Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

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Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

Secrets Pt. 2

63 0 0
By Yui-umbreon

Secrets Pt. 2

That night while eating dinner the three adults were talking. Dede couldn't help but keep looking from her own bracelet, to her nana and then up at the ceiling, thinking of what she saw inside that box.

"It can't be, right?" She whispered to herself.

"Jewel, are you ok?" Crystal asked, noticing her daughter is being quieter than usual.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I guess I'm just tired from the drive here." Dede said before she stood up. "May I be excused."

"Of course girl, don't worry, we'll clean this up. It's getting late anyway." Beatrice said as she too stood up, grabbing the empty plates and putting them in the sink.

"Thanks nana, goodnight, love you all." Dede ran upstairs with Lapis on her heels.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird since you collected those plates." Lapis asked as they made it to their temporary room.

"That's just it, when I went to get the plates there was a beeping from a box, when I looked I saw there was a bracelet inside, similar to my own." Dede said as she changed into her PJs.

"But, then wouldn't that mean that your nana was a galactic guardian as well?"

"I don't know, as far as I've known, there's not been many human galactic guardians."

"Well, did you try pressing any of the buttons to see if you can get in touch with Admiral DeGill?"

"No. I think I just didn't want to believe it when I first saw it, so I left it alone."

"Well, maybe go back and try it, you know, put your mind at ease."

"That's a good idea. Let's go." With that Dede and Lapis left their room and sneaked up to the attic, wanting to be quiet as the adults had just gone into their rooms. When they arrived they went to the desk, only to see that it was empty of both the box and the photograph that was there only a few hours before. "What? Where'd it go?"

"Maybe you were just seeing things."

"But, it was there right next to a picture, I know it was."

"Well, you could always just ask Beatrice about it in the morning."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Dede sighs before heading back to bed.

The next day after breakfast Dede was out in the fields helping set up the tents that the kids and their parents were gonna sleep in for the youth group that was going to be showing up soon, when Beatrice walked up to her with Lapis behind her.

"Woah, Lapis, nice collar." Dede said seeing a gold collar with a purple flower on it hanging from Lapis's neck.

"Your parents told me it was the little pup's birthday today, so I'd thought I'd give her a gift." Beatrice said a Lapis sat in between them.

"It looks beautiful."

"Well, I'm glad you like it, it's a matching pair, you see." Beatrice held out a necklace with a gold chain and the same purple flower on. "Back when I was younger I had a pup of my own so I've had them for years, if you're ever in trouble, if you ever need your old granny, just call out and I'll get the message." Beatrice puts the necklace on Dede before resting her hands on her shoulders. "It's kinda special that way."

"I love it, thank you nana." Dede hugged her Nan quickly before she saw the other bracelet out of the corner of her eye. "Nana, can I ask you something? That bracelet you're wear-"

"Oh, you don't want to talk about this old thing." Beatrice smiled before a beeping could be heard. "You've been working hard, why don't I finish this off and you go for a walk."

"Thanks nana." Dede kissed Beatrice on the cheek before running off with Lapis following.

"Yes, mission time." Lapis cheered when they were in a secluded spot, making Dede laugh a bit before she answered the call.

"Atomic Candy, it's bad news. Your ship's been hijacked with X-5 and Sparky on board. We think it's a trap." Admiral DeGill said straight away.

"Are you sure?" Dede asked before her screen shifts to Captain Chuck's TV show

"Welcome back to our secret trap where we destroy Atomic Candy for your viewing pleasure!" Captain Chuck said.

"Yes, we're rather sure." Admiral DeGill says.

"If Maximus wants a show, I'll give him one. But it's gotta be quick. I'm helping set up for a youth group."

"I can join her on this mission, right Admiral?" Lapis asked.

"Ah.. yes. Your training has been going well so we promised you could go." Admiral DeGill said. "Good luck, Atomic Candy and Lapis!"

At Maximus's citadel, the spaceship is grabbed by Dr. Cerebral's weapon arm.

"Behold! I present you Atomic Candy!" Dr. Cerebral said as the crowd cheered for a moment. Then X-5 and Sparky run out of the ship covered in jello. A wave of jello covers Cerebral, Minimus, and Captain Chuck.

