In Another Universe

By MyNameIsZTheWriter

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Pete just wants a life where he is equal to every man instead of being an omega whose coworkers can pressure... More

Prayers....To Hades?
Waking Up To A New Life
Unexpected Visitors
Cruel Words (+18)
Past Lovers
The Song
4th Of What?
Silence Is Virtue
Leave Me Alone
Friends From All Ages
T(Wins)? -Final Part 1-
Clarity (Final Part 2)
New Books For These Series
Family Of Four


169 11 0
By MyNameIsZTheWriter

( At Pete and Porsche's Room)

When it's past 3 PM Pete finally entered the room to be welcomed by a very angry Porsche " Did you know how worried I was?! Two days? Normally you ordered to go to a heat cente-" Porsche was about to go on a rampage while Pete was enjoying his rage and worry, having this Porsche in his own universe would save him a lot of abuse

He interrupted him anyway to remind him his lack of knowledge on heats " As you said 'normally' Porsche, have you forgotten that I don't know anything about being an omega or heats?" Porsche looked beaten hearing that

He really has forgotten that his best friend is replaced by someone even less responsible than him, maybe he should mourn Pete's loss first so he can't forget it again

" Well yes but I thought you would get scared and order Vegas to bring you here, I didn't think you would spend your heat with a complete stranger" he tried to fix his reasoning while he sat down on the dining room table, he thinks he is still right

Pete pouted while he does the same on the chair opposite to Porsche " Well he is not a complete stranger I used to date his actor back in my universe" Porsche rubbed his eyes " And is that a reason to spend your heat with him?" Pete looked away, Porsche may be right but he does not want to accept that, he thoroughly enjoyed spending a night with Vegas, he does not regret anything.

Porsche shakes his head unapprovingly " Well whatever what's done is done let's just try to forget it" he said, why would they forget it? Pete will marry Vegas, he was determined to make Vegas fall head over heels for him even though Vegas is marrying him just for an ' heir'.

Someone opening their door unannounced turn their attention to them, a supermodel like male with lilac sweater that has a big sunflower pattern on it, white jeans that has violet strips, lilac big square sunglasses and a white baguette bag in his shoulder appeared" Pete!" Tankhun shouted excited, Pete will never get used to this universe's Tankhun,

Pete stands up hurriedly and greet him "Khun Noo!" Tankhun almost laughed at his weird attitude, if it was the other Pete he would have just greet Tankhun from where he was sitting

He came closer to them and sit down on the couch in their room" Don't be bothered Pete, well I am here to tell you that you can move out of here to one of the guest rooms in the house if you want to, Vegas called and told me to remove you from bodyguard headquarters after what happened with Arm" Porsche wanted to chuckle,

So Tankhun finally learned what happened, he was surprised that nothing bad or humiliating happened to Arm yet,

He then realized the ridiculous words of Tankhun, why would Pete need to move just after a bad encounter with an alpha?, that sounds sexist as hell, the old Pete would have beat Vegas up for this attitude

Pete frowned " With all due respect, I don't want to move away from here Khun Noo, I am too comfortable living with Porsche and I wouldn't want to leave him here all alone when I move out" Tankhun raised his chin and eyebrows suspiciously " Well at some point you will when you marry Vegas won't you?" he said reminding him what this deal is about,

He played with the hem of his sweater " Then you will have to leave Porsche anyway!"

Pete smiled kindly " Yeah but a lot of time will pass till then so Porsche will be more prepared physically and I will be more prepared emotionally" Porsche wanted to object, he can do without Pete, he sneak out to protect his brother all night anyway so this is a child's play for him but he can understand why Pete would be nervous to leave him too so he stayed silent for now.

Tankhun seemed thoughtful " I can't really upset my cousin about this you know, I know where he is coming from and he is right since even if you didn't have any enemies until now, you would have some of the bodyguards trying to hurt you or at least get a taste of you before you marry him"

Porsche looked knowingly, he wouldn't stress about that if Pete is still the Pete he knows but with this new Pete and with the bodyguards's alpha pride is a bad idea,

Because fucking a Minor Family bride would excite the fuck out of this stupid alphas

Pete looked frightened, why would they want to do that? If they didn't want to before why now? Tankhun sighed " Well what if I give a room that has two beds so both of you can stay together until Pete and Vegas marries?" Pete nodded and answered before Porsche can object, he would love that, being physically closer to Porsche may cause them to get closer emotionally too

That thought excites him, knowing that he may have another friend in here other than fake Jeff" That would be good Khun Noo, if it will not be a problem for you to arrange a room like that"

Tankhun waved his hand around " No problem, I used to open a guest room for Kim's ex boyfriend every time he had to stay over too, Kim wouldn't let him get into his room since he was afraid of Macau and Vegas identifying him so he would tell me to arrange a room for his boyfriend and always put you as a bodyguard, don't you remember?"

