Destroyer - The Death Cure (B...

By MEllenH

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WICKED took everything from her. Alex took it personally. She wants what's hers back. Vowing to take Janson... More

Authors Note
Recap from Defier
Chapter 1: Anger
Chapter 2: Adrenaline Junky
Chapter 3: The mission
Chapter 4: Going Rogue
Chapter 5: Internal Demons
Chapter 6: A change in Routine
Chapter 7: Hope
Chapter 8: Worthless
Chapter 9: Abandoned
Chapter 10: Spilt Secrets
Chapter 12: Reporting for Duty
Chapter 13: Cranky Pants
Chapter 14: Taken
Chapter 15: He just needed a High Five
Chapter 16: A Way In
Chapter 17: Interrogation
Chapter 18: Tunnels
Chapter 19: Don't shoot
Chapter 20: Breached
Chapter 21: Real Memories
Chapter 22: Tourture
Chapter 23: Ace
Chapter 24: Hijacked
Chapter 25: Look What the cat dragged in
Chapter 26: Trust Me
Chapter 27: Nightmares
Chapter 28: Plans
Chapter 29: Reunion
Chapter 30: Escape
Chapter 31: Not Your Worst Idea
Chapter 32: Shuck
Chapter 33: Savior
Chapter 34: Finish This Together
Chapter 35: Don't Give Up
Epilogue: Made it
Time will heal
Life Carries On

Chapter 11: Suiside Squade

393 15 1
By MEllenH

The girls sat on Sonya's bed, Alex was looking at each of the girls beside her. All of them looking angry and determined. She realized now, they hated WICKED just as much as she did. WICKED took something for each of them.

"Let's go get some revenge-" Brenda started, but was cut off by Kenzie.

"-Lets go get him. Let's go get Minho back!" Kenzie cried with gusto, hopping off the bed. Brenda rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. Kenzie froze with her mouth open and her eyes wide. She smacked herself in the forehead with a gasp.

"That's probably where those idiots go get him back! Thomas was pissed off with Vince at the meeting after you were stable, Alex. Vince said he wouldn't risk an extraction mission."

She is shucken right! Tommy would 100% think he could do it on his own..and Newt, Fry and Finn would go with him. Shucken bloody idiots! They left me behind! Shuck them!

Alex looked up at them in disbelief. These girls were still willing to help her after what she told them. They were willing to walk into the lion's den with her, even though she was twisted and probably deranged. She caught Harriet's eye, who was watching Sonya. Harriet's frown deepened. Alex glanced at her sister beside her. Sonya was visibly trembling, but her jaw set.

"Sonya. You stay here. You get better. Harriet? Will you stay here with her? I think Aris will also need someone he trusts to stay back here...Sonya? Will you look after Chloe and Reagan for me?" Alex asked.

She knew Sonya would come if she asked, but the look of fear in her eyes and how exhausted she looked, she couldn't ask her sister to go right back into the mouths of the lions. Harriet nodded. Sonya nodded, looking slightly relieved.

"You still have the coms from the last mission?" Alex asked.

"Uhh no. I gave it always, didn't you?" Harriet asked, confused.

Brenda, Alex and Kenzie glanced guiltily at each other.

"Uhh no. No we didn't. We keep do you think we know everything that's going on?" Alex smiled evilly. Brenda and Kenzie laughed with her.

"And you wonder why Vince doesn't like you?!" Harriet shook her head, with a small smile.

"Hey, Vince loves me! I do his shuck dirty work. He loves me deep down...very very very deep down. Buried under his disdain and frustration." Alex responded.

Brenda and Kenzie snorted.

"Okay...we'll probably have to steal a truck. Can you keep Vince busy for at least a few hours.. please? If we need anything I'll get a hold of you, through a com. Somehow." Alex directed. Her confidences growing.

"YES! POWER SQUAD IS BACK!" Kenzie pumped her fist in the air. "Sonya? You in for the Power Squad? You and Harriet are base operations. Eagle 1 and Eagle 2. Sonya you are now known as Sharp Shooter Sonya, Harriet your Hitman Harriet."

Sonya gave a small smile and Harriet just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Alex smiled, wickedly, "Now we're talking!"

"Brenda you can be Bombs away Brenda-"

"Absolutely not!" She scoffed, smacking Kenzie with a pillow.

Kenzie yelped and then fell back. She giggled, pointing at Brenda from her back, "Fine. Umm...Bloodthirsty Brenda?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Better.' Brenda huffed with an added eye roll. Though Brenda's mouth twitched into a crooked smirk.

"We already have our Alex the Ace." Kenzie pointed at Alex, "out except in all things vindictive..."

