Contractual 📄❤️

By MoonTaekook77

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The life of two people who are not interested in marriage but got entangled. Let's see how they survive in th... More

Our Time


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By MoonTaekook77

Jhope picked up Tae "Why do you want to come with me today, Hyung?"

"Nothing" Tae keeps looking around and finds the two boys standing in a few distance from their house, he looks down.

Jhope noticed him in the side mirror and looked around "What happened Hyung, Is there any problem with them?" Jhope stopped the bike noticing the two men.

"First start the bike, I will tell you" Jhope started the bike as Tae said. "What is happening to your life Hyung, why are you hiding so much from me?"

"The neighbors know about the contract and they misbehaved with me" Tae said, making Jhope pull the sudden brake.

"What the..." Jhope got down from the bike and launched towards the men and started to punch them, not caring Tae's voice.

"Jhope, stop it" Tae pushed him away from the two men and looked at the cut on lips "Blood" he wiped the blood from his saree corner.

"You got angry?, but we just offered your Hyung what he was doing, don't worry we will give the money" One man who was beaten said, making Jhope again punch him.

"Please stop this Jhope" Tae pulled with him nearing the bike "Start the bike" Tae shouted at the younger.

"But Hyung they..."

"I said start the bike Jhope" Tae ordered and Jhope looked at the man "Next time you get near my Hyung then that will be the last day for you" he obeyed Tae and took him to house.

Tae left to his room and again his room witnessed the painful cries of him. 

Next day Jhope visited Jeon mansion first thing in the morning and shouted in the hall making the family members come to the hall.

Ha-joon is the first one to come down, Jhope looks at him and averted his gaze.

"Jhope, come how are you?" Jin asked "Ha-joon, talk to him while I will make tea for him"  Jin said to Ha-joon.

"I didn't come to meet him" Jhope said to him and walked to Jungkook then gripped his shirt collar "What did my Hyung do to you, why are you hurting him"

Namjoon came between them "Relax Jhope"

"Relax? How can I? My hyung is hurting there because of him, you know how much he is facing"

"People in the office are mocking him, slút shaming him and our neighbors misbehaving with him asking to spend a night with them, how much my Hyung can face because of you" Jhope shouted.

Jungkook widened his eyes "Who misbehaved with Taehyung?"

"Don't act, he's facing them because of you" Jhope punched Jungkook's jaw, others gasped.

Jungkook can punch back but he wanted to feel the pain as he made Tae go through so much.

Namjoon and Jin stood between Jungkook and Jhope "What are you doing?" Namjoon asked Jhope with a little anger and Jin checked his son.

"This is what I should do to him for hurting my Hyung" Jhope again went to Jungkook but this time Ha-joon pushed him away harshly that made Jhope back away a few steps.

"You hurt my brother because he hurted your Hyung then should I hurt brother-in-law for hurting my Hyung? Not only he is in pain but my Hyung is in pain too"

"The contract was signed by both parties and it was signed with brother-in-law's consent then how is it only my Hyung's fault?" Ha-joon glared at Jhope.

Jungkook held Ha-joon's hand, stopping him to talk but the younger one didn't stop with it.

"People ask and harass my Hyung about the contract too like how people were asking Brother-in-law, he showed out his pain but my Hyung didn't, that's the difference"

"You're supporting him, the Hyung you got a month ago?" Jhope asked in disbelief, seeing Ha-joon talking to him rudely.

"I support both of them but if you only see your Hyung then I will see mine" Ha-joon firmly said.

Jhope didn't move his gaze from Ha-joon, Jungkook wanted this chance to say his thoughts so he used Jhope's silence.

"Jhope, I made a mistake by sending him away but now I really love him" Jungkook said.

"You love my Hyung?" Jhope looked at Jungkook.

"Yes and I want him back, you will help me right?" Jungkook asked hopefully "You love Ha-joon and I love your brother we can help each other, I will help you to convince my parents and you help me to convince Taehyung"

"But they know my relationship with Ha-joon and accepted us" Jhope pointed at the Namjin  couple.

Jungkook frustratedly sighed "But I will not allow you to marry my brother, Ha-joon will you marry him without my permission?"

Ha-joon, who was struck by the happiness of Jungkook calling him brother and shook his head as no.

Jhope gasps and Jungkook smirks at him "Now what do you say?"

Namjoon whispered to Jin "See what your son is doing? He just proved he is your son, remember how you talked with my appa in the village when I first took you there after our marriage" Jin smiled remembering the day and actioned his husband to be silent.

"If you love hyung then I support you" Jhope said, confused about the situation, he came here to fight with Jungkook but now supporting him.

Jungkook wrapped his arms in Jhope's shoulder "I know you will support me, Thank you and you can marry my brother but not now and one more thing behave with him or my punches are more effective than you" he patted him "Ok then I will get ready for office" then jogged upstairs happily.

Namjoon and Jin smiled at him then went to their room giving space to the young couple. Jhope looked at them and dragged Ha-joon out.

"You will not marry me if you're Hyung refused me huh?" Jhope shaked the shoulder of Ha-joon.

"You will do the same right? You just left me that day and when I called you to meet, you said you had plans, you are clearly avoiding me" Ha-joon removed himself from the hold.

Jhope held Ha-joon hand "I was angry hearing the contract marriage and again I really had plans yesterday, I promised to take Hyung home" he cupped younger's face "I didn't avoid you just worried about Hyung"

Ha-Joon hugged him "Don't ignore me again" Jhope hugged him back "Ok, you too don't raise your voice on me supporting your Hyung" and the younger nodded, smiling.

