tricky situation.

Atera didn't know the abuse Rhaella suffered in Aerys' hands. It was a different thing, truly, abusing someone mentally -as Aerys did as well and as everyone in the realm knew, but it was an entirely different thing to abuse someone (your own sister, your own wife, your own queen) physically. Atera didn't know about it, she didn't know that the king hit his own wife, her screams echoed in the walls of this castle and Arthur stood in front of the door and did nothing. The shame of it would be enough to drive him mad and everytime he remembered it -not that he ever forgot it, he felt ashamed. Because if she knew of this, she would spit on his face instead of letting him touch her. He knew if she knew about this, he would never be able to see her again.

This was pricesly why he had to tell her sooner than later but it was also why he couldn't bring himself to tell her.

He was not a romantic man, he never was, not even at his best day, he never was an emotional man -it was always Rhaegar and Oberyn and Andric. They would live everything with passion, daydream about their lovers, write sonets and poems and songs about them -they were the sentimentalists not Arthur, never Arthur. He was aware of what this was -he had a similar affair before. He never enjoyed switching partners daily -well, nightly, and he would have lovers that lasted for a couple of moons with one ultimate goal; companionship and well, yes, sex -the relief and the satisfaction of the act. Not that he needed it, not that he seek it, but it was nice to know he could have when he wanted so this new agreement he had with Atera wasn't fundamentally new to him. On the contrary, this was all he knew to a degree but still, there was something else that made this different from others.

Because this time Arthur did need it, he did seek it. He went to her more than he should, more than it was deemed dignified, more than it was safe. But the woman offered him more than physical satisfaction but something else, something different, something he actually craved; the emotional of it. It relaxed him to speak to her. Despite everything, despite making peace, he wasn't sure if he could lean on Rhaegar as he did once -and he knew he couldn't do so with Arthur as well. But Rhaegar had a wife that could ease up his nights even in this condition, Arthur had no one so he needed this, he had to seek this. And at the end of the day; one smile did erase his burdens, his shame, his sins.

He knew he had to let this all go soon enough because it did started to make him sick to his stomach to blanatanly hide such a disgusting truth from her. He was going to tell her and see the way her beautiful face cross wth confusion first and with disgust later. She probably was going to curse him out, she would never want to see him again, she would judge him and sent him away from her presence. And while even the thought of it was enough to make his blood freeze in his veins; he knew he had to do that because she did deserve the truth and he already took enough advantage of her.

Shaking his head with the troublesome thoughts, he tried to focus on Oswell's words under his hawk-like (well, bat-like) gaze. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you.", he said solemnly and he was aware that the ginger man shared a look with Barristan, both were aware his very sudden change of behaviour and the way his face fell. "Can you repeat it again?"

"I'll come with you, there is something I wish to discuss with Lewyn.", Oswell slightly narrowed his eyes and thanks to the Father, Arthur's senses were not that blinded by the ray of sunshine that allowed him into her bed and he couldn't see the way he was lying. Not giving much more thought in it, he just nodded and started to descend from the tower and stepped to outside. "The air is too cold for you?"

Arthur usually didn't wore the cloak, he found it plain stupid and rather unpractical. A kingsguard's job was to protect the royal family with his body. He doubted he could protect even himself with that stupid white cloth and sharing the sentiments, Gerold allowed him to do so. But now -as he does always in the winter, he was wearing it because Gods damned, he couldn't also protect them while too freezing to move. Arthur was a Southener, he born and grew up at the South of the South, he was used to the sun not ...whatever this was. At Starfall, the most winter did was to cause storms -rain, nothing more, which made the air warmer than usual before it started to descend upon the sky so he was not used to the coldness of the capital -even in summer, while everyone was melting, he would feel the coldness time to time but the winter was worse.

