In Another Universe

By MyNameIsZTheWriter

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Pete just wants a life where he is equal to every man instead of being an omega whose coworkers can pressure... More

Prayers....To Hades?
Unexpected Visitors
Cruel Words (+18)
Past Lovers
The Song
4th Of What?
Silence Is Virtue
Leave Me Alone
Friends From All Ages
T(Wins)? -Final Part 1-
Clarity (Final Part 2)
New Books For These Series
Family Of Four

Waking Up To A New Life

382 15 2
By MyNameIsZTheWriter

(Pete and Porsche's Room)

After hearing Bible say 'no' I felt my consciousness slip away and now I am looking at someone who looks identical to me in a place or a dream I do not recognize at all " Do you want to swap places?" he asked, I relaxed my face " What? What do you mean? Who are you?" he sighed

" It doesn't matter who I am, I heard that you did what I can't and killed yourself to escape your reality, Hades says we can swap our places until the day we die if you would like" is this afterlife or is this a dream? I looked around for a mirror so I can test if I am in a sleep or not but couldn't find any so I couldn't test if I am in a dream or not.

In case he was serious though, I must decline " I don't want to keep on living" he pouted but before he can answer me an external voice answered instead " All of the things you prayed for before killing yourself, he has them, he has unconditional love and he has people who would kill in order to save him, are you sure you do not want his life?" this external voice sounds as if they want me to swap,

I frowned, I must not accept no matter what, I heard even the deals you made in a dream can make you suffer in real life" But that's him, when I replace him they will hate me too" I said honestly giving an honest excuse, I meant it too, if no one likes you, isn't that mean you are the problem? So no matter where I will go it will be the same and I do not want to ruin this poor guy's image.

External voice sighed " Oh my poor child, people not liking you in that universe was not because of your gentle soul, it was because of their hungry demeanor, they needed someone who can fight them, they only value the things they fight for, on the other hand you only give them unconditional love and respect which they didn't know how to take or evaluate but this universe it will not be like that for you, believe me in this universe no matter what you do, as long as you are behaving according to your heart you will win"

I gulped then looked at my mirror image " Then why do you want to leave there? How did I end up being offered like this? I was a Buddhist my whole life" external voice answered me again

" His reasons are basic he does not want love, he wants money, fame and job, he wants to be equal to everyone, he loves to fight like the ones on your universe, that's why he accidentally casted the most efficient spell using only feelings through words and ended up here with you instead of continuing to live his life back there" that sounded more suspicious

" Why is he not equal to everyone back in that universe?" I asked, this time my mirror image answered instead of the external voice

" I am an omega, a male who can get pregnant, a male who has 'heats' and I can't work because of them, a male who smells so 'seductive' that he is be-" my mirror image stopped his sentence since his voice started coming more from his rage and he seems so bothered and angry that I nearly felt sorry for him.

I let my mind wander on a more curious term, omega?

Does he mean omegaverse? Is he from one of those fanfiction universes? External voice answered me on my mental question" No then he wouldn't be so ready to escape it, this universe is formed by the universe the writer of KinnPorsche made at the start, as always since the writer did not specify the rules of time and capability, in KinnPorsche universe someone finds time travelling in the future of goes back in time to cause a butterfly effect where a lot of alternate universes are born, he is from one of them"

My mirror image seems confused but stayed silent, honestly I don't want to give birth or be an omega at all but Bible loving me in that universe can change my mind, Would it feel the same to love him in that universe?

External voice answered again " I can't tell you if the person in your mind will love you or not but I can assure you will be loved and you will love someone maybe even more than the person in your mind" well that is a good thing but at the same time forgetting Bible or my love for him sounds terrifying

The voice got darker as it continues " And I can say that the person you left back in your universe will be punished accordingly to their crimes, if you choose death that will be their karma but if you choose to let him born as you" his mirror image smiled and gave him a thumbs up " That will be a whole different type of karma same as your death but a little bit more torturing"

I don't want to torture him, I don't want him to feel bad for even a second, he deserves to be happy too " If that's your concern hear me out" external voice said reading my mind and confusing my mirror image again

It continued " If you let this guy go in your place your ex lover will have a chance to be happy but he needs to understand this guy is not you first and win over his heart to become companions too, that is what I mean when I said it will be a little bit more torturing, this guy is a menace more cruel than the torturers at the hell, I can proudly say he will do the job of both torturing and rewarding that guy" he said, my mirror image looked proud

" But if you choose death, he will never be happy, you know he loves you more than anything Build but he still cannot differentiate his feelings from his logic so this swap is needed for him to learn that while he can die without learning it if you choose to die yourself" both choices seems so cruel towards Bible, is that fair?

