Symphogear: The Fury of gods...

By XDisius

178 0 6

This story is the sequel to "The Fury of gods". As I said in part 1: This story takes place after the events... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

5 0 3
By XDisius

Kvasir:Lady Nerthus, mission accomplished once again, I brought Tachibana Hibiki to her, alive.

Nerthus: (satisfied) Excellent work, Kvasir.  Bring her here to me immediately.

Kvasir had brought Hibiki to Vanheim, where Nerthus looked forward to meeting her.  It was clear she had plans for the young Symphogear.

Nerthus: Well, here she is, look, isn't she so sweet when she's unconscious?

Kvasir: Let's kill her and steal Gungnir!

Nerthus: It's still early, Kvasir, you're free to do with her what you want, but it's up to me to kill her

Nerthus had sinister plans for Hibiki, but seemed to wait for the right time to put them into action.  The young Symphogear was now in the hands of the Vanir, and her life was clearly in danger.  The situation was becoming more and more critical for Hibiki.

Kvasir dragged Hibiki into his laboratory

Kvasir:(thought) Since I am free to do whatever I want to her, I will use her for my personal pleasure

Hibiki's situation was becoming increasingly critical as she was dragged into Kvasir's laboratory.  The young Symphogear was now in a situation of grave danger, and her future seemed uncertain.  Kvasir's threat had become very real, and the Symphogear girls would face increasingly difficult challenges in their attempt to save her.

Hibiki woke up on an operating table

Kvasir: You finally woke up!

Hibiki:You...what am I doing here?

Kvasir: You are our prisoner, Tachibana Hibiki.

Hibiki:Where am I?

Kvasir: Vanheim, common palace of the Vanir, and this is my laboratory

Hibiki was clearly in a difficult situation and in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by the Vanir and Kvasir.  It was clear that she was a prisoner and she needed to find a way to get out of this situation.

Hibiki: (worried) Why did you bring me here?  What do you want from me?

Kvasir: (mischievous smile) Oh, you have a very special role to play, Hibiki.  Don't worry, I'll explain it all to you soon.

Hibiki tried to figure out what was happening, but she was clearly at a disadvantage.

Hibiki: (firmly) I won't let you do anything bad to me or my friends!  They'll know I'm here and they'll come looking for me!

Kvasir:Oh, I don't think so, my plan to have the Aesir split you up worked perfectly, you said yourself that you never wanted to see them again, remember?

Hibiki: So everything you said...were lies?

Kvasir:No, I was 100% sincere, but it doesn't matter...I'm pretty bored, I think I'll play with your body a bit

Hibiki's situation grew increasingly dark as Kvasir hinted that she intended to harm her.  It was clear that she had a series of evil plans in mind, and she Hibiki was in a situation of great danger.

Hibiki: (worried) You won't do anything bad to me.  The others will come looking for me, and you will be punished for what you have done.

Kvasir: (smiling mischievously) We'll see how long your hopes last, Hibiki.

The situation seemed very difficult for the young Symphogear, but she had to find a way to protect herself and try to escape the imminent danger.

Hibiki:(thought/scared) Please help me!!

Kvasir: Pray all you want but no one will be crazy enough to come looking for you here!

Odin: Yes, me!

Kvasir turns and Odin punches him, knocking him out

Odin's intervention unexpectedly saved Hibiki from Kvasir.  The former ruler of Asgard had decided to take direct action to try to protect Hibiki and bring her back to safety.

Hibiki:(happy) Odin!!!...Um...(seriously) What are you doing here?  I didn't ask you to save me!

Odin:(sarcastic) Ah, nice little "welcome back" speech...Aren't you happy to see me again?

Hibiki: The day before yesterday I would have been, but now I really don't think so.

Odin:Hey, what's wrong?

Hibiki seemed to be very angry at Odin due to the shocking information she had received from Kvasir regarding Odin's motives in saving her in the past.  It was clear that she Hibiki had many questions and concerns about him.

Hibiki: (serious) I didn't like hearing that everything you did for us was just to... to make me yours!  Is this really so, Odin?

Odin: (with worried expression) Hibiki, I understand that this must have been difficult to hear, but there are explanations...

