
By Someonewhosnotfamous

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In the world of titles, words carry immense power, and reputations are etched in stone. This realm is governe... More

Rule of Titles (Lore)
The Adventurer's Guild
Chapter 1: Trials of Valor
Chapter 2: Unlikely Mentor
Chapter 3: Clash of Words and Steel
Chapter 4: Entwined Red tape
Chapter 5: Beneath the Veil of Shadows
Chapter 6: Solitude's Embrace
Chapter 7: Lessons from the Past
Chapter 8: World of Convergence
Chapter 9: Bonds Forged in Battle
Chapter 10: Shadowless Death
Chapter 11: The Unspoken Hero
Chapter 12: Light and Shadows
Chapter 13: Beneath the Surface
Chapter 14: Clashing Allegiances
Chapter 15: Whispers of Justice
Chapter 16: Tides of Discord
Chapter 17: Shadows of Ambition
Chapter 18: Echoes of Self-Doubt
Chapter 19: Whispers of Time
Chapter 20: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 21: The Rise of the Illusionary Hero
Chapter 22: Veil of Deception
Chapter 23: The Unveiling of Unspoken Connections
Special: Elara and Sylara
Chapter 24: Curiosity Piques the Cat
Chapter 25: So close but yet so far.
Special : The Kingdom of Eclatia
Chapter 26: The Goblin Horde
Chapter 27: The Goblin Butcherer the Seeker and the Coward.
Chapter 28: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Chapter 29: The Eclatia Adventurers Guild
Chapter 30: The Surge

Special: Unveiling Diversity and Darkness

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By Someonewhosnotfamous

In the enchanting realm of Elysium, a land where magic and titles hold sway, a rich tapestry of races thrived in harmony, each contributing to the vibrancy and diversity of the kingdom. From the graceful Elves to the hardy Dwarves, and the curious Halflings to the mighty Orcs, these races inhabited Elysium with their unique cultures, traditions, and roles.

Humans: Humans are the most populous race in Elysium. They occupy various societal positions, from nobility and governance to common laborers and adventurers. Their adaptability and versatility make them valuable contributors to the kingdom's growth and stability.

Elves: Elves are known for their longevity and connection to nature. Many elves live in secluded forests, acting as caretakers and guardians of the kingdom's vast wilderness. Some elves also serve as diplomats and emissaries, using their wisdom to negotiate peace and alliances.

Dwarves: Renowned for their craftsmanship, dwarves are often found in the heart of Elysium's cities, where they operate renowned forges and craft exquisite weaponry, armor, and jewelry. Dwarves also play a crucial role in mining and resource extraction.

Halflings: Halflings are known for their agility and resourcefulness. They often work as traders, merchants, and craftsmen, facilitating commerce and the exchange of goods both within the kingdom and with neighboring lands.

Orcs: Orcs are often associated with strength and martial prowess. Many serve in the kingdom's military, protecting its borders and maintaining law and order. Some orcs, however, also embrace artistic and cultural endeavors.

Gnomes: Gnomes are known for their inventiveness and curiosity. They occupy roles as inventors, alchemists, and scholars, contributing to technological advancements and magical research within the kingdom.

Tieflings: Tieflings, with their infernal heritage, often face prejudice but also hold significant influence in the realm of magic. Many are skilled sorcerers, warlocks, and arcane researchers, contributing to the kingdom's magical defenses and knowledge.

Dragonborn: Dragonborn are respected for their martial prowess and sense of honor. They often serve as knights, champions, and protectors of the kingdom's leaders. Their powerful presence is both a symbol of strength and a formidable force in times of conflict.

Half-Elves: Half-elves bridge the gap between humans and elves. They often serve as diplomats, mediators, and spies, using their adaptability and ability to relate to both races to foster harmony and gather information.

Aasimar: Aasimar, with their celestial lineage, often become healers, priests, and protectors of the kingdom's spiritual well-being. They tend to hospitals, shrines, and offer guidance to those in need.

