Alpha Too

By JennyG576

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Book two in my ongoing saga of Angelique and her time jumping adventures with OT7 and living in Korea. Read b... More



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By JennyG576

In the hall Namjoon's hands were trying to squeeze part of your breast out of your dress while your hands caressed him through his dark purple pants. And it must have gotten slower as you hear Bibi's The Weekend playing and hiding in the dark your both still as you hear Trish's voice.

"Now Mingyu it is not Saturday."

His voice rich he says. "But they are playing the weekend song."

"Noona shouldn't have told you that story now you want to hear it all."

"Vernon said he heard from Hoshi Hyung that it happens in Korea. Are you going to kiss her or just touch her?"

Namjoon is grinning down at you his hand still in your dress and you can see him raise one eyebrow in question but you shrug just as Trish asks. "Maybe I'll touch her and then kiss her, I've heard a lot of rumors too. It was only one time all that you guys are thinking couldn't have happened." You hear some rustling and Trish's voice again. "But just look at that, I can see you like the idea of me kissing her there don't you?"

Namjoon bites his lips as the unmistakable sounds of a wet blowjob can be heard and when Namjoon looks down at his crotch and points with his free hand you can't help but laugh and the noises stop.

"Hey Kiki."

"Yeah umm hey, Namjoon and I just came out for some fresh air."

"Hi Hyung, us too."

When you and Namjoon walk towards them you watch as the men fall back walking behind and they are talking music as Mingyu calms down and knowing you will give the already overactive gossip mongers more fuel you say, "Hey your sister has a safety pin. I think I tore my dress." Looking at Namjoon he grimaces and mouthed sorry.

Trish is to the bathroom first and when she sees the tear and hears the explanation she laughs. "So your men ask about you and I too?"

"They more mention it like it's an urban legend." You say wryly. "Like if they mention it maybe it will happen or won't. Men can be so weirdly easy and it doesn't seem to matter where they come from."

Shyla has walked in and digging in her purse she says. "Sorry it took me a minute but I had to kind of wade through the guys. After Trish got me the music stopped and they all came out here. Lots of fresh air apparently outside the bathroom."

"I'm very glad the food was agreeable or they'd really have something to try to hear." Trish says and then laughs. "Hey it's my birthday and you haven't even given me a kiss."

You look at Trish angrily and when Nari has to push the door closed in Jungkook's and Bam Bams face she asks once the door is finally closed. "It took me five minutes to wade through them. What is going on, an orgy?"

"Hyungs should be in front." Dino says and gets an elbow from Yeonjun.

"Kiss ass, they won't let you get a turn either."

"At least I'm ahead of you." Dino says shoving Yeonjun half playfully. "Are orgies with girls quieter? Are orgies aren't Trish is very vo."

"Shh the water is running again. Trish said it was a tight fit. But Kiki said to just shove it in." Hobi whispers.

"Oh whoa, does Angelique like that Hyung?" Joshua says his ear against the door a glass under to hear better.

Jimin answers as he shakes his head quietly saying. "No I mean I have the smallest hands so she probably would have asked me to fist her if she did." He says from Hobi's back where he's trying to hear from the open window.

"Now we don't know that it was a fist." Scoups says. "Even if Shyla said to push her hand harder. Why would Nari say she was going to hold it and for Trish to stick it in?"

"It's a coincidence that Angelique said ow not so hard." Jackson says his eye twitching repeatedly before he slaps a hand over it. "I have to go to the bathroom, tell me what happens."

In the bathroom your laughter subsiding as Shyla translates in sign language you turn the water off and say. "Do you think anyone's going to notice? It's kind of a big hole. But the faster you shoved it in the less pain there was. It's not even red anymore. See Nari, I'm okay I'll just have one of the guys lick it so it can heal."

There was a collected gasp from outside as Jungkook reached for the handle trying to open the door and Jimin slid rapidly from Hobi's shoulders touching Jungkook's neck and knocking him out. "Well he can't be trusted. Tae you and Chris drag him out of the way and Chris you can move forward." He says watching as Chris sticks his tongue out at his band mates and hauls Jungkook's arms as Tae picks his legs up and then he climbs back on Hobi.