Arthur sent him a look, didn't even feel the need of answering it. "What is it Os?", he asked instead. "If you want to talk about Rhaegar hitting Baelor Hightower-"

"Gods no.", he scoffed. "It was kind of our fault, no?", a small smile appeared on his lips. "Mine, to be exact.", he sent him a proud look that made Arthur snort. "He is jealous. Whatever he has done was not right of course but they kind of did provoked one another and well, Hightower didn't take it as an insult so it's a good thing.", he seemed serious then. "There is something else I want to discuss about you but I want you to remain calm.", not understanding what he was trying to say, Arthur nodded -but a sudden pain hit him from the guts, he had a abd feeling about this. "It is not,", Oswell sighed, it was like he was trying to choose his words -which was so unusual for him. "seemly,", he grimaced. "proper,", he corrected. "for you to spend that much time in Atera's chambers.", then he blurted the rest of the line and Arthur had to fight with himself to keep moving and not stopping and freezing.

"I went her to offer my reports-"

"I know why exactly you go there.", after a moment of silence, it was obvious Oswell wanted to be more clear and this time Arthur did stop. "Move.", then his friend ordered as he kept walking. "You can never know who sees you."


"Move.", he repeated, now there was a good distance between them and Arthur was shaking internally as he tried to control his breaths -panic, it was what it was, and it was rising right through his stomach, making him so sick that he was no longer able to feel the coldness hitting his skin. "Arthur.", he called again but there was no indication in his tone about his mood so Arthur closed his eyes and started to move once more.

Denying it seemed like the best option but Arthur did not so for two reasons: he trusted Oswell and because Oswell would never open the topic if he hadn't know something. "How?", he let out a chocking voice and Oswell sent him a sideeye.

"Well I'm sorry, have you been thinking that you two were discreet?", he frowned mockingly. "Anytime you are not in where you are supposed to be; at the fucking tower,", he sent him a look. "you are with her."

"We do nothing.", still, he felt the need to deny at least a portion of it. "We just speak, we are friends. She helps me-"

"She obviously helps you with many things.", he interrupted his speech and under his friendly behaviour -that he so obviously forced, Arthur could sense his anger. "What were you thinking?", his hiss proved that. "Don't you know this will bring the end for both of you? Aren't you aware that you are going to lose your head for this?", he pushed him to the small corner where nobody could truly see or hear them.

"I do.", Arthur didn't had the energy to fight with him, so he admitted with defeat.

"Does anyone but me knows about it?", Oswell demanded an answer with panic, Arthur had never seen him like this. Arthur only managed to shook his head. "Good, and no one ever will.", Oswell's order was sharp, his entire cheerful personality died right in front of Arthur's eyes, he was uncompromising now. "You are going to end this today.", his next order came soon after, he was trying not to look at his face to keep his sterness. "Arthur!", he hissed back when he bowed his head with defeat. "Do not ever forget that secrets like this would never stay as such. I learnt it today -all by a fucking accident, who do you think will do so tomorrow?", his voice was sharp and hurtful but the panic and the worry underneath it was too much for Arthur to bear, he was not expecting this, he didn't know what to make of it. "Rhaegar will not hear about this.", he concluded even though he wanted to comfort him, his eyes softened only for a moment but this was not a time to show weakenss. "I will not tell him also."

He was aware of the constant taunting that went between them lot long ago, when Elia and Rhaegar first married, when they were at Dragonstone but he never put much thought into it because Arthur was acting borderline depressed anyways and if some wordplays was what it took him to at least speak, he was alright with it.

When he saw him again after some weeks he spent alone at Oldtown with her, he, again, didn't put much thought into them being relatively friends because they didn't had that much of a chance anyways. Both were alone and unwanted, they survived a battle, of course they found some form of friendship between them, there was nothing wrong with it.

And when they went to Oldtown once more; they were too busy with the stormy relationship of Elia and Rhaegar that Oswell merely caught the glimpses of the looks between them -again, he didn't put much thought into it given that the girl went on the full murder spree and Arthur was trying to find a way to be after everything that went down so recently, he was trying to find himself once again.

