Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x l...

By ImpulseSvisyes

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Medieval Fic with hermitcraft and life series members, Dont know where this will go or how good it will be, i... More

I'll be there.
The Beginning and The Ending
State of Affairs
True King
The Kings Council
Origin Of Power
The Flower and the Pearl
Fâmily Ťree
Tears of the Forrest
The Ashes
Duty or Pride
Playing God
Everyone Burns
God's Grace
For you
Loyalty or Survival
The War to end all Wars
Rise and Fall
Everybody Loses

Unlikely alliance

125 7 11
By ImpulseSvisyes


The gates closed on me, barricading me from the kingdom i had served for years, the walls i had been inside since my birth, i look up at them for what i think will be the final time before turning away, walking down the path towards Stratos, as it is the only path to walk down.

I walk for a few minutes before hearing the gates opening from behind me, i make sure to jump into the forrest behind me to not be seen.

I could hear horses in the distance, getting closer and closer to me before i saw the king riding by, seemingly on his way to Stratos.

I made sure he's long gone before getting back on my path, coming across a path leading into a forrest, i suppose i couldn't go to Stratos, so this was my best option.

I walk slowly in being surprised by how colourful and lively it is beyond the first few layers of trees, people, and houses everywhere. This must be the mushroom forrest I've been hearing of.

It doesn't take much to find out i was right. The mushrooms everywhere make it pretty clear where i am.

Im met by a man around two inches taller than me, but these two inches mean a lot as he stares down at me, intimidating me before putting on one of the nicest smiles i have seen.

"Hey! what brings you here?" He asks, easing me a little.

"Banishment does, I've been kicked out of those walls." I say, pointing in the direction of dogwarts.

"Oh. Yeah, that's a shame. You're not the first banished person we've had. There was a boy around seven years ago as well, and Im Iskall, " the unusually accented man says, putting out a hand to me.

I shake his hand, "Im Xb." I smile, letting go before something clicks in my head. "Wait, the boy, what was his name?" I ask, remembering the time of when Scar was banished.

"Oh, it was Scar. He was only around ten. i can't believe they'd banish him." He says, turning around and beckoning me to follow him.

"Is he still here? Where is he? I know him!" I ask quickly, keeping up with him.

"Really? You know him? well, he left about two years ago. He said he was going to search for his mother as she had been banished too, i don't know where he is now." He says, leading me into the same mushroom Scar had been brought into to.

"Thank you, I'll find him." I say, looking around and spotting another woman in here.

"Oh hey, who's this Iskall?" She asks the other man and gives me a smile.

"This is Xb, a friend of Scar's, and newly banished." He says, walking behind her to get himself a drink.

"You're a friend of Scar's?" She asks me with a hopeful look on her face.

"No, but i knew him, and now im hoping to find him." I say, smiling at her before she turns around to go to a shelf.

"Well, this came a couple of days ago. It's from his friend, i think, but he hasn't been here to give it to him, and I'd be happy if you could deliver it." She pleads to me handing me a letter similar to the one Grian's father had given me.

"I will, i promise." I say, nodding my head at her before turning around to leave.

"Wait!" Iskall shouts, running up to me and handing me a sword and sheath. "It's the best we have, one of the best swords in the entire country. You need it to get to him." He says, placing his hand on mine and nodding.

"I'll do my best." I take the sword and leave, trying to pick a direction to go and find Scar, for Grian's sake.

"Do you think he can do it?" Stress asks Iskall with hope in her eyes.

"I do, i think he'll bring Scar back to us and back to his friend." He says, smiling down at her before hugging her.

No one POV.

"My king, we should rest here for the night." Bdubs says, seeing the sun setting and moon rising, and finding a nice spot to set up camp.

"Very well, we will rest here until morning and depart again, we should be there by tomorrow night." Ren says, hopping off his horse as the others do the same.

They start setting up camp, a variety of tents being put up by the men with Wels' and Hypno's help.

"I think that's it." Wels says, looking at the eight tents they had set up for them and the men.

"Seems like it to me. Let's go sit down with the other three." Hypno says, patting Wels on the back before sitting on a log with the others.

