Lost in memories || Harry Pot...

By ToTiredForShit

94.2K 2.7K 960

Diana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Inimicos amantes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Small interception
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58

Part 51

876 34 18
By ToTiredForShit

Authors note:
Why hello there my dear Nifflers, I know you have been waiting for this one...
Okay I'm sorry for making you all wait for this for a whole week, but what can I say, it's how it works here.

Anyway, I wanted to say that my story is completely based on the books, but this chapter is a mix of the books and the movie because I love this part in the movie so much and like it more than how it's written in the books.
(Not to forget in the books it is incredibly long!)

Also! If needed to address me personally in a comment, just call me Maze, it's a fake name, but I'd rather not use my real one, thank you!

But just that, now, enjoy the chapter... or don't...

Diana apparated into the department of mysteries, finding herself back to back with Remus.

"Why hello there, long time no see, although I hoped it'd had been under different  circumstances." She said and he huffed. "No time for jokes, Day." He said and ran of throwing a Jinx at Dolohov.

Diana looked around and found Pippa struggling to get out of a deatheaters grip... a deatheater she knew very well.

"You let go of her this instant!" She called out and threw a jinx at him which she missed by an inch.

He was grinning -probably about to say something witty- when he saw who the thrower of the Jinx was.

"Diana," he said breathlessly. "Let go of her Avery, I am not afraid to kill you," she threatened and he let out a dry chuckle. "What? Is she of importance to you?" He mocked as he turned to look at the girl when his breath hitched as his eyes traveled back to Diana.

"No way! A little one? And oh- look at that! She's got his eyes, well well, if that isn't cute," he mocked and he let her go.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me now," He grinned and she didn't hesitate to throw a stunning jinx which he quickly dodged. "Oh, you've got more then that!" He grinned and threw a curse at her which missed her to her surprise.

"Pippa, get out of here!" Diana called as she threw a row of three spells at Avery which he stumbling around manage to dodge.

Pippa stayed watching for a while, but with one stern look at her mother, she ran over to Luna.

Avery and Diana proceeded to throw curse after curse at each other. He took a few which weren't that bad as he always managed to get up in time.

She had taken one and then she realised something... and then she stopped.

"You're holding back!" She accused and he huffed and grinned madly at her. "Oh? Am I now? What makes you think so? I have no reason to!"

"Oh but you are, I have sparred many times with you under that tree, you never missed, you always managed to hit me whatever I did," She said and he swallowed thickly.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Potter," He said with a dangerous voice. "Am I now? Gaspar?" They circled each other, wands pointed directly at each others chest, it caught the attention of a few but they had to get back to their own battles.

He couldn't hide the shaky breath he let out at her speaking his name. She never really did, not even back at school.

He quickly recovered and a grin formed again. "So, how did you like the Christmas present? Where you emotionally stable enough to throw it away?" He asked and she huffed, she could play that game to.

"Oh that? Yeah I read your stupid apology before throwing it away," she said and he narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, Diana," He said in a whisper as the circle slowly got smaller.

"You don't want to hurt me? YOU don't want to hurt me?!" Her voice grew louder. "Yeah well that's a bit late isn't it? We had that stupid talk and you promised! You promised me Ave! And then you still did it!" Tears started welling her eyes.

"And then I confronted you and you dare say you never hurt anybody? Don't make me laugh you really think I never heard anything from the others?" She said with a humourless chuckle.

"You're a lunatic and you deserve to be locked up in Azkaban, and even after Voldemort was defeated, you weren't even brave enough to admit you had worked for him! And then you think it's alright to send me a stupid apology letter?" She yelled at him letting out all the emotions she had been botteling up.

"Alright, Diana, I get you're mad-" but she cut him off. "Mad? MAD? That doesn't even begin to describe it. How dare you send me that stupid letter and than still go crawling back to him!"

She then proceeded to throw another curse at him which he dodged and he narrowed his eyes and threw a curse aswel which barely missed her making her grin.

"Not going so easy now, are we?" She teased and his hand clenched tighter around his wand. "Don't make me kill you, Diana." He said and threw an impediment hex at her making her stop in her tracks for a few seconds and she was then hit with locomotor mortis, which made her fall to the ground hard.

She raised her wand at Avery again but was distracted by the yelling of a cackling witch.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Her head snapped towards Sirius and before she knew it her wand was redirected and pointed towards him.


The spells where seconds apart but Diana had hope as she was way closer to Sirius then Bellatrix was.

Sirius fell to the side but the Green streak of light had disappeared right where he stood and Diana let out a shriek and scrambled up, forgetting her fight with Avery completely.

She dropped down next to Sirius and shook him with tears welling in her eyes. She heard a scream in the background and wasn't sure who's it was.

Someone dropped next to her and she heard the distant voice of Remus telling her it was going to be alright, yet he didn't sound that sure himself.

