The Tale Of The Immortal (RWB...

By guijojo

9.7K 147 31

A boy named (y/n) has many powers of magical origin, one of these powers is immortality. (y/n) lived centuri... More

The Tale Of The Immortal chapter 18
The tale of The Immortal Chapter 20
The Tale of The Immortal Chapter 21
The Tale Of The Immortal chapter 22
The Tale Of The Immortal chapter 23
The Tale Of the Immortal Bad Ending
The tale of The immortal Good ending

The tale of the immortal chapter 19

146 3 0
By guijojo

The Tournament Begins With The Crow of the Winter

(no pov)

Beacon classes are back. Many learned of the village's troubles, (y/n) was now once again in the care of team rwby. Everyone at Beacon Academy now knew him (not knowing about his powers). He was now a mini celebrity. Gradually he felt better and soon he was back to his old self. The only difference was that he was now being a little overprotective of team rwby members and the other people he cared about.

Let's just say Cardin slipping and breaking his nose wasn't the only thing that happened.

The tournament was finally about to start and although (y/n) loved watching the fights he was very afraid of losing them.

(y/n) pov

Ruby:we did iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt

(y/n): You did it!

I jumped into Yang's arms with joy. They had been amazing, but Ruby looked exhausted.

(y/n): Are you okay Ruby?

Ruby: Just a little hungry.

Weiss: If only we had a place to get food.

(y/n):Did you forget about the fair? There's food everywhere.

Weiss gave a sigh of relief. Yang was taking us to a place that would be good for us to get something to eat.

???: It's going to be hard without it.

Ruby started frantically searching her pockets for something until she saw Emerald handing her back her wallet.

Emerald: Good to see you. I haven't seen you guys in a long time, you were amazing back there.

Ruby blushed a little and denied the compliments for a while until she asked about her team. She looked pensive for a while, but then she said that everything was going great. They continued to chat about how the fight would go, I tugged on Yang's sleeve to see if she could get them to come with me somewhere where we could eat.

Emerald: Well, I have to go. Have fun.

She waved at us and we went in reverse directions.

Yang: Who wants Ramen?

(y/n): I want!

(Emerald Pov)

Mercury: Having fun with new friends?

Emerald: I hate them, how is it possible to be so happy.All.the.time. And what's with that boy, shouldn't he be home or something?

???: They're young, they're thinking it's all a big joke.

I looked back and there was this weird guy. Alckidin was his name if I remember correctly.

From what I understand his semblance is to create portals. But does he have to use it all the time? He appears literally out of nowhere. He insisted that he must be close to us even during the tournament. He was wearing that ridiculous hoodie, but he insisted that I should use my semblance to just look like a random person.

Emerald: And what are you doing here? You won't even participate in the tournament.

Alckidin: Cinder has tasked me to keep an eye out for any possible "setbacks". I know my presence bothers you, but whether you like it or not, I'm part of your team now so you'll just have to bear with it. And if I participated in that tournament, we'd probably have a pile of bodies to dispose of. hahahahaha.

Mercury: Did you get what we wanted?

Emerald: Yes, the opponents will be-

Alckidin: Yang Xiao Long. She's the best choice we have. She's hot-headed, therefore, easy to manipulate.

Emerald:How did you-

Alckidin: It's a very obvious choice, she's the strongest in terms of physical strength, but very easy to manipulate.

Emerald mind:What an irritating guy.

(y/n) pov

(y/n): That's a lot of food.

Weiss: consider a gift.

Blake was drooling over the food like a cat when it saw fish. She looked ready to pounce, however the store owner slipped the card to Weiss. She tried to pull the food out slowly, but he snatched it out of her hands.


Pyrha: Are you in need of help?

(y/n):Hi Pyrrha.

Yang: No need.

Blake: But it could!

Pyrrha: I think you need it after this fight

Jaune: Can we join?

(Long timeskip brought by chibi (y/n) eating three bowls of Ramen)

We had a few more fights. It was Pyrrha and Sun's team against students from other schools. I love watching their fights, but I have to admit that it was quite a mess.

Speaker: That's all my friends, unfortunately the next fights are for tomorrow. Don't miss the next round.

(y/n): How annoying, it ends when begin to get interesting.

Weiss: Don't be upset. Tomorrow we will have more-

Weiss looked up at the sky and saw what appeared to be a different, giant bullhead flying around. She looked very happy. Ruby ended up bumping into her when she stopped. Contrary to what Weiss normally would, she didn't even seem irritated with Ruby.

