Battle of Overlords! ( Accele...

Bởi sharpeyes123

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following the fight against the hero and the third ranked, just when accelerator was about to finish off misa... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: A Brand New World?✔
part 1 - first battle
part 2 - experiment
part 3 - different view
Chapter 2: The true Dragon Lord ✔
part 1 - slane theocracy
Part 2 - confrontation
part 3 - the black scripture vs dragon lord
part 4 - a catastrophe accelerator
part 5 - accelerator vs zesshi
chapter 3: The science kingdom ✔
part 1 - the contract
part 2 - funds
part 3 - replica
part 4 - a normal day in science
Chapter 4: Awakening ✔
part 1 - new ally?
part 2 - Accelerator vs Cocytus
part 3 - Accelerator vs Cocytus II
part 4 - important meeting
part 5 - Envoy from the sorcerer kingdom
Chapter 5- A Declaration Of War ✔
part 1- a new target
part 2 - preparations
part 3- preparations II
part 4 - preparations III
part 5 - strengths
Chapter 6: Science vs Magic ✔
part 1- awaited battle
part 2- true form
part 3 - wild magic
part 4 - reawakening of a monster
part 5 - you win some you lose some
part 6 - psychopath
part 7 - It wasnt you
part 8 - Ainz Ooal Gown
part 9 - man vs monster
Chapter 7 - Conquering The Great Tomb ✔
part 1 - The second floor
part 2: the seven star sisters
part 3: unshakable presence
part 4: bird's eyeview
part 5: the 5th floor
Chapter 8: Magic War✔️
Guess whos back???
Clarifications for Chapter 8
Part 1- ainz ooal gown vs the platinum dragonlord
Part 2- the tide of the war
Part 3- A touch of reality
Part 4- Change
Part 5- The Road To Victory

Part 6- Existential crisis

727 46 31
Bởi sharpeyes123

"How truly unfortunate.."


Sorcerer kingdom/ 3rd pov

Following the aftermath of the battle, the dust cleared, revealing a "person" dressed in yellow military garment.
Now stripped of his momon persona, he displayed no external injuries as he scanned his surroundings.

"That was a close one.."

"To think she had such a dangerous last resort. Though it is too bad for her that such a gamble didn't pay off."

Within his hands, a glowing light grew brightly, and once it dissipated, an item was left in its place.

Though not as unknown in the world of Yggdrasil, only certain organizations of this world knew the existence of these world altering tools.

"If it wasn't for this world item..."

He didn't wish to finish his thought, perhaps disillusioned with it himself.

With the thought that he could possibly have been bested.

He didn't use the power of that unnamed world item itself, merely having it equipped onto oneself had granted him enough power to resist that attack.

All guardians of nazarick have at least one world item with them at all times for the worst-case scenario.
A world item could possibly resist the power of another world item, and even save one from death given circumstances.

Not counting the effects of that individual world item itself, there are many advantages that would put one who who has one in a more advantageous position as opposed to one who does not.

"An incomprehensible possibility indeed. even weaklings would resort and succumb to anything in order to try and save themselves, especially when fighting someone overwhelming superior! Having that world item on hand was truly the right call!"

Pandora actor was lamenting everything in a low mutter.

"Did he foresee even this event..!"


"But of course, who else could have perceived such a thing but ainz-sa-



He made an exaggerated pose as he held one hand in the sky as if theater lights were shining brightly on him.

Surely, ainz ooal gown would feel an uncomfortable itch run through his spine had he witnessed such a spectacle.


He came back to his senses as he Brought his hand back down and once again scanned the area.

"That vampire one is dead isn't she?"

"And what of her friend?"
Did she run away then?"



"Humans aren't like items at all."

"They are much harder to read. Unlike items, you can abraise them and get every description, strengths and weaknesses of an individual."

"I believed I was getting pretty well at reading them, yet that girl just ran away after annoyingly boasting about how she would protect her friends."

"This is why I don't like these humans outside of nazarick."

Humans lie and betray even their friends at the slightest sign of danger.
They trample over the ones they swore to protect in a desperate attempt to preserve their own worthless lives.

"That is why I can't stand them."

Anyone from nazarick wouldn't think twice to happily give up their own worthless lives for n for the 41 supreme beings.

