Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

161K 4.5K 1.1K

In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 23

1.6K 88 17
By oddcabello

Y/N's POV:

It was the final day of the festival. Sunday.

I was excited because artists in today's line up was full of artists I was hyped to see

Today I would be going all out. I planned to get drunk, to an appropriate extent, I did want to remember everything but just have fun to the max

My friends and I had our plans and day scheduled. The cool thing was thanks to Sabrina we had VIP now so we were able to get better access to things

As for the blonde girl and I things have been good.

I mean we technically only had one date together which was yesterday. Neither of us made an attempt to talk about what we were and to be honest I felt like it was too early to.

I think for now we just enjoy being able to kiss each other and that was perfectly enough for me

Last night her friend Paloma got really drunk so she had to take care of her. If not I'm sure she would've come home with me.

Although not like there was any sexual tension. It was actually very innocent and sweet between us. I think we are really just enjoying getting to know each other at the moment

If she came back home with me I don't think that we would've done anything. We probably would've just talked all night.

I liked her brain. I liked the way she talked. We had so much in common especially when it came music

I have no idea how today will go for us. Only time will tell

As for the other woman in my life we didn't speak much the rest of the night. Our groups got together for a little after Joji's set to hang out and we had a casual conversation about his performance and that was basically it.

Camila kept her distance from me other than that. Her energy was off...

She wasn't the jealous seductive temptress that would try to tease me and break me.

She resembled a sad puppy. The girl who said that she loved looking into my eyes avoided making eye contact with me all night

The last thing we said to each other was just goodnight and we said our goodbyes.

I don't know who I will hang out with today. Or if any of them will hang out with me. I had planned to be with my friends but I wasn't sure if Sabrina was tagging along with us

I was up early eating some cereal alone in the kitchen of our weekend rented home

My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed Stacy walk in

"Morning" she said with a smile all ready and dressed for her day

"Morning" I replied with a smile

"Oh that looks good I want some" she said as she grabbed her own bowl and proceeded to pour herself some cereal

"Is everyone still asleep?" I asked

"I think they're starting to wake up. I heard the shower running in one bathroom" she said

We made a little small talk in between our breakfast like what we had liked about the festival and what we planned to do today

We had a brief moment of silence casually eating til she spoke up

"So you and Sabrina?" She asked and a smile crept up on my face

"How did yesterday go?" She asked me

"Surprisingly really well" I said smiling

"I love that for you" she said smiling "I can tell you guys hit it off"

"Yea, you know, we've been talking for awhile now, and I guess we're just taking it slow?" I said unsure

"Well I'm glad you're moving on" she said

I gave her a fake smile because although it was a step towards someone new I wasn't sure if I was ready quite yet to leave the situationship I had with a certain brown eyed girl

"I mean it's not like Sabrina and I are anything serious. I think for now I'm going to still enjoy myself"  I said

"Damn y/n, you didn't want anyone before and now you have two women. Look at you" she said

She said it as a joke but I could tell there was a slight hint of hurt

What is it with me unintentionally hurting these women??

"It's not like it's anything serious. I still would never want the commitment. No thank you" I said with a anxious laugh to ease her just a little because I did feel bad considering her feelings for me

I don't think I could tell her I've fallen for Camila. Even though she damn well knows I'm sure

And I also can't tell her I'm open to committing with Sabrina.

I think now I wouldn't mind trying a relationship with Stacy again but she was moving on with someone else now. I didn't want to make her confused.

"You know I want you to be happy right?" She said taking me off guard

I just looked up at her and nodded

"Yes we had our past and I had my feelings for you but overall you're my friend y/n. You should allow yourself to open up to someone. If it wasn't me that's fine" she said putting her hand over mine

She was such a sweetheart. This is why I could never hate her or not want her in my life.

"I'm truly sorry for how I treated you at times. I tried very hard to feel something" I said to her

"I know you did" she said softly "and I know you didn't want to hurt me which shows me that you do care about me"

"I really do. I'm sorry I couldn't say it back to you back then but I want you to know I do love you" I said and she smiled so bright

"I know it's not in the way that you wanted me to but I love having you in my life" I said

"I love you too Y/n" she said leaning over to hug me tightly

Did we just get some closure?

