Symphogear: The Fury of gods...

By XDisius

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This story is the sequel to "The Fury of gods". As I said in part 1: This story takes place after the events... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

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By XDisius

Heimdall: (to Hibiki) Hamster, Maria, Tsubasa and Chris need help with civilians a few blocks north of our position, we'll take care of it here

Hibiki: (strange) Ok, hamsters are cute but that's not my name

Heimdall:It's not the time now, go!

Hibiki:Alright Heimdall!

Heimdall: Well beasts...

Using the Gear change, Heimdall transforms the machine guns into two pairs of scissors

Heimdall: Bring it on!!

Heimdall, Kirika, Miku and Shirabe dealt with the Helwalkers while Hibiki ran towards the position indicated to him by the "white god"

Hibiki moved quickly towards the position indicated by Heimdall, with determination and urgency. As she ran, she felt adrenaline coursing through her veins, ready to fight to protect civilians and her fellow Symphogear.

After a few minutes of running, Hibiki finally reached the area where Maria, Tsubasa, Chris and the other civilians were struggling. Seeing the critical situation, Hibiki didn't hesitate and immediately joined the fight. Her mighty punches and sonic blasts rang the Helwalkers against her as she busied herself with eliminating any menace that came close to them.

Maria: (smile of relief) Hibiki, you're here!

Hibiki: (determined) Yes, we're here to help!

*Chris transforms her gauntlets into a pair of crossbows and starts shooting arrows at the Helmalkers*

[Queen's inferno]

Chris: (in action) We need to clean up this area ASAP!

*Tsubasa conjures a large number of energy swords in the air which rain down on her enemy.*

[One Thousand Tears]

Tsubasa: (attacking) We can't let the Helwalkers get near civilians!

The members of the Symphogears worked together, coordinating their attacks and using their unique abilities to repel the Helwalkers. Their cooperation was flawless, and soon the area began to clear of enemies. The Helwalkers were forced to retreat, unable to match the strength and determination of the Symphogears.

Tsubasa: (attacking) We can't let the Helwalkers get near civilians!

The members of the Symphogears worked together, coordinating their attacks and using their unique abilities to repel the Helwalkers. Their cooperation was flawless, and soon the area began to clear of enemies. The Helwalkers were forced to retreat, unable to match the strength and determination of the Symphogears.

Chris: Hibiki, this girl's leg is stuck under the rubble, give me a hand!


But when Hibiki was about to reach Chris and the girl in danger, someone shoots a ball of blue electricity at Hibiki, contact with it causes a very strong and painful electric shock

Hibiki was taken aback by the ball of electricity that was fired at her. The electric shock went through her, causing her pain and forcing her to fall to the ground. She fought to stay conscious as the energy coursed through her body.

Chris: (shouting) Hibiki!!

Miku: (terrified) No, Hibiki!

Tsubasa: (concerned) We have to protect her!

The other Symphogears immediately moved to defend Hibiki and deal with the mysterious attacker. Kirika and Shirabe positioned themselves in front of Hibiki, ready to repel further attacks.

From a blanket of smoke emerged a woman wearing a symphogear, with a crane spider on her left arm and a bident held in her right hand

Kirika: Who the hell are you, dess?!

A ball of red electricity fires from the mechanical spider, which injures Kirika and Shirabe.

Mysterious Woman: Well, so it's you...the one who contributed to my husband's death, Tachibana Hibiki!

The mysterious woman turned out to be the Symphogear's fearsome adversary. Kirika and Shirabe were hit by the ball of red electricity fired by the mechanical spider, while the tension in the air became more and more dense. As the Symphogears struggled to recover, the woman strode forward with determination.

Hibiki, though she was still weakened from the electric shock, struggled to stand up. Her anger and determination could be seen in her eyes.

Hibiki: (in a firm voice) Who are you? What do you want?

Mysterious Woman: (dark) I want revenge, Tachibana Hibiki. I want revenge for my husband's death.

Miku: (concerned) Hibiki, who is this woman?

Hibiki: (clenching fists) I have no idea, but we have to stop her.

The mysterious woman gave a cold laugh as she lifted her bident. The spark of combat filled the air as the Symphogears prepared to repel the attack and protect their city. The battle proved intense and complicated, with the woman demonstrating astonishing strength and ferocity.

The girls use every means they have to defend themselves and fight back, but the woman really proves to be a tough nut to crack

Hibiki:Listen to me, I've never seen you in my life, neither you nor your husband, how could I have killed him? And why should I?

Mysterious Woman: Do you take me for a fool?