"No Candy, no points!" Says Maximus as Cerebral cleans his glass dome and Minimus tastes the jello.

"I give him 1 point!" Says evil minimus before switching to good minimus. "Oh, 7 for the cake! Oh, delish!"

"There are 438 villains in this room. I suspect we should leave immediately. To the ship!" X-5 says but before he and Sparky can get on the ship, Dr. Cerebral presses a button and the ship is taken out of the show and sent flying by the mechanical arm. "Right. Onto plan B. Run!"

"You are all under arrest!" Candy's voice rang out as she arrived on her Space Cycle. With Lapis behind her. "I order you to surrender, and make it fast! I have an event waiting!" A cage forms, trapping her inside.

"Welcome to my new reality show, where the reality is... YOU AREN'T GOING TO ANY EVENT!" Maximus laughed before he pressed a button and a cage lowered onto the stage, trapping her inside.

"I challenge Atomic Betty to a jungle wrestling combat!" Iciclia says as she walked on stage.

"Excellent! A little rumble in the jungle! I love it!" Candy's cage disappears and turns into a wrestling ring. Even her Space Cycle freezes and breaks. Iciclia jumps into the ring to get ready. But Suddenly, Nuclea appears.

"Pathetic, darling!" Nuclea pushes Iciclia aside. "This is how we destroy an enemy!l She shoots lighting at Candy and Lapis but they dodge it. The shot sets a plant on fire.

"I'm not scared of you, Iciclia. But Nuclea, she's dangerous." Dede taunted as Lapis ran to find Sparky and X-5z

"Her? Ha! She could light up 41 Vault!" Iciclia scoffed as Nuclea shoots lightning at her and she ducks.

"Girls! Girls! Remember: You're trying to destroy me!"

"She's right!" They both then shoot out their respective attacks of lightning and ice at Candy as she jumps over them. This causes the female supervillains to get hurt.

"That was fun." Dede giggled.

"Incompetent fools! No points!" Spat Maximus. "You're all pathetic! I should just do the job myself!"

"Oh, oh! No can do, Boss!" Good minimus said as he finds the rule book and reads it. "The rules state: Judges can't be contestants at the same time."

"Remember, you wrote the rules." Said evil minimus before Maximus takes the book and hits him in the head.

"Ow! Oh, and excellent rules they are. Oh, they're so good."

"Engage the Yellow Light Chain!" Maximus says before Light rings form around Candy's legs. "Who's next?" As Candy struggles to free herself, Sparky, X-5 and Lapis appear disguised as a villain.

"It is I, the Chameleon!" Sparky announced as he stood on the back of lapis in her bigger form to give a bit more height and X-5 behind her on the floor, but the real Chameleon spits his drink he is having.

"The... the Chameleon?! That's me!" The real one says.

"This is my new super evil shape! Who's Scary? Who?!"

"Yes. Ooh, terribly frightening. But go on! Do something evil!" Maximus says bored.

"Quick, X-5!" Dede whispers to said robot that was trying to break the chains from her legs.

"You're not the Chameleon!" The real chameleon runs onto stage before he changes into a monster. "I am!" He roars and breaths fire. Sparky dodges it. Unfortunately, the costume is burnt, revealing it to be Sparky, X-5 and Lapis underneath.

"I bet you can't change into a million-sand fly!" Dede taunts.

"Oh yeah?! Watch this!" He falls for the taunt and changes into a million-sand fly.

"Now!" Dede ordered as X-5 takes out a fly swatter and swats the Chameleon.

"You might just as well give up! Nobody's gonna beat the Chief, especially not with her new partner on her birthday!." Sparky said, pointing to Lapis.

"Oh, it's a birthday. Why didn't you say so?!" Infantor says as he gets on a machine and it shoots rocket bullets at Candy and her crew.

"Run!" X-5 exclaimed but they were too late. The rocket bullets take them off the ring. Later, they are tied up in icing on a huge cake. "You had to open your big mouth."

"Dis rocket is gonna blast Candy into space for the biggest firework finale ever! Who's the Evil Idol, huh? ME!!!"

"Oh, I love fireworks!" Says sparky as Dede struggles to free her arm, reaching for the necklace she was given just this morning.

