Miguel O'Hara One-Shots

By Princess_Potato23

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Just a bunch of Miguel O'Hara one-shots (Story #1 "Happy Anniversary" Chapters 1-4) Miguel abruptly ended you... More

Happy Anniversary Pt 1
Happy Anniversary Pt 2
Happy Anniversary Pt3
Happy Anniversary Pt 4 (SMUT)
Love Yourself
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 2
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 3
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 4
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 5
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT7
Just A Secretary,Workplace AU PT 8
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT9
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 10
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 11
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 12
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT13/13
A Second Chance PT 1
A Second Chance PT 2
A Second Chance PT 3
A Second Chance PT 4
A Second Chance PT 5
A Second Chance PT 6
A Second Chance Pt 7
A Second Chance PT 8
A Second Chance PT 9
A Second Chance PT 10/10
Honeymoon with Miguel ☀️💍
Miguel Wants Another Baby
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 2

Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 6

743 14 25
By Princess_Potato23

You are both standing in the elevator in silence. You don't know what happened even though he said you did nothing wrong then why is ignoring you? Exiting the elevator you walk to your door standing in front of it about to put your keys in and then you slowly turn around. If he has a problem with you he needs to just say you're both adults here.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's got your panties in a bunch"

He snorts "Get inside I have work to do"

"If you cared about the work that you had to do you would've brought us there instead of bringing me home. So go on answer me about what happened, Why are you ignoring me, Miguel?"

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head "....Did you go straight inside the kitchen like I told you?"

"Yes I did I tried to find it do you think I can't follow direct-"

He takes a deep breath and places his hands on your forearms pulling you closer "Listen listen...I'm not mad at you. I just wish that didn't happen to you. You didn't deserve-....If I didn't ask you to come with me none of this would've happened." You try to take a step back but he doesn't allow you huh?

"Don't say that despite everything I actually enjoyed myself, but........I thought you were mad at me"

He shakes his head no "I could never be mad at you mi sol" He tucks one of your curls behind your ears. You get a sense of Deja Vu like you've both been in this position before.

He takes a deep breath and takes a step back, his hands going into his pockets. "Inside"

You roll your eyes. "You and your one-word commands"

He smiles "Put ice on your arm f'me" You slowly nod your head yes and you stand there staring at him. Before you can stop yourself your feet are already moving you. He gives you a confused look before you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. What are you doing? You take a deep breath before you open your mouth to speak.

"T-thank you for sticking up for me. You didn't have to do that but you did and in front of a new business partner at that. I-" You exhale "Thank you" You wait for him to speak but he doesn't say anything. You then realize that he isn't hugging you back. Shit, you overstepped. You begin to panic as you pull yourself off of him.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't-" You stop talking when you feel him pulling you in close, his arms wrapping around your waist before he unrhythmically pats your back. When was the last time he hugged someone?

"As long as you're with me I'll protect you" You guys stay like that for what feels like forever before he pulls away.

"Now go" You give him a nod before you unlock your door.



You're waiting outside at the back of your campus like Miguel requested but your class ended a little bit early today. You're having a conversation with one of your classmates from your Philosophy class discussing today's lesson and the homework for tonight. The conversation is pleasant and sweet but then the wind blows causing your dress to lift up a little bit. You and him laugh as you both try to keep your dress down. You watch as his face slowly becomes painfully neutral as he stares at something above your head. Before you can turn around you hear a familiar deep voice from a few feet behind you.

"I'll take it from here" Your classmate drops his hand immediately and wishes you a goodbye and walks in the opposite direction. Why is everyone so intimidated by him? You turn around to face him, your hands still holding down your dress.

You smile up at him "Morning" You watch as the corners of his mouth turn slightly upwards but you blink and his face goes back neutral.

"Morning" He mumbles as he takes off his suit jacket staring at you the whole time and damn he looks so good. The sight of him doing something so simple shouldn't affect you. So then why are you crossing your legs? You nervously bite your bottom lip and stare up at him as he puts his jacket on you. You take the time to scan his features you notice that he has a light stubble rather than his freshly shaven face and you notice-

"You're staring"

You turn your head to the side as you feel your face heating up crossing your arms in front of you.

"I'm not" He hums in response as he begins to button up his jacket that's currently on you.

"Let's go" Is all he says as he guides you to his car.

Once inside you notice there's an iced coffee sitting in the cup holder. When he finally gets inside from opening your door he notices that you're staring at it.