Nari turned on the water and signing she told you what to say again and that Jimin had just put JK to sleep, and when the water went off again you say. "I'm going to have to throw it away, that's the biggest hole I've ever seen."

"No they can't just order new ones." Someone near the back says. "Right? But wait plastic surgery?"

"If your girlfriend broke my girlfriend I'm going to be super mad." Namjoon says to Minghao making The8 laugh. And then he's super quiet. He points and says quietly. "Spread the word they are messing with us, go back to the party." Being dancers and light on their feet they all scatter fast and Chris and Felix come back grabbing Jungkook. "Don't let Jimin wake him up until the girls are back." Namjoon says holding the door open as the music starts.

Once inside he goes back to where he was sitting and as the waiter comes by he order a glass of whiskey neat and waits.

Outside the bathroom no men around the girls look around at the now empty halls and Trish looks confused. "I should have at least two of them trying to drag me off about that."

The other girls nod and Nari says. "Scoopies would have given a lecture to us about something just so we'd get bored and start kissing and touching." She says leaning in and kissing Trish laughing together. "Remember that one night that we?"

But she's cut off by Jackson his head turned halfway on his shoulder holding one ear as he slaps the only free hand over his eye. "Shhh shhh, you can't tell me, I mean well please just shhh, I'll just sneak past."

"Get your man Trish."

Trish barely even needed to be told as she gets the lapels of Jackson's jacket. "Jaxie, what's going on?"

But Jackson looks around nervously. "Nothing. I can't say!" He says.

But touching his face lightly seems to calm him down and when he stops twitching you drag him off not kicking or screaming as Trish communicated with him privately.

When Jackson left the bathroom the grin on his face was wide and he felt so much lighter both in spilling two loads one of information and the other one Trish had taken care of.

When he walked back into the party he winked at some people and realized the tremor in his eye had been fixed. Hopefully for good, he had heard the rumors of how when Trish and Angelique had hooked up that they had went down on each other Almost or for real, who cared honestly. He was the only one who had seen what he just had.

In the bathroom you fix your lipstick as Shyla fixes a curl that had came down. Her shimmy dress being zipped. You had kept it PG-13 and only closed the stall door when Jackson and Trish had started going at it. All the faucets had been turned on then.

Taking a deep breath you look at Shyla and the others, Trish sitting in the restroom chair and say. "If we tell our men privately or Jackson spills it's just going to add more rumors."

Shyla laughs blushing. "Chayton knew us kissing was coming. I don't know if he knew about Nari."

Nari smiles as she pats down her braids fixing them into place. "Kissing someone I consider my mate while she grinds on one of hers isn't cheating. I accept Jackson and the others in my circle even if they aren't Hybe label."

You shrug. "I don't care or not care about any of it. Kissing Shyla was nice, just like kissing Trish. Your next Dorothy."

Nari laughs her high heels loud as she steps to you. "All right, just don't fix your lipstick. I'll show you a trick Nari and I have practiced."

When you walk back into the party the men have seemed to barely miss you girls as they are dancing wildly Jackson in the middle of the dance floor as the guys are all screaming along to the lyrics of Hype Boy.

Going to your table you put your purse down and smile at Namjoon. "We got interrupted earlier."

He nods seeing your lipstick is slightly smudged and says. "I'll have to find somewhere more private later."

But having just had a kissing party and the scents and thoughts of your friends were coming in like some HD television you were thinking hard about where to drag him off to right now.

"Jungkook's over there sleeping off some of his drinks. He came back from the bathroom talking about how he heard you asking Trish to shove it in harder and that you could take it. But then lots of moaning and noises."

You look over at Jungkook. "He's lying, we only kissed." Then grow quiet. "I need to remember it's like when Tae was hiding in the window. You notice everything. So what gave it away?"

"Are you changing the subject about your kissing Trish?"

Laughing you look at him and in your most seductive voice you say. "That was Kiki 1.0. But we promised if asked we'd give two lies and one truth. It's a shame Jin's not here, he's the best at guessing the truth."