"Nana, I wish you were here. I could really use your help right now." Dede whispered as the necklace glowed.

Infantor laughs as he launches the rocket with Dede and her crew on it. Minimus claps his hands and holds up a sign that says 10. The crowd throws roses at Infantor, all while Dede is hoping Beatrice will save her.

"At least your birthday's ending with a bang." Sparky says to Lapis who is next to him.

"Great, just how I wanted to go out. My first mission will be my last." Lapis replies sourly as the rocket flies toward the sun, but before anything too bad happens Beatrice appears on her own Space Cycle.

"Nana!" Dede exclaims as Beatrice uses a grapple gun.

"Oh dear. It's been a while since I've done this." Beatrice says as she uses the grapple gun on the cake with Dede and her friends and saves them. Then she shoots at the rocket and it flies back at Maximus's citadel. Beatrice flies Dede and her crew into their ship.

"So it's true! You're a Galactic Guardian too!"

"I stepped out of retirement just this one time, because you called me." At this Beatrice and Dede share a hug, before Admiral DeGill calls them.

"Nice work, Galactic Guardians! Lapis, I've got a couple of friends here who want to say something to you." DeGill says as Some of the space residents appear.

"Happy birthday, cadet Lapis." They all cheer.

"Aww. Thanks a lot. Does this mean I can go on more missions now?" Lapis jumps on the dashboard.

"Of course, though not all as you're still in training, you'll need to master your transformation before coming a full fledged guardian." DeGill says smiling before the call ends.

"Yes!" Lapis cheered, making them all laugh.

"Oh, my goodness! The youth group! We have to go!" Beatrice says before the three are dropped off back home.

"Whew, we're still good, not many have shown up yet." Dede sighs in relief.

"I'll finish up this last tent if you'd like to help your Pa bring the coolers out? You can ask all your questions later on, when it's just the three of us."

"Sure thing nana." Dede then ran off to go help finish setting up. Not long after everything was set up it was about 11 o'clock in the morning and things were now being set up for a BBQ lunch, while waiting for the last of the few participants to show up. While Dede was carrying out the last cooler, and arguably the heaviest, she ended up bumping into someone making her drop the cooler she was holding.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." The girl said.

"No, it's my fault for not paying attention to where I was going." Dede smiled, looking at the girl. She had tan skin with long brown hair, half up in pigtails and half down, with kind brown eyes. She was wearing a white long sleeve shirt under a red short sleeve with a yellow butterfly on and blue jeans. "My names Dede, are you here for the youth group?"

"Hi, I'm Paloma and yeah, both me and my little sister Juanita, errr... we'll be starting a new school on Monday and our... parents  thought it'd be a good idea to join this group, hoping we'd make some new friends that go to third street."

"Third street elementary? In Little Rock, Arkansas?"

"Yeah, that's the one. You know it?"

"Yeah. That's the school I go to."

"Wow. Talk about luck. Oh, sorry, you were in the middle of something before we bumped into each other. Do you want some help?"

"I'd really appreciate it, this is the last one and it's definitely the heaviest." Dede and Paloma laugh at this before they both take a handle each and walk with the cooler between them.

After dropping off the last cooler, Paloma quickly introduced Dede to her little sister  Juanita, who was playing around with a bunch of other kids. The girls decided to sit on a log around the fire pit and get to know each other, asking random questions that had them both laughing.

"So, what's third street like? The other kids and teachers?" Paloma asked after they had calmed down. During Dede's explanation about the school, teachers and other students, Paloma paid very close attention. "Ok, so avoid Randall the snitch, don't mention about being a new kid and stay off of this Finsters radar, seems simple enough. What about your friends? What are they like?"

"Oh, they're amazing, we have TJ, who's like our leader, always coming up with plans to help out other kids. Then there's Spinelli, though she's a tough girl, seeming unapproachable at first, she's willing to do anything to help a friend, and definitely has a soft spot for animals. The last girl of the group is Gretchen, she's super smart, always looking to better herself but without showing off her smartness and making people feel bad, she's willing to help anyone study if they need help, she also helps come up with plans with TJ. Vince is our sports guy, though very kind and loyal, he doesn't like to lose so he'll give everything he's got into what he's doing, he's a bit competitive but that just makes any challenges against him super fun. Mikey is a peaceful, sweet soft hearted giant, he's really into poetry and has an incredible singing voice. Lastly there's Gus, Gus is new to our group as he had only started school a few months ago, he's a kind and shy kid, still learning all of the rules of the playground, but if the situation calls for it, he can be one of the bravest kids around." Dede smiled throughout the explanation, thinking of all her friends' best qualities.

