Symphogear: The Fury of gods...

By XDisius

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This story is the sequel to "The Fury of gods". As I said in part 1: This story takes place after the events... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

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By XDisius

Hibiki: (determined) We have to put an end to this madness, Miku.

Miku: (decided) Yes, together we will succeed!

Heimdall: (confidently) We have a task to complete.

The three figures prepared to continue their battle, aiming to stop Nerthus and the Helwalkers once and for all and restore peace to the city.

Nerthus:Oh, I see you are stubborn!

Heimdall: True, I certainly am.

Hibiki: Nerthus, that's enough, you don't have to do all this because we prevented Njörd from unleashing Ragnarok, it's crazy, he was crazy!

Nerthus: As I told you before, he had problems, but that doesn't mean you had to kill him... He was the one who needed more help than anyone else... Skjöldr was a crazy fanatic, he did that he had to get out of the way, Oðr was loyal to Njörd...While Gullveig, I never liked her, I always wondered what was going on in her head,these three were insignificant...But instead my beloved Njörd, you will join him very soon, Tachibana Hibiki!!

Hibiki: (begging) Nerthus, stop!  This will not bring you peace or justice!

Nerthus: Shut up, murderous Hypocrite!!!

The battle reached its climax, with Hibiki, Miku and Heimdall desperately trying to stop Nerthus and the Helwalkers.  The woman was possessed by a deep anger and desire for revenge, which made her dangerous and determined.

Heimdall: (sarcasm) Nice work, little hamster, it seems your words have lost effect

Hibiki: (with determination) We can't give up, we have to protect this city!

Miku: (next to Hibiki) We have a duty to stop her!

Heimdall: (preparing to attack) It's time to put an end to this madness.

Heimdall charges Nerthus

Heimdall: Bifrost cross-strike!

Heimdall unleashed his powerful attack, the "Bifrost cross-strike", creating two crossed rainbow slashes.  The arcane light shimmered brightly, cutting through the air as it raced towards Nerthus with devastating speed.

Nerthus: (shouting) You won't be able to stop me, Heimdall!

Nerthus manages to deflect the two blows, but the candid god had the next move ready, in fact he joined the two scissors, attacking them with one blade pointing upwards and one downwards

*The hilts of Heimdall's scissors open and in one a cavity appears and in another a track, Heimdall unites them by partially overlapping them*

Heimdall: Bifrost Scissors Massacre!

Heimdall performed his finishing move, the "Bifrost Scissors Massacre", merging the two scissors into a single weapon and throwing it like a boomerang.  The slashing weapon raced toward Nerthus quickly, with a power that seemed unsurpassed.

Nerthus: (panic in his eyes) No, I can't allow that!

Nerthus tried to defend himself, but Heimdall's weapon was too fast and too powerful.  The boomerang hit Nerthus, causing her to crash into a car, Heimdall aimed one of his blades at the goddess

Heimdall: Surrender

An energy arrow was shot in the vicinity of Hibiki and Miku, contact with the ground caused it to explode, creating a huge wall of blue fire

Heimdall:(Surprised) But what...?

Heimdall was about to ask Nerthus to surrender, but suddenly an energy arrow exploded in the vicinity of Hibiki and Miku, creating a huge wall of blue fire.  Everyone was faced with this unexpected explosion and prepared to defend themselves.

Hibiki: (protecting Miku) Are you okay, Miku?

Miku: (nodding) Yeah, but what happened?

Nerthus took advantage of Heimdall's distraction to throw a very strong punch on his stomach, making him collapse to the ground almost before he breathed.

Nerthus: You have finally arrived, Kvasir!

Kvasir, appeared on a rooftop, holding his Armed Gear, a cross bow

The situation had suddenly become complicated, with the appearance of Kvasir and the explosion of blue fire that had put everyone in difficulty.  Heimdall had been taken aback and brought to his knees by Nerthus, while Kvasir appeared with a cross bow.

Hibiki: (surprisingly) Kvasir?  What are you doing here?

Kvasir: (grinning evilly) I have come to complete what Nerthus failed to do.  You are destined to be eliminated, Symphogear!

Kvasir aimed his crossbow and fired an energy projectile at the Symphogears.  Things seemed to get out of hand, with the city under attack and our heroes in trouble.

Nerthus took advantage of Heimdall's disability to rage on him, not leaving the guardian of the Bifrost time to react

Meanwhile Kvasir was keeping Hibiki and Miku at bay.

Hibiki:(to Kvasir) Whoever you are, you don't have to do this!

