It Started With The Crown✔️

By kayloves_

50.6K 1.4K 1.1K

Emery Montgomery is no stranger to the spotlight, after all when you're the heir to the English throne, priva... More

Character aesthetic
Room plans/ places
Introduction (pls read)
Chapter 1 | "her royal highness"
Chapter 2 | "valentine academy"
Chapter 3 | "you're joking"
Chapter 4 | "black envelope"
Chapter 5 | "the speech"
Chapter 6 | "34B"
Chapter 7 | "iced vanilla latte"
Chapter 8 | "late night movies"
Chapter 9 | "grocery shopping"
Chapter 10 | "tech something"
Chapter 11| "blood & sparkles"
Chapter 12| "date?"
Chapter 13| "parking lot"
Chapter 14| "lights out"
Chapter 15| "fight"
Chapter 16| "party"
Chapter 17| "carrington ball"
Chapter 18| "sundae night"
Chapter 19| "annie"
Chapter 20| "tears"
Chapter 21| "realization"
Chapter 22| "damage control"
Chapter 23| "mistake"
Chapter 24| "daddy issues"
Chapter 25| "favour"
Chapter 26| "london"
Chapter 27| "explore"
Chapter 29| "jealous"
Chapter 30| "devils deal"
Chapter 31| "broken"
Chapter 32|"new york,new york"
Chapter 33| "breathe"
Chapter 34| "strangers"
Chapter 35| "gold"
Chapter 36| "rain"
Chapter 37| "peace"
Chapter 38| "yacht"
Chapter 39| "champagne"
Chapter 40| "love and duty"
Chapter 41| "midnight"
Epilogue| "ever after"

Chapter 28| "christmas eve"

983 33 26
By kayloves_

•Emery's POV•

"Where are you going?" I ask watching Grey put on his black hoodie.

"Just to pick something up," He says leaning over to kiss my cheek, He's been doing that more in the past few days.

And I don't mind one bit, in fact, I think it's become one of my favourite hobbies, second to annoying him obviously.

"I'll see you later then," I nod.

"Can't. Wait," He whispers trailing small kisses down my neck.

"Weren't you going somewhere?" I laugh.

"Be back soon," He says before leaving my room.

The snow falls gently outside my window, making the view look like something straight out of a snow globe.

I don't bother doing my hair or much makeup since the stylists will redo it for the Christmas Eve ball my family hosts every year.

This year we're all dressing in a dark forest green since we did maroon red last year.

Bella doesn't have lessons today since Christmas is tomorrow so as soon as I'm ready I head down the hallway to her room.

"Hey Bels," I greet walking in the layout of her room, which is quite similar to mine. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Reviewing the outfit options for tonight," She states looking at her laptop.

"Ooh that's exciting," I say sitting beside her to see.

"The ones flagged are the ones I can choose from," She says.

"That one's cute," I say pointing to the screen.

"You think?" She asks zooming in on it, "Isn't it kind of simple,"

"That's why I like it, simple yet very elegant," I explain.

"Well it's better than most of these so It'll do," She says clicking the yes button beside it and shutting her laptop.

"You'll look so beautiful," I say picturing it, Her green eyes will compliment the colour of the dress well.

"What are you going to wear?" She asks.

"I'm not sure Haley arranged it earlier this week," I shrug, I trust her judgment well enough to know she'll pick something perfect.

"Ok, I've waited long enough," She groans dramatically, "You, Greyson what's up?" She asks.

"I don't know," I smile, "The other day I took my sleeping medicine to fix my jet lag and I accidentally told him that I like him," I laugh and her jaw drops.

"I knew it!" She squealed.

"Calm down he didn't say anything back and I fell asleep," I say and her mood completely deflates.

"What if he did say something and you were asleep," She points out.

"I thought of that, the next morning I asked him what he said," I explain.

"Well!"She squeals telling me to continue.

"He said I would figure it out soon enough," I say and she gasps placing her hand over her heart and falling backwards.

"I can't!" She says practically giggling and kicking her feet in the air.

"Breathe," I laugh pulling her up.

"So why are you waiting?" She asks excitedly.

"Because it's risky," I shrug, "It's not like I can go around dating who I want," I explain.