"Wow, they all sound amazing."

"They really are, and I know when I introduce you to them, they'll love you too."

"Really? Then I can't wait to meet them."

"Oh, man, this really whomps." Before Dede could say anymore she heard a familiar voice in the background, she looked back to see the one and only TJ Detweiler walking behind his parents up to Beatrice.

"Looks like you won't have to wait too long. Come on." Dede got up from the log and walked over to TJ, who hadn't noticed her yet, with Paloma behind her. "TJ."

TJ looked behind him to see who had called for him, so imagine his surprise when he saw one of his best friends standing there with another girl he had never met. "Dede, what are you doing here?"

"My nana is running this month's youth group, so me and my parents are here to help out. Hey, TJ, I'd like you to meet my new friend, this is Paloma. Paloma, this is TJ."

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you." Paloma greets.

"Yeah, you to." TJ smiles at her.

"Paloma here will be starting at our school on Monday. I've already given her a quick rundown of what it's like and told her all about you guys, seeing as she's a new friend of mine, I was hoping you'd all like her as well." Dede said nervously, hoping TJ will accept her, having already formed a good bond with Paloma over the last hour or so of talking.

"Of course, any friend of yours, Dede, is a friend of mine. And I know the other guys will agree." TJ assured, as the two girls smile at each other in relief.

And just like that, an amazing new friendship was born. Throughout the day, the three all talked, played the games together and even did the scavenger hunt as a team, the friendship between Paloma and TJ seemed to grow more when it came out that Paloma loved senior fusion as much as TJ did, which, if anyone know TJ, knows that that's a lot. At night after a good few rounds of flashlight tag, Dede, TJ, Lapis, Paloma and Juanita were all sitting around a campfire, eating s'mores, with Dede sneaking Lapis some every now and then. Dede and TJ telling the sisters stories of the adventures they've had at school making the girls laugh as the night passes the kids faster than they'd like.

As TJ, Paloma and Juanita all went to their tents to turn in for the night, Dede returned to the house and saw only Beatrice was still up, sitting on the sofa with two steaming cups of hot chocolate.

"Thought you'd wanna ask your questions now while your folks are in bed. It's gonna be another busy day tomorrow so we might not get a chance to sit and talk." Beatrice says as Dede and Lapis sit next to her. With that Beatrice explained the start of the galactic guardians and how she was originally one of the first before they needed to expand due to all the villains popping up.

"Nana, when I was up in the attic getting those plate, I saw a picture next to the box your bracelet was in, it looked like those three women all had these bracelets on as well. Who are they?" Dede asked after finishing her drink.

"Oh, that was me and my friends back in the day."

"Wow, you were all so beautiful. I didn't recognise you."

"What?? You saying I'm not beautiful now." Beatrice teased.

"Ahh... no, no of course you are.. that's not what-" Dede panicked rambling was cut off by Beatrice laughing.

"I'm just joking, I know what you meant. And to answer you question from before, not long after the galactic guardians were getting expanded, I got to pick who I'd want on my new team, and I chose my best friends, people I knew I could trust completely. I could always count on Muriella and Agnesie."

"Muriella? Agnesie?"

"We gave each other fun nicknames, kinda like codes names that no one else knew about back home, mines was beatrixo."

"Wow, you sound close."

"We were practically sisters, still keep in touch to this day, though not as much since we're all retired from galactic duties and are focusing on other things. Anyway, I think it's time we got off to bed, we've got a long day ahead of us so we'll need all the energy we can get."

"Right, thanks for telling us all this nana, hope you have a good night's sleep." With a final kiss on the cheek, Dede rang upstairs to her room with Lapis on her tail, both more then ready to hit the hay.

The next day, like the previous day, was full of fun and games. The main event this time was dancing, so after another full BBQ the kids were all learning to square dance, while some kids weren't happy with it, others were laughing and just having fun. Among this group was Dedes, who went so far as to make cowboy hats out of paper to get more emerged into it.

