
By Someonewhosnotfamous

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In the world of titles, words carry immense power, and reputations are etched in stone. This realm is governe... More

Rule of Titles (Lore)
The Adventurer's Guild
Chapter 1: Trials of Valor
Chapter 2: Unlikely Mentor
Chapter 3: Clash of Words and Steel
Chapter 4: Entwined Red tape
Chapter 5: Beneath the Veil of Shadows
Chapter 6: Solitude's Embrace
Chapter 7: Lessons from the Past
Chapter 8: World of Convergence
Chapter 9: Bonds Forged in Battle
Chapter 10: Shadowless Death
Chapter 11: The Unspoken Hero
Chapter 12: Light and Shadows
Chapter 13: Beneath the Surface
Special: Unveiling Diversity and Darkness
Chapter 14: Clashing Allegiances
Chapter 15: Whispers of Justice
Chapter 16: Tides of Discord
Chapter 17: Shadows of Ambition
Chapter 18: Echoes of Self-Doubt
Chapter 19: Whispers of Time
Chapter 20: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 21: The Rise of the Illusionary Hero
Chapter 22: Veil of Deception
Chapter 23: The Unveiling of Unspoken Connections
Special: Elara and Sylara
Chapter 24: Curiosity Piques the Cat
Chapter 25: So close but yet so far.
Special : The Kingdom of Eclatia
Chapter 26: The Goblin Horde
Chapter 27: The Goblin Butcherer the Seeker and the Coward.
Chapter 28: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Chapter 29: The Eclatia Adventurers Guild
Chapter 30: The Surge


17 1 0
By Someonewhosnotfamous

In the midst of an unknown forest, bathed in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the leaves, a young man knelt on the ground. He was not a stranger to pain, having borne the weight of a past that seemed to etch scars upon his soul. As he looked around, this new world's unfamiliarity contrasted starkly with the vivid memories that tugged at his consciousness.

He remembered everything – a life of abuse, of enduring cruelty in silence. His childhood had been a haze of torment, leading him to learn to bury his emotions deep within, to shroud himself in stoicism as a shield against the world's blows. And then there was his wife, the one he had loved with a heart full of confusion, a heart that couldn't express itself truthfully. The memory of his shortcomings, his inability to show his love, haunted him like a specter.

But here, in this world, the floodgates of emotions that had been held back for so long were now unleashed. The pain of his past, the memory of abandonment as a child, the regret of deleting himself – all these emotions surged within him, an overwhelming torrent that spilled forth as he crumbled to the forest floor.

His body shook with the force of his cries, a mixture of anguish and catharsis. Ugly sobs wracked his frame as he laughed and cried, the boundaries between emotions blurred. The pain he had inflicted upon others, the pain he had inflicted upon himself – all converged into a single moment of release.

Exhausted, the young man eventually cried himself to sleep, his body spent from the emotional maelstrom that had raged within him. As he slept, the forest seemed to cradle him, a silent witness to his vulnerability.

When he awoke, the dawn's light had painted the world in gentle hues. He felt different – not burdened by his past, but renewed, as if a weight had been lifted. His memories remained, etched into his being, but they were no longer chains that held him captive. They were a source of strength, a reminder of what he had overcome.

With a newfound clarity, he rose to his feet. He knew he couldn't change his past, but he could shape his future. As he walked, a determination burned within him. He would use his past not as a barrier to protect himself, but as a shield to protect others from the pain he had once inflicted.

As he's tear-stained eyes fluttered open, he was greeted by an unfamiliar sight. The lush forest canopy stretched above him, the leaves filtering sunlight in a way he hadn't seen before. Confusion knitted his brow, and his heart raced as he took in his surroundings. This wasn't the world he had grown accustomed to.

As he pushed himself up from the ground, he noticed something even more astonishing – his body felt different, stronger yet more agile, as if years of wear and tear had been stripped away. He flexed his muscles, feeling a vitality he hadn't experienced in decades. Then he looked down, his eyes widening as he took in the form of his hands – younger, less weathered by time.

"What... what' happened?" he whispered to himself, his voice a mix of awe and disbelief.

A strange sensation accompanied his new body – a lightness, as if the pull of gravity was somehow diminished. Every step he took had an unfamiliar bounce, and when he leaped into the air, he soared higher and longer than he could have ever imagined. It was as if the very laws of nature had shifted around him.

He recalled tales of worlds with different levels of gravity, but this experience was beyond anything he could have anticipated. The very air felt different against his skin, and even his heart beat with a rhythm that seemed to synchronize with this altered environment.