Standing he does as well. "Where are you going?"

And the pants he is wearing do little to hide the massive erection he has. "We decided that any of the leaders who asked us what happened in the bathroom would be the first to play the 2+1 game. The first guy who mentions a cup has to wait outside pass the word around honey."

Walking pass Jungkook you can see he's not asleep but slumped like he was knocked out and waving to Jimin who is drinking Soju shots with his friends you see that Beomgyu is pulling on his shirt and Jimin looks your way smiling. You point to him and Jungkook spread out on three chairs and walk off again as Jimin is weaving through the crowd.

Well we all figured it would be Namjoon so I'm going to go up and thank everyone for coming.

Nari laughs wildly the beat of Unholy playing making the other girls laugh loudly.

At the front of the dance floor you grab the mic and Trish standing by your side as Nari pauses the music. Trish takes the mic turning it on. "There babe it's on now." She leans in kissing you lightly and the ones that had been talking have all stopped and the room is eerily quiet so you start talking.

"I wanted to thank all of you that could make it here tonight. Trish's Mom and mine are as close as Trish and I." Getting Shyla's hand you squeeze it meaning the words you say. "I'm going to make sure that in the last reset I take care to let all my friendships flourish in the future so our bonds can be better."

Trish nods and getting the mic she speaks. "Our mother's met as a fluke they went to the same school and ran in very different circles. But a mutual friend introduced them and the rest is history. If my Papa hadn't been there that night at the Rave with one of his friends I wouldn't be standing here celebrating my twenty second birthday. The fun we have planned for Nari and Kiki's birthday is going to be a lot of fun too. Who knows what will happen?"

Nari takes the mic next. "I for one am really looking forward to Shyla's Halloween birthday bash. Remember we'll all be 22 then."

Namjoon even as tall as he is seems to make himself taller, as Nari says. "We still haven't decided on the costume thing but the invites for that will go out in August."

But just hearing the month causes you to lurch and your friends immediately gather around you and it's Shyla who stalks over to her mate. "I don't care what he says. We are not going to tell any of you what you all are foaming at the mouth to hear about. You go find him and ask him to come. Maybe Jackson will still be talking about what he saw in the girls bathroom."

Jackson jumps. "Shyshy, why would you say that?" He looks at the others as Chayton runs off and says. "Look guys, it wasn't that big a deal. I didn't touch anyone but Trish." He says looking at her.

When ten minutes later Yoongi walks in he seems ashamed as he says. "Hyungie and Chayton said I should come say hi. Hi guys."

But he walks forward as the crowd parts. Jackson being held up by Jungkook and all of Got7. Everything has stopped as in front of Trish he hands her a box. "Happy Birthday Trish."

When he looks at you and you see that his eyes are a little wet he says taking your hand. "I'm sorry, Happy Valentine's Day if it's not to late?"

Flying into his arms you forgive any anger you had been holding onto, knowing this was big for him. "It's never to late."

Everyone kind of averts their eyes except for Jackson who's watching his eye blinking again from where he is up in the air.

Yoongi has turned his back and after a quick whispered conversation who is nodding looking at you and then away quickly and you can hear her singing the bad boys theme song and that couldn't be right as you had just only tonight agreed this was the signal for anytime your men were thinking of hook ups outside of the norm.

But when in front of everyone Yoongi pulls from his pocket that you look around widely and he chuckles. "It's not what your thinking. Yet." He says making you sigh in relief.

Opening the box he says. "We bought this and it was my responsibility to choose the night we gave it to you." It's still very quiet and he continues. "I was sitting in my studio bored out of my mind not able to create knowing you were all having fun and I was being an idiot."

"See I told you." Chayton says Shyla being carried comfortably as she smiles.

"But I'm tired of being one. So what better way to let everyone know that this symbol of our love for you be given tonight?" Sliding the ring out he puts it on with the heart facing outwards and when you are about to say something he continues. "Your Grandfather explained it to me as I saw your Grandmother wore one when she was here and asked about it."

Yoongi has grabbed the mic and says. "It's said that the wearer of the ring wore it with the heart pointed in to symbolize she is taken. Your mother's both wear one on their right. Their wedding rings on their left."

