Goals Off Court | SatoSere

By amourology_

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When the top basketball player Ash Ketchum and his team damage the school property by mistake, he's the one w... More

Chapter 1 - Probation
Chapter 2 - Coincidental Meeting
Chapter 3 - First Lesson
Chapter 4 - Far From Done
Chapter 5 - Only Time Could Tell
Chapter 6 - Progress
Chapter 7 - Challenge
Chapter 8 - Denial
Chapter 9 - Proving Himself
Chapter 10 - Distant Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Heated Dance
Chapter 12 - Farther Than Closer
Chapter 13 - All It Takes
Chapter 14 - Paired Lesson
Chapter 15 - Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 16 - Game Of Denial
Chapter 17 - Mesmerizing Sight
Chapter 18 - Only You
Chapter 19 - Forbidden Desires
Chapter 20 - Temptation
Chapter 21 - Honesty
Chapter 22 - Final Lesson
Chapter 23 - One Text Away
Chapter 24 - Apologetic Mind
Chapter 25 - Lost Chance
Chapter 26 - Starting From Zero
Chapter 27 - Closer Than Strangers
Chapter 28 - Kept Promise
Chapter 29 - Into Uncertainty
Chapter 30 - Deeper Meaning
Chapter 31 - Back On The Floor
Chapter 32 - Inevitable Feeling
Chapter 33 - Light Up My World
Chapter 34 - Not So Friendly Fire
Chapter 35 - Connection At Home
Chapter 36 - Out Of Our Control
Chapter 37 - Struggling Feelings
Chapter 38 - Ballroom Tension
Chapter 39 - Drunken Intimacy
Chapter 40 - Departing Together
Chapter 41 - Advice Night
Chapter 42 - Kissable Tango
Chapter 43 - Complex Love
Chapter 44 - Extra Lessons
Chapter 45 - Unexpected Growth
Chapter 46 - Distraction Injury
Chapter 47 - Tasteful Gift
Chapter 48 - Dinner With Friends
Chapter 49 - The Invitational Practice
Chapter 50 - The Decision
Chapter 51 - Dancing In The Sheets (18+)
Chapter 52 - Healing & Improvement
Chapter 53 - Music On The Piano (18+)
Chapter 54 - Dreams To Reach
Chapter 55 - Conflicting Goals
Chapter 57 - Two Opportunities
Chapter 58 - Deeper Feelings
Chapter 59 - Win & Arrive
Chapter 60 - Goals Off Court

Chapter 56 - Secrets Unfold

332 10 7
By amourology_

"I'm proud of you, Ashy-boy. You look nice."

"Feels like this tie is suffocating me."

Ash was grumbling out his complaints, adjusting his black tie in the mirror. He pulled down on his black blazer and tugged on the white shirt. Wearing ties was such a hassle. Yeah, he looked good, but his neck felt hot, or maybe he was just a little nervous.

No. He's nothing of that sort.

"I should've gone to her room," Ash continued.

Gary laughed, patting his friend's back. "The girls are gonna be here any minute. Too late for that."

Ash shook his head, trying to ignore Gary's eager, yet smug looking face. He was absolutely smitten with Misty. Not that Ash really had any room to talk.

A voice came from the other side with knuckles hitting against the door a few times in the process. "Surely you boys aren't taking longer than us ladies did to get dressed!"

Gary grinned at the familiar voice being Misty's before heading to turn the knob for their dates. "As I was saying?"

"About time." Misty placed her hand on her hip as she raised her brow at her boyfriend. Suddenly, she went up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug. "I hope this isn't too much?"

It was a long, orange dress with an open slit by her thigh, but all around fitted nicely on her. Besides her regular hair up in a ponytail, she decided on having her medium length shown down to her neck. Her look was finished off with some little earrings and high heels.

"Not at all, Mist. It can never be too much." Gary smiled, stepping back to look at her. She wasn't one normally for too much physical affection in front of people, so instead of a kiss on the lips, he gave a sweet one on her forehead. "You'd wash everybody on the floor."