" It is fair, as you had choices in everything you do, he too had choices and while you choose the wrong choice one out of ten times he choose it nine out of ten times that's why his future is in your hands, while your choices made him comfortable secure and loved, his choices made you kill yourself in the end"

"Now you had this one big trial and it does not necessarily have a wrong choice, if you choose to die you will just let him get the majority of his karma in this life and save lesser karma in the others, if you choose to replace yourself he will live lesser of his karma in this life but have a more happy life comparing to the first choice" the external voice then added

" In your case, like I said as long as your soul decides to move according to it's heart in both reincarnation or swapping places you will have a long life filled with love and protection to make up for the twenty eight years of torture we made your gentle soul go through" I thought for a moment and looked at the begging eyes of my mirror image, I cannot let Bible suffer his whole life and to be honest I am a little curious on living in an omegaverse too even if I had preferred to be an alpha if I had given a choice" Ok I will swap places " I said finally and immediately I started to feel lightheaded.

Pete opened his eyes slowly to a flat white ceiling he is not familiar of since his and Bible's room had grey one with fake ivies scattered around, he looked left and right, it was a familiar room but it was not at the same time. He stands up making his way towards the door.

When he opened the door to see what's outside he frowns " Am I really in the room of Pete in Kinnporsche?" he murmurs, then did the dream he saw was true and not a dream? Did he really left his own universe?

He stepped outside just in time for one of the door's to open and Porsche entering to the shared living room and kitchen " Pete! Are you ok? I am sorry I wasn't able to talk to you yesterday, I can't believe you are forced out of your position just because of some stupid alphas" Pete gazed around, Porsche sounds so much like Apo that he would have confused them if he knew them at the same universe.

He doesn't know how to answer Porsche now though he does not even know what happened and why he was forced out of position " Uhmm, yeah I cannot believe that to-" Porsche aimed his gun at him which made Pete raise the both of his arms in panic looking at Porsche with big eyes

" Which creature are you? He said he was a pagan and I should shoot him if he ever get possessed" Pete gulped, how did he understand he is not Pete?" How do you-" Porsche interrupted again " I can smell his personality a kilometer away, you are not him" Pete sighed

" Ok, ok I am not but listen, I- I don't know how to explain" Porsche raised his eyebrows as Pete continued " I am not used to guns being aimed at me, can you?" Porsche chuckled " And then you can shoot me yourself or trick me easier, right?" Pete shakes his head, he does not even know how to fire a gun

He decided to be honest in case Porsche might have believe him" Look your friend, Pete, was the one who wanted this, he wished he wasn't in this universe anymore and then made a deal with me so we swapped places"

Porsche frowned " How can I believe you? Why would Pete want to leave this universe when he is this successful even as an omega-" Pete interrupted him " In my universe there are no secondary genders" Porsche lowered the gun as Pete sighed

" So now that you trust me-" Porsche cut in " I don't trust you but that seems believable since my friend offered to do a ritual with me before so we can go to another universe without second genders" Pete nodded " Whatever, I need to ask you some questions before I start my life here so let's talk so you can trust me more and I can get some answers before I ruin your friend's life here" Porsche sighed and pointed at the kitchen table " Go sit down let's talk" Pete nodded and went towards the table.

( The Day Build Wakes Up From His Coma)

Build opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room, white ceilings, a lot of medical stuff, sleeping Kim, a cou-, wait Kim?! " What the fuck are you doing here Kim? Do you want to get kicked in the ass? How dare you sho-" Kim's eyes were now wide open and looking at him as if a miracle happened, he quickly stands up and comes back with a medical team on his side

They looked at Build's wide awake face with startled expressions" He just wakes up like that?" a doctor asked as he examine the machines Build was tied on as well as Build's body, Build stayed silent as he does not want to react without knowing what the situation is, also he respects doctors so he wouldn't act like a bitch in front of them

" Wow, it looks like a miracle, his body is functioning normally too, we thought his body would give up and he would end up de-" Build cut in since he was bored, even his respects has some limits,ok? Also why wouldn't he be ok anyway? What happened when he was asleep? He will kill Porsche for abandoning him with Kim

" Who would end up dead with this pervert watching them? What if he gets me pregnant again?" the doctor's eyes got big as Jeff does not even react surprised at that statement" Mr. Jeff, I think there might be some damage to his brai-" Jeff? Why isn't he calling the bastard by his name? Build cut in again to make sure " Wait you said who?" doctor seemed hesitant as first

Before he can answer Jeff cut in while analyzing Build's reaction" Jeff, he said Jeff" Build sighed, so he really woke up at another universe, he thought it all was a dream and he would wake up to his own shitty universe again " Doctor can you leave us alone?" he asked,

Jeff looked at the doctor and nod as if to let him know it's ok to leave them alone, everyone left the room without saying a word, Build first looked at his patient paper and his eyes got big with excitement when he does not see any second genders written on it,

Before he can talk or ask anything further about it Jeff started " How are you so energetic and healthy, normally in movies even if people who commit suicide recover they are very tired and their body does not recover this fast" Build sighed but again he was outraced by Jeff as he continued

" Tell me the truth Build or whoever you are since Build wouldn't do what you just did to the doctor and calling me Kim instead of Jeff seems too suspicious of you" Build gulped " For fuck- Ugh I gave myself away and to Kim's replacement of all people" he murmured then continued

" Yeah your friend will never be in this vessel anymore, when he killed himself he was given two choices either to be dead for sure or swap places with me" Jeff squinted his eyes " And who are you? A demon? A ghost?"

