Mommy dearest, why do you wan...

By lgoffe

216K 1.1K 288

Liza has lived her whole life thinking she was a regular teenager, she couldn't be more wrong. She has to com... More

not titled
My new reality-part one
My new reality-part two
My new reality part three
Magic-part one
Magic-part two
Magic-part three
Magic-part four
Chocolate-part one
Chocolate-part two
Chocolate-part three
Chocolate-part four
Truths Unfold-part one
Truths Untold-part two
Truths Untold-part three
Truths unfold-part four
chapter five part one
chaptter five part two
chapter five part three
chapter five part four
Chapter five-part five
Chapter five-part six
Healing blood-part one
Healing Blood-part two
Healing Blood-part three
Healing Blood-part four
Healing Blood-part five
Healing Blood-part six
Dream Walker-part one
Dream Walk-part two
Dream walker-part three
Dream Walk-part four
chapter eight part one
chapter eight part two.
chapter eight part three
chapret eight part four
Angel-part one
Angel-part two
Angel-part three
angel-part four
chapter ten part one
chapter ten art two
chapter ten part three
chatpet eleven part one
chapter eleven part two
Chapter eleven part three
chapter eleven part four
Rescue Mission-part one
Rescue Mission-part two
Rescue mission-part three
Rescue mission-part four
chapter thirteen part one
Chapter thirteen part two
chapter thirteen part three
Chapter thirteen part four
Chapter fourteen part one
Chapter fourteen part two
Chapter fourteen part three (who said blood was thicker than water?)
Chapter fourteen part four

chapter fifteen. The ending.

3.1K 56 43
By lgoffe



"Oh that is a silly question my child, its pretty obvious" She said back to me. I didn't really care what she said now, I just needed to keep her talking long enough for Damen to come up with a plan to get me down from here. "How is it?" I asked in a bitchy yet confused voice, trying to make out that I was really serious about needing the answer from her. "You refused to join me, you are nothing but a silly disobedient child. And you are too strong, your powers have grown so much that you can rival me" she explained, taking her foo back off the stool. "Oh, I see" I said. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

"You do?" She asked me, looking curious and confused herself now. "Yeah i do, your scared of me" I admitted. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Damen was walking up behind her, as sneaky and sly as a snake. "I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared of anyone" she argued back defensively, getting pissed off now. "Yes you am, because if you wasn't you wouldn't be ding this. Its pretty obvious now" I argued back, still laughing at her. She seemed to think about her next answer before she replied. 

"I'm doing this because I have neither the time or the patience to deal with you" she said in a clam voice. "They why not just let me go back home, back to my family?" I asked as Damen picked up a fallen tree branch from the ground. "That is not your home, they took you from me. But just because I don't want you it doesn't mean that I'm letting them have you" she said with a sick smile on her bitchy face. Oh how I hate this woman, I've never met anyone as cruel and sadistic as her. And I hope that if I live past today I never meet anyone like her ever again, to be honest I would be over the moon if I never meet anyone new again.

"Well guess what?" I asked her, a smile forming on my face. "What?" she asked, looking a little more confused. "They do get me" I said just before Damen smacked her across the head with the branch hard enough to knock her out. "Quickly, untie me" I said to him. "Are you okay?" he asked me throwing the branch to the floor then running over to untie me. "Yeah, I'm fine now" I promised him as he worked on untying my hands. 

"mmmm" Lianna mumbled as she started to come to. "Quickly Damen, she's waking up" I begged him in a panicked voice. Just as he untied my hands Lianna got up from the ground, using her powers she summoned a fire ball and threw it straight at him. Causing him to go flying through the air. "You bitch" I shouted to her, causing her to turn her attention to me. "You stupid, ungrateful child" she yelled at me just as she threw a ball of energy at the stool beneath my feet. The stool fell from under my feet, but the rope was still around my neck. The force of the rope around my neck caught me off guard as it knocked the wind out of me. I struggled with my hands to get it to loosen but I was panicking.

"Damen, help" I screamed out loud, trying to get him to help me. "Dont panick baby, I'll be right there" he shouted back to me between gasps of air. I could hear them fighting behind me but I couldn't see them. I tried to take deep breaths, to slow my breathing so I could loosen the noose around my neck and get free. Eventually I calmed down enough to pull myself up the top of the noose. I pulled myself up enough to sit on the branch that the noose was tied to. Gladly I pulled the noose from around my neck and threw it to the forest's floor, oh how it felt good to be able to breath again.

I turned back just in time to see Lianna throw another big ball of energy at Damen, throwing him into a large oak tree. I watched in shock at he slid down the tree, falling unconscious to the forest floor. "You fucking bitch" I shouted at Lianna, jumping down from the tree. I summoned as much power into my body as I could, fueling it with my anger at Lianna. I thought of all the bad things she did to me, to my family and loved ones. I thought of all the innocent people that have died at her hand, her command. I thought of my dad, how he lost his life so young. I thought about all the years I lost with him, and finally I thought of Damen. Of him lying unconscious on the floor, mere feet away from me.

