Contractual 📄❤️

By MoonTaekook77

379K 17.9K 12.6K

The life of two people who are not interested in marriage but got entangled. Let's see how they survive in th... More

Our Time


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By MoonTaekook77

Taehyung came back home and started preparing for dinner.

"I will do it" Mrs.Kim said, taking a knife from Tae.

"It's okay Amma" Tae didn't say more and started cutting the coconut for chutney.

"Son-in-law will get angry at me if I let you work" Mrs.Kim smiled and took the coconut from Tae.

Tae huffed and left for his room, his mood already sour by not seeing Jungkook, he was doing dinner just to distract his mind and again Mrs.Kim reminded him.

"Your appa is so bad, he didn't come to see you" he sulked. Soon he had dinner and settled to sleep, that's when his phone rang.

"Who is this?"

"As if, Your husband" Jungkook rolled his eyes as Tae spoke like he didn't recognise the number.

"I don't have any husband who forgot that he has a child to take care of" Tae pouted but maintained his touch posture.

"The child isn't born yet or you mention yourself as a child? Don't worry you are my first child"

Tae smiled, soon hiding his smile he asked "What do you want?"

"Did you have your dinner?"


"Ok then, bye" Jungkook didn't cut the phone.

Tae gritted his teeth "Ok Bye"

"Tae wait wait"

"What?" Tae shouted, irritated by how Jungkook just called to ask about his dinner.

"Before hanging up, do some good things to your husband"

Tae bit his lips knowing the meaning "What should I do?" He asked like he wasn't aware of what older asked.

"Maybe a kiss?" Jungkook knows the younger one is blushing as he didn't reply for a minute "What happened?"

"Huh No, why should I kiss you?" Tae twisted his lips.

"Tae this is over, father of your kid asking for a kiss but you're refusing"

"Don't start your drama, I'm giving you just because I am sleepy. After giving it, I can sleep early" Tae reasoned.

Jungkook rubbed his cheek and pressed the phone more into his cheek, after a moment of silence he heard a long Ummmah sound that made him smile wide "Alright, Good night."

"Hey what about me? I mean your child wants a kiss too" Tae looked down, praying Jungkook should not be caught.

Jungkook looks at the wedding photo of them which was placed on the side table "Umah" he didn't drag like Tae but his voice made tingles to younger "Did my first child catch the kiss?"

Tae cut the phone immediately, slapping his forehead lightly for acting silly.

Next Day
As usual Jungkook waited near the elevator for Tae, at first he waited with full happiness and as time passed he became anxious. He looked at the watch, the time of employees arriving for the morning shift as passed.

"Why is he late today?" Jungkook took his phone, calling Taehyung number and he got the systamatic voice of his phone switched off.

"What the hell.. oh yes Jhope" He called Jhope.

"Hello brother-in-law"

"Jhope, where is your Hyung? Why didn't he come to the office yet"

"He didn't come yet? But the car was already in front of the house. I am in the office now so I don't know" Jhope worriedly said.

"Don't worry, I will take care" Jungkook hung up and called the driver "Hyung, where are you and where is Tae?"

"Young master, Master Taehyung slipped on the steps so he didn't want to come to the office" The home driver of Jeon, Rakesh said.

"What?" Jungkook's heart is beating fast in fear, He takes the car immediately towards the Kim house, the ride is so painful to him and he prays all the god Tae worships, that Taehyung and his baby will be alright.

Jungkook ran inside the house "Taehyung" and checked the person who was sitting on the sofa.

"You okay right?" Jungkook placed his hand on the tummy, his eyes filled with worry and pain.

Tae hugged him tightly "I was so afraid" he fisted Jungkook hair, sobbing on his chest.

"Don't worry, I am here" Jungkook hugged him, rubbing his back gently.

Tae backed away and cupped the older face "I am sorry, I should have taken better care of our baby."

"It's okay" Jungkook takes him under his chest again and looks at Mrs.Kim deadly "What happened?"

"Son-in-law that... "



Tae heard the horn sound of the car so he took his bag and phone to go out. Outside the entrance they had two steps to get down and walk a few steps towards the gate, the moment he stepped out on the first step and his leg slipped making him fall his butt.

"Ahhh" Tae breathed heavily, his hands protectively covered his stomach. He only felt the pain in the butt still his mind started to fear for the baby.

The driver who waited out saw Taehyung falling and he ran towards him "Master, are you okay?" He lifted him and hearing his voice, Mrs.Kim and Minseo came.

"Tae" Mrs.Kim came close to him.

"I will call the doctor" The driver tried to move but Tae held his hand "Brother, please don't leave me" he backed away from Mrs.Kim clinging to the Driver.

The driver worked in Jeon mansion for five years and he was genuinely worried about Taehyung as the younger treated him like a real brother when he was staying in the Jeon mansion. He is broken seeing in this state and distressed about the fetus.

"Ok ok" He held Taehyung with one hand, took to the hall and made him sit on teb sofa, he called the Jeon family doctor with another hand.

Taehyung's life is not with him till the doctor checks, he is afraid to face Jungkook if something happens to the baby.