He is smirking and chuckling. "I called Kate to ask her if she thought you would like one and she told me the most interesting story. I had to get her permission but if anyone's interested sit down and I'll tell it. Apparently Francisca and Kate were just as wild as our mates here." He says pointing at you and Trish but when he looks at Shyla and Nari he laughs. "I think I was the only one besides Jackson who knows what happened in the bathroom."

Yoongi kisses your hand that holds the ring everyone going to their seats and you can see Jackson barely able to move as squished between his band mates he is.

Red in the face still you watch Jungkook adjust his pants for the umpteenth time as he listened to the story of your Mom and Francisca under the effect of some party substance had done more then just kissed at a rave as teens. Both of your fathers felt no qualms about how touchy feely your Mom's were and when you had looked at Trish you had tried to not look to shocked as your Mom's kissed and touched a lot as "friends"

Namjoon has been writing everything down knowing he'll focus on the board all night but at his chuckling as he stares at his journal ask. "What? Your happy to have something to figure out. I know you."

I've been paying attention to what Yoongi has said and what he hasn't so I already figured something out and whenever you find me later I'm going to bang you wherever that is, I plan on staying hard after hearing Jackson's retelling of what happened in the bathroom.

He is nodding and listening to Yoongi and even harder as he hears Hoshi ask a question. "See all the guys are in agreement about the kissing on American soil as well as Korean. But we are allowing touching on America too."

From where you sit you raise your hand to vote that touching in America was okay with you as well as the other three. Nari takes your vote down saying. "Let the record show eight votes for Yay zero for Nay."

You look at Namjoon and grin. "So you all want to watch us feel each other up more?"

Namjoon lifts one shoulder. "This last one was supposed to be about having more fun since we've lived in a cloud of knowledge, no knowledge, that little Neanderthal stunt must have awoken our basic lustful instincts."

Remembering how they all had horrible posture and hygiene had been a taboo subject even if Hobi still called Jimin dirty boy on occasion.

A hush goes out over the room as Shyla raises her hand to the next question and Chayton's shoots straight up and then Jungkook's, Scoups, Nari, Trish, Soobin and knowing it was the simplest but hardest as the next sexual act usually led to oral. You were already outnumbered but it still came down to free will no matter so when you raised your hand and voted Namjoon wasn't surprised.

Yoongi has been sitting next to you in front of him a plate you had made and a beer Jungkook had grabbed him. Your legs in his lap as he jiggles them happily. "There's no way." He says around a mouthful of food.

Before the question has been finished you raise your head. "Yoongi honey, you know how I feel about daring me."

Namjoon looks up as the other women have all raised their hands too but it's the men who are hesitant, just one and you would have the majority for going down on your friends in the heat of passion. But they were all worried they wouldn't measure up. But you know your man and looking at Jungkook he waves his hand happily.

"I vote yes, even if I think one of the girls might have been better they never tell. And I'm going to have fun trying, hey remember that game Kiki?"

But as he just stands up and rinses some empty water bottles he whispers to Jimin who's already running to the kitchen and when he comes back with a big jar of cherries the deja vu that comes flooding in almost hurts your head. Seeing a much younger Jungkook, Jason and you smile happily until you see what your brother shows Jungkook with putting some cherries in a water bottle and sucking, licking and biting them out and you remember what happened after."

But Trish has walked over as the voting has paused and in her hand is a black marble. "Aunt Kate told me some things when I saw her in my vision. She said the night of my birthday I would need to offer you this. I know you don't want to remember sexy things Jungkook's going to do and this one is sexy. But I also need as your best friend not to see anything with your brother. Jungkook's usually more careful when it comes to memories of Jason and Junior."

Handing you the marble you look at it even as you watch Jungkook. "Will I remember what they are all obscenely doing with those cherry bottles when it happens again?"

"I don't know, but I know your Aunt will have everything needed for it. She's agreed to everything on the list for the summer even the different pudding packs."