As he navigated through the forest, his movements were a dance of newfound strength and agility. He tested the limits of his body, leaping from tree to tree, his laughter echoing among the leaves. He was invigorated, a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins.

As the day wore on, He marveled at the effects of this world's lower gravity on his body. Muscles that had once ached were now supple and responsive, and his senses felt sharpened, attuned to the world around him. It was as if he had been given a second chance, a chance to experience his body in its prime.

But he couldn't help but wonder – was this a gift from this new world? Had his tears and emotions somehow triggered this transformation? Or was there something more at play, some magic or force he didn't yet understand?

As he continued his exploration, he found himself encountering various creatures of the forest. With his newfound strength and agility, he effortlessly fended off challenges that would have been daunting before. His body moved with a fluidity that defied the laws of his previous reality, as if he had been granted a shield of invulnerability and strength beyond his wildest expectations.

By the time the sun dipped below the horizon, he found himself back in the clearing where he had awakened. He gazed up at the unfamiliar stars, a mixture of wonder and gratitude in his eyes. Whatever had happened, he was determined to make the most of this new life, to use his strength and agility to protect and save, just as he had always aspired to.

With newfound purpose, he lay back on the grass, the lightness of his body melding with the gentleness of the lowered gravity. Sleep came easily, and as he closed his eyes, he felt a sense of adventure and possibility wash over him, a journey that was just beginning in this fantastical world that had granted him a second chance.

Then suddenly he heard a faint sound from a distance. A group of merchants, cornered by bandits, cried out for help. Instinctively, he rushed to their aid, his heart guiding him. As the bandits turned their attention to him, he fought back with a fierceness he had never known before.

Amidst the chaos of battle, he's transformation was startlingly evident. Every movement was a symphony of precision and power, each strike calculated with an expert's precision. His body seemed to flow seamlessly through the skirmish, a dance of deadly grace that left no room for error.

His movements were a blend of fierce determination and honed skill, a testament to his past experiences that had been awakened in this new world. His strength was undeniable, muscles rippling with a potency that defied his physical appearance. But it wasn't just his strength that set him apart; it was the way he wielded it, the fluidity of his motion that made him seem like an extension of the very weapons he carried.

With a speed that belied his years, he closed the distance between himself and the bandits. His strikes were precise, finding weak points in armor and exploiting vulnerabilities with calculated ease. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing, as if his body knew the path of combat as intimately as his own heartbeat.

As one bandit after another fell to his onslaught, he's eyes burned with a fierce intensity. It wasn't the wild abandon of rage that fueled his actions, but a focused determination to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. He had been given this strength, this opportunity, and he was determined to use it for good.

Yet, beneath the veneer of determination, there lingered a shadow of doubt. He recognized the coldness that settled within him as he dispatched his enemies. It wasn't that he lacked empathy or sympathy, but he found himself justifying his actions as a means to an end – the safety of the merchants, the well-being of those who depended on him.

With each bandit that fell, he questioned the balance between his newfound power and the emotions he had feared he'd lost. He feared that his ability to inflict harm with such precision came at the cost of his capacity to feel mercy. But the truth was more nuanced, hidden in the complexity of his emotions and experiences.

In the aftermath of the battle, as the dust settled and the merchants gathered around him, he couldn't shake the inner conflict that gnawed at him. He had protected them, defended them with a ferocity that had surprised even himself. But was it justice or vengeance that fueled his actions? Was he using his strength to save or to sate a personal thirst for retribution?

As he wiped the sweat from his brow and met the merchants' grateful gazes, he couldn't escape the weight of his own internal struggle. He had walked a fine line between protector and executioner, and he knew that the answers to his questions lay in the choices he would make in the battles yet to come.

The battle against the bandits had forged a bond between them, and their smiles spoke volumes of the trust they had in him. With a mixture of gratitude and anticipation, the head merchant stepped forward.

"We owe you a great debt, my friend," the merchant began, his voice filled with sincerity. "Your bravery and strength saved not only our goods but also our lives. We'd be honored if you'd consider joining us as our hired guard."

He's gaze shifted from one merchant to the other, taking in their earnest expressions. The idea of a new purpose, a place where he could protect and make a difference, tugged at his heart. He nodded, a small but genuine smile gracing his lips.


The head merchant's eyes brightened, and he extended his hand in a firm handshake.

"Excellent! We're headed to the city, and your presence would grant us much-needed security."

"You must be a brawler title holder, since you dispose them with your fist with ease." One of the merchants indicted.

"Title?" he said under his breath and wonder what that word mean, in this world he got transmigrated to, he sure have a lot of question to ask thing to ponder, in this strange world full of wonder...

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