Right behind Misty, Serena stepped into Ash's vision. He froze, his thumb hooked still around his cuff link. Her dress was baby pink and different from the one she wore to the homecoming dance. This was shorter and her straps hung low on her arms. The front stopped just above her upper area. It fitted her perfectly and her thighs were too distracting. Her honey blonde hair was wavier, put back into a ponytail with two stands pulled out on each side of her head. She wore her heels, lip gloss shining, and lastly, some earrings.

She was indescribable. A single compliment wouldn't do her enough justice.

Serena walked over to Ash. She eyed him and the chuckle that came out confused him, but that changed when her hands moved to his tie. She fixed him up and held onto the material, pulling him gently to her face. He was bent closer to her and his worries closed off when she kissed him soundlessly.

"Hello, handsome." She breathed on his lips.

"You're a damn tease," Ash huffed, lifting himself upright. "But a beautiful one."

Serena moved her thumb across his lips, wiping the excess gloss on them. Then she slid her finger down his chest, keeping it there. "I'm glad you're aware."

Ash shook his head, taking her hand in his. "Lets get to the dance, yeah?"

"Hold it, Ketchum." Misty called, pulling a small bottle of vodka from her pocket. "We're doing shots before we go."

Gary smirked, pulling down some glasses from on top of his dresser. "I like the way you think, Mist."

Ash grunted and snatched one from Gary. "Get this mess out the way, so we can move."

"To a tolerable winter formal," Misty said and the group clinked their shots together, tossing them back.

Serena swallowed whole and placed her glass down as she shook her head. "God, that's one taste I'll never be used to."

"Too strong?" Ash teased, finishing off his own cup.

Serena rolled her eyes, fondly. "Only because Misty had us drinking some wine before we came over."

Ash slammed his drink down, fisting his mouth, and breathes out heavily. "Now we can leave."

Misty folded her arms in disbelief, scoffing at that. "Jesus, I know you want to get out there and dance with Serena, but stop being so damn impatient."

"Well, we're leaving," Ash announced, hooking his arm with Serena's, and jerking her forward.

Serena sighed and waved it off. "I suppose we are."

It wasn't long til Ash was frowning in confusion when he realized Serena's other friends' absence. He expected them to show up since they seemed inseparable oftentimes.

"Where's Twinkle-Toes and his girlfriend?"

Serena leaned against Ash's arm, her hair pushed on him. "They're meeting us there. Dawn as well. Paul picked her up."

Ash hummed, pressing his lips to her head for a light kiss. "We could turn around and have our own time. Doesn't that sound better?"

"We are not," she hissed, playfully hitting him on the arm. "It sounds wonder, but take me dancing first and then we'll see about that."

He supposed he could do that. After all this time, Ash really didn't hate dancing with Serena.

The group made their way to the small gym on campus where they were holding the winter formal. The lights were dim, snowflake shaped strobe lights danced across the floor, lighting up various people as they flowed over their head.

The music was loud, pounding against Ash's skull the moment they stepped inside. Misty was quick to drag Gary off, pulling him by the tie while they began to dance in the sea of people. Ash really hoped Serena didn't want to dance there. He was fine dancing with her, but he didn't want to be surrounded by a crowd of sweaty bodies.

"Well, I should've expected that." Serena shrugged, watching Misty go off. She wrapped her fingers through Ash's before tugging him along. "I'd like to say hi to everyone else at least."

Ash didn't mind what they did, as long as he was with her, and not being bumped into by strangers.

Serena pulled him through the crowd towards the back where she saw May and Drew dancing together. Their hips swayed back and forth sensually as they moved with one another. Drew's hands were wrapped around her waist and his forehead was pressed against hers. They seemed happy, lost in their own world. Everything they did together was so naturally loving.

"May!" Serena called out, bounding to the side to interrupt them for a moment.

"Serena! I'm glad you could make it." May looked away from Drew and smiled brightly. "And you brought Ash? That's surprising, but good to see. We thought he wouldn't want to go."