He clears his throat "It's for you" He picks it up and hands it to you as he backs out of the parking lot with his left hand.

"Oh thank you, I thought that was supposed to be a one-time thing" He just shrugs his shoulders as you take it from him.

You inspect the cup to see what's in it and you realize it's your go-to coffee order. An iced coffee with French vanilla creamer. Then when you see the name of the order it says "Mi sol". You immediately turn to look at him but once again his ears are red and this time it creeps up to his neck and face.

"Your ears are red again. Why does that keep on happening?" He just shrugs his shoulders again.

"Well thank you this is very cute of you"

Now he turns to look at you "Cute seriously?" He gives you an incredulous look that makes you laugh.

"Yeah, cute Miguel not only did you get me coffee you got them to write this nickname that you have for me. What does it mean, by the way, the nickname?" You begin to drink your coffee while you wait for his answer. You wait so long you feel like he's not going to answer so you reach over to turn on the radio flipping through the stations.

You hear him take a deep breath "My sun or my sunshine" This causes you to stop immediately and you nearly drop the coffee you have in your hands. He's been calling you his sunshine this whole time.....

"Can I ask why..." Your voice sounds so small and fragile that you can barely hear yourself over the radio.

"You were wearing your dress with sunflowers last Friday when I first......." You watch as he looks down at you briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.

He clears his throat. "Dunno it just sort of stuck, it makes sense" Silence falls between the both of you. You just don't know what to say. How do you respond to that?

For the rest of the ride, none of you spoke. It wasn't until you both stayed in the car even after he parked that he finally decided to speak up.

"If you don't like it or if it makes you uncomfortable then..."

"No no, I uh....I think I like it"

He raises his eyebrows "You think?"

"No no I mean I like it, it's cool or whatever"

He mumbles under his breath so low you can barely hear as he gets out of the car. "Cool or whatever en serio"

(En Serio= Seriously)

You stay put, not bothering to try and open the door because you'll know he'll do it for you.

"Hmm so she listens," He says as he opens your door

"I've been conditioned to wait for you" You grab onto his outstretched hand pulling yourself out realizing that you still have his jacket on. He closes the door behind you as you unbutton his jacket.

He lets out a "tsk" sound. "The wind" He moves your hand away and buttons it back up.

"Miguel I'm not walking into work wearing your jacket this early in the morning. I don't need people to think I'm taking the walk of shame"

It takes him a minute to process what you just said. "We're both wearing different clothes"

"That won't matter to them I can't- Just trust me on this okay?" He stares at you for a second before he steps back giving you the space that you need. You hand him his jacket and he waits for you to start walking before he turns around following you into the building.


It's the end of the day and Miguel already dropped you off at home. He just got out of the shower so he is sitting down on his bed with his phone in his hands. The water from his hair is dripping on his screen as his thumbs hover over the keyboard as he tries to figure out what to text you. One of the men that Miguel did business with when he first started his company wanted to have dinner with him on Saturday. He wants to let you know so you can be aware but he doesn't know what to say. He already typed out 4 messages but none of them matched what he wanted. He also wanted you guys to match only because you're his secretary and it would paint a good picture if you guys were matching the day of the event and during the dinner. Instead of trying to write out a long sentence he decides to-

                             Dress size?


Excuse me?

Shit he wasn't expecting an immediate response

       Your dress size, what is it?

Oh, it depends it is usually a large but I like to size up

Uh, what is this about?

We have a dinner to go to after the     event

Bring a black dress.

That still doesn't answer my question

         I'm getting you a dress for the dinner

Miguel seriously...no

                                         Not asking

He watches as 3 dots appear on the screen before they immediately go away. Dammit, maybe that was too straightforward. He goes to write a new message but stops when he sees your reply "Okay". Just okay? What does that mean? Are you mad at him? Are you okay with the idea of him getting you a dress? He tosses his phone to his pillows; he's too old to get stressed out over a text. He looks over at the clock and realizes it's almost 1 a.m, Why are you still up? You have a test to take tomorrow. He hesitates before he grabs the phone from his pillow.


You grab your phone as soon as you hear a "ding". Texting Miguel was something you never would've thought would happen but here you are.


Why are you still up?