Hibiki: (interrupting) Explanations?  Explanations on how you changed your mind and saved the world just because you liked me?  That's not a valid explanation!

Odin: (worried) Hibiki, you must understand that...

Hibiki: (angry) Should I understand?  I don't want to hear anything else from you now.  Why are you here?  What do you want from me?

Odin: (resolute) I am here to save you from Kvasir and the Vanir, Hibiki.  I know this situation is complicated, but please give me a chance to explain everything to you.  I didn't come here to hurt you.

Hibiki looked confused and angry at the same time.  It was clear that she needed answers and clarification on everything she had learned.

Hibiki: (with an uncertain expression) I don't know what to think now, Odin.  But if you're here to help me out of this situation, then tell me what we need to do.

Odin: You follow me...(equips the cannon) I'll lead the way.

Odin seemed determined to protect Hibiki and lead her to safety from the threat of the Vanir and Kvasir.  He took his cannon and prepared to lead the action.

Hibiki: (firmly) Alright, Odin, following you seems like the best option right now.  Let's do everything we can to get out of here as soon as possible.

Odin nodded and stood at the head of the group, ready to fight to protect Hibiki and bring her back to a safe place.  The situation was still very dangerous, but they at least had a plan to deal with it.

Hibiki: (thought) I just hope that this time Odin tells the truth and that everything turns out for the best.

Odin:(on the way) Listen, what you told me before...

Hibiki: Come on, explain to me, were you really in favor of human extermination?

Odin walked alongside Hibiki as he tried to explain his situation and his feelings.

Odin: (serious) Hibiki, what Kvasir told you is partially true.  In the past, when I was in a moment of madness and anger, I had thought of a plan of human extermination.  But I changed, thanks to you.

Hibiki: (confused) Changed because of me?  So are you really in love with me?

Odin: Well here...

Hibiki: Did you really want to take me to bed with you?

Odin:(embarrassed) What?  No!

Hibiki:I knew it, damned pervert!!  Ok we are the same age, but I don't allow you to think certain thoughts about me!!!

Odin looked embarrassed and confused by the situation.  It was evident that there were still many misunderstandings between him and Hibiki.

Odin: (embarrassed) Hibiki, I never had such intentions.  It's true that I had dark plans in the past, but now...

Hibiki: (serious) Now what?  Explain yourself, Odin!  Why didn't you ever tell me you wanted to exterminate us?

Odin: It's hard even for a god to say something he isn't proud of at all!

Hibiki seemed to be looking for sincere explanations from Odin, but was clearly upset by the misunderstandings of the past.  The situation was delicate, and Odin had to try to explain her past actions so that Hibiki could understand them better.

Odin: (serious) Hibiki, believe me when I tell you that I have changed now.  My feelings for you are sincere, and I want to help humanity, not destroy it.  My past is tainted by horrible deeds, but ever since I met you, I have tried to redeem myself.

Hibiki: (still suspicious) I can't ignore the fact that you hid these things from me, Odin.  We had to be honest with each other from the beginning.

Odin: (repentant) You're right, and I'm sorry for what I did.  I was scared that you would judge me negatively because of my past, but now I realize that the truth is important.

Hibiki still seemed skeptical, but it was clear that Odin was trying to make peace with her past and honestly explain her feelings.

Hibiki: (thinking) I don't know what to do, Odin.  This situation is so confusing and strange.  We have so much to face, and now we're here trying to escape the Vanir.  I don't know if I can really trust you.

Odin: (in a determined voice) I understand your doubts, Hibiki.  But I intend to prove to you with actions that I have changed.  I will be by your side to protect you and the other Symphogear, I swear.

Hibiki still looked uncertain, but at least there was an effort on Odin's part to show that her intentions were sincere.  The path ahead was still uncertain, but they must focus on escaping the Vanir and the challenges ahead.

The two walked along long corridors and avoided armed guards, then found themselves in the main room, but they saw something unusual

Hibiki:What the hell is that?

Odin: It looks like a sort of cannon

Hibiki: (determined) We must deactivate or destroy it.  We cannot let the Vanir use it against us.

Odin: (firmly) You're right, Hibiki.  We will destroy this cannon and prevent them from using it.  We need a plan.