The woman takes Hibiki by the neck and lifts her off the ground

Mysterious Woman: Njörd had some issues, but he was still the Vanir I loved and married, because of you and that asshole Odin he's gone now!

Hibiki, from the woman's statement, is surprised

Hibiki: (muffled voice) Njörd...was he your husband? That raving lunatic?

Mysterious Woman: (furious) Don't you dare mention his name!!

The mysterious woman applies more pressure to Hibiki's neck

Tsubasa: He wanted to awaken Ragnarok and destroy this world, we couldn't let it happen!!

Chris:Wait, so if Njörd was your husband, you must be Nerthus, am I right?

The words of the mysterious woman, now identified as Nerthus, shed a new light on what was happening. As the danger continued to grow, the Symphogears tried to bring Nerthus to reason and understand the consequences of his actions.

Hibiki: (breathless) Listen, Nerthus, I understand you're angry, but killing me won't solve anything. We just want to protect people and our world.

Nerthus: (in an angry voice) I don't care about your apologies! I lost everything to you and your allies. I have to avenge my husband.

Tsubasa: (stops) Vengeance won't bring you the peace you seek. You have to find a way forward.

Chris: (sincere) Don't you think it's time to end this cycle of violence?

Nerthus seemed to waver for a moment, but then anger took over again.

Nerthus: (shouting) You cannot understand my pain! None of you have lost someone so precious!

Chris: I lost my parents when I was a little girl!

Maria: I lost my sister!

Tsubasa:And I lost my dearest friend!

Hibiki: (with empathy) I understand that you have suffered a lot and that the pain is deep. But killing me won't bring your husband back. There are people here who have experienced the same suffering, but we have chosen not to allow hatred and vengeance to guide our actions.

Miku: (with compassion) If you really want to honor your husband's memory, don't let your grief consume you. Choose a different route.

Nerthus: Yeah... Let's stop this cycle of violence... but not before i kill you!!

Nerthus throws Hibiki against a building, then aims the cannon at Tsubasa and Chris, shooting them, the two Symphogears managed to dodge in time

Kirika:But then you're just...


Shirabe and Kirika attack Nerthus together, but the latter stabs them both in the chest with her bident, seriously injuring them

Hibiki: (in pain) Shirabe-chan!... Kirika-chan!!!...

Then, the goddess Vanir, grabs Kirika by the throat and activates the cannon

Nerthus: Now I'll show you what happens when you go up against Nerthus "the Destroyer"!!

Tsubasa: Stop!!!

Using the mechanical spider as a kind of taser, Nerthus electrocutes Kirika, deactivating Igalima and leaving the poor girl wounded, electrocuted and totally naked.
Then she took her pendant and threw the girl to the ground

Shirabe:(stunned) Kiri...Chan!!

Shirabe fell to the ground unconscious and wounded in the chest after the blow of the bident.

Matters seemed to escalate as Nerthus demonstrated tremendous power and cruelty. The Symphogears were in trouble, with Kirika and Shirabe badly injured and unable to continue the battle.
As Hibiki struggled to stand up from her impact against the palace, her growing anger turned into a flame of determination. She got up slowly, fixing Nerthus with a fiery gaze.

Hibiki: (clenching fists) Enough! I can't let you hurt my friends!

Miku: (from the back) Hibiki, wait! You can't face it alone!

But Hibiki didn't listen, she lunged at Nerthus with pure anger and clear intention.

Nerthus: (surprised) Aren't you afraid of me?

Hibiki: (stops) I can't let you hurt the ones I love.

The two engaged in an intense confrontation, Nerthus' bident against Hibiki's fists.

The fight went on for a while until Nerthus, with the mechanical spider, shot her a ball of blue electricity, triggering a very strong and very painful electric shock, electrocuting her and making her fall unconscious to the ground

Nerthus: Now die, little girl!

Nerthus prepares to spear her bident at Hibiki but Heimdall saves her at the last minute

Heimdall: (smirk) Ma'am, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave her alone

Nerthus: What are you doing here?

Heimdall: (enigmatic) Who knows? Maybe I was invited to a concert and I joined...Or maybe I knew that something strange was brewing...(mischievous smile) What do you think?

Heimdall seemed to be mastering the situation with his confident demeanor and mocking smile. Nerthus seemed surprised by her appearance and her enigmatic words.

Nerthus: (irritated) Your coming to interfere won't change that, Guardian of the Bifrost.

Heimdall: (still smiling) Oh, but I don't think I came here just to see the show. You see, there's one thing I've learned over the years: human determination should never be underestimated, especially when it's fueled by love and a willingness to protect what's important.