"Can i ask Ren, what if this goes wrong and they kill us all?" Cub asks, laughing a little, not realising he genuinely worried some of them.

"That won't happen, and keep the dark jokes out of here. You've frightened Bdubs look." Ren laughs as well, looking at the slightly scared Bdubs.

"I am not scared!" He shouts, putting on the bravest face he can, causing the others to laugh

"Don't worry, that can't happen, me and Wels would destroy all of their men in seconds." Hypno says, taking a bottle from Wels hands and drinking from it before handing it over to Cub.

He takes a drink of it, passing it on, "It would be stupid of them to kill us. They would take us hostage instead." He says, trying to reasure everyone, but it only slightly works.

"Joel always fights for peace. He won't do that unless he's provoked." Ren states unworried about what's going to happen.

"And Bigb ending up dead in our castle isn't provoking him?" Bdubs questions.

"We didn't kill him, though, so no, it's not us provoking him." Wels replies easing everyone.

"Well, someone is provoking him, and he doesn't know it wasn't us." Cub takes another drink.

"Well, we're already taking the chance. He probably would've killed us all by now if he thought it was us." Hypno argues, snatching the bottle from Cub.

"He's too smart to just kill us, he probablt has some other motive, or maybe not, i don't know." Cub shrugs his shoulders before standing up.

"Cubs right, anyway it's time to actually get some rest. Get to your tents, everyone." Ren commands walking over to his own tent.

"Seriously, this is the plan, identity theft?" Skizz whispers into Etho's ear as they watch everyone head into their tents.

"Got any better ideas?" Tango whispers into Skizz's other ear before hitting him on the back of the head.

"Okay, let's go." Etho says, sneaking out of the bushes.

"This one has four. Let's take it." Impulse whispers before Etho opens it up, grabbing onto one of the men covering his mouth.

The others do the same as they slit the throats of the sleeping hostages one by one.

"That was easier than expected." Skizz laughs a tiny bit, shaking some blood of his hands.

"Okay, now take their armour off and move the bodies." Tango whispers, stripping the man of his armour before dragging the body out to the woods somewhere.

The four of them sit in the tent in their newly owned armour, their cover for getting into Stratos undetected.

They go over the plan a few times, making sure to pack all the resources they'll need.

It's not long before morning comes, and the others are up and moving, packing up their tents, making sure to do their's last they pack up quickly going un noticed.

"Alright, everyone's still here so we can get going." Bdubs says after taking count of all the men.

Etho can't help but stare at Bdubs, unable to get some thoughts out of his head.

"Okay, everyone on your horses, time to go." Ren says, getting on as everyone follows behind, the four imposters getting on and making sure they're at the back.

They ride for hours until a city comes into sight, a beautiful city, to say the least, the most beautiful city any of them had ever seen.

"We're here." Cub says, grinning, looking back at all the men in awe.

They spot around fifty men at the gates of Stratos, certainly not as big of a wall as Dogwarts, but it's a good size.

They ride up before being stopped by Martyn, spotting Jimmy atop the wall, knowing it's him because of the yellow wings fanning out.

"Let us in." Ren says as Martyn smirks.

"You don't get to make commands here. It's our kingdom. We make the rules." He says laughing to Ren.

"Are you laughing at my king, I'll have your head for that." Wels says with his hand on the hilt of his sword ready.

The slight threat caused the other men to do the same on both sides, almost causing a battle right there and then.

Jimmy floats down, landing in front of Martyn, making sure his men release their swords.

"There will be no fighting on these gates, step aside Martyn, and let them in." He says, apologising to Ren before the gates begin to open.

"Wels, don't be so rash." Ren says before riding forward into Stratos.

"You can leave your horses here, you wont be needing them." Jimmy says, helping Ren off of his horse.

"Thank you, now I'd like to see the King as soon as possible." Ren asks as Jimmy nods, turning around as Ren follows.

"Do we split now?" Skizz leans in whispering into Etho's ear.

"Yes, now." Etho says quickly as they run down into a different alley unnoticed.

