Breeze. Winx Club Fanfiction

By SaltyFork

14.5K 496 58

"Why don't you guys trust me?" Skylar asked, eyes watering. Nobody has an answer. Scratch that. They had an a... More

Introducing Our Main Character
One: Alfea
Two: Annual Gala
Three: Azer
Four: Day of the Rose
Five: Misunderstandings
Six: Midterms and Floras Plants
Seven: Water Nymphs
Eight: Bye Bye Bloom Bye Bye Magix
Nine: Mission to Domino
ten: Tunnels to Cloud Tower
Eleven: So much walking
Twelve: Season 1 Finale
1.2 are you okay?
2.2 Rescue Mission
3.2 Bonded Pixies
5.2 Eaves dropping
6.2 Self Defence Pro
7.2 Knightly Visions
8.2 Feeling Homesick

4.2 Amore saves the day

364 18 4
By SaltyFork

(A/n the way that these episodes were made over 10 years ago? HOW)

If Skylar had a penny every time they had been  blindly walking through the caves, she would be a millionaire by now. 

"Stella, I'm worried about Brandon too but marching blindly into the dark isn't going to help anything, you know." Sky reasoned. 

Stella was striding in front of the group, visibly angry. 

"Hey Sky?" Skylar leaned closer to whisper "Don't push it." 

"Why did Brandon even agree to marry that monster princess in the first place!" Chatta asked incredulously. 

"They're form two different worlds! Forbidden love!" Amore swooned. 

"Forbidden, yeah right!" Stella gritted her teeth. 

"I'm sure that Brandon was just playing along to protect Stella!" Salem joined in on the conversation. 

"Stella!" Bloom crouched for a second. "Can we not stop for a second? I'm getting a cramp!"


"Did she even hear me?" 

Chatta flew up to Stella. "Um...Stella?" 

Stella exploded. "No! We're not stopping! Not even for a second!" She screamed. 

" Grandpa Fahrenheit always said, no use in changing the oil when the engines running." Digit commented. 

"C'mon Bloom." Bloom hopped onto Skylar's back and off they went once more. 

"Stella! If you fall in the dark and twist your ankle, I am not going to carry you!" Sky yelled. 

"I would!" Skylar countered. "I would heal it too but do try and not break your ankle. It'll slow us down!" 

"See! Skylar's on my side!" Stella argued angrily. "I'll take that!" She snatched the flashlight out of Sky's hands. 

Digit flew past Amore. "Good luck Amore! You've got the crazy one!" 

"But it's love! Can't you see?" Amore cooed. 

The group had reached the downland crystals and eventually came across a clearing where small block-y houses were laid out. 

"Guys! We made it!" Stella informed. 

"This is downland?" 

"That's funny...Last time I arrived on the other side of town..." Stella looked around. "Oh well. At least we're here!" 

"Someone's coming!" Lockette peeped. 

"Let's hide!" 

A downland soldier came marching down, potentially on a patrol around the city. 

"What unhealthy looking skin!" Tune cringed as he left. 

"Phew, he's gone." Skylar called to the rest. "Let's go find Brandon." 

"Stay out of sight!" Bloom added. 

The visitors crept around the city, directing the pixies to follow and dodging the sight of the guards. 

Eventually they landed themselves in a randoms house. 

Stella collapsed in the house, drawing attention from the outside as they heard footsteps. 

"Stella, what's wrong?" Sky called. 

"I'm starting to get those dizzy spells again..." Stella whimpers. 

Skylar dove to the floor and hovered her hands over Stella. A glow emitted from her hands and soon enough, Stella blinked a bit, her mind a lot clearer. 

"Thanks Skylar..." Stella got up from the floor. 

"What I'm here for isn't it?" Skylar shot back a grin. 

The footsteps eventually passed. But the door swung open anyways. 

But it was only a cat. 

The pixies peeked out from under some ceramic tableware. 

