Illusion | Taekook โœ”๏ธ

By amy_149

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โœ… COMPLETED โœ… A story of two souls that were blessed or doomed to be together. A story of love, betrayal, pai... More

Author's Note
Character Introduction
1. Choice Is An Illusion
2. Choice Is A Truth
3. Kindness Or Stupidity
4. Privileged And Unprivileged
5. Unexpected Changes
6. Endless Maze
7. Self Doubt
8. First Gift
9. Souvenir Of The Darkness
10. Purity
11. Wrong And Right Is Illusion
12. Luck
13. Bed Business
14. There For You
15. Exploring Past
16. Helpless
17. The Answer
18. Intimate Moment
19. Legacy
20. Taking Stand
21. Life's Purpose
22. Last Day
23. First Day In Office
24. Home
25. Calm After The Storm
26. A Normal Day
27. Withdrawal
28. Drunk Dazed
29. The Wedding
30. Pre-Reception
31. Reception
32. A Drink
33. Honey Moon
34. Back To Routine
35. Traitor
36. Executing Plan
37. More Like Home
38. An Offer
39. Shawn's Annual Business Gala
40. Son In-Law Home Coming
41. First Breakfast
42. Doomed Celebration (l)
43. Doomed Celebration (ll)
44. The Moment Of Truth
45. The Moment Of Realization
46. The Moment Of Helplessness
47. Den Of Dragon
48. A Story Untold
49. Eyes On You
50. Goodbye
51. Knocking Some Sense
52. Regret
53. Moving Forward
54. Self Crises
55. Repentance
56. Perfect Face
57. Kindness Isn't Dead
58. Doomed From The Start
59. Map Of Life
60. Inauguration (D-day)-I
61. Inauguration (D-day) II
62. Crumbs Of Past-I
64. Aftermath
65. Normal Family Dinner
66. Life Goes On
67. Broken
68. A Chance
69. Love Me Again
70. Epilogue
71. Special Episode (Namjin)
Yoonmin SpinOff Announcement
New Book Release
Black Rose

63. Crumbs Of The Past II

988 45 19
By amy_149

Kim Taehyung

I was silent since I came back from the hall, Yoongi and Seokjin brought me to Seokjin's apartment. I should be feeling victorious today, in contrast I felt gloomy. As if world has ended for me, as if I had lost something, as if I had no purpose of living.

"Renown members of Jeon Family, Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jayhun have been demanded at crime investigation bureau, for a full fledge investigation. Inspector So Doyun had stated that the Jeon Group will be fully investigated with all the possessions they have in Korea and Over Seas. The evidences found from Island are identified to be authentic by the Crime investigation bureau.

We regret to inform that one of the top tier company in Koreas the Jeon Group has been found suspicious of trafficking human organ. That's not it the procedures done were evidenced to be unhygienic and non-professional, which cost hundreds of innocents to lose their lives. We are still not aware how long this has been going on behind our backs we will ask senator.......... "

"Shut it Yoongi...." Seokjin said.

"Why did he take him... He didn't do anything." I said in a low voice, my hands still shaking.

"Namjoon is the prime suspect, his signatures are found on many documents, however, he alone is not involved in doing it and police had to see it throughly." Yoongi explained.

"It will... Ruin his reputation and the company has.. Has lost too...."

"It was bound to happen Taehyung, there is nothing we can do." Yoongi said.

"Please eat something Taehyung." Seokjin lifted a spoon of soup infront of me.

"I don't have an appetite hyung." I said looking at the wedding ring in my finger.

"Please a little Tae... You need strength..."

"Please hyung don't force me..."

"Let him be Seokjin he will eat when he feels like it..... Let us know if you need something Taehyung. You have got us." Yoongi patted on my shoulder.

"I know..." I mumbled.

I still remember the day when, I made my mind completely to do it. To expose Jeons for their hideous acts against Mankind and take revenge for my parents.


5 Years ago.....

Third Person Pov

Today seem a good day, after many gloomy days today 18-year old Taehyung felt happy. Because he got admission into the University of his dreams. Seoul University of Businesses. He wanted to pursue his career in Business and work in a well reputed firm. Maybe in his Yoongi hyung's firm.

Although they didn't start on good terms, but growing up Taehyung took great admiration from Yoongi, seeing him in a suit always made feel Taehyung excited. He wished one day he will be wearing a suit like this and go to job.