You have a test tomorrow

                             I'm trying to test myself

                              But idk It's not working

I can help

           Uh we'll have to be on a phone call


                           Just okay...you don't mind


                          Alright then I'll email you

        My study guide it's a vocabulary test

(The name/emoji above each name is their name for each other in their phone :))

You nervously pick at your nails as you hover over the call button. It's just a phone call, no big deal. It'll be okay everything will be just-

You nearly throw your phone when you get a video call from Miguel. What the hell? You watch it ring, maybe he's making a mistake.

I'm calling you, you know

                                       Yeah a video call I

                            thought it was a mistake

Just answer the phone

You race to make yourself more presentable by adding a fresh coat of lip gloss and fixing the curls that currently look like a bird's nest on your head. Glasses or no glasses? You've never worn your glasses to work, you always wore your contacts. Your phone's ringing now. Shit shit shit glasses it is you take a deep breath and place a hand over your chest. Are you seriously this nervous? You prop your phone up on your pillows before you answer the phone.

"Hello," You are greeted by Miguel in a tight white shirt that almost looks too small for him. You can even see the outline of his pecs through the shirt. That's insane. As you watch him you realize that he's sitting at a desk and you can see through the lens of his glasses that he is staring at a computer screen.

Wait wait wait......through the lens of his what??

"You wear glasses" He turns to look at his phone to look at you.

"Yeah and apparently you do too" He says nothing as he just stares at you. His gaze makes you nervous.

"You should wear them more often" You feel your face heat up almost instantly.

"Oh uh, you should too" A beat passes before you both say anything else.

"Why the video call?"

"To make sure you wouldn't cheat" You scoff at his words as your eyes grow wide.

"You can't be serious"

"I am" That was in fact not the reason why he wanted to get on a video call with you. He honestly just wanted to see you but you don't need to know that.

"Let's get started shall we?" He says as he turns his attention back to the computer screen.


For the next hour and a half, Miguel calls out words and terms and you tell him the meaning of them as he also made you give an example for each. He watches as you begin to yawn and your eyes begin to droop.

"Last one mi sol come on...just give me the definition" He watches as your face turns red at the sound of his nickname for you. Maybe he shouldn't have told you what it meant he should've just lied. You give him the definition of the word and he smiles as you throw yourself into your bed.

"Fucking finally," You say as you begin to take your glasses off rubbing your eyes.

"Go to bed"

"I am....but why are you still up? We have to get up early tomorrow" Miguel tried to ignore the "we" you threw in there but neither his mind nor his heart would let him.

"I have some documents to look over" He watches from the corner of his eyes as he sees you taking down your hair allowing your curls to cascade down your shoulders. He watches as you leave the frame to return back with a headscarf in your hands. He narrows his eyes at the item and then realizes it's a "bonnet" he's been with a woman who used that before. It's a black silk bonnet with yellow butterflies on it. Of course, it's yellow. He sighs he really has work he needs to get done but he knows if he stays on the phone with you he'll just stare at you the whole time.

"Do you need help with anything?" He watches as you begin to walk around with your phone in hand as you nervously play with the ends of your hair.

"I've been successfully running a company for almost a decade. So no I don't think so" He watches as your shoulders deflate a little. Dammit, why does everything he says come out so aggressive..... He's not trying to be, he's really not.

"Says the one who has a secretary" He raises his eyebrows in amusement. You never failed to shut him up. If it was anyone else who said that to him, if it was anyone else who dared to constantly bicker with him and call him out when he got out of line they would've been fired immediately. But you're not just "anyone else". You're the woman he's been admiring for months and here you are on a video call with him as if y'all are longtime friends.

"But you can...." A beat basses before he can find the right words. "You can stay on the phone.....if you want" His right leg begins to nervously bounce up and down as he forces himself to watch the computer.

"Oh okay"


"Yeah okay" He watches as a small smile forms on your face. He has to bite the inside of his mouth to prevent himself from smiling with you. What is happening to him?

He finally begins to do his work as you begin to wash your face. He looks at the clock you've been putting stuff on your face for almost 10 minutes. He really really shouldn't be paying attention to you. The work isn't going to finish itself but it's just so hard to look away.

Fuck it

He leans back in his chair, his hands falling in between his legs as he manspreads while watching you. It feels like he's watching a movie. You stop immediately when you catch him staring.


"You've been doing this for about 8 minutes now"

You roll your eyes " It's my skincare routine....and stop paying attention to me when you have work to do"

"It's hard..." Your head whips in his direction but he clears his throat and goes back to work, his face heating up in the process.