Knowing as you swallow the marble and Namjoon watches before handing you a shot knowing the two mixed for the next two hours until midnight everything would be forgotten. Your eyes transfixed on Jungkook, Jimin and Tae who have formed a team and doing things they only did in private you try to not watch the others. It's the three youngest from each group trying and watching as Dino and Beomgyu race with Yeogyum.

"No wonder your obsessed with getting your pussy ate." You say.

And smiling at you she winks. "I've always been attracted to you in the I want to get some and just chill. I don't want to date you, you'd drive me crazy, that's why we are best friends."

"You know I won't remember you saying that. Are you fucking Junior?" You ask like he just walked up his dark skin and purple eyes with lashes so long that you knew were going to drive girls mad.

"Technically, no. We play Almost though, a lot. And I'm very glad that you won't remember this." And she claps wooing loudly as Dino had proven the victor in their team. "He's such a monster, but he knows that it's only on Korean soil that he's first for oral."

Looking at her best friends. "When it happens you won't care, trust me. I'll talk to you tomorrow Kiki, thanks again for a wonderful birthday."

Sitting down next to Yoongi and Namjoon and giving a thumbs up to Jungkook, then Jimin and Tae it dawns on you that you had just seen the order of the Maknae line eating you out. Voicing what you won't remember Yoongi laughs.

"Come on Namjoon tell her, what's it going to hurt their just games."

Closing his journal as the men who have won are being congratulated on the dance floor to the base thumping of 2ne1 I Am The Best.

"It's not something that's ever come up. You reset and go through the tunnels. We are usually left to hang around and wait. The time is different for you, while you give your lists of things that are right and wrong I was giving over the men's, all of them. Sometimes it went by fast. Sometimes there was a lot to go through so you created waiting rooms. Filled with everything we could need to drink, eat and pass the time."

Yoongi has put a hand on your knee and says. "That's where we came up with the ring. Lots of rules and to be fair we came up with some games while waiting. Like the never allowed to be jealous. Trish was having some issues early on since she has the most difference. So she explained how she wasn't going to bring Junior around until they behaved."

Namjoon chuckles. "She's scary when mad, but Juniors going to help her."

"I'm not going to remember that!"

Yoongi laughs. "You will but not until she's ready to tell you so you have to respect her wishes."

"Of course I would, will. But why do I get to know now?"

Chayton has walked up still carrying Shyla and sits with her in his lap. "Because the last reset is going to take some time to get together." He looks at Yoongi who shrugs and nods.

"The men have given me the day after Yoongi's last d day concert. That gives everyone a little less then six months to prepare for the games. You'll be at these ones and everyone decided on a Reunion of sorts later on as other people come into the picture."

Yoongi takes your hand and all the love you know he has for you is reflected there. "I needed this time to get some things done. But I was coming to the realization that I want to share things with you as much as I do the men. I want to be friends with more groups, I want your friends to be mine and mine to be yours."

In your head his voice quiet he says. When I reset I plan to take my red marble and I'm going to enjoy trying to get you pregnant just as much as the rest of them. That's why I want to have everyone there with me.

"Yoongi, I won't remember that either."

He laughs before leaning in and kissing you. "I'll make sure that you do my love."

In the morning your head pounding as the phone in your head shrilled loudly you finally pick it up.

Hello Oppa

Don't you Oppa me. What ever happened at that party I want to be included in as much as possible in the future young lady.

Nothing happened, I drank too much and someone put me to bed. And seeing Hobi in his suit next to you makes you say. Hobi is with me but we're both dressed.

I have to go little one, I love you. Behave.

But knowing Jin liked your bad side you just say I love you back and then rise to go wash away last night and hope some of your memories come back. You remembered lots of fun and some drinking. Lots of cherries were consumed in drinks and dancing all night.

At the end of July you and your girlfriends were situated in Naris apartment as she took pictures of your journal and copying the pictures she sent them to her storage space and only when she was finished did she hand it to you and opening your locket you added the micro SD card to it you closed it and the other side held the hairs that you had taken from all the men along involved with a little rubber band you had put them into a tail along with Nari, Shyla, and Trish's.

