In Another Universe

By MyNameIsZTheWriter

4.3K 187 19

Pete just wants a life where he is equal to every man instead of being an omega whose coworkers can pressure... More

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Waking Up To A New Life
Unexpected Visitors
Cruel Words (+18)
Past Lovers
The Song
4th Of What?
Silence Is Virtue
Leave Me Alone
Friends From All Ages
Clarity (Final Part 2)
New Books For These Series
Family Of Four

T(Wins)? -Final Part 1-

187 12 0
By MyNameIsZTheWriter

( In the Hospital, Bangkok)

Vegas looked awful with his red nose, teary red eyes as well as a messy hair while he entered his family's hospital, he was greeted by Tankhun and his uncle in the waiting room,

Tankhun hugged him and stroked his back " Don't worry we talked to his doctors, they said he will be ok, he only have a few broken bones" Vegas did not know what to say, he had several broken bones, how can that be any good?

Tankhun continued to try and cheer him up "Even Porchay woke up when he was expected to be dead, I am sure Macau will wake up soon too since Macau's situation is way less dangerous" after hearing that he relaxed in Tankhun's touch and nodded, letting his cousin comfort him with his over talking.

Tankhun separates himself from him, so that his dad can comfort Vegas, his uncle stroked his back " It will be ok son, don't worry, I can take you to intensive care to see him for yourself if you want, we left there not long ago when Tankhun said you are about to arrive" Vegas nodded again, he wanted to see his brother, even if he knows he is unconscious.

His uncle took him to the intensive care that is only used for family members silently and left him there to mourn a little by himself since he knows Vegas was never good at showing his vulnerability or feelings around people aside from his little brother and he probably really needs to be alone right now.

He looked at his brother through the glass with a gentle pain written in his eyes " Is this my fault? Did I neglect him too much because of my obsession over Petes?" he said to himself biting on his nail,

A voice cut into his worried mumblings " No of course not" Vegas looked up, watching Kim approach him without doing anything

" Do you know why they got into an accident in the first place?" Kim said putting his hand on Vegas's shoulder,

Vegas turned at him, other than Porchay being shot at somewhere in that accident he does not know any details "Why?" he asked

" It's because your brother's boyfriend Porchay was the one driving the car and as you know he was shot in the middle of his forehead making him lose control of the wheel so no it was not neglect that killed them, it was probably one of our enemies" Vegas looked thoughtful

" Who dares to do this I need them in my torture chamber right now!" he said when thinking does not get him anywhere but made him overwhelmed

Every worker or passerby around them looked at them with shock in their face, Kim tried to smile kindly looking at them " He is joking, trying to act dramatic and all because of the pain you know" he tried to smooth everything out,

He turned at Vegas again " That's not the problem right now Vegas, even though he supposed to die after such accident, he is not dead, do you know what that probably means?" Vegas looked confused then he realized after remembering how the doctor said Kim's survival is a miracle and normally he supposed to die

" He become like you too?" Kim's mouth becomes a line as he nodded " I don't know for sure but probably" he scratched his hair nervously

" Will this new Porchay love my brother as the old-" a broken smile creep itself on Kim's face " He is probably here for me" he said looking away, Vegas wanted to scream, old Kim used to steal Pete way from him and now new Kim will steal Porchay away from his little brother? This must be a curse for sure

" I changed universes to get away from him, to not fall in love with him" he sighed " But he found me anyway" Vegas frowned, so this all happened because Kim came here just so he can escape from falling in love with someone three years younger than him?

This man changed the whole order of the universe just so he can escape a human being instead of just changing countries?

" Why wouldn't you want to fall in love with him? As far as I know he looks good and in this universe he has a good personality and all that" Vegas asked, Kim chuckled " He has all those in my universe too it's not about that" he took a deep breath in before he continues

" In my own universe we got a nine year age gap Vegas, I am probably twenty eight by now and he is only eighteen" Vegas was surprised, so Kim is actually older than him? He can maybe understand Kim's needs to run away now but he does not understand the need to change universes still.