"We're in. Take the armour off." Impulse says, pulling off the armour, it surprisingly fitting on him, as even though he's dwarf born, he's pretty much regular human size, just on the shorter side.

Etho pulls the helmet off his head, throwing it onto the ground, finally pulling his mask up.

"Alright, we all know the plan. The prison is right below the castle. We have to remain unseen and break in." Tango says, pulling out his sword.

"The king will see you in here." Jimmy says, opening the door for them to see a massive, decorated throne room, with a Purple cloaked man looking outside.

Martyn and Jimmy come in, and they allow Ren, Bdubs, Cub, Hypno, and Wels to enter, but not the other eleven men.

"King Joel." Ren says, bowing and stopping to wait for him to turn.

"King Ren, welcome to Stratos." He says, turning around with a smile and a bloodlust in his eyes.

"It's a beautiful city, but we have some things to discuss." Bdubs says, pulling out a chair for Ren.

"Your hand is right. We have a lot to discuss." Joel sits down on the throne.

"Can i ask why you would come here when tensions are so high." Jimmy asks, confused as to why Ren would hand himself over.

"Some would say it's a stupid decision, but it was done to show we did not kill that man, an outsider did." Cub says, noticing Joel is more angry than he had expected.

"That 'man' was my friend, and why isn't that outsiders head on a spike? Oh wait, i know why. It's because you killed him!"
Joel shouts, pointing straight at Ren.

"I did not kill him!" Ren stands up, defending himself, causing Martyn to grab his sword.

"Don't lie to me, I'll have your head on a spike for this!" Joel shouts as Wels and Hypno grab the hilts of their swords.

Cub remains seated drinking from the glass in front of him, knowing they won't try to attack him.

The doors open behind them as men with blood-soaked spears and swords walk in surrounding the five of them.

"You were dead the second you entered Stratos. Bring me that!" Joel laughs, pointing to Ren's head.

Martyn pulls out his sword, fully stepping forward only Wels to step in the way.

Hypno watches the other men closely, waiting for one of them to make a move so he can try to defend his king, knowing they can't handle all of these men.

"Bring me it!" Joel shouts, laughing more, a look of insanity and enjoyment growing on his face.

"Re-think this decision!" Ren shouts, pulling out his axe.

"An eye for an eye." Martyn swings for Wels, meeting his sword.

One of the men tried to attack Hypno, only to be tripped up and killed quickly and cleanly.

Cub stands up, walking up to Joel unarmed. "This will kill us all, you know that, right?" He asks, looking down on him.

"He killed my friend." Joel says, pulling out a dagger and trying to stab Cub right before the castle starts to shake, and he drops it.

"What is that!" Bdubs shouts, grabbing onto the table as the shaking stops.

"That came from the prison, my king." Jimmy shouts.

"All of you, down there now, forget about these dead men for now!" Joel commands watching his men, including Martyn, run down.

Cub walks up to his other four, "We have to go, now!" He quickly says, bringing them to walk out.

"No, im going down to the prisons. Go without me, I'll help out here." Hypno says, stopping and turning to Joel, who nods in approval.

"They'll kill you!" Wels shouts worried for his friend.

"That's fine, i have something i need to do." Hypno walks out of the room, running down the stairs towards the prisons.

"Well, we're leaving." Ren says, running with the others out of the castle while everyone is distracted

"You really just let them leave?" Jimmy asks, watching them.

"We will get them another day. From the looks of it, they are already destroying themselves." Joel laughs, sitting back down on his throne and resting.

"Come on!" Impulse shouts, running down the corridors of the prison after blowing up the entrance.

A few guards step in front of them to stop their path, but Etho and Skizz make quick work of them.

They eventually arrive in front of a specific cell, looking in with amazement, shock, and fear.

"So it's true." Tango says mouth agape.

"He really is alive." Etho laughs, opening up the cell door with the keys he got from the guards.

"Xisumavoid lives." Impulse laughs along as they look at the confused man.

"Etho? You're here?" He asks, walking out to see his friend.

"We came for you, my friend." He says, pulling him into a hug quickly.

"Did the king send you? Are we still at war with Stratos? did we make an alliance with the Dwarves?" He asks, clearly not updated on any of the current world situation.