When we pulled away I took a few more spoonfuls of my colorful breakfast

"I do think Sabrina is good for you" she said "I really like her"

I just blushed a bit

"You really should try at least" she said

"We haven't discussed anything but only time will tell" I said

In the midst of our conversation more people started coming down and before we knew it time flew and we were at the festival grounds already

The last few days we would wait to meet up with Camila's friends group and Sabrina's friends group but we decided to just be to ourselves and head straight for stages we wanted to see

We spent the entire start of the festival watching sets and performances. A little past noon we got hungry and decided to go get something to eat

In between those sets I did run into Sabrina and we hung out a little but she said she had some friends to see backstage so I didn't even question it. She did her own thing today and that was completely fine.

We went to the various food vendor booths then sat down on some outdoor wooden benches the festival had for the public.

I didn't feel like sitting and let the ones with tired feet take a seat as I just leaned my body against the edge of the table

As I was finishing up my food I overheard familiar voices and peaked up behind my sunglasses to see Camila and her friend group

My back was kind of towards them. I just gave a quick wave with a smile and turned back around to sip on my drink and scroll a little on my phone

I felt a presence next to me and I looked to see Camila

"God damn-" I said unintentionally thinking out loud out at how fine she looked

She gave me a confused look with a smile but then spoke

"Hey" she said

"Hi, sorry" I said embarrassed as I closed my eyes, looked down and shook my head. My usual nervous habit that Camila smiled warmly at

"Y-you just look... wow" I said unintentionally again

That made her blush and look down now.

"Well thank you" she said bashfully "you look wow yourself" she told me as she leaned against me hugging my side 

"Oh thanks" I said now blushing at her comment as she peaked at my visible skin under the white floral lace like button up collar shirt

"It's cute we're kind of matching" she said with a small giggle

"It appears so" I said giggling along with her "second time we do without knowing. That's funny" I said

She nodded agreeing with a laugh as she placed her head on my shoulder which I did not mind at the moment.

"Where's Austin?" I asked her

"With some friends at one of the VIP bars. We saw you guys and decided to come over" she said as we basically were in our own little world as our friends talked amongst each other not paying any attention to us

We made small talk about the festival and about peoples outfits that we saw as they walked past us

"Hey Y/n and Camila let's go, we're going to go watch the next performance" Jasper called out to us as we started noticing everyone starting to walk away

We told him we'd be there and got ready to walk away as well

"I'm gonna go throw this away I'll catch up" I said to Camila as I gathered my trash

"I'll wait for you" she said and I nodded as I headed towards the nearest trash bin that was a little distant

I walked away, looking back to see Camila as she stared mindlessly at something in the distance and I smiled at her innocence

Finally making it to the trash bin and disposing of my scraps

Once done I turned to make my way back to Camila who was now taking pictures of herself

I took a few steps back towards her direction. On my way I turned and saw a girl who looked fairly young and like she was on the brink of tears

She looked lost. I felt bad for her but no offense, it wasn't my business

I took a few extra steps but I then noticed a group of men with no good intentions eyeing her preparing to make their way towards her

Why do men have to ruin everything?

I sighed because I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself the rest of the day if I don't say something and maybe try to help.

I decided to make a detour in my steps and approach the young girl

I approached her gently and tried speaking softly to not startle her

"H-hi" I said

She looked up at me surprised and opened her mouth to speak but couldn't say much as she stuttered

"Are you okay?" I asked

"H-hi s-sorry-" she said stuttering out "no habló inglés" she said (I don't speak English)

She was a spanish speaker. Oh man don't let my limited knowledge of Spanish fail me now

"Está bien puedo entender español un poco" I said in broken Spanish.  (That's fine I can understand Spanish a little)

She ended up explaining to me that she was from Argentina and came with a group of friends and family but she had been separated from them after being in a giant crowd. Her cellphone didn't have the best reception so she had trouble reaching anyone. She was only 17 years old.

She spoke and I tried my best to understand her but some words lost me so I couldn't fully grasp what she was saying. I had a gist but I was struggling a little

I looked over at Camila who was now eyeing us weirdly. I'm sure she was curious about what we were talking about but it wasn't her jealous gaze. She knew this girl looked too young.