Pete's eyes got big, well that is genius of Kim and Pete in the past, but he thought Tankhun knows what's between them past? " Well whatever let me arrange the room for the both of you so you can move tonight" he said then he made his way out of the room without saying anything else.

As soon as he walks out of the room he took out his phone out and called his cousin " It's done Vegas, now you owe me so go get my signatures from Tian and Phupa's actors and come back to watch the final episode with me, I have been waiting for you to watch it, do you know how hard it is to not get any spoilers?!" he said excited before he closed the phone without hearing what the other party will say.

Vegas smiled on the phone like a maniac with a bloody scalpel in his hand, he thought Pete would be stubborn and say he is strong enough to take care of some bodyguards but thankfully that was not the case,

He turns around to look at the poor guy who looks at him with horror, he was one of the bodyguards that was sent to the Main Family by a nemesis so he can kidnap Tankhun to get some ransom money but thankfully Vegas has realized he was not a normal bodyguard the day he came to the Main Family Compound, he saved Pete from Arm too that day, so it was a two birds with one stone kind of day

" You still haven't passed out from the body horror you see in the mirror?" he asks, stepping towards the chair which is placed in front of a gold mirror that has carved figures around it, the guy had open wounds and missing body parts all over his body but he was still sober enough which is a rare case in Vegas's victims,

Vegas smiled " Well I just got the good news from the phone so you are lucky" he stated while bringing the scalpel to the guy's neck " You get to die early!" he exclaimed while making a deep cut on his throat,

His emotionless eyes watched the man die while blood was flowing in the air for a short moment before his head falls back , he throws the scalpel on the ground and turn to his bodyguard " Make an example out of him for the future rats in the Main Family or Minor Family Compound" he said before he removes his special torture clothes and made his way towards the stairs .

He went up the stairs to see his brother stretched out on the sofa scrolling on his phone from the slightly opened door of their living room, a smile creeped out on his face, he loves seeing his brother hanging out on main areas of the house like this since when their father was alive neither of them were allowed to do that,

He ignored him for now and continued going up the stairs until he reached his bedroom to shower and change out of his clothes before he hangs out with his little brother, he can't hang out with him with the clothes he used while torturing someone

He takes a deep breath to calm his racing heart, every time he tortures someone, he can feel his heart beating fast like he is on some marathon, he wouldn't say he loves inflicting unbearable pain to others but he surely loves the feeling of seeing someone trying to act like they are not hurting or keep themselves together even when they supposed to fall apart,

He loves seeing someone cry, regret or get angry over little things,

He thrives over the idea of someone trying to do something again and again to give up in the end when they can't take the pain of failing anymore,

That's why he loves to watch Tankhun's dramas, people try to keep being strong, not giving up or giving control to other people but in the end they realize that they don't have any choice but to give up

Though he does not like to see these feelings on his loved ones, he only likes to see them on people that does not have any close relation to him

When he told this feelings to Tankhun, he basically said Vegas must really love angst if he thinks about pain and torture like this so maybe that's it, maybe he is just a fangirl for angst and angsty stories.

An insane amount of time has passed with his thoughts eating his brain up, he realized he already showered, dressed and making his way down the stairs.

Instead of going to his brother directly, he first went to the kitchen and grabbed some sugary and savory snacks because he knows that they will end up forgetting to eat while spending the evening together playing video games or watching lame dramas that Tankhun gave them as a homework.

He spread the snacks on to a tray before making his way to the living room with the tray in his hands, Macau sits up excited when he saw Vegas approaching him " Hia!" he said, Vegas smiled, he first put the tray down on the low table in front of the couch, then messed Macau's hair up before sitting down beside him

Macau started talking right away" How was your date? I assume it went ok since you didn't come home for two days" Macau asked smiling naughtily, Vegas shakes his head, they grow up so quickly, how can Macau knows these naughty things and even ask about them to Vegas?