Build rolled his eyes then shrugged his shoulders, he will just tell the truth and it will be up to Jeff if he wants to believe it or not " I was someone named Pete, who lives as a bodyguard of your lookalike's brother, I was also an omega, if you don't know what an omega is-" Jeff interrupted with an interested voice " I know what an omega is"

Pete sighed " I was at the top of my job and someone wanted to be my mate but I said no and out of jealousy they made a bunch of alphas file complaints about me then I was reduced to guard an omega lunatic's stay-at-home house life" Jeff laughed " Tankhun" Build looked suspicious " How do you know-" Jeff sighed

" I will tell you about how I know later, so the alpha who wants to be your mate, I assume was Vegas?" Jeff somehow sounded jealous saying that, Build frowned " Why would Khun Vegas do something like that, it was a shitty bodyguard named Arm" Jeff raised his eyebrows in surprise " He shouldn't have been hired from the start" Build looked confused as Jeff continued his questions " Then why do you hate me? Or think I would get you pregnant, I thought Kim's lover was Porchay"

Build's right eye started twitching " Porchay?! That motherfucker had his eyes on that little baby?! What the fuck?! I should go back! Hades! Hades take me back-" Jeff covered his mouth with Build's murderous gaze on his face " Answer the first part and when I explain to you how I know about my other universe self's family we can argue about this too ok?"

Build takes a deep breath to calm down and nodded, letting Jeff retrieve his hand from his mouth " I hate you because in my universe when I- when we were eighteen you used to act like you love me and you used me for over a year before I get pregnant, I expected you to be happy and would marry me but you made me get rid of the bab-"

Jeff's eyes got dark " What? I did what?" Build looked confused " Why are you so angry? It's not like it was your child, it was that shitty Kim's"

Jeff looked sad but nodded " I was just-" instead of continuing his sentence he started another topic" Well I guess I should tell you about the person who killed himself before people hear you recovered and started coming here" Build nodded " Tell me, all his enemies and the people who made him kill himself too, I would like to get revenge for him, you know even if I was belittled because I was an omega no one was able to bully me into killing myself, I wonder what happened to him that he could just take his life like this"

Jeff smiled, no one is as strong as you, he thought " Well in this universe you are an actor, an actor that played a role named ' Pete' in a series called KinnPorsche" Build looked shocked but Jeff continued without letting him say anything " In the series you end up with Vegas" Build looked more shocked " Khun Vegas?!"

Jeff nodded " Well that explains him continuously watching me with interest lately before I came here" Jeff frowned " He does what?!" Build almost rolled his eyes " None of your business this universe Kim, continue your story"

Jeff shakes his head at that, as fierce as ever " In this universe you were bullied, threatened and abused by the writer of this series because she identifies herself as 'Vegas' and a sadist, you tried to break up with her but she didn't let you" Build raised his eyebrows " Khun Vegas is not a sadist at all, especially after Khun Korn adopted him-" Jeff raised his eyebrows in jealousy why is Build defending Vegas like this? Did something happened between them already?

Jeff asked the logical question anyone would asked if they were him" Da-Khun Korn adopted him?" Build waved his hand around " Yeah after Khun Kan killed himself in front of his children" Jeff furrowed his eyebrows and was about ask why when Build continued

" You know Khun Kan shocked us all when he confessed on their father abusing him sexually, when Khun Korn learned about it he tried to help but in the end Khun Kan couldn't take it anymore so he killed himself anyway" Build sighed " Then Khun Korn just adopted them though they still live in the Minor Family Compound" Jeff nodded, he wouldn't expect something like that from Kan or Korn

" Well then back to the writer thing, why don't I just beat her up back or I don't know let everyone know what she is doing, aren't I a famous actor? I bet there would be some people who will believe me" Jeff sighed " Well in this universe you are dating with Vegas's actor too and he does not let you do that for some reason I don't know"

Build was about to ask further questions but was interrupted by someone opening the door " Build?" a shaky voice filled their ears, he raised his head to see Bible on the door " You mother fucki-" Jeff closed his mouth before he can say anything further as he realized, oh they have a long journey ahead of them.

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