As they tried to devise a plan to neutralize the cannon, they had to be careful not to attract the attention of any Vanir guards who might be approaching.  The challenge was great, but they had the determination to protect humanity on their side.

Odin:You won't believe it but I'm a semi-expert in mechanics and electronics

Hnoss:And so you have come for the treasure of the Vanir, have you not?  Well you'll have to walk over my corpse!  I am Hnoss, guardian of the Vanir!

Hnoss was looking in the opposite direction from Hibiki and Odin, who started laughing out loud

Odin:(imitating Hnoss) "I am Hnoss, guardian of the Vanir!"

Hnoss punches Odin to the back of the head


Hnoss:You think it's funny to make fun of people who have a little difficulty seeing, don't you?

Odin:(joking)Um... Yes!

Hnoss attacks Odin with his bare hands

Hnoss:Lady Nerthus herself put me in defense of this cannon

Hnoss kicks Odin between the legs

Odin: (painfully) Ahhh... You have a powerful kick, Hnoss.

Hnoss: (serious) I won't be stopped easily.

Hibiki, who had remained on the sidelines during this exchange, seeing Odin in difficulty, decided to intervene.  She prepared to use Gungnir to defend Odin and neutralize Hnoss.

Hibiki, who had remained on the sidelines during this exchange, seeing Odin in difficulty, decided to intervene.  She prepared to use Gungnir to defend Odin and neutralize Hnoss.

Hibiki:Now you'll deal with me!
🎵 Balwisyall nesc...🎵 Ah it's true, they stole my relic!

Hibiki was ready to intervene against Hnoss with Gungnir's power, but realized that the relic had been stolen by someone else, preventing her from using her powers.  The situation became even more complicated, as they were now at a disadvantage against Hnoss.

Hnoss: (smiling) Looks like you have a problem, Hibiki.

Odin, still sore from the blow he received, tried to intervene.

Odin: (shouting) Hibiki, try to deactivate the cannon manually.  I'll keep Hnoss busy.

Hibiki nodded and headed towards the cannon, while Odin faced Hnoss in hand-to-hand combat.  The situation was critical, but they had to do their best to prevent the cannon from falling into the hands of the Vanir.

Odin:You caught me off guard earlier, but I won't make the same mistake twice

Hnoss: Then get on with it!

Hnoss charges Odin

Odin:Æl þruma!

Odin used his ability, "Æl þruma", a powerful energy attack, to push Hnoss back and temporarily neutralize her.  It was clear that Odin had no intention of losing once again.

Hibiki, meanwhile, was frantically trying to manually deactivate the cannon, but it was a complex task, and she was running out of time.

Hibiki: (softly) I have to do this... I have to deactivate this cannon!

Hnoss was slowly regaining consciousness after Odin's attack, and the situation was still very critical.

Odin:(slightly agitated) Hibiki?!

Hibiki was struggling to deactivate the cannon when Odin called out to her.  It was clear that time was running out, and they had to make a quick decision.

Hibiki: (agitated) Odin, I need more time to deactivate this cannon.  Cover me!

Odin understood the situation and prepared to defend Hibiki while she attempted to complete her mission.  It was a race against time to prevent the Vanir from using the cannon against them.

Odin:Be honest, you really don't know how to turn it off, do you?

Hibiki, despite being a Symphogear, was clearly having difficulty trying to deactivate the cannon.  Her expression revealed her frustration and worry as she tried to figure out how to stop the car.

Hibiki: (frustrated) I admit, Odin, I don't know what to do.  I can't find a solution!

Odin: (serious) There's no time for lies, Hibiki.  We must find another way to prevent the Vanir from using this cannon.  Let's focus on a backup plan.

Hibiki:You have that cannon on your arm, shoot!

Odin: (determined) You're right, Hibiki.  Let's use my cannon to destroy theirs.  Get ready!

Odin concentrated as his Armed Gear, the energy spear cannon, began to glow.  Then, aiming at the Vanir cannon, he fired a powerful energy beam to try to disable or destroy it.  It was a crucial moment, and they had to hope that the might of Odin's cannon was enough to deal with the threat of the Vanir

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