"Hey, hey, that's me!" TJ says after the man singing sings 'who's that cowboy looking so fine!' as he and Dede laugh swinging around each other, arm in arm, before letting go to go to their next dance partner, while Dede made it to hers fine, TJ didn't make it to Paloma, who was meant to be his next partner, instead he ended up running into another girl, knocking him over.

"TJ!" Dede said in worry before running over to him, flinching when she saw his eye slightly swollen. "Ow, are you ok?"

"Oh, that's going to be a shiner." Said the girl he bumped into.

"Come on, boy. We best put some ice on that." Beatrice said as she helped TJ stand up and walked to her house with Dede, Paloma and TJs parents behind.

"Is he going to be alright nana?" Dede asked.

"Oh yeah, hahaha, he'll be fine, nothing to worry about." Beatrice says putting an ice pack over TJs eye. TJs parents decided to take him back home early, telling Dede that he'll be in school on Monday.

On Monday morning, before any of the other students arrived, Dede met up with Paloma and Juanita to give them a quick tour of the school, giving them time to get used to it without it being crowded.

"This school looks amazing, I can't wait to meet the other kids." Paloma said as the two girls waited outside the front doors for Dedes other friends to show up, after introducing Juanita to some other second graders who were more than happy to be her friend.

"You won't have to have long, here comes the others." Dede said before she waved her friends over. "Hey guys."

"Dee, how was your weekend?" Spinelli asked as she ran up to Dede with the other close behind her.

"It was great, I made a new friend. Guys, this is Paloma, she's gonna be starting here today." Dede gestured to the girl next to her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you all, Dede's told he so much about you guys." Paloma smiled nervously as the others all turned to look at her.

One by one, each member of the group greeted Paloma and introduced themselves with each greeting, it wasn't long before Paloma was bonding with each member in her own way, making Dede very happy her new friend was getting along with her other friends so well.

"Hey, has anyone seen TJ yet?" Asked Vince as he looked around, not seeing TJ anywhere near them. Dede and Paloma looked at each other, worried, wondering if he was going to show up. Before either of them could say anything a car pulled up and TJ got out of the car, making everyone run up to him.

"Uh, hey, guys, how's it going?" TJ asked after the others gasped at seeing his eye, which had bruised from the weekend.

"What happened, T.J.?" Asked Gus.

"Yeah, man. How'd you get that thing?" Vince questioned.

"What thing? I don't know what
you're talking about." TJ denied, pretending he didn't know what they were talking about.

"That shiner. I haven't seen so many colours on one face since Crackers the clown chirped his chips in our classroom." Replies Spinelli, pointing at TJs eye.

"I must confess your black eye
is an impressive example of ruptured blood vessels of the ocular region." Admired Gretchen.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it. Oh, hey Dede, it's nice to see you again as well Paloma." TJ said as he spotted the girls at the back of the group before he walked off into school, ignoring everyone as they whispered and winced at his black eye.

"Hey! Leave it to T.J. to get into a class 'A'  scuffle." Said Vince.

"Yeah! Makes you wish you'd been there, don't it?" Said Spinelli.

"You don't think T.J. got in a fight, do you?" Asked Gus.

"Although T.J. didn't confess to any misdoings, all evidence clearly suggests
a physical altercation." States Gretchen.

"Maybe he finally gave that bigmouth Lawson what's been coming to him." Said Spinelli as she punched one hand into her palm.

"Or perhaps he was defending
one of the little people, a downtrodden soul who needed his help." Suggested Mikey.

"Well, he already knew Paloma, maybe he saved her." Vince said looking back at the two girls.

"Wow, what a guy. He's a hero, and he doesn't even want anyone to know." Said Gus, making Dede and Paloma look at each other, but before either of them could interject and tell them what really happened, the school bell rang and the others ran inside.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Paloma asked Dede.

"No, no it's not. Just gotta hope TJ will come clean before this goes too far." Dede sighed before the two girls followed everyone else in.

"Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, was revered the world over for his fortitude..." Ms Grotke started the history class.

"T.J., is it true?" A random girl came up to TJ to ask as he was hiding behind his textbook.