I signaled for her to come over and she did right away

When approaching us she had a smile and curious eyes

"What's up?" She asked

I ended up explaining to her the girls situation

"I've tried talking to her but I'm not fluent so I figured maybe you could speak with her" I said and she smiled warmly this time and nodded

She automatically had the most sympathetic energy and began speaking at full speed with the young girl

Leaving me shocked at how easy they made it seem. I could understand them to an extent and I would reply to things throwing in my two cents every now and then

Camila and I came in to help this girl like a pair of concerned parents

We tried asking her to retrace her steps and think of places of where her friends could be. We ended up walking around with her trying to help her find her group

Camila made it look so easy. I was an awkward shy mess that didn't really know how to keep a conversation so I tried my best but Camila was such a professional. She knew exactly how to speak and give off comforting energy. It reminded me of videos I'd seen of her interact with her fans. It was endearing and beautiful to see this side of her.

In between the crisis we made small talk with her to calm her down and the girl actually confessed that she was a big fan of Camila's funny enough. Camila ended up asking her what her favorite songs were and they talked about how she saw her concert in her country and brought up her old girl group. I guess she was well loved in Argentina.

Upon learning that she was a big fan, Camila began to give her extra treatment and would put her arm around her shoulders as they walked and rubbed her arm comforting, or hold her hand so she could relax and calm down.

I actually learned a lot more about Camila through their conversation. I enjoyed every word that I could understand

We ended up taking a pause and I spoke up to Camila

"Why don't we just let her try using one of our phones so she can try calling someone?" I said and she nodded at me and made a "duh" face as to how we didn't think of that before

I ended up letting the girl use my phone because I could tell Camila was a little iffy to give hers up. She couldn't just call random people with her number. What if they would leak it?!

I think if the situation was a heavier emergency she would definitely let someone use her phone but it wasn't a big deal to me at the moment I understood.

It took the girl a few calls of different people until she finally got an answer

She looked so relieved and Camila and I smiled to each other

She finally got a hold of someone and they settled on a place to meet

We walked along with her to meet her group and she looked around until she finally spotted them and excitedly walked towards them

She ran and immediately hugged a girl and others were right behind them. It was a group of about Seven. A mix of ages. Some teens but the others were well into their 20's.

Camila and I were relieved.

The girl explained to them everything she had gone through. She pointed towards us and when they looked up and noticed Camila their eyes went wide

I could tell she got a little shy. She made conversation with them and they eventually asked to take pictures with her which she said yes to

Our temporary teenage child came back to us and gave us both a big hug saying thank you. She took a few pictures with Camila and I just stood to the side just waiting as a few of her friends tried speaking to me and I did my best to reply

The teen then came to me and asked to take a picture with me which made my eyes pop out of my head.

She said she was so grateful for me and really appreciated everything I did

I obliged and shyly posed for a picture as Camila continued talking to the others

Her friends then asked for a picture with me as well.

My anxiety grew because I was NOT used to this attention. I looked nervously at Camila and she had an amused smile on her face watching me

We started saying our goodbyes but the teen asked us for one more picture but with both of us. We did what she wanted and she got in between Camila and I and we ended up taking a few.

When she pulled away she told us to wait and for Camila and I to pose together because she wanted to keep the memory of us. I smiled still shy and Camila came to my to side to hug my side and I put my arm on her waist and we posed

I felt awkward. Camila however was used to all of this.

She looked up at me and saw my awkward state and giggled at me making fun of me in an endearing way

I winced when something got into my eye. I removed my sunglasses to rub my eye but it wasn't working

"Hold up something is in my eye" I whispered still rubbing it with one hand as my other hand was still on her waist

She turned her body fully to face me and grabbed my face

"Here let me see" she said as she removed her sunglasses as well

She looked into my eyes as I just concentrated on her face and then she blew air.