They all understand their duties and responsibilities. Naturally, the feeling is even stronger than with the guardians.

Unlike humans, we of nazarick are truly selfless beings who will happily give our lives for the supreme beings and nourishment of nazarick.

Even items hold no such betrayal, as such they too are more valuable than humans.

At least items aren't thoughtlessly arrogant. With a single look everything about that item is laid bared and true.

There are no lies.

If we are to say that everyone in nazarick had their reasons for disliking humans...

...Then this was pandora's actor's.

"Speaking of which, I should make a pit-stop by the treasury today. I believed I've earned myself this reward!"

As pandora's actor walked off talking to himself, the defeated figure of Lakyus steadily trodded off into hiding...

5th floor / 3rd pov

"How. truly. unfortunate.."

With a swift blow, accelerator's attack was repelled.

The destroyed wings took less than a moment to reform.


Something had also changed within cocytus.
His hand that was once free now held yet another item.
Even accelerator could tell.

Cold breath escaped the guardian's nostrils as he pondered on the results.

"So. It. Was. Repelled. But. Not. Destroyed?"

"Is. That. To. Say. That. Power. Of. Yours. Is. On. Par. With. Even. That. Of. A. World. Item..?"

"But. I. Was. Waiting. For. You. To. Show. Me. That. Power. Pushing. You. To. That. Limit. Sets. The. Necessary. Condition."

"It. Is. Up. To. You. Now. Pleiades. Sisters."

The vectors of the area compressed and gathered in a single spot on his wings. And like a sharp knife, it impaled into cocytus far more fiercely than the last, crushing and pinning him into the far ice wall.

Taking the guardian of nazarick, out of commission.


Accelerator looked up above him.

Just in time, to see the ice ceiling of that castle break and cave in.
The new opponents consisted of the previous Pleiades, with one new addition.

"Cocytus-sama was right..."

"His power surpasses even 12th tier magic and is on par with that of a world item."
"To ensure he can't resist the effects of Longinus, it was necessary for cocytus-sama to push him to his limits."

"That's why..."

"Here and now.."

Yuri alpha readied her attack.



With her gauntlet fists growing bright, the grunt of the Pleiades punched the air, sending a descending wave of wind and ice crashing down on accelerator, who easily repelled the attack with a wave of his hand.

As soon as the wind dissipated however, lupesregina's battle axe flew past and landed a few distance behind the uncaring esper.


The axe transformed to reveal nabe.

"Illusionary magic? They're trying to draw my attention."

"[Chain-dragon lightening]"

Lightening strikes in the form of dragons roared and charged at the esper like vicious snakes.

And the second his eyes and attention turned to face that oncoming onslaught, created an opening that would not be missed.


A laser-like sniper shot was taken right at accelerator's cranium.
The shot, too fast to be perceived by the human eye, bounced off accelerator like the bending of light. It's course of direction now heading for the dragon-lightening.

The collision between the two resulted in an explosion that created a smokescreen.

"[breath of fly]"

The youngest of the sisters, Entoma, unleashes her trump card amongst the chaos.

A swarm of flies spews out from the concealment of the smoke and they all rush to pierce through the esper and lay their eggs, an act which should result in an agonizing death of getting eaten from the inside out by countless maggots.

But, Those insects were not the only one to attempt to intercept the esper.

Yuri alpha spawned out of the smoke, directly in front of accelerator with her right arm at the ready.

"We can't miss this opportunity cocytus-sama provided for us. We'll definitely create an opening for omega, no matter what!"

"[armament enhancement]"

Enhancing her physical attributes, yuri alpha struck at the same moment as the flies pounced on him. Covering him completely, there were no openings to escape.


The two dark pillars on his back rose high, and following it, the floor cracked and a sinister wind fiercely formed at his feet.
Blowing and repelling away all his adversaries.


" hehe this temperature is just perfect."

Accelerator rose his hand, and with a snap of his fingers, a sizzling spark ignited a chained explosion that set the fierce wind aflame, turning it into a violent inferno that swallowed everything in its flames with accelerator at its center.



The Pleiades were forced to draw distance.
The many countless insects shrieked and cried as they burned away into ash.

The strong stench of roasted insects, filled the entire castle grounds.
Entoma, being an insectoid herself, took significant damage as her vulnerability to fire was put into light.