"Is what true?" TJ asked.

"Saving a whole nursery school
from a pack of hungry pit bulls?  You rock." Said a random boy who also came up to TJ.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"T.J., do you have something
you'd like to share with the class?" Ms Grotke asked, seeing the two kids by TJ.

"Um, no, ma'am. Actually  I--" TJ lowered his book and looked up at Ms Grotke, making her gasp in shock.

"Good goddess, what happened
to your eye, T.J.?" Ms Grotke asked worriedly, before a student went up to her and whispered into her ear. "Right on, T.J. Fight the power."

"Oh, boy." TJ sank into his seat in defeat just before the bell rang.

"Gee, T.J., you're a real hero." Said Mikey as they were all walking to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Will you quit it with the hero stuff? I told you it's not like that." Replies TJ.

"After you." Mikey said, holding the cafeteria door open for TJ.

"Behold our hero!" Gus voice rang out before all the kids in the cafeteria cheered for TJ.

"After you, T.J." 

"Heroes don't wait in line."

"You first. I insist."

The kids were all saying, TJ was unsure of what was happening so Spinelli walked up behind him and pushed him forward to the lunch ladies.

"A slice of pepperoni, please." TJ asked as he grabbed a tray. 

"Ethel, it's him, the hero kid." Said Irma, the head lunch lady. We made this special pie for you." Said said showing him the pizza that Ethel brought out, it says 'TJ our hero'.

"But I can't afford a pizza that big." Replies TJ

"Forget about it. It's our way of saying thanks for busting that bakery holdup ring and saving them jelly doughnuts." 

"But -- but --" 

"Thanks." Spinelli said as she took the pizza.

"And my dad said there was no such thing as a free lunch." Vince said as he, Gretchen, Mikey and Gus all followed Spinelli to a table with the pizza. Leaving TJ, Dede and Paloma to all look at each other in disbelief before following them hesitatingly.

"Hey, it's pretty cool having a hero for a friend." Gus said when the three sat down.

"I'll say." Mikey said with his mouth full.

"Listen, guys there's something I should let you--" TJ started but was interrupted.

"Detweiler!" The voice rang out, only for everyone to look and see Gelman come through the cafeteria doors and up to TJ.

"Oh, no, it's Gelman. I knew this day was too good to be true. I just knew it." Said Gus, dropping his pizza.

"Don't worry, Gus. T.J.'s got it under control, don't you, Teej?" Asked Vince.

"Oh, man. Here goes the other eye." TJ muttered under his breath.

"I've been looking for you, Detweiler." Gelman said.

"OK, OK. Just let me have it. Let's get this over with." TJ sighed as Dede stood up, ready to jump in if Gelman tried anything.

"Oh, who ruined the surprise?" Gelman said before bringing out a container from behind his back.

"Cookies!" The four exclaimed when they saw what was in the container.

"Triple chocolate chip. My granny stayed up all night baking them for me, but better you should have them, hero." 

"But I'm no --" started TJ, before he stopped seeing the look on Gelmans face and looked around the cafeteria at his four friends that gave him encouraging smile, to the lunch ladies who gave thumbs up and finally to Dede and Paloma who were frowning and looking at each other before meeting TJs eyes. "Heroes don't wait in line, heroes don't pay, heroes get cookies. Okay, I give up. You want a hero? I'll be your hero." At this everyone cheered for TJ all while he grabbed Dedes and Paloma hands and dragged them out of the cafeteria.

"TJ, what are you doing?" Dede asked as he pulled them into an empty classroom.

"Look, I know you both want me to tell everyone the truth, but they all look so happy thinking that I'm a hero. So can we please keep what happened this weekend between the three of us." TJ said, holding his hands in a prayer motion.

"But what if it gets out of hand?" Asked Paloma.

"Then I'll tell them what happened, just please, can we keep this a secret for now."

Dede and Paloma looked at each other again before sighing and looking at TJs hopeful face and smiling. "Alright. We'll keep this between us for now, but don't let it go too far please." Said Dede as they all started walking back to the cafeteria.

"Don't worry, they'll all forget about it within a few days."