Kvasir: (calm) "All of this" is your fault, and yours alone

Kvasir had launched the energy projectile on Hibiki, hitting her full.  Hibiki was thrown backwards by the impact, falling to the ground.  She was hurt, but she had no intention of giving up.

Hibiki: (struggling to get up) We won't...give up...

Miku: (voice shaking) Hibiki...

However, the situation was increasingly critical, with Heimdall pinned by Nerthus and Kvasir keeping pressure on Hibiki and Miku with his cross bow.

Kvasir: (with a mocking smile) The end is near, Symphogear.

The situation seemed hopeless, but at that moment, an unexpected flame of hope lit up on the horizon.  A noise like thunder echoed through the air and a mysterious figure appeared in the skies.  He was a mighty warrior clad in shining armor.

???: (in a powerful voice) Stop, Kvasir!

Kvasir and Nerthus turned to see who this new threat was.

Thor arrived in time to save the day

Kvasir:Well, look who's here!  What brings you here, god of thunder?

Thor, the god of thunder, had appeared majestically to save the day.  His presence had put Kvasir and Nerthus in awe.

Thor: (with authority) I'm here to restore the balance and stop this senseless violence.  I will not let you destroy this city.

Kvasir: (sulking) What a nuisance!

Nerthus: (angrily) This is not the end, Symphogear!

Kvasir and Nerthus disappeared in a cloud of smoke, temporarily withdrawing from the fight.  Thor approached the Symphogears with a friendly smile.

Thor: (to Hibiki and Miku) Are you all right, warriors?

Hibiki: (thanks) Yes, thanks to you... it's good to see you again

Thor: For me too... (to Heimdall, teasing him) This is new to me, my dear stepbrother, you who get distracted by these trifles

Heimdall: (with a mocking smile) Oh, you know how it is, Thor, sometimes it's good to leave some space for the young heroes.  (pointing to Hibiki and Miku) Here are the stars of the moment... Even if they sucked tonight

Miku:(annoyed) Hey...!

Thor: (laughs) All right, all right, little brother, don't be too hard on them.  They are young and still learning.  However, as I said, there is a lot to discuss and plan... But not here, Baldur wants you in Asgard

Hibiki:Wait, how are Kirika and Shirabe?

Thor:I don't know, why?  What happened to them?

Hibiki: They were mortally wounded by Nerthus

Miku: Kirika got a nice 220 and Nerthus stole Igalima from her

Hibiki: While Shirabe caught a bident in the middle of her stomach

Miku: Same thing with Kirika too

Heimdall: Baldur will have to wait, now back to S.O.N.G.!

Thor: (seriously) I understand the situation.  We must act quickly to save the lives of Kirika and Shirabe.  Let's go back to S.O.N.G.  and we do everything we can to cure them.  Baldur can wait.  (getting ready to leave) I'm ready to take you to Asgard when you're ready.  For now, let's focus on the health of your friends.

Hibiki and Miku nodded, ready to head back to S.O.N.G.  and face the next challenge.  The fight against the gods continued, but they were confident that together they could overcome any obstacle.

*transition to S.O.N.G.*

Hibiki: Mr. Genjuuro, how are Kirika and Shirabe?

Genjuuro: They're out of danger, but they've been sent to the ICU...Kirika is in the worst shape, if it wasn't for Hermod, we'd be planning her funeral by now

Hibiki and Miku breathed a sigh of relief to hear that Kirika and Shirabe were out of danger, even if the situation remained serious.  They were deeply grateful for Hermod's intervention that had saved their friends.

Hibiki: (thanking Genjuuro) Thanks to Hermod, they are still with us.

Miku: (concerned) How long will it take for them to heal?

Genjuuro: (serious) It's hard to say exactly.  They will have to stay in the ICU for a while, but we will do what we can to get them to heal to the best of our ability.  The important thing is that they are alive.

Hibiki: (firm) We will do everything we can to help them recover.

Miku: (with determination) Yes, we won't leave them alone in this battle.

Genjuuro: (appreciating) I'm sure you'll do your best.  In the meantime, there is some important information I need to share with you regarding Baldur and recent events.  We must be prepared for what is to come.

The hall gradually emptied, with Thor and Heimdall, Hibiki, Miku, Tsubasa, Chris and Maria ready to leave, but not before a last exchange with Genjuuro.

Genjuuro: (smiling) You are always welcome here, guys.

Thor: (taunting) All right, all right, "uncle".

Heimdall: (adding) See you soon, old man.