When he finally managed to move to Dragonstone though, that's when he saw the signs that he chose to ignore it. This time it was more than just lingering looks or japes that Arthur joined as well -it was some form of understanding one another, it was something little more than respect, something little less than devotion and he started to watch her when she was not looking but she was always aware of it. He witnessed them talking to one another, alone without the girl's sworn sword or lady or maids, but it was not something scandalous as they spoke in public but Arthur was not the speaking type of the person.

He should have understood it back then -he did understand it back then but ignoring it was easy. Because he never thought Arthur would be this careless. Of course there were always jokes about him going to a brothel to let off some steam but it was only that; a fucking joke. Lewyn could have a paramour because he still was a fucking prince and the uncle of the future queen. Aerys would not execute him, at most, he would send him to the Night's Watch. But Arthur?

Arthur would die, Arthur's family would suffer, and the same thing would happen to the girl and here he thought she was supposed to be the smart one here.

"Oswell I-"

"Don't.", he stopped him with raising his hand. "Don't.", he repeated once more, he couldn't understand why on earth he would be this careless because it was not who he was. "You made a mistake, we all do. You've been through a lot, so did we. Rhaegar has Elia, Lewyn has Kenna and I find my way into the brothels -even Gerold visits them time to time. Celibacy is only implied but as long as you play it smart,", he sent him a look. "no one cares who you fuck. I'll take to a brothel the next time you need such an activity."

"Oswell-", he felt embarrassed for some reason he couldn't understand.

"You are going to end this today.", he said with a firm tone and a bit of uncomfortableness, he was feeling like he was missing something here. "And we all will pretend as if this has never happened."


"She is going to amrry Elia's brother!", he snapped all of a sudden with anger and Arthur's face crossed with shock. "She'll be a princess.", he continued with a hiss. "Have you met the girl's brother? Have you seen him?", he was meaning Leyton. "He'll kill you for daring to look at his sister that way.", he snapped. "Gerold? Gerold?", he took a step towards him like madman. "Do you think he'll leave it to the king or will carve your heart out for daring to touch his niece? He'll end you himself.", he spat. "How could you be this reckless? How could you be this stupid? Do you hate yourself this much?"

"I never intended for things to become like this.", he manage to say, his brain was like frozen, he didn't know what else to say.

"This ends today.", Oswell declared once more. "I will not let you end yourself -or her like this. Get your act together, Arthur, and do not make me take other measures."


"My king,", she literally threw herself to his feet, this was a game of survival now, she was not going to back down. "I am aware that I fell out of your favour because I committed fait accompli but please,", she begged as she disgusted herself because of doing so. "this never was my intention, I was always going to ask for your permission until I saw that woman there.", her voice was filled with hatred.

"I do not care for your petty quarrels.", Aerys turned his head away, he was refusing to look at her.

"If I leave those chambers now, I will become the bottle of the joke, mockery of the court.", she wanted him to understand at least this. "It is about my reputation.", she raised her head to look at him. "Repuation of your wife, reputation of the mother of your son. Please do not be careless with it."

"You should have thought about it sooner."

"Aerys, please.", she widened her eyes in a pleaing manner. "I beg you, please think it again. I am your wife and still no one respects me. Everyone bowes to that Dornish woman and yet-"

"That Dornish woman is my son's wife and the mother of my granddaughter.", he didn't say so to defend Elia but to aggravate Cersei. "My decision is final and I will hear no more of this topic."

"Is this what you think I deserve as the mother of your son?", she said, anger showing beneath her submission. "Why would anyone respect me if you don't?"

"How dare-"

"I dare because I love you!", she stood up. "I face with insults and humiliation and disrespect from all sides!", she declared. "I endure to see that whore painting her imagie clean in front of the court, spreading lies about me and you and our marriage and yet I keep my composure, I try to be a queen that is worthy of you, I carry your son in me and yet you give me nothing!"