Taehyung smiled making his way to his home, that was Seokjin's apartment. He knew at this time Seokjin might not be home. So, he decided to make dinner and tell Seokjin over dinner. But when he made his way inside he heard noises of crying, he knew they belonged to Yoongi.

He didn't mean to eavesdrop but he knew if he walks straight in, Yoongi won't feel like crying infront of him. In all these years, he knew elder well. So, he stood behind the wall of hall way. It had been twenty one days since Yoongi's sister Iseul died. He never saw that girl until her death unleashed sadness in their little home. Seokjin was always stressed due to Yoongi and so was Yoongi in grief.

"The post mortem report and detective's report said that, it was an accident. They found nothing that prove that it was a murder. Her car was working perfectly before the accident, it was the truck that lost balance." it was Seokjin's voice.

"No, I can't believe it. It was all planned. They couldn't find video on dash board's camera, how is that possible. Iseul car came a night before from service. It was perfectly fine. Then why didn't she pull brake in time." Yoongi said.

"Yoongi you are stressing too much, if it was anything then your detectives must have found out by now."

"You know the last person she called was Namjoon. I hate that person to my guts he is capable of doing anything to get back at me. They couldn't even find the recording."

"Did you talk to her fiance? What did he say about it?"

"He follows the police. He won't do a shit. He is a fucking coward."

"You should wait then.... Yoongi there is no use to torture yourself thinking about that." Seokjin said.

"I know, I know Jeons killed my sister. It wasn't an accident it was a murder."

"Jeons." hearing his name Taehyung's hands started to shake, his legs started to give up on him. His head felt light. The bag from his shoulder fell off with a loud thud, which caught Seokjin's and Yoongi's attention.

"Taehyung when did you...." Seokjin couldn't complete.

"What were you saying.... Jeons... Jeon killed your sister...." Taehyung said his words shakier.

"No it nothing Taehyung why don't you sit down for a bit." Seokjin could tell Taehyung was having a panic attack.

"Jeons.... Jeon did it.... They... Killed my father... Jeon....." before Taehyung could say properly he fainted. Yoongi rushed quickly to catch him from falling on to the floor.

"Hey Taehyung... Can you hear me? Are you okay?" Seokjin questioned as soon as he sae Taehyung opening his eyes.

Younger nodded weakly, "We should take him to doctor." Yoongi spoke.

"No, I am fine." Taehyung said.

"You scared the shit out me Tae... Don't tell me you skipped your lunch." Seokjin always scolded him for not eating.

"I forgot...."

"You had a panic attack earlier are you okay now?" Yoongi asked.

"You were talking about Jeons.... Who are they?" Taehyung questioned him.

Yoongi looked at him confused why younger was asking him such question.

"Don't think about it..." before Yoongi could complete. "No tell me who are they?" Taehyung became aggressive huffing breathlessly.

"You need rest Tae...." "No, tell me. Are they one who own Jeon Corp."

"Yes, but why you are asking.... Do you know them?" Yoongi asked.

Taehyung started to cry, remembering all of it which was tucked away somewhere inside him. "They are the one who ruined my family...." he hysterically cried.

"W-what can you please tell me Tae, you are making me worried." Seokjin said.

"I never told you hyung how my father died or what happened to my family. When I heard Yoongi hyung saying that name, it all came upon me crashing......"

"What is it? What do you remember by this name?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"When I was eleven, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Doctors said she will be fine after chemotherapy but we were so poor to afford it. My father loved her so much, he couldn't let her die. When our little savings were depleted. My father took loan from the bank. It wasn't enough either. At that time my father worked as a sweeper in Jeon Corp. One day he brought home a large sum of money.

He lied to my mother that he took loan from the company. After chemotherapy sessions my mother didn't get better. One day my mother found out seeing the stitches on my father's body. They had a fight and my father told her that his boss didn't give him money for free he had to sell his kidney because he loved her and wanted to save her.

I accidentally listened all of it. My mother died a few days later. My father's health started to decline. I was thirteen then, he got life risking infection due to kidney procedure. He didn't have any money to get a treatment. He had to work for providing us food. Then one terrible night he left us." Taehyung started to cry remembering that dreadful night of his life.

Seokjin was also crying bitterly seeing the pain of the poor boy."That means.... That means it's true...." Yoongi said slowly.