(y/n): Hey Weiss, are you okay?

Weiss: She. She is here.

Ruby and I looked at each other, not understanding what she was talking about.

(Alckidin Pov)

I managed to get away from Cinder and her companions. As I expected, they are just foolish humans, they can't even realize that death is right in front of them. Though I admit that Cinder has potential, maybe I can let her live to be my right hand. I found one more of the designated places on the map in an empty forest. I focused a small amount of energy onto my fingertip and fired a bolt of lightning at the ground. The hole was big enough.

I opened one of my portals and buried one more device.

I put it in the hole and put dirt over it just to keep anyone from finding out about it. I heard a loud noise in the sky, some kind of atlas people's ship.

Alckidin: Oh, looks like I have company. I hope you stay until the fall of beacon, you'll be second to get what you deserve.

The night of rebirth approaches.

(Y/n) POV

We all headed back to Beacon, but as soon as we landed Weiss sprinted to the other landing area. Ruby and I both tried to ask her what was going on, but she didn't even pay attention. So we ran after her while Yang and Blake went back to the dorm.

Ruby: Weiss! What's The Big Deal? Who is she?

(Y/n): Don't ignore us.

When we got in front of that weird bullhead, she stopped running. She had a lot of those robot soldiers around and they were listening to a woman that looked a lot like Weiss.


Ruby: Wait! Your sister?

(Y/n): Do you have a sister?

We approached her. She was a lot like Weiss. But at the same time she looked more menacing. I was even afraid to approach.

Weiss: Winter, I'm so happy to see you! I mean.*cough**cough* You honor us with your presence.

(Y/n) mind: That's too much.

Winter: Beacon, it's been a while, the air feels different.

(Y/n): Maybe it's because it's autumn, because of the temperature, the smell of the fumes from the tournament that may have made its way here or maybe-

Weiss patted my head gently indicating for me to be quiet.

Weiss: So, what are you doing here?

Winter: confidential.

Weiss: And how long do you intend to finance?

Winter: confidential.

(Y/n):.... I guess.

Weiss: You'll love the things here are very different from atlases. The government and the school

Winter: I know how the "bureaucracies" work here. And that's not why I came here. Much less seeing my own blood fail so miserably in battle.

(Y/n): But they won.

Winter looked at me with an annoyed face. I declined a little afraid. She motioned for the robots to go back.

Weiss: Only someone reckless would call that a victory. Weiss, who is this child?

Weiss: Winter, I want you to meet (y/n). Myself and the rest of my team are in charge of taking care of him.

Winter: You were demoted to nannies?! This is an outrage. You should be ashamed to be in that position.

(Y/n): Hey, don't talk to your sister like that. Know that she is doing a great job helping me.

Winter: I disagree, you have no way. And that should be your team leader. Appropriately disappointing.


Weiss:Winter, I'm sorry about (y/n's) behavior, he's been hanging out with another team member for a long time who doesn't really care about his behavior.

Winter:Well, weiss I still have some time before the meeting I came to. How about you show me to your quarters?

Weiss gave another happy smile, she and her sister headed towards Beacon. Ruby and I were just standing there with no reaction. This was the first time that Weiss had not only ignored me but also smacked me upside the head.

(y/n): I didn't like her. She is very annoying.

Ruby: Don't say that, I'm sure she liked you too.

Ruby was kind of embarrassed and didn't know where to go. She wanted to go to her room but didn't want to go the same way as Weiss's sister. So we continued walking around.

*crow* *crow*

I looked up at the sky and saw a raven flying close to us. That raven looked strange, it looked like he was running away, but I didn't understand why. Also, he has a very large aura to be that of an animal.

(Y/n) mind: What are you running from?

(Y/n): Hey Ruby, I think something might be going on back there.

Ruby: What makes you say that?


A loud noise caught our attention. We ran to an area where there was a circle of people talking about something, Weiss was in the middle of these people with a confused face.

(Y/n): Weiss! What's going on here?

Weiss: Some crazy guy showed up and started attacking my sister.

Ruby: Oh no, who would do something like that- THAT'S MY UNCLE. SEE IT UNCLE QROW!

Weiss: Teach Winter some respect.

(Y/n): Shouldn't you try to stop this?