"Class, I understand we have a hero in our midst, a kid who saved an entire platoon from a secret squadron
of tofu-crazed vegetarians. You know how we treat heroes in gym class, Detweiler?" Said Coach Kluge to the class of boys in gym class.

"Exceedingly well?" TJ asked.

"Absolutely. You, Detweiler, will enjoy a -man no-kill zone while the rest
of the coward's play bombardment. 

"All right! My favourite." Vince cheered as the other kids groaned.

"Tender." TJ practically purred. "Left! Right!"

"Ouch! Oh! Ah!" The skids TJ was controlling complained as they got pelted with dodgeballs.


"So then you had to swim through shark-infested waters?" A girl asked TJ at recess.

"Not saying I did, not saying I didn't." Said TJ and Dede stood to the side, shaking her head as the kids praised him. "It's good to be the hero." 


"Girls, this is one tasty glass
of lemonade." TJ said after he finished having a drink with the Ashley's.

"Thank you. It's imported." Said Ashley A. 

"And we totally have another surprise." Ashley T said as Ashley B and Ashley Q pulled back a rug to show a small swimming pool filled with candy instead of water.

"Like, voilà -- our secret candy spa." Ashley A said.

"Whoo-hoo! I have seen heaven,
and it has a chocolate center." TJ cheered after he jumped in.


"Oh, man, this line will take forever." Spinelli complained as she saw the long line all eight were in to play tetherball.

"Leave this to el hero. Ahem." TJ cleared his throat, making the kids in front move to the side. "All in a hero's day's work."

Dede and Paloma looked at each other, knowing this was all going to TJs head, but before with can say anything to TJ they heard the sound of dumbs being banged on. Looking over they see king Bob being carried over to where by hey all were, every kid, besides TJ, fell to their knees, with Dede pulling Paloma down.

"Who's that?" Paloma asked.

"That's king Bob, he's the sixth grader that rules the playground." Replies Dede.

"Oh, I remember you telling me about him."

"Halt! You, there, "come forward." King Bob said as he came to a stop in front of TJ.

"Hey, there, Bob." Said TJ.

"Silence!" Said king Bob making TJ gasp and the other kids to mutter to themselves. "On your knees!"

"But, King Bob, this is all a big mistake." TJ says after he is forced to his knees. 

"Hand me my Royal staff." King Bob said to Jordan who gave him his hockey stick staff.

"Something tells me our hero's journey just came to an end." Said Gretchen.

"Wait, I can explain." Stated Dede as she stood up and walked to TJ, not wanting her friend to be in trouble with the playground king as he raised his staff high in the air.

"Explain after he quelled that kindergarten uprising? What's to explain?" King Bob smiled, making Dede and TJ look at each other in shock. "In the name of all royalty everywhere, I knight you sir T.J. the brave." King Bob brought his staff down to knight TJ, leaving TJ to sigh in relief. "And I further decree that tomorrow shall be known as Detweiler day!"

"And what a day it will be." Said Mikey as everyone was cheering and TJ had a smug look on his face before he looked at Dede and Paloma and gave them a sheepish smile.


"You sure seem to have had a change of heart about that black eye." Said TJs dad.

"Yeah! Today you seem almost proud of it." Replied his mum.

"Well, I guess it just took a while for me
to accept myself for who I am." Said TJ before she exited the car. "Bye, mum. Bye, dad." When he turned around to face the school he gasped seeing a picture of him above the door. "Hmm, not bad, not bad at all."

As TJ rounded the corner to go to the playground he was greeted by all the kids there cheering for him as he walked the red carpet that was rolled out for him, while the safety rangers played "Hail to The Chief" on kazoo's.

"Thank you, thank you. " TJ got to the end of the red carpet, leading him to the monkey bars where king Bob was sitting as TJs friends all came up behind him, but didn't follow him up as king Bob patted the purple chair next to him.

"Kids of the playground, we gather today to celebrate Detweiler day." King Bob started as the safety rangers slowly finished the song. "A day honouring this hero kid. Let us begin by showering him
with our thanks in the form of stuff."

"What are you waiting for? Bring on the gifts." TJ rubbed his hands together.

"Announcing Sam and Dave, the diggers." Said Jerome as the diggers walked up to TJ.

"We would like to present to you the coolest thing we ever dug up --" said Dave.