Alex's smile turned malicious.

"And I'll be...Krazy Killer Kenzie! And we need a new team name, if we're going after those dumbasses...and after McDreamy boyfriend...hmmm. GOT IT! Suicide Squad." She pointed at each person, and crossed her arms like it was settled.

"Kenzie, you need your head checked." Brenda shook her head, she stood up and walked over to her bunk.

"Already did! Dr Prior said I wasn't crazy! Just the unmedicated ADHD, thank you very much!" Kenzie said defensively.

The girls just laughed and rolled their eyes.

"Okay, come on Squad Sister, we have these runaway idiots to find, remember? Suicide mission accepted?" Kenzie asked, standing up. "And I need to smack my brother upside the head!"

"Mission accepted." Alex nodded with a devious smile.

Brenda grabbed her bag. Alex also stood up, taking another look at the girls around her. Her broken and black heart mending a little, she found some true friends. She would do anything for these girls, her sisters. Family by choice. Her chosen Sister squad.

"Guys...Thank you."

Everyone nodded with a small smile. Alex grabbed her backpack, and her leather jacket, stuffed her thigh holster with her knives and her gun. Before she left the room she looked back to Sonya. She was already looking, they smiled at each other. It seems like as soon as they get together they were ripped apart again.

One day we will have more than a few hours. If I live.


They decided to split up, check the garage, weapons room and supply room, see if there was something missing. They agreed to meet back at the garage door. Alex made her way silently to the garage, she jimmied the lock with a hair pin and thomased her way inside. She didn't need to turn the lights on to see that a jeep missing.

"Shuck you Tommy! Shuck you too, Newt!" Alex hissed. She was angry they left her behind. She knew exactly what they were doing.

She made her way over to one of the trucks, opened the door and threw her bag onto the seat, and grabbed the truck key from under the visor and went to wait for the girls by the door. She only had to wait for a few minutes before Kenzie and Brenda showed up holding extra guns and ammo they snitched from the supply room. Trailing behind them was Jorge.

"You're alive."

He stopped in front of Alex, his arms crossed, and his forehead creased as he looked down at her. Alex looked away but nodded.

"Yes...Thank you Jorge. Ummm... Not my smartest moment...and I owe you. Thank you." Alex admitted, as she glanced back up at him with shame and guilt.

Jorge's face softened. "Mi Hija...That was most definitely the stupidest thing you have done. And I've seen you do some stupid shit. Don't do that again. You are still needed around here. I told you last night, you are so worth it! You need to believe that." He said gently.

He firmly laid his hands on her shoulders giving them a little squeeze. Alex gazed at him for a moment. She took in his worry lines, his graying hair, his kind stern eyes; and she leaned forwards and hugged him. He froze, unsure what to do, Alex didn't hug people. After a beat he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a squeeze.

The odd time Newt and Tommy gave her hugs, those were brotherly, kinda stiff and awkward. Minho's hugs, that she could remember, were very different. This hug from Jorge felt entirely unique. It had no strings attached, not brotherly, it wasn't awkward. It was strong, protective and full of care. She felt safe, like everything would be okay. It felt like a hug from a father ...

Alex smiled sadly to herself, she didn't remember hugs from her father, but imagined they would feel like this. Jorge gave her another squeeze. He pulled back and lifted her chin. He had a stern look on his face.

"Do we understand each other Mi Hija? You do that again and I'll kill you myself." He said sternly.

"Yes Papi Jorge." She smiled at him. He smiled back down at her, the wrinkles around his eyes creasing.

"Good." He pulled her back for another hug. She immediately felt more arms wrap around her.

"Group hug!" Kenzie cried.

"Squad snuggle!" Brenda giggled.

"Nice!" Kenzie giggled back, "Papi Jorge, you love us too right?"

Kenzie asked, making big puppy dog eyes at him, Brenda doing the same. Jorge chuckled, and moved so he could hug all three of the girls.

"Si, mi Hijas. My daughters. My three girls. Don't tell the others, but you're my favorites." He winked at them.

The girls giggled and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of each of their heads. They all stepped back.

"Now, apparently those boys...seems like they went after Minho. Without the Power Squad." Jorge frowned.

"Were the Suicide Squad now." Kenzie corrected as she loaded the extra guns into the back seat, "Oh, and you are now Jugular Jorge."

"What?" Jorge looked at Brenda and Alex.

Alex walked over to the jeep "Don't even ask." She rolled her eyes and tossed Jorge the truck key and climbed in beside Kenzie. Brenda climbed into the front seat, Jorge shrugged. He spun the keys around his finger.

"Looks like I'm driving!" He smiled with a devious smile of his own.


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