"Em, you still have a few years till your coronation." She reminds me, "That's plenty of time to have some fun,"

"It's just a tricky situation, Bella," I sigh. Right now I want nothing more than reassurance that if I did something it would last, that everything would be ok again.

But that's not how the world works, you don't get to know what's coming or if things will sort themselves out.

"Life isn't about surviving the storm, it's learning to stop and dance in the rain," Bella says seriously making my head shoot up to look at her. Where have I heard that before?

"Did you just quote Taylor Swift?" I ask holding in a laugh.

"Absolutely I just did," She nods, causing me to laugh too.

"Wise words," I laugh and she agrees.

Her phone dings and she checks it, "Oh Tom is here downstairs with all the stylists, he wants to know where to send them," Bella says.

"How about we get ready together," I suggest and she agrees happily.

A few minutes later Tom (Bella's occasional bodyguard/companion) escorts the stylists in, they're pulling suitcases and dressbags along with them.

Tom greets both of us politely giving us a warm smile, When Bella and I were younger on many occasions we tried to set Haley and Tom up together, never worked.

In our defence they would be perfect together, they both give off caring grandparents vibes and have been with us as far back as I can remember.

"How's Peggy?" I ask walking up to Tom.

"She's great Miss, Probably do her good to see you before you leave," He says, Peggy is his Golden retriever that he got a while back, the four of us worked together to name her when she first arrived.

"I would love that so much," I smile, Now that I think about it, Haley and Tom have been the closest thing we've had to grandparents, all the things people say grandparents do are things Haley or Tom has done for us.

"I missed you," I say wrapping my arm around his and laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's not the same here without you Ma'am," He says quietly.

"Have you enjoyed your free time?" I ask. Since I've moved out and Bella's getting older he's become an occasional bodyguard, similar to retirement but his foot is still in the door.

"Very much so Miss, Peggy and I have taken many train rides to the countryside to visit my sister from time to time," He says.

"I'm so glad," I say smiling.

"We're ready for you Ma'am," A stylist wearing a blue apron says gesturing to her station set up.

"Thank you," I say letting go of Tom's arm and sitting in the seat.

We make light conversation as they do Bella's and my hair and makeup, along with catching up with Tom, only taking a break for a small lunch halfway through.

They've created a light curl in my hair while still keeping it loose and natural. And makeup to match, very natural and glowy.

"Thank you," I say just as they leave with all their supplies once they've finished.

"Our pleasure your highnesses," They bow before walking out.

"See you later Bella," I say also leaving, Grey texted me a while ago saying he was back.

"Knock knock," I say standing outside his bedroom door on the other side of the palace.

"Come in," He says from inside. When I walk in he's sitting at the oak desk typing on his laptop.

"What are you doing?" I ask walking closer.

"Just answering some emails," He says shutting the laptop.

"Fun," I nod sitting on his bed.

"Not really," He adds getting up and lying beside me.

"Where did you go?" I ask curiously.

"Had to pick up something," He shrugs not really opening up, the curiosity is killing me but I push it down.

"Hm," I nod looking around the room, if you were to walk in you would think no one lives here, the only evidence that he's here is the laptop he was just using still on the desk.

"Your face looks great by the way," He compliments as his eyes examine every inch of my face.

"Thanks, they did a really good job with the makeup and hair," I add.

"Anyone can do hair and makeup, you make it gorgeous," He explains and my mouth goes dry.

How does he just say these things like they're every everyday sentence?

"You think I'm gorgeous?" I say slightly mocking him.

"And beautiful, smart, hot and sexy as hell," He adds without missing a beat.

Sexy, I don't think anyone has ever called me that before. At least not in the way I think he means it.

"Remember when you hated me," I say remembering back to the beginning of the year when we avoided each other like the plague.

"I never hated you," He states sitting up. "You annoyed me, Yes but I never hated you," He adds.

"What do you mean? Then why did you never talk to me?" I ask.

"I told myself it was better if I didn't get to know you," He explains.

"All this time I thought you hated me," I nod in realization.

"Never. You are very fun to make mad though," He smirks and I elbow him decently hard in the arm.

Standing up I look over to the clock on his nightstand, four o'clock.

"Get up you have to get ready," I say.

"It's four, the thing doesn't start till six," He states like I don't already know that.

"You have to have a shower, do your hair and get dressed," I stress.

