Angel's Devil

By Jeelvyas03

4.3M 181K 13K

The person who like to listen only when he himself is speaking is listening her all non sense talk. The perso... More

Lead Character
Other Characters
character aesthetic
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Glimpse of next chapter
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
some important questions
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Need suggestion.
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
Her claim ( Vidhyut's story)
new cover.
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
New covers.
chapter 44.
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
Thank you 😊
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2
New story; His Vow

chapter 57

44.2K 2.2K 183
By Jeelvyas03

Author's POV.

After their talk, Advika told her family about her decision to go with Abhimaan. Everyone is happy with her decision as they know he will take good care of her. But she has to stay at the hospital for one more day as the doctor suggested.

When Abhimaan felt everything was at the right place he decided to pay a visit to Dhiraj who was his guest at one of his warehouses. When Sid comes to know about this he decides to accompany him. So they decided that Meera will stay with Advika. This is how Ansh also will get some time with his buu. Kajal voluntarily decided to stay there. Somehow Abhimaan couldn't say no to her so she also stayed with them.

After deciding everything he went to meet her. And tell her that he will be back after sometime.

" Advika"  he called her. She looked at him who was playing with Ansh on her lap. He sat in front of her and said,

" I have some important work. I have to go there for some time. Will you be ok with Meera bhabhi  and Mrs. Rathore?"

She frowned when he called her mother with surname but didn't say anything and just nodded. 

" Words I need words baby"  when he called her baby she blushed at this and said,

" I am not baby "

" You are, you are my baby " as soon as he said this Advika felt that this already happened. She can see that scenario in the car. And closed her eyes. When he remembers this he closed his eyes and said,

" Baby Don't think much focus on now. Will you be ok"

She smiles and said,

" I will be ok, but did that…"

" Yes it did happen before. Same conversation but don't force yourself ok"

She nodded but he can say anything further Ansh spoke,

" Buu no baby ok. I baby"

He glared at him and said,

" Ooo Chutku, she is a baby. My baby. " Saying he kissed Advika's cheek. Ansh frown at him and said,

" Buddy team."

" No team chutku, you were the one who kissed her first even when we decided to be in a team so now no team." Saying he again kissed her cheeks. She blushed at this.

" Bye "  he spoke slowly and before leaving he also kissed Ansh forehand. Meera who saw this comes to her and said,

" Advi baby, he loves you a lot. I know you don't remember him. But you must know that his world revolves around you. So try to love him. Again."

She smiles looking at his regretful figure. After that Meera showed her an album of her old pics and told the story of that picture. Also she saw some of her engagement pics. And share the story of  how Sid and Vidhyut did prake on Abhimaan.


Abhimaan entered the warehouse where Dhiraj was kept. He was tied to the ceiling with his leg upside down. Wounds can be easily seen with the  blood running down from it. He entered and set on his seat and spoke,

" Well Nice to meet you Dhiraj."

Dhiraj who was tortured enough in the last two days by First Arav then Zahir and Raghav has now no strength in him decided to ask forgiveness from Abhimaan. As he knows that  he is Devil who will torture him then these three.

" Please, king , please forgive me. I forgot who you are. I was blind by my desire to get power."

" Tak Tak, Happy realization Diraj. Now that you are asking for forgiveness then I should think about it. Right Raghav."

Raghav, who knows how cruel his boss is when it comes to punishment, knows that this is just a trick to let him take a breath of relief said,

" Yes boss."

Sid didn't know how his BIL works when he was in his Mafia king avatar; was going to protest but before that Arav shook his head so he didn't speak further. Also he saw a big smirk on his face so decided to be calm and let him do whatever he wanted to do.

Abhimaan asked Zahir to bring Dhiraj down from his hanging state. And did some signal to Raghav so he went out. Once he came down Arav gave seat to him in which Diraj took place. Now say Abhimaan give chance to Dhiraj,

" Please forgive me I made a mistake but I am ready to pay any way you want just please forgive me."

" Of course I will forgive you, just sign this paper."  Raghav came with paper and gave. Dhiraj was so terrified with the last two days of treatment so he signed without even reading.

" Can I go now"

" With pleasure,"  he replied with a smirk.

Dhiraj stood up from his place and started going towards the door just then Abhimaan shot him on his shoulder. The exact place where Advika was shot by one of his men. And he felt he was already weak because of last two days beating now this shot made him fell.

" Why did you stop,  go?" He said. Dhiraj look back and said,

" You said you will let me go." He said while being in pain.

" When did I stop you?  Look, I am here and my hands are not even touching you."  He said while raising his both hands.

Sid; with this  short, realized that his BIL is more cunning than he thought. Devil from whom nobody is able to get his way out of. He looked at abhimann. Who started rolling his gun in his hand and said,

" Sorry Dhiraj but eye for an eye. My Jaan got shot with one bullet in shoulder now that you are shot with one bullet you are free to go."  He said with Sinister smile on his face.

Diraj realizes there is no way out of this Devil clutch, still decides to try his luck and stand up. Just he took two straps and one harness lifted up.

" You said you will let me go. Please, you already beated me. Then even shoot my shoulder now please let me. I will never come in your way."

" I know. Then I remembered that because of your men , my chutku got injured in his knee. How can you go without paying for that? BTW how dare you call him chutku? He is my Chutku. Only I have the right to call him chutku. Now it becomes two things that you have to pay. One his knee and then for calling him chutku "

Sid chuckled at him. To which he raised his eyebrows ,

" I never knew you are so possessive about my son."