Narberal raged as her maid armor's quick-change effect took place, allowing her to summon her standard weapon, Keraunos MK 3.


In the same moment, solution reduced her body into its full slime substance.
The slime rose upon high like a tidal wave in a raging ocean and it quickly snuffed out the flames.

But it didn't stop there.


Accelerator watched on as the slime on the ground made its way towards him as if alive. It climbed up his body and wrapped around his legs, his torso, his arms,

It restrained him in place so that he may not escape.

"Do it now!"

Solution's head took form in the slime content as she issued the command to charge in.

Narberal Gamma's weapon roared with lightening as she charged head first with a desperate attempt to deal some form of damage  towards accelerator, solution's slime reinforcing her lightening based attack.

Though they restricted him, they unfortunately failed to realize that in his current state, accelerator had more than just four limbs.

The black pillars on the esper's back rose up, and immediately following it, the charging Narberal smacked dead into thin air.
It was as if she had ran full speed into an invisible brick wall, her entire body contorted as she was sent flying in the opposite direction.
The sound of her own bones cracking and breaking rung loudly in her ears.



"I've extended the range of my reflection away from my body. Though I would usually need to make physical contact with the vectors I attempt to manipulate, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore..?"

"What the..."

As she was wrapped around his body, solutions was the first to take note of his unbothered attitude.

" this bastard seriously spacing out?!"

Seething anger boiled up.

It was as if all the efforts they were putting into beating him were not even worth his attention.

Like a bunch of children trying to restrain a grown adult who's just playing along with their antics...

"No...I can still feel the vectors and the feeling of changing their direction hasn't changed, it's more like my reach has simply gotten longer."
"Those things on my back seem to act as an extension of my arms, perhaps it's even more than that..."

Accelerator continued to ponder on his thoughts, ignoring what was going on around him.

Though still fueled by bloodlust, compared to the first time accelerator manifested that darkness, he was much calmer now and capable of using his head.

It appears the more times he uses it, the more of his sanity he is able to retain.

"Then is that overwhelming bloodlust and rage merely the means of transformation?"

Many questions about his own abilities clouded his mind, but he decided to push away those thoughts for now.

As the dark hands of insanity once again creeped their way into his mind, Accelerator's lips broke down in a murderous grin.

It didnt matter what it was, he would make use of this power.


The slime around his body contorted and formed into a dense ball.

Drown him in its contents.

Crush him with its pressure.

Send the slime into his body and melt him with his own stomach acid.

Solution, fueled with anger, attempted everything at once, and yet it didn't even feel like she was making direct contact with him.
As if a protective layer shielded his body from attempts.

He looked close enough to touch, and yet felt so far out of reach.


Seeing her attempts bear no fruit, solutions opened up countless coin sized holes within her condensed slime, making way for CZ to assist.

And CZ delta wasted no time in delivering.
Striking precise and accurate magic shots through every single opening.
The magic rounds, powered through the means of the holy element, was far faster than even the lightning speed attacks from earlier. It surpassed what the human eye could perceive and was far faster than one's reflexes.

The countless rounds, foreign magic to the accelerator, easily passed through his vector defenses, and yet it still failed to reach him.

Accelerator's body twisted, turned and dodged the volley of attacks, the rounds having triggered his second reflect, forcing the esper to avoid contact against his will.
The slime encompassing his being, forced to follow his movements.


With a mere look, explosions ran across the ground all around him. Usually, he would have need to stomp his foot in order to create this phenomenon, but with those things on his back, that didn't seem to be the case.
Accelerator took note of this.

With a snap of his fingers, the ringing sound waves of those explosions were amplified to max while simultaneously reflecting those sound waves away from himself, thus amplifying them even more.
Eardrums were ruptured and their bones rattled from within their bodies, countless chained explosions followed, and the dense slime ball burst,sending solutions, now back in her human form, blasting away from acceleration while groaning in pain.


The sharp tone of his wings started to rage more violently as accelerator's bloodlust grew more sinister.

"...that will be all."


Behind accelerator, an unexpected opponent took the stage.

Unlike the rest of her sisters, she didn't wear some sort of modified maid outfit, but instead wore light clothing similar to that of a Japanese shrine maiden.

The bandages which covered her eyes had been discarded and now laid around her neck.

"How the hell did she get behind me?
I couldn't follow it, it was almost instantaneous."