Sighing so deeply Shyla pulls out a bag. "I know you have Chayton's in the lockers but I have this." Passing you the bag Trish looks and staring quickly at her sister she says.

"When did you get that?"

"Cheyenne said that for all the times I was left behind I deserved a reward. So I used my reset to go visit him." Tears in her eyes she says. "Oh Kiki when you reset go talk to him. He needs you still too."

Taking Jason's hair from the bag you put it with the others and unlike the other times your able to braid everyone's hair together neatly and trimming the ends that had no roots you stare at the platinum blond of Jason's newly added contribution. "I'll talk to him."

Trish looks at Shyla's protruding stomach and says. "I worried about the time travel while pregnant." She said as it had been her idea but Shyla had eagerly volunteered.

"I'm fine, were resetting in one week, I'm four months pregnant, have a new husband and eight handsome boyfriends who are excited for me to be pregnant even if it's not by them right now. I'm ecstatic."

Nari giggles as she finishes the next sd card. "You would think I would know this stuff forward and backwards but I forget you don't object to being a teen Mom."

Shyla bounces happily but then frowns. "Is it bad that all I want to do is be pregnant and raise my babies with their fathers? Even at 18?"

All of you shake your head at the same time. "If you were going to be alone in Korea maybe, but you won't be, going to stay with my Grandparents that year will help you Shy."

"Your grandparents love me almost as much as you, Chayton will like it there. And he likes the idea of the baby having ties to Scotland."

Chayton and your grandfather both believed her first born was important to uniting some older clans disputes and Shyla had her very small list of BABIES!!! As the first on her list but she kept quiet when pressed for who's and when's.

Once you all had your SD cards securely in their place you take another sip of your wine about to ask and Nari stops you. "There's no other time Kiki. You have to go back to before that night. Make friends with the other girls so they aren't taken in by him."

You guys had all for two weeks discussed it in very private chats upstairs in the pool where Trish swept for any listening devices and broke the one she found as you had said Jungkook.

And it had been expensive champagne with even Shyla allowed one glass but she'd been more interested in the fair feast you had ordered up including Lemonade which she had a constant craving for.

Women's brains pregnant must have worked differently as you had all discussed when at fourteen you should go to when Shyla while eating a funnel cake stacked with strawberries and whipped cream had said powdered sugar covering the dark blue of her bathing suit top covered in powdered sugar who said. "To bad you can't go back and save yourself with yourself."

You gasped and grabbing your phone you texted Namjoon and Jimin. "I know this was a girl's day but." You didn't finish as each girl was calling and texting their mates.

With Scoups, Namjoon, Jimin, Chayton and Chris there you say outside the pool shades on your face eyes closed not wanting to see their faces as you told the story you had only told the females.

"Gay or not Jason kicked Rafael's ass. That's why he truly hated him. The other girls are just as innocent as me, I fought him off for as long as I could." You don't look at your mates knowing especially Jimin is crying. "When he climbed off my back he laughed and it made me so mad. My butt was on fire and I stood screaming about everything he had done to me and that I had been raped."

Finally your eyes find Namjoon's. "I hardly counted that as losing my virginity especially that way. When I did that with Yoongi the first time I wanted to."

Looking at the other men you apologize. "I'm sorry about the subject matter, but this is important, not just for Jason to be saved. By the time Jason finds out what happened none of it will have gone that way and he'll be on his way to Los Angeles."

Chris is the first to reassure and as always his charming accent as he speaks in Korean makes you smile even more as his hand is resting on Shylas belly that carries another man's baby. "We can handle things just like you girls, I'm glad you included us. Please don't be sorry about something terrible that some disgusting person did to you."

Scoups looks over from where he and Nari had been whispering. "If it was Nari I would want you guys to do whatever you needed to help her. My vote for using the emergency resets has been cast with hers. We all understand that includes the finger snapping ones."

Your heart swelling at what you had heard and what you had finally admitted makes the dam burst. "I'm afraid I'm going to screw it up."

Namjoon has picked you up and even though he had just made himself a bag of cotton candy he plops it in your lap as he cuddles you and with an open mouth he feeds you some to keep you quiet.