Tabaxi: Tabaxi, with their feline characteristics, excel in scouting, exploration, and agility-based professions. They are frequently employed as scouts, adventurers, and trackers, navigating the kingdom's wilderness.

Genasi: Genasi, with their elemental ancestry, are often drawn to elemental magic and craftsmanship. They contribute to the kingdom as elemental mages, blacksmiths, and engineers.

Goliaths: Goliaths, with their immense strength, often serve as laborers and guards in the kingdom's more remote regions. They are known for their tenacity and resilience.

These races, each with their unique strengths and abilities, come together to form a diverse and vibrant society within the Kingdom of Elysium. Through cooperation and mutual understanding, they contribute to the kingdom's prosperity and stability.

While slavery was officially outlawed within Elysium, the insidious remnants of this dark practice still lingered in the shadows. Among those who sought to exploit others was an Elf named Sylara, whose otherworldly beauty masked her malevolent intentions. 

Sylara, the esteemed diplomat of the Elven Kingdom of Ilthanya, graced the Kingdom of Elysium with her presence. Ilthanya was a realm known for its breathtaking beauty, nestled amidst ancient, enchanted forests. The kingdom itself seemed to be an extension of the natural world, with towering, ethereal trees, shimmering streams, and flora that emitted an otherworldly luminescence.

But even among the ethereal beauty of Ilthanya, Sylara's grace was legendary. Her raven-black hair a rare quality cascaded like a waterfall of silk down her back, framing an exquisite face adorned with emerald-green eyes that sparkled with wisdom and intrigue. Her features were delicate, yet her presence exuded a regal confidence that was impossible to ignore. Sylara's beauty transcended human standards, leaving those who gazed upon her in awe.

Sylara's journey to the Kingdom of Elysium was not a diplomatic one but a clandestine mission, a quest to unearth the dark truth that had tarnished the reputation of her kind. She had received alarming reports of a nefarious dark guild involved in the heinous act of enslaving elves, despite the society's long-standing abolition of slavery. These dark guilds were rumored to be operating under the protection of corrupt nobles and aristocrats who were part of a sinister cabal.

However, upon arriving in Elysium, Sylara's magical abilities, particularly her mastery over mana, were nullified by a sinister enchantment. Mana, in the world of elves, was the life force that flowed through all living beings and allowed them to harness magic. Sylara's mana reserve was vast, even by elven standards, making her a formidable sorceress  and diplomat. Yet, the cabal had found a way to block her connection to mana, rendering her powerless.

Sylara's unique ability, one that held immense significance among her people, was her capacity to see profiles. A profile, to an elf, was a visual manifestation of a person's true character and intentions. It appeared as a translucent aura around an individual, with colors and shapes revealing their personality, emotions, and motivations. This ability was essential in elven society, as it allowed them to discern truth from deception and build relationships based on trust.

In her pursuit of justice, Sylara had been profiling individuals associated with the dark guild and the cabal. Her aim was to expose the perpetrators, safeguard her people, and bring the malefactors to justice. However, with her mana blocked, she was vulnerable and at the mercy of her captors.

As Sylara's investigation delved deeper into the shadows of Elysium, she knew that uncovering the truth would not be without its perils. Yet, she was resolute in her determination to protect her kin and bring an end to the insidious conspiracy that threatened them.

After her daring escape from the clutches of the black cabal, Sylara's magical powers remained sealed, leaving her in a vulnerable and weakened state. Every ounce of magic she managed to use during her escape drained her further, leaving her fatigued and disoriented. She knew she couldn't trust anyone in this unfamiliar city, so she relied on her unique ability to sense the intentions of those around her.

Exhausted and desperate, she navigated the bustling crowds, her senses keenly attuned to the colorful titles floating above people's heads. Her heart raced as she spotted the title "Coward the Horrible" in the sea of titles. Instinctively, her first reaction was to distance herself from someone with such a title. But before she could react, she was spotted by the sinister individuals who had been pursuing her.

Fear surged through her, and she attempted to flee. However, her weakened state and the relentless pursuit of her pursuers nearly led to her capture. She was on the brink of collapse, her vision blurred and her limbs heavy, when she saw a glimmer of hope.

