born of Ewya

By harusenpai132

669 31 3

Zeza and Lehlie were born from the soil of ewya and have never been unhappy with their way of life. tho they... More

character info
chosen ones
hidden truth
New feeling
Fight or Flight
the storm has stopped
water navi
Unwanted Drama
The Fight
good day gone bad
Ticking Clock
War is coming
What is this pain?...
Almost over
Catching up
future plans

The truth

22 1 0
By harusenpai132

Zezas POV:

After leaving the merui i see Lehlie holding Aoung by his neck while rushing to Jake and the others i sigh softly before following far behind to see the commotion up close"TELL THEM WHAT YOU TOLD ME!"i hear lehlie scream before shoving Aoung infront of jake and neytiri harshly i twitch my ears with curiosity as he sighs" we left lo'ak...outside of the reef" Jake hissed to himself before getting the other adults involved to help look for him. Meanwhile Lehlie hissed and scolded the poor boy" HE COULD DIE YOU JERK WHAT IS WITH U!"she yells hissing and swinging her tail rapidly while cursing he only felt worse seeing how worried she was"look i realize now it was horrible im sorry" he tried to hug her but she only hissed loudly before glaring into his eyes"If he is hurt or worse....You better pray you dont see Ewya"she walks off quickly to see if they have any luck yet.


we were all waiting untill finally we saw him approaching i sigh with relief while lehlie only stayed with a annoyed expression along with jake Netirty rushes down to him and checking him"I pray to Ewya that i will not pluck the eyes out of my youngest son!"She says before hissing and walking back onto the deck. Tonawari pulls Aoung by his neck and makes him bow on his knees"My son knows better he should punished and apologize for his foolishness"i Look down at lo'ak but my ears flatten when i hear him say it was his fault"Is this true" Tonawari ask making aoung nod in agreement i sigh in defeat knowing what comes next i see Jake pull Lo'ak away quickly with Lehlie behind him.

Lehlis POV:

jake is stopped when he hears me hiss loudly at lo'ak making him turn to see me glaring angrily"you are stupid ignorant like your father!"i Hiss out jake tries to step in but i hiss louder causing him to sigh"It was on me im fine-"I shush him before shaking my head in frustration"you lie for that navi boy when he almost killed are stupid very stupid ONLY!"i yell before storming off allowing jake to scold his child himself i walk to my merui and see Zeza"Oh finally back i see" i hiss out seeing her look at me" do not take your frustration out on me"she responded i growl lowly" you both have been stupid since arrival whats next?!" i shout making Zeza twitch her ears in confusion" i will talk to u when you are not screaming like banshee"she blows her fire out and heads to bed i sigh turning over and drifting to sleep as well.

No ones POV:

That morning lo'ak was telling everyone about Payton tho everyone shook it off Lehlie didn't even speak to him"hey believe me right?"Lo'ak as desperate for her gaze or response"I believe you did but i believe nothing else u say!"she says coldy making him sigh with relief and hurt she walked away while they spoke but didn't noticd Tsireya following her she stopped in her tracks and stared at her confused" why follow me-"before she could finish the girl spoke" who are Lo'ak" she ask softly but with tone Lehlie blinks and tilts her head at the question before giggling to herself" dont worry beautiful we are just friends^^" Lehlie says walking away leaving the girl flustered with the response Lehlie was trying to avoid speaking to lo'ak due to their argument but it seems every time she did he snuke his way back in" hey Lehli!"lo'ak shouted catching up but before he could step closer she knocks him over with her tail before running away putting him on a chase.

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