"Cersei!", he raised his voice as he stood up. He was already tense because of his plan regarding Rhaegar, he didn't need this as well.

"Don't you see if I leave those chambers now, people will not only laugh at me but will also laugh at you?", she deiced to use that. "People are already whispering things at hallways, telling that you are old and getting weaker.", something mad flashed from Aerys' eyes. "They whisper that another dragon is rising and that Rhaegar aspires to take your place.", she would throw him into the fire if it meant she would get what she wanted. "Will you prove them right?"

"Cersei, enough.", now his voice was dangerously low as he approached to her.

"They deem you weak!", she screamed to his face, fearing, her heart beating fast, she was taking back steps mindlessly and Aerys was approaching to him and yet she did not back down. "They want to see him and his whore wife in our place and I am the only one who is fighting against them. I am trying to protect us, protect our son!", she was shaking. "Why don't you see that? Why don't you-"

Aerys raised his hand when her back met with the wall and she closed her eyes as she grimaced with fear, thinking he was going to hit her but a moment later that hand wrapped around her throat and his lips were on hers and by the morning; the queen's chambers was hers.


"How can a thing happen your grace?", Rhaegar entered the council room with anger the next afternoon when he finally heard of what has happened. "It was your decision directly that those chambers would be left empty."

"Rhaegar, the last incidents had upset you dearly.", he stood up, it was the council meeting -they all were here except Arthur and Pycelle, he didn't want to create a scene there. "I do not want you to upset yourself, thinking these matters as well. Go and enjoy your rest, spend time with your family before you return back to Dragonstone."

"You said it was unacceptable when she first wanted those chambers.", Rhaegar didn't mind him. "I witnessed how angry you got. What happened now? Just because she-"

"This matter is between me and Cersei, Rhaegar!", he interrupted him with a stone cold face. "I am not going to discuss my decisions with you."

"That girl is a posion.", he felt the shaking feeling of rage consuming him, the council members were sharing a look with each other, trying to decide if they should interfere or not. "A dagger that is threathing to destroy this family and everything we stood for.", he gritted his teeth.

"Watch your tongue boy, you are speaking about my wife.", Aerys hissed back. "Just because you are my son doesn't mean I will tolerate everything you say.", he had a terrible pain in his arm already, he couldn't deal with him now.

"And just because you are my father doesn't mean I will obery everything you order!", he was not thinking straight, he was aware of it. His anger was blinding him, pushing him into a dangerous terriority. "You had abused my mother for years!", he raised his voice, the council members looked at him with shock as Aerys' face crossed with rage. "You had treated her not worthy of a sister or a wife, and most definitely not fit to a queen!", he was moving closer to him with every word and his voice was getting louder and louder, the veins on his throat were threathinng to pop out -nobody has ever seen him this angry before. "You took that child to your bed, not even after a moon, you married her, you gave my mother's crown and title to her, her position to her and now you impregnated her as well but that's it!", he stood right in front of his father's shaking pale face. "I am not going to let you give her rooms to her as well."

"You'll tell your opinion when I ask of it, boy!", he gritted his teeth. "I will not take orders from you, I am the king!"

"You will have to kill me if you want to give those chambers to her!", he yelled loudly. "If you manage to do so this time."

"You ungrateful-"

"I am not going to let that child to sully my mother's rooms, I am not going to let either of you to sully her memory any longer.", he declared and for a short second Aerys seemed like he was going to unseath his dagger and cut his throat but another voice -powerful yet calm, interfered.

"Prince Rhaegar?"

"Not now Arthur.", Rhaegar hissed, neither the son nor the father were blinking.

"It is important.", the council members turned to look at the Dornishman's face this time, they were surprised that he dared to interfere.

"Arhtur not now!", Rhaegar yelled this time, his eyes were threatening Aerys to make a move.