"We're safe." They sighed. 

The group kept sneaking about the city, a bunch of floating dishes following them. 

"The coast is clear!" They began to run again. 

The pixies were under a different situation, having being caught in the pots and scattering like mice before they found their way back to the Winx (and limited edition Sky.) 

Sky bent down to help one of the pixies out of a jar they were stuck on when one of the guards came up behind him. 

"Sky! Look out!" The pixies called. 

But the soldier swung his bat and Sky fell down like a Ken Doll. 

Bloom came rushing out. "You're asking for it, you bully! I'll teach you a lesson!" She enchanted his bat to beat the soldier unconscious.

Their celebrations didn't last long, considering that they had attracted the attention of a lot of other guards that were patrolling around. 

The group ran as fast as they could, running all around the city. 

Meanwhile, Amore had gotten herself lost and was casually floating around the city until she found herself a very sad citizen. 

But the group was sure to find her later. 

They ran and ran and ran but soon the Trog soldiers soon realised that they weren't fast enough. With the blow of a whistle a giant bug by the name of Torito flopped down, blocking their path. 

"What is it was weird bugs getting in our way!" Skylar yelled, frustrated. 

The soldiers cornered them. And soon, they were arrested. They could see the wedding from the bridge they were being dragged across. 

After some deliberation down at the wedding, they were granted access to watch Brandon be wedded off to some obsessive Trog princess. 

They all struggled against the soldiers when Layla spoke up. "Hey guys! That pink flower looks familiar!"

Skylar tugged at the soldier and peered down to see one pink rose among the red ones in a customary wedding bouquet. 

"I bet they smell divine!" The princess exclaimed, taking a sniff. 

Suddenly, the princess dropped the bouquet. 

"Your highness!" 

She clasped her hands together. "Its as if the love in my heart multiplied a million times! It's overwhelming!" 

Skylar and Layla shot each other a glance. "Amore!" They realised together. 

 "My love?" The princess questioned. "Where is my love?" She looked around. 

"Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you?" Someone in the crowd asked. "Your fiancé is right there!" 

Princess Amore scrunched her nose as she looked at Brandon. "Him? Just look at him!" She shrieked. "Why could I marry such an ugly creature?" 

Another Trog civilian which just so happened to be the one Amore came across (and the one that Stella and Brandon first met when they came across Downland) ran across the room. "Princess!" He called. 

"Darling!" She screamed as she trampled several of her bridesmaids to get to him. 

Skylar spotted Amore cheering in the corner. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Love prevails!" 

The princess covered him in kisses as Amore flew next to Brandon. 

"Hey Brandon! You look great!" Amore comforted. "You were born to wear a wedding suit!" 

"Don't you ever say that!" Brandon responded. "Not even as a joke!" 

Brandon did a double take, looking at the pink pixie. "Wait—hey! Who are you?" 

"I'm Amore! The pixie of Love!" 

Before they knew it, they were back on a Red Fountain aircraft on their way to Alfea. 

Skylar was playing card games with Sky while Salem and Lockette played with Bloom. 

"Reverse back to me...wild card, the color is yellow." Skylar placed as she watched Sky pick up card after card, trying to find an applicable card to play. 

Amore had explained what happened when she ran off, she had met Sponsus and helped him earn the Princess's heart. (Sponsus being the Trog that Stella and Brandon had met, who had been hopelessly in love with the princess.) 

"Hey Brandon, what's with all the juice?" Sallem questioned, looking at the red bottles of Grape Juice just standing on the floor. 

"Oh yeah!" Brandon was cuddling Stella. "It's a gift from Sponsus, he felt pretty bad about stealing my bride."

While the chosen members of Red Fountain, Alfea students and rescued Pixie had finally relaxed after an exhausting journey, (Sky and Skylar cooled down by arguing about their card game.) 

Sponsus and Princess Amentia were living their fairytale ending, happily ever afters and all. 

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