" It went ok, more positive than how I thought it would go" Vegas answered laid back" But the real question is, how was your date?" Vegas asked smirking,

Macau looked shocked, how can Vegas know that he had a date? They tried so hard to keep it a secret " How di-" Vegas laughed " Did you really think you can hide your cute boyfriend from me,hmm? I am just surprised that he is one of our bodyguard's little brother"

Macau looked away to avoid the embarrassment and further questions " Let's just play video games hia" Vegas nod his head, he will not pressure his brother if his brother does not want to talk about it, not knowing for now is ok as long as no one is pregnant" Ok, ok whatever" he said before taking his controller to play games with Macau.

(At Jeff's House)

I looked up from my phone to my big brother who is now looking at me as if he would kill me if he could right now " Khun, I am so sorry, I will make you meet my boyfriend after we mate but for now you need to understand he needs to stay as a secret" my big brother's eyes softened

He sighed and shakes his head " Whatever Kim, just don't knock up some poor omega then to ruin their future, ok? Be careful" I nodded excited, he once again prepared a guest room for my 'Boyfriend' and put Pete as the only bodyguard per my special request to congratulate my first solo mission going smoothly,

" Ok" I said before watching Tankhun getting inside the house to then walked to the car and took my 'Boyfriend' who is actually a wrapped up Big in a blanket so someone can guard the door while me and Pete spend time eating each other

We started walking towards the house without saying a word to not get caught " I hate you two sometimes" Big commented when we have arrived at the room " Hmmhmm, don't act like you wouldn't do this with my big brother if you had the chance" I teased with amusement apparent in my voice

Big got frustrated " I am telling you for the last time brat, I don't have a crush on Khun Kinn" I laughed, he really is not aware on how oblivious he is about his little crush " Yeah, yeah sure old man I am going in now see you when Pete is pregnant" I said

Big rolled his eyes " I am only two years older than you, also saying that too much, you will jinx it and end up with a brat in Pete's belly naughtier than you at the ripe age of eighteen, be careful on what you attract" my heart raced at the thought, thinking Pete pregnant or as a mother really makes me happy and fill with joy,

Big looked at me like he cannot believe me " Save your ridiculous excitement for your boyfriend Kim, I don't need to smell it, I have to hear it already, have some mercy on me" he said irritated, I smirked and entered the room without saying anything.

When I went inside and closed the door I was expecting an excited Pete who is glad to see me but instead I was met with a depressed one looking down at his feet " Pete?" I stayed where I was in front of the door asking carefully to not trigger him , he looked up at my face with a painful expression on his face,

I hurried over to him as soon as I saw tears in his eyes, he let me hug him while I kissed the top of his head " What's wrong baby? What happened? Who hurt you?" I asked, he squeezed the back of my shirt " Can I not say?" I wrapped my arms around him tighter and started stroking his hair and back while sniffing his delicious smell deeply to my nose before answering

" But how can we solve it if you keep it to yourself like that?" he squeezed me in his arms while I felt wetness on my chest " It's not something solvable, my life is over" he said then started crying loudly on my chest,

I felt panic creeping it's way to my heart, seeing him like this, hearing these words from someone who wouldn't give up on fighting in any occasion, is he sick? Will he die? I can't live on if he dies,

" Honey please tell me, I will help you no matter what it is and I would like to know if you are dyin-" he interrupted my sentence " My father visited me at the bodyguard quarters a week ago" I frowned, he decide to visit after fourteen years? Who let him in anyway? Instead of expressing what's on my mind I let him continue

" He wants me to marry a forty year old man because he kind of sold me to him, he said he needed to get into a religious group for more connections so he offered me as a bride when they said they don't take money" hearing those words, I didn't know how to react, how dare someone so low can lay their eyes on my priceless love?