"It's a long story. Let's just get you out of here!" Tango shouts, trying to take him away, getting caught by men appearing in front of them.

The four of them pull out their swords, ready to fight before Martyn comes to the front.

"Go the other way! go!" Etho shouts to the other four as they turn around to run.

Hypno comes out from the path that leads that way, sword in hand, clearly angry and walking towards them.

"Hypno!" Xisuma shouts barging in front of Skizz, Tango, and Impulse.

"Xisuma?" He asks, clearly confused, looking on at a friend he thought was dead for years, a friend the entire of Dogwarts thought had died in the war.

"It's me. They saved me, help me get out!" Xisuma shouts, walking up to him, receiving a nod as Hypno lets them past.

"Etho, I knew this was you." He laughs, walking up behind him and standing next to him.

"Well, isn't this a pretty reunion? Now the two of you have to die." Martyn laughs before ordering his men to kill the two of them.

"Hypno, i know we aren't friends, but im hoping we can work together just this once?" Etho says as a spear is poked towards him, stepping back a little.

"Sure, let's kill this ba-" Hypno begins to say as a sword flies past his face, being hit away by Etho.

The two of them begin fighting the other at least twelve men. Although there's more of them, they aren't that well trained, and the two of them can overpower them easily.

It doesn't take much time for the two of them and their swords to be covered in blood, with bodies surrounding them.

"Impressive, but you're tired now, which means it's my turn." Martyn grins before pushing Hypno against a wall, kicking Etho back and trying to pierce Hypno with his sword, only for it to be stopped by Hypno.

"Get off, me." Hypno spits out barging Martyn off of him so Etho could try to stab him.

He barely misses, Martyn able to knock his sword out of his hand, knocking him onto the ground with the handle of his sword.

Hypno tries to swing for him, being met with another blade before they both drop them onto the ground.

Martyn is able to get the first punch in, punching Hypno straight in the nose and kicking him against the wall.

"You're so weak." He says, leaning down to pick up his sword just for it to get kicked out of his hands.

Etho grabs him by the back of his neck, pulling him up just to kick him back onto the ground.

Both Hypno and Etho stand over him, bleeding and tired.

"So what, we just stab him now?" Hypno asks, picking his sword back up and pointing it at him.

"If you don't, you'll regret it." Martyn spits out, leaning into the sword.

"How long do we have to wait here, we'll get caught if we wait for too long. They're probably dead." Skizz moans, pretty sure that the two of them never survived.

"As long as it takes, they'll come." Tango replies, annoyed, watching the hole they had exited from, waiting for the shadows of two men to appear.

The four of them anxiously watch for what feels like hours, every minute believing they will come out less.

"I think it's time to go." Impulse sighs, upset and pulling Tango onto the horse they had brung.

"Wait! i see them!" Xisuma points to the exit where the two of them slowly walk out, clearly injured and barely holding each other up."

Skizz rushes over to them to help them get back, pulling them up onto the horses before leaving, seeing men watching them.

"We need to get back to Dogwarts now! and tell all of our men of war!" Ren shouts as the only four remaining people who went to Stratos return to Dogwarts at high speeds.

"Do you think he survived?" Wels asks, seeming to be the only one who remembers Hypno went down to the prisons.

"Knowing him, yes, knowing Martyn, no, i wouldn't be surprised if Martyn killed him after pretending to work together the snake." Ren scoffs at the least honourable knight he's ever seen, the opposite of Wels.

"That was not the plan." Jimmy sighs, looking at Joel, who is way too unconcerned for his liking.

"No, but hopefully Gem and Scott completed their mission." He says, leaning down to pick up his dagger.

"The queen is going to be mad." Jimmy says, walking out of the blood-stained throne room with Joel.

"Oh well, they killed my friend, and tell the men to find Martyn, i want to know whats going on down there." Joel asks, walking away from Jimmy.

He gets back to his room before laying straight down on the bed, tears forming in his eyes remembering his friend, and the thought of the war coming scaring him.

End of chapter 5: 3321 words

No comments (Im tired). I hope you enjoyed.

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