In Another Universe

By MyNameIsZTheWriter

4.3K 187 19

Pete just wants a life where he is equal to every man instead of being an omega whose coworkers can pressure... More

Prayers....To Hades?
Waking Up To A New Life
Unexpected Visitors
Cruel Words (+18)
Past Lovers
The Song
4th Of What?
Leave Me Alone
Friends From All Ages
T(Wins)? -Final Part 1-
Clarity (Final Part 2)
New Books For These Series
Family Of Four

Silence Is Virtue

143 6 0
By MyNameIsZTheWriter

( Pete's Emergency Room)

Kim looked between them awkwardly not knowing what to do, the only thing he could do was leaving Pete's side and opening the distance between them

Still that was not enough for Vegas who is still looking at them with an insane amount of anger in his eyes" I thought you would let go of him finally when you turned into an omega but it seems like I was wrong" Vegas spatted towards Kim while taking his place beside Pete

Pete opened his mouth to calm Vegas down but he continued" I thought you wouldn't even get close to him so he wouldn't know that you turned into an omega, you know even if you are wearing that fancy scent blocker still the change in your scent can be recognized" should Pete act surprised? He does not know what to do so Vegas can calm down

Kim sighed " He already knows that I am an omega, so believe me I am not here to steal him from you, Vegas" he bargained while backing up a few more steps towards the door

" Good because you can't anyway" Vegas stated, Kim raised one of his eyebrows, that's doing it a little too much but he can ignore it for now as he knows ruining their relationship will only hurt Pete

He answered with a white lie that could potentially get them out of this situation instead " Whatever, I wasn't here to do anything but to support him because when I heard from my bodyguards that Pete ate honeydew I knew he will have an allergic reaction and he was deadly afraid of needles" Vegas's hand turned into a fist, since when Pete is afraid of needles?

Although Vegas knows he can't possibly know what is going on in Pete's life all the time and he is only now starting to know him, he does not think a bodyguard working in the main family compound can have a fear like that, maybe it is an internalized one? Maybe only Kim knows because they were dating in the past?

Whatever it is, he just knows that if he knew about this phobia, Vegas would drop everything he is doing to come here.

" Or you are here to abort another child, the only difference is this time the child does not belong to you, it belongs to me" he wanted to hurt Kim and Pete so they would never try and pull something like this ever again

Kim gulped while Pete protested " Wegath! That was rude!" Vegas sent a deadly gaze towards him too " Just go away Kim, you know you don't belong with him anymore" Vegas said just so he does not make Pete more uncomfortable than he already did, Kim nodded and looked at Pete " I will be out in the waiting room" he said and before Vegas can say anything he was out of the emergency room.

Pete looked up at Vegas worriedly " Vegas" he said to make Vegas say something but Vegas just looked the other way, Pete felt his heart being squeezed between Vegas's hands

He tried to explain himself one more time" Vegas I am sorry but I didn't do anything immoral with him he only calm me down when the nurses need to put needles on my arms and I really am afraid of needles"

He knows he is a little guilty but he does not know how he could act in a situation like this when he is in a whole new universe, if he can't trust fake Kim or Porsche, who should he trust beside Vegas?

Vegas still didn't answer him, he did not even looked at his way, Pete felt tears starting to fill his eyes, he was now having flashbacks from his old universe but Vegas was not that bad and Pete shouldn't be getting sad over little things like these,

It is normal why Vegas was upset with him right? He would be upset with Vegas if he saw him hanging out with his exes too, that made him think of the mistakes he might have done too,

Maybe it was too early for him to date someone after he killed himself without even breaking up with Bible but what was he supposed to do when he is sure he can't continue being a bodyguard with his non-existent abilities?

Or maybe Kim could have helped him from the start to find another job and live a normal life but he was so eager to date Vegas that it is too late isn't it, he looked down on his stomach, especially if he has a child there, which horrified him, he was a biological male all his life in his old universe, how can he cope with this?

Thinking about all his wrong doings reminded him that he only ever made decisions according to his heart, so how can this happen to him? The god, Hades said he will be ok if he make the decisions according to his heart so why is this happening to him?

