murder // m.c.

By DaydreamAwayxx

86.4K 2.6K 939

"shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age?" "you're only a year older than me, asshole." | m.c. + mult... More

extended description
character break down
zero; tko
one; oh, that boy is murder
two; confident
three; just like a bad joke
four; i'll do me right back
five; it takes a bit more
six; text me in the morning
seven; one more troubled soul
eight; how the mighty fall
nine; don't you call me vanilla
ten; the coldest stare
eleven; tear in my heart
twelve; and you think of him
fourteen; things that your friends say
fifteen; cause i'm so fucking scared
sixteen; i gotta numb the pain
seventeen; i need some company
eighteen; recovery
nineteen; rush of blood
twenty; don't shoot, love
twenty one; we're gonna be alright
twenty two; obviously, she's outta my league

thirteen; we broke up

1K 56 30
By DaydreamAwayxx

                      thirteen; we broke up

             Calum, Harry, Louis and I sit on the bleachers in the gym and watch the rest of the class. The four of us lost in the second to last round of badminton, so we had nothing else to do but sit and wait for class to be over.

"We should've won, Bri, we should've," Calum complains, shaking his head. "We had it. They cheated!"

I nod, humoring him. "That Brian kid is a con-artist, letting us believe he sucked when he didn't just to defeat us in the end. Damn him!" I joke.

Calum huff and Harry and Louis laugh. "Shut up, it's true!" He argues.

I nod again. "Okay, whatever you say, sweetie." I pat his back and then lean back into the seats behind us.

Calum groans. "Whatever."

"It's just gym, calm down," Louis says to him.

Calum shakes his head. "But we had them!" He says getting worked up again.

Harry laughs. "There's always next time!"

"Yeah and we'll kick his sorry ass," he grumbles in response.

I roll my eyes and nod, pulling my phone out of my pocket, checking my messages, which are all from Luke. It's been almost been a month since Mikey and I broke up and Luke has been helping me through it.

tonight we should just watch movies because I don't want to go out

and we can order pizza from that place because it's so good

you can pick the movies and the toppings :-)

I smile and reply to him, agreeing with his idea.

fiiiiiiiiiine I guess we can do that but then niall is going to be a pain in the ass and eat all our food like last time, remember?

"Hey, guys," I hear a voice say and then the slapping of hands.

I look up and find Zayn saying hello to Calum, Harry and Louis. I glare at him. Why the hell would he come over here?

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Calum asks as Zayn sits down in the row I front of us, turning to face us.

"My teacher let us out earlier, so I figured I'd see what was going on in here," he explains.

"Truman lets us out early?" Louis asks him.

Zayn nods. "He said he was feeling nice because it's Friday and it's almost Christmas."

I sit there on my phone, trying my best to ignore him because he is one of the last people I want to come in contact with. He's the whole reason why I'm still miserable.

"I actually was trying to find you," I hear Zayn say, but I don't look up, figure he's talking to one of the boys.

How does he even eat so much? It's like nothing I've ever seen before???

idk idk, his stomach is like Mary Poppin's bag, i s2g it's terrifying ok

"Brianna, right?"

I look up and make eye contact with Zayn. I glare at him. "Who wants to know?"

He smirks. "I can see why you're his girl."

I stare at him with a blank face. "Excuse me?"

"Mikey," he says without hesitation.

"We broke up. I'm not his girl anymore," I tell him.

"You should tell him that, then."

I look at Calum and then at Louis and Harry. "Why is he here?" I ask them.

Calum sighs. "What do you want, Zayn?"

"I just want to talk to her. Is that a crime?"

"Yeah, it is, when you're the reason why we broke up," I tell him, getting very annoyed.

"Listen," he starts, "I'm sorry, okay? It was fucked up for me to say shit like that to him. I didn't think he would take it seriously," he tries to explain himself, but I'm not buying it.

I roll my eyes. "Sure, whatever."

"I'm serious. He's my best friend and I had never seen him get so hung up on a girl before, so I said some stupid shit," he continues to explain.

"It's true," Louis says. "He's never acted like that before."

I sigh. "And?" I ask Zayn.

"I just we wanted it to be the boys again and now that it is, I hate it. All he does is either fucking whine about missing you or he's with that airhead, blonde girl, who I can't stand," he goes on. "As much as I hate saying it, he needs you back."

Calum nods. "It's true."

"So then why didn't you tell me?" I yell at him. "Calum, I've been sitting around, crying over his stupid ass for weeks and you couldn't have mentioned that he was upset, too?"

He put his hands up surrendering. "He said not to say anything to you and I didn't want to get my ass kicked. Plus, he doesn't deserve you, Bri, he should suffer."

"It was for your own benefit," Harry adds.