"Princess Rhaenys is sick.", Arthur snapped. "Maester Pycelle has went to visit her but the situation seems urgent. You need to take care of your daughter.", Rhaegar seemed tempted but for some reason, he couldn't break the eye contact so Arthur tried again, the room was too tense. "Rhaegar."

"This isn't over.", Rhaegar said as the final declaration, his mind already is on his daughter and rage was leaving its place to worry. "It isn't.", he pressed and turned around, he felt like he was going to cry till eternity as he patted Arthur's shoulder to motion him to follow him.


"Your grace? Your grace?", Catelyn entered Elia's room the next morning with swollen and red eyes and she tried to wake her up. "Princess Elia?"

"Hmm?", she murmured as she tried to open her eyes but when she saw the state Catelyn was in, she made a move to sit. "Rhaenys?", she asked with fear. "Had something happened to my daughter? Is she became worse?"

"No, your grace."

"Rhaegar?", she couldn't even form a sentence. Surely something happened to him but Catelyn shook her head. "Then what happened? Why are you crying?"

"They took me from your service, your grace.", she blurted, looking utterly sad. "They said it is the queen's orders. I am to return back to Riverrun.", and she didn't want that.

Not only because she loved Elia and serving her, not only because she liked to be at the capital and in the king's court but because returning back to Riverrun meant marrying with Brandon Stark straight away and she did not want that.

Elia closed her eyes with anger that she couldn't surpress this time. She's been enduring the insults of that girl for almost two years now and she always, somehow, managed to keep her composure. But it seemed not this time.

"Where is Ashara?", she asked rather harshly, trying to see the full picture. "Or Atera?"

"I don't know where they are, I tried to find them. But I am told they are also taken from your service and that from now on Westerlander ladies will serve you.", she pursed her lips. "Queen's friends. Lady Atera is taken to her service as well."

"Is my daughter sleeping?", she asked this time, face grimacing with anger and Catelyn nodded. "Stay with her.", she commanded as she made a swift motion to stand up. "Do not leave her alone, I'll send Oswell. Bring my clothes, now!"


"Move!", Elia ordered when Cersei's ladies tried to stop her and opened the door of her chamber with breathing in anger.

"Good daughter?", Cersei turned to her with a fake confusion. "What is the reason of your short temper?"

"Are daring to ask me this?", she answered back. "Who do you think you are to order my ladies? Decide on their future?"

"I am the queen.", she said smugly. "I have the right to decide on anybody's future. I am not going to ask for your permission for that."

Realization crossed Elia's face.

Of course.

"You do not want to rule the court, you want to rule me.", she took a step forward. "Your husband the king tried that as well as the late queen though her reasoning was far more noble than yours but both failed.", she spat, she knew that perhaps she needed to maintain her composure but enough was enough. The last time she felt such a rage was at Rhaella's funeral and once again, it was towards to Cersei. "Do you know why they failed?", her olive eyes were covered in red due to anger. "Because you are not speaking to a mere lady of nowhere, I am the Princess of Dorne!", she raised her voice. "Not only that but Rhaegar made me the Princess of Dragonstone, I am more than being his wife, a subject for you to rule. Your orders mean nothing to me! No one, not even my husband can interfere with my household."

"There cannot be two heads ruling the same place, Elia.", weird enough, it was Cersei who was keeping her composure. "You cannot act as you wish any longer, the realm needs its stability and you will follow the rules as does anyone else."

"I will not do such a thing! If you are powerful enough to control me, control me!"


She woke up with sun hitting her face, bird whistlings and the sweet sound of waves filling her ears and the smell of roses surronduing her. A smile appeared on her young face as she stretched her arms and turned to her side to open her eyes without the invasion of the bright daylight.

After a few blinks, her vision was impeccable and her smile only widened when she saw the small brown box filled with jewels. It seemed Aerys was good at one thing at last; spoiling her. When she made a move to open it with a bright smile, she loudly threw it off with a loud gasp as she moved back with shock.

A black scorpion was looking right through her.

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