He was so deep in thought that his heart raced when he suddenly felt a pair of arms on his waist hugging him while a comforting smell of sandalwood and leather filled his nose

" I thought bodyguards at our compound always wear scent blockers and knows how to control their scents but with this sour and minty lemon whiff I am getting, maybe I am wrong" Vegas said while he grazed his fingers on Pete's back

Pete relaxed on Vegas's shoulder" Especially you, who I never knew the real scent of until recently because you can always mask it to an extent that people can only recognize a faint smell of lemonade around you and that is if they are lucky" Vegas murmured,

His eyes got big when he felt wetness on his shoulder, was his treatment on Pete so cruel that it made him cry? He felt so guilty as well as scared that he could lose Pete

" Shh, I am sorry, ok? I am sorry for not answering, I was just a little mad and I didn't want to take my madness out of you, I don't care if you hide a pregnancy from me or not, a child does not mean anything to me if you are not well-" that words made it all worse because now out of all times Pete had to remember Bible's cruel treatment towards the same issue

Pete was crying very loudly now " Just talk to me I hate whe-when people punish me with silence like that" Pete said honestly, he does not want Vegas to feel bad anymore, Vegas sighed " Ok, ok I will talk to you the next time I am mad at you, deal?" Pete sighed in his shoulder " Deal" Vegas almost laughed at his cute gesture, Pete was cuter and more loveable than he thought in the past.

Their conversation ended there with the doctor coming into the room and looking at them confused before they separated from each other and Vegas stands up awkwardly " Why are you still here?" the doctor asked to Pete,

Pete looked at him confused too, what weird question is that? " Waiting for the results" he answered as it was the most obvious thing to do, the doctor couldn't hold himself when a laughter escaped his lips " The results will be out in a day or two so there is no point in waiting, I guess our nurses forgot to warn you"

Pete was a little embarrassed because even if they did he was too busy with his phobia of needles that he probably forgot,

Vegas folded his arms " Doesn't he need to stay here for a few days in the case of an emergency occurring" Pete looked up at him with his furrowed brows, no of course he does not need to stay here any longer.

The doctor shakes his head " No he can go for now, as long as he does not digest any other food he is allergic to he should be ok but I need to warn you young man" he turned at Pete " If you eat any more of the food you are allergic to this time we might have wash your stomach which will not be the best experience for you to go through" he said,

Pete gulped in fear but nodded, they both watched as doctor leaves emergency room while saying something like ' You don't have to do anything since this is your family's hospital, don't forget to close the door'

Pete was about to get mobile when Vegas put his arms under Pete's neck and the back of his knees to take him into his arms, shocking Pete by boldness and affection he is getting" Wait Wegath! What are you-" Vegas kissed his cheek " Wouldn't you want to learn about your results in Italy?" he asked,

Pete's eyes got big " What?!" he asked, Vegas sighed, he actually just wanted to take Pete away from here so he wouldn't get in contact with Kim more and a few days in Italy with Pete sounds like a blessing for him

" We are going to Italy honey, let's make some memorable dates before you cuss me out for making you pregnant" Pete pouted " It is not certain that I am pregnant" he stated while Vegas left the emergency room with him in his arms " Then let's make some memorable date just because I want to" that made Pete blush from shyness while he hide his face on Vegas's shoulder.

Then something came into Pete's mind, Porsche, he pushed Vegas's shoulder a bit " Wegath you really need to put me down" he mewled almost,

Vegas frowned but did what he was told to, he can't say no to that cute voice tone, he put Pete down and followed him around until they are in the waiting room

" Pete!" Porsche's voice was heard while he approached them hurriedly " Porsche!" Pete hugged his friend dramatically as Vegas stare Kim down who is sitting on one of the chairs trying not to look at Pete or Vegas

Porsche grabbed the sides of Pete's face and inspected it carefully" Kim said Vegas came and kicked him out of the room so I was worried a rabid territorial animal like that would do something to you, are you ok did he do anything mean to you?"