"What?" Seokjin looked at him.

"There are always rumors circulating that Jeon Corp. is involved in such acts." Yoongi said.

"How can this be possible? What about police or anything?" Seokjin questioned.

"You don't know this dark world, police can't do anything because they are clever enough to leave no trace. They have whole hidden network that works precisely." Yoongi said massaging his temples.

"They will answer for it. They have to answer for it...." Taehyung said.

"They will..." Yoongi said.

" what you two are talking about? This is too dangerous no I can't let you do this." Seokjin shook his head. Seokjin pulled Yoongi outside of the room.

"And do what Seokjin? You want us to sit idly while they do these hideous things. I lost Iseul to them, Taehyung lost his parents, how many other people are there, we have no idea." Yoongi shouted.

"No, Yoongi you are wiser one. What's gone is gone.... We can't lose more. If it is true then they are probably much dangerous than this. I won't let you guys do this."

"Do you trust me Seokjin?" Yoongi said.

"I do but....."

"Do you really trust me Seokjin..." yoongi questioned.

"I do....."

"Then keep on trusting me. I won't let Taehyung get hurt. You know he matters to me too as he do to you."

"But.... What you guys are gonna do... There is no evidence." Seokjin said.

"Time will tell us everything. We just have to wait for a bit and plan." Yoongi said.


Six months later....

Yoongi and Seokjin both sat on the couch. They were called by Taehyung because younger wanted to tell them something.

"I know you both will me mad at me after listening." Taehyung said.

"What is it Taehyung you are scaring me?" Seokjin questioned.

"I got a job, it's highly paying and I am moving out." Taehyung announced.

Yoongi snickered and Taehyung raised an eyebrow, "Where you get a high paying job in your first semester of university?" Seokjin questioned.

"I can't tell you that but it's safe I promise." Taehyung said.

"I know you have grown up to take your own decisions but I have a right to know." Seokjin said.

"Hyung you both did alot for me and it's time to pay you back." Taehyung said.

"By working at lust lilies?" Yoongi said.

"H-how do you know?" Taehyung questioned.

"I always have eye on you kid." Yoongi said and Taehyung pouted in anger.

"What you too are talking about?" Seokjin looked in between them.

"Hyung, I found out that you lied to me all these years, Aerum wasn't on scholarship. Her expenses were being paid by Yoongi hyung. Now, it's time for me to step up and take care of my responsibilities." Taehyung stated.

"Yeahh.... By working at lust lilies." Yoongi said again.

"Look Taehyung, you were a kid back then, I didn't want to stress you out. What we did was on our will, you don't have to pay it back or something. And what the fuck is with lust lilies" , Seokjin turned to Yoongi.

"It is an exotic club offering services." Yoongi explained.

"You got job where?????????" Seokjin was pissed.

"That's the only place where I can earn well with my qualifications. Besides it not that deep what you are thinking. I am doing this with my own will. I need to take pay for Aerum's college, my degree and I need savings to take my revenge."

"No, I am not letting you do it. All these years I've kept you safe from hideous world. You can't do this to me. If you want a job you can work in Yoongi's company. I am sure he has vacancy for you there. Besides Aerum is no burden to us neither are you so you aren't doing it. "

"I have already signed two year contract hyung. Please understand, I am very thankful that you took care of me when I needed it the most. But now, I am all grown up let me take care of myself. Please...."

"Yoongi why don't you say him anything?" Seokjin turned to him.

"You adopted him officially, if he isn't listening to you then he won't listen to me either."

"I still not support any of it. You are stubborn enough then don't talk to me." Seokjin stormed out of the room.

Yoongi gave Taehyung a look and followed Seokjin. Taehyung knew the other will come around but his conscious wasn't allowing him to take advantage of the elder two anymore.

"Seokjin listen to me..."

"No, Yoongi you don't understand... How can he sign up something like that?" Seokjin cried.

"You and I both know, that kid's pride is too high. He won't allow himself to take favours from us, now that he is grown-up." Yoongi said.

"I know he could've waited to complete his degree atleast." Seokjin sniffled.

"He was always a stubborn one, raised by another stubborn one what do you expect?" Yoongi said, making Seokjin chuckle while crying, he hit yoongi's chest and the other hugged him.


So that's how Taehyung ended up in Lust Lilies 😪😪

Love from my side 💜

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