Nerthus: (clenching his fists) You don't understand anything. You don't know what I've lost, what I've suffered.

Heimdall: (more serious) I may not fully understand your pain, but I know that seeking vengeance and causing further suffering will never bring true peace.

As Heimdall and Nerthus confronted each other, Hibiki began to recover from the electric shock. Slowly she stood up, looking at the scene before her. Heimdall's words seemed to strike a deep chord within her.

Hibiki: (thoughtful) Love and determination... that's what drives us. And we can't get carried away by vengeance.

Miku: (moving closer) Hibiki...

Hibiki: (decided) We have to find a way to stop this.

Nerthus:(sinister smile) Predictable as always with your almost meaningless words, my choice has been made, Heimdall, (pointing to Kirika and Shirabe) now disappear or you will end up like these tender girls here on the ground

Heimdall:(sneering) Why, excuse me? I like staying here.

The two engaged in a tough fight where they seemingly seem evenly matched

Nerthus: (growling) You won't be able to stop me, guardian of the Bifrost!

Heimdall:(Smirk) From being totally insane? True, you are right

Maria: Hibiki, let's get Shirabe and Kirika to safety!

Maria and the other Symphogears tried to remove Kirika and Shirabe from the combat zone, taking them to a safer place to allow them to recover and receive medical attention. Meanwhile, Hibiki and Miku watched Heimdall and Nerthus fight, trying to figure out how they could contribute.

Hibiki: (thoughtfully) We have to find a way to stop Nerthus and put an end to this.

Miku: (watching the fight) It's hard to imagine what's going through his mind. Her anger and her pain seem overwhelming.

Hibiki: (firm) But we can't let her continue to hurt. We have to find a way to reason with her.

The two girls concentrated intently on the fight, trying to locate a weak point in Nerthus' defenses. As Heimdall and Nerthus fought on, the Symphogears knew they had to act quickly to put an end to this dangerous situation.

Tsubasa: We have a problem! Kirika's heart slowed down! And Shirabe's bleeding won't stop!!

As the fight between Heimdall and Nerthus continued, the situation of the injured Symphogears was getting worse. Tsubasa exposed the serious situation of Kirika and Shirabe, highlighting the urgent need for medical attention.

Hibiki: (concerned) We have to do something! We cannot leave them unattended.

Miku: (thoughtfully) Is there anything we can do to stabilize them at least momentarily?

Hibiki looked around, looking for a solution. The city was shattered, but he knew they had to find a safe place for their wounded comrades. His mind was racing at full speed as he tried to figure out a way to fix the situation.

Hibiki: (determined) We need to secure them and find someone who can give us medical aid. But first we need to make sure Nerthus can't get in our way.

Miku: (clenching her fists) We have to help Heimdall defeat her.

Hibiki and Miku were determined to find a solution, both to stop Nerthus and to save their friends. As battle raged around them, they knew time was running out and they needed to act quickly.

Then a strange figure wearing Aesir armor appeared

???: Leave the two girls to me

Hibiki:Who are you?

Hermod: Hermod, Baldur's brother, I will take these two to S.O.N.G. where they will receive medical treatment

The appearance of Hermod, Baldur's brother, brought unexpected hope to the wounded Symphogears. His offer to bring Kirika and Shirabe to S.O.N.G. to receive medical treatment he made Hibiki and Miku breathe a sigh of relief.

Hibiki: (smiling) Thanks, Hermod. We need all possible treatment.

Miku: (grateful) Yeah, we don't know how to thank you enough.

Hermod approached Kirika and Shirabe with care, preparing to carry them to safety. Meanwhile, Heimdall and Nerthus continued their fierce fight, but the priority now was to get the injured Symphogears to safety.

Hermod: Don't worry, I'll take them to a safe place. Take care of them, I will continue to fight Heimdall.

Hibiki: (nodding) We'll do what we can. Make us proud, Hermod.

Miku: (affectionately) Be careful, both of you.

Hermod Disapparated along with Kirika and Shirabe

With Hermod taking Kirika and Shirabe away for safekeeping, Hibiki, Miku, and Heimdall could focus on continuing their fight against Nerthus and the Helwalkers. The situation was critical, but the determination of the Symphogears and the combined power of Heimdall could still turn the tide of battle.

Hibiki: (determined) We have to put an end to this madness, Miku.

Miku: (decided) Yes, together we will succeed!

Heimdall: (confidently) We have a task to complete.

The three figures prepared to continue their battle, aiming to stop Nerthus and the Helwalkers once and for all and restore peace to the city.

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