Out of nowhere, a figure emerged to shield her from her assailants. The mysterious savior's intervention bought her precious seconds, and she blacked out from sheer exhaustion.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a dimly lit room, lying on a simple bed beneath an unfamiliar ceiling. She was disoriented and dazed, and her immediate reaction was to assume she had been recaptured. Panic surged through her, and she instinctively assumed an attack position, ready to defend herself.

To her astonishment, she was not surrounded by the menacing figures she had encountered earlier, but by a group of  children from different races filled her view. The room she was in appeared to be an orphanage, located in a worn-down building that had seen better days. It seemed, however, that some effort had been made to reconstruct and care for the place.

As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, a kindly nun entered the room. At the sight of Sylara sitting up in a defensive posture, the nun gasped and hurriedly left to call for assistance. Sylara's heart raced once more, fearing that her discovery would lead to another dire situation.

But as she watched the children curiously observing her, she felt a strange sense of security. It was then that she decided to rely on her unique ability once more, activating her skill to see the titles floating above their heads.

Sylara's panicked scream reverberated through the room, her voice carrying a mixture of fear and desperation. She implored the nun to summon the authorities, believing that the man with the ominous title, "Coward the Horrible," was a threat associated with those who pursued her. Her words hung in the air, heavy with urgency.

However, instead of a swift response, an unsettling silence fell over the room. The children, who had previously watched her with curious eyes, suddenly erupted into laughter, their innocent giggles filling the space. Even the nun, Merida the Martyr, offered a soft chuckle.

Confusion and exhaustion gripped Sylara as she tried to make sense of the situation. She had expended her precious mana to use her unique ability, and now, amidst laughter and mirth, she felt vulnerable and defenseless.

As the laughter gradually subsided, the children's eyes sparkled with amusement, and the nun approached Sylara with a gentle smile. Merida's title, "the Martyr," seemed to dissolve, indicating the strain on her mana. Sylara's eyes remained fixed on her, awaiting an explanation to unravel the mystery that had unfolded before her.

With a soothing voice, Merida finally addressed Sylara's confusion. "Fear not, dear one," she said, her tone warm and comforting. "There is no need for alarm. The children find your reaction quite amusing, and I assure you, you are safe here."

Sylara's brows furrowed as she tried to comprehend the situation. "But... his title," she stammered, her voice weaker now, her magical reserves depleted. "It's... it's 'Coward the Horrible.' How can I trust...?"

Merida interrupted gently, her eyes reflecting understanding. "Do you perhaps see his title are you a Seeker? Either way Titles, my dear, can be deceptive. They do not define the entirety of one's character. 'Coward the Horrible' is a title, but it does not encompass the essence of the man who saved you. Sometimes, heroes come in unexpected forms."

Sylara's exhaustion began to overwhelm her, and she sank back onto the bed, her defenses slowly dissipating. As the weight of her perilous situation bore down on her, she found herself in the company of strangers whose titles defied conventional understanding. In the quiet of the orphanage, she awaited further explanation, her trust fractured yet fragile, and her hope for answers intact.

As Sylara reclined on the modest bed, the nun, Merida the Martyr, continued to speak, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and sadness. She explained how Coward, despite bearing the title "Coward the Horrible," had become a pillar of support for the orphanage and the children within it.

"Coward, you see," Merida began, her tone warm and filled with affection, "is a man who carries the weight of his self-imposed title with grace. He believes himself to be 'horrible,' yet he is far from it. In fact, he's a hero to these children."

Sylara listened intently, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten as she sought to understand the enigma of Coward. Merida continued, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "He is a self-deprecating soul who can see the good in everyone, even those who may hate him. He teaches the children not just the ways of the world but the kindness that dwells within it."

A pang of regret and sympathy tugged at Sylara's heart as she realized the injustice that Coward had faced due to his title. The nun's words painted a picture of a man misunderstood by society, yet unwavering in his dedication to making the world a better place.