"I promise you with all who are gathered that I'm going to be more brave when around you. If I can be brave and stop worrying about screwing up the future that we can and will stop and one day I'll tell you something that I've had to hide from you. But only then."

Grabbing onto your bad bitch that Jungkook and Jimin loved you say. "I'm going to break that mother fuckers nose."

"That's Daddy's girl." Namjoon says against your ear. "I want you to pay attention honey. No don't get nervous just keep smiling in my arms." He says pushing more cotton candy into your smiling face.

Jimin and I will help you. But this will be something we have to discuss as a group. I can't predict their anger. But I do know Jungkook gets to be mad first and your not allowed to just be mad because he is. But I'll wait until we are in the waiting room.

The first night of the last days of the August D tour you were in the crowd with your friends as you cheered and sang along with the crowd happily. Your friends just smirk when you come back between sets and Trish says when Jungkook takes the stage next to Yoongi. "Wow they both look really relaxed."

You nod. "Yeah they do, and since I just fucked both of them backstage I plan on singing Fucking when Jungkook sings Seven."

But your wacky friends all shout it with you laughing as Army had been going crazy with JK and all his lives and the change in him and your men was always glorious as they aged so well.

The next night when you came back after being with Jimin and Yoongi on night two Yoongi had said before you left that tomorrow was going to be a real treat.

Watching as Jimin performed Tony Montana you were glad to see Army get what they had been asking for and when he performed Like Crazy you were screaming along with the tens of thousands there.

Even though you had only seen the Korean concerts you had watched online stuff and links that Yoongi sent you. But seeing it this way live his face on the screens behind him as he would get a little emotional you would just send him your love knowing he felt it with everyone else's.

On the last day you had been cleaning which felt odd as you thought about it sweats on your legs with a tear at the knee and your off shoulder from being stretched to much Tshirt that your Aunt had given you the other day that said eat me on it. Very pregnant and touching her stomach she said.

"I wanted to give this to you. I know it seems a little late for presents. But this one is important." She laughs saying. "She just kicked." Grabbing your hand she puts it on her stomach and feeling the life push against your hand you can't help your words.

"I'm sorry."

Siobhan rolls her eyes. "I've willingly got pregnant every time not knowing the who what when or where things. And I don't know the last time. It's enough that I find Jae, I want to have an epic love adventure with him. I'm thankful that I get to have some fun too Angelique."

Getting another bite of one of her forbidden but snuck while pregnant boiled instead of pan fried as she liked them hot dogs loaded with relish, sauerkraut and tons of mustard. "That shirt is going to be very lucky for you. If I give it to you when we reset then mi casa is tu casa. Your Grandmother was wearing that the first time she was with Da, said he saw that and her cupcakes and fell in lust."

And as you had spent many years in the summers of Scotland you laughed knowing that your Grandfather was very lusty and always kissing your Grandmother and stuff.

Scrubbing the dust off the TV that you had to admit even wasn't there you hear a knock and looking down at yourself you attempt to wrangle your hair together quickly before receiving a delivery. But definitely getting ready because you still weren't sure what you were wearing you think opening the door.

And standing there ball caps on their heads you gawk at Jin and Hobi. Both standing there a little differently now but in person. You had seen them both when on leave once but close to their base.

"How much time do we have?" You ask even as Jin has swept you up while Hobi has closed the door.

"Only an hour little one."

But it doesn't matter as Jin lays you down quickly removing your clothes and his and when Jin is kissing your mouth you feel Hobi's lips on your shoulder. Your hands find them both and as hot and ready as they are you finally push Jin down and slowly straddle him as he sighs and looking at you he says.

"We've both missed you very much."

Feeling as Hobi has dribbled a cold substance in your ass crack you feel the head of his cock mixing it and when you smell the scent you laugh but then moan as he slowly starts sliding in your ass.

Jin allowed you ten minutes before saying. "We need to shower. You know what he'll say and do if he smells it."

Rolling your eyes you laugh. "I've tried to keep that scent hidden so much apparently that I've had siblings that I couldn't bring around Jungkook until after he was of age."