She wiped the tears away and saw Remus holding two fingers to Sirius' neck and then breath a sigh of relief making her look at him with hope in her eyes.

"He's just passed out." He reassured and she felt relief wash over her. She looked around and noticed how the death eaters tried to disapparate away as more Aurors and order members arrived.

Forgetting her worries, Diana looked back at Sirius, who now looked rather peaceful where he laid, she heard the cackling of Bellatrix in the distance.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black."

But she hadn't, yet Harry had ran after her without hesitation, not aware of the fact Sirius was alive and well.

The remaining of the kids slowly made their way over and Diana turned to them with a stern look on her face.

"What where you thinking? Running of to the ministry? What was your plan? Fighting Voldemort and the death eaters yourselves?" She gave each of them stern looks.

She then turned to specifically Luna, Pip and Neville, giving them a 'I will talk to you later' look.

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Diana was pacing back and forth in the small hospital room, muttering to herself as she pulled at the skin on her hands. "Diana, will you stop that?" She looked up at Remus who was sitting in the chair that stood in the corner.

"If you stop the tapping of your feet," she shot back pointing out his own nervous habbit.

"Talking about stopping, can you two stop talking, it's giving me a headache," Both heads snapped towards the bed where Sirius laid and they quickly walked over there.

"Sirius, you dick, you gave me a heart attack," Diana said trough shaking breaths. "Merlin Padfoot, I thought I lost you for a moment there," Remus stood on the opposite side of the bed from Diana.

"Is Harry okay?" Sirius asked nervously making his two friends nod. "Harry is alive and well, currently at Hogwarts. From what I've heard he demands to go here but Dumbledore won't let him," Diana explained to him.

"Yeah, he says it might be better if Harry stays at Hogwarts for a while," Remus nodded. "But me and Diana decided she will go collect him around seven so he has time to have some dinner before coming here,"

Diana hummed. "We don't really care what Dumbledore says at this point," she shrugged.

"Good, good," Sirius said rather hazily. "What even happened?" He questioned. "Bellatrix threw the killing curse at you, you're lucky Diana was fast and near, otherwise you would be dead," Remus said making Sirius shoot her a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Willow," he said in a hoarse whisper. "No problem. You did give us a scare though, we thought it had hit you, but turns out it went trough the vail, so it was nothing really,"

"Nothing really? Everyone was freaking out! Harry ran after Bellatrix, it was a nasty fight what we heard, Voldemort showed up and it's a pity really but many death Esther's escaped that day, though we got Malfoy," Remus told Sirius and the man's eyes widened. "That day? How many days was I out for?" He asked horified.

"Three, but don't worry, we'll catch you up on everything," Remus slightly hit Sirius' shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Like the fact that your name was cleared, well, not officially yet, it will be in tomorrow's paper, but your free to wander." Diana grinned and Sirius face lit up with excitement.

She then glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall behind her and pursed her lips.

"Well, I'm afraid you will have to catch him up on your own, Rem, it's almost half past 6, I have to get my nephew." She walked away from the side of Sirius' bed and the two men bid her goodbye.

She now took the fireplace in st mungos and headed to Dumbledores office with this. When there, he was nowhere to be found.

She shrugged it off and left his office where she found him in the hall, just on his way there.

"Diana, I am rather surprised to see you here, why did you come, if I might ask," he gave her a kind smile, which she didn't return.

"I am here to take my nephew, to his godfather," she said and his smile disappeared. "I am not sure if that is a good idea"

"Well I do not give much of a damn if you find it a good idea or not, they both deserve to see each other," she said rather agitated. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again and then sighed.

"Very well, then," is all he said before keeping on walking to his office.

Diana walked trough the castle on her way to the Gryffindor common room, when she bumped into Harry, Ron and Hermione who came walking around the corner at the end of the hallway.

When they saw her they came running over already shooting questions which mostly came from Harry.

"Diana! How are you? How is Sirius? Is he alright? Is he awake?" She chuckled and nodded. "Why don't you go see for yourself, Harry?" She asked and he looked rather confused.

"What?" He asked and she tilted her head to the side with a smile. "I am here to collect you and take you to St Mungos." She explained and his eyes widened slightly.

"But Dumbledore said-" He started stammering. "I don't give three flying fucks what Dumbledore said as he is not your legal guardian, now come, Sirius woke up not long ago," she said and he wore a bright smile as he walked with her.

"I'm sorry I can't take you two with me," She told Ron and Hermione. "It's a bit difficult as I can't decide anything for you because to you I'm just a teacher, but Harry will be back tomorrow," she promised.

"It's alright," Hermione reassured. "Yeah! It's already great Harry can go!" Ron agreed before turning to his best friend. "Best of luck mate," he said making Harry smile.

Diana proceeded to take Harry to the hospital where Sirius greeted him with the biggest smile and Harry could finally talk about the ridiculous year he had.

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