"His humility," Merida continued, "keeps him from seeking praise or recognition for his deeds. He toils tirelessly for the well-being of these children, providing not just shelter and food, but love and guidance."

Sylara couldn't help but be moved by Merida's heartfelt words. Her initial apprehension about Coward was beginning to crumble, replaced by a growing sense of curiosity and respect for the man who had saved her. It was a stark reminder that titles, in this world, often obscured the true essence of an individual.

Their conversation was interrupted by the quiet entrance of Coward himself, a meek figure who entered the room with his head slightly bowed. Sylara couldn't help but notice how he avoided meeting her gaze, seemingly overwhelmed by her otherworldly beauty.

In his hands, Coward held a small vial filled with a high-grade potion, its contents shimmering with a potent magical energy. He handed it to Merida and spoke softly, his voice humble and self-effacing. "This should help restore her strength."

Sylara watched as Coward proceeded to explain the potion's use and how to remove the choker that had sealed her powers. His actions were methodical, almost as if he had done this countless times before.

Merida's eyes brimmed with gratitude as she accepted the potion. "Thank you, Coward," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "You are a true hero to us all."

Coward's response was a faint, self-conscious smile, and uttered in a word someone can hardly hear. "You're exaggerating Sister..." as he nodded and retreated with the same quiet humility that defined him. Sylara couldn't help but feel a deep sense of intrigue about this enigmatic man, whose character transcended the limitations of his title.

Sylara listened intently as Merida shared stories of Coward, a selfless mercenary who had become a beacon of hope for the children of the orphanage and the townsfolk of Thornwood. As she enjoyed the simple meal of warm soup and fresh bread that Merida had kindly provided, her heart swelled with gratitude for this man she had initially misunderstood.

Merida's voice was filled with warmth and admiration as she recounted Coward's selfless deeds. "You see, Miss Sylara," she began, "Coward is not just a mercenary. He's a guardian angel for these children and for many others in our town. He came up with this wonderful idea of having the Mercenaries Guild and the Merchant Guild work together to find suitable homes for orphaned children."

Sylara nodded, captivated by the narrative. "He sounds like an extraordinary individual," she remarked.

Merida's eyes twinkled with pride. "Indeed, he is but..." a painful smile drawn slowly on her face , "But he didn't see his deed his goodness  he always deny himself the appreciation and consider it as everyone can do what he's doing it's naturally he always claimed, He's been on countless adventures, and what sets him apart is that he often doesn't ask for rewards. He genuinely cares about people, no matter their background or race."

The nun continued to share stories of Coward's adventures, recounting instances where he had helped towns in need, saved people from dangerous creatures, and even stood up against corrupt nobles when necessary. His actions had earned him the unofficial title of "The Silent Hero," a moniker that the people of Thornwood and beyond had bestowed upon him in recognition of his selfless nature.

Sylara's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as she listened to these tales. She had been quick to judge Coward based on his title, but now she realized that titles were often a poor reflection of a person's true character. She felt a deep desire to meet him, to thank him for his kindness, and to apologize for her earlier misunderstanding.

Finishing her meal, Sylara turned to Merida with a grateful smile. "Thank you for sharing these stories with me, Sister Merida. I'm eager to meet Coward and express my gratitude to him in person."

Merida's eyes gleamed with kindness but knowingly the character of Coward "I'm sure he'd say he did what he could and everyone can do it, but I appreciate  if you show him how wrong his beliefs are, Miss Sylara. Coward is a humble soul, but he has a heart that is fragile and meek.

With her stomach nourished and her heart full of newfound respect for Coward, Sylara knew that she was on the cusp of an encounter that would change her perspective on titles, prejudice, and the capacity for goodness in the world.

As Sylara stepped outside the orphanage, she was greeted by a heartwarming sight that filled her with both curiosity and admiration. The courtyard was a lively tapestry of diversity, a testament to the Kingdom of Elysium's embrace of various races and backgrounds. Children of different races played together, their laughter and innocent chatter echoing through the air.