"There. It was an eyelash" she said rubbing under my eye then down my face with her thumb smiling at me

"Thank you" I said as I still held her in my arms

She turned around and I noticed the teen and a few of her friends taking pictures and I assume videos

We posed a final time. The girl gave us a final big hug. We said our goodbyes to her

"It was nice to meet you. Have fun and stay safe baby" Camila told her with Spanglish mixed in the final goodbye

It was interesting to hear her say that nickname because I hadn't heard her say it before in person other than that one time when she tried making Stacy jealous around when we had just met

Camila and I finally started walking away on our own

"You were so amazing" I said still shocked at everything she did and how kind she acted

"Me? You were the one who approached her. You're such a good person y/nn" she said as she grabbed my arm and hugged it as we walked. Intertwining our hands

"She looked helpless I just couldn't leave her there. I'm glad you were here I don't think I could've done it alone" I said

"No I think you would've been fine. You're actually very good at Spanish I was shocked" she said and I blushed

"It's so broken" I said

"No your pronunciations are perfect. I did notice where you struggled a little but you impressed me" she said and I laughed bashfully

"Well thanks" I said

"How did you learn?" She asked

"Various ways. My baby sitter as a child was Columbian. Then I took Spanish all of high school and sometimes Maria and Jasper teach me more or I'll pick up on conversations that they have" I said since Maria was Puerto Rican and Jasper was Mexican

"I didn't know that" she said smiling "I remember you had said something once to me in Spanish but I didn't know you knew that much" she said smiling still

"I think it's enough to get me by but I still lose myself sometimes. We went to Puerto Rico last year as a group for Maria's birthday and I think I did okay" I said

"Have you been to other Spanish speaking countries?" She asked me as we mindlessly walked. Still hugging my arm and our hands still connected

"Mexico a few times because its close to California. But other than that no. Eventually some day I would love to" I said

"Well maybe I'll have to take you along with me some time" she said

"As if. But sure let me know and I'm there" I said sarcastically with a laugh

"I'm serious" she said laughing back at me

We ended up walking around just talking until she pulled us towards a set. We never went back to our friends as we just unintentionally did our own thing together

"Oh my god come on" she said excited as she shuffled us through a crowd holding my hand tugging me.

We settled on a spot and she stood in front of me.

The 1975 came out and she was so excited. She danced, sang, and screamed

I was not that big of a fan, mainly because Matty Healy terrified me.

But I did like a handful of songs. But I knew that Camila loved them and that was enough reason for me to stay and watch

She took videos on her phone and at one point she turned the front facing camera to sing into it and she pointed up at me and I shyly looked away because I didn't like taking pictures or videos and it made her laugh

I looked up and watched the band playing on stage as they took my attention

"Y/n" Camila called for my attention and I looked down at her

She angled her phone up and signaled for us to take a picture together. I shyly smiled

She started taking a bunch. Some were for her to pose cute or hot and then she eventually went silly. I just stuck with my shy smile that eventually turned into a real one as I watched her do her silly antics. I could tell she tried getting my shyness to break and wanted me to laugh

At one point I put my arms around her waist hugging her from behind putting my face on hers and we took an actual really cute one. It was kind of couple energy I couldn't lie. It was cute it made me smile

We've never taken a picture together until today. To be honest we looked great.

She turned her face to stare at me in the eyes as we smiled at each other. She surprised me when she leaned in and kissed me.

My eyes fluttered shut as I couldn't resist and kissed her back.

She put her phone away in her pocket as she turned around fully facing me now as she continued to sing and dance as I just bobbed my head along to the music

When a slower song played she turned around and put her hands around my neck as mine were on her waist bringing us close.

She laid her head on my chest as she made us softly sway along to the song. I just held her in my arms as I stared at the band on stage watching what they did as we rocked back in fourth together

She looked up at me making me look down at her and she gave me a big smile. Her glowing sparkly eyes were there

She pushed my head down to make our lips meet. I couldn't resist again. We kissed in the deep crowd of people as if we were the only people in the world

We kind of lightly made out. Her lips would always be a weakness to me no matter how hard I fight

She slipped her tongue into my mouth easily as she always does. And I accepted it fully. It wasn't a provocative kiss like when we're alone it was tame but still enough to make me blush

We pulled away when the crowd clapped and cheered when the song came to an end and as they went into the next song she kissed my neck tenderly and went back to putting her head on my chest as she hugged me tightly making us sway to the music again

I kissed the top of her head repeatedly a few times and continued to watch the performance. My heart was racing was so fast and I'm sure she could hear it even with all of the loud music.

I just enjoyed holding her in my arms. I looked down at her. She had her eyes closed with a big happy smile.


Guys Camila is actually still a puppy PLEASE don't hate her in this too much 🤣🤣 she's just a little dumb 🙄

And I'm sorry I just loveeee angst I love being hurt 🤣

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