" Ohh come on. He is my only competition when it comes to his buu. So of course I possessive for my chutku"

" So you don't consider me as your competition?"

" Of course not. You are not enough for good competition "

" How dare you? Gudiya loves me most, you and your chutku were not even there when she was born."

" What kind of logic is this? Please don't give this third class excuse to prove yourself right. "

Just then Vidhyut entered and he got confused looking at the scene in front of him.  Where Dhiraj who was in harness asking for forgiveness but Sid and Abhimaan Wass arguing over something. But Vidhyut felt cheated. So he shouted,

" You cheaters"

Both Abhimaan and sid look at him and asked,

" What ?"
" Both of you are cheaters.  You said we will be together. But look at him he is hanging there and already shot. I didn't get a chance."

" Drop him." Said Sid. Raghav thought he said to him. So he dropped the Dhiraj. He shouted in pain. Abhimaan looked at him then looked at Raghav. So he said,

" Siddharth sir said drop him."

" Are I was saying drop his topic to Vidhyut. Here this man whom I helped with my sister is not considering me as a competition. Did you realize it was me who convinced her? You should be grateful to me."

" Grateful for my foot. I would have taken her with me by hook or crook.  I don't need your help to take my baby. "

"Shut up both of you. I didn't get my turn with him. " Vidhyut said with pout.

Abhimaan and sid glared each other and said,

" Then take your turn."

" Fine." Saying Vidhyut started walking towards Dhiraj while playing whistl.

Everyone else present in the warehouse amused at the scene.  All these three men are here to torcher Dhiraj; this are the men whom everyone fears but they are here fighting like kids.

" Hmmm Abhimaan I don't feel torture him; let him go."  Vidhyut said

" I know you won't let me go. But please don't torture. And don't treck me saying you will let me go. For the last two days they have been beating me. Now you short and drop me from height. Please if you want to kill, kill me. But don't torture me more."

" BIL I don't like this. Don't you have wine or something. Come on, I am here for the first time. Won't you do KHATIR DARRI of me?" Sid  asked  Abhimaan, smirked  at him.

" Why not BIL. Zahir bring best wine for my BIL. "  He ordered.  As per order Zahir brought Wine for him. Abhimaan gave one glass of it to the sid and then smashed the remaining bottle on the floor.

Sid took two sips from the glass and then broke the galas. And was about to move just then Vidhyut spoke,

" Let me do honer Sid" 

To which he nodded. Vidhyut clutch the Diraj's  hair  and dragged him towards sid and while dragging he made him walk on the glass of broken wine bottle. They stuck into his legs and gave him pain from which he is shouting but all three are least bothered with it.

Sid was going to pressed the glass in his skin but Vidhyut spoke,

" Please, please let me do that."

Sid shook his hands at him and gave a glass piece to him. Vidhyut gave cunning smile and asked,

" How many?"

" 15 " sid said

" Because of him my Chutku  got 15 scratches?"

" Yes"

" Hmm Vidhyut gave him 15 more from my side."

" So it is now 45." Said Vidhyut.

" Is your math weak or what 15 + 15 is 30 how it becomes 45."

" Ohh come on sid I am also giving him 15 as a gift from my side. You know I also love Ansh"

Saying he started scratching his skin with the glass. And Dhiraj  was shouting in pain. As his legs and arms are bleeding.

" Tak, I am not satisfied." Said  Abhimaan. He asks Raghav to put sult in his wounds. He set on the eye level of Dhiraj and said,

" You know I would have let you go once if you had done anything with me. But kidnapping my Jaan was the biggest mistake. He forwarded his plan in which Vidhyut put the glass piece.

" These eyes were lusting on Jaan. I won't let this eye open. Saying he picked the glass in his eyes and then Raghav gave him a knife. With which he cut his tongue.

" You want to listen to Jaan's screaming and now nobody will be able to listen to your screaming."

Zahir gave him a bet. But before that Sid took that bet and started beating him for half an hour. When he was half dead, Abhimaan took that bet and started hitting his head until he died. Once he saw him die he threw the bet.

Once he died, one of his men brought another man. And said that  he is the man who gave information about Advika to Dhiraj. Looking at him, Abhimaan got angry. He asked his men to tie him. Once he was tied he took an Acid bottle and then forcefully poured that bottle in his mouth. He didn't even give a chance to speak to that  man.

Siddharth today while being with him realizes why everyone fears him and how cunning and heartless he is. Why does everyone call him Devil and nobody dares to go against him?

Also he realizes that this Devil is not only in love with his sister. But actually obsessed with her. He gave Dhiraj the same amount of pain which he gave to Advika and pouring Acid in someone's mouth without even thinking just because he gave information about her.

But as soon as he will be in front of Advika he will be a completely different person. Nobody can imagine how much he loved his Advika.  Just for him he can be a different person. 

From there he decided to take a bath. As  he doesn't want to be in front of her after killing someone. His Angle is pure and he can't  touch her when he has killed someone.

So here is the new update.  I hope all of you will like it.

Also tell me what you think about Abhimaan.  Like when he was with Advika he is different and when someone else If there for them he can be death.

Do you like his personality?

Also what do you think? Is he only in love with her or Obsessed with her?

Please vote and comment to show your love. Also follow me for new update and stories.

Also please read my other story Her Claim as well.

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