Drew smirked, fixing the hairs he felt was out of place. "It seems like he'll do anything for Serena."

"Can you be tolerable for one night," Ash snapped, stepping over to stand with Serena. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Have you seen Clemont?" Serena asked in genuine curiosity.

"He mentioned having a lot of work this weekend. He said something about having a study party for his science decathlon."

Serena raised her eyebrow at May. "On a Saturday night?"

"You know how he is—"

"I had to force May to come out tonight because she had a moment of being worried about test weeks from now." Drew chuckled softly as his lips brushed her cheek. "Something about having to get started on her final chem report."

"Hush!" May jokingly huffed out in annoyance. "I still came!"

Ash was having a difficult time following these conversations. He was here for Serena and her alone. He didn't feel the need to listen to Drew and May, and by now, the few beers he drank with Gary, and the shot of vodka was making his skin tingle.

"Great. Go back to being obnoxiously in love." Ash gave them a lazy thumbs up before he tugged on Serena's hand.

Serena gasped. "Wait, Ash!"

"We're dancing. That's why we came here, right?"

"I suppose that is true."

"'Course it is. Now c'mon."

Serena giggled and waved to her two friends as Ash pulled them along to stand some distance away. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body flush against his. Her arms came up around his neck and she rolled her hips forward, pressing close to him. His hands momentarily slipped lower, bunching up her skirt as he moved against her.

"That's it," he whispered to her. "You look beautiful tonight."

Serena captures her bottom lip to contain her smile. "You clean up nice yourself."

"'Course I did."

He gripped onto her tighter and swayed her with the music, moving their hips together. Her fingers played with the back of his hair and her body kept rolling against his, grinding towards him sensually. The dance music was loud, but much easier to move to the beat while she swayed back and forth.

Ash leaned down, about to capture Serena's lips, but she pulled back with a breathless giggle. What a damn tease.

She twirled around and shifted her ass to him, swaying them back and forth, and playing with him. Her arms wrapping back around his neck made his mind reel.

He touched her where she allowed, his hands going over her hips and stomach, and the soft material of her dress. She moved down his body, bending over for a moment before slowly rising back up and Ash felt his body heat rising. He would have her on the dance floor or against wall until she said his name as pleasantly as she always did. Until it was all she remembered that night.

His breathing grew heavier while he grinded himself against her with the music. He gripped her hips and spun her back around, pressing his forehead close to hers. The music's beat seem to speed up and his heart was beating just as fast as the noise surrounding them.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Serena."

"I'm sorry?" Serena's mouth parted, a grin curving on her pretty lips. "I thought we were just dancing?"

Ash's jaw hardened, his hand gripping the skin under her skirt once their lips locked. He didn't care if anyone saw how they were displaying themselves. He didn't mind letting the world know what Serena was to him.

The kiss was animalistic. Her tongue slides against his lower lip and he parts his mouth without hesitation, sharp rakes of breath fall from both of them until he begins to lose the need to breathe entirely. He doesn't need air, he needs her, and any resolve he has ever held to the contrary dissipates in a moment.

Trailing his lips down her chin to her jaw, his attention goes to her neck and she lets out a soft cry. Her hand raises to the back of his head, holding him in place as she gasps out. The scent of her is overwhelming, floral perfume and skin and suddenly his mind loses its last vestiges of cohesion. He can't think. He can never just think with her.

He returns his lips to hers. Her mouth parts in an instant and he sinks against it, tongue pressing into hers with a practiced ease. She falters, voice falling thickly against his lips.

"Ash..." Serena's voice fell in a desperate call and her heart pounded. "We're in public," she stammered, her fingers tangling themselves in his hair.

"Forget the people." He gives a breath as he lifts his face long enough to stop kissing her. "I told you we should've spent time together by ourselves."

Serena laughs then a low huff of air, her breath is ragged. "Have you officially lost your mind?"

He shakes his head too quickly. "Think I lost my mind the second you became my dance teacher of punishment," he answers.