I felt my blood boil " You are eighteen he can't do something like that, you are not his child anymore you don't need to obey him" I said, Pete sniffed " He did, the man is powerful, I said no but he is threatening me sending his men after me to force me into obedience" I gritted my teeth, the nerve on this guy, I will make sure he pays for what he made Pete feel,

"Tell me his name Pete and tell me your father's name too, I would like to have a talk with him" Pete stayed silent " I don't want Khun Korn to know about this, I don't want more debt-" I separated from him and grabbed his cheeks to make him stop

" This is not a debt Pete, you will be a bride to this family and as a family we should protect each other shouldn't we?" I wiped his tears away and kissed his cheeks while he nodded " But if it will make you happy, I will not tell my father and deal with this on my own, ok?" he sniffed, his little red nose making him look cuter on his slightly chubby and cute face " Ok" he said,

I bend my neck down to kiss his delicious, slightly blushed from all crying and rubbing lips but a loud music filling my ears stopped me from doing it

I frowned and was about to ask who this crazy motherfucker is that dares to opens music so loud at this time but someone shouting answered me without me even me needing to ask " Just so your boyfriend's moans wouldn't be heard and identified" I started to laugh at my big brother's bitterness

" Khun Noo" Pete said as well while laughing, we laughed for a little while before I extend my hand to him realizing the music won't stop " Would you give me the honor of this dance?" he took my hand willingly and twisted himself until his back is on my chest and my arms are wrapped up around him " Of course sire" he said dramatically making me smile before we continued dancing.

Jeff woke up with a smile on his face, seeing Pete even in his dreams is enough to make him happy

He rubbed his face to get out of the positive effect of his dream " Fuck I have been seeing these dreams over and over again since we danced at the beach that day" he murmurs to himself,

He then sit up before standing to make his way to the kitchen for a glass of water before going back to sleep,

While he was walking on the hallway he stops when he hears talking coming from Build's room,

He frowns and lean his ear on the door to hear what it is about " Why did you make yourself sad by reading them P'Build, you shouldn't look at any social media right now" Jeff opened the door after hearing what Bible said and saw Bible comforting Build by stroking his back,

He furrowed his eyebrows and made his way to the bed to sat down beside Bible, his heart was racing in panic seeing Build's face in pain like this " What happened?" he asks, Bible sighed " Build, he is reading tweets and looking at Instagram posts about how people proving that the writer is right and how abusive he is" Jeff looked at Build's face,

Build just removed himself from Bible and looked at him with wet cheeks " I came to this universe because I am supposed to be lucky on career and money here" Build said with a broken voice, then his face scrunched up as if he was about to cry again " I don't feel lucky at all, what is this?" he uttered before continuing his cry,

Jeff was surprised to see him like this because back in their universe he had to sweat a lot before making him talk about his problems

Bible stands up and let Jeff take his place to hug Build while he sat down on where Jeff was sitting

Jeff started stroking Build's back " You are lucky bab- Build, but you should be patient before that promised abundance comes to you" Build rests his head on Jeff's shoulder " You an experienced pagan should know more than anyone that these things needs patience and time" Build sniffed and let out a loud sigh but stayed silent still

" Also those comments don't mean anything you know, we have solid proof and when we win at the court you will be more wealthy and popular than you have ever been before" Bible continued his comforting,

Jeff nodded, Build removed himself from his hug and looked at the both of them " Ok I am calm now so I will sleep" he said looking at both of them while kicking them out of the room, Bible and Jeff looked at each other " Do you want us to stay or?" Bible started but Build shakes his head rejecting him before he can even ask about it

" I want to sleep alone, I was once too used to sleeping with someone and when they were gone it was too lonely and it took me a year to get over that loneliness so I rather sleep alone and not get used to it again" Jeff's heart was filled with sadness once again,

Bible answered in his place " Then let us go for now, good night P'Build" he said, Build put his head back on the pillow " Good night" he murmured, Jeff sighed " Good night" he too said before leaving the room.

Bible closed the door smoothly and followed Jeff's steps to the kitchen watching him fill a glass with water

" Let's open a few fan accounts in English and get some more support from the international fans, otherwise Build may get into a serious depression from all these negative feedbacks" Bible said, leaning on the counter and looking at Jeff's face with expectation,

To be honest Jeff does not know how this would work but he nodded anyway, he would do anything for his lover and opening a few accounts to praise him is nothing compared to what he is capable of

He gulped down the glass of water " Sounds good for me, let's do it tomorrow " Bible nodded, he looked at his feet for a long while before he sighed realizing that if he had this mindset and fear of losing Build back then, they wouldn't be here now,

They would be back in their house continuing their daily life and living happily as they did before his father started to interfere with his relationship, a familiar sadness filled his heart while he watched Jeff leaving the kitchen

He made his way towards the garden door so he can get some fresh air and maybe able to think less about his regrets before he can continue sleeping.

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