"You will pay for that, bitch" I shouted then threw a ball of energy at her, unlike all the other times I've thrown things at her this ball of energy was white. Pure white. It looked beautiful, like natural energy. It was filled with bolts of white energy, like electricity. I know this doesn't make sense, but each element in the electricity ball looked like it was a different shade of white. But each one was the same.

I watched as the ball of energy crashed into her, knocking her to the ground. The force of crashing into her body making a huge dent in the ground. I watched as the earth around her body cracked, and pushed backwards as she landed where it used to be. "I told you that if you ever hurt my loved ones, my family that I would kill you. That I would make sure it was a slow and painful death, well guess what?" I threatened her then threw another ball of angelic white electricity at her. It smacked into her stomach, causing her to scream out in agony again. "The day you die has come" I answered my own question for her just as I summoned the elements to me. I called on the wind to come, to swirl around us until we were cut off from the outside world. It was like being in the eye of a tornado.

I didn't want Damen to see me like this, this angry. But I also wanted to keep him safe, that's why i made the tornado. So he couldn't see any of this and he couldn't be hurt by it either. I didn't know that I could do it, but I had to try. I could hear a little voice inside me telling me to, telling me that I could do it if I tried. So I did, and amazingly enough it worked.

I was amazed at how powerful I had actually become, far more powerful than anyone would have imagined. I looked back towards Lianna just in time to see her summoning up her own energy ball, it looked as though she was making a storm ball. I didn't have time to do anything other than throw my arms out, in a hope to protect myself. But amazingly enough a force field appeared, and prevented her storm ball from hitting me. It was close enough to me to hurt me thou, I felt a jolt go through my entire body is it made contact with the force field. It affected more than I hoped it would, taking the air from my lungs.

"No matter how powerful you get my child, I will always beat you" Lianna shouted to me over the deafening noise of the tornado. "Oh, and why is that?" I shouted back to her. I watched as a sly smile appeared on her sick, bitchy face. "Because, I have experience. I know how to use my powers, unlike you" she shouted back just before she threw her hands out at me, shooting bolts of electricity through her fingers. I tried to throw my force field up, to prevent it from hitting me. But I was too weak from her last blow, so they cut into my flesh. I screamed out in agony as the bolts cut me deep, like a hot knife through butter.

 I started to panic now, scared that I would loose to her. But I wouldn't let that happen, I have lost so much because of her already. I looked around me for inspiration, something that would help me defeat her. After a few seconds of scanning the ground my eyes rested on done twigs that have fallen from the trees. Some of them were too small to do any damage, but some looked big and sharp enough to penetrate her skin.

Focusing all my energy on the wings I imagined them lifting in the air, like gravity didn't exist. I imagined them floating towards me, and thankfully they did. Then, using the last of my strength I imagined them flying through the air. I imagined them penetrating Lianna's skin, deep enough to harm her. I was pulled out of my concentration by Lianna's loud, blood curdling screams. When I focused the last of my energy on her I noticed that they had penetrated her body, even the little ones that looked like they could cause no harm. They were so deep that only an inch or so was left showing why the rest was lodged deep inside her.

I watched in amazement as she started to turn to stone right before my eyes, like something you would see in a movie. "I won't die tonight, you will see. I'll be back" she shouted at me before she started to scream. After a few seconds thou the screams stopped as her whole form was now stone. The last thing I remember was her stone form shattering into thousands and thousands of tiny pieces, after that I was surrounded in darkness.


"Will she ever"

"worried now"

"Love her so much"

"too long"

"so powerful"

"I said she would be"

"Please Liza, wake up"

"come on baby"

I heard random bits of sentences as I drifted in and out of conciseness. I was so confused, I was in no physical pain, no emotional pain. But I could still feel, but I was dead. Wasn't I?

"Will get well soon"

"Silly, of course"

I tried to force my self to my eyes, but I couldn't. It was like they were taped shut. Then I went unconscious again.

"not long now"

"Matter of seconds"

Finally I became conscious again, and using all of my energy I forced my eyes to open. At first they only fluttered, the light behind my lids causing me excruciating pain.

"She's waking up" I heard what sounded like Angel saying to someone I could neither see nor hear. I could hear people shuffling around in the room, but the lights were still to bright for me to see.

"Liza baby, can you hear me?" I heard someone say, he sounded awefully like Damen

"Lights" I chocked out, but my voice was merely a whisper.

"What was that baby?" he asked me.

"Lights" I said again, this time it was louder.

"Okay baby, someone turn the lights down" I heard him say, within seconds the lights were dimmed. "Is that better?" he asked me. i opened my eyes again, un aware that they were closed. I focused them on the blob infront of me, it was blury but I could tell that it was someones head. I blicked a couple of times and soon I could see a whole lot better. the sight before me was the most beautiful sight in the world. "Hello baby"  I said, looking Damen in the eyes.


So thats it people :'(

I seriousally want to cry haha, this book has become such a big part of me. But i feel that this is the right place to end it. Let me know what you think, I always love to hear your feedback. Let me know what you think of the ending, of Damen and Liza's love. How strong it was to last through all that happened to them both. And most of all let me know if you think there should be a sequal. And if so I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

If I get enough votes and comments on this chapter/book I will do a sequal XD

I love you all so much for reading this, and for getting me to no 441 on the whats hot list xXx

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