"A bicentennial quarter." Finished Sam.

"Whoa, that's from the '70s." Exclaimed TJ.

"Announcing the hustler kid." Said Jerome.

"Check it out -- a genuine swiss-crafted Beanie McChimp pocket watch, made in china." Hustler said, giving TJ the watch.

"Cool." Said TJ.

"Announcing the guru kid." Said Jerome.

"Oh, mighty hero, it is only befitting that a man-child as enlightened as you have the crown of rags, symbolising your great inner strength and courage." Guru kid said taking his top, that he was wearing on his head, off and handing it to TJ.

"Uh, thanks. I'll wear it later." Said TJ hesitantly.

"Corn chip girl." Said Jerome before the second grader walked up to TJ holding a tray.

"Don't tell me. You're giving me corn chips." Guessed TJ.

"Not all of them, sir, just my most cherished chip. See, it's in the shape of Abraham Lincoln." Corn ship girl said handing him said chip.

"Gee, thanks. I'll make sure to put it in a special place, like in my mouth."

"And now, sir T.J., you shall regale us with your story." Said king Bob as he walked to be in front of TJ.

"My story?"

"Yes. The story of how you became a hero, tell us all from start to finish. Don't leave out any details."

"Well, OK, sure. Um, it all started with a call from the pentagon. Yeah, that's it, the pentagon, and --"

"Theodore." A voice stopped TJ.

"Huh? What? Who said that?" 

"Right here. In your hand." TJ looked down and saw the corn chip in his hand.

"Honest Abe?"

"Don't you think this lie has gone on long enough?"

"But, Abe, they're throwing me a day here."

"I didn't get my own day by telling lies."

"But I didn't lie. Not yet, anyway."

"Who's he talking to?" Spinelli questioned as they all watch TJ seemingly talk to himself.

"I have no idea." Gretchen whispers in reply to Spinelli.

"Look T.J., my boy, sometimes
letting people think something is true is just as bad as lying in the first place. I'm sure you didn't mean to let this story get out of hand, but if you don't put things straight, you'll live with it for the rest of your life. Tell the truth, son. It's the only way." Said corn chip Abe.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.  Corn chip girl, I cannot accept this corn chip." TJ said, making everyone gasp. "In fact, I can't accept any of these gifts, because the thing is, I'm not a hero. I guess you could even say I'm a coward. A lot of stories have been going around
about this black eye, but I haven't had the guts to tell anyone the truth of how I really got it or even let Dede or Paloma say what really happened, instead I made them promise to keep what happened a secret. See, there's this youth group my mom signed me up for, and last weekend they had...the big hoedown."


"Lucky us, we all got to learn to square dance."

"Yee-ha-ha-ha! Come on, now,
bow to your partner and begin." Said one of the old guys before singing.

♪ Well, swing your partner
round and round ♪ 

♪ Do-si-do,
Hey, don't you frown ♪ 

♪ Allemande left,
Allemande right ♪ 

♪ Pick up them feet, boy,
you're lookin' all right ♪ 

♪ Whee-hoo ♪ 

♪ Now switch your partners
down the line ♪ 

♪ Who's that cowboy
lookin' so fine? ♪ 

"Hey, hey, that's me!" TJ said as he and Dede laugh swinging around each other, arm in arm, before letting go to go to their next dance partner, while Dede made it to hers fine, TJ didn't make it to Paloma, who was meant to be his next partner, instead he ended up running into another girl, knocking him over.

"TJ!" Dede said in worry before running over to him, flinching when she saw his eye slightly swollen. "Ow, are you ok?"

"Oh, that's going to be a shiner." Said the girl he bumped into.


"And that is how I got the black eye, not being a hero, not saving the world, but square dancing." When TJ finished his story everyone was looking on in silence before it was broken by king bob laughing, which made all the other students join him.

"T.J. square dancing? That's a good one." Laughs Vince.

"I tried, Abe, honest, I did." TJ said looking down at the corn chip still in his hand as all the kids were cheering  'T.J., T.J., T.J.!'

"This school seems a lot of fun if this happens a lot." Paloma says, looking at Dede.

"Yep, this is third street, a great place." Dede smiles as she looks up at TJ.

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