Ash sunk his hands to her waist, cradling it beneath his palms, and felt on her dress material. He likes her in this. He would like her better out of it. His lips are back to hers, tongue pressing inside her mouth again, and she whimpers beneath him, breasts against his chest, and then suddenly—

"You've got to be kidding me," a nasally voice called from the crowd with another guy's laugh on the side. Both familiar in every aspect. "You do realize nobody wants to see this."

Immediately pulling back, Ash narrowed his gaze at his teammates: Paul and Brock.

"You seem miserable," Ash replied, pulling away reluctantly from Serena. He fixed his blazer, along with his shirt. "I can promise you that I didn't want to see you before me and Serena were about to head back to— What the hell?" He rubs the back of his head when he felt Serena smack him upside the head.

"Absolutely not," Serena hissed. "And don't just announce things like that."

Ash mumbles an apology, soon glaring back at the two.

"I take it she doesn't hate you?" Brock said, giving Ash a pat on his shoulder. "Good going, man."

"Why would I hate him?" Serena questioned. "Ash has done more than made everything up to me."

Brock chuckles lightly. "A little birdy just told us that he was stressed about the competition and the tournament being on the same day. I'm glad things seem to be sorted."

"Hold on," Ash spits with his hands held out, his heart in his ears. He curses mentally. "That isn't—"

"Excuse me?" Serena voiced as she turned to Ash. Something must've fluttered across his face because she blinks at him, mouth sagging open in surprise. "The same day?"

Ash's stomach churns and his response can't come out. Even Paul sighs out loud when the dots connected.

The situation finally dawned on Brock and his face drops. "Listen, Serena. That was my bad. I'm sure Ash—"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Serena frowns, yanking her hand from Ash's as she steps back. "You have a basketball tournament on the day of the competition?"

Ash stares at her and something trembles in his stomach. He speaks over the music. "Yes, but—"

"For crying out loud, Ash. You need to play in that." Serena glances to him, then back to Brock and Paul. Ash messed up, he sees that. But as he opens his mouth to try and articulate that, she continues undeterred. "I think I need some fresh air," she admits.

Stepping away from him, she walks away, and goes straight for the door.

The silence is terribly loud.

Brock speaks first. "I'm sorry, Ash. I didn't know she didn't hear from you. If there's—"

"And why didn't you tell her?" Paul interrupts nonchalantly. It was aimed at Ash. Paul gives him a look that provokes him for the worst every time. "She would've found out regardless. It's right around the corner. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was trying to figure out another way!" Ash retorts. "I didn't know how she'd react. I didn't want to disappoint her."

"And yet you did exactly that." Paul lets out an exhausted breath, tucking his hands in his dress pant's pockets. "Are you going to stand here like a damn idiot while she's out there in cold weather or are you going to do the better option I shouldn't have to say?"

Ash does the reasonable option. There wasn't a choice to begin with. He storms away from the guys and chases after Serena.

Snow was falling from the thick blanket of night sky and Serena was pacing outside of the gym, holding her arms close to her body in her hands. Her heels clacked on the ground as she shook her head back and forth. Few tears slow streaked her face and Ash hated that he hadn't just told her during practice. The last thing he wanted to do was make her look incredibly hurt because of him — again — when she looked absolutely stunning.

Ash took off his blazer and walked up behind her, placing it on her shoulders. "Come inside, Serena. You'll get sick."

"Why you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry." He swallows thickly. "I just found out, alright? I wanted to tell you earlier today, but I..." His voice trails off. He couldn't admit that he was a coward."

"Is that why you looked so focused and upset?"

Ash lifts his head up towards the sky, letting snowflakes melt on his hot skin. "Yes."

She doesn't look at him. "We'll drop out then." She uses her thumb to wipe the edges of her eyes, trying to wipe the tears away.

"No, we're not." He insists, suppressing the crack in his voice as he moves towards her. Ash hated this. He hated the way she said those words. He reaches for her and holds her back to his chest, a flush of relief when she sinks into his embrace. He wraps his arms around her, breathing in the scent of her. "We're not dropping out."