Kim was about to open his mouth again when someone comes with irregular steps almost falling on top of Vegas

" Wegath! Are you ok? I just learned about it from Porsche" Kim looked at Pete who regains his balance with the help of Vegas and look at Vegas with an almost crying expression, these pregnancy hormones were getting the better of him with his emotions all over the place

" I- I am- I don't know" Vegas answered, Pete hugged him not letting him utter another word " What am I asking? Of course you are not ok, how is Macau? What does the doctors say?" Vegas sighed

" Vegas haven't talked to them yet but I did, don't worry they said he will be ok, he actually woke up a few hours earlier but since one of his ribs are broken and he had a panic attack about Porchay's well being as soon as he wakes up, the doctors decided to put him into a drug induced sleep for a day or two so he won't hurt his lungs more by getting into these panic attacks"

Vegas felt the worry in his heart, what can he do to prevent Macau from having panic attacks? Can he calm Macau down with his scent? Pete separated from Vegas and nodded towards Kim

" That's good, so he is actually ok then? Just some broken bones, nothing vital?" he asked, Kim nodded, with that Vegas too actually relaxed a bit which brings another question to his mind

" You didn't go to Porsche and Porchay first but came here instead" Vegas asked surprised, Pete seemed shy about his actions " Uhmm, I thought you- I- I don't know" he said,

He really does not know why he came here first, he shied away instead of saying anything about his actions so he decided to ask a question instead of explaining his reasons " Well can I go look at Porsche too now?" he played with the hem of his shirt averting his gaze from Vegas

" Of course you can why are you asking?" Pete gave out a relieved breath " I am asking because I wouldn't go if you need me for physical or psychological support" he said honestly, Vegas tried to smile, feels as if this wasn't the Pete who throw seashells at his head a few days ago saying ' I am already a money whore, you won't want me to become a seashell whore too right?'

" Can you come here after you visit Porsche?" he asked trying his chances, he realized Pete is extra gentle because of his brother's situation, Pete nodded " I will" he answered,

Vegas petted his hair surprised because he can still smell sakura on him but does not comment on it thinking Pete could have made the person who smells like sakura drive him here,

On his two weeks there he couldn't really find out who it was that smells sakura but he can't deny that it comes so familiar to him too, he was hoping maybe tonight he might get an explanation from Pete.

After leaving Vegas's side Pete and Kim almost didn't say anything to each other before going into the room that main family arranged for Porchay and Porsche but instead of encountering a lovely moment between the brothers they are met with Porsche who is crying sitting on the armchair in the corner of the room while Porchay looked at them with an enthusiastic expression on his face

" P'Jeff! Finally, I have found you!" Porchay stand up from his patient bed and made his way towards Kim and Pete, Pete on the other hand hurriedly made his way over Porsche but stopped by Porsche's hand raising

" Don't, don't come any closer, I am angry and extremely sad right now I need some space" Pete felt his eyes tearing up while he ignored the hospital room's door being shut, he wants to be there for Porsche like how Porsche was there for him every time

" Por-" Porsche cut his sentence " If you two didn't decide to come here, my baby brother would still be here" Pete felt his heart being squeezed " Porsche I'm sorry but I never wanted to came here voluntarily, like I said I kill-" Porsche chuckled mockingly and shakes his head

" I don't care what you did on your own universe fake Pete I only know that your arrival only brought pain and suffering to this world" Pete felt awful hearing that, he does not know what to say.

It was actually the truth in a sense, he has stolen the old Pete from Vegas when he came here and now he is stealing Porchay from Porsche, who's next Macau?

His eyes got big, oh no, what if Macau really is replaced by Ta, that would make Vegas hate him more, he felt his breath stuck in his throat, they will fight again and he will need to bring his children to this world alone, just after they made up too,

Porsche sighed, massaging his temples, he can't continue treating Pete roughly after seeing the traumatized sad face he just made " Look fake Pete, I am sorry I shouldn't have worded it that way, I know you are not at fault here, that little monster basically told me he used all his sources to come here and find fake Kim" he sighed

" But I am hurt you know, in the matter of few months I lost my best friend and my little brother, you two look alive now but to me it's like two of my loved ones are dead" he rubbed his hands together, Pete felt a little relief that Porsche didn't continue breaking his heart even if he is right to do so in Pete's opinion

" So I need some space, to mourn, to be sad-" Pete interrupted " I thought you did that when you were lost" Porsche chuckled " Yeah no, I was kidnapped for a month before Kim saved me and told me to not to contact you because the first thing my captor will look at was my connection with you" Pete felt more worried