Hobi laughs turning the faucets on stepping in immediately as it was cold and then cussing. You and Jin waited as he held you making you laugh as he pointed to a puddle of spluge that had just fallen out of you. "Do you think that was mine or Hoseok's?

But you stop and turning you want to glare but he's just looking at you and eyebrow raised so calmly you say. "That was sneaky before I remembered. The scents, so I would want to be with you guys. What you tasted like to me?"

Jin shrugs. "I had one job and I'm sorry but the others smell differently in America." Seeing your about to get angry he says. "But it's right now. And no, I won't tell you what I taste like now I purposely waited till today. I texted Chayton and deleted it."

Knowing the only way you would know what Jin smelled and tasted like to you would be until he willingly kissed you. Which you didn't know either.

In the shower you all move fast and you realize that being in the Army made them a little more serious. Hobi is getting ready as Jin in a towel nods pointing to the purple dress you had picked out. "I like that one a lot Kiki."

Agreeing you hang it back up and as Jin gets dressed Hobi puts his arms around you snuggling you tightly. "We'll be back at 2, we have a strict schedule to." He says then kisses you.

In your robe you kiss them both again before they wave and take off.

At the concert you are differently placed and have a better view of things. And if you looked back you could see Jimin, Jungkook and Tae but then also where Hobi and Jin would be and you were a little sentimental. Everything would change again after tonight.

The concert was amazing and watching as Yoongi broke down on stage you cried with him and felt a euphoric sense of letting things go and being okay with whatever the others had agreed or not to.

So when Yoongi finally looked out at the crowd and walked to the door on stage you looked at him knowing his eyes were on yours. I love you so much and am ready to begin all chapters of my life with you.

The fact that he had picked a door was not lost on you and your mates or your friends that stood next to you. In the parking lot you stood by Jae who was holding Siobhan and you know how they felt. Even though you had been with Namjoon and Yoongi earlier backstage you knew the resetting was hard when you didn't always understand it. Your friends had gone off to spend time with their loved ones and deciding to do the same you were driven off to go find Yoongi.

Looking about outside the window at the lights you smiled excited for when you would finally move here, which hadn't started out that way. But as you took the elevator up you realized that was one of those things you couldn't fix. There was lots of them but the ones you could control were already now being set in motion with Shyla's help. Chayton had said that by the time Yoongi told them too the reset would be in motion.

Upstairs you wait in your room seeing Yoongi's bag on the floor next to yours makes it seem official. When he walks in he just kind of nods. But then he sits on the bed patting the mattress and you sit next to him.

"Don't forget what I told you. I really kind of don't care much."

You laugh your eyes on your hands. "I'll remember, just remember that I don't care at all. After I'm 18 everything's up for grabs."

Yoongi's laugh is rich and loud in the quiet apartment. "Your Mom's and Grandparents have all been very helpful."

"Yoongi the Dad's help too, it's just harder for them to be like yeah go make out with a bunch of guys."

"Don't forget all the Almost you try to talk us into."

Smiling at him but holding your hand with the ring on it. "You know if Jungkook sees it this way he'll never try anything."

Taking the ring off he turns it with the heart out and says. "Honey? Do you really understand Jungkook's anger? He's too crafty. He's going to."

"I know, everyone has tried to warn me but I can handle him. I really can."

Finally laying back still not having taken a shower either of you he makes you laugh when you suggested baby names that he considered terrible and names that you were non committal too before he finally sighs. "You can check now."

Your heart hurts because now forever you would know when at least 3 of them went in. And seeing the message from big hit you start crying against his shoulder feeling the grief of Army.

"Do you see now how loved you all are? For every fan that says they love you but secretly hate there are hundreds of thousands who do."

"I love you so much Kiki. I'm going to show you as much as I can this time."

"I know you will love me as much as I do."

He nods unable to speak as he watches you stand and standing by you both of you with your bags and your special backpack you hold the bag in one hand and his hand goes to your ass squeezing the fairy tattoo. "I got everything I need."

Taking the locket in your hand you count to ten kissing Yoongi as you say. "Reset Chayton."

To be continued in Book 3 Alpha You

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