"Em, that'll take me half an hour max," he says, touching my shoulder. "How about we go take a walk?" he suggests looking outside.

The snow has lightened up but it's still falling just slower.

"The guards will never let me out," I say as he chucks me a black sweater to put on over top of my shirt.

"Then I guess you'll just have to be sneaky," He states pulling me along with him before I can protest.

Turning the corner he stops abruptly causing me to run into his back, "What the?" I mumble taking a small step out from behind him.

"Tom, Hello," I say awkwardly realizing it was him who we ran into.

"Your Highness, Mr.Collins," He nods to each of us. "What are you two up to?" He asked looking between us and the door behind him.

"Uhm," I hum trying to think of a lie.

"We were just-," Greyson starts.

"Just go," Tom smiles. "I'll cover your backs from Greg," He adds, Greg is one of the other guards who often patrol this area.

"Thank you, Tom," I say sincerely.

"Keep her safe," Tom says eyeing Greyson.

"Will do," He says without hesitation shaking Tom's hand.

"Better go, I think I hear Greg's old voice coming," Tom says ushering us along quickly out the door.

"So...Tom, who's he?" Greyson asks following me as I run towards the old tree.

"He used to be Bella's bodyguard when she was a wild kid, loved to run, any chance she got she ran. As she grew out of the running phase we kept him on as a part-time guard and mostly a companion," I explain leaning against the tree's dry bark.

"That's sweet," he says leaning beside me, "So how many steps was it," He adds looking right.

"Sixty," I smile before taking off running in that direction, he catches up quickly and his hands grab my waist. They keep me upright as I laugh while running.

• • •

"Green is definitely your colour Bella," I compliment seeing her admire her dress in the mirror.

"Look at you, you're stunning too, Em," She says gesturing to my dress.

The dress I ended up going with is a ballgown with a patterned dark green top skirt that has a triangle-shaped cutout in the front of the skirt letting you see the matching green tool that gives the dress its poof.

A/n: OAE

I quite like it.

"I think the Emerelda tiara will work nicely tonight," Bella says lifting the crown out of its case.

"Definitely," I nod putting on my tiara for tonight. I went with a more regal tiara for tonight, It doesn't have any green in it but I still think it'll look nice.

"You're going to be the belle of the ball," She says laughing at her joke.

"I think that spot is only reserved for you," I respond, That has been one of her favourite jokes ever since I've called her Bella which is close to Belle.

"Let's go I want to see Greyson's reaction to you in your dress!" She says rushing to the door.

"Slow down, you don't want to ruin your dress," I warn following behind her.

I follow her all the way downstairs to where Mother is waiting for my Father to join her, "You girls look lovely," She says greeting us. She's also wearing a dark green dress but it's fancier than ours.

"You too Mother," I say lightly kissing her cheeks.

"Phil," Mother says getting the nearby staff's attention.

"Yes, ma'am," He says stopping what he's doing to turn around.

"Go tell Mr. Collins we're leaving," She instructs him, he nods and hurries off to tell Grey.

He returns with Greyson just as my Father walks in from the side room, Grey's hair is messy and he's wearing his suit just as he always does with the first few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up a bit.

Honestly, who gave him the right?

He gives me a half smile before following my father who had called him out.

"I wish somebody would look at me that way," Bella says snapping me out of my trance.

"Hm? Sorry I didn't hear you," I apologize.

"Nevermind," She smiles grabbing a hold of my arm and leading me out to the car.

"Wha-?" I start.

"Emery hurry up, you wouldn't want us to be late," Mother comments from inside the car.

"Sorry Mother," I say getting in behind Bella, She sits beside my Mother and I sit beside Greyson, Father sits in the front seat, he says it's so he can wave and see his subjects but I think it's because he doesn't want to sit with us.

I don't mind though, the less I see of him the easier my life is.

"You. Look. Beautiful," Greyson leans down whispering in my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

"Thank you," I say probably blushing heavily.

"I really want to kiss you right now," He adds boldly. I look around quickly making sure no one heard anything, They don't seem to have.

"Too bad," I smile looking up at him.

"Mhm," he hums cupping my jaw looking like he's contemplating something.

"Smile dear," Mother says, I quickly turn my head away just as she looks back.

"Yes, Mother," I answer politely, looking out the window I smile and give a light wave to the crowds of people lining the street as we drive by. It's all very similar to a parade.