In her slender hands was a weapon that looked out of place on her rather elegant appearance.

"Did she warp? All I managed to learn about this one was that she oversee all transportation within the floors of this labyrinth."
"To think she could use it like this too..."


Accelerator scowled as he turned his attention to aureole.

This one was a threat.

Aruole omega's abilities made her a great support, as such accelerator never expected her to take the fighting stage for herself.

"I was careless."

"These damn fuckers have so many game-like mechanics, yet they aren't following any of it!"

"Oi! you damn shithead! You've never picked up a controller before or what?! When fighting a boss, the support should just stay in the back and focus on healing and buffing!"

Accelerator lunged one of his wings at her, but lupesregina was faster.
She jumped in front of the attack with her battle axe at the ready, countless mana infused shields as well as boosting her own defenses, she took accelerator's attack head on.

Her healing and durability made her the perfect tank.

It broke through all her defenses and smashed deep into her abdomen, she coughed up blood as she was sent flying.
The pressure with which she was struck was as if reality and gravity itself bended in its path.

She lost consciousness but her defenses allowed her to escape with her life.

The sinister power oozing from that world item she held was ominous even to the esper. That wasn't there before.

"Damn, this is annoying."

"And I still need to recapture that fucking doll one and find a safe place to hack into her memories."

Though minuscule as it was, the Pleiades had succeeded in drawing accelerator's attention from aureole omega, their trump card. Which opened the path for this winning opportunity.

And because there was a chance he may have being drawn towards Longinus, omega had hidden the world item into a different dimension until the moment she warped behind the esper.

"Don't do anymore..."

Omega rose the world item above her head as if about to slam it on the ground.

"To my onee -sans!!"

With an earth shattering sound, omega smash the world item into ground, and a bright light followed.

This light had only shone once before, a light recognized by the Pleiades sisters and a testament of the level of their youngest sister's immortality which threatens even the system.

Longinus was now activated.

And it's three phases, followed activation in quick succession.

When this bright light would cease, everything would be decided.


Accelerator sent a desperate attack at her, but it didn't reach.

Aureole omega choose herself as the host.

Her target, accelerator.

With that, the two sacrifices for existence erasure were decided.

But only one of them held the power to resist such an effect.

The cards were set.

And the light...shone ever more brightly.


Those cold words escaped her lips, before her silhouette was lost to the bright light.


Everything broke, and the world went dark.

The last sensation the esper felt, was of the ground breaking and everything around him being split apart.
The last he heard, was the echoing screams of the battle maids as his drowsiness rose.
And finally, the pitch darkness was the last he saw as he seemed to fall down forever.
With his powers fading, the stress on his body made it hard to even move a finger.

"Damn it..."

Accelerator let out one last whisper as he succumbed to his drowsiness,

Finally losing consciousness...

A/N: Goddamn how long has it been?!
But seriously though, sorry for not writing sooner, I got in a car crash, was hospitalized and almost died but that's no excuse to not release chapters.

Back to important matters tho.
As you can guess I'm pretty behind on overlord. While I was away, there have been some new LN releases that better explained a few more things that we didn't know prior to this fic. Sooome of which kinda contradicts what I wrote about the overlord here prior to those information.🤷🏽‍♂️

But we are way to deep into it now to go back tens of chapters prior and rewrite everything based on the current new release. This is litterally the last arc of this fic.
So I just wanted you guys to keep that in mind.

Prolly the biggest "F U" to this fic rn was how it completely did a 360 on zesshi and the elf king. In recent releases of overlord (I think vol 16) the elf king is more of a shitbag than I gave him credit for and apparently doesn't even know about zesshi.

In this fic, I didn't know that yet so I built on context clues. The fact that he went to the trouble of kidnapping the theocracy's hero and impregnating her, I had assumed he would have at least known he had a daughter with her and keep up with that smh.

Anyway, I'm going too far into this. Just know this,

In overlord, elf king doesn't know about zesshi.
In this fic, he does. It's too late to change it now so we rolling wit it🥱

I'm back.

And as always, peace!

P.S: this chap may have been a bit rushed. Sorry about that, I wanted to at least release something since I've been gone for so long. You guys are gonna have to give me just a little bit of time to get back in the feels of the story. That's the only way I can really start to cook!

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