Vegas almost rolled his eyes " I am still here and you are still a bodyguard working for my family Porsche" he said,

Porsche shrugged his shoulders, he will not argue with Vegas today and on these conditions " I am ok Porsche, let's go back to the compound, I already feel bad for wasting your free day" Pete said with an upbeat voice, normally he would warn Vegas for being rude but he thinks Vegas has a free-pass for today because of the things that they went through

Porsche laughed " Oh don't worry, I was planning on hanging out with you all day anyway" Pete smiled awkwardly with Vegas putting his hand on Pete's shoulder " Good you can pack his bags while hanging out with each other before midnight" Porsche looked confused, are they moving again? He is not ready for another upgrade in his living conditions

Pete's eyes got big " Wait were you serious about Italy thing" Vegas nodded " Of course what better way to celebrate your pregnancy than eating gelato and pizza together" Pete felt excited for a second because he always wanted to see Italy, before realizing something

So this means, there is no way he can get an abortion or get out of this ordeal now, is there?

( Jeff's Garden)

Build was about to attack the person who is covering his eyes when he heard a familiar voice " Hmm I heard everything just now P'Build, did you perhaps missed me?" Build freezes while Jeff and Bible looked at each other smirking,

Bible already texted Jeff ' I'm in' the night before, but they decided to bring Bible back here today because they wanted surprise Build a little, start their teasing and flirting right.

Build removed Bible's hands from his eyes, turned around and looked at Bible frowning " I didn't miss you" he said, he does not know what he did when he was sick but these two were acting so suspicious now that he is afraid of his past actions.

Bible pulled the chair beside him and sat down putting his phone, car keys and wallet on the table as if he wants to show off his wealth to Build,

Jeff just chuckled at his actions they reminded him of his toxic wealthy alpha friends back in his universe, this will be a very entertaining process of flirting

" Are you hungry?" he asked towards Bible, Bible shook his head " I ate back at home before I came here" Build folded his arms " Why did you go back to your house without telling me?" he asked, both Bible and Jeff were surprised because of his boldness

Bible played with his car keys " Sorry, I still own that place so I need to do some chores to maintain it without any damage" he said to cover the grieving he went through on that days just so he can prepare himself before he get into a relationship with them

But he didn't lie anyway, the house was really owned by him, he just does not need to do shit because it was actually a house his father gave him as a gift for his first series and he regularly send maids once a week to keep it clean because ' two boys can't make a home',

Now that he thinks about it he can understand why Build acted hysterically to that statement but maybe his dad was right, two boys really can't make a home but three boys can and will.

Build did not talk more after that, eating his dinner in silence while he weirdly felt more comfortable than he should be with two pair of eyes watching him obsessively the entire time,

He does not know why they are watching him now but he does not care either, he liked the attention so why bother with the reasonings? After both Build and Jeff were done with their dinner, they took the cutlery back to the kitchen, did the dishes while Bible started closing the house going back to their routine as if he never left

( Mile's Summer House)

For the past six months they decided that they will leave Build alone until all this drama is over, they didn't actually leave him alone but they didn't do anything drastic or flirt with him to confuse his already busy mind

Because after Bible came back that day, everything started to get more complicated,

Now they had to get Build ready for hearings in the courts, fill legal documents, endure a lot of hate as well as a lot of obsessive love from the fans,

They had to deal with people who thinks they are sherlock holmes and know everything about their life, people who want them to turn at each other as well as people who thinks they can have a say in who they keep in their life going into lengths to say who they don't want them to keep in their life.