The drive to the location of the gala doesn't take us long since it's rather close to our house, The place is lit up by hundreds of thousands of Christmas light bulbs.

"Woah," Bella breathes as we drive up the driveway.

"This place looks great Mother," I compliment, Organizing this party has always been one of her favourite holiday traditions, not that we had many to start but this was always a good one.

"Thank you, darling," She smiles wider as we pull up and the camera flashes and shutter sounds increase.

The car doors open and Mother and Bella get out followed by Greyson who offers me his hand to help me out, I accept his offer.

We're soon ushered inside by some staff, the whole interior is decorated head to toe in elegant Christmas decorations. Santa would love it.

"The Royal family!" The announcer announces when we walk into the main ballroom. All heads turn to us as we all make our way down the staircase, Mother holding Father's arm and I holding Greyson's. For balance obviously.

The whole place is filled with people dressed to the nines, dresses twirling while they're being spun around by their partners.

"His Majesty would like to make an announcement," Someone yells catching the attention of the whole room.

"Well, I should like to start by thanking you for all being here with us during this most special time of year, A time to celebrate the fortunes brought by the past year and the wishes for the next." He says and a few people in the room clap in appreciation.

"Most importantly family, From my family to yours. We wish you a Merry Christmas, Enjoy your holiday and this gala!" Father says nodding and taking a step back away from the microphone. people all over clap as he walks back down from his little step and back to us.

"Care to dance?" Grey says quietly holding his hand out. I nod smiling at his offer, the moment my hand touches his it's almost like the world disappears, we're the only people that matter right now.

His hand holding my waist sends fireworks across my body as he lets go and twirls me with the hand that's holding mine.

The music begins again and they play an instrumental version of classic Christmas songs, Bodies fill the floor as everyone begins to partner up and dance along with us.

It's magical.

"I got you your present," He states.

"What do you mean? I thought we weren't doing that?" I say surprised, I assumed we weren't getting each other anything for some reason.

"Why did you think that?" he chuckled spinning me around again.

"I don't know," I groan frustrated, Now I'm going to seem like the friend who doesn't care enough to get her friend's gifts.

"Well stop overthinking it," How did he know I was overthinking it?

"What do you want for Christmas?" I ask, If I quickly tell someone at the palace what he wants then they can go grab it now and have it ready for tomorrow morning.

"Nothing," He shrugs.

"Ugh," I sigh, "Why does everyone say that?" I ask rhetorically.

"I'm not sure about everyone, but I don't need you to get me anything," He reassures but I'm not listening, Too busy thinking of all the things he could want.

"How about a watch?" I suggest I've seen him wear one on many occasions so he must like them at least a little bit.

"Em, if I find out you got me something I'll-," I pause him.

"Yeah? What'll you do?" I taunt.

He thinks about it for a few moments before answering, "Sell it on eBay or some other shit,"

"You wouldn't," I say faking being offended.

"Oh I would," He plays. His hands drop from mine as the song ends and the couples disperse.

"Looks like there's lemonade over there," I point excitedly to a waiter holding glasses half full of a yellow drink.

He places a firm palm on my back as we walk to the waiter, "Definitely not lemonade," I say disgustingly handing the glass of random alcohol to Grey who takes it.

"What is it?" He asks bringing it to his nose.

"I don't know but I don't like it," I say drinking some water to get the flavour out of my mouth. "Feel free to have it," I say seeing him looking interested.

He looks back down at the glass before bringing it to his lips exactly where the lipstick marks are, I wait in anticipation as he drinks it.

"That's some weird shit," he nods setting the glass down.

"Right?!?" I laugh.

"Emery, Come here for a moment," My father's voice rings through the crowd.

"Sorry," I mumble to Greyson as all eyes watch me walk over to my family who's gathered around each other like penguins huddled together in the winter.

"Yes, Father?" I say walking up to join their little penguin party.

"There's someone I want you to meet," He says stepping out of the way to reveal a boy who looks to be about my age, definitely handsome and has his hair in a proper way I prefer messy hair anyway.

"Emery I would like you to meet Prince Anthony," Father states.


Word count(3230)

*insert evil laugh again*

Hehe, Gimme your Thoughts??

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Emery's outfit: STUNNNNINGGGGG

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