"It's hard when I keep seeing movement out of the corner of my eyes you don't know how to stay still". "It's hard to keep my eyes off of you" is what he really wanted to say.

"Asshole" Is all he hears before you hang up the phone.


He has some nerve. To ask you to stay on the phone just to tell you that you're moving too much and you're distracting him. You wish you could elbow him in the nose all over again. He's just so.... infuriating.

You walk over to your bedroom and begin to turn off the lights except for the lamp on your nightstand. You feel your phone vibrating and you know it's him calling you but you ignore it. You climb into bed pulling the sheets up to your waist as your cat Blessings climbs into bed. You finally go to check your phone.

Stop playing and answer

the phone

The workday is over I don't

have to listen to you.

A smile forms on your lips as you see he's calling you again. You wait till the last ring to pick it up. You face the camera to the ceiling.

"What do you want, O'Hara?"

"So we're back to O'Hara?"

"So we're back to you being an asshole?"

He sighs "I didn't mean to make you upset"


"I'm being serious.....let me see you" You don't know why you listen to him but you prop your phone up on the nightstand and turn to your side leaning on your elbow as you pet your cat.

"I'm sorry" His voice is so low you can barely hear it. Miguel never says I'm sorry you and him both know that.

"What was that?"

"I said I'm sorry"

"Say it a little bit louder for me I can't hear" You playfully tuck a strand behind your ear. He narrows his eyes at you as you put a hand to your ear signifying him to be louder.

"Your fucking with me"

You laugh "Go and do your work, Miguel"

"Will you......" You stare at him now but he's staring at the screen. "Stay on the phone...I wouldn't mind...the company" You watch as he turns to look at you.

"Nevermind you have a test tomorr-" You cut him off

"I'll stay"


He doesn't know how he managed to finish his work while talking to you on the phone. You truly are a work of art. He would stare at you all day if he could. Miguel knows he isn't a man who does "small talk" he doesn't like the needless "How are you" "How's your day" or "How's work" he never really bothered nor cares for any of it. But when it came to you he wanted to know everything. When silence first fell between the two of you he managed to ask you how your classes are going, how's your sister doing, and everything else in between and vice versa. It was actually really nice talking to you. He forgot how nice it is to just have someone to talk to about anything and everything without getting bored or feeling forced. Whenever he talks to people it's always about business, never has it been just a "normal" conversation everyone who comes up to him wants something in return. But it's not like that with you it never has been....

He knew exactly when you were going to fall asleep. He saw how your words began to slur he saw when you tucked your hands under your pillow smiling and nodding lazily at him as he spoke. He made sure to tell you to charge your phone before you fell asleep because he knew he had no plans of ending the call. Although the camera was still on you when you fell asleep your cat accidentally knocked it down so your camera faced the ceiling.

He placed his phone on his nightstand as he took off his shirt. Apart from his boxers he never really wore clothes to sleep. Turning off all the lights before he gets into bed he stares at his phone. Should he just hang up? Would you be mad at him if he did? If he didn't? Not wanting to dwell on it anymore he gently whispered a goodnight before he let sleep take him.


You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock. Stretching your legs you let out a groan of frustration. Why did you stay up so late? You're still so tired checking the clock you see it says 6:30 am you have to be at class for 8 and you have to be at work for 11 am plus you then have to finish packing for the weekend-long business trip. With a heavy sigh, you pull yourself out of bed to get ready for your eventful day.

"I thought you had no plans on waking up" You fall on your floor and immediately look around for the source of the voice. Maybe you're still dreaming. It's too early for this. You look around to find the source then you look at your charging phone on your nightstand..... there's no way he's still on the phone right?

"M-Miguel...?" You croak as you slowly crawl to reach your phone. You watch as he slowly comes into the frame he's in his usual three-piece suit his hair is slick back with one strand hanging loose but this time he's wearing his glasses. Huh?

"Why are you still on the phone and you're at work already?"

"Needed to make sure you were alive and I like to come in when no one is there.... It's peaceful" You give him a confused look

"Don't look at me like that" You roll your eyes

"Well I enjoyed talking to you last-"

"Well, I have work to get started on, and don't forget I'm picking you up today" Before you can even get a word out he hangs up the phone. Ouch......just when you thought you and him were....you shake your head pushing yourself off the floor you have to get ready for the day. You shouldn't even dwell on it, it's literally Miguel.