Among the children, there was a young dragonborn boy with shimmering scales and an infectious smile. His eyes sparkled with youthful exuberance as he approached Sylara. The dragonborn, known for their resilience and sense of community, had found a place of belonging here in the orphanage.

Sylara knelt down to be at eye level with the young dragonborn and asked, "Do you know where Coward went, little one?"

The dragonborn boy nodded enthusiastically, his tail swaying with excitement. "Yes, Miss! Coward went to the market for supplies. He said he'd be back soon."

Sylara couldn't help but smile at the boy's earnestness. It was clear that Coward had made a profound impact on these children, and they held him in high regard despite his self-imposed title. She patted the dragonborn's head gently and said, "Thank you for letting me know. I'll go find him at the market."

With a sense of determination, Sylara set off in search of Coward, eager to express her gratitude and offer the apology that she felt was long overdue. As she navigated the bustling streets of Elysium, she couldn't help but reflect on the complexity of titles, reputation, and the extraordinary man she had encountered.

Coward, his title of "Coward the Horrible" in stark contrast to his actions, had been drawn to the market for supplies. As he navigated through the throng of people. Sylara, her unique ability allowing her to glimpse the titles and beneath their Profile that accompanied each individual, was taken aback when her eyes settled on Coward. There, beneath the title of "Coward the Horrible," she saw an anomaly – a name that spoke of strength and courage, qualities that defied the very essence of his chosen moniker and a lot of titles one of the new one is "The Silent Hero" a moniker he received from the people of Thornwood Intrigued, she carefully followed him discreetly, her curiosity guiding her steps.

Their paths converged near the outskirts of the city, where shadows cast by towering trees created a haven of solitude. Unbeknownst to Coward, Sylara had been trailing him, intrigued by the dichotomy of his title and the hidden strength she had glimpsed beneath it. Just as he was about to head back, his keen senses detected a subtle presence behind him.

Sylara stepped into the light, her identity revealed. Coward turned, surprise evident in his eyes as he beheld the beauty that had been hidden by her cloak. Sylara, however, was more intrigued by the name she saw beneath his title, the one that defied her understanding of his chosen moniker she was eager to thank him but getting a look of him, The man before her was unlike anyone she had ever seen. Coward stood at an average height, but it was the aura of quiet strength that surrounded him that caught her attention. His physique was lean but well-defined, a testament to the physical prowess that lay beneath his unassuming exterior.

What truly enchanted Sylara, however, were his eyes. They were a striking shade of deep azure, like twin sapphires that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages. His eyes were kind, warm, and carried a depth of understanding that spoke of a life filled with experiences, both sadness, pain and suffering eyes that looked into the very essence of a person.

Coward's hair was a tousled mess of silver gray, falling in unruly waves that framed his rugged face. He had a strong jawline and a faint scar that ran along one cheek, a testament to the battles he had fought and the hardships he had endured. It was a face that bore no pretense, no arrogance; it was the face of a man who had embraced his own flaws and imperfections.

He was dressed in simple, practical clothing – a weathered brown tunic, sturdy leather boots, and a cloak that bore the insignia of the Mercenaries Guild. There was nothing extravagant about his attire, a reflection of his unassuming nature.

But it was Coward's unique quality that truly stood out. It wasn't a physical trait but rather his personality. He exuded an aura of humility and approachability, an unspoken invitation for others to open up and share their stories. His smile was genuine and disarming, as if he carried the weight of the world but refused to let it steal his joy.

As Sylara approached him, she felt a strange mix of emotions – gratitude, curiosity, and a growing admiration. She had been saved by a man who had redefined her understanding of titles and had shown her the true measure of character. It wasn't the titles that adorned one's name but the actions and choices made in the face of adversity.

Coward turned to greet her albeit a bit meek and, and his azure eyes met Sylara's. In that moment, she felt a connection, a recognition of kindred spirits who had both faced prejudice and had been shaped by their experiences. She had been enchanted not by his physical appearance, but by the indomitable spirit and unwavering kindness that emanated from him.