"Thank God, I can hear the heart beat" The doctor breathed out, calming the younger "Taehyung you should be careful, the fetus is in small size like a poppy seed, even small jerk can cause a miscarriage, hope you took this as a lesson and take care of you more seriously"

Taehyung nodded while tears were falling down continuously and the doctor went back as he is a family doctor, Namjoon can pay for it.

"I will inform Namjoon sir" The driver tried to move but Tae didn't leave his hand so the man had to stay with Taehyung.

"Tae, What happened?" When Mrs.Kim gets near, Tae backs away.

"Mam, I think you should leave now" Rakesh politely said.

Mrs.Kim and Minseo looked at each other and they obeyed the man and went to Mrs.Kim's room.

Rakesh locked the room "Master, I locked the room" that's when Tae breathed in relief and left his hand.

Rakesh went out and that's when he got a call from Jungkook.

End of the Flashback

Jungkook glared at her as she finished saying he hugs Taehyung more, feeling how much the younger is trembling.

"Taehyung, Jungkook?" Namjoon enters and checked Tae "You okay right, Rakesh said.."

"I am okay now" Tae nods at him. Now after fifteen minutes Jin and Jhope came from their respective offices.

Jungkook left his wife moving away as others surrounded him, asking his well-being.

Namjoon asking whereabouts to Rakesh, Jungkook joined him "Master Taehyung was not in himself until the doctor confirms the baby is okay and he is so afraid of his own mother and sister, he didn't leave me till I locked them in the room that's why it got late to be inform to you"

Jungkook sighed "At least you're with him, I can imagine how he must have felt, Thank you hyung"

"It's not a big deal" Rakesh said.

"Thank you Rakesh" Namjoon gave money to him but he refused it "I might have received it if Master Taehyung didn't trust me more than his own family, I really felt he is my brother" he nodded going back.

"Jungkook, everything is okay with him right?" Namjoon touched his son's shoulder and Jungkook instantly hugged him, crying.

The period of time where he heard Tae's fall till he saw him was terrible for him, the fear of losing the life they had out of their love is so nerve racking, he felt like the part of his body is hurting even though it's not physically but mentally he felt the pain.

"Everything is fine now" Namjoon patted the man who was crying on him "It's my fault I should not have listen to him and let him stay here"

"It's his choice, don't blame yourself"

Jungkook rubbed his face "I am taking him back to our home"

"Jungkook, he wanted to be here and the situation he left our home is the reason for his decision" Namjoon sighed, he doesn't know who is correct between the couple anymore.

"I don't care, if he refuses to come then I will force him" Jungkook said his decision and went back before Namjoon could say anything.

Jin saying comforting words to Tae making him feel normal, Jungkook came and sat beside Tae watching him "Did you eat anything?" Tae looked at him and shook his head as no.

"I will buy something for you" Jhope said taking his bike keys but stopped "He vomits hotel foods. Mom" Jungkook nods at Jin who went to the kitchen. 

Jimin came hearing the accident and held Taehyung assuring him that everything is alright.

"Jimin, take him to this room" Jungkook pointed at the AC room "I will help mom."

Tae looking at Jungkook with yearning eyes but older ignored him and went to the kitchen. In room Jimin sat with him "You okay right?"

"Yes, just upset that I was not careful"

"It's okay Tae, we should be happy for the baby being safe" Jimin held his hand.

"I'm glad the baby is fine, the happy face of him knowing about the pregnancy crossed my mind when the doctor was checking, it just a few days but he is so happy and dreaming many things knowing the pregnancy and I was so afraid what if something bad happened I just ..I don't know how I would have faced him" Tae cried, remembering it.

Jimin hugs him "It's fine now, Tae I think you should be with Mr.Jeon in his house"

Taehyung didn't answer him, the house was once his home but no one threw the member of the home out but Jungkook did, it feels different to step to that house maybe fear of being thrown out once again.

Jungkook came with the food for Taehyung who ate silently.

"Mr.Jeon, I got one hour of permission so I had to go back" Jimin informed.

"Wait, Yoongi Hyung will pick you"

"It's okay, he has to handle the office while you're not there" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.

Others went back leaving Jungkook with Taehyung, they slept without talking. Mrs.Kim and Minseo door was opened by Jin when they went back but they weren't able to see Taehyung as Jungkook was already locked themself inside the AC room. 

Jungkook woke up first but didn't move an inch watching his wife sleeping peacefully. After an hour Tae got up rubbing his eyes. He knows he slept with Jungkook but he care less about it now.

"Let's go back to our home" Jungkook said.

"Our home? The place where you throw me out is our home?" Tae moved away from older.

"Tae, don't be stubborn and what happened here...."

"I know but I don't want to come there and it's my final decision so don't talk about it again and don't come here if you talk about it" Tae sternly said and went out before Jungkook could use his strength.

Jungkook kicked the pillow in anger "If I want you back then I will do it, I don't care about forcing you when it comes to our baby's safety" he followed Tae.

"Did you eat?" Tae asked the man who came out but the older one dragged him to the room and locked him "What are you doing? Open the door" Tae shouted from inside.

Jungkook glared at Mrs.Kim who worriedly looked at them "Don't open this door" he locked the door and went out of the house.
To be continued

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