When class ends you immediately go outside to meet Miguel. Silently hope that things aren't awkward between you guys....it shouldn't be right?? By the time you reach, he's already there standing in front of his car, hands folded against his chest with a scowl on his face. As usual, he opens the door for you and just like yesterday you're greeted with an iced coffee. You try to start a conversation with him but he's just giving you one-word answers and he just seems so distracted. The work day went by pretty slowly Miguel went back to being...well Miguel but back to when he would get on your nerves in the office. You don't know what happened. Was it last night? Did you say something?

When he drops you off at home you quickly change out of your clothes and begin to finish pack. Despite whatever's going on with Miguel truthfully you can't wait to go on the trip the hotel is beautiful. There's an indoor pool, plus the hotel rooms look so nice you can't wait to sleep in a big fluffy bed all by yourself. Hotel beds are the best. You finally get the text from Miguel that he's outside. You check your reflection one more time in the mirror. You decide to leave your hair down in hopes that it will also cover up the fact that you're not wearing a bra. There's only so much an oversized shirt can hide. You walk to your front door making sure to give your cat a kiss goodbye and the automatic feeder is intact. Unlocking the door you jump back when you see Miguel standing there.


Miguel doesn't know what he should do. He woke up this morning to an email stating that the 2 suites that he booked just got bumped down to one Apparently they forgot that someone booked an entire floor. They had to accommodate them since it was long before his reservation was booked. How in the world is he supposed to share not only a room with you but a bed? Because with just his luck the suites with the sofa bed are all filled up. He feels like he doesn't know if he should tell you or act like he doesn't know anything.

Walking up the stairs to your apartment he sends you a text letting you know of his arrival. When you open the door he tries not to laugh at you getting scared. He immediately takes you and damn your way shorter without the heels you probably don't even reach his shoulder. You're in an oversized shirt, with your glasses and paired with leggings that make your thighs look so....no he can't think of you like this if he's going to spend the whole weekend sharing a room with you. He's glad he wasn't the only one who went for a more casual look....well he still has his dress shirt and dress pants on but he paired it with a pair of sneakers so he doesn't look too dressed up. As his eyes drag back to meet your face his eyes stop directly at your chest......no fucking Bra. Your nipples are practically staring at him.

The universe hates him.

"Jeez Miguel you scared me I thought you were going to be downstairs?" He points to your medium suitcase

"Figured you were going to bring too much and I stand correct" He immediately grabs the suitcase from your hand and makes his way to the elevator he can't look at you any longer.

Finally making his way to his car he opens the door for you before he puts your suitcase in the trunk. 10 minutes into the drive he watches as you reach over to the radio station.

"I know you like classical music but can I change it I can't listen to this for 4 hours"

He shakes his head "I thought you put it on because you liked it" He watches from his peripheral as you give him a weird look

"No I put this on because I thought you liked it....so you're telling me we both kept putting this on each time we got in the car because we both thought...." You shake your head letting out a small laugh and he can't help but take a look at you. He wasn't lying when he said you were pretty when you laughed.


You begin to flip through the stations you just decide to land on the one playing popular hits. When the car stops at a red light you silently watch as Miguel reaches for something in the back seat.

"In case you're hungry" Is all he says as he places a plastic bag on your lap. Inspecting the bag you realize it's filled with all of your favorite snacks and things that you told him about last night. Why did he....?

"Oh uh thank you, you didn't have to know" You nervously play with the bag and you silently begin to eat. 2 hours into the drive a Taylor Swift song comes on the radio and you swear you see Miguel tapping his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel. You ended up teasing him about it but you took it too far cause now he has your snacks confiscated. You guys managed to make a small conversation before you ended up dozing off.

Finally reaching the hotel you complain when Miguel doesn't let you carry your own suitcase. The only thing he allows you to carry is the snacks that he got you which you realized he ate from when you fell asleep.

"Checking in for Miguel O'Hara" You watch as he pulls out his I.D. and black Amex card....of course, he has one. A few minutes go by and the receptionist finally hands Miguel the two key cards.

"You're all set, Your suite is on the 10th floor room 356 The pool and spa are on the 5th bar and the restaurant is just past these doors here. Enjoy!" Miguel says nothing as he takes back his cards and walks to the elevator not bothering to look at you wait wait wait where's your room key?

"Miguel, where's my room key, and are both of our rooms connecting? She didn't say where the other one was." He says nothing as you both stand there waiting for the elevator.

