It Is What It Is

By jiggyniggaress

2.6K 498 25

*Contains London Slang* *contains music* 14 year old Ayesha is moved to a new school. She meets a boy called... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New book
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Finale)

Chapter 17

75 14 0
By jiggyniggaress


I was walking back home when I saw Aaron. I tried to ignore him but he grabbed my hands anyways.

"Slow down b...why you ignoring me ?" He asked me as he forcefully hugged me.

"I gotta go, my mother is in hospital and and....I juss gotta get back" I lied.

"Ooo ite, shame. Tell her get well soon." He told me and then kissed me lightly on the lips. I pulled away quick and sped walked to my house. Damn.

I opened my door and saw Emmanuel, Marvin and my mum all talking. It was a month since me and Marvin had gone on that little date, only my mum knew about Marvin, and I knew my dad and brother would go mental if they found out about him. So to see him bussing joke with Emmanuel, kinda shocked me.

"Hey Ayesha" they all said at the same time.

"Urrr..hi" I replied in a confused tone. "Emmanuel when- how?..what..??" I stuttered in confusion.

"Look basically, Marvin must of thought you was at home but, you wasn't innit. Then mum must of invited him in and started chatting. Then I recognized him cos he's a friend of a friend..yeah so..." He informed me.

"Oh alright" I nodded. Marvin and Emmanuel seemed to hit it off. They were talking bout football and clothes and celebs whilst my mum was watching real housewives of Atlanta.  This was odd...

"So...Ayesha" I heard Marvin say.


"Do you like...wanna come on a date with me..? Like a proper date, not nando or MacDonalds or KFC?" He asked me, stuttering a bit. I smiled. I looked at Emmanuel, he was smiling and my mum was grinning. Am I dreaming? Has my mum forgotten she's African or???

"Sure" I agreed. Everyone starting cheering. I laughed nervously.

''OK then, around 7:30 I'll pick you up" he confirmed and hugged me and my mum goodbye, then dapped my brother,doing some type of gang shit. I didn't even know my brother was in a gang like that.

Later on

"Ayesha are you excited?" My mum asked me as she did my hair for me. I nodded beaming. I wasnt wearing makeup but, I was wearing this body shop natural thing which makes your face glow. I was also wearing some lipstick with a touch of blusher. I wore a long sleeved black turtle neck dress, it was elegant and body hugging and it was up to my knees. I then wore some black leather metal pointed shoes.

"You look so pretty!" My mum exclaimed giddily. Even though I was 15, I looked probably 20. "And remember, come back at 9:30 the latest! No sex or I will kill you and I will be checking if you have sex."

"OK OK mum!" I exclaimed. I got a text it was from Marvin signalling to me he was outside. I kissed my mum goodbye and walked out. He looked so good. He was wearing black huaraches, black jeans and a black blazer with a white shirt. He looked and smelled peng!

"Hey" I greeted him with a small peck on the lips.

"Hey, you look good" He said whilst licking his lips, as we walked to the bus stop.

"Awe stooopp, not gonna lie you are looking kinda good too" I admitted as we both laughed. We walked to Uber that he ordered. We got in.

I didn't know where we were going. The car stop this place called 'Green garden' there were restaurants everywhere, couples were everywhere. Marvin led me to this elegant and expensive looking restaurant called 'La rose'.

"Aww this place is so nice" I cooed.

"Table for two, I booked a place two days ago. Erm...Marvin Toron" he informed them.

"Oh OK, right this way please" the waiter led us to this table by the river. I didn't even know we were on water.

"Aww Marvin, you didn't have to do this" I told him, he smiled.

"I wanted to this for my baby girl", he told me sweetly. I smiled

"So have you got the results for your GCSE exams?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, 9 a's and the rest b's" he said proudly. I squealed happily.

"So prouudd of you!'' I told him .

"Well what you gonna order?" He asked me.

''Maybe a sprite. But the food is expensive I don't want you to be wasting your money so.. Maybe small portion of chips and small ribs" I told him, I looked up and saw him frowning.

"No. Order what you want. You're my girl and I will spend anything on you. Order what you want to order" he told me sternly.

"Ohh..your.. I'll order the..I don't know. What are you gonna order?" I stuttered.

"Maybe ...crab and chips?" He suggested.

"Yeah maybe I might get that. All the other foods so poshy woshy " I joked as we laughed.

"Hello guys, do you want to order now?" A mixed race pretty waiter asked us. I could see she was eyeing Marvin like some candy. He didn't seem to mind, he ordered for the both of us smiling and acting a little flirty. I started to feel a little annoyed and insecure. Why is he flirting with her in front of me? I looked out the window, suddenly interested in the dark blue sky.

"Ayesha, are you alright?" Marvin asked me. I nodded still looking out of the window. He huffed and gave up. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw he was on his phone. Our food came, I barely ate. My appetite was gone.

"You not gonna eat?" He asked me, I shook my head. I ordered for my food to be packed away for me to take away. When we walked to the Uber Marvin ordered again, he tried to grab my hand when we got in, but I crossed my arms quickly.

"What is going on with you?" He asked me with frustration in his voice.

"Nothing" I fake smiled. He shrugged. When the Uber pulled up to my house, I was about to walk to my house when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.

"Stop acting like this with me" he pleaded with me, whilst looking down in my eyes he was quite tall so I had to look up to him. I looked away.

He gently turned my face towards him. He kissed me so softly and gently.

"Thank you for this date" I thanked him, looking up in his eyes, whilst still in his arms.

"You're welcome" he kissed my lips softly. I kissed him one last time before walking into my house.

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