What Life Holds

By Merzonalove

8K 316 40

After Derek's death Meredith was a mess. After Arizona's Divorce she thought she'd never find love again. Bu... More



123 5 0
By Merzonalove

"Arizona you should probably sit down" Miranda cautions, as she sits down next to Arizona. As Arizona sat down her heart was racing, she had the same training at Miranda she knew that look. The look that ruined lives.
"Is she..." Arizona started but couldn't bring herself to answer the question.
"She's alive..." Miranda answered, Arizona let go of a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. Miranda continued, "She had a fever when she came in, those fevers where causing febrile seizures. We believe that the fever occurred due to an infection, based on the intensity of the fever, we believe it was a more serious infection and we are currently running test to determine the cause of infection. After you left Meredith continued to have another three seizures as we attempted to reduce her temperature."
Arizona looked at Miranda a thousand emotions running through her head,
"And what happened can I go see her? What's going on now?" Arizona asked agitated she was worried and felt like Miranda was keeping something from her.
"Well after the final seizure she flatlined, we immediately began CPR, unfortunately it took us 7 minutes to bring her back." Miranda explained, looking sadly at the blond in front of her.
"7 minutes that's... does she have any brain damage, did you get someone to run a CT or a brain scan?" Amelia asked knowing the impact a flatline like that could have on a patient.
Miranda didn't answer of first simply looking between Meredith's wife and sister.
"Mandy please?" Arizona begged.
"I'm sorry Arizona, we ran a brain scan and while Meredith does have brain activity meaning she isn't dead, it did appear to be lessened, so we are not confident when or... if she will wake up." Miranda explained, a tear falling down her cheek as she looked at Arizona. Meredith was one of there own, they had lost so many and now potentially they where going to lose another. As Miranda spoke Arizona broke down once again falling into Amelia arms, who herself was trying to hold herself together for Arizona.
"I want to see her,"Arizonas whispered,
"What was that Ari?" Amelia asked,
"Please take me to her, I want to be with her." Arizona said a bit louder looking to bailey.
"Of course," Miranda cooed, standing up to guide Arizona to Meredith's new room. As the walked Arizona couldn't stop crying, they entered the long term hospital stay rooms, an area Arizona as a peds surgeon hadn't seen much prior to Meredith's diagnosis but now felt eerily familiar.
"Prepare yourself Arizona" Miranda cautioned stopping at Meredith's door.
Arizona took a deep breath before entering Meredith's room. She carefully made her way over to her wife, sitting in the chair beside her and gently holding her head in her hands.

"Oh Mer," she signed.
"I'm so sorry Arizona," Amelia said softly as she ended the room sitting on Meredith's other side.

The next morning,
Arizona hadn't left Meredith's side, neither had Amelia. Chief Bailey had given both of them the week off in hopes Meredith would wake up.
"What's happening with the kids today?" Amelia asked looking at Arizona.
"I...I... I don't know. I hadn't thought about it." Arizona answered,
"That's ok we will figure something out, who has them now?" Amelia asked,
"Maggie" Arizona answered,
"Ok, let me call her. Just for now we can get her to bring them to the day care. Then we probably also need to tell her." Amelia explained, hoping she wasn't overstepping but knowing that Arizona probably didn't want to have to think through things right now.
"Yeah ok" Arizona answered.

Amelia left Meredith's room, and called Maggie from the hallway.
On the phone
"Oh, Hey Amelia, I was just about to take the kids back home, is everything ok?" Maggie answered
"Um..yes..no..I'm with Arizona at the moment could you bring the kids to the childcare at the hospital?" Amelia asked
"What's going on?" Maggie asked concerned,
"Just come to the hospital I will explain. Meet me at the nurses station on the fourth floor" Amelia answered, she didn't want to tell Maggie over the phone.

It didn't take long for Maggie to get to the hospital, after she dropped the kids off, she made her way to the nurses station very confused.
"Amelia what's going on, I'm scared" Maggie asked as she saw her sister sitting on one of the waiting chairs in the corridor.
Amelia sighed looking sadly at Maggie.
"Something happened last night, you should probably take a seat." Amelia answered, once Maggie was seated she continued "Meredith was rushed into the hospital with a high fever. She had five seizures and coded for 7 minutes. She's currently hooked up to a ventilator and we aren't sure when or even if she's going to wake up"
"Oh my god, how, why this is so unfair." Maggie cried looking at her sister.
"I know, do you want to come see her" Amelia consoled Maggie who nodded.
She was lead into Meredith's room, as she saw her sister there she broke down in tears. Falling into Amelia's arms.
"How... what...how did this happen." Maggie asked looking at her sister in the bed.
"We don't know Miranda is running test to see what infection she had then we can narrow down where she got it." Arizona answered looking up at Maggie, as if called Miranda entered the room.
"I got the results back, it appears as if the infection Meredith had was caused by the same bacteria that cause pneumonia and with her compromised lungs that's why is took such a toll on her so fast" Miranda explained looking sadly between the women in the room. She'd watched Meredith grown from a helpless intern to a strong and independent department head. Arizona was a strong strong women who had been through so much. And although Miranda didn't know Maggie and Amelia quite as well she felt close to them after all this time.
Chief Bailey then left leaving the family to sit.
"I don't know how this happened, I haven't treated anyone with pneumonia and we are so careful not to let bacteria into the house. I don't..." suddenly Arizona stopped, she suddenly remember an outbreak of pneumonia had made the news in New York. She's doubted sending Sofia when we head about it but Callie had promised it was no where near them.

Authors Note
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