Her head moves back to rest against his shoulder. He presses a kiss to the side of her head, murmuring softly. He can feel her heart pounding in time with his own and it makes his mind foggy.

Serena's eyes were a little puffy and her blue eyes shimmered. "Ash, what could we possibly do if it's on the same day?"

"I'm trying to see. What time is the competition?"

"It starts at three." After a moment, she lets out a sigh. "However, I don't know when our event is. I could look it up."

"The basketball tournament starts at eleven. Might be okay." Ash mentions. His hand trembles around her. "I didn't want this to happen. If it wasn't for my scholarship..."

Serena blinks, running a hand through her hair. She pulls away from Ash to look at him fully. "Do you want to choose dancing with me over playing basketball?"

"I made you a promise. I said I'd keep it." His finger goes under his nose, rubbing it and his nerves. He stares at her, then lowers his gaze to the ground. "And... I like dancing with you," he admits quietly, looking back up. "We've been working hard and I want to make it to the top."

Her voice wavers, repeating her words calmly. "You honestly would choose... dancing?"

"I would choose you, Serena. I would choose you so many times."

Ash liked her too much to let her go. He couldn't imagine not choosing her. She is what matters, she is all that matters. He will fall on bended knee if that's what she wants from him.

The feeling is hellish with how much control it has over him and it was also heavenly, but he realizes that it was what love is through and through — he really did love her.

Serena is in front of him. She's all Ash sees. Her hand goes to his cheeks, speaking softly. "I would choose you too."

The anguish consuming him eases as he allows himself to succumb to the need of her. He doesn't care anymore. He doesn't care it makes him an idiot.

"You're important to me, Serena. I don't wanna let you down." There's a desperation to him. A desperation to be understood stronger than anything he's ever felt in his life. "I can't think when it comes to you. It's hard, but I want to make you proud."

Serena pulls his face towards hers and searches his expression, as though trying to assess the extent to which he has lost his mind. "You do. You already have. Your efforts are enough."

Her words make Ash shudder, leave him feeling woozy. He suddenly finds it difficult to string a coherent sentence together.

Their lips brushed together while the snow fell around them silently, the loud thumps from the gymnasium echoed behind them and Ash didn't care, lost in the taste of Serena against his lips. He could've lost himself forever if it meant kissing her and holding her like this.

"We'll figure this out," Ash says. "I'm not gonna not dance with you. Not after all this."

"But your scholarship," Serena realizes. "I don't want you to lose that or miss out on playing the sport you love."

"Wouldn't wanna miss out on either," he tells her, glancing away. He loved her. Never was a religious man, but that was the God's honest truth of the matter. It was a blessing in disguise. "I love both now."

Serena blushes and her thumb caresses his cheek. "You need to talk to me," she demands. She presses her forehead against his. "And if you can't get things together, you need to tell me the truth. Always tell me the truth. Because if you don't, I can't help." A hand smooths across the back of his head and his face is so close to hers that he can feel her breath tickling his mouth. "I want to help you, Ash. I need you to say 'I can't do this' or 'I'm struggling' and I will help you. There's nothing I wouldn't help you with. I don't want you looking all stressed and intense when we dance."

"Yes, ma'am." With a nod, Ash grins, and wraps his arms around her waist to pull her close. The night breeze surrounded them. "I'll figure out if I can leave after the game. I'll promise I'll make it to both."

"I know you will." Serena smiles again. Ash loves that. "You haven't broke a promise yet."

"'Course not," Ash states determinedly and pulls away, shivering. A smirk pulled across his lips, his eyes twinkle playfully. "Now it's freezing out here. Should we go back inside and warm up?"

Serena hums in thought as she holds Ash's blazer tighter on her body, then tilts her head up to peck his lips. "How about we get that time to ourselves you mentioned?"

Ash takes his hand in hers, wholeheartedly agreeing. Whatever she wants, anything she wants.

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