So they decided to conquer the heart of their little demon a little later than they expected but now it was good, now no one can say anything or even see them thanks to Mile who invited them to his deserted summer house out of the blue so they will take this opportunity to flirt with Build and make him flustered all they want

Currently, all of them, Mile,Apo,Bible,Jeff,Tong and Barcode, were looking at each other awkwardly in the big dinner table not saying or eating anything out of awkwardness

" P'Mile may I ask why you invited us here?" Bible asked finally taking the burden and curiosity from everyone's shoulders

Mile turned at him and smiled " I just thought it would be good to bond with each other especially after Build told everyone he will not be participating in the series he should be playing with Bible"

Build looked guilty but it was Bible and Jeff who told him to do that, he doesn't even know why he shouldn't play in the series " So I am here to change his mind before we start filming it" Build looked away, it wasn't actually his mind but it's ok fake Khun Kinn can try to do anything

" P'Mile we will not change our mind on this, this was the best option we could come up with instead of resigning from the series altogether as a couple" Bible answered instead of him, Mile opened his mouth but Barcode's voice interrupted their conversation

" Can we talk privately for a minute P'Jeff?" he asked looking towards Jeff naughtily, Jeff sighed but nodded following the boy out of the room as he felt four pair of curious eyes on his back.

Barcode went over to the private beach Mile has and strolled as far as he can to make sure no one will be listening to them before turning at Jeff with anger

" You said you will tell me where P'Jeff is when you are sure, so now tell me where is he and how can I go there?" Jeff sighed,

He knew this question was coming because no matter how hard he tries to make Barcode understand that he knows where Jeff is but does not know how he can go there, the boy refuses to believe him and he refuses to tell the boy about being tortured, he is only eighteen for god's sake

" What a troubling kid" he murmured " I knew from the start where he is, like I said again and again in the past, he is back in my own universe" he stated,

Barcode folded his arms, throughout all the days they were in Korea he conducted every experiment and psychology trick on Jeff to make him tell Barcode how he came here but every time this useless fake Jeff only tells him it was a miracle and he just wished on a star or a fairy mother made his wish come true

" So how can I go there? And please for god's sake be honest this time I don't want to hear any fairy tails anymore" he asked, Jeff sighed, in this life his lesson should be about patience or all this wouldn't be happening to him for sure

" I said you can't, why don't you just accept my answer" Barcode chuckled, lies again, he thought " Because it's bullshit fake P'Jeff, if you can come here and if he can go in your universe then I should be able to go there too, right?"

Jeff felt his eye twitch, one last chance he will give this stubborn child before he let the ugly truth out " Maybe he just went there to get rid of you brat, you know, you are such a hard person to have around" he said, Barcode's eyes got teared up quickly

Instead of crying though he choose to squint his eyes and gulp down all the feelings that were residing in his throat" I don't care just tell me a way to go there " he said with a shaky voice making Jeff regret his words,

Jeff took a deep breath for some strength before he tried to console Barcode " Don't cry-" at that moment something altered in his mind, why is he even trying to keep this brat here? If he thinks he will be so happy to be in his universe then be it, he will tell him everything

" Ahh whatever, I can't do this anymore, want to really know how I am here?" Barcode sniffed and nodded, while Jeff watched as his eyes distorted to his back, Barcode's eyes got big and he tried to open his mouth but Jeff started anyway, there is no way of escaping the truth anymore brat, he thought

" I was killed after being tortured by a Russian gang for at least five hours, they made sure I see all my body horror, made sure I feel every pain and made sure to humiliate me and my alpha pride in ways that would make you throw up even if I mention" he sighed,

Barcode seemed terrified, Jeff felt pity for him, it was probably because of his story, if he is easily terrified by the undetailed version what would he do if he ever heard the detailed one?

" My boyfriend, Pete, as I told you before, was a pagan and even though he had a lot of deities Hades was his ever-lasting main one that he had even before the age he started to form memories in his mind" Barcode gulped and continued looking at Jeff's back and tried to do something with his eyes

Jeff frowned but continued anyway, that statement wasn't that scary to react like that

" When I was dead after being tortured Hades came to me and told me if I come here there is this faint chance of seeing and having Pete in my arms again because he might have to travel here too, and I thought he would come here like me you know, after dying with such pain so I asked him to exchange my happiness and chance to be with him and never let him come here so Pete wouldn't suffer like I did while coming here,

Hades said he will make sure Pete will not suffer any physical pain either way if I exchange my happiness or not so I decided to come here and have him, well that statement has more details and conditions on it but I don't think you need to know if you really wan-" Barcode pointed at something behind his back while he heard a voice that sent shivers down his back " You died back then?" 

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