"Did you see that Hyung called me brother?" Ha-joon asked, lifting his face excitedly.

"Yeah yeah, I saw it and suddenly you refused to marry me supporting him?" Jhope raised his eyebrow.

"Hehee I was so happy... sorry" Ha-joon gave a smile to melt his lover.

"Alright, get your bag, I will drop you" Jhope said and he dropped Ha-joon to his company then went to Jeon corporation.

Jungkook came to the office early and waited near the elevator for Tae, this is the only time he meets him so can't miss the moment.

Tae glanced at him and entered the lift ignoring him. Jungkook followed him and stood behind him as he could see Tae from back fully, and to his luck, no one with them in the elevator today.

Jungkook eyed the bare skin and his view went down hawking the covered butt, he licked his lips and fisted the hand which is urging to slap that attractive round bumps, he remembered about the anklet and moved his view to the foot but the saree hided the ankle, he bent to look more clearly.

"What are you doing?" Tae looked at him in the corner of the eye and gritted his teeth as he found the older man behaving weird.

Jungkook cleared his throat "Nothing, I was checking the floors" he casually turned his head around to avoid being caught red handed and again his eyes fell on younger and saw the bare waist between the saree and tilted his head to peek at his favorite place, the cute belly.

"Here I am being sad for leaving him but he seems to gain weight without me, how will it feel to be pressed inside my palm" older thought and licked his lips eyeing the belly "Jungkook, you had become a pervert but it's okay he is my wife"

Accounts department floor came so Taehyung walked out and the tiny bells in the anklet made a sound making the older smile wide. Jungkook punching the air in happiness.

Jungkook cleared his files and meetings then walked towards the accounts department, the workers greeted him and went to their work as he ordered. He checked the files placed on the cupboard while stealing a glance at Taehyung.

Tae gave a sharp glare at him then continued his work like Jungkook was not here at all.

"Mr.Jeon, if you have any doubts you can ask me" Leela said getting near Jungkook, older got irritated "Miss.Leela seems to have plenty of free time, how about I gave you a termination letter then you can enjoy your free time at home" Leela understands his words "Sorry Mr.Jeon" she went to her table.

Jungkook took a deep breath and rubbed his face to wipe off his annoyed mood then looked at Tae, his heart felt the immerse happiness just from looking at the beautiful man.

Jimin noticed the boss's behavior, when he got closer to Tae to inform about it, the younger moved to the next table as someone asked doubts in clearing the accounts.

Tae leaned down on the table to look at the screen and it resulted in his saree moving from its place showing more of his waist and tummy skin.

Jungkook widened his eyes at first then his gaze turned lustful looking at the glowy part, he shamelessly stared at the younger wanting to grip the waist and slam them towards his body and wanted his tongue all over the bare skin.

He was smitten by the beauty and forgot about the tent forming under his pants, he looked at the tightness of the pants and cursed himself "Oh shít, when did I become sexually weak" he was always a gentleman who controls his desire until the man named Taehyung entered his life and unleashed the different side of him.

"I better leave the place" Jungkook mumbled looking at Tae for last time but his surprise younger already looking at him, he locked his  eyes with Tae letting them talk without words,

Taehyung's eyes held unknown emotions rather than the usual glare he was giving for the last one month. Jungkook's eyes moved down at the flowing saree in the air then the naked waist.

Tae blocked the view by pulling the saree down, he looked up to face Tae and flash a sheepish smile, this time Tae stared at him angrily and mouthed "Scoundrel"

Jungkook smiled at the familiar word and left the place with a cheeky smile. He walked inside his cabin happily.

"You talked with Mrs.Jeon?" Yoongi asked to see his boss in a happy mood.

"No, but he said Scoundrel" Jungkook sat on the chair, rolling it round and giggling.

"He was happy to be called aa a scoundrel?" Yoongi mumbled and looked at Jungkook weirdly.

"He has gone mad." Assistant commented, seeing his boss laughing for no reason.

Tae and Jimin having their lunch on their table as they didn't want to hear the people's nonsense.

"What is happening? Mr.Jeon roaming around the accounts department often" Jimin asked, taking the bite from his lunch box.

"I don't know" Tae didn't give much reaction, he himself was confused by Jungkook's behavior.

"I was already exhausted from the people in the office badmouthing me, even some men from neighbors torturing me, I don't have time to focus on what he is doing" Tae tiredly said.

"Neighbors? How did they know?" Jimin stopped eating, focusing on Tae.

"I don't know but the look they gave made me feel ashamed" Tae wiped his silent tears.

"Mr.Jeon isn't at fault, our office people got to know the contract through Jhope's anger on Mr.Jeon and maybe he shouted in your home too that made the neighbors know it" Jimin said concerning.

"Tae, I think you should talk to Jhope because his anger is creating more problems for you and he went to Jeon mansion today to beat Mr.Jeon, even though I am happy he stands for you but you may not like him fighting with Mr.Jeon" Jimin carefully said, watching Tae's face.

"What?Jhope hit him?" Tae asked, widening his eyes "Did he hit Jhope too?" He knows his husband's strength, he had seen him practice boxing and do the work out daily.

"Yoongi said Jhope hit him but didn't mention Mr.Jeon raising a hand on him, didn't you see the cut on his lips?"

Tae shook his head left to right, He didn't scan the elder carefully to notice that, he was afraid he would go to Jungkook's arms if he looked at him for long.

"I will talk to him." Tae said, he had enough problems creating around him and in the end it fell on his head to face alone.
To be continued

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