" You were kidnapped?! Are you ok? Why were you kidnapped?" he asked, Porsche fixed his pants nervously " We are in the mafia business, isn't it normal for me to be kidnapped?" Pete still looked concerned so Porsche tried an easy way out instead

"Please give me some space Pete, go live with Vegas, live out all your wildest love dreams and I promise I will come and tell you everything about what happened once I am over this" Pete's eyes teared up, from what Porsche said only one thing can be interpreted, his babies may never see their uncle

Porsche panicked seeing his overly sad expression " Oh my god don't be that upset, I promise I will come before you even give birth to those brats, ok?" Pete smiled excited at that " Ok" he said then turned around

" Let me go now then, the sooner I leave you alone sooner you will come" he quickly left the room after that not giving any time to Porsche so he can answer, Porsche leaned back on the armchair with a broken smile on his face and tears on his eyes " How can I be mad at you when you are this cute?" he said to himself before he too stand up, making his way out of the room.

Pete walked between the hallways of the hospital, when he got out of the room Kim was nowhere to be found so he decided to go back by himself, he tried to remember how he came here with Kim looking at the signs but had to stop when he crashed onto someone, nearly falling before he felt an arm around his waist,

" Careful" a voice he knows so well from his old universe roared under his breath, he quickly get himself out of the man's arms " Sorry Khun Kinn!" he said nervously " I am trying to find where Khun Vegas is but I got lost" Kinn kindly smiled at him

" No worries, I was here to visit Porsche's brother but I can take you there first though I must warn you, you need to be more careful with Minor Family heir residing inside you" Pete felt himself blushing " It- it's not from Khun Vegas" he said,

Kinn tsched mockingly " Sure it's not, let me take you to him without a scratch anyway, otherwise what monster I would be to leave a lost pregnant omega by himself " he stated, then put one of his hands on his back pointing at the hallway with the other, Pete started walking with his still blushing cheeks.

After that Pete found himself beside Vegas, Kinn did not want to interact with his cousin so he made sure he kept his distance from Pete so his scent wouldn't be so evident on him and left him on the start of the hallway to not be seen by Vegas,

Vegas was still staring obsessively at the intensive care room sitting on the chair placed on the opposite wall, making sure no one does anything inappropriate to his little brother,

Pete put his hand on his arm, taking his attention from Macau," Did anything happened when I was away?" he asked, Vegas shakes his head " Only my uncle and two older cousins came to visit, Tankhun asked about you and I said we are still working on to heal our relationship, we are still working on healing our relationship, right?" he asked,

He needs to hear from Pete that he is considering forgiving Vegas and retaining what's between them back, Pete nodded " I still don't trust you fully and I am not ready to admit that this" he stroked his baby bump" Belongs to both of us yet" Vegas feel his heart shatter after hearing that

He was stupid enough to sign away his rights and claim on his own child and now he needs to work his way to get them back after breaking Pete's trust

" Still I decided to give you three last chances, I wasn't going to give you three but I thought it's only fair because you thought I was the other Pete all this time and maybe the reason for all the misunderstandings were because of that too "

He got excited after hearing that because he initially thought Pete will never give him a chance to begin with but it's apparent that he is indeed giving him a chance, not one but three chances that Vegas will never use for the rest of his life, he will try his best and never make a mistake that will upset Pete ever again, keeping his three chances for heaven

" So how was it in Porchay's side? Is my brother-in-law ok?" he changed the topic, he was curious if Porchay was replaced or not,

Pete looked down guilty " Uhmm Wegath, the thing is-" Pete took a deep breath and tried to calm his heart down before he confesses on what happened

" Porchay is replaced like me and Kim" he was fearing Vegas's reaction but instead of doing anything controversial Vegas just leaned back on the united hospital chair they were sitting on side by side

" I don't know how I can explain that to my little brother in a way so he does not hate you too" he massaged his forehead

Pete was surprised, he was expecting another break up or scolding, he never thought Vegas would worry about his brother liking him instead

" Aren't you angry at me?" Vegas frowned " Why would I be angry at you? You didn't make him come here and replace Porchay did you?" Pete shakes his head

" Porsche said Porchay told him that he tried and dried out all his sources to come here" Vegas nodded thoughtfully and petted Pete's hair, surprised that Pete is letting him do that after two weeks of getting rejected and ignored