Their encounter was interrupted by a chilling revelation. Dark adventurers, mercenaries who had twisted their titles for malicious purposes, emerged from the shadows. With titles that exuded power and dominance, they had been hired by a nefarious faction to capture Sylara and bring her back to her captors.

Coward's initial confusion gave way to a fierce determination he moves quickly to protect Sylara As the dark adventurers closed in, he faced them with a resolve that belied his title. The clash of steel and magic resounded through the forest as Coward fought valiantly, his movements a dance of grit and courage.

Yet, the dark adventurers were not ordinary opponents. Their titles bestowed upon them immense power, and their mastery of magic and combat was evident. Coward, while brave, found himself outclassed and outmatched for someone who doesn't have magic power nor enhancement magic. The battle raged on, a symphony of clashing weapons and crackling spells.

As the fight reached its crescendo, Sylara's regained power revealed itself. She could see the titles of those around her, deciphering their intentions and strengths. It was through this insight that she discerned the weak points of the dark adventurers, enabling Coward to exploit their vulnerabilities.

Even as he fought, Coward's thoughts were consumed by a single purpose – to protect Sylara. The realization that he was willing to lay down his life for her safety shook him to his core, a testament to the strength of his character.

The battle raged on, the clash of opposing forces creating an ethereal spectacle. Sylara, her admiration for Coward growing with each swing of his fist, witnessed his struggle and bravery. But as the dark adventurers were finally defeated, and the dust settled, she saw something else – a sorrow hidden behind his determined gaze.

With the danger dispelled, Sylara's gratitude was matched only by her confusion. How could a man with the title "Coward the Horrible" possess such courage? And yet, as they stood amidst the aftermath of battle, Coward's self-deprecating nature became evident. He brushed aside her words of appreciation, unable to see the valor within himself.

In the days that followed, as their paths continued to intertwine, Sylara's feelings for Coward deepened. His humility, his kindness, and his paradoxical title drew her in. She sought to understand him better, to uncover the layers that he guarded so carefully. But every time she attempted to express her feelings, his self-deprecating responses only pushed her away.

Coward's misunderstanding of her intentions served as an impenetrable barrier, preventing him from seeing the truth – that Sylara had fallen for the man behind the title, a man who embodied qualities far beyond his chosen moniker. As they ventured forth on their respective journeys, Sylara grappled with her unspoken emotions, while Coward remained oblivious to the heart that beat for him, all the while haunted by his past and the belief that he was undeserving of happiness.

Bound by her responsibilities and the weight of her royal lineage, Sylara found herself torn between her burgeoning feelings and her duty as the princess of the enigmatic western Kingdom of Erneastra. While her heart yearned to follow the enigmatic man who had captivated her thoughts, the crown demanded her unwavering attention.

Coward's presence in her life had been a revelation, a flicker of hope in a world shrouded in intrigue. His deeds had proven that genuine unity could only blossom from a foundation of empathy, understanding, and the refusal to let titles dictate a person's true worth.

As much as she longed to unravel the layers of his complex character, Sylara recognized that her role demanded her focus. The western Kingdom, equally mysterious and powerful, carried its own secrets and enigmas that required her attention. With a heavy heart, she withdrew from Coward's orbit, resolving to fulfill her royal obligations and responsibilities.

Her choice was not born out of indifference; rather, it was a temporary departure fueled by necessity. She knew that the path she had chosen was one fraught with challenges and expectations, ones that extended beyond her personal desires. Yet, her encounters with Coward had ignited a spark within her, a curiosity that she knew would not be easily extinguished.

As she retreated to the realm of Ilthanya, Sylara couldn't help but carry Coward's lessons with her. His actions had illuminated a truth that transcended kingdoms and titles – that people were not bound by the labels placed upon them. With time, she hoped to return to his side, armed with a greater understanding of both him and the world that had drawn them together.

For now, Coward remained her eternal savior, a symbol of the kind of unity she aspired to achieve, both in her own kingdom and beyond its borders. And so, with resolve in her heart and the enigma of her own realm to navigate, Sylara embarked on her path, her connection with Coward never truly fading, but instead growing stronger with each passing day.

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