The Melody To My Heart- HSMTM...

By Fastandfurious_X

36.3K 800 78

Summer Jones has been Ricky Bowen's best friend since 5 grade. She was there for him when Nini and him broke... More

000: Introduction
001: First Day Back
002: Auditons
003: Sister Time
004: Run Through and Rehearsal
005: Wondering
006: New Look
007: Voicemail
008: Skip Day
009: The Crash And Burn
010: Somebody's Heart Can Break
011: Homecoming and Karaoke Night
012: A Moment
013: What team?
014: Fly
015: I Think I Kinda You Know
016: Dropped Out
017: A Moment Missed
018: Opening Night Nerves
019: Isn't Doing The Best
020: Just For A Moment
021: I love you
022: Something In The Air
023: The Perfect Gift
024: It's Gonna Snow
025: New Years Eve
26: Stay or Go
027: Literal Disney Princess
028: There's Nothing Like The Bond Of Two Sisters
029: Utopia Is With You, Not Anyone Else
030: Happy For You
031: Stuck In School
032: Set Up
033: Road Between
034: Two Sides
035: Home
036: The Missing Mask... And More
037: The Song Battle
038: Trust
039: Goodbye
040: Get Over You
041: Ain't seen Nothin'
042: Let You Go
043: You'd Be Surprised
044: Too Much Too Soon
045: Can't Do It
046: Let Myself Go
047: Something There In The Glances You Give her
048: Lifting People Up
049: Friends?
050: Goodbye... I Love You
051: Overprotective Brother
052: Shallow Lake
053: Not Auditioning
054: Never Came Back
055: Firecracker
056: Susie Fine
057: Proud Of You
058: Fabulous
059: Love Is An Open Door
060: Movie Night
061: I'm Okay With It
062: A Little Bit Of You
063: What Do You Know About Love
064: Right Place
065: Step Up
066: It's On
067: Favourite Place To Be
068: Camp Prom
069: Love Tonight
070: Panic Mode
071: You're What I Know About Love
072: Get My Girl Back
073: You're The Only One
074: High School Reunion
075: High School Musical 4: The Reunion
076: Here's My Number
077: Maybe This Time
078: Featured Background Number Three
079: Rehearsal VS Audition
080: Puppy Love
081: Can I Have This Dance?
083: Gina 1.0
084: Back Up
085: Wow Boy
086: Sticks And Stones
087: In The Can
088: Brotherly Love
089: In The Pouring Rain
090: Time To Exit
091: Face My Fears
092: Closure
093: Opportunity Of A Lifetime
094: Press Conference Preparations And Cutains Up
095: My Little Movie Star
096: A Night To Remember
097: Just Walk Away
098: What You Mean to Me
099: Forever After That
100: The End Of Something Special

082: Scene 27

224 7 1
By Fastandfurious_X

Summer was in the corridor outside the classroom they were filming in, having a last minute run through of her lines.
"So your not sure if this Summer girl has the chops?" Summer hears Alyson Reed ask Mack causing her to turn around.
"Don't get me wrong, Miss Reed. I mean sure she can dance and sing. But can she act?" Mack asks. "I don't want to look dumb in this thing."
"Yeah, we wouldn't want that, would we?" Alyson asks.
Summer stands their slightly shocked. She thought Mack was her friend.