" Were you close to him back in your universe?" he asked, Pete nodded " We were close, we were the victim of same- uhmm whatever not the time for that, we were close with both Macau and Porchay's other universe self, both of us, I mean me and Bible, but I can't find a reason why Porchay's other universe self would want to come here"

Vegas does not know how to feel about that sentence, he was curious and concerned with the victim part but he mostly felt jealousy cooking his insides when he heard Bible's name with 'we' but let his heart cool off for now, since he can't have a jealousy tantrum right when he just got Pete back,

" We will find out the reason eventually, I just don't know how I will tell it to Macau for now" Vegas said, Pete put his hand on top of Vegas's other hand that rests in his lap " We will find a way together" Vegas felt his heart beating faster with that ' together' claim, a genuine smile rests on his face " Together" he repeated.

When Vegas tried to sniff Pete for some comfort, a familiar sakura scent filled his nose again " Pete" Pete turned at him " Vegas" he answered,

Vegas's hand on his hair stopped " Can you please tell me who smells like sakura that makes you reek of it every time we meet, I promise I will not do anything to them, I just want to know" Pete covered his mouth with his hand after hearing that,

Barely keeping himself from laughing out loud " What? What is so funny Pete? I am serious, who is this close to you?" Pete's laugh turn into a big smile

" Well you can't do anything to them yet anyway" Vegas frowned, who is this mysterious man that he can't do anything to him

Pete did not dread the topic further" Let me show their photo to you then, I don't know their name" Vegas scoffed, how can he reek of someone who he does not know the name of?

Pete put his hand on his pocket and get his wallet out, Vegas was watching him with curiosity as he gets out a picture from it before turning it around and showing it to Vegas, an ultrasound photo,

Vegas looked confused, happy and frightened at the same time while he took the photo and looked at it with some kind of amazement written on his face " But I thought both of our scents would overpower our child until they are seven months old" Vegas said stroking the picture, Pete nodded

" That would be the occasion normally, I don't know if you can make it out from the picture but, uhmm" Vegas looked at him curiously, what is he trying to say? What can be so hard to say?

" They are twins" Vegas felt his saliva stuck in his throat, they will have two babies?! A smile formed on his face as well as some regret, where was he when this ultrasound was taken? He could have been there listening the doctor informing them about the twins but instead he was probably in his home torturing some guy to release his feelings because of his stubborn pride

" According to the doctor they are both trying to overpower each other's scent inside my womb, she said this is always the case with twins that has opposite second genders but still we can't be sure until they present at the age of five, she said they could be two ambitious omegas or alphas too"

Vegas pouted " But why do I only get to smell the sakura one" Pete laughed " The other one take over at night usually, making my whole room reek of campfire but weirdly a campfire that is wet and coming from afar with a strong breeze" Vegas looked confused

" That does not sound logical" Pete raised his eyebrows, Vegas looked stressed " What I mean is that might not sound logical to other people but it's surely a...scent type" Pete laughed at that, seeing Vegas trying so hard and juggling to regain his love was something he needed to see for a long time apparently

" We are going to be a challenging family aren't we?" he said sighing, Vegas nodded " Yes, but we will be a happy one" he answered " Let's do the wedding when Macau gets out of the hospital" Vegas suggested

Pete shakes his head wildly" Are you crazy Vegas? Don't you see I have a baby bump! How can I fit into any suit or fancy clothing with this? Do you want my wedding to be a fashion disaster?" Vegas laughed " So you agree to marry me? Then can I have my rights as a dad back?" Pete arrogantly raised his chin and looked away

" You are thinking too far Vegas, conquer my heart first then we will see" Vegas grabbed his chin and pulled him come closer to himself, leaving a kiss on his cheek " Then let me do exactly that baby" he said making Pete's cheeks a pretty shade of pink

He then kissed his lips " After that we can grow our family together further " Pete gulped mesmerized by the man in front of him,

After his last mistake Pete was sure Vegas will end up breaking his heart again and again like Bible did in the past but it seems as if Vegas was learning and growing from his mistakes instead of repeating the same one,

He liked this Vegas trying to be a better person,

Becoming less of a red flag and more of a father deserving of the twins on Pete's womb and Pete is ready to forgive him and give him the big family he wanted.

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