The two gods and the Symphogear, thanks to a flash created by Thor, move from Midgard to the great hall of Valhalla, where Baldur and Hermod were waiting for them

Baldur: (smiling) Welcome back guys and welcome back girls too!

The group gathered in the great hall of Valhalla, where Baldur and Hermod awaited them.  Baldur's welcome was warm, and everyone felt welcomed and protected there.

Hibiki: (returning Baldur's smile) Thanks for inviting us, Baldur.

Miku: (affectionate) We're happy to be here.

Baldur: (seriously) There's a lot to discuss and plan.  We need all the strength available to face the threats that surround us.  But first, rest and regenerate your energies.  You are in a safe place.

Maria: (thanking) We really appreciate it.

That evening the girls had a good rest, but Hibiki stayed up a little longer to chat with Baldur

Hibiki:No news about Odin?  We both know we need him

Baldur: (seriously) Sadly, the all-father is still missing, and we don't know what happened to him.  His absence weighs heavily on us, but we must continue to protect the world even without him.  I know it's hard, but now more than ever we need your strength and the help of the Symphogears.  We will continue to look for Odin, but we must also prepare for the challenges ahead.

Hibiki: (concerned) I still have a lot of questions for him, about what is my role in all of this, about whether I'm destined to become an Aesir goddess...

Baldur: (surprised) Hey wait, wait...What does "destined to become an Aesir goddess" mean?

Hibiki: (embarrassed) It's a strange thing Odin told me in a dream...I don't know how reliable it is.

Baldur: (thoughtfully) It's true that in mythology some people have been elevated to godhood,for example Hercules, Perseus, Buddha, Romulus who later became Quirinus, but that's very rare.  I don't know what that could mean in your case, but it could be a sign of how important you are to the fate of the world.

Hibiki: (concerned) I haven't told this to the others yet.  It's hard to believe and could put pressure on them.

Baldur: (sympathetic) It's your choice, Hibiki.  Sooner or later you will have to deal with this matter, but I understand that it is a delicate decision.

Hibiki: (firm) For now, I'll focus my energies on how we can protect the world together.  The other Symphogears need me here and now.

Baldur: (smiling) It's a wise choice, Hibiki.  We are proud to have you and the other Symphogears by our side.  We have a lot to do, but together we can face any challenge.

Hibiki nodded and retired to rest, knowing that she had an important role to play in the future and that she would address her questions when the time was right.

*transition to Vanheim*

Nerthus: (furious) Damn, I had come so far to kill her, why did that damned Heimdall have to screw it up?!

Kvasir: I rather wonder what kind of relationship he and Thor have with those girls

Hœnir: Lady Nerthus, I would listen to that Hibiki, she seems like a good human to me

Nerthus: (frustrated) I don't want to hear about it!  It is her fault that my husband died!  She is an enemy and I will hate her forever!

Hœnir:But...Lady Nerthus...!

Nerthus: (frustrated) ENOUGH!... However, we started off on the right foot

Nerthus shows Kvasir and Hœnir Kirika's pendant

Hoenir: What is it?

Nerthus: It's the relic of that blonde I electrocuted, without it it's practically harmless

Kvasir:But that's great, Nerthus!

Nerthus: Kvasir, take Hœnir to the laboratory

Kvasir:Do you want to implement "that" plan?

Nerthus: Exactly

Hoenir: What?

Kvasir:Don't worry, nothing will happen to you

Hœnir:No, one second, what are you going to do to me?

*transition to Kvasir laboratory*

Kvasir:Thanks to the LINKERS I stole I can make you able to use this relic

Hœnir:What do you want to do to me?

Kvasir:Make you compatible with the relic and to do that I have to inject you with the LINKER, so...!

Kvasir injects LINKER into Hœnir's neck and the latter begins to experience excruciating pain, his eyes narrowed as she fought against the agony.

Hœnir: (screaming in pain) Aaargh!  What... what are you doing?!

Kvasir: (cold) Be calm, Hœnir.  This is necessary for our plan.

Pain spread throughout Hœnir's body as LINKER did her work.  It was a disturbing and enigmatic scene, and Hœnir was in a critical situation.

The effect of the LINKER on Hœnir was devastating, and the poor fellow was clearly in great pain.  Blood poured from his mouth as he fought against the agony.  The situation was clearly critical and Kvasir seemed determined to carry out his plan, regardless of the consequences for Hœnir.

Kvasir: (cold) Hold on, Hœnir.  This is just the beginning of our plan.  Your suffering will lead to our victory.

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