Summer was getting some finishing touches down on her makeup, when Maddox speaks up.
"All right. Listen up. We're cross-shooting Background reactions while first team gets their coverage." Maddox tells them group. "Hose it down."
"Jet what language is she using?" Ashlyn asks.
"How to bark like a PA 30 weird phrases to shout into a walkie talkie." Jet says holding up a book. "She memorised it on the plane ride."
Maddox grabs the book from Jet as she walks past.
"Hey girl." Maddox says, walking up to Summer as the makeup artist walks away. "How you feeling?"
"Nervous." Summer admits.
"I knew you had it in you even before the first rehearsal at camp." Maddox tells the girl.
"Thanks Gadget." Summer says with a smile.
"I got you, Firecracker." Maddox says, placing a hand on Summer's shoulder, before turning to the others. "All right, my featured Extras, be big but not real. Animated but not exciting, totally appealing, but completely forgettable in every way. You get it. And remember whatever you do, there is no speaking at all."
"Aye, aye, captian Gadget." Ashlyn says, causing Summer to lightly laugh, as she gets called over by Quinn.
"Ew, girl." Carlos says to Ashlyn, as Summer jumps down from the desk she was sitting on walking towards Quinn and Mack.
"No, starting now. I got it." Ashlyn says.
Quinn talks to Mack and Summer for a bit before turning to the others.
"All right. Hello, hello, hi." Quinn says. "Now, I like to shoot the first rehearsal to see where the disasters might be, okay? So let's go. Let's go people."
"Copy." Ricky says.
"Rolling, rolling." Maddox says before stepping out of the shot.
"Hey guys, I'm Alyson, call me Aly. No nerves today, all right? We got this." Alyson Reed says coming into the room.
"Scene 27, take on. Mark." A crew member says, once Alyson sits down.
"Psst." Ricky says, trying to get Summer's attention. Summer looks back at her. "You're a yes."
"What?" Summer asks.
"You weren't a maybe. you're and yes." Ricky says, Summer smiles as Ricky pulls his glasses down pointing to himself. "Ricky."
Summer laughs lightly, as the scene was about to start.
"Okay, it is gritty, it is dangerous, it is 'High School Musical 4', but it might as well be 'Kill Bill 3'. Now for the record I'm use to shooting a lot of takes. We might do this 50 times today. Okay? Thank you." Quinn says, over the microphone from out in the hallway. "And action."
"Hey, Bailey. Can I talk to you about something?" Mack asks, walking over to Summer, placing a hand on her lower arm.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, Sam." Summer replies, as Mack takes her hand, leading her towards a desk, which he sits on.
"I know, babe, but this is really hard for me to say." Mack says, grabbing Summer's other hand.
"Babe, you're scaring me." Summer says, with a nervous laugh. "What?"
"It's about Ms Darbus." Mack says.
"Okay, now I'm really scared." Summer says.
"I just found out... Ms Darbus doesn't have much longer." Mack says. "At East High. She's retiring."
"Sam, please tell me you're kidding." Summer says. "I don't know how to be at East High without Ms Darbus. When I came here as a sophomore I didn't know anyone. I was totally lost and Ms Darbus made me feel found. She... She means so much to me."
"She means so much to all of us." Mack says, before standing up. "We're gonna get through this. Together."
Mack then hugs, Summer. Summer hugs him back, as tears fall down her cheeks.
"Crying? Why is there crying?" Alyson asks.
"I'm sorry Miss Darbus. I just told Bailey that you're retiring." Mack says, pulling away from Summer but keeping his hand on her arm and lower back. "I couldn't hold it in any longer."
"Attention everyone! Please? What Sam just said is correct." Alyson says, as Summer sits on the table wrapping an arm around Mack as he does the same with her. "I will be retiring at the end of this year. But what does retirement mean? Really? I prefer to think of it as we are going to be graduating joyfully and going off onto our next great adventure together."
"I'm not ready to say goodbye." Summer admits.
"In the theater, there is never goodbye. It's a exit stage right. It's a kiss, kiss at the stage door. It's making sure you don't fall in love with your costar, because what if you break up, and then the next week you find yourself cast in a bare- bone production of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Oh the stories I could tell. Bailey, Sam, Math Nerd Boy, Skater boy, Goth girl. All of you. I am as saddened as you are to be bidding adieu to my beloved East High. But a teacher, a true teacher, never really retires. She lives on. In you. In all of you. Wildcats, forever." Alyson says.
"And cut!" Quinn says.
"Ms Darbus, can I hug you?" Summer asks,not hearing Quinn. She goes completely off script as she sobs. "I don't think I'm ever gonna be ready to say goodbye. What's so good about goodbye?
"Oh, of course, my darling." Alyson says, hugging Summer.
"Please just hod me and make it make sense." Summer sobs.
"Wow!" Ricky says, to loudly.
"Cut!" Quinn shouts.
"Ricky!" Alice whisper yells.
"All right, you, wow boy, God. You look like a photocopy of an American Eagle advertisement.. so you're not officially fired yet." Quinn tells Ricky, as Summer was getting her makeup touched up.  "But don't tempt me. You're eliminated from the scene. All right. Let's turn it around. We got it in one take." Quinn walks up to Summer. "Not bad."
"Sorry Ricky. I'm gonna have to walk you off set." Maddox says, pushing Ricky slightly.
"Good." Ricky says, sending Summer to thumbs up.
She smiles and gives him a small wave, as he and Maddox leave the room.

They had been given a small break, the break worked out to be during Summer's free period. So while the others went to get work from there teacher for the lesson they were missing, Summer was in the gym reading over the script.
"Well, if it isn't East High's new movie star." Summer looks up to see Ricky walking over to her.
"Well if it isn't the movies second exile." Summer replies, closing her script.
"Technically, I'm not officially cut form the film yet." Ricky says sitting down next to her.
"Yeah, well that's lucky." Summer says. "I was certain you would be getting cut."
"Same." Ricky admits, with a laugh. "you're doing amazing, Sum."
"Thanks, Rick." Summer says.
"Hey I was right on New Years, when I said you would look good in a cheer uniform." Says.
"Shut up." Summer says, laughing as she nudges him.
The secret couple talking for a few more minutes before Mack comes over.
"Hey, Sum. Quinn wants us back on set." Mack tells her.
"Okay, see you later Mr Exile." Summer says standing up.
"See you later, Miss Hollywood's Newest Star." Ricky replies.
Summer laughs before walking away with Mack.
"I heard what you and Alyson was talking about." Summer tells Mack. "You know, when you said you didn't know if I could act."
"Truth be told. I walked past your rehearsal room when you were talking to your drama teacher and I heard you say you felt nervous. So I asked Alyson to go along with a plan I had, which that was it, it was to help push you to prove to you that you had what it takes. And it worked." Mack says.
"You really did that for me?" Summer asks.
"Of course. We are friends, after all, right?" Mack asks.
"Right." Summer says laughing.
The pair make it onto set. Summer bids a temporary goodbye to Mack, before going to get her hair and makeup touched up.

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