Winter and Qrow continued the fight. As they exchanged blows Winter was thrown away and summoned some ice animals. It was really cool but I couldn't go on so I had to stop it. Qrow put his sword away and Winter ran towards him, I was going to create a shield around him but before that happened.


We all turned in surprise and saw General Ironwood and Penny right behind him. I waved at her and she waved back shyly.

Winter: Sir! He started the confrontation and I just fought back.

Qrow: That's not true. She attacked first.

Ironwood: Is that true?


Qrow: What are you doing here?

Ironwood: I-

Now, now every one.

Ozpin appeared with Miss Goodwitch following him.

Ozpin: If people want to see a fight, please go to the coliseum, there are seats and popcorn.

Glynda: Circling everyone.

The general accepted his collar and motioned for Winter to follow. They headed towards Beacon along with Ozpin, Glynda was using her Semblance to mend the damage left by the confrontation. Ruby and I went up to her uncle to say hello. (She jumped and grabbed his arm).

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! It's really good to see you. Did you miss me? Did you?

Qrow: No.

(Y/n): You smell weird.looks like alcohol.

Qrow: And who are you kid?

Ruby: This is (y/n), he's a boy we've been babysitting for a while. You know, teaching and taking care of him.

Qrow: Wait, are you babysitting? That's it-

Ozpin: Qrow, a word please.

Qrow: I think I'm in trouble.

Ruby: Well, you broke our patil.

Qrow dropped Ruby from his arm and headed towards Ozpin's office.

Weis: We can call it a draw.

Ruby: Nah ah, Uncle Qrow won.

(Y/n): .... Maybe I should try to fight them both at the same time, I'll win with my hands behind my back.

Weiss and Ruby: You don't count as a fighter. You don't know how to fight without your powers.

(Y/n): hehehe

*Ozpin's office*

(No pov)

Qrow, Glynda and ozpin arrived on the floor where the general and Winter were waiting.

Winter: What the hell is wrong with you?

Ironwood: If you were one of my men you'd be in trouble.

Qrow: If I was one of my men I would have already killed myself.

Ozpin: Please calm down. You are here to inform us about the fact that our enemy is already here. We already know that.

Qrow: It's nice to know that I'm risking my life just to acquire information that you already knew. And you James. We're supposed to work in the shadows and you've got a goddamn army to stand around Vale, what's gotten into you?

Ozpin: I asked, Qrow. The truth is we have another enemy, a man, we don't know where he is. I don't have a lot of information about him, but what little I do know is that whatever happens, he's the most dangerous thing around here.

Qrow: And your ''secret weapon'', where is it?

Ozpin: The boy who was with Ruby is the weapon. I learned that this man is alive thanks to a member of the RWBY team, and he may have acquired some relation to the boy so he is out of the question. The army is our best idea to destroy it.

Winter: Wait, what child?! How can he be a weapon?

Glynda: Try to imagine an immensity of power in a single point. This is (y/n). He has immense power and believe me, don't underestimate him, he's theoretically older than all of us put together.

*Cinder's room*

(Still no pov)

Cinder, Emerald and Mercury were in the room, talking about the discovery of Qrow.

Emerald: And what should we do?

Cinder: Follow the plans. Things are going much better than expected. And our new partner is helping more than expected.

A blue-green door opens and Alckidin comes out with his hand dropping a few drops of blood.

Alckidin: Mission long, these soldiers should be strong, right? I heard about a professional huntsman who arrived in the valley, do you want me to elect him?

Cinder: It's not necessary.

Alckidin: I hope your fights get closer, I'll enjoy seeing the action. *looks at Mercury and Emerald*

Emerald and Mercury leave the room heading towards their bedroom. Alckidin was smiling lightly, his face looking friendly and sympathetic as he looked at Cinder.

Alckidin mind: You are strong Fall, I hope you don't disappoint me.

I was thinking of explaining this at some point in the story, but thought I'd make it clear here.

Alckidin's semblance is to create portals, the ones he uses to go from one place to another, teleport objects, attacks, etc. But he discovered a more effective way to use the powers that would be a type of Quick travelling. He creates a portal in the exact space he wants to be and a second where his body is, the portal is not something physical but even so his body and the portal are automatically exchanged since one body cannot occupy the space of the other .

Consequently, he is immediately teleported to the location of the first portal, making his body look like he gave a Minie glitch but he does not suffer real damage, and the reason why no one tries to enter the second portal is due to the fact that when the switch occurs he undo the second portal.

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