I groan and turn back to Zayn. "So what do you want? My forgiveness so you can sleep at night?"

He shakes his head. "I want you to get back together with him."

I laugh. "He's made it perfectly clear to me that's he's moved on, regardless of what he apparently does behind closed doors. And even if I did get back together with him, you'd probably go telling him something else about me and we'd just break up again."

"Listen, I'm trying to do a nice thing here," he says, obvious getting annoyed, "so you don't have to be so bitchy about it. I said I was sorry."

I roll my eyes. "You don't want to see me as a bitch because then you really regret it. So why don't you just leave me alone because I have had it with you," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and stands up. "I don't even know why the fuck he's crying over you. He's better without your annoying ass."

"Fuck you," I tell him, standing up and getting defensive. I roll my eyes. "Maybe if you weren't such a dick to begin with, I wouldn't be bitchy."

Zayn smirks at me. "Although, you are quiet the pain in the ass, I will gladly take you up in that offer."

My fist ball up at my sides. I have had it with this kid. First he tries to be nice and tell me that he's sorry for breaking Michael and me up and now he's just being a piece of shit. As if I would ever do anything with him. Just breathing the same air with him is disgusting me right now.

Calum grabs my wrist. "Bri, stop," he says calmly.

"Yeah," Zayn says, "why don't you stop trying to fight with me and go watching Mikey and his new girlfriend shove their tongues down each other's throats right outside the gym doors. I passed them on the way in and he didn't even look up."

That's when I lose it. I can handle talking about him, but not hearing about him being with another girl. "You're just pissed that what we had could've lasted a lot longer than any of your one night stands. That's why you wanted us to break up, because you were jealous and you couldn't stand to see him remotely happy while you're just miserable!" I shout at him, causing people to start looking at us.

"You couldn't be more wrong, sweetie," he says with a smug smile plastered on his face. "I was trying to save him from you."

I lunge forward to grab him or hit him or something, anything, but Calum grabs me before I can. Harry grabs Zayn, pulls him down the bleachers and out of the gym.

My breathing stays heavy as I fight the urge to scream and cry. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He's wrong. He's just jealous. He's so infuriating. Why is he such an asshole? I did nothing to him. I don't care that everybody thinks he's so hot and worships the ground he walks on. He's an asshole.

Calum pulls me into his chest as he watches tears start falling from my eyes. "He's an asshole. Don't listen to him," he tells me.

"Why don't you go get change and then we'll skip the rest of the class so you can calm down," Louis suggests as he rubs circles on my back.

I try to get my breathing back to normal as I nod. I wipe my tears and grab my phone. I walk down and into the girls locker room. I change back into the outfit I was wearing before class and put my gym clothes in my locker. I go look in the mirror to make sure I don't look like a mess. After, I tie my shoes as I read a message from Luke.

Hahahaha :-) that's so true. Btw Mr. T gave us a pop quiz on the American Revolution stuff we've been learning and it's only one question and everybody got a different one :/

I groan. That's just what I need to make this day anymore horrible. I haven't looked at any of my notes this week and knowing my teacher, it going to be an impossible test. I grab my things and lock my locker before leaving the locker room.

I've already had such a shitty day I don't need this :(

I walk towards the other end of the gym to see Calum, Louis, and Harry waiting for me. Zayn is nowhere in sight, thank God.

"Hey," Harry says with a smile.

"We have a pop quiz in history," I tell him.

He groans. "Are you kidding me? I didn't do any of the reading this week!" He complains as we walk out of the gym, making sure none of the teachers are watching. We walk towards the cafeteria, which is usually almost empty since it's too early for lunch.

"Luke told me it's only one question and everybody gets a different one," I tell him what I know and he groans.

"What kind of shit is that? It's Friday!"

Calum laughs. "My teacher never gives tests," he brags as we find an empty table towards the back of the cafeteria.

"Shut up, Calum," Harry groans as he puts his bag down on the table. "I don't even have my stupid textbook with me because I left it at home."

Louis laughs at him and goes over to one of the vending machines.

"Mine's in my locker," I tell him. "Do you want me to get it?"

He nods. "Please?"

I nod and get up. "I'll be right back," I tell them.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Calum asks sweetly.

I shake my head. "No, I'll be right back. Thank you, though." I smile before leaving.

I walk out of the cafeteria and head towards my locker. When I get there, I quietly open my locker, trying my best to not disturb the classrooms around me. I grab my book and shut the door quietly, locking it before walking back to the cafeteria.

Why? What happened? First isn't even over yet :(

I sigh at Luke's message. I start explaining to him what happened in a very long text message. As I type, I look down at my phone, not paying attention to where I'm walking, a very bad habit of mine I've quickly learned.

Right before I walk into the hallway that leads to the cafeteria, I feel somebody grab my arm. I look up as I pull my arm away.

Speak of the devil.

I glare at Zayn. "What the hell do you want?" I ask, getting annoyed all over again. "Came to insult me again?"

"Listen, I didn't mean what I said before," he says.

"Ah, another bullshit apology," I say to him, trying to walk around him.

He steps in front of me and stops me. "Just hear me out. I meant what I said about you and Mikey before I started being a dick."

I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket, deciding to just tell Luke in English. "Why should I believe you?" I ask him, cross my arms, still holding my textbook.

"Because I really am sorry. I'm just trying to make this right."

I stare at him. "Fine, whatever," I say, carelessly, trying to walk around him again, but he stops me again. I huff. "Can you move now?"

"I wanted to talk about how to get you two back together," he says seriously.

"I already told you, he's made it perfectly clear to me that he doesn't want to get back together with me. So unless he initiates it, I'm not going to make an idiot of myself."

Zayn groans. "You're so stubborn. Why can't you just hear me out?"

"Because it's probably a stupid idea," I tell him bluntly.

"You haven't even heard it yet!" He complains.

"Well, I don't want to hear it. So please leave me alone and my nonexistent relationship alone, please."

"You're so stubborn," he tells me for the hundredth time.

"So then stop talking to me!" I tell him, throwing my arms up in the arm, almost dropping my textbook.

He smirks. "Listen, stubborn, you should just try to make him jealous or move on, so he realizes that he actually does miss your annoying ass."

I roll my eyes. "Alright, I'm not going to the take your childish approach."

"Well you have to do something because I'm so fucking sick of him whining about you."

"Well, that's not my problem. Do you know what?" I ask him. "If you give so much of a shit about us being together, why don't you go run your stupid mouth again and tell him how much of an asshole you were to begin with?"

"I was just trying to help my friend, I wasn't being an asshole," he says, trying to defend himself.

"Yes you are because it was none of your business! So I don't know why you're coming to me a month after we broke up to try and make everything right when it's too late!"

"Listen, babe, if it was your best friend getting way too serious too fast, you would've done the same thing."

"Don't call me babe," I tell him, glaring at him. "And, no, I wouldn't because it wouldn't be any of my business! You really don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"That if you didn't open your stupid ass mouth, we wouldn't be having this conversation and Michael wouldn't be complaining and whining and all upset like you say he apparently is because we would still be together!"

He rolls his eyes. "You think you two would've lasted more than a month?"

"Yeah, I think we would've!"

He laughs. "Aw, you think he would've stayed? Did you think you two would spend the holidays and Valentine's Day and you would've been his date to prom?"

"You really are something," I laugh. "You really hate when everybody else is happy, don't you?"

"I'm just realistic."

"No, you're not! You're just being a dick."

He just smirks and leans up against the wall. "You are hot when you get mad."

I roll my eyes knowing he probably heard that from Calum after I yelled at him in the beginning of the year. "I'm done talking to you," I tell him before walking away.

He grabs my hand and pulls me back, making me look at him. "I don't get it. If you like him, why won't you even try to get back together with him?"

"Because he's better off without me," I say, staring into his eyes.

"Says who?"


He rolls his eyes. "I thought I couldn't mind my own business?"

"You can't," I remind him.

"So then it's worth a shot."

I huff. "What do you suggest? Other than making him jealous."

"Well, I don't know how else to get his attention." Zayn shrugs. "All I know is that if he heard somebody was messing around with his girl he'd freak out."

"Well, if you think of something, why don't you tell me," I say, finally pulling my hand away from his.

He grabs my hand again as I try to walk away. I sigh and turn around again with a bored look on my face. "How about we talk at lunch? You can come over to our table and as to talk to me."

I scoff. "And why would I do that?"

"So that he can see that you're fine without him and even moving on," he explains.

"Moving on with who? You?" I ask, very amused.

He nods. "We won't do anything. We can just leave and not come back. It'll just put the thought into his head."

"He's not that stupid, Zayn."

"Then we can get Calum, Louis and Harry to play along."

"Calum wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut," I tell him.

"Whatever, just trust me, it'll work. I know Mikey. He'll be crawling back to you so fast."

I shake my head hesitantly. "I don't know..."

"Or you could kiss me and I'll casually tell him," he suggests with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "So I'll see you at lunch. I'll get your number, so we can discuss when I'm going to say," I tell him before walking away, him finally letting me.


So, when lunch rolls around, I ate at my regular table. I didn't tell anybody about Zayn because I honestly didn't want people knowing I associated with his stupid ass. I told Luke I would explain everything in English because there was just too much to tell in a text message.

After I finish eating, I tell everybody that I was going to go do homework in the library.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sammy asks.

I shake my head. "No, I need to concentrate," I tell her. "Thanks, though." I grab my tray and throw it out. I return to the table to grab my things and say bye. After I do, I take a deep breath and walk over to Mikey's table.

Of course he's here today. He's sitting in his usual seat across from Calum. Zayn is sitting next to Calum, talking to both of them. He spots me and smiles at me. Mikey looks over his shoulder to see who Zayn is smiling at and when he sees me approaching them, he freezes.

I walk over to Calum's side of the table. I kneel down, balancing myself by holding on to Zayn's arm. "Hey," I say to him, ignoring the rest of the table's stares.

"What's up?" he asks.

"I wanted to talk you about what happened earlier," I tell him. We decided on that because Harry, Louis and Calum knew what I was talking about, but Mikey didn't and I know the three of them wouldn't mention what Zayn said me to him. Plus, by the look on his face, it was already working.

"We can talk here," Zayn says, pointing to the empty seat next to him.

I shake my head. I eye Michael and then look back at Zayn. "Can we talk privately?" I ask quietly, but loud enough from Michael to hear.

Zayn nods and gathers his things. I stand up with him and we walk out of the cafeteria together with Michael's eyes burning a hole into my back.

The second I step out of the cafeteria, my phone goes off in my pocket. I sigh as I follow Zayn to wherever he's going, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I had a messages from Sammy, Ashton, Niall, Liam and Calum.

as your best friend it's my job to tell you when you're fucking everything up, so you need get as far away from zayn asap. i know he's hot af but he's not worth it and if you're trying to make you asshole ex boyfriend jealous you need to stop bc he's not worth it either bri

what the fuck ru doing bri

when I told u zayn was a decent guy I didn't mean I wanted u t date him

brianna, don't do anything you'll regret please


I scoff, not replying to any of them. I put my phone away and look at Zayn.

"What?" he asks.

"Where are we going?"

He shrugs. "I was just walking."

I roll my eyes. "Let's go to the library," I tell him, taking the lead.

He follows behind me. "Are you going to go to that section people go to hookup?" he asks.

I turn to look at him. He has a smug smirk on his face. "You wish," I scoff.

He laughs and follows me up the stairs. "I was kidding."

"Sure you were." I find a table in the back where there are few people around. He sits next to me and smiles. I groan. "What is it?"

"You know, this whole situation could've been avoided if Mikey properly introduced us all to you."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, already annoyed with him.

"Well, we asked him to bring you around so we could get to know you, but he said no because you wouldn't like us," Zayn explains.

I scoff. "Well, looks like he was right."

"Maybe if I would've known you were chill, I wouldn't have said what I said."

I roll my eyes. "Don't try to make yourself look better because we're not doing anything," I remind him.

He laughs. "Well, hopefully, now we can all hangout together."

"Who said that I would ever hangout with you?"

He fakes a pout. "I thought we were getting along."

"Sure, that's what's happening here."

"Technically, we are because we're not fighting," he points out.

"Okay, Zayn, we're getting along," I say and he grins.

"You know, I'm friends with your brother, Niall."

"So I've heard."

"He's my lab partner. He's pretty chill. Now I have to make friends with your other brother. Connor, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I know he hates me, so if I can win you over, I can get him, too."

I laugh. "And when you're friends with all of us, what are you going to do?"

"Are you smiling? Did I make you laugh?" he asks, mocking a shocked expression.

I roll my eyes and smile. "I guess you did. Are you happy now?"

He grins. "Yes, very much."


Later that night, I explained to my friends and brother that nothing happened with Zayn. I didn't tell them why I went off with him because I know I would get some sort of lecture about it, so I told them some bullshit story about how he talked to me this morning and I wanted to talk to him again, except for Calum. I told him the truth and made him swear not to tell Mikey.

He eventually told me that Mikey acted like he didn't give a shit about Zayn and I going off together. He said he knew he was just trying to be tough and then after he went off with that stupid blond girl. Zayn told me he's pretty sure he's only hooking up with her so that he doesn't have to face his feelings for me. To be honest, Zayn isn't half as bad as I thought he would be, especially after this morning.

I went to bed pretty early and for the first time in a while, I actually didn't cry myself to sleep. Maybe I could actually get over him. Or so I thought.

At around, three in the morning, my phone rings, waking me up. At first I think it's my alarm, but looking at the red 3:15 AM glowing on my alarm clock, I grab my phone. I sit up in my bed and look down my phone, not bothering to turn on my light. When I see Calum is calling me at this time, I get nervous.

"Hello?" I answer, trying to be quiet.

"Brianna?" Calum says frantically into the phone. He sounds out of breath or like he's in a panic.

"Calum? Is everything okay? Why are you calling me now?" I ask, getting worried.

"Michael got arrested."


i told you it would be surprising...

comment and vote please i really want to know what you guys think :) xx

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