You wave your hands in front of his face "Earth to Miguel"

He groans "There's no other room" What the actual hell is he talking about?

"What do you mean there's no other-"

"We're sharing a room"

You stare at him with wide eyes. He can't be serious right......right? "Miguel please tell me you're joking"

He rolls his eyes "I don't make jokes" You swear his face just turned into a punching bag.

"Okay okay Well sharing a room isn't.... too bad but at least we have our own beds right?" You stare at him waiting for his answer. You stare and stare and stare but he's not saying anything that can only mean......





No, he's not- this isn't for real Maybe you're still sleeping maybe you're-

He sighs "Listen they said-" You stand in front of him and you begin to poke at his chest. He knew this whole time he knew and he didn't say anything.

"What is wrong with you, You knew this the whole time and you said nothing. For goodness sake Miguel, I'm your secretary. Can you imagine what would happen if anyone found out we are not only sharing a room but we had to share a fucking bed together. This is beyond unprofessional. Miguel, I'm not-"

He finally looks down at you irritated and bored of this conversation "You weren't complaining about professional last night when we were on the phone for fucking hours."

You stare at him in disbelief "Miguel that was different and you know that"

He shrugs his shoulders "Seems like the same shit to me"

You hit his chest and of course, he doesn't even budge. "Fucking prick I'm not staying here with you" You begin to grab your suitcase but he just snatches it out of your hands.

"Don't be foolish, trust me. I checked the other hotels, everything's full. There's more people coming to this event than expected, there's nowhere else to go."

You begin to pull on your suitcase "Give me my stuff Miguel-"

"I don't care if I sleep on the floor, I don't care if you want us to leave the room at different times. I don't care...but you are staying in this room end of discussion"

You try to reason with him "Miguel if anyone from work finds out we- no I will get dragged for this you do know that right?"

"No one from work is even here it's only me and you and are you forgetting I'm the boss? Mierda en serio, that's what you're really worried about?" He angrily runs his fingers through his hair.

(Mierda en serio= Shit seriously)

You take a deep breath letting your emotions take over is only going to make matters worse "Of course Miguel, listen I don't care if I have to share a room with you a bed obviously but a room no...but Miguel I will get called all these names if anyone were to find out that-"

He cuts you off " For you to think that I would even let that happen to you is stu-"

You shake your head "You can't control everything"

"I can when it comes to you....I won't let anything happen to you why don't you-"

You take a step closer to him. "All it takes is one person O'Hara one fucking person and then my reputation is done you'll be fine but me.... I've seen this shit happen before and I won't-"

He then lowers his head to be at eye level with you grabbing you by your elbow. "I don't care if I have to fire everyone at my company so only you and I are left and work my way back up. Listen to me when I tell you no one will touch you, no one will hurt you, no one will even be able to look at you funny as long as I am with you. A la mierda mi sol ¿por qué no puedes ver eso?

(A la mierda mi sol por qué no puedes ver eso?= Fuck my sun why can't you see that?)

Your gaze lands on his lips and he does the same in a heated moment like this why are you only thinking about kissing him? The ding of the elevator causes you both to pull apart he says nothing as he grabs both suitcases and enters the elevator. You reluctantly step inside the elevator and stand next to him.

Silence falls between you as the elevator makes its way to the 10th floor. You nervously shift your feet. You stop when you feel a nudge on your arm. Damn, you have to crane your neck to look up at him. Note to self always wear heels around him.

He stares straight ahead while he speaks. "Are... we good?" You stare a him briefly before you let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah...but you understand what I'm saying right?" He slowly nods his head yes.

"I do...but you have to trust me when I say I wouldn't let any of that stuff happen to you." You look down at the floor feeling tears beginning to form. You're not overreacting, if false rumors were to get out about you and O'Hara you already know the chaos that it would bring not only in the company but just in general. Miguel already has a reputation and he's already well-known in the business world this won't end well for you.

"Look at me" You feel him shift then you feel a hand grasping your chin pulling you to face him.

"I promise you, nothing will happen to you....okay?"You slowly nod your head but he shakes his head no.

"Use your words, love"

"Okay okay...I understand" He gives you a nod as he pulls away and gives you one of the key cards.

"You're still a prick cause you could've told me sooner"

"I know" The elevator dings letting you both know that you have arrived at your floor.

He angles his head to the open door.

"After you" You give